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        검색결과 112

        2024.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        태풍은 지구 시스템 내의 해양-대기-육상 상호작용을 일으키는 매우 중요한 현상으로 특히 태풍의 특성 인자 중 하나인 풍속은 중심 기압, 이동 경로, 해수면 온도 등의 매개변수에 의해 복잡하게 변화하여 실제 관측 자료를 기반으 로 이해하는 것이 중요하다. 2015 개정 교육과정 기반 중등학교 교과서에서 태풍 풍속은 본문 내용 및 삽화의 형태로 제시되고 있어 풍속에 대한 심층적 이해가 가능한 탐구활동이 무엇보다 필요한 실정이다. 본 연구에서는 교수-학습 과 정에서 간단한 조작만으로도 태풍의 풍속을 이해할 수 있도록 그래픽 사용자 인터페이스(GUI)를 기반으로 한 데이터 시각화 프로그램을 개발하였다. 2023년 발생한 태풍 마와르, 구촐, 볼라벤의 천리안 위성 2 A호 RGB (Red-Green-Blue) 영상 자료를 입력 자료로 활용하였다. 태풍 주변의 구름 이동 좌표를 입력하여 태풍의 풍속을 산출하고 태풍 중심 기 압, 폭풍 반경, 최대 풍속 등의 매개 변수를 입력하여 태풍 풍속 분포를 시각화 할 수 있도록 설계하였다. 본 연구에서 개발된 GUI 기반 프로그램은 천리안 위성 2 A호로 관측 가능한 태풍에 대해 오류 없이 적용 가능하며 교과서의 시공 간적 한계를 벗어난 실제 관측 자료 기반의 과학탐구활동이 가능하다. 학생과 교사는 별도의 유료 프로그램 및 전문적 인 코딩 지식이 없어도 실제 관측 자료를 수집, 처리, 분석, 시각화하는 과정을 경험할 수 있으며, 이를 통해 미래 정보 화 사회에서의 필수 역량인 디지털 소양을 함양시킬 수 있을 것으로 기대된다.
        2024.02 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The secondary growth model for Salmonella was developed based on the artificial neural network (ANN) with data collected from ComBase and FoodData Central. In addition to the existing secondary model variables (temperature, pH, Na+, and water contents), more input variables (sugar, carbohydrate, lipid, and protein contents) were considered. The output variables were microbial growth parameters (lag phase duration [l] and maximum growth rate [mmax]). A commercial ANN program (NeuralWorks Predict) was utilized with training at 80%, validation at 10%, and test data at 10%. ANN models were created using all data and cleansed data. Using the cleansed data, the training/testing root mean square error (RMSE) for mmax improved from 0.14/0.16 to 0.11/0.14, whereas the RMSE for l was still not acceptable, from 11.94/33.03 to 7.09/4.18. The l data were divided into two ranges with high and low goodness of fit, whereas the ANN model for each field was built, resulting in an optimally low RMSE.
        2023.11 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Heavy water primary system decontamination technology is essential to reduce worker exposure and improve safety during maintenance and decommissioning of nuclear facilities. Advanced decontamination technology development aims to secure controlled decontamination technologies that can reduce the cost of radiation exposure and dramatically reduce the amount of secondary waste generated when decontaminating large equipment and large-area facilities. We conducted a study to identify candidate corrosion inhibitors through the literature and analyze the degree of corrosion of carbon steel samples. Countries with advanced nuclear technology have developed chemical decontamination technology for the entire nuclear power generation system and applied it to the dismantling and maintenance of nuclear power plants. In the decontamination process, the corrosion oxide film must be removed. If the base metal is corroded by the decontaminant in this process, additional secondary waste is generated and treatment costs increase. Therefore, it is necessary to develop a corrosion inhibitor that inhibits the corrosion of the carbon steel base metal in the decontamination process to generate a secondary waste liquid that is favorable for waste reduction and treatment. In this presentation, a study was conducted to analyze the extent of corrosion on a carbon steel base material and identify candidate materials for corrosion inhibition testing. Samples were analyzed using optical microscopy and EPMA analysis to determine the thickness of the corroded oxide film. EPMA analysis also allowed us to map the elemental distribution of the carbon steel corrosion layer, which we plan to quantify in the future. The candidate materials for organic-based corrosion inhibitor were also selected based on their inhibition mechanism; having high electronegative elements for coordinate covalent bonding at metal surface and hydrophobic nonpolar group for preventing access of corrosive substances.The selection of candidate materials for corrosion inhibition testing was based on the mechanism of the corrosion inhibitor. Organic-based corrosion inhibitors are adsorbed by donor-acceptor interactions between metal surfaces and highly electronegative elements. Corrosion can also be inhibited by arranging hydrophobic nonpolar groups on metal surfaces in the solution direction to prevent access of corrosive substances.
