The purpose of this study is to examine the determinants of management performance in the remaining offshore fishing industry after the resource management-oriented fisheries structure improvement policy by the fisheries vessel buy-back program and Total Allowable Catch (TAC). The results of the analysis of the determinants of management performance of offshore fishing can be summarized as follows. First, based on the management performance determinant model of offshore fishing, it is confirmed that the government's resource-managed fishing structure improvement policy, such as the fishing boat reduction project and the TAC policy, is improving the management performance of the resource-managed remaining fishing boat. Second, looking at the specific management performance determinants based on the management performance model of offshore fishing, the leverage ratio (TLTA), which is the total debt ratio, shows a statistically significant positive (+) relationship with management performance, which increases management performance directly proportional to the leverage ratio. The increase in the leverage ratio (total debt ratio) was expected to lead to a high interest cost burden, resulting in a reverse (-) financial leverage effect; however, rather a positive (+) financial leverage effect occurred with a high profit covering interest costs. The total catch (TCATCH) has a positive (+) relationship with management performance at a statistical significance level of less than 1%, indicating that an increase in catch is improving or increasing the management performance of fishing companies. The selling price (UPRICE) shows a positive (+) relationship with management performance at a very high statistical significance level of less than 1%, and it can be seen that high fishing prices are a major factor in improving or increasing the management performance of offshore fishing. On the other hand, fishing vessel tonnage (TON), fishing vessel horsepower (RHP), and operating days (WDAYS), which indicate have a statistically significant negative (-) relationship with management performance, which deviates from the existing fisheries common sense that the size of fishing vessel tonnage and fishing vessel horsepower and the increase in the number of operating days is proportional to management performance. As a result of the increase in fishing vessel tonnage, horsepower, and the number of operating days, it was confirmed that the higher the fishing cost, such as oil costs, is worsening the management performance of fishing companies. Participation in TAC has a statistically significant positive (+) value with management performance, indicating that the remaining offshore fishing companies participating in TAC are improving or increasing management performance compared to offshore fishing companies that do not. Third, there are conflicting results depending on the industry as a result of estimating the management performance determinants of offshore fishing by TAC participation, and TAC participation had a negative impact on management performance in anchovy boat seine and southern west sea bottom trawl in fishing industry while TAC participation had a positive impact on management performance in large stow nets on anchor in fishing industry.
As discarded fishing gear settles or floats on the seabed, it destroys the spawning and habitat of fisheries resources that causes various safety accidents and adverse effects on the environment, such as generating microplastics and causing ship accidents. In order to solve this problem, this study is intended to present an implementation plan for establishing a fishing gear deposit system in order to use it as basic data for establishing policies for fishing gear management in Korea. In order to successfully implement the fishing gear deposit system, the deposit system must be established in the form of fishing gear completed at the production stage. It was found that the marking of the object should be easy, and that determining an appropriate deposit amount to motivate the return of waste fishing gear and establishing a convenient return procedure for returned waste fishing gear were important factors. In addition, transparent management of unreturned deposits and mandatory use of fishing gear subject to the deposit system for fishermen will be necessary. The role of a specialized organization to manage and operate all of these procedures is also very important. It is necessary to establish a new mandatory provision in the Fisheries Act to require fishermen who directly use fishing gear to use fishing gear with a deposit refund mark, and to ensure the implementation of the deposit system by linking it with the evaluation items of government policy projects. Since the main purpose of the deposit system is to collect discarded fishing gear, a support plan will be necessary in accordance with the purchase project for fishing waste salvaged by local governments in 2020.
Around the 1980s, with government’s promotion and dissemination policies for FRP (Fiberglass Reinforced Plastics) of the government as a main material of fishing boats, approximately 97% of the entire fishing boats in Korea have utilized FRP until now. Nevertheless, diverse social and environmental issues have emerged due to the susceptibility to fire and the generation of substances detrimental to human health during the construction process of FRP fishing vessels. Especially, the high disposal cost and the limitation of recycling technology in the disposal process of FRP fishing boats have elicited attention to circular economy. This research intended to grasp the management status and problems of disposed FRP fishing boats in Korea, and to assess the level of competitive advantage of FRP fishing boats’ recycling technologies of FRP fishing boats based on VRIO (Value, Rarity, Imitability, Organization) analysis through domestic and foreign management policies and related recycling examples. According to the survey of 161 respondents, including the industry, stakeholders and experts related to the collection, treatment and recycling of fisheries wastes, it was revealed that FRP fishing boats’ recycling technologies of FRP fishing boats are at the level of ‘unused competitive advantage’ that satisfied the level of value, rarity and imitability, but not the level of organization.
