세계적인 침입해충 담배가루이 (Bemisia tabaci Gennadius)의 한국 계통과 중국 계통의 유연관계를 알아보기 위하여 2019년에 채집한 두 계통들의 biotype 분포, 살충제 반응, 바이러스 보독율을 조사하고 차이를 분석하였다. 미토콘드리아 COI 유전자 서열을 이용하여 집단 분석한 결과 국내는 모든 지역계통에서 Q biotype만 발견되었으며, 중국은 B biotype (14.3%)과 Q biotype (85.7%)이 동시에 발견되었다. 담배가루이 Q biotype의 haplotpye 구성도 중국은 모두 Q1 그룹만 관찰되었고 Q1H1 (79.8%), Q1H2 (20.2%)로 구성되어 있었으며, 한국은 Q1이 우세한 가운 데 Q2도 관찰되었으며 Q1 그룹의 구성도 Q1H1 (1.7%), Q1H2 (97.5%)로 중국과는 크게 달랐다. 15종 살충제에 대한 약제반응은 국내 계통은 일부 약제를 제외하고 대부분 약제에서 충분한 살충력 (mortality≥80%)을 보여주었으나 중국 계통은 40% 이하의 살충력을 보인 약제들이 다수 있었으며 한국보다는 높은 저항성을 갖고 있었다. 토마토 황화잎말림바이러스 (TYLCV)의 보독율은 국내 계통에서는 발견되지 않았으며 중국의 경우 0∼60% (평균 21.4%) 가 발견되었다. 따라서 한국와 중국의 담배가루이 계통 간에는 유전적 조성과 살충제 반응, 바이러스 보독율에 있어서 큰 차이를 보여주었으며 양국의 담배가루이가 서로 다른 유입 패턴을 갖고 있음을 알 수 있었다.
국내 시설 오이재배지에서 총채벌레류 방제를 위해 황색 끈끈이트랩을 이용한 밀도 조사 및 생물검정을 통해 효율적 약제를 선발하였다. 총채벌레류 밀도 조사는 천안시 병천면 오이 시설재배지에서 2018년 4월 01일부터 8월 14일까지 약 3개월간 실시하였고, 그 결과 오이에 발생하는 총채벌레류는 꽃노랑총채벌레 (Frankliniella occidentalis), 대만총채벌레 (F. intonsa), 오이총채벌레 (Thrips palmi), 파총채벌레 (T. tabaci), 볼록총채벌레 (Scirtothrips dorsalis), 좀머리총채벌레 (Microcephalothrips abdominalis), 미나리총채벌레 (T. nigropilosus) 등 총 7종이었고, 가장 많은 발생량을 보인 종은 꽃노랑총채벌레로 나타났다. 꽃노랑총채벌레의 약제저항성 발달을 알아보기 위해 10종 약제에 대하여 판별농도 (discriminating concentration; DC), 추천농도 (recommended concentration; RC), 배량농도 (2×recommended concentration; 2×RC)를 설정하고 엽침지법을 이용하여 지역계통별 생물검정을 실시하였다. 생물검정 결과 emamectin benzoate EC (RC, 10.8 μL L-1), chlorfenapyr EC (RC, 50.0 μL L-1), spinetoram SC (RC, 25.0 mg L-1), spinosad SC (RC, 50.0 mg L-1)는 추천농도에서 90% 이상의 살충활성을 보였으나, cyantraniliprole EC (RC, 50.0 μL L-1)과 neonicotinoid계통 4종 약제는 추천농도에서 모든 지역계통의 살충활성이 80% 미만이었고, cyantraniliprole EC는 배량농도에서 95% 이상의 살충활성을 보인 반면 neonicotinoid계통은 배량농도에서 다양한 살충활성을 보였다.