        2023.11 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Kori Unit 1 nuclear power plant is a pressurized water reactor type with an output of 587 Mwe, which was permanently shut down on June 18, 2017. Currently, the final decommissioning plan (FDP) has been submitted and review is in progress. Once the FDP is approved, it is expected that dismantling will begin with the secondary system, and dismantling work on the primary system of Kori Unit 1 will begin after the spent nuclear fuel is taken out. It is expected that the space where the secondary system has been dismantled can be used as a temporary storage place, and the entire dismantling schedule is expected to proceed without delay. The main equipment of the secondary system is large and heavy. The rotating parts is connected to a single axis with a length of about 40 meters, and is complexly installed over three floors, making accessibility very difficult. A large pipe several kilometers long that supplies various fluids to the secondary system is installed hanging from the ceiling using a hanger between the main devices, and the outer diameter of the pipe is wrapped with insulation material to keep warm. In nuclear secondary system decommissioning, it is very important to check for radiation contamination, establish and implement countermeasures, and predict and manage safety and environmental risks that may occur when cutting and dismantling large heavy objects. So we plan to evaluate the radiation contamination characteristics of the secondary system using ISOCS (In- Situ Object Counting System) to check for possible radioactive contamination. According to the characteristics results, decommissioning plans and methods for safe dismantling by workers were studied. In addition, we conducted research on how to safely dismantle the secondary system in terms of industrial safety, such as asbestos, cutting and handling of heavy materials and so on. This study proposes a safe decommissioning method for various risks that may occur when dismantling the secondary system of Kori Unit 1 nuclear power plant.
        2023.10 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study examines the characteristics of berries from secondary bearing shoots of ‘Scintilla’ southern highbush blueberry, grown hydroponically in the Jinju, Gimhae, and Uiryeong regions of Gyeongnam Province. Typically, ‘Scintilla’ forms flower buds at the tips of regular bearing shoots during the previous season, yielding berries in the current season. However, under heated cultivation, we observed a proliferation of secondary bearing shoots that produce berries in the same growing season. Flowering and harvesting on secondary bearing shoots were delayed by 52 and 36 days, respectively, compared to regular bearing shoots. However, these shoots exhibited a 54% increase in diameter and a 10% increase in length. We found no significant difference in berry size and soluble solid content between the two types of shoots. Notably, berries from the secondary bearing shoots had higher potassium and lower calcium and magnesium concentrations. We conclude that berries from secondary bearing shoots could be marketable, provided the bushes are healthy. These findings provide valuable insights for optimizing cultural practices to improve the yield and quality of blueberries under specific environmental conditions.
        2023.06 KCI 등재 SCOPUS 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This paper presents a case study of developing a blended reading program for Korean EFL middle school students using a process drama methodology to generate intrinsic motivation to read, improve reading comprehension and language fluency, and foster twenty-first-century skills such as creativity, communication, and cooperation. For the development of the reading program, a needs analysis was conducted using student questionnaires and diagnostic tests. From results of the needs analysis, sample lessons were designed based on the process drama methodology following its planning principles and strategies. Based on feedback from teachers and students after piloting the sample lessons, the blended reading program was finalized. The proposed blended reading program is expected to help Korean EFL middle school students build a positive attitude toward reading English books and develop reading comprehension, language fluency, and 21st-century core competencies. It will also encourage English teachers to use innovative teaching methods in English education.