The preliminary study was conducted on the use of navigation instruments and programs conducted in the previous demonstration and experiment of the training ship SAEBADA, real-time sharing and accuracy of land and sea information, and the development of real-time effective information transmission and reception and management system programs. Based on this, this study used the training ship CHAMBADA, which is similar in length to the tonnage of the fishing boat. The purpose is to present errors in ship situation-specific information data, alarm systems for marine information, and land and ship transmission and reception programs collected using intelligent information management systems to find out whether they can be applied and used in fishing boats. It plans to conduct research on direct and indirect safety and ship’s stability when the intelligent information management system operates in real time in the operation of ships considering the characteristics of small fishing boats and the characteristics of fishing.
최근 주 52시간 근무제의 정착과 국민소득 3만 달러 돌파 등 소득의 증가와 함께 수상레저활동에 대한 관심이 높아졌다. 특히 ‘도시어부’, ‘삼시세끼 어촌편’ 등 바다와 낚시를 주제로 한 예능방송이 인기를 끌면서 낚시인구가 급속히 증 가하였다. 2020년 기준 낚시인구가 620만명에 이르고 있으며, 낚시어선의 이용 객 수가 2010년 224만명에서 2020년 507만명으로 증가(125.6%)하는 등 국민의 대표적인 여가활동으로 자리매김하고 있다. 하지만, 선박을 이용한 낚시객의 증가와 함께, 2015년 낚시어선 돌고래호 전복사고와 2017년 낚시어선 선창1호 충돌사고 등으로 많은 인명피해가 발생하는 등 낚시선박의 해양사고는 반복적 으로 발생하고 있다. 이에 따라, 정부에서는 낚시선박의 해양사고를 줄이기 위해 다양한 대책을 마련하고 노력하고 있으나 아직 가시적인 성과는 나오지 않고 있는 실정이다. 이 연구에서는 낚시선박의 안전관리체계를 개선하기 위해 관련 법령 및 기준을 검토하여 개선방안을 제시하고자 하였다. 낚시선박을 포함한 다중이용선박의 안전관리체계를 지속적으로 개선해 나간다면, 해양사고로 인한 이용객의 인명 과 재산의 피해를 줄여나갈 수 있을 뿐만 아니라 더욱 많은 사람들이 해양레저 활동을 즐기며 해양강국으로 발전할 수 있는 원동력이 될 것이다.
한국의 IUU 어업 통제제도의 획기적인 변화는 IUU 어업국 예비지정이라는 외부적인 요인에 의하여 이루어졌으며, 그 내용도 국제적인 수준에 맞게 급속 히 재편되다 보니 원양업계의 인식과 차이가 있어 제도 이행과정에서 커다란 갈등이 표출되었다. 본 연구에서는 국제사회의 IUU 방지를 위한 제반노력에 보다 능동적으로 동 참하기 위해 우리나라 국내법과 제도적 개선방안을 제시하였다. 첫째, 제도적인 개선방안으로 4가지 개선방안을 제시하였다. 각 방안별로 장· 단점을 가지고 있지만, 해양수산부 소속 (가칭) 원양어업관리센터를 신설하여 분산된 역할을 한 기관에 집중, 체계적, 효율적 검색을 도모하는 방안이 가장 합리적인 대안이라고 판단된다. 이를 통해 분산된 기능을 종합하여 역량을 극 대화하는 것이 기존의 제도가 가지고 있는 문제점들을 극복할 수 있을 것으로 예상한다. 둘째, 주요국의 IUU 어업에 대한 금전적 처벌의 최고 한도액과 비교하여 우 리나라 원양산업발전법상 IUU 어업에 대하여 벌금과 과징금을 병과할 수 있고 한도액도 높은 편에 속하므로 벌금 최고한도 부과액의 완화를 검토할 필요성을 제시하였다. 셋째, 원양산업발전법 제33조(벌칙) 이외의 과징금이 부과되는 경우 어획물 의 처리에 대비하여 시행령 개정(안)을 제시하였다. 넷째, 항만국검색제도의 효율성을 높이기 위하여 미국의 사례와 같이 국내 실정에 맞는 검사 우선순위 평가표’(risk analysis matrix) 작성 방안을 제시하였다. 다섯째, 조업 감시·감독·통제 공무원 및 항만국 검색 공무원의 권한 행사를 위하여 항만공사의 IUU 어업 어선 입출항 관리 권한 부여를 위한「선박의 입 항 및 출항 등에 관한 법률」개정(안)과 항만국 검색 관련 사법경찰관리의 직 무범위와 수사 관할에 대한「사법경찰관리의 직무를 수행할 자와 그 직무범위 에 관한 법률」개정(안)을 제시하였다. 여섯째, IUU 가담 선장에 대한 처벌 사후관리 강화방안으로 중국의「원양어 업관리규정(遠洋漁業管理規程)」에서 보는 바와 같이 원양어업 종사자 "블랙리 스트(黑名單, black list)"를 두어 선장 개인에 대한 인적 처벌을 강화하는 방안 을 제시하였다. 일곱째, 항만국(港灣國)으로서 역할 강화를 위해 입항 선박에 대한 보다 많은 세부정보를 요구하는 개정된 ‘사전입항신고서’를 구비할 것을 제시하였다. 국제해양질서의 급격한 변화에 대비하여 원양산업계의 구조적 정비와 원양 산업종사자에 대한 교육 및 홍보를 통해 IUU 어업 방지를 위한 국제적 노력에 능동적으로 참가해야 할 것이다.
