In this study, the linguistic features of spoken and written expressions of South and North Korean were examined through the analysis of quasi-spoken language corpora. The Korean language can be understood better through a broader study of spoken language than written language. In this paper, the frequencies of the use of parts of speech, transformative endings, the forms of ending sentences/utterances, types of sentences/utterances, degree adverbs used as the meaning ‘very’ were researched. The language expressions of South and North Korean have a lot in common, but there are not a few differences in part. The differences appear more in colloquialism than in written language. The exact understanding of them will be possible by building a very large scale of spoken and written corpus of South and North Korean.
곤충 머리의 부분 명칭들과 동소이명(同所異名)인 suture들의 명칭을 구조의 부분별 위치와 기능을 기준으로 하여 정리하고 우리말 이름들 을 체계적으로 모아서 조명하였다. 여기에는 머리 표면의 각종 선, 배자의 머리 구분, 머리의 외골격과 내골격, 입 내부구조, 긴주둥이, 더듬이 외부구조와 기본마디, 더듬이 모양, 표면 털 모양에 관한 용어들이 포함되어 있다.
『21세기 찬송가』 388장 「비바람이 칠 때에 의 원 가사는 찰스 웨슬리의 「예수, 내 영혼의 사랑 이다. 이 찬송시의 우리말 번역본이 처음 나타난 것은 장로회 소속 선교사들이 발간한『찬양가』(1894)로, 이 찬송가집에는 “主爲避亂所”(41장), “欲避亂往耶穌”(42장)의 두 편의 다른 번역이 실려 있다. 이후 이 번역 찬송가는 「예수내령혼령의 주」(1895)로 통합 번역되어 장로교와 감리교가 가각 발간한 찬송가집 『찬양가』와 『찬미가』에 모두 실렸다. 이 번역 찬송가의 제목은「풍우대작할때와」로 감리교·장로교 통합 찬송가집 『찬송가』(1908)년에서 바뀌고,『통일 찬송가』(1983) 이후「비바람이 칠 때에」 의 제목으로 가사도 수정되어 현재까지 불리고 있다. 본 논문은 찰스 웨슬리의 원 찬송시인 「예수, 내 영혼의 사랑」 의 내용을 분석해 본 후, 세대가 지나면서 조금씩 가사가 수정된 우리말 번역 찬송이 과연 찰스 찬송시 원전의 의미를 잘 드러내는지 찾아보았다. 그런 후 번역 찬송이 이 원 찬송의 곡조에 잘 부합되었는지 곡조의 강세를 중심으로 분석해 본 후 원 곡조와 잘 어울리면서 찰스 원 찬송시의 본문 내용을 적절하게 담고 있는 번역 찬송의 필요성을 논해보았다.
Shim, Young-Sook. 2016. “A Study on Semantic Relation of English Loanwords with Their Corresponding Korean Words”. The Sociolinguistic Journal of Korea 24(3). 281~316. The premise underlying the Korean language “purification” by way of replacing loanwords with Korean existing words is that loanwords and their corresponding Korean words occupy nearly identical semantic domains and thus are interchangeable. Few studies, however, have been conducted to verify this premise. This study aims to investigate the semantic relation of English loanwords with their corresponding Korean words recommended for purification of the Korean language. From the database consisting of news articles in the economy section of Korean newspapers, six loanwords were chosen for an in-depth analysis. With Trends 21 Corpus and Naver being primary tools, the loanwords and their corresponding Korean words are analyzed in terms of frequency, co-occurrence, collocation, and usage. The findings show that the loanwords semantically relate to their corresponding Korean words in various ways, with the words across the pairs presenting varying degrees of semantic likeness, difference, and inclusion. Suggestions for further research are provided based on the findings.
『시경』은 내용상 사물에 대한 느낌이나 인간의 내면 정서를 표현한 것이 대부분으로 현대 인들에게 전혀 새로운 내용이 아니라는 점에서 교육과 학습의 필요성이 인정되며 다수가 이 에 동의하고 있다. 따라서 이러한 내용들을 본의를 훼손하지 않으면서 적절한 우리말로 해석 하고 번역하는 것이 지금 시대에 『시경』 번역이 지니는 가치 중의 하나라고 하겠다. 본고는 이러한 문제의식에서 작성한 글이다. 이에 본고에서는『시경』에 나타난 반복적인 수사기교의 하나인 첩자가 우리나라에서 출판된 몇 종의 『시경』 해설서에서 어떻게 번역되었는지 그 양 상을 검토하였으며, 이를 위해 첩자의 운용양상과 주요 주석가의 의미 해석도 간략히 살펴보 았다. 이를 통해 동일한 『시경』의 시편이 우리말로 번역될 때에는 다양한 관점에서 해석될 수 있음을 확인하였다. 또한 주석을 통한 해석에 치중한 결과, 원칙이나 기준 없이 번역되고 있는 것도 확인할 수 있었다. 원시의 본의를 제대로 전달하기 위한 방안의 첫걸음으로 본고 는 첩자에 한정하여 『시경』 번역의 문제점을 극복하고 관련 번역 원칙을 모색하고자 한다.
