
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 20

        2024.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        2019년부터 2023년까지 제주도와 전라남도에서 재배되는 바나나(banana, Musa acuminate × balbisiana)와 커피(coffee, Coffea arabica)에 발생하여 피해를 주는 해충을 조사하였다. 바나나에서 발생한 해충은 총 7종이 조사되었다. 차응애(Tetranychus kanzawai)는 대부분의 바나나 과 원에서 발견되었고, 매년 잎에서 고밀도로 발생하여 피해를 주었다. 귤가루깍지벌레(Planococcus citri), 담배거세미나방(Spodoptera litura), 차애모 무늬잎말이나방(Adoxophyes honmai) 순으로 돌발적으로 발생하여 주로 잎을 가해하였다. 과실을 가해하는 해충은 없었으나, 2022년도 제주도에 서 바나나 과실 표면에 흰색 실무늬나 녹슨 색으로 변색되는 피해를 유발하는 고사리그물총채벌레(Helionothrips femoralis)가 처음 발견되었고, 2023년에 전라남도 완도와 해남에 소재한 바나나 농가에서도 이 해충이 발생하는 것이 확인되었다. 커피에 발생한 해충은 총 5종이 조사되었다. 이중 탱자소리진딧물(Toxoptera aurantii), 귤가루깍지벌레, 차애모무늬잎말이나방순으로 매년 다량 발생하여 피해를 주었다. 전라남도 소재 농가 에서는 달팽이종류인 두줄민달팽이(Limax marginatus)가 일부 잎과 과실에 피해를 주기도 하였고, 미국선녀벌레(Metcalfa pruinosa)가 일부 나무 에서 발생하기도 하였다.
        2022.10 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The aim and originality of our current study are to use the original biomass (activated carbon) obtained by functionalizing waste banana peels (commonly found in Turkey) with acid in NaBH4 methanolysis and to examine its contribution to the hydrogen generation rate (HGR). Our study consisted of three stages. In the first stage, the optimum conditions were determined by examining the catalyst under parameters such as different acid types, different carbonization temperatures, and different carbonization times. Thus, based on the maximum HGR value, the optimum conditions were determined as H3PO4, 600 °C, and 40 min. In the second step, the effects of parameters such as acid concentration, NaBH4 concentration, catalyst amount, and temperature on HGR were investigated. As a result of methanolysis experiments (condition: catalyst amount: 100 mg, acid amount: 30%, NaBH4 concentration: 2.5%, temperature: 30 °C, carbonization temperature: 400 °C, and carbonization time: 40 min.), the maximum HGR value, the reaction completion time and activation energy were found as 65,625 mLmin− 1gcat−1, 0.233 min, and 4.56 kJ/mol, respectively. It was observed that the obtained activation energy was lower than that of some catalysts available in the literature. In addition, the structural and morphological examination of the banana peel (catalyst) with high HGR and low activation energy revealed that the acid functionalization process was successfully carried out.
        2022.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        To assist farmers in shifting from subsistence to commercial agriculture, the government of Laos has promoted farmer organizations throughout the country. The farmer production groups have gradually transformed and emerged into strong cooperatives or associations. The purpose of this study was to examine the factors affecting farmers’ participation in FPGs. Data were collected from primary and secondary sources. A total of 140 respondents participated in a field survey in three kumb ban (village groups) in the Xepon District. Descriptive statistics and binary logistics regression models were used to analyze the data. The results show that the education level of household head, farmland size, access to credit, and perceived trust for farmer production group membership are significantly different from those who are non-members of the groups. However, non-members of FPGs face more constrain in accessing the market, as compared to the members of FPGs. The empirical results from the Binary Logit Model indicate that education level of headed household, farmland size, access to credit, perceived trust, and constraint to market are factors that significantly determine farmers’ participation in FPGs. This study contributes to the empirical literature by providing a better understanding of farmer participation in the groups. The government of Laos should consider and promote access to credit, farmer learning, and market integration to improve farmers' participation in FPGs.
