
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 48

        2013.05 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        강원지방에 분포한 중세성곽의 현황과 현재까지 고고학적 조사가 진행된 성곽을 중심으로 문헌기록과 연결하여 강원지방 성곽의 특징을 분석하는데 이 글의 목적이있다. 본고에서 다루는 성곽들은 중세에 신축되거나 수·개축된 성곽을 중심으로 하였으며, 정밀지표조사보고서나 발굴조사가 진행되어 보고서 등이 발간된 성곽을 중심으로 그 현황을 살펴보고자 한다. 강원지방은 태백산맥이라는 자연적 경계로 영동지역과 영서지역으로 나눠 볼 수 있다. 단순비교이나 면적상으로 영동지역이 영서지역보다 작은 편이다. 그러나 성곽의 분포수에 있어서는 거의 비등하다. 다시 말해 이는 고려시대 동계로 편입되었던 영동지역은 군사적 목적이 강하고 그에 따라 성곽의 밀집도가 높은 지역임을 알 수 있다. 영동지역은 현재까지 진행된 발굴조사나『高麗史』등과 같은 기록으로 볼 때 고려시대 초기부터 해안으로부터의 이민족 침입이 자주 일어났다. 그에 따라 해안성들이 축조되고, 해안성이나 주변 성곽을 통제할 수 있는 거점의 역할을 수행하는 읍성들이 축조된다. 그러나 시간이 흐르면서 육지를 통해 몽고의 침입이 있었고, 해안을 통해 왜의 침입이 증가함에 따라 험악한 산중에 입보용산성이 축성되는 것으로 판단된다. 이것은 전쟁양상과도 관련이 있으며, 점령이 아닌 약탈의 의미가 큰 것으로 생각된다. 영서지역은 문헌이나 고고학적 조사를 통해 아직까지 읍성이나 평지성, 평산성이 조사된 사례가 없다. 현재까지 조사된 것으로 보아 통일신라시대 운영되던 테뫼식산성을 수축하여 사용하고 몽고의 침입과 더불어 영동지역과 마찬가지로 주변에 대규모의 포곡식산성을 축성하는 것으로 여겨진다. 이상에서 중세 강원지방 성곽의 시기적 변천을 간략하게 살펴보았다. 그러나 성곽의 정확한 성격을 파악하기 위해서 발굴조사가 필요하지만 아직까지 발굴조사가 이뤄진 성곽은 많지 않다. 또한 정밀지표조사가 실시되어 70여개소에 달하는 중세성곽에 대한 정확한 현황이 필요한 실정이다. 따라서 앞으로 더 많은 자료가 축적되고 더 많은 연구가 진행된다면 본고는 수정되고 보완되어야 할 것이다.
        2012.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        On the basis of the cookbooks and Data Base of the Korean Classics(http://db.itkc.or.kr/itkcdb/mainIndexIframe.jsp), this paper analyzed the fermented soybean listed in the general documents of the Chosun Dynasty(1392~1897) and the Goryeo Dynasty(918~1392). In the Goryeo Dynasty, there are 15 kinds of Jang(soybean paste or solution), among which are Jang (soybean paste fermented by mold)(6 documents), Yeomgjang, Yeomshi(2), and Gaejang(1). However, the cookbook at that time is defunct. The Goryeo Court relieved the famine-stricken people by proving them with Jang. In the Chosun Dynasty, 111 kinds of Jang were listed in the general documents, and 153 kinds in cookbooks. There were 55 kinds of general Jang, such as Jang(204), Yeomjang(63), Chojang, Goojang(7), and Gaejang(6), are listed in the general documents, and in the cookbooks, there are 55 kinds of Jang, such as Sookwhangjang(9 cookbooks), Daemaekjang(8), Myeonjang(8), Saengwhangjang (8), and Yooinjang(8), and among them, 13 kinds belong to the Chinese origin. A total of 9 Kinds of Ganjang(soybean solution fermented by mold), such as Soojang(30), Cheongjang(23), Gamjang(8), and Ganjang(3) are found in the general documents. In the cookbooks, 12 kinds of Jang, as Cheongjang(10), Cheonrijang(4), Ganjang(3), and etc., are listed. There were 9 kinds of Gochoojang(red pepper-soybean paste), such as Chojang(12), Gochojang(3), and etc., are listed in the general documents, and 9 kinds as