
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 15

        2015.04 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Visfatin is a pro-inflammatory cytokine, which is thought to play a central role in systemic inflammation and the pathogenesis of obesity related diseases. Only a few studies investigated the effect of visfatin on human cancers. Furthermore, there have been no studies on the association between the expression of visfatin in OSCC tissue and its effect on OSCC patients. Hence, the present study analyzed the expression of visfatin in OSCC from Korean patients. Immunohistochemistry for visfatin was performed using 12 normal oral mucosas (NOM), 16 oral leukoplakias (with/without dysplasia), and 58 OSCC patients samples. Immunoreactivity was semi-quantitatively scored and the correlation between the expression of visfatin and clinicopathological parameters of OSCC patients was analyzed. The immunohistochemical analysis demonstrated that the expression level of visfatin increased in OSCC alone (p<0.05). Moreover, the immunoexpression score of visfatin was significantly correlated with TNM stage of OSCC patients. Our findings suggested that visfatin can play a certain role in the pathogenesis of OSCC. In addition, visfatin was associated with the tumor progression of OSCC patients and may act as independent biomarker of OSCC.
        2012.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        본 연구의 목적은 무용동작 발현과정에서 호흡과 동작의 연관성을 분석하는 것이다. 연구의 대상은 무용전공 20세 이상의 대학생, 대학원생, 안무가 및 무용 지도자 총 184명이 응답하였으 며 총 1,630개의 반응이 도출되었다. 원자료에 대한 귀납적 내용분석의 결과, 무용동작 발현과정 에서 경험된 호흡의 무용동작 외적측면은 동작의 연결성(49.8%), 동작의 범위(31.6%), 동작의 정확성(18.6%)의 3개의 일반영역이 도출되었고, 무용동작 발현과정에서 경험된 호흡의 무용동작 내적측면은 표현력(55.5%), 동작의 질적 변화(36.6%), 메시지 전달(7.9%)의 3개의 일반영역이 도출되었다. 마지막으로 무용동작 발현과정에서 경험된 호흡의 자기 신체적 측면은 무용동작의 수행지속력(51.38%), 집중력상승(41.2%), 신체의 변화(7.5%)의 3개의 일반영역으로 도출되었 다. 이러한 결과는 호흡이 우리 몸속의 에너지를 분출해 내는 원천적인 요소이며, 외형적인 움직임 뿐만 아니라, 무용수의 내재된 감정을 표현해 내는 원리로서 기존에 핵심개념으로 강조되어온 사 실에 경험적 사실을 뒷받침하고 있다. 따라서 무용동작의 완성도를 높이기 위한 효율적인 호흡의 사용법과 호흡훈련법을 위한 연구가 필요하다고 하겠다.
        2012.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study was operated to establish induction using ultrasonography by estimating the relation of follicle size and estrus manifestation. Clinical estrus symptoms were observed 97.4% in cows and 87.5% in heifers when overall 55 cows were induced to estrus in a single dose of after verifying CL through ultrasonography, which means estrus hours among those 52 cows showing the clinical estrus symptoms were estimated 2.39 days on cows and for 2.37 days on heifers which showed no differences (p>0.05). The estrus manifestation hours according to the follicle size in cows didn't have any significance each other (p>0.05), though estrus hours was 54 hours (the shortest) with follicle size bigger than 10 mm and were made up within 69 hours. The estrus manifestation hours according to the follicle size in heifers didn't have any significance each other (p>0.05) and took around 42 hours (the shortest) with follicle size of 5mm (the smallest) and were made up within 66 hours. Follicles after injection were ovulated and assigned to many phases as follows; Group 1 (growing phase) - continuously growing into ovulation, Group 2 (growing and static phase) - delaying in growth after the growth of follicles, Group 3 (static and growing phase) - growing after growth delay, Group 4 (regressing and new growing phase) - the follicle is closed and a new follicle grows. In addition, the process of follicle development and estrus hours had no significance each other (p>0.05), though estrus manifestation hours in Group 1 and 2 was relatively short, and in Group 3 and 4 for a relatively long time. In the result of all above, the estrus manifestation hours after injection has no differences accoring to the follicle size in cows and heifers. Therefore, High pregnancy rate is obtained when practicing artificial insemination within 3 days in estrus or TAI in 72 to 80 hours after adminitrating .