        2021.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Four types of metal oxide semiconductor gas sensor arrays were used to observe the aroma and spoilage odor emitted during the ripening process of plum & banana fruits. All gas sensors showed a high correlation (R=0.82~0.90) with the olfactory. The TGS 2603 sensor showed a high correlation of 0.90 between the odor generated and sensory perception of smell in the process of ripening and decaying fruits. In addition, it showed a very high correlation of 0.91 with the decay rate of the plum sample, and the significance probability through one-way ANOVA was also less than 0.05, which confirmed it as an optimal gas sensor (TGS 2603). Principal component analysis was performed using all the data. The cumulative variability was 99.54%, which could be explained only by two principal components, and the first principal component was 95.11%, which was related to the freshness of the fruit. It was analyzed as fresh fruit in the negative(-) direction and decayed fruit in the positive(+) direction.
        2021.08 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The discharge of dye-containing industrial effluents such as methylene blue (MB) in water bodies has resulted in severe aquatic and human life problems. In addition to this factor, there is the accumulation of banana peel wastes, which can generate ecological damage. Thus, this research purpose a different method from the literature using the banana peel waste (BP) to produce activated carbon (ACBP) by NaOH activation followed by pyrolysis at 400 °C to remove methylene blue (MB). The material was characterized by TGA, XRD, SEM, BET, and FTIR. The influence of dye concentration (10, 25, 50, 100, 250, and 500 mg L−1) was investigated. ACBP presented a well-developed pore structure with a predominance of mesopores and macropores. This morphological structure directly influences the MB removal capacity. The highest efficiency for dye removal was in the MB initial concentration of 25 mg L−1, sorbent of 0.03 g, and contact time of 60 min, which were 99.8%. The adsorption isotherms were well defined by Langmuir, Freundlich, and Temkin isotherm models. The Langmuir model represented the best fit of experimental data for ACBP with a maximum adsorption capacity of 232.5 mg g−1. This adsorbent showed a comparatively high performance to some previous works. So, the banana peel waste is an efficient resource for producing activated carbon and the adsorption of methylene blue.
        2017.12 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Introduction: To analyze the impact of marketing losses on efficiency in transacting banana in Kurnool district of SRZ in Andhra Pradesh and to assess the opinions of the farmers on the constraints in transacting banana. Research back ground, Materials and Methods: The study relies exclusively on primary information obtained from the banana farmers of Kurnool District. Purposive sampling procedure was followed for the selection of the study area. Top two mandals in the district and top two villages in each mandal are selected in accordance with the area under cultivation of banana. Probability proportion to size was followed regarding the selection of sample farmers and accordingly 60 marginal, 37 small and 23 other farmers were selected and thereby, the total sample size was 120. Result and Discussion: Three marketing channels were identified in the marketing of banana in Kurnool district viz., Producer → Local-exporter → Wholesaler → Retailer → Consumer (Channel-I), Producer → Wholesaler → Cart-vendor → Consumer (Channel-II) and Producer → Juice-holder → Consumer (Channel-III). With the inclusion of marketing losses in the price spread analysis of banana in all the three channels, the marketing costs of all the intermediaries were increased and thereby, the farmer’s share in consumer’s rupee and Net Marketing Margins of the agencies are on the decline. So, without inclusion of marketing losses, the farmer’s share in consumer’s rupee and Net Marketing Margins of all the agencies are overvalued. The higher the marketing losses, the more is the negative impact on farmer’s net selling price, net marketing margins of the intermediaries and marketing efficiency. The sample farmers are facing major problems in marketing of banana like frequent price fluctuations, unorganized marketing and lack of transportation facilities on priority basis. Suggestions: It is suggested to educate the farmers regarding the optimum maturity index for harvest, use of mechanical harvesters, proper placement of fruits during storage and ripening, better packaging and cushioning technologies to absorb shocks during transportation, strengthening of storage facilities and transport facilities, encourage co-operative marketing etc., to promote marketing efficiency of banana in the study area.