4종의 diamide계열 살충제를 이용한 배추좀나방과 파밤나방의 지역계통별 감수성을 조사하였다. 배추좀나방의 경우 성주와 거창지역 집단 에서 4종의 약제 모두 추천농도에서 100%의 살충활성을 보인 반면, 평창지역 집단에서는 chlorantraniliprole에 대해 42.3%의 낮은 살충활성을 보였다. 감수성계통 배추좀나방과 저항성비를 비교한 결과 cyclaniliprole은 비교적 4지역에서 유사하거나 낮은 저항성비(0.1~6.3배)를 보인 반면, 평창지역 집단은 chlorantraniliprole (1,196.3배)와 cyantraniliprole (105.6배), flubendiamide (191.6배)은 매우 높은 저항성비를 보였다. 파밤나방의 경우 청주와 진도, 영광지역의 집단 모두 4종의 약제에 낮은 감수성을 나타났는데, 특히 청주와 진도지역의 집단은 flubendiamide에 대해 100,000배 이상의 저항성비를 보였다. 채집 연도(2014년과 2017년)에 따른 파밤나방에 대한 chlorantraniliprole의 감수성을 비교한 결과 2014년에 채집된 집단들은 모두 100%의 살충률을 보인 반면 2017년에 채집된 집단들은 살충활성이 매우 낮게 나타났다. 본 연구결과는 diamide계열 살충제가 빠르게 저항성이 발현되고 있으며 작용기작이 다른 약제와의 교호살포 등 종합적 방제전략을 수립하는데 기초자료가 될 수 있을 것이다.
Rabies is a zoonotic disease that causes severe destruction to the central nerve system which is usually fatal. It is one of the most important disease around the world and particular in Asia because of the high costs of prevention and post-exposure treatment. After the recurrence of sylvatic rabies in 1993, the number of raccoon dog mediating rabies cases in Korea has maintained annually until 2011. To better understand the current rabies epidemics in Korea, Korean rabies isolate (SKRBV0601GY) from Gyeonggi province in 2006 was compared with previous isolates in Korea and with isolates originating from the North-East Asia, such as Japan, China and Russia, based on complete nucleoprotein (N) gene sequences. By comparison of the N genes among these viruses, SKRBV0601GY revealed that nucleotide similarity ranged from 97.7 to 99.7%, 96.4 to 97.5%, 91.4 to 96.3%, 89.2 to 90% and 86.1 to 88.1% with Korean isolates, "Arctic-like-2" viruses, "Arctic" viruses, Russian group C - E and Chinese isolates, respectively. Phylogenetic analyses of the isolates revealed that the Korean isolate in 2006 belonged to Korean group B. The topology of the phylogenetic tree of Korean isolates related not the species and year of isolation but the geological location of the virus isolates. All of the Korean isolates showed close relationship to the "Arctic-like-2" virus (Russian group B) more than the "Arctic" virus (Russian group A) and all of the Chinese isolates (Chinese group A, B and C). The "Arctic-like-2" virus group contains the Japanese isolate and Russian group B viruses, originating from the south of East Siberia and Far East in Russia. These molecular data demonstrated that the current rabies epizootic in Korea developed independently of Chinese groups and originated from the "arctic-like-2" viruses in detail.
이동성 애멸구와 국내 월동 애멸구 개체군과의 약제에 대한 저항성 발현 특성 차이를 알아보기 위해 전국에서 이른 봄 2월에서 3월에 걸쳐 애멸구월동 개체군을 채집하였으며(월동계통), 같은 지역을 중심으로 8월과 9월에 걸쳐 애멸구를 논에 서 채집하였다(본답계통). 각 계통 별 애멸구의 약제에 대한 반응 특성은 멸구류 방제에 사용되는 10개의 약제 (carbofuran, carbosulfan, ethofenprox, thiamethoxam, diazinon, dinotefuran, BPMC, fipronil, clothianidin, imidacloprid)를 선발하여, 채집된 애멸구를 실내에서 사육하여 충분한 개체수를 확보 후, 미량국소처리법으 로 선발 약제에 대한 감수성을 조사, 결과를 분석하여 파악하였다. 월동 계통과 본 답 계통을 약제에 대한 감수성으로 Paired t-test를 실시한 결과 밀양 계통은 통계 적으로도 유의하게 월동 계통이 본답 계통에 비해 약제에 대한 감수성이 낮았다. 일반적으로 본답에서 채집한 계통이 월동계통에 비해 시험 약제에 대해 높은 감수 성을 보였다. 시험 약제 각각에 대한 두 계통 간 비교에서 본답 계통은 carbofuran, BPMC, imidacloprid에 대해 높은 감수성을 보였으며, 월동 계통은 carbosulfan, ethofenprox, diazinon, fipronil에 대해 높은 감수성을 보였다. 그러나 두 계통의 약제 감수성 차이는 통계적 유의하지는 않았다. dinotefuran, clothianidin, fipronil 은 지역 간에 전혀 차이가 없었다.