        2023.05 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Laser cutting technology capable of remote cutting is being developed to reduce radiation exposure to workers and minimize secondary waste generation when dismantling highly polluted nuclear power plant facilities (reactors, pressurizers, steam generators, coolant pumps, etc.). Laser cutting proceeds in air or water, and at this time, secondary products containing radioactive materials are inevitably generated. In air cutting, dust and aerosol are generated, and in underwater cutting, aerosol, water vapor, dispersed particles (colloid, suspension), sediment (dross, sediment), and radioactive waste liquid are generated. Dispersed particles float in the form of fine particles in water, increasing the turbidity of water as cutting progresses, hindering work, and aerosols contain micrometer-sized particles together with water vapor, which can threaten the safety of workers. Particles dispersed in water and aerosol are within 10% of the mass ratio among secondary products, but the volume they occupy is very large, which can have a significant impact on the environment as well as a burden on treatment capacity. Various characterization methods are being developed to diagnose the generation mechanism and physical and chemical properties of laser cutting secondary products in real time and to secure technologies for collecting and removing dispersed particles and aerosols in water. This study introduces a real-time laser cutting secondary product characteristic evaluation method that can identify the key mechanisms of secondary product generation by analyzing the plasma formation process on laser cutting surface and behavior of aerosol, underwater dispersed particles produced by secondary products, as well as physical and chemical properties in real time with various measurement technologies such as Optical Emission Spectrometer (OES), Particle Size Analyzer (PSA), Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM), X-ray Diffraction (XRD), Energy-dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (EDX), Transmission electron microscopy (TEM) and Inductively Coupled Plasma Time-of-Flight Mass Spectrometry (ICP-TOF-MS).
        2023.05 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        In the Kori-1 radioactive waste storage, the concentrated waste and spent resin drums generated in the past are repacked and stored in large concrete drums. In order to dispose of radioactive waste generated before the establishment of the waste acceptance criteria, it is necessary to develop a large concrete drum treatment and waste treatment process to evaluate disposal suitability and secure technology that meets the latest technical standards. In addition, for worker safety and waste reduction, it is important to develop secondary waste treatment technology generated during waste treatment. In this study, the types and characteristics of secondary wastes that can be generated when large concrete drums are decommissioned were investigated. In addition, considering the characteristics of possible secondary wastes, suitable treatment methods and characteristic evaluations were analyzed. We plan to develop an optimal process for secondary waste treatment in consideration of on-site work space, economic feasibility, and safety.
        2023.04 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study deals with improvement plans and application results to improve the safety of secondary batteries and chargers applied to Tactical Multi-band Multi-role Radio(TMMR), a new military communication equipment. Due to the nature of the portable weapon system, the terminal structure and manufacturing process of the battery and charger were improved to strengthen resistance to vibration and shock generated during movement, and the battery structure was partially changed to secure resistance to mechanical shock generated when the charger was coupled. In addition, retrospective application was completed for all secondary batteries and chargers previously delivered for TMMR, helping the Korean military to operate next-generation radios in a safer environment.
        2021.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Sarcomatous transformation of fibrous dysplasia (FD) is rare and can occur in patients with McCune-Albright syndrome (MAS). To date, there have been several cases of malignant transformation of FD in the craniofacial area of patients with MAS. Here, we report an additional case of secondary osteosarcoma arising from FD in the mandible of a 41-year-old woman with MAS. The patient complained of rapid swelling in the right facial area, which was initially misdiagnosed as soft tissue sarcoma at another hospital. After neoadjuvant concurrent chemoradiotherapy resulting in poor response, the lesion was surgically resected in our hospital, and the final diagnosis of secondary osteosarcoma was rendered. Currently, post-operative adjuvant chemotherapy is in progress. As a result of our review of 17 reported cases showing malignant transformation in FD/MAS, the M/F ratio was 1:1.1, and the median age at onset of malignancy was 28.6 years. The most commonly affected site was the craniofacial bones (n=13; 76%), and the most common histopathologic type of malignancy was osteosarcoma (n=14; 82%). More than half of the patients (8/15; 53.3%) died within 1 year, mainly due to lung metastasis (6/8; 75%). Taken together, since MAS patients with malignant transformation of FD have a relatively poor prognosis, accurate diagnosis based on histopathologic findings as well as clinical and radiographic information is important to select optimal treatment.
