
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 70

        2024.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Tricholoma matsutake, one of the most famous edible mushroom in Asia, has been cultivated in red pine forest. Because of its difficulty in artificial cultivation, T. matsutake cultivation has relied on foraging in the forest. Under certain environmental conditions, T. matsutake form the Shiro, the condensed mycelium, and develop into fruiting bodies. Among the certain environmental conditions, fungal communities play a major role in the mushroom development. Therefore, fungal community investigations for Bonghwa and Yangyang have been conducted on soil with fairy rings in the past, soil with existing fairy rings, and soil with presumptive fairy rings developing in the future. From the six soil samples, total 163 genera of fungi were detected and species diversity and species abundance of each sample were also analyzed. In result, the species diversity and species abundance of the fairy rings in Yangyang were lower than those in Bonghwa. In comparison with the fairy rings in Yangyang and Bonghwa, the dominance of the genus Tricholoma was higher and that of the genus Motilella was lower in Yangyang. Through the continuous study, establishment of optimal environmental conditions to promote the T. matsutake cultivation is highly expected.
        2024.06 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        2024.03 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        The present study was carried out to investigate the concentration and species diversity of airborne fungi in thermophilic mushroom cultivation houses. Fungal concentration measurements were performed in April and May 2022 for a Pleurotus ostreatus cultivation house, in July and August 2023 for a Pleurotus sajor-caju and Agaricus blazei cultivation house, and in June, July and August 2023 for a Pleurotus pulmonarius, Pleurotus sajor-caju and Calocybe indica cultivation house. The airborne fungal concentration was 2.95 × 102 CFU/m3~105CFU/m3, above 105CFU/m3, and 1.12 × 103 CFU/m3~ 9.17 × 103 CFU/m3 in the three cultivation houses, respectively. A total of 8 genera and 22 species of airborne fungi were isolated from three mushroom cultivation houses. 5 genera and 7 species were identified from P. ostreatus cultivation house. Furthermore, 4 genera 6 species were found from A. blazei and C. indica cultivation house. In addition, 5 genera and15 species were isolated from P. pulmonarius, P. sajor-caju and C. indica cultivation house. Among the fungi isolated, the class of Eurotiomycetes was the most common. Among the 22 fungal species, Aspergillus flavus, A. ochraceus A. sydowii, A. tubingensis, A. westerdijkiae, Penicillium brevicompactum, P. citrinum, and P. steckii have been reported as harmful species to mushrooms, food, and human.
        2024.03 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Plastics are widely used in industries in human society and because of their structural stability, degradation is a serious global issue. To estimate the degradation of plastic, 31 edible mushrooms were cultured with the selected plastic films (polyethylene [PE], polystyrene [PS], and poly(ethylene terephthalate) [PET]) for 3 months at 25 °C. Measuring the weight of the films showed that four species of mushrooms, namely Porostereum spadiceum, Ganoderma lucidum, Coprinellus micaceus, and Pleurotus ostreatus, exhibited the highest degrees of plastic degradation. In addition, the mushrooms and fungi that exhibited the most significant plastic degradation were cross-cultured to promote this degradation. As a result, cross-cultivation of G. lucidum and Aspergillus niger showed a weight loss of 2.49% for the PET film. For the PS film, Aspergillus nidulans showed a weight loss of 4.06%. Cross-cultivation of A. nidulans and C. micaceus, which showed a weight loss of 2.95%, was noted as an alternative for PS biodegradation, but is harmful to humans. These bio-degradation effects of edible mushroom will contribute to the development of alternatives for eco-friendly plastic degradation.
        2023.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        To understand microorganism effects on wild mushroom fruiting bodies, we investigated the fungi in hyphosphere soil supporting wild mushroom species Cortinarius violaceus, Amanita hemibapha, Laccaria vinacelavellanea, and Amanita verna found in the Gotjawal area of Jeju Island. Fungal species identification based on morphological traits and molecular analysis of ITS, LSU rDNA, and -tubulin gene sequences resulted in isolation and identification of eleven fungal species previously unrecorded in Korea. These newly-recorded species are: Arthrinium kogelbergensis, Kalmusia longisporum, Keithomyces carneum, Neopyrenochaeta cercidis, Penicillium ranomafanaense, Phomatodes nebulosa, Pyrenochaeta nobilis, Tolypocladium album, Talaromyces kendrickii, Talaromyces qii, and Umbelopsis gibberispora, and their morphological characteristics and phylogenetic positions are described.
        2022.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Fungi are organisms that must be monitored and controlled in order to preserve valuable paper records. They reduce the quality of paper records by degradation and/or discoloration. As an effort to understand fungal contamination in the National Archives of Korea, the concentration of fungi in the indoor air of the unsterilized record rooms has been reported. However, what species are present in the facilities is not much known. In the present study, we examined the fungi isolated from the National Archives of Korea and found among them that there are fungal species which are newly documented in Korea. They were identified based on morphological properties and nucleotide sequences analysis of the polymerase chain reaction-amplified the internal transcribed spacer region of rDNA, calmodulin gene, and beta-tubulin gene. We report Cladosporium parahalotolerans, Cladosporium subuliforme, Ochroconis mirabilis, Penicillium angulare, and Penicillium fundyense as new instances of fungal species in Korea. Among these five species, P. angulare is known to able to produce cellulase and O. mirabilis as an opportunistic pathogen of human and animals.