Heo, Jaeyoung. 2014. The Principal of the WOORIMAL DORO CHATGI (Recovery of the Korean Language). The Sociolinguistic Journal of Korea 22(3). The WOORIMAL DORO CHATGI (Recovery of the Korean Language) was published by the Education Department in 1948. This book was as a result of a campaign to purify the Korean language. At this time, the campaign to purify meant the elimination of Japanese remnants. Many Korean scholars were interested in language problems. Jang Ji-young wrote an essay “Let's purify our nation’s language” in the HANGEUL [the journal of the HANGEUL HAKHOI(the Korean Alphabet Society)]. The WOORIMAL DORO CHATGI was based on Jang’s essay. I analysed this book’s materials from two perspectives. One is the section of terms, and the other is the purification methods. The selection of terms were totally Japanese remnants. But the Japanese Chinese character's terms were similar to Korean terms. Hence many terms of purification were not used, but the Korean pronunciation style’s terms were used. I think that these types of terms were unnecessary for purification. There were four methods of purification. The first was the recovered mother language. The second was a search for our old sayings, the third was the use of old chinese words, and the fourth was the creation of new words. These methods were absolutely necessary for the purification of the language. But I think these term types contained some problems. Some purification terms differ from original terms, some were not used, and parts of the purification terms had negative meanings. I think that these materials contained several kinds of limitations, but this campaign had great historical significance for the Korean purification.
Im Sun-hee and Kim Sun-hoi. 2014. A study on the discourse marker functions of “ye/ne” in Korean through analyzing the Sejong Corpus. The Sociolinguistic Journal of Korea 22(1). The expressions called discourse markers universally have three shared features, that is, connectivity, optionality, and non-truth-conditionality (Schourup 1999). Kim (1989), Lee (1993), and Kang (2009) have shown that the expressions “ye/ne” in Korean have the propositional meaning in some cases, but exhibit these features in other cases. Based on these previous studies, where the various functions of “ye/ne” were classified, this paper investigates, focusing on their discourse marker functions, the function-based frequencies of “ye/ne” occurring in the spoken component of the Sejong Corpus. From this investigation, the following results are derived: First, “ye/ne” is used much more frequently as a discourse marker than as a propositional meaning form, second, their most frequently used function is a back-chaneling one, and last but not least, “ye/ne” is also used within a speaker’s turn very frequently and “ye/ne” in these cases is not used for responding to another's utteran
직물 및 직물 관련 제품에서 주로 사용되는 감성 어휘들의 관계 및 구조를 분석하기 위해 잡지 및 설문 조사 과정을 통해 어휘를 수집하였다. 수집된 어휘의 빈도를 조사하고, 어휘 적절성을 평가하여 감성어라고 생각될 수 있는 어휘들만을 정리하였다. 여기서 추출된 372개의 어휘는 직물 및 직물 관련 상황에서의 감성어로 사용될 수 있을 분만 아니라 유사 분야의 감성어 모형에 대한 기본 자료로 활용될 수 있을 것이다. 어휘들 간 관계구조에 대한 분석은 몇 가지 면에서 이뤄졌다. 자유연상 과제를 실시하여 어휘들 간 관계의 연결망(network)을 확인할 수 있었다. 어휘들이 내포하고 있는 의미의 여러 측면에서 어휘들 간 관계를 파악할 수 있도록 어휘들에 대해 다차원 분석을 실시한 결과 어휘 간 관계는 3차원이면 충분히 설명될 수 있는 것으로 나타났다. 두 개의 주차원을 중심으로 어휘들의 공간 분포를 그리고 이들 어휘를 범주로 분류한 결과 대략 11개의 범주로 어휘들을 나눠볼 수 있었다.