Gochojang(7), Manchojang(7), rapid Manchojang(4), and etc., are in the cookbooks. In addition, 16 Kinds of Yookjang(fermented soybean-meat paste) as Haejang(15), Hyejang(11), Yookjang(11), and etc., are found in the documents, and 22 kinds as Nanjang(9), Gejang(6), Yookjang(5), Shoigogijang(4), and etc., are in the cookbooks. Eighteen Kinds of Shi(soybean paste fermented by bacteria) as Yeomshi(40), Shi(35), Shijang(6), and etc., are recorded in the documents, and 19 kinds as Jeonkookjang(6), Shi(4), Sooshijang(4), and etc., are in the cookbooks, and among them 11 kinds belong to the Chinese origin. Six kinds of Jipjang(aqueous soybean paste) as Jipjang(7), Uoopjang(4), Pojang (2), Jangzoop(2) are recorded in the documents, and 15 kinds as Jipjang(9), Zoopjeo(7), and Hajeoljipjang(5) are in the cookbooks. Soybean paste, or solution for relieving hunger is not recorded in the documents. However, the Chosun court, for the purpose of relieving famine-stricken people, used general Jang. Such 21 Jang to relieve the famine-stricken people as Pojang(7), rapid Jang(6), and Sasamgilgyeongjang(4) are listed in the cookbook. Geonjang(dried soybean paste), Nanjang (egg-soybean paste), Doojang(soybean paste), Maljang(random soybean paste), Myeonjang(wheate-soybean paste), Sodoojang (red bean-soybean paste), Yookjang(soybean-meat paste) and Jang(soybean paste) are recorded in the documents, as well as in the cookbooks. Chinese-original Jang and Shi are recorded in the cookbooks, with no list in the general documents. Therefore, it seems that it didn't pass down to the general public.
        2012.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        본 연구는 한국무용사에 있어 고대와 근대 사이를 잇는 고려시대 원구(圓丘)제천의례를 연구 대상으로 삼아 의례에 연희되는 춤을 고찰 하고자 한다. 성종 2년 처음으로 시행된 원구제천의례는 제천(祭天)·기곡(祈穀)·우사(雨祀)의 성격을 지닌 농경제의로 고려의 가장 중요한 국가제사 중 하나이다. 정규적으로 1년에 2회 정도 정월과 맹하 (孟夏)에 거행되었으며 한발(旱魃)과 같은 특수한 경우에는 임시로 제사를 지내기도 하였다. 이후 선종 때 다시 예제를 정비하면서 송의 예제와 함께 춤과 음악 등이 수용되었다. 원구제의 제례 진행시 추는 춤이 일무(佾舞)이다. 일무는 아악의 대표적인 무악이다. 고려에서 는 6열 6행으로 구성된 36인의 육일무로 문무는 약(籥)과 적(翟)을 들고, 무무는 간(干: 방패)과 과 (戈: 창)를 들고 춤을 추었다. 이후 의종 대에는 36인이 추는 육일무에서 48인이 추는 육일무로 변경되면서 문무를 인솔하는 무원(引文舞)의 무구(舞具)가 바뀌었다. 36인으로 구성된 육일무의 무구가 간(干)과 과(戈)라면 48인으로 구성된 육일무의 무구는 간(干)과 척(戚)으로 창을 대신하여 도끼(칼)를 들고 춤을 추었다. 일무에 사용되는 음악이 대성악(아악)과 우리의 전통궁중음악인 속 악(향악)이다. 일무에 사용되는 대성악은 송의 궁가를 헌가로 축소 편성한 아악이며 속악은 원래 송의 대성악이 수용되기 전 궁중의 제례악으로 사용되었다가 함께 교주하였다. 또한 일무는 회빈문 외곽에 설치된 원구단(圓丘壇)에서 연희되었다. 고려의 원구단은 중국의 제도를 수용한 것으로 크기는 중국보다 1/6정도이며 층수도 중국은 4단인 반면 고려는 1단으로 되어있다. 이는 일무의 무원(舞員)수와 악기편성에 있어 송과 고려가 차이 있는 것과 관계있을 것 으로 추정된다. 이와 같이 고려의 원구제가 중국의 예제를 수용하였으나 선택적으로 재편하여 사용하였으며 의례와 함께 연희되는 춤 또한 국가의 규모에 맞게 구성하여 진행하였음을 알 수 있다. 또한 원 구제의 춤(일무)이 유교 외에도 우리 고유의 전통이 혼용된 것으로 자주성과 독립성을 지니고 있 음을 알 수 있다.
