서울 시내 유통점과 온라인 쇼핑몰에서 구입한 홍삼함 유식품 66건과 건강기능식품 홍삼제품 35건의 기능 성분 인 진세노사이드 함량을 비교·분석하였다. 홍삼함유식품 66건 중 전통시장에서 구입한 2건은 진세노사이드가 검출 되지 않았고 64건의 제품에서는 진세노사이드 함량에 대 한 기준은 없지만 일일 섭취량 기준 0.55-71.56 mg을 함 유하고 있었다. 건강기능식품의 홍삼제품은 진세노사이드 평균 함량이 분말형 제품을 제외하고 일일 섭취량 기준 18.23 mg으로 홍삼함유식품의 8.80 mg 보다 약 2배 정도 가 많았다. 홍삼과 흑삼 비교 시 진세노사이드 함량은 홍 삼 제품이 흑삼 제품보다 많거나 비슷하였으나 분말형 제 품의 경우 흑삼 제품이 2배 많았다. 제형별 진세노사이드 평균 함량은 일일섭취량 기준 농축액 21.95 mg으로 가장 많고 분말 형태 12.54 mg, 스틱형 7.36 mg, 파우치형이 4.10 mg 순이었다. 흑삼제품은 고기능성으로 알려져 있으 나 대부분 일반 식품으로 판매되고 있어 건강기능식품 수 준의 관리와 규제가 필요할 것으로 보이며 흑삼의 규격기 준 설정 이후에는 흑삼제품의 기능성분 함량 재평가가 필 요할 것으로 판단된다. 스틱형이나 농축액 제품의 경우 건강기능식품뿐만 아니라 일반식품인 액상차, 홍삼음료로도 널리 판매되고 있어 식품유형 표시를 명확히 해야 할 것 으로 보인다. 최근 면역력 향상을 위한 소비자의 관심 증 가로 다양한 건강기능식품의 수요가 늘어나고 있다. 따라 서 홍삼을 함유한 식품을 섭취 목적에 맞게 선택할 수 있 도록 정확한 함량정보 제공을 위해 다양한 제품에 대한 지속적인 품질평가가 필요하다.
This study aimed to provide an accurate estimate of sodium intake from jangajji by examining the changes in sodium content according to the type of jangajji and the length of storage period, specifically differentiating between the solid ingredients and the seasoning liquid. It focused on six types of jangajji: chili pepper, perilla leaf, onion, radish, garlic scape, and cucumber. The sodium content in the solid ingredients and the seasoning was measured using a salinometer and ICP-AES. The results indicated that across all types of jangajji, the seasoning liquid consistently contained significantly higher levels of sodium than the solid ingredients. When comparing the sodium content measured by ICP-AES with that from a salinometer, the salinometer readings were significantly lower for both the solid ingredients and the seasoning liquid in all types of jangajji. Additionally, when comparing the sodium content of the solid ingredients with that listed in the nation’s representative nutritional databases, a substantial discrepancy was noted, with some cases potentially overstating the actual sodium intake from jangajji. Overall, this study suggests that an urgent review should be conducted to identify and resolve the causes of such discrepancies and accurately estimate the actual sodium intake from jangajji.
Protein can be provided by cultivating various microbes, which contain more than 30% protein content by cell dry weight. This study compared intracellular protein concentrations of various wild-type yeasts from different sources to select the best yeast strain with high protein concentration. Among them, Saccharomyces cerevisiae KCCM 34709, used for molasses fermentation, exhibited 4.1-fold higher protein concentration than a laboratory yeast strain, S. cerevisiae D452-2. In this study, an approach consisting of random mutagenesis coupled with the Bradford protein assay-based screening method was applied to enhance the S. cerevisiae KCCM 34709 protein content. Among 1,000 mutants, the #180 mutant strain produced 5,041±519 mg/L total amino acid in 48 h, which was 31% higher than the parental S. cerevisiae KCCM 34709 strain. These results demonstrate that the #180 mutant strain can be an attractive cell factory for animal-free protein production.
