
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 20

        2020.03 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Many companies make considerable efforts in implementing supply chain management systems to increase their competitiveness. In particular, there are significant investments in their ICT (Information and Communication Technology) and supply chain. However, considerable diversity exists in how well firms have been able to assimilate ICT and leverage the business value of it. In addition, studies on supply chains, particularly Real Time Enterprise (RTE) competence, which is cited for rapid information sharing and dynamic capabilities for each role in the supply chain, are insufficient. The purpose of this paper is to explore and evaluate effect of ICT utilization capabilities, including ‘ICT internal cooperative capabilities’ and ‘ICT operational flexibility capabilities’, on RTE capabilities (flexibility, visibility and prediction) and supply chain performance. To validate the research model proposed in the study, survey was conducted on companies using ICT along the supply chain of manufacturing industries. 216 data were used, SPSS and AMOS were used for the analysis methods. Study results showed that ICT internal collaboration capabilities affect agility, one of RTE capabilities, but not visibility and prediction, and ICT operational flexibility capabilities have affected all three RTE capacities. And, RTE capabilities had a huge impact on supply chain performance as expected. In this paper, it has been found that the ICT capabilities in manufacturing are an important factor in improving RTE capabilities that are important in the supply chain and improving the performance of the supply chain.
        2015.11 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        2017년까지 정부는 사회적기업 3천개를 육성하고 사회적기업에 10만명을 고용하려는 계획을 가지고 있다. 우리나라의 사회적기업은 2007년 사회적기업 육성법이 제정된 이래 본격적으로 육성을 시작, 2015 년 현재 1400여개의 가파른 양적 성장을 기록하였다. 하지만 양적 성장은 이루었지만 여전히 대다수 사회적기업이 그 경제적․사회적 목적에 맞는 자립을 이루어내지 못하고 정부에 대한 높은 의존을 하고 있는 점과 규모의 영세성이 해결해야 할 문제점으로 남아있다. 이에 내실화를 이루고 안정적인 사회적기업의 정착을 위해 사회적기업을 위한 생태계 조성에 또 하나 의 토대가 될 수 있는 상생모델의 제시를 통해 앞으로의 발전방향을 모색해보고자 하였다. 본 연구에서는 행복나래(주)의 사회적기업 지원에 대한 성과분석을 바탕으로 사회적기업의 안정적 생태계 조성을 위한 또 하나의 방안으로서 모범적 상생모델과 앞으로의 발전방향에 대해 제시하였다.
        2014.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This paper is present the Technology Orientation affects to Enterprise Management Performance. In order to carry out this research, we obtained 212 survey sheets and inspected ten assumptions based on the reliability, validity of the questionnaires. The results of regression analysis are summarized as follows; First, the factor of Technology Orientation, research development activity, affects to all factor of Enterprise Management Performance significantly. Second, the factor of Technology Orientation, research development environment, only effect on the technology performance. Third, research development ability is affect to technology performance and new product performance that factor of Enterprise Management Performance. Finally, technology industrialization ability isn’t affects to Enterprise Management Performance significantly. Based on the results, we are recommendations for small and medium-sized manufacturing enterprises.
        2014.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        본 연구는 국내 사회적기업이 어려운 환경 속에서도 조직성과를 향상시킬 수 있도록 사회적기업 조직구성원의 조직몰입, 조직시민행동, 그리고 사회적기업의 경제적 성과 및 사회적 성과와의 관계를 실증적으로 분석하고자 했다. 이론적 배경을 통한 가설을 설정했고 가설을 검증하기 위해 부산과 울산 지역의 (예비)사회적기업 75개 기관을 대상으로 설문지를 배부했다. 최종 174부의 자료를 SPSS 18.0과 AMOS 18.0을 사용하여 분석했고 매개효과 검증을 위해 sobel test를 실시했다. 탐색적 요인분석과 확인적 요인 분석으로 변수의 타당성을 확인했으며 구조방정식 연구모형의 적합도는 일반적인 기준을 만족시켰다. 연구결과 사회적기업 조직구성원의 조직몰입은 조직시민행동에 직접적으로 유의미한 영향을 미치는 것으로 나타났다. 조직몰입과 조직시민행동은 사회적기업의 경제적 성과 및 사회적 성과에 영향을 미치는 것으로 나타났다. 조직몰입, 조직시민행동, 그리고 사회적기업의 경제적 성과 및 사회적 성과와의 관계에서 조직시민행동은 매개효과가 있는 것으로 나타났다. 마지막으로 본 연구의 의의와 한계점들에 관해서 논의했다.
        2014.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The purpose of this study is to present the Market Orientation affects to Enterprise Management Performance. In order to carry out this research, we obtained 212 survey sheets and inspected ten assumptions based on the reliability, validity of the questionnaires. The results of regression analysis are summarized as follows; First, the factor of Market Orientation, intelligence generation, doesn’t influence on the Enterprise Management Performance significantly. Second, the element of Market Orientation, information dissemination, doesn’t have an important effect on the Enterprise Management Performance. Finally, the requisite of Market Orientation, information response, affects to Enterprise Management Performance significantly. Based on the results, the parts with intelligence generation and information dissemination will be improved in the manufacturer of the small businesses.