        2011.02 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Rice alcoholic beverages, cheongju and beopju, which are recorded in "Koryodokyung", "Koryosageolyo", and "Koryosa", were used in national and royal ceremonies, and yakju was used in the Palgwanhoi ritual. In the late 11thcentury, King Munjong imported hwaju and haenginjabeopju from the royal family of the Song Dynasty. Alcoholic beverages in the early 12thcentury included the medical use for kings, such as gyehyangeoju, which the Emperor of the Song Dynasty sent to King Yejong, baekjainju, which was sent to King Myeongjong for his health, and yangju, which is goat milk fermented alcohol from the nomads in the northern regions. In the early13th century there was also dongrak, which is a horse-milk fermented alcohol, grape wine sent from Yuan to King Chungryeol in the late 13th century, and sangjonju, a type of special cheongju sent from Yuan in the early 14th century. Baekju from Yuan was recorded in oral traditions, which suggests that soju, which is distilled cheongju, was consumed in the late 14th century. Gold and silver wares for alcoholic beverages had important political, social, and economic meanings as national gifts to other countries and internally as the king's royal gift to his subjects. In the late 14th century, soju was prohibited, and the use of gold and silver wares for alcoholic beverages was banned at the same time. This study examined the historical characteristics of the use of traditional rice alcoholic beverages, the emotional preference for foreign alcoholic beverages, and the gold and silver wares used for alcoholic beverages Koryo Dynasty.
        2009.11 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        2009.11 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        2009.11 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        2009.04 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The present study examined the import routes of distilled rice liquor soju and how soju developed among the royal family and the upper classes using celadon inscribed with poetry related to alcohol beverages in the 12th century, Maebyeong style vases inscribed with government office name in charge of alcohol beverages of the royal family in the 14th century during the Koryo Dynasty. Distilled rice liquor was imported from the southwestern region to Koryo by Arabian merchants through direct and indirect routes in the Yuen Dynasty during the age of King Chungsuk and King Chunghye in around the 14th century. As soju was added to existing takju and cheongju, the three major types of alcohol beverages were completed during the late Koryo Dynasty. Celadon pitcher inscribed with poetry shows the delicate sentimentalism, aristocratic prosperity, and poetic sentiment. In particular, it is valuable in that it reflects Koryo people's mind, view of nature, and attitude toward alcohol beverages, and their inner world was also described with celadon patterns. Maebyeong style vases Yangonseo, Saonseo, Deokcheongo, Euiseonggo and Saseonseo, which are real celadon antiques inscribed with government office name, were used for rice liquor preservation. In particular, Maebyeong style vase 〈Euljimyeong Saonseo, 1345〉 has the exact year of creation, so it is a historically important celadon in research not only on alcohol food culture but also on art history. This shows that alcohol beverages were important foods that there were controlled and stored in celadon by the government offices for the royal family's related alcohol ceremonies. Through celadon inscribed with poetry and government office name displaying Koryo people's unique imagination and cultural consciousness, we can read their mind and lifestyle based on historical and social alcohol food culture in the Koryo Dynasty.