The purpose of this study is to find out how effective native content can be and how much 1) the web site type (news vs. entertainment vs. social networking site) and 2) the native content appeal (emotional vs. informational) will influence reader’s evaluations about a) the ad/website where the ad is placed and b) reader’s persuasion knowledge. The study also included an individual’s ad skepticism as one of the independent variables, arguing that the level of ad skepticism will influence the evaluations about the ad/website and individual’s persuasion knowledge. The result of the study can be helpful for advertisers to decide where and how to present native content. An online experiment, 3 (website type: news site/entertainment site/Facebook) X 2 (native content appeal: emotional/informational) X 2 (individual’s ad skepticism: high/low) was conducted to estimate the effects of independent variables on dependent variables, such as attitude towards the ad, website’s evaluation and individual’s persuasion knowledge.
One of the newest ways of online advertising is ‘native ad’ or ‘native content.’ This new form of advertising provides companies the opportunity to introduce their products or services in a more natural way via online. Native ads normally match the design of other contents presented in the website and it should be perceived naturally as the rest of the content there (for example, in an online news site, the ad should be presented as news). Since native ads fit into the design of the site and people are there looking for stories to read, they provide higher rates of engagement as well as brand perception. However, there is a possibility of people feeling ‘deceived’ after realizing the story they click to read is no other but advertising. Furthermore, in the case of news websites, there have been instances of disapproval regarding native content. One of the arguments against native content presented in news sites points out that it is not ethical to present ads in the format of news. On the other hand, paid content can be seen as a useful alternative for non-intrusive online advertising which can generate more views among the users.
Despite the increase of native content as a new form of advertising, academic study about native content (ads) is still difficult to find. The purpose of this study is to find out how effective native content can be and how much 1) the web site type (news vs. entertainment vs. social networking site) and 2) the native content appeal (emotional vs. informational) will influence reader’s evaluations about a) the ad/website where the ad is placed and b) reader’s persuasion knowledge.
The study also included an individual’s ad skepticism as one of the independent variables, arguing that the level of ad skepticism will influence the evaluations about the ad/website and individual’s persuasion knowledge. Native content appears naturally, functioning like the rest of the content in the website. This characteristic makes it difficult for some people to tell the difference between the editorial content and paid content. By including ad skepticism as an independent variable, this study will show how people with high/low levels of ad skepticism will deal with this type of advertising.
The result of the study can be helpful for advertisers to decide where and how to present native content. An online experiment, 3 (website type: news site/entertainment site/Facebook) X 2 (native content appeal: emotional/informational) X 2 (individual’s ad skepticism: high/low), was conducted to estimate the effects of independent variables on dependent variables, such as attitude towards the ad, website’s evaluation and individual’s persuasion knowledge.
Literature Review
Native Advertising and Evolution of Advertorials
Native advertising is a method marketers use to present content in an interesting and subtle way on different websites or social media in a way that is almost camouflaging with the other content presented there. According to a IPG Media Lab survey, native advertising presented 53% more exposure than banners and it showed better performance regarding purchase intention, brand closeness and share intention.
Native advertising’s origins can be found in what is defined as ‘advertorial’ (a combination of the words advertising and editorial). As we can find different arguments in native ads, we may also find discussions regarding similar topics related to advertorials. Cameron and Ju-Pak (2000)’s research supported that when stories are presented as editorial copy, they showed better credibility than those with a label of advertising. The ideas and main characteristics of advertorials appear today in native advertisements, bringing the advantages of advertorials to native ads. Marketers keep trying to make online advertising reliable and create effective sponsored content. However, as it was discussed with advertorials, when it appears difficult to tell the difference between news content and sponsored content, there is a possibility that the advertising is seen as deceptive (Pike, 2014). Since native content has become a popular online advertising format in reality, it is necessary to study it and the responses generated among the audience members of online news and different websites.
Persuasion Knowledge Model & Ad Skepticism
An individual’s ability to recognize and evaluate marketers’ persuasion goals and tactics is known as persuasion knowledge. Ad skepticism refers to a critical approach for consumers to evaluate and cope with advertising. Relating to the persuasion knowledge model and native content, one of the most important aspects for marketers is to determine the degree of persuasion knowledge that the target has in the different types of native content or the different website types where it is presented. This study will evaluate how an individual’s persuasion knowledge is affected after being exposed to native content. According to the persuasion knowledge model, we can assume that the more consumers know about the persuasion attempt of an agent, the lesser they are being persuaded. This study examined how the exposure to a new way of online advertising (native content) affects users’ persuasion knowledge.