        2016.06 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        India is largest producer of banana in the world producing 29.72 million tonnes from an area of 0.803 million ha with a productivity of 35.7 MT ha-1 and accounted for 15.48 and 27.01 per cent of the world’s area and production respectively (www.nhb.gov.in). In India, Tamil Nadu leads other states both in terms of area and production followed by Maharashtra, Gujarat and Andhra Pradesh. In Rayalaseema region of Andhra Pradesh, Kurnool district had special reputation in the cultivation of banana in an area of 5765 hectares with an annual production of 2.01 lakh tonnes in the year 2012-13 and hence, it was purposively chosen for the study. On 23rd November 2003, the Government of Andhra Pradesh has commenced a comprehensive project called ‘Andhra Pradesh Micro Irrigation Project (APMIP)’, first of its kind in the world so as to promote water use efficiency. APMIP is offering 100 per cent of subsidy in case of SC, ST and 90 per cent in case of other categories of farmers up to 5.0 acres of land. In case of acreage between 5-10 acres, 70 per cent subsidy and acreage above 10, 50 per cent of subsidy is given to the farmer beneficiaries. The sampling frame consists of Kurnool district, two mandals, four villages and 180 sample farmers comprising of 60 farmers each from Marginal (<1ha), Small (1-2ha) and Other (>2ha) categories. A well structured pre-tested schedule was employed to collect the requisite information pertaining to the performance of drip irrigation among the sample farmers and Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA) model was employed to analyze the performance of drip irrigation in banana farms. The performance of drip irrigation was assessed based on the parameters like: Land Development Works (LDW), Fertigation costs (FC), Volume of water supplied (VWS), Annual maintenance costs of drip irrigation (AMC), Economic Status of the farmer (ES), Crop Productivity (CP) etc. The first four parameters are considered as inputs and last two as outputs for DEA modelling purposes. The findings revealed that, the number of farms operating at CRS are more in number in other farms (46.66%) followed by marginal (45%) and small farms (28.33%). Similarly, regarding the number of farmers operating at VRS, the other farms are again more in number with 61.66 per cent followed by marginal (53.33%) and small farms (35%). With reference to scale efficiency, marginal farms dominate the scenario with 57 per cent followed by others (55%) and small farms (50%). At pooled level, 26.11 per cent of the farms are being operated at CRS with an average technical efficiency score of 0.6138 i.e., 47 out of 180 farms. Nearly 40 per cent of the farmers at pooled level are being operated at VRS with an average technical efficiency score of 0.7241. As regards to scale efficiency, nearly 52 per cent of the farmers (94 out of 180 farmers) at pooled level, either performed at the optimum scale or were close to the optimum scale (farms having scale efficiency values equal to or more than 0.90). Majority of the farms (39.44%) are operating at IRS and only 29 per cent of the farmers are operating at DRS. This signifies that, more resources should be provided to these farms operating at IRS and the same should be decreased towards the farms operating at DRS. Nearly 32 per cent of the farms are operating at CRS indicating efficient utilization of resources. Log linear regression model was used to analyze the major determinants of input use efficiency in banana farms. The input variables considered under DEA model were again considered as influential factors for the CRS obtained for the three categories of farmers. Volume of water supplied (X1) and fertigation cost (X2) are the major determinants of banana farms across all the farmer categories and even at pooled level. In view of their positive influence on the CRS, it is essential to strengthen modern irrigation infrastructure like drip irrigation and offer more fertilizer subsidies to the farmer to enhance the crop production on cost-effective basis in Kurnool district of Andhra Pradesh, India. This study further suggests that, the present era of Information Technology will help the irrigation management in the context of generating new techniques, extension, adoption and information. It will also guide the farmers in irrigation scheduling and quantifying the irrigation water requirements in accordance with the water availability in a particular season. So, it is high time for the Government of India to pay adequate attention towards the applications of ‘Information and Communication Technology (ICT) and its applications in irrigation water management’ for facilitating the deployment of Decision Supports Systems (DSSs) at various levels of planning and management of water resources in the country.