        2014.05 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The purpose of this study is to present the Market Orientation effects on Enterprise Management Performance. In order to carry out this research, we obtained 212 survey sheets and inspected ten assumptions based on the reliability, validity of the questionnaires. The results of regression analysis are summarized as follows; First, the factor of Market Orientation, intelligence generation, don’t influence on the Enterprise Management Performance significantly. Second, the element of Market Orientation, information dissemination, don’t have an important effect on the Enterprise Management Performance. Finally, the requisite of Market Orientation, information response, affects to Enterprise Management Performance significantly. Based on the results, the parts with intelligence generation and information dissemination will be improved in the manufacturer of the small businesses.
        2014.03 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This paper study is to identify the effect of quality certification incentives regulations to a firm. The pur purpose of this study is to propose the right way of improvement and policy by conduct research for quality certification incentives regulations, which applied by public procurement service for office furniture. For more accuracy, this study analyze the result of questionnaire, visiting, telephone survey conducted by office furniture manufacturer those are registered in MAS (Multiple Award Schedule System)
        2011.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Company's survival in a changing business environment is depend on what kind of strategy will be used for facing this business competition society. For this, many companies continued to apply management techniques to improve the activities in this process has been running productivity-oriented activities to switch away from the quality has become a central activity. In other words, quality improvement activities (quality improvement activity) for the continuing businesses is an important strategic element. In this study, single-PPM (Single-PPM) the company's leading quality improvement activities will be used and browse to accommodate factors that affect a successful quality improvement activities, absolute requirement for companies to learn about the conditions to improve the quality of corporate tries to emphasize the importance of the activity.
        2010.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study is to identify the present condition and level of human resource administration in domestic profit and non-profit organizations, and to investigate on the relation between human resource management and management performance in enterprise. This
        2009.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        본 연구에서는 사회적기업의 성과를 측정할 수 있는 기준으로 민간부문에서 성과측정을 위해 개발되어 유용하게 활용하고 있는 균형성과표(BSC) 모형을 적용하여 사회적기업의 성과기준에 대한 적용방법을 사회적기업을 대상으로 실증적으로 규명하고자 하였다. 기존의 연구를 바탕으로 본 연구에서 제시한 사회적기업의 BSC 모형에서 사회적기업의 BSC 관점별 측정지표로 먼저, 사회적 목표로는 취약계층의 일자리창출과 사회서비스의 제공을, 재무적 관점으로 재정의 안정성,
        2009.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        기업의 소유와 경영에 관한 논의는 기업의 사회적 역할과 윤리의식이 결부되면서, 기업과 사회 환경이 소유와 경영에 어떠한 영향을 미치는지에 대한 관계를 모색하고자 하는 논의가 활발하게 진행되고 있다. 이러한 논의가 진행되는 이유는 기업의 사회적 책임이 강조되면서 기업의 경영체제가 장기적으로는 기업의 경영성과를 결정하는 중요한 이슈 중의 하나로 인식되고 있기 때문이다. 기업경영에는 여러 가지의 유형이 있지만, 그 중 하나가 가족경영(family busine
        2009.11 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The 'Excellent Quality Competitive Enterprises' selection system began with the government's selection and announcement of 'Top 100 Excellent Quality Competitive Enterprises' in 1997 in accordance with Article 6 of the Quality Management and Safety Control of Industrial Products Act and Article 5 (Selection of excellent quality management enterprises, etc.) of the Act's Enforcement Decree. The content of the research and analysis results is summarized as follows: 1. The participation and confidence of enterprises in the differentiation of the assessment system for the excellent quality competitive enterprises selection system is high: from the initial year to the present, 10% of enterprises have participated in the system for over 10 years and since 2000 participating enterprises have been on a steady rise. 2. The distribution of participating enterprises is not limited to any specific region but is spread nationwide, while the participation scale and business types also are being evenly distributed. 3. From the perspective of management performance, as compared with the average of domestic manufacturing businesses or that of U.S. manufacturing businesses, an analysis found that among management results, the excellent quality competitive enterprises achieved far higher sales growth and operating profit rate on sales, however their own capital ratio and debt to equity ratio appeared to be slightly higher.
        2006.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
          The objective of this research is to select the most effective technique from AMT (Advanced Manufacturing Technologies) and IMP (Innovative Management Practices) for improving manufacturing performance in shipbuilding enterprises. The research consists
        2005.03 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Korean Standard Certificate, suitable for the korean industrial standards is one which was designed not only to spread and utilize the industrial standard established for the industrial standardization, but to protect the consumer. In this study, the practical effects of the Korean Standard Certificate will be examined in various fields, based on the small medium enterprises which achieved the KS Certificate. In order to look into how the system has effects on the performance of the management in a company, the method of the actual approach will be used. In the end, the purpose of this study is to find the plan in which KS Certificate can be helpful to the development of the company.