전국 애멸구에 대한 약제 감수성을 조사하여, 지역 간 애멸구의 약제에 대한 반 응을 분석, 약제 반응 상관에 의해 집단 이동을 추정코자 애멸구를 전국에서 이른 봄 (월동계통)과 여름 (본답계통)에 채집하였으며 10개의 약제 (carbofuran, carbosulfan, ethofenprox, thiamethoxam, diazinon, dinotefuran, BPMC, fipronil, clothianidin, imidacloprid)를 선정하여, 애멸구를 실내에서 사육하여 충분한 개체 수를 확보 후, 선발 약제에 대한 감수성을 조사한 후 결과를 분석하였다. 분석 결과 본답에서 채집한 계통이 월동계통에 비해 imidacloprid에 대해 낮은 감수성을 보 였다. 그러나 영천본답계통과 밀양월동계통은 위의 결과와 상반되는 결과를 보였 다. 밀양과 경산의 월동계통은 특히 carbofuran에 대해 낮은 감수성을 보이고 있었 으며, 밀양월동계통은 전반적으로 약제에 대한 감수성이 낮았다. 약제 반응의 상 관관계에 의한 군집 분류에서 약제는 4개의 군집으로 분류되어 carbosulfan, ethofenprox, diazinon, carbofuran 등 살충기작이 아세틸콜린에스테라제와 나트 륨채널에 관여하는 상대적으로 오래된 그룹, 억제 신경에 작용하는 fipronil 그룹, clothianidin, imidacloprid 등 네오니코틴 그룹, 그리고 thiamethoxam, BPMC, dinotefuran 등의 그룹으로 나뉜다. 이는 애멸구 방제를 위한 약제 선발 및 대체 약 제 선발 시 필요하리라 생각된다. 지역 계통의 분석 결과 월동계통과 본답계통의 약제 반응이 다른 것은 이들의 발생 근원이 다른 데서 기인한 것으로 추정되며, 애 별구의 본답계통은 중국으로부터 이동해 온 것으로 생각된다.
경북 영양지역 재래종인 수비초와 칠성초, 청도지역 재래종인 풍각초에 역병 저항성을 도입하여 육성한 계통, 이중 하나에 바이러스 저항성을 도입하기 위하여 육성한 계통, 풍각 재래종에서 선발한 역병 저항성 계통의 역병에 대한 저항성을 유묘접종으로 다시 평가하였다. 육성계통들은 모두 역병에 고도의 저항성을 나타내었으며, 풍각재래(KC268)에서 선발한 계통들은 중도의 저항성을 나타내었다. 선발개체들을 옥외 묘상에 심고 그 위에 방충망을 씌워 종자를 증식 채종하였다. 이틀의 육종적 활용방안에 대하여 논하였다.
Cyanobacteria have been used as pollution indicator species in freshwater ecosystems, and identifying their fluctuations can be an important part about management of surface waters globally. Cyanotoxins produced by cyanobacteria are directly or indirectly a threat to human and environmental health. In order to confirm the potential risk of these cyanotoxins, the fluctuations of phytoplankton and phylogenetic analysis of cyanotoxin synthetase genes were conducted at each point in the Yeongsan River water system in Gwangju from November 2021 to October 2022. Diatoms which grow well in winter were dominant at 99.4 ~ 99.5%, and diatoms and green algae were dominant from the spring to autumn when the water temperature rises. Stephanodiscus spp. were dominant at 92.7 to 97.5 % at all sites in the winter, and Aulacoseira spp., which grow in warm water temperatures, were dominant in summer and autumn. Microcystis aeruginosa was dominant at 25.2% in summer only at site 5. mcyB and anaC have been detected as cyanotoxin synthetase genes. The phylogenetic tree of anaC could be divided into two groups (Group 1 & Group 2). Group 1 contained Aphanizomenon sp. and Cuspidothrix issatschenkoi. It is combined with Aphanizomenon sp. and Cuspidothrix issatschenkoi, which are known to produce cyanotoxins.