In the meantime, consumers with a higher level of skepticism make it harder for advertisers to find the effective format of online advertising. Consumers with a high level of skepticism may also be more aware of advertising strategies which leads to less positive responses to ads that use subtle persuasive techniques (Obermiller & Spangenberg, 1998, 2000). Previous research has shown that ad skepticism varies depending on advertising formats: banner advertisements present higher levels of skepticism than sponsored content.
The present study differentiated persuasion knowledge from ad skepticism. Ad skepticism is regarded as a personal attribute. It is measured in order to find out how participants' level of ad skepticism (high/low) will influence the effects of native content. On the other hand, persuasion knowledge is seen as a way users will cope with advertising strategies. This research examined the effects different native advertising have on a reader’s persuasion knowledge.
Research Questions & Hypotheses
[RQ1]: Will the effect of native content on site evaluation be different depending on the website type, native content appeal and individual’s ad skepticism?
[RQ2]: Will content appeal and website type influence the effects of native content on site evaluation (before/after)?
[RQ3]: Will the effect of native content on persuasion knowledge be different depending on the website type, native content appeal and individual’s ad skepticism?
[RQ4]: Will the effect of native content on attitude towards the ad (affective/cognitive/behavioral attitude and advertising credibility) differ depending on website type, native content appeal and individual’s ad skepticism?
[H1]: Informational native content will show more positive cognitive attitude towards the ad than emotional content.
[H2]: Emotional native content will show more positive affective attitude towards the ad than informational content.
Research Method
An online experiment was conducted in May 2016 in Seoul, Korea. Using a convenient and snowball sample, a total of 359 adult participants aged 18 or older took part in the online experiment. Experiment stimuli were created based on existing brands with high-involvement products (LG G5 mobile phone and CITI credit card). Experimental stimuli were created by the researchers to resemble native content and native ads in news sites, entertainment sites, and Facebook. The format of the contents was adapted from native content published in different sites (news site: /entertainment site: Huffington Post Korea, ). Participants were randomly assigned to one of the 6 cells (3 website types X 2 appeals). First, ad skepticism was measured followed by website evaluation. After each stimulus was shown, attitude towards the native ad, site evaluation and persuasion knowledge were measured.
Despite the growing popularity of native advertising in various online sites, little research has been performed regarding its effects and possible variables influencing the effects of native advertising. This study intended to contribute to find an effective way to create native content and a suitable place to place the native content. The study found significant interaction effects between content appeal and site evaluation (before/after). Also, significant interaction effects on persuasion knowledge were found between website type and content appeal. On the other hand, main effects of independent variables (native content appeal and ad skepticism) showed interesting results.
Results of RQ1 showed that a lower ad skepticism and informational content appeal presented more significant effects on site evaluation. In other words, participants with lower levels of ad skepticism were more likely to positively evaluate the site. Also, when comparing the types of appeal, informational native content turned out to be more effective on site evaluation than emotional appeal. However, the online experiment failed to detect a meaningful connection between website type and site evaluation.
Significant differences were found in terms of participants’ website evaluation before and after presenting experimental stimuli, native content (RQ2). Contrary to what was expected, emotional appeal presented a bigger mean difference between site evaluation before and site evaluation after. This may be due to participants’ feeling of deception from native content with emotional appeal that leads a lower website evaluation among research participants (Howe & Teufel, 2014). According to Moore and Rodgers (2005), due to high levels of skepticism, online ads are perceived as the least reliable source of credibility. This can explain why content with informational appeal showed more favorable website evaluation over content with emotional appeal.
The interaction effect between content appeal and website type on persuasion knowledge was significant. That is, informational appeal showed higher persuasion knowledge for both Facebook and news sites, whereas emotional appeal showed higher persuasion knowledge for entertainment sites. This result is consistent with the literature review presented above regarding website context and online advertising. Meanwhile, the fact that informational appeal increases persuasion knowledge on Facebook can be a subject for further research. Main effects of content appeal and ad skepticism were also found in increasing persuasion knowledge (RQ3).