        2022.03 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Fungi have been known as an irritant or causal agent of asthma. Thus, information on their concentration and diversity in indoor air of asthmatic patient’s houses is valuable for the management of these micro-organisms. The present study was performed to investigate fungal concentration and diversity in indoor air of resident spaces in two adult patient’s houses in winter. Air samples were collected in February of 2018 from living rooms and bedrooms of two asthma patients’ houses located in two different places in Incheon city using an impaction method. The average concentrations of airborne fungi did not exceed the 500 CFU/m3 level which is recommended by the Enforcement Managements of the Indoor Air Quality, Ministry of Environment, Korea. A total of four genera and 23 species were identified based on morphological and molecular methods. Aspergillus and Penicillium were two major genera. Aspergillus pseudoglaucus and Penicillium citrinum were commonly found between the two patient’s houses. Among the identified fungi, three species, Aspergillus venenatus, Penicillium jamesonlandense, and Penicillium salami were found to be unrecorded species in Korea. The morphological and molecular characteristics of these three unrecorded species were described. Since these species produce spores well and a lot, they are considered to be a species that needs management. This study provides basic information on the fungi for indoor air quality management in the living spaces of asthma patients in winter in Korea.
        2022.03 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        곤충병원성 진균은 다양한 흡즙형 및 저작형 해충 방제에 적용이 가능하며, 익충과 천적에 낮은 영향을 보여, 화학농약의 대체체로서 관심 이 높아지고 있다. 현재까지 전세계적으로 170여개의 제품들이 등록되어 판매되고 있으며, 최근 연구측면에서는 작용기작 및 곤충-진균 상호작 용체 구명에 집중하고 있다. 해충 방제를 위한 곤충병원성 진균의 산업화 연구는 초기 살충성이 높은 균주 선발에 집중하였으나, 최근에는 환경 스트레스 인자에 대한 저항성 확보를 포함한 생산성 향상이 해결해야 할 주요 과제이다. 분생포자(conidia)가 주된 처리 형태였지만, 액체배양을 통해 생산되는 아포자(blastospore)의 한계점을 극복하여 대량생산의 경제성을 확보하려는 노력들도 진행되고 있다. 추가로 살충효과를 향상시 키기 위해, 형질전환을 비롯한 분자생물학적 연구와 유전자 및 유전체 기능 구명에 집중하고 있다. 해충방제 시장측면에서, 글로벌 작물보호제 기 업들은 인수합병 또는 공동 연구개발 형태로 전문 생물농약 기업들과의 협력체계를 구축하고 있으며, 화학농약과 곤충병원성 진균의 tank-mix 전략을 주된 방향성으로 삼고 있다. 현장에서 곤충 생태에 대한 이해를 기반으로 한 생태학적 처리(ecological application)는 곤충병원성 진균의 살충효과를 향상시킬 수 있는 기회가 된다. 앞으로의 디지털팜(digital farming) 기술과 접목된다면, 지상부 해충 방제를 위한 실질적인 적용도 가능하다. 곤충병원성 진균의 산업화를 위해서는 지적재산권 분쟁 해결을 위한 명확한 비교 연구자료 확보도 필요하다. 이와 같은 곤충병원성 진 균이 식량생산의 안전성과 경제성을 확보하는 중요한 미생물자원으로 활발히 활용되고 개발되길 기대한다.
        2021.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Temperature, humidity, and fungal concentration were investigated during the period from May 2019 to August 2021 to obtain information on the indoor air quality in the facilities of the National Archive of Koea, located at Seongnam, Daejeon, and Busan, respectively. The temperature and humidity of the undisinfected libraries was properly maintained for the preservation of papepr records. The airborne fungal concentration differed among the libraries, changed according to the season, and increased especially between June and August. Similarily, the concentration of airborne fungi in the hallways adjacent to the libraries also fluctuated depending on the season and showed a tendency to rise in the months when the ourside temperature rose. In general, the concentration of airborne fungi in the hallways was somewhat higher than that of the libraries. Importantly, it was identified that the concentration of airborne fungi exceeded the recommended standard (500 CFU/m3) by the Ministry of Environment of Korea only in the workroom where the classification and condition inspection of undisinfected records imported from outside were performed. Investigation of airborne fungal concentration from May 2021 to August 2021 showed that the 24 undisinfected libraries in Seongnam, Daejeon, and Busan were all good at 100 CFU/m3 or less. The results of this study are expected to be used as basic data to manage the indoor environment of facilities in the National Archives.