Background : This study examines the main growth characteristics, physiological stress, or diseases damage for 3 and 4-years-old ginseng in the new lines cultivated in Gyeonggi for development of new lines of Ginseng.
Methods and Results : Eumseong 13, 14 and 15, which are two-years-old seedling in the new line ginseng were transplanted in 7 lines × 9 rows (70 plants)/1.62㎡ in 2015 along with Gumpoong and Yeonpoong as the control lines while Eumseong 16 and 17 as well as Chunpoong as the control line were transplanted in the same way in 2016. The ginseng shading was installed with the front post of 170 ㎝ high and the rear post of 100 ㎝ high using the rear line while as the sun blocking material, the aluminum shade plate was used. As for the new growth lines of 3 and 4-years ginseng in the new growth line, the aerial parts of the ginseng and underground part of ginseng were examined. In addition, the physiological stress such as the leaf discoloration, rusty root and root rot as well as the resistance against the disease were examined. It was found out that as for the aerial parts of 3-years-old ginseng in test line, Eumseong 16 and 17 were better in the growth than the control lines were while in 4 years old ginseng, Eumseong 13 and 14 were better in the growth than Gumpoong as the control line was. As for the root weight of the 4-years-old ginseng for the underground part, there was no significant difference compared with control line while in 3-years-old ginseng, Eumseong 16 and 17 were heavier. The leaf discoloration did not happen to both 3 and 4-years-old ginseng. As for the root rot, 3-years-old Eumseong 16 and 17 suffered less root rot in the same way as for the control line. 4-years-old Eumseong 14 and 15 had less root rot in the same way as for the control line. 3-years-old Eumseong 16 and 17 have less rusty root in the same way as the control line while as for 4-years-old ginseng, Eumseong 13, 14 and 15 showed a lot of rusty roots in the same way as the control line.
Conclusion : Finally, considering the growth characteristics, physiological stress and root rusty of the aerial parts and underground parts of the ginseng, we selected Eumseong 16 and 17 as the excellent lines for 3-years-old ginseng.
Background : The cultivation area of Rehmannia glutinosa Liboschitz is 156 ㏊ ('16), which is one of my representative medicinal crops. However, since it grows by roots, the damage of the repeated cultivation and the degeneration of the seedstock are increasing. To solve these problems, we are developing new varieties every year by testing the regional adaptability of high quality system. In recent years, as the quality and quantity of new varieties have been proven to increase, the need for continuous development of excellent varieties is increasing.
Methods and Results : The test material used a jihwang-1 as standard variety, the system was planted in 3-year (RGES 20), 2-year (RGES 21, 22, 23) and 3-year (RGES 24, 25). The root lengths were cut at intervals of about 2 to 3 ㎝ and immersed for 20 minutes in a fludioxonil suspension concentrate (1,000-fold dilution) and shaded for 1 day. Sowing was planted on April 30th, and planting interval was 30 ㎝ × 15 ㎝. Growth investigation was carried out on the overground growing (plant length, leaf length, leaf number, plant type, etc) and degree of generation of pests. As a result of the growth investigation, the third year RGES 20, the second year RGES 22, and the first year RGES 25 were excellent. RGES 20 was upright type and superior in overground growing, RGES 22 had strong pest resistance. RGES 25 was characterized by strong at high temperature, but growth is not as good as other high quality system.
Conclusion : Recently, the difficulty of cultivation of zucchini has been increasing due to abnormal weather. Especially in this year, high temperature of 35℃ or more continued for about 30 days, and the need to cultivate varieties resistant to high temperatures is increasing. Therefore, it is expected that RGES 25 can be registered as a promising strain that is resistant to high temperature if the yield is corrected.
Background : For cultivation of varieties of ginseng, the pure line selection method, which is to select the best among those cultivated in farms for pedigree breeding, replicated yield trials and regional adaptation trials before registering as a new variety, is widely used. Although there are 25 registered varieties of ginseng in Korea, the quality of ginseng is declining together with the amount of harvest being decreased by 15 - 20% due to the heat injuries and diseases from the warming & abnormal climate. Thus, the needs for development of disaster-resistant varieties with better chances of surviving through high temperature, salts and disease are increasing. Therefore, this study is to cultivate disaster-resistant varieties among those selected for their disaster tolerance and salt tolerance through regional adaptation trials.