최근 감성연구의 한 측정 방법으로 의미변별 기법을 이용해 형용사를 제시하는 연구가 증가하고 있다. 본 연구는 의미변별 기법을 사용하는 감성 연구의 기초적인 연구로서 우리말 형용사의 전체적인 의미구조를 분석해 보았다. 우리말 형용사의 의미구조는 기존의 다른 언어권에서 얻은 연구결과와 거의 일치하는 것으로 나타났다. 전체 형용사의 의미구조는 다섯 요인으로 나타났으나, 기존 연구들과 마찬가지로 세 요인이 주요 요인으로 작용했다. 한편, 이러한 의미구조가 색채라는 특정 자극과 관련해서 나타나는 의미구조를 파악하기 위해 NCS단색과 형용사 쌍을 사용하여 측정하였다. 색채 이미지와 관련된 형용사의 의미구조도 세부적인 차이는 있으나, 첫 연구에서 발견된 결과와 크게 다르지 않았다. 감성의 표현수단으로서 어휘를 고려할 때, 이 결과는 사용하는 어휘가 다를지라도 기저에 있는 의미구조는 문화에 상관없이 보편적이라는 것을 제시한다. 다시 말해 어휘로 표현되는 감성의 기본구조가 공통적일 수 있음을 제시한다.
In this treatise, the kinds of main dishes and the frequency of them, and the materials, the variation of recipe, the measuring units, the cooking utensils, and the measuring terms, which used for making main foods were studied from the books published from 1670 to 1943 in Korea. 1. Main dishes were classified as Bap, Zook: Am-Zook, Mee-Um: Yue-Yi: Won-Mi, Guck-Soo: Naeng-Myun, Man-Doo: Duck-Guk: Soo-Jae-Bee. 2. There were 115 kinds of main dishes including 21 kinds of Bap and Yack-Bap, and 34 kinds of Zook and Am-Zook, 11 kinds of Mee-Um, Yue-Yi and Won-Mi, and 21 kinds of Man-Doo, Duck-Guk and Soo-Jae-Bee. 3. There were 41 kinds of measuring units used for making main dishes including 17 kinds of volume units, 3 kinds of weight units, 14 kinds of quantity units, 4 kinds of units for length, thickness, and 3 kinds of the others. 4. There were 62 kinds of cooking utensils among which Ssot (iron-pot) was the most widely used, but nowadays the most of them were rarely used due to automatization and mechanization of living tools. 5. All cooking terms were 148 kinds including 52 kinds of terms for the preparing process, 24 kinds of terms for the mixing process, 30 kinds of terms for the making-shape process, 18 kinds of terms for the heating process, 16 kinds of terms for the chopping process, and 8 kinds of terms for the setting process.
Dock (Korean rice cake) is a peculiar food of Korea made of grain. By means of cooking from, it is defined as 'Pulvberzed food of grain' Dock was one of the daily food, but development of boild rice had narrowed it's use to the food of festive days and ceremonies. Dock is used as a main food of all Kinds of ceremonies from one's birth to death, such as the Three seven day(a baby's twenty-first day of life), one hunderdth day, birthday, wedding, both brithday, funeral and sacrifical rites, vocational ceremonies, such as a sacrifice to spirits and a srevics for a big catch of fish. It is also used as a present and seasonal food. A large variety of Dock is available and its recipe is scientific and reasonable. In this treatise, the Kinds of Dock and the frequency of them, the material, the recipe, the measuring unit of material, cooking kitchen utensils and the cooking terms are studied from the books published in Korea from 1670 to 1943. 1. Dock was classified as Tcbin Dock(steamed), Chin Dock(strikn), Chijin Dock(fried) and Salmun Dock(boiled), according to its way of cooking. 2. There were 122 Kinds of Dock, 57 were Tchin Dock, 35 Chin Dock, 20 Chijin Dock, and 10 Salmun Dock. 3. There were 34 Kinds of measuring units. Of them, 13 for volume, 4 for weight, 9 for quantity, 4 for length and 4 for the rest. 4. There were 55 Kinds of cooking Kitchen utensils but now many of them are not used because of mechanization or automation of tools of living. 5. There were 143 Kinds of cooking terms. Of them 49 for the preparing process, 25 for the mixing process, 27 for well-forming process 10 for process of getting ready to cook, 14 for heating process, 10 for cutting process, 5 for dishin process and 3 for process of soaking in sugar or honey.
This paper aims to address grammaticalization of a defective verb takuta, focusing on its conjugated particle -taka in the construction of [noun/pronoun + case particle + taka], e.g., ultaka ‘Acc+taka,’ eytaka ‘Loc+taka,’ (u)lotaka ‘Inst+taka,’ hantheytaka ‘Dat+taka,’ eykeytaka ‘Dat+taka,’ yekitaka1 ‘here+taka,’ etc. In MK takuta regularly corresponded to Chinese characters 把/將(pha/cang) in translated forms, signifying ‘to possess,’ ‘to maintain,’ or ‘to grasp.’ The transitive verb takuta developed into an intransitive verb, an auxiliary, a particle, a connective marker, and a prefix, etc. Its meaning ‘to draw near’ emerged in process of grammaticalization from its origin. Taka in the construction of [noun/pronoun + case particle + taka] can be contracted to just ta. The deletion of -taka does not affect the grammaticality of the construction, but nullifies emphasis which a speaker intends to express. Its grammaticalization will be accounted for by the mechanisms such as analogy, reanalysis, de-categorization, generalization, subjectification, etc. Usaged-based corpus analysis shows the diachronic and synchronic trend of -taka in Korean.