        2021.03 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        표고 재배사내 진균류의 발생특성을 분석하기 위해 골목에서 발생한 진균류를 분리·동정하고 재배사내 온·습도 환경을 분석하였다. 표고골목에서 발생한 진균을 분석한 결과 Cladosporium sp., C. cladosporioides, C. anthropophilum, Pleosporales sp., Trichoderma harzianum, Acremonium sp. 6종으로 확인되었다. 재배사내 환경을 조사한 결과는 5월 1일부터 10월 12일 사이에 재배사내 최고·저 온도가 14.0~30.1oC, 평균습도는 82.8%으로 나타났다. 이러한 결과는 표고 재배과정 중 진균류의 발생이 활발한 초여름부터 가을철 사이에 철저한 재배관리가 중요하며, 한번 발병한 진균류는 연중 재배사내 생존이 가능하기 때문에 주기적으로 모니터링하여 사전에 유해 진균류 발생에 유리한 생육환경을 예방해야 한다.
        2020.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Mold is one of the harmful biological pollutants in the indoor environment. To investigate how the contamination degree of mold existing in the indoor environment differs according to the characteristics of the house, the concentration of mold in the indoor air was investigated for the houses damaged by leakage or flooding. As a result of a survey of 20 houses located in Gyeonggi-do and Chungcheong-do, the concentration of mold in indoor air surprisingly exceeded more than two times the recommended indoor air quality standard of 500 CFU/m3 in all the houses investigated. The fungal concentration was high in houses with condensation and mold odors. As for the housing type, the pollution degree was higher in detached houses than in row houses. As for the type of water damage, mold contamination was higher in the leaky houses than in the flooded houses. The degree of mold concentration was 1,237 CFU/ m3 in the leaky houses. In terms of housing age, pollution was very high in houses over 20 years old. The occurrence of these measured mold concentrations was correlated at a significant level with respect to the properties of the house. This study shows that in the case of water damaged houses, careful management of mold contamination is required.
        2020.03 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        2016년과 2017년 서천, 장흥, 부여, 여주에 소재하는 표고 재배사에서 진균성 병원균을 모니터링 하는 과정에서 Acrodontium crateriforme, Naganishia friedmannii, Pestalotiopsis trachicarpicola, Penicillium wollemiicola, Trichoderma thailandicum 등 5 종의 국내 미기록 진균을 재배사내 실내 공기, 버섯 파리, 버섯 배지재료 등에서 분리하였다. 이들 진균은 PDA 배양하여 생장시키면서 형태적 특성 조사하고 26S rDNA, 28S rDNA, β-TUB 유전자, TEF 유전자 등을 PCR 기술로 증폭하고 그 염기서열 분석을 수행하여 동정하였다. 본 논문에서는 이들의 분류학적 위치와 위해성에 대해 보고하고자 한다.
        2019.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Asthma is a chronic diseases that restricts the air passage ways and which is thought to be caused by several factors such as genetics, obesity, mVOC, air pollution, allergens, and fungi. Domestic information on fungi in the indoor air in the houses of asthma patients in the spring and fall is rarely available. Thus, this study was carried out to investigate fungal concentration and diversity. Air samples were collected from the houses of 6 asthma patient in April and October of 2017 located in Seoul and Gyeonggi Provinces using an impaction method. The average concentrations of suspended fungi in the indoor air at the houses of adult asthma patient in October exceeded the 500 CFU/m3 level recommended by the Enforcement Managements of the Indoor Air Quality Control Act. A total of 70 fungi were isolated and identified. Four genera and 11 species were from the April sampling and 10 genera and 27 species were from the October sampling. Among the identified fungi, five species, Arthrinium marii, Penicillium austrosinicum, Penicillium concavorugulosum, Penicillium exsudans and Penicillium johnkrugii were found to be unrecorded species in Korea. The known properties of all identified fungi and the morphological and molecular characteristics of the five unrecorded species were described.
        2019.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        본 연구는 표고 재배방식의 변화와 함께 톱밥재배가 증가됨에 따라 재배과정에서 발생 가능한 다양한 진균류를 분리, 동정하고 이들에 대한 다양성 분석하고자 시험을 수행하였다. 경남지역 5개 농가로부터 수집된 시료에서 405균주를 분리하고 이들에 ITS 염기서열 분석을 통해 24속 42종을 확인하였다. 분리된 진균들에 대한 동정결과 Penicillium 속이 11종, Trichoderma속 4종이 확인되어 높은 다양성을 보여주었다. T. harzianum 의 경우 5개 농가 에서 수집된 모든 시료에서 확인되었으며, Penicillium brevicompactum의 경우 3개 농가에 확인되었다. 2개 농가 에서 확인되어진 Scytalidium cuboideum의 경우 표고 톱밥배지 조기부후 및 버섯 발생 저해 등의 피해증상이 확 인됨에 따라 주의가 필요할 것으로 사료되었다. 또한 표고 톱밥재배의 경우 다양한 진균류이 존재가능하기 때문에 재배사 내부의 환경관리 및 예방이 필요할 것으로 판단되었다.
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