        2009.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        느타리버섯 재배에 있어서 부레옥잠과 바나나 잎, 줄기는 단독으로 배지재료로 쓰기는 어려운 것으로 나타났다. 면실피를 주재료로 하고 부레옥잠과 바나나 잎, 줄기를 첨가재료로 사용할 경우 부레옥잠을 20% 혼합하였을 때 115mm로 대조구와 같은 균사생장속도를 나타냈고 50%를 혼합하였을 때 103mm로 균사생장속도는 약간 느리지만 균사밀도가 높아 50%까지 대체 사용할 수 있음을 확인하였다. 바나나는 20%를 혼합하였을 때 106mm의 생장속도를 보였고 그 이상의 혼합비에서는 균사생장속도가 늦어지고 균사밀도가 약해졌다. 이는 부레옥잠에서는 주재료의 대체 비율이 20%이상 50%미만 이었고, 바나나 잎, 줄기에서는 20%미만 이었다. 부레옥잠과 바나나 잎, 줄기는 대체배지로 그 생산량이 많고 저가로 구입할 수 있기 때문에 앞으로 더 많은 연구와 실증재배를 해 볼 필요가 있다.
        2001.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Porous carbons have been prepared from different parts of banana stems using two different routes, viz., by pyrolysing the mass at different temperatures as well as by treating the dried mass with chemicals followed by pyrolysis. The pyrolysis behaviour of all these materials has been studied up to 1000℃. Samples treated with acids exhibit more increase in surface area as compared to those treated with alkalies or salts. Analysis of BET surface area shows that the carbon prepared at low temperature shows mixed porosity, i.e., micro and mesopores. Samples heated to high temperature above 700℃ show decrease in macroporosity and increase in microporosity. Liquid adsorption studies have been made using methylene blue and heavy oil. The activated carbons so prepared exhibit higher oil adsorption mainly in the macro and mesopores.
        1990.03 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        濟州遺 바나나 栽培하우스內에 發生한 蟲害種類 및 加害樣補을 1988年 8月初 9個農園에서 調査하였다. 그 結果 發見된 害蟲은 바나나바구미(Cosmopoiites sordidus (Germar)), 방아벌레 I種(Melanotus sp.), 담배거세미나방(Spodoptera litura (Fabricius)), 가루깍지 벌레(Pseudococcus comstocki (Kuwana)), 응애류 1種(Tetranychid sp.) 等 5種이었다. 바나나바구미는 幼蟲이 地下莖에 坑道를 뚫고 加害하여, 바나나헛줄기 밑부와 地下莖이 細菌複合感梁에 의해 썩게 만들었고 幼蟲 20마리 정도가 加害하면 식물체가 죽었다. 바나나바구미는 서귀포시 법환동, 강정동 -帶와 남제주군 남원읍에 發生하였고 '80年代初 일본, 필리핀, 스리랑카 等地에서 輸入한 바나나에 묻어 流入 되었을 것으로 추정된다. 기타의 害蟲은 國內에 分布하던 것이 하우스내로 이동하여 發生한 種들이었다.
        1989.12 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        대표적인 재료로서 바나나를 선정하여 건조방법과 조건에 따른 최적화에 사용할 수 있는 Ascorbic acid 저하속도와 비효소적 갈변속도에 대한 반응속도 예측 모델식을 결정하였다. Ascorbic acid 저하 속도와 비 효소적 갈변속도를 각각 1차반응, 0차반응으로, 두반응의 온도 의존성은 Arrhenius식으로 나타내어 SPSS Computer Program을 이용하여 실제 측정된 Ascorbic acid와 비효소적 갈변의 data에 가장 접근하도록 Parameter를 반복계산하여 찾았다. 얻어진 반응속도식에서의 Parameter값들은 R. SQUARE값이 평균 0.99이상이므로 살험치를 잘 예측하였으며 건조공정의 최적화에 이용될 수 있을 것으로 생각되어진다. Ascorbic acid 저하속도와 비효소적 갈변속도는 건조초기에 낮고 건조가 진행되어 수분함량의 감소와 함께 최대속도를 보이다가 서서히 감소하였다. 이때 동결건조의 경우가 가장 안정된 품질변화를 나타냈음을 알 수 있었다.