        2009.10 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Amino acid transporters play an important role in supplying organic nutrient to cells. The expression profile of L-type amino acid transporter 1 (LAT1) and its subunit 4F2 heavy chain (4F2hc) on different differentiation stages in 4-NQO induced rat tongue carcinogenesis was examined using immunohistochemical analysis. The gradually increasing LAT1 and 4F2hc expression detected during the multistep progressive change shows that the protein may have an important role i n the multistep tongue c arcinogenesis. Conclusively, LAT1 and 4F2 hc c an b e a useful b iomarker f or a better understanding of multistep tongue carcinogenesis, while the specific inhibition o f LAT1 and 4F2 hc would be a new rationale for suppressing tumor cell growth in tongue cancer.
        2009.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Eukaryotic translation initiation factor 5A (eIF-5A) is essential for proliferation of eukaryotic cells, andwas identified as diagnotic marker in cervical intraepithelial neoplasia, cervical and endometrial cancer, but relatively little is known about thein vivo and in vitro expression patterns of eIF-5A in oral premalignant and malignant lesions mirror the expression levels observed in vitro with cells derived from normal oral mucosa, immortalized oral keratinocytes (IHOK) and primary and metastatic oral squamous cell carcinoma (OSCC). We used an oral squamous cell carcinoma (OSCC) progression model composed of cell lines and tissue specimens to characterize expression patterns by Western blotting and immunohistochemistry. eIF-5A and PCNA levels are elevated in IHOKand primary and metastatic OSCC cella as compatred to normal human oral keraitinocytes. eIF5A and PCNA expression was l imited to basal cells of normal oral mucosa. eIF-5A and PCNA expression is increased in dysplastic epithelium spreading to more superficial layers, and its expression levels correlated significantly with the degree of dysplasia. Well and moderately differentiated OSCC showed strong expression of eIF-5A and PCNA. These results suggest that upregulated expression of eIF-5A seems to be an important epigenetic alteration that accompanies oral carcinogenic progression, and eIF-5A could be used as an biomarker for oral premalignat lesion or squamous cell carcinoma
        2007.04 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Dentin is a mineralized tissue formed by odontoblasts that are differentiated from ectomesenchymal cells , The molecul ar mech anism of odontoblast diffe rentiation remains unclear, Amino acid transporters play an important role in s up plying nutri tion to normal a nd ca ncer cells including odntoblasts, and for cell proliferation , Amino acid transport system L is a maj or nutrient t ransport system responsible for the Na+' -independent transport o[ neutral amino acids incJuding several essentiaJ amino acids , The system L is divided into two major subgroups, the L-type amino acid transporter 1 (LAT1) and the L-type amino acid transporter 2 (LAT2) , In this study, the expression pattern and role of amino acid transport system L were, therefore, investigated in the differentiation of MDPC-23 cells derived from mouse dental papilla celJs , To determi ne the expression Jevel o[ amino acid transport system L participating in intracelJ ular transport of amino acids in the differentiat ion 0 1' MDPC-23 cells, it was examined by RT-PCR, observation of cell morphoJogy‘ A1izaline red-S staining ancl uptake analysis after inclucing experimental differentiation in MDPC-23 cells The res ults were as follows , The LAT1 mRNA was expressed in the early stage of MDPC-23 cell differentiation , The expression leveJ was gradually increased by time course and it was decreased after the late stage, The LAT2 mRNA was not observed in the earJy stage of MDPC-23 cell differentiation, The LAT2 mRNA was expressed at the 11 days 0 1' MDPC-23 cell differentiation and the expression level was gradually decreased by time course, There was no changes in the expression level of 4F2hc mRNA, the cofactor of LAT1 and LAT2, during the differentiation of MDPC-23 cells , The expression of ON mRNA was graduaJJy decreased but the expression of ALP mRNA was increased during differentiation of MDPC-23 cells , The L-Ieucine uptake was increased by time cour se from the early stage to the 9 days in MDPC-23 cell differentiation , The amount of L-Ieucine uptake was maintained to the 11 and 14 days of MDPC-23 cell differentiation As the resul ts‘ it is considered that among neutral amino acid transport system L in differentiation of MDPC-23 cells , the LATl has a key role in cell proliferation in the early stage and middle stage of cell differentiation and the LAT2 has an important roJe in ceJJ differenti ation and mineralization in the Jate stage of cell differentiation for providing cells with neutral a mino acids incJuding several essentiaJ amino acids
        2005.02 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Periodontalligament (PDL) fibroblasts have an ectomesenchymal origin and are known to participate not only in formation of PDL but also in the repair and regeneration of the a이acent alveolar bone and cementum. However, little is known about the molecular mechanism which is related to the development and differentiation of PDL cells. Recendy, we reported the PDLs (a periodontalligament-specific) 22 as a PDL fibroblast-specific mRNA which is not expressed in gingival fibroblasts. In this study, to examine the expression and functional characterization of PDμ22 mRNA and prαein in development and differentiation of periodontal 따sue , we carried out northem analysis, insitu hybridization, immunofluorescence and immunohistochemistry. The expression of PDLs22 mRNA was increased with PDL cell differentiation from the confluent to multilayer stage but decreased slighdy with mineralized nodule formation in vitro. πle PDLs22 protein was localized on the nuclear membrane and expressed throughout the differentiation of PDL fibroblasts in vitro. The PDLs22 mRNA and protein were expressed in the differentiating cementoblasts, PDL fibroblasts and osteoblasts along the r∞t surface and alveolar bone of the developing rat teeth. These results indicate that the PDLs22 plays an irnportant role in the differentiation of cementoblasts and osteoblasts and thus homeostasis of cementum, PDL and alveolar bone.