Ad skepticism showed significant main effects on attitude towards the ad over all four categories (affective, cognitive, behavioral attitudes and ad credibility). In other words, participants with lower ad skepticism showed more positive affective/cognitive/behavioral attitudes towards the native content and believed the ad was better. This finding supported previous research on ad skepticism where consumers with low levels of skepticism had more positive responses to advertising (Obermiller & Spangenberg; 1998, 2000). In conclusion, this study showed that participants with a lower level of ad skepticism show more positive reactions to native content than those who tend to be more skeptical about advertising in general. Also, informational appeal appeared to be more effective when compared to emotional content: informational appeal native ads resulted in more positive cognitive/behavioral attitudes towards the native ad and more ad credibility (RQ4).
The objective of this study was to determine the effect of the moisture content and pellet mill type on the physical and chemical characteristics of Italian ryegrass (IRG) pellet. Moisture content of raw material significantly (p<0.05) affected IRG pellet formation. Moisture content at 25% was the best condition for IRG pellet formation in terms of shape, power load and temperature changes. The hardness of pellet was decreased when moisture content was increase. However, the hardness of pellet was not affected by pellet mill type. Moisture content at 30% dramatically (p<0.05) decreased the durability compared to moisture content at 25%. Dry matter content of IRG pellet was increased (p<0.05) after pelleting. Total count of microorganism was decreased in pellet due to pressure heat and moisture losses during the pelleting process. These results indicated that the proper moisture content of Italian ryegrass pelleting would be at 25%. In addition, Roll & flat die type would be more suitable than Ring die and Die & flat die type in IRG pelleting. Pelleting works would be beneficial for improving forage quality and long storage.
The emotional education content is that can be utilized in educational field, not only simple learning but also emotional part. Nowadays, a variety of technologies and devices are increasing, there is a tendency that they has been used a lot in educational field. The game has a cultural impact and value added more than a movie.We implemented a game-type educational content , that can educate the emotion of School children and also impart the storytelling. We measured the emotions in real time and train the concentration and composure to children. Emotional education content can be used in various categories even psychology. In particular, modern society, there are many mental instability children. Our content is an interactive education that very suitable for elementary school students. And it will suggest the direction of the treatment content.
시각자료는 과학교과서의 주된 구성 요소이며, 학습자에게 과학적 개념을 효과적으로 이해시키는 매개체가 된다. 본 연구에서는 제7차 교육과정에 따른 중학교 과학 교과서 지구과학 분야에 사용된 시각자료의 유형과 기능 및 구조를 분석하였다. 시각자료 유형에서는 사진과 삽화의 비율이 그래프와 표에 비해 매우 높게 나타났다. 시각자료의 기능에서는 예시적 기능과 보충적 기능의 비율이 높게 나타난 반면, 장식적 기능, 설명적 기능, 탐구적 기능의 비율은 낮게 나타났다. 시각자료의 구조에서는 단독의 비율이 다중에 비해 압도적으로 높았다. 또한 다중 구조에서 짝은 주로 대비에, 연속은 주로 순서를 표상하는데 사용되고 있었다. 시각자료의 유형, 기능, 구조 모두 교과서에 따라 유의미한 차이가 있었다. 이러한 연구 결과를 토대로 학교 과학에서 시각자료의 교육학적 의의에 대한 보다 나은 이해를 위해 지구과학 분야에서 시각자료의 기능과 구조에 대한 기호학적 연구를 제안하였다.