        2021.10 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The strengthening of environmental regulations has raised interest in alternative energy and electric car. Secondary batteries are such energy storage device, and in this study, a secondary batteries production equipment parts will be manufactured. To this end, molds were designed and manufactured using numerical analysis. The reliability of analysis is to be confirmed through tensile tests and X-ray tests of products cast with manufactured molds. As the results of the casting method design parts was obtained as the average ultimate tensile strength of 178.23N/mm2, 173.85N/mm2 was recorded and good test results were achieved. It is considered that aluminum alloy research and heat treatment technology development should be carried out in the future.
        2021.08 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The aim of this study was to analyze the semantic network structure of keywords and the visual composition of images extracted from Instagram in relation to the multipersona phenomenon with in fashion imagery, which has recently been attracting attention. To this end, the concept of a ‘secondary character’, which forms a separate identity from a ‘main character’ on various social media platforms as well as on the airwaves, was considered as the spread of multi-persona and #SecondaryCharacter on Instagram was investigated. 3,801 keywords were collected after crawling the data using Python and morphological analysis was undertaken using KoNLP. The semantic network structure was then examined by conducting a CONCOR analysis using UCINET and Netdraw to determine the top 50 keywords. The results were then classified into a total of 6 clusters. In accordance with the meaning and context of the keywords included in each cluster, group names were assigned : virtual characters, relationship with the main character, hobbies, daily record, N-job person, media and marketing. Image analysis considered the technical, compositional, and social styles of the media based on Gillian Rose’s visual analysis method. The results determined that Instagram uses fashion images that virtualize one's face to produce multi-persona representation s that show various occupations, describe different types of hobbies, and depict situations pertaining to various social roles.
        2021.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        엘니뇨는 전지구적인 규모로 기후 변화를 유발하는 대표적인 해양-대기 상호작용 현상으로서 지구과학 분야에서 매우 중요한 교수-학습 소재로 사용되고 있다. 본 논고에서는 적도 해류계의 분포 특징 및 발생 역학에 관해 정리하였으며, 엘니뇨 시기의 적도 해류계 변동과 관련 오개념에 관해 조사하였다. 엘니뇨 시기에는 북적도해류, 남적도해류, 적도잠류들이 유의미하게 약화된다. 그러나 북적도반류는 중심축을 중심으로 남쪽 성분은 강화되고 북쪽 성분은 약화되면서 적도 쪽으로 남하하기 때문에 엘니뇨 시기의 북적도반류의 변동에 대해서는 일반화할 수 없다. 또한 서태평양에서는 북적도반류의 남하 폭이 커져 결과적으로 적도 서태평양에서는 동향류가 관측된다. 일부 대중 매체를 통한 과학 기사, 중등학교 평가 문항 뿐만 아니라 현직 교사들을 대상으로 한 설문 조사 결과 분석을 통해 엘니뇨 시기의 적도 해류계의 변동에 관한 개념이 통일되지 않았음을 확인하였다. 이는 기존에 사용되고 있는 엘니뇨 모식도의 부정확한 해석과 적도 해류 및 파동 역학에 관한 이해 부족과 연관된다고 유추할 수 있다.
        2021.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        PURPOSES : This study focuses on advance traffic information to prevent secondary traffic accidents on express highways. The purpose of this study is to analysis the optimal scenario by evaluating the effect of each advance traffic information scenarios using virtual driving simulation. METHODS : By designing traffic information scenarios and services with a combination of VMS and mobile PUSH notifications, driver behavior in the event of a traffic accident was analyzed. For this, a simulation environment was designed through engineering analysis. Through virtual driving simulation, the driver's deceleration point and the perception-reaction time are analyzed. RESULTS : Four scenarios were designed and reviewed so that VMS and mobile PUSH notification can be provided simultaneously after the driver drove for 5 km. As a result of driving with 30 drivers, the drivers reacted fastest when VMS was installed, followed by mobile PUSH notification, VMS+mobile PUSH notification, and NOTHING. CONCLUSIONS : When designing traffic information service, it was observed that providing information through VMS alone is more efficient than providing two services of traffic information. Therefore, it can be used as basic data for preventing secondary accidents on express highway.
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