        2003.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Insulin-like growth factor 2 (Igf-2) and H19 genes are closely linked imprinted genes which have a pivotal role in embryogenesis and fetal development. Igf-2 and H19 are coexpressed in tissues of mesodermal, endodermal and neuroectodermal origin. Rat Igf-2 has a complex structure with three promoters and a complicate imprinting mechanism having an exception of biallelic expression in the choroid plexus, leptomeninges, and fetal tissues of neuroectodermal origin. To detect the expression of maternal and paternal alleles of Igf-2 and H19 during orofacial development, fetal and neonatal hybrid rats, obtained from Wistar and Fisher interstrain rat crosses were used. We also detected the promoter-specificity of Igf-2 transcripts by primers selected from P1, P2, and P3 of Igf-2 gene. RT-PCR analysis of Igf-2 and H19 showed the monoallelic expression of Igf-2 from the paternal allele and H19 from the maternal allele in E15.5 to E19.5 orofaciall structures including the maxilla, tongue, and salivary gland. P3 promoters were active in all tested samples, whereas transcripts derived from P2 promoter arised with approximately half of the tested cases and showed variable alternation. P1 promoter was not transcribed in all tested samples. These results suggest that Igf-2 and H19 may be involved in orofacial development and exhibit parent-of-origin monoallelic expression. On the other hand, in orofaciall development, P2 and P3 promoters except for P1 promoter are transcribed with variable alternative transcripts
        2001.12 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        초파리 발생과정에서 세포사멸에 관여하는 유전자인 reaper(rpr), grim, dcp-1, diap1, diap1, diap2의 발현양상을 경제적 RT-PCR 방법으로 분석하였다. 세포사멸 유도 유전자인 rpr, grim의 발현양상은 발생단계에 따른 ecdysone titer 변화 양상과 매우 유사하였다. Effector caspase인 dcp-1 전사체는 초기 배와 암컷 성체에서 높은 발현을 보였다. 반면에 세포사멸 억제인자인 diap1과 diap
        1997.12 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        The hypothalamic peptide GnRH plays a central role in the regulation of the mammalian reproductive axis. Recent studies suggested that GnRH stimulates or inhibits the ovarian steroidogenesis and gametogenesis directly. Our previous report indicated that GnRH gene is expressed in adult rat ovary as well as in hypothalamus and that the expressed GnRH may induce the follicular atresia and apoptosis of ovarian granulosa cells in rat. Therfore, we studied whether GnRH gene is expressed in the mouse fetal ovary, when the germ cells are degenerating by apoptosis during gonad diffeerentiation. Mouse fetal gonads were obtained on the 12, 15,18 and 20th day of gestation from the mother mice superovulated (10 IU PMSG and 10 IU hCG) and mated. The morphological changes of fetal ovaries were examined histochemically by hematoxylin-eosin staining. The fetal sex was confirmed by PCR methods for sexing. RT-PCR methods were used to examine the expression of GnRH gene and the sex steroid hormones were determined by conventional radioimmunoassays. The levels of estradiol (E) and progesterone (P) were increaseduntil 18th day of gestation and then E was decreased just before parturition. The morphological changes of fetal gonadal tissue sections showed the ovarian development and coincided with the result of PCR analysis for sexing using ovary- or testis- specific oligonucleotide primers. Immunoreactive GnRH in placenta was decreased gradually until the end of gestation but fetal brain and ovarian GnRH were increased. The level of GnRH gene expression was increased during fetal ovarian development from 12 till 18th day and decreased suddenly on 20th day just before birth. From these results, it is suggested that ovarian GnRh may play a regulatory role on the germ cell differentiation of fetal ovary.