Methods and Results : As a result of examining the growth characteristics of the selected 2-6-years-old varieties used in the study, among the 6-years-old crops, Eumseong 9 and Eumseong 10 showed superior growth in aboveground parts, Eumseong 10 showed superior growth in underground parts, among the 5-years-old crops, Eumseong 15 showed superior growth in both above and below aerial parts, and among the 4-years-old crops, Eumseong 9 and Eumseong 16 showed superior growth while the growth in the underground parts were satisfactory in the order of Eumseong 16 > Eumseong 10 > Eumseong 12 > Eumseong 9. Among the 3-years-old crops, the most superior growth in both above and below aerial parts was observed in Goryeo 2 with the weight of the underground part, in the 2-years-old crops, Eumseong 26 showed the most superior growth in both above-ground and underground parts.
Conclusion : Based on the above results, Eumseong 10 among the 6-year-old crops, Eumseong 15 among the 5-years-old crops, Eumseong 9 & Eumseong 16 among the 4-years-old crops, Goryeo 2 among the 3-years-old crops and Eumseon 26 among the 2-years-old crops showed the most superior growth among the selected varieties. The growth characteristics of both above and below aerial parts in each year will continuously be monitored.
Background : Rehmannia glutinose Liboschitz is a perennial herb belonging to the family of Scrophulariaceae. Its roots have been used as a traditional medicine. For cultivation of varieties of Rehmannia glutinose Liboschitz, the pure line selection method, which is to select the best line among those cultivated in farms for pedigree breeding, replicated yield test and regional adaptation test before registering as a new variety, is widely used. Until now, there are 8 registered varieties of Rehmannia glutinose Liboschitz in Korea. The needs for development of disaster-resistant varieties with better chances of surviving when high temperature, salts and disease are increasing. Therefore, this study focused on cultivation of disaster-resistant varieties among those selected for their disaster tolerance and salt tolerance through regional adaptation test.
Methods and Results : As a result of examining the incidence of pest insects of the selected 1 - 2 years old varieties used in the study, among the 2-years-old crops, RGES 20 showed the lowest rate in ground parts. Among the 1-year-old crops, the lowest rate incidence of pest insects in ground parts was observed in RGES 23. In addition, RGES 20 and RGES 23 showed superior growth in under ground part with the highest dry root amount.
Conclusion : Based on the above results, RGES 20 among the 2-years-old crops, RGES 23 among the 1-year-old crops showed superior growth in under ground part with the highest dry root amount.
Background : For cultivation of varieties of ginseng, the pure line selection method, which is to select the best among those cultivated in farms for pedigree breeding, replicated yield trials and regional adaptation trials before registering as a new variety, is widely used. Although there are 25 registered varieties of ginseng in Korea, the quality of ginseng is declining together with the amount of harvest being decreased by 15 - 20% due to the heat injuries and diseases from the warming & abnormal climate. Thus, the needs for development of disaster-resistant varieties with better chances of surviving through high temperature, salts and disease are increasing. Therefore, this study is to cultivate disaster-resistant varieties among those selected for their disaster tolerance and salt tolerance through regional adaptation trials. Methods and Results : As a result of examining the growth characteristics of the selected 2 - 5 year old varieties used in the study, among the 5-year old crops, Goryeo 4 and Eumseong 5 showed superior growth in both above and below aerial parts, and among the 4-year old crops, Eumseong 11 and Cheonryang showed superior growth while the growth in the below aerial parts were satisfactory in the order of Cheonryang > Eumseong 10 > Eumseong 11 > Eumseong 9. Among the 3-year old crops, the most superior growth in both above and below aerial parts was observed in Eumseong 14 with the weight of the below aerial part, root diameter and taproot length at 13.8 g, 11.8 ㎝ and 6.2 ㎝ respectively. Among the 2-year old crops, Eumseong 10 showed the most superior growth in both above and below aerial parts. Conclusion : Based on the above results, Goryeo 4 and Eumseong 5 among the 5-year old crops, Eumseong 11 among the 4-year old crops, Eumseong 14 among the 3-year old crops and Eumseon 10 among the 2-year old crops showed the most superior growth among the selected varieties. The growth characteristics of both above and below aerial parts in each year will continuously be monitored.