In Tchoe (2012, 2013) I have argued that the ECMed DP in Korean is in fact a base-generated proleptic argument. In this subsequent work I will tackle a variety of questions contained in this conclusion. But in the first part of the article, I will delve rather into the Multiple Nominative/Accusative constructions in Korean, which have always been assumed to posses distinct syntactic representations and derivations from the ECM constructions. I will show that the Multiple Nominative/Accusative constructions are also a base-generated proleptic construction. Given this, the unique difference between ECM constructions and Multiple Case constructions in Korean is the fact that in the latter types of constructions the grammatical (thematic/narrow, in other terms) subject/ object is always represented by a DP. Upon this observation, four assertions will be made on the syntax of Korean. The first one is that Korean employs two types of syntactic objects to represent in syntax an argument selected by a predicate; the one is a continuous expression and the other a discontinuous expression in the sense of Hale (1981 et seq). I refer, as a continuous expression, the nominal or propositional expressions that function like a single syntactic object with regard to syntactic operations such as scrambling. For nominal or propositional expressions whose parts split off after the Case-checking, I will refer them as a discontinuous expression. I will also show that discontinuous expressions have nothing to do with so-called symmetrically Merged unstable syntactic objects (Chomsky 2013, Moro 2007 and Ott 2011, forthcoming). But I am not ready to propose any tangible idea on the internal composition of the discontinuous expressions. The second assertion put forward is that discontinuous expressions always consist of a proleptic argument and a grammatical subject/object. The third and last assertions are that proleptic arguments are assigned a pragmatically accessible θ-role and that they appear on the left side of the grammatical subject/object at least in Korean.
This paper is to investigate so-called ECM constructions in Korean. It is generally assumed in the literature that the ECMed DP is a subject of a complement clause raised to the matrix landing site. But I will show that Korean ECMed DP is in fact the base-generated proleptic argument on grounds of evidence related to the long-distance relativization. Besides this conclusion, I will examine one alleged property of the Korean ECM constructions. It is quasi unanimously assumed that there exist restrictions on the category and the grammatical function of the embedded clause and on the embedded predicate such as the transitivity restriction. But we will see that such a restriction has no firm basis. I will also reveal one unknown property of these constructions; not only the subject but also the direct object, the indirect object and even the adjunct can be represented by a proleptic argument, c'est à dire can be ECMed.
사할린에 거주하고 있는 한인들은 소련시대의 한국어 교육 및 사용 금지 정책을 시작으로 계속해서 한국어 습득의 기회를 박탈당해 왔다. 민족정체성 회복과 한민족 전통, 문화, 언어 교육의 필요성이 논의되면서, 1988년부터 한국어 교육이 이루어져 왔지만 결과는 기대에 못 미치고 있다.
본 연구는 사할린 한인들의 정체성을 형성하는데 영향을 준 역사적 배경과 현재 사할린 교육제도 안에서 이루어지고 있는 한국어 교육을 살펴보고, 앞으로 사할린에서 한국어 교육이 나아가야 할 교육 방향과 과제를 제안하고자 한다.
이를 위해 사할린 지역의 정규, 비정규 교육기관들을 중심으로 운영되고 있는 교육과정을 조사하고, 각종 프로그램 등 한국과 이루어지고 있는 교류 및 지원 현황과 한국어 교육 관련 행사를 소개하였다.
그 결과 사할린 한인들의 정체성 형성을 위해서 가장 우선해야 할 일로 한국어 교육 및 민족교육을 제안하였다. 세계화 추세에 맞추어 세계 한민족 네트워크를 형성하기 위해서는 한국과의 지속적인 협력이 필요하며, 한민족 이라는 인식을 더욱 강화시켜야 한다.
Do-Yong Bai. 2003. The Meaning Extension and Conceptual Network of `얼굴` in Korean. Studies in Modern Grammar 31, 137-156. The purpose of this study is to examine how form and meaning extension of the human body term `얼굴` in Korean is composed and how the direction of the meaning extension is realized on the assumption that various meanings of a word constitute a category. It is important how central meanings should be prescribed in meaning extension, which is frequently neglected in previous studies. Until the accurate prescription of central meanings is made, it has been impossible to understand how and which constituents of central meanings extend to marginal meanings. Also we cannot confirm that marginal meanings extend orderly and systematically though they look scattered in disorder. As a result, the semantic field of `얼굴` makes it possible to establish a section of lexical system in the Korean language and the conception network of `얼굴` to explain a section of the Korean national spirit.