함수율은 친수성 하이드로젤 콘택트렌즈의 가장 중요한 물리적 특성 중의 하나이다. 또한 함수율은 콘택트렌즈의 유연성과 내구성 그리고 산소투과성과 착용감 등에 영향을 주는 중요한 요인이다. 목적: 따라서 본 연구는 소프트 콘택트렌즈에 사용되는 기본적인 재질과 실리콘을 사용하여 중합한 후, 각각의 조합에 대한 함수율을 비교 분석하기 위해 두 가지의 다른 실리콘을 사용하여 콘택트렌즈를 제조하였다. 방법: 캐스트몰드 법을 이용하여 각각의 렌즈를 제조하였으며, 각 sample의 물리적 특성에 대한 평균값을 사용하여 분석하였다. 결과: 9.00%의 실리콘을 포함한 sample의 함수율은 각각 55.27%와 64.58%를 나타내었으며, 같은 조합에 1.00% 의 EGDMA를 첨가하였을 때 함수율은 감소하였다. 결론: 실리콘의 함량이 감소할수록 함수율이 증가하는 경향을 보였다.
P-type thermoelectric material was sintered by Hot Press process (HP) and the effect of boron ( at%) addition on the thermoelectric properties were reported. To enhance the thermoelectric performances, the , alloys were fabricated by mechanical alloying (MA) and HP. The carrier of p-type SiGe alloy was controlled by B-doping. The effect of sintering condition and thermoelectric properties were investigated. B-doped SiGe alloys exhibited positive seebeck coefficient. The electrical conductivity and thermal conductivity were increased at the small amount of boron content ( at%). However, they were decreased over 0.5 at% boron content. As a result, the small addition of boron improved the Z value. The Z value of 0.5 at% B doped B alloy was , the highest value among the prepared alloys
In order to evaluate the effect of various organic soil conditioner ratios on the soil moisture content and growth of Cotoneaster horizontalis, a container type for wall-planting experiment was conducted in a greenhouse at Konkuk University under non-irrigation. The experimental planting grounds were prepared with different organic soil conditioner ratios (A1L0, A8L1, A4L1 A2L1 and A1L1), and a drought-tolerant ornamental variety of Cotoneaster horizontalis was planted. The change in soil moisture content, plant height, number of branches, number of dead leaves, number of leaves, number of shoots, length of node, length of leaf, width of leaf, root-collar caliper, chlorophyll content, and survival rate were investigated, from April to Jun 2010.
The results of soil moisture content measurements were analyzed with weight units in the container type for wall-planting during the dry summer season. The soil moisture contents were significantly enhanced in the container type for wall-planting in increasing order as the amount of soil conditioner level was increased (A1L1> A2L1> A4L1> A8L1> A1L0). Compared to the control treatment application (amended soil with 100% + organic soil conditioner 0%), the highest plant growth was observed in the treatment of A1L1 application (amended soil with 50% + organic soil conditioner 50%). However, the differences between the organic soil conditioner ratio treatments of A1L1, A4L1, and A8L1 organic soil conditioner application were mostly not significant. The survival rate increased with the increasing application of organic soil conditioner, but in the control treatment application all the plants died.
The experimental results from clearly demonstrated that the organic soil conditioner improved the survival rate more than the growth of Cotoneaster horizontalis. Therefore, Cotoneaster horizontalis is expected to be a highly valuable shrub for green wall systems, when considered for us in integration system or for increasing soil water contents in planting grounds.
저 마약형 대마 품종이 육성되지 않았을 경우 그 대안으로서 섬유용 대마의 THC 함량을 낮추기 위해 저 마약형 도입 유전자원중 경장은 작지만 개화기가 재래종과 비슷한 IH3 과 재래종 종자를 1:1, 2:1, 3:1로 혼합하여 채종시험을 실시하고 각 혼합비율별로 채종한 종자를 섬유용으로 재배하여 종실용 및 섬유용 대마 생육특성과 수량, 그리고 cannabinoid 함량분포를 검정한 결과를 요약하면 다음과 같다. 채종시험에서 IH3 의 비율이 클수록 천립중은 무거웠으나 종실수량은 100 kg/10a 내외로 차이가 없었다. 혼합비율별로 집단 채종한 종자를 섬유용으로 재배하였을 때 섬유수량은 193~198kg/10a 로 비슷하였으나 THC 함량은 종자 IH3 혼합비율이 클수록 낮아져 3:1 에서는 0.39%이었다. THC 및 CBD 함량분포에서도 IH3 혼합비율이 높을수록 마약형 및 중간형 비율이 낮아졌고 저 마약형 비율은 증가하였다.