
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 15

        2018.11 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        In recent years, interest in halal authentication from the domestic food and cosmetics field has been growing for advances into the overseas halal market. For halal authentication, the product must not contain haram ingredients derived from pig, dog, human, GMO, etc. In this study, the presence of haram ingredients in plant extracts (carrot, oyster mushroom, and pine needle) treated with papain and bromelain and cosmetics (mask pack and cream) containing these extracts were analyzed by PCR to confirm whether these cosmetics were suitable for halal authentication. Detection limits of the PCR method that specifically detected template DNA of human, pig, dog, and GMO were 1.29×103, 1.14×103, 1.24×102 and 2.02×103 copies/tube, respectively. PCR was not inhibited by the plant extracts or cosmetic ingredients. Results of PCR for the plant extracts or cosmetics containing these extracts were all negative. This PCR method could be used to rapidly identify the presence of haram ingredients in raw materials or final products during the manufacturing process of food and cosmetics.
        2010.04 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The pine needles can be used for four seasons in normal living and it can be taken friendly everywhere as it is distributed over 50% in Korea. The pine needles consist of vitamins, protein, minerals, essential oil and enzyme related to antimicrobial activity. It has effect like high blood pressure, neuralgia and hanged over by terpene, glucokinin, rutin, apigenic acid and tannin. Also the extract of them can be used for dyeing of fabrics. However, the extract components and effects of them are not well known yet. Therefore, the purpose of this study was to investigate the volatile components of the pine needles extract and functionality. The pine needles extract was dyed into various fabrics(nylon, silk, wool and soybean) and mordanted with Al, Cu, Cr, Fe and Sn. The extracted aroma compounds were compared by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry. The major volatile compounds of pine needles verified by using SPME were alpha-pinene, beta-pinene, beta-phellandrene, caryophyllene, ethanon, benzen. A total of 15 compounds were identified by using the SPME fibers. In the UV-visible spectra, the maximum absorption of wavelength of the pine needles ethanol extract appeared at 460, 630nm for chlorophyll component and at 237, 281nm for tannin component with the pine needles distilled water extract. Most of sample showed high antibacterial effect in none mordant but wool fabric showed high antibacterial effect in mordants. The result of UV block test showed a superior ability of blocking ultraviolet ray infiltration in all sample.
        2009.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The pine needles has been used as medicines and it is using as dyeing as well as food. It is distributed through 50% in Korean forest. The pine needles is related to antimicrobial activity, however, dyeing properties of the extract components and effects of them are not well known yet. To examine dyeing properties of the pine needles extract, various fabrics(nylon, silk, wool, and soybean) were dyed under different dyeing conditions, and mordanted with one of five mordants(Al, Sn, Fe, Cr, and Cu). Dye uptake, Colors and Colorfastness of the dyed fabrics were measured. By the K/S values, dye uptake of all the dyed fabrics enhanced as increasing dyeing temperature and dyeing time. The highest K/S values were obtained from the protein fiber(wool and silk) fabrics dyed with water extract at 100℃, and with ethanol extract at 90℃ for 80 minutes. Colors of the dyed fabrics showed variety of yellow, brown and green colors. Colors changed by using Cu, Fe and Cr mordants: Cr-mordanted fabrics into light green, Fe-mordanted fabrics into reddish brown, and Cu-mordanted fabrics into deep green in ethanol extraction. Dry-cleaning fastness of the dyed fabrics presented good to excellent except wool fabrics dyed with ethanol extract. Washing fastness of the dyed nylon and soybean fabrics were good to excellent but wool and silk fabrics showed average grades. Most dyed fabrics were poor to light fastness.
        2005.03 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        We extracted pine-needles using ethanol as solvent, and we obtained the refined oil component from pine-needles extract. Also we tested the tyrosinase activated inhibition effect with melanin experiment and analysed with ICP/OES and UV/VIS. Accordingly we obtained the next conclusion from the result of this experiment. From the first result of this experiment, we could know that the degree of recovery of refined oil component from pine-needles extract appeared in about 8.0%. From the second result of this experiment, we could know that the tyrosinase activated inhibition rate increased more and more in case of increasing concentration of pine-needles, green-tea, vitamine-C. Also we could know that vitarnine-C influences to tyrosinase activated inhibition contained in pine-needles. From the third result of this experiment, we could know that inorganic materials of Ca, Mg, V, Mn, etc contained in pine-needles detected with ICP/OES analysis, and the absorbance of pine-needles extract appeared very high in UV/VIS analysis.
        2004.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        We have extracted the natural pine-needles to use ethanol in solvent, and could obtain the refined oil component from pine-needles extract. We have tested the antimicrobial effect from microbe experiment and analyzed with ICP/OES, GC/MS. we could obtain the next conclusion from the result of this experiment. In the first result of this experiment we could know that in case of increasing concentration of pine-needles, the number of microbe decreased more and more. Also we could know that the refined oil component of pine-needles appeared the sterilization effect of S-aureus and E-coli after 96hrs and 120hrs. So we could know that the refined oil component of appeared effect to microbe. In the second result of this experiment we could know that inorganic materials of Ca, Mg, V, Mn etcs from pine-needles detected to ICP/OES analysis and the aromatic compounds from refined oil component of pine-needles was certificated to GC/MS analysis.