        2016.03 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        바나나잎의 기능성화장품 소재로써 응용 가능성을 규명하고자 바나나잎 추출물이 피부 미백에 미치는 효과를 B16F10 세포주를 활용하여 cell viability, mRNA 발현 및 tyrosinase (Tyr) 활성 저해 실험을 통하여 알아보았다. 10%의 바나나잎 추출물은 tyrosinase 활성을 저해하고, 멜라닌 합성을 65% 감소시키는 것을 확인 하였다. 정량적 real-time RT-PCR을 수행한 결과 바나나잎 추출물이 tyrosinase related protein 1 (TRP1) / tyrosinase related protein 2 (TRP2) / tyrosinase mRNA 발현을 각각 20 / 40 / 60% 가량 억제하는 효과를 확인하였다. 또한 바나나잎 추출물이 함유된 크림제형의 임상시험을 수행하여 자외선 조사 직후 바나나 잎 추출물이 함유된 크림의 육안평가 결과 유의한 미백효과가 있는 것을 확인하였다. 본 연구 결과는 바나나잎 추출물이 미백 기능성 화장품 소재 뿐 아니라 향후 기전 연구 수행을 통해 다양한 산업화 소재로 개발될 수 있음 을 시사한다.
        2013.08 KCI 등재 SCOPUS 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        This study was performed in order to compare the changes in fruit quality and antioxidant activity depending on the ripeness degree of the banana flesh and peel (unripe, ripe, and over ripe) when stored at room temperature for 6 days. The moisture contents showed differences such as the significantly lower maturity in the over ripe fruit peel and the moisture content increase in the fruit flesh during ripening. During the maturity stage, the L and b values decreased, while the a value increased. During ripening, the titratable acidity (TA) decreased, while the soluble solids contents (SS), sugar acid ratio (SS/TA), total sugar, and reducing sugar contents increased, respectively. Also during ripening, the glucose and the fructose contents increased considerably, thus resulting in the decrease of the sucrose content. In addition, this study revealed that the phenolic substance, which was part of the fruit skin, showed more favorable reaction to radical ability than the fruit flesh. Furthermore, the DPPH, ABTS radical scavenging ability, and reducing power showed better reaction for the fruit skin than for the fruit flesh, and there was a significant increase in the antioxidative activity as a result of the higher levels of phenolic substance. Therefore, maturity played an important role in changing the chemical composition and physiological activity of a banana. The unripe peels could be used as antioxidant ingredients and they could also enhance the biological activity in the utilization of by-products.
        1999.06 KCI 등재 SCOPUS 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        필리핀산 바나나를 온도(18, 21, )별로 5일간 후숙하고 13와 및 상온(13-2)에서 16일간 저장하며 품질 변화를 조사하였다. 후숙 직후 바나나의 색도와 당도는 18와 21 후숙이 4.2-5.2와 18.7-18.8이었고 후숙이 각각 5.5와 20.1를 나타냈다. 저장온도 및 후숙 방법에 따른 중량의 변화는 큰 차이 없이 저장 10일경에 약 1%로 증가하였으며, 당도는 20 내외에서 거의 변화가 없거나 약간 증가 후 감소하였으며, 색도
        1999.03 KCI 등재 SCOPUS 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        A three variables by three level factorial design and response surface methodology were used to determine optimum conditions for osmotic dehydration of banana. The moisture loss, solid gain, weight loss and reduction of moisture content after osmotic dehydration were increased as temperature, sugar concentration and immersion time increased. The effect of concentration was more significant than those of temperature and time on mass transfer. Color difference and titratable acidity were decreased by higher concentration. Sweetness was increased by increasing sugar concentration, temperature, immersion time during osmotic dehydration. The regression models showed a significant lack of fit (p>0.5) and were highly significant with satisfying values of R2. To optimize osmotic dehydration, based on surface response and contour plots, superimposing the individual contour plots for the response variables. the optimum conditions for this process wire 26, 44 brix and 2 hrs for moisture content, sweetness and color difference are less than 72%, 24 obrix and 10 degree.