        2020.10 KCI 등재 SCOPUS 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        This objective of this study is to enrich the literature by the debt ratio and enterprise performance of Joint stock companies of Vietnam National Coal and Mineral Industries Holding Corporation Limited (Vinacomin). The debt ratio is an important index of capital structure, and it influences and decides the enterprise performance. Therefore, the determination of reasonable debt ratio level is beneficial to the stable operation of Vinacomin’s enterprises. Based on the research conclusion about the effect on capital structure of debt ratio from domestic and foreign scholar, collecting data from 2014-2018 of Vinacomin’s enterprises as a research sample, the article conducts research on the relationship between debt ratio and business performance of Vinacomin, as measured by return on total Assets. In addition, the study uses free cash flow, company size , growth opportunity, investment opportunities, operating costs to sales ratio as control variables.The study shows the debt ratio of Joint stock companies of Vietnam National Coal and Mineral Industries Holding Corporation Limited has a negative effect on the enterprise performance. Furthermore, the research results of the article are references for Vinacomin’ enterprises in the course of production and business activities, determining a reasonable debt ratio, and improving the operational performance of enterprises.
        2020.06 KCI 등재 SCOPUS 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        The objective of this paper is to explore how board gender diversity affects corporate sustainability performance. Therefore, this paper examines the direct association between board gender diversity with corporate sustainability performance and the mediation effect of enterprise risk management (ERM) on this association. The study employed a cross-sectional survey method. Data were collected from annual reports, websites, and through the questionnaires that were distributed to Chief Financial Officers (CFOs) of all the listed companies of Dhaka Stock Exchange, Bangladesh. The partial least square technique of Structural Equation Modelling (SEM) approach was employed for data analysis. The result did not find support for the direct association between board gender diversity and sustainability performance in Bangladesh context. This implies that contextual factors, such as, male-dominant board, appointment of female directors based on family ties, lack of education and expertise etc. may discount gender diversity direct influence on sustainability performance. However, the study finds strong support for the mediating role of ERM use within the corporate structure. Further analysis of indirect effect suggests that ERM use mediates the relationship of board gender diversity and sustainability performance in full. This implies that in the Bangladesh context effective use of ERM is highly recommended.
        2017.10 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Purpose – The present study aims to examine the relationship between small enterprise start-up preparatory factors and increases in sales and operating profits, which are business performances utilizing the National Survey of Actual Conditions of Small Enterprises conducted by the Small Enterprise, Market Service. Research design, data, and methodology – Start-up preparatory factors were divided into six types; business type, start-up history, start-up motives, preparatory periods, and start-up funds to figure out the relationship between sales and operating profits with regression analyses. Regression analyses were conducted based on the foregoing with a view to identifying the effects of start-up preparatory factors on business performance. Results – Since start-up preparatory factors generally affect business performance, it was identified that start-up preparatory factors importantly affect operating profits and sales, which are business performances. However, start-up preparatory periods and the implementation of education among preparatory activities were shown to have no effect on business performances, and the effect of the ratio of start-up fund provided by the founder on operating profits was shown to be not significant. Conclusions – The present study comprehensively examined those start-up preparatory factors that have positive effects on business performances after start-up. The present study is meaningful in that it can provide positive implications for efficient start-up of small enterprises hereafter.
        2015.02 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        On the basis of specifications to improve our carbon emissions constraints mechanism, making the appropriate improvements of the traditional performance evaluation index system. Increase carbon constraints performance indicators: the amount of carbon emissions trading, Carbon assets net profit margin, carbon-income ratio, the ratio of carbon costs, carbon assets turnover, unit profit of carbon emissions, CO2 emissions of Yuan output value, in order to fully assess the financial performance and non-financial performance, enable the enterprise performance evaluation system better and more responsive to the requirements of sustainable development, and more convincing.
        2013.08 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Enterprise informatization is a complex system made of management philosophy, management methods and information technology. According to Porter's valuechain thinking, enterprise informatization actually builds the foundation platform for the primary activities and secondary activities that create business value. Therefore, performance of enterprise informatization has characteristics of integrity, indirection, long-term and so on. This paper, based the enterprise informatization performance has the charac on the value evaluation and from the input-output process perspective, sets cognitive variables to systematically descript input and output of enterprise informatization and builds a class of cognitive performance evaluation model. The empirical studies have shown that the model can describe the performance of enterprise informatization systematically and provide the quantitative evidence for enterprise informatization management.
        2013.08 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Diversification can help enterprises to achieve synergies so as to enhance business performance. This article attempts to study this question from the viewpoint of parental control. The interaction effects among corporate diversification and the parental control tested through data obtained by questionnaires to 87 Corporations. The study found: companies with diversification strategy adopting official control over their subsidiary will reduce the overall corporate performance. However, the interactive effects between the degree of parental control and diversification are not significant.