        2007.04 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Studies and reports on buddhist temples in Goryeo dynasty are rarely in the present situation. At this point of time new excavational reports and historic records offer many materials to understand a architecture in Goryeo period. Especially, temple site have various transitions, it is of great value to study. This article attempted a restorative study of a location, function, spacial arrangement, structure, building age is based on a measure and transition of temple layout that is based on the excavational result and related historic documents about Godal temple site in Yeoju. Godal temple site was a representative Zen buddhist temple in Goryeo Dynasty. It was difficult of access by watercourse because it was located in an inland in the upper Han River. Archaeological research and historical records has reveals that the temple was constructed with a minium of four levels[six terms]. We could recognized the central site of temple and buildings were constantly established, enovated or collapsed. It has went through many transition according as it encountered new sects and doctrines. Also it should perform various functions and overcome given conditions. Ultimately it let see greater diversity in the spacial composition, and layout. That is to say it were planed several separate areas, each was consisted of main buildings, once again was integrated into one temple.
        2006.08 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The architectural characteristics and historical positioning which the historical architecture will be understood better through collecting results from researches which was done on various points of views and positions. Therefore, a study on the layout of the main palace of Goryeo Dynasty also becomes a prerequisite for understanding the architectural characteristics and historical positioning which it possesses. However, the reality is that as the results from the excavation and preceding researches were not integrated together, the understanding of the layout of main palace is remaining on a partial and conceptual level. Therefore, this paper attempted to review in overall the restoration of the layout of the main palace of Goryeo Dynasty using historical documents, precedent researches, excavation maps, topographical map and cadastral maps. Consequently, it was possible to confirm the name of some of the ruins and restore the location and layout of other buildings. The result of this research presented above, will become a basis for understanding the layout of the main palace of Goryeo Dynasty in more realistic and way. Furthermore, it could be used as a fundamental data for related researches.
        2004.08 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The Korean tea culture appeared in a variety of ceremonies of the royal household. It was a method of religion for scholars and Buddhist monks, and sometimes it also was a refinement, too. in addition, it played an important role as a household medicine for the common people. As mentioned above, the Korean tea culture has a deep-rooted effect on the Korean traditional culture from the spiritual aspect, art, learning, to the practical life. Recently the tea culture has been rapidly coming into vogue. So the tea culture has been recognised not only to be an index of the cultural level, but also to be an important cultural phenomenon. Besides, It came to be a major role as a reception method by which we can communicate with quests from ail over the world. Because preferred tea was different according to the times and to the regions, tea utensils have been changed along with the tea culture. The present Korean tea culture has a tendency to go to the somewhat different way from the traditional one. This study has the purpose to let us apprehend the Korean traditional culture and hold the national pride. In addition, the value of the Tea should be assessed more properly, and our own Tea that is unique, simple, and natural, should be settled in the our culture.
        1999.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        We arranged ancient Korean calendar during Koryo dynasty (A.D. 918-1392) according to Julian calendar. We used two representative history books, Koryo-sa (高麗史) and Koryo-sa Jeolyo (高麗史節要), which contain thea stronomical and the historical records chronologically. We found all 19,727 ganji dates(日辰) and 102 misrecoreded ganji dates in two books. Most of the data are arranged based on those two books, and doubtful data are identified using the eclipse, historical events and lunar phase calculations etc. Although Korea, China, and Japan were using basically the same calendar since ancient times, their calendars show some significant disagreement. We found that arranged chronological tables during Koryo dynasty were, in some cases, different from those of China and Japan.
        1998.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        We have analyzed the sunspot and aurora data recorded in Go-Ryer-Sa. We have collected 35 records of sunspot observations for 46 days, and 232 records of auroral observations. To objectively estimate the periods of the solar activity appearing in these records a method of calculating the one-dimensional power spectrum from inhomogeneous data is developed, and applied to the sunspot and auroral data. We have found statistically significant 10.5 and 10 year periodicities in the distributions of sunspot and aurora records, respectively. These periods are consistent with the well-known solar activity cycle. There are indications of the long-term variations, but the period is not certain. We have also calculated the cross-correlations between the sunspot and auroral data. In particular, we have divided the aurora data into several subgroups to study their nature. We conclude that the historical records of strong auroral activity correspond to non-recurrent magnetic storms related to the sunspots. On the other hand, the records of weak auroral activity are thought to be related with the recurrent magnetic storms which occur frequently due to the coronal hole near the sunspot minimum.
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