        2004.08 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        율피, 솔잎, 호프로부터 70% 아세톤 추출물을 획득하여 대두유, 돈지, 대두유 유탁액, 돈지 유탁액에 대한 항산화력을 토코페롤과 비교하였다. Rancimat의 유도기간에 따른 항산화력 비교에서는, 대두유에서는 솔잎〉율피〉호프〉토코페롤〉무첨가구, 돈지에서는 토코페롤〉율피〉솔잎〉호프〉무첨가구로서 항산화력이 있었다. Peroxide value의 측정을 통한 항산화력 비교에서는, 대두유나 대두유 유탁액, 돈지나 돈지 유탁액에서 이들 세 추출물은 같거나 우수한 항산화력을 나타내었으며, 율피가 가장 좋은 것으로 판단되었다. 폴리페놀화합물의 분석결과, 율피 추출물에는 ellagic acid가 솔잎 추출물에는 flavanol이 항산화력에 큰 영향을 미친 것으로 보인다.
        1996.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        국내산 41종과 79종 식물체 메탄올 추출물 및 일본산 1종 식물체 정유의 솔잎혹파리(Thecodiplosis japonensis Uchida et Inouye) 유충에 대한 살충황성을 여지접촉법과 충제침지법으로 조사한 결과 살추활성은 식물체 종류에 따라 달리 나타났다. 여지접촉법으로 여지당 시료 10mg을 처리하였을 때, 국내산 미나리아재비과의 지범, 부자의 위령선 뿌리 추출물과 일본산 측백나무과의 Thujopsis dolabrata var. hondai 톱밥의 정유가 90%이사의 살충활성을 보였다. 그러나 충제침지법(5,000ppm)을이용한 생물검정에서는 T.dolabrata var. hondai 톱밥의 정유만이 강한 살충활성을 나타내었다. 따라서 T.dolabrata var. Hondai 톱밥의 추출물의 솔잎 혹파리에의한 소나무림의 피해를 줄일 수 있을 것으로 생각된다.
        2008.10 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        To investigate the functional properties and the antioxidant effect of pine needle(Pinus densiflora), the pine needle extract was obtained with methanol and its functionality was measured by spectrophotometric method, and the antioxidant experiment on soybean oil was carried out by the active oxygen method. The extraction yield of pine needle with 99% methanol was about 19%, the total flavonoid content of the pine needle-methanol extract was 11.32 mg/g on dry basis and the superoxide dismutase-like activity was 94.3%. The nitrite scavenging ability of the extract was pH dependent with the values of 77.44% at pH 1.2, 48.45% at pH 3.0 and 11.04% at pH 6.0, respectively. The peroxide value was 92.6 meq/kg at 5% dosage, 138.4 meq/kg at 2% dosage of the extract on 8 oxidation days. The period of the peroxide value to be 100 mg/kg was 4.9, 6.3 and 8.5 days at control, 2% and 5% dosage of extract, respectively. And the relative antioxidant effectiveness of the extract was 27.9% and 72.3% increase at 2% and 5% dosage, respectively, compared to control. The thiobarbituric acid value showed few differences within 4 oxidation days, but with the dosage of the extract it fairly decreased with considerable antioxidant effect to control above 4 days.
        2004.03 KCI 등재 SCOPUS 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        솔잎의 기능성에 관한 연구를 위하여 솔잎발효추출물(PEE)과 에탄올추출물(PE 80, PE 50)로 효소적 저해활성과 아질산염 소거작용에 대하여 연구하였다. Tyrosinase의 저해효과는 솔잎발효 추출물인 PEE가 솔잎 에탄을 추출물 PE 80과 PE 50에 비해 약 5∼38%정도 저해 활성 효과가 높게 나타났다. XOase 저해효과는 PFE가 62.77%, PE 80이 64.90%, PE 50이 55.91%의 저해율을 나타내었으며, ACE 저
        2002.03 KCI 등재 SCOPUS 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        동충하초(눈꽃 동충하초, 번데기 동충하초), 쑥 및 솔잎 추출물의 항균작용을 조사하기 위하여 동충하초의 자실체와 균사체, 쑥 및 솔잎을 물과 70% 에탄올로 추출하였다. 항균실험에는 3종류의 그람양성균(Bacillus subtilis, Listeria monocytogenes, Staphylococcus aureus)과 3종류의 그람음성(Escherichia coli, Shigella sonnei, Salmonella typhimurium) 식중
        1999.03 KCI 등재 SCOPUS 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        This study was carried out to investigate the effect of Pine needle extract on lipid oxidation and free radical reaction in iron sources reacted with active oxygen species. The results were summarized as follow; The pine needle extracts didn`t show a distinct effect on reduction of lipid oxidation if the iron ion didn`t exist in oil emulsion. The pine needle extracts played role as a strong chelating agents to bind iron ion if Ferrous iron(Fe\ulcorner) exist in oil emulsion. Ferric iron(Fe) was lower effect than Ferrous iron(Fe) on free radical reaction in oil emulsion. And also, the Fe\ulcorner reacted with pine needle extract did not show distinct effect on free radical reaction, compared to Fe\ulcorner reacted with pine needle extract. And also, Pine needle extracts reacted with H\ulcornerO\ulcorner were tended to show a low oxygen scavenging ability in case of H\ulcornerO\ulcorner only was existed, compared to those of H\ulcornerO\ulcorner + Fe\ulcorner complex. Pine needle extracts were the most powerful Fe\ulcorner binding agents, compared to other strong synthetic antioxidants such as EDTA and DTPA.
        1998.12 KCI 등재 SCOPUS 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        5종류의 식중독세균 (Aeromonas hydrophila, Escherichia coli O157:H7, Listeria monocytogenes, Staphylococcus aureus 196E, Salmonella typhimurium)에 대하여 솔잎 ethanol 추출물의 항균작용을 조사하였다. 솔잎 ehanol 추출물을 0-2% (w/v) 함유한 tryptic soy broth(TSB)에 각 식중독세균을 약 - CFU/ml 정도 되게 접