Although Korea operates various systems and policies for the management of fisheries resources, it is judged that a more systematic resource management policy is needed due to the continuous decrease in the production of coastal and offshore fisheries. In this study, the catch capacity was analyzed using the DEA technique for coastal and offshore fisheries. As a result, despite the decrease in the amount of fisheries resources and the number of fishing vessels, there was a trend of increasing fishing capacity. As of 2019, the total maximum catch of offshore fishery was estimated at 820,007 tons. The actual catch was 548,159 tons and the CU was measured to be about 66.8%, which was analyzed to be an excess of about 33.2% of the catch. The total maximum catch of coastal fisheries was estimated at 187,887 tons. The actual catch was also the same value and the CU was measured to be about 100.0%. Thus, it was analyzed that there was no excess in catch. For the management of fisheries resources, it is necessary to manage the fishing capacity. To this end, policies such as scientific TAC should be promoted as well as expanding the reduction of fishing vessels.
정부(해양수산부) 및 관계기관에서는 안전관리 취약선박의 해양안전 증진을 위한 많은 정책을 시행하고 있으나, 선박의 안전관리에 대한 위험성평가 부재로 각 제도의 효과성에 다소 아쉬움이 확인되었다. 선박의 위험성평가에 대한 국내 선행연구는 대부분 개별적 해양사고 위험성에 대한 단편적 위험성만을 취급하고 있어 포괄적 해양사고 위험성평가를 위한 새로운 방식이 필요하다. 선박의 안전관 리에 대한 포괄적 위험성평가 적용사례로 항만국통제와 노르웨이 해사국의 점검대상 선정방법이 있다. 본 연구에서는 국내 해양사고 및 등록현황의 높은 비중을 차지하고 있는 연근해어선을 대상으로 포괄적 선박안전관리 위험성평가를 위한 지표를 개발하고 적용하였다. 그 결과, 각 선박별 위험성을 계량적 수치로 확인하였고, 개별적 안전관리 취약요소의 순위를 식별하였다.
In Jeju, in order to efficiently manage and coexist fishing boats and passenger ships in narrow ports, it is necessary to establish reasonable policies. The survey was conducted on 99 fishing ports, from December 1 to 31, 2018. A site survey was conducted on 30 parties (15 in Jeju City and 15 in Seogwipo City) concerning with the use of fishing ports in Jeju to review the appropriate conditions for selecting fishing ports as control subjects. The survey determined size of pleasure craft mooring within fishing port (20%), size of fishing boat mooring (20%), and accessibility of fishing port (20%) under on-site survey factors as well as willingness to form a consultative group between fishing boat and pleasure craft users (20%). Upon the request of the survey, positive and negative opinions were collected on the establishment of a safety control center in the fish port. Based on the survey results, the factors mentioned above were applied to each and every fishing port within Jeju. The bottom five fishing ports in Jeju with the lowest total factor scores were identified and selected as control subjects for review and study. Of the five fishing ports selected as control subjects amidst the 99 fishing ports in Jeju, Dodu Fishing Port had the lowest score of 22% among the national fishing harbors. Among the local fishing ports, Hwabuk Fishing Port had the lowest score of 18%, followed by Sagae Fishing Port with a score of 22%. Hamdeok Fishing Port had the lowest score of 24% among the fishing port villages, whereas Ojo Fishing Port had the lowest score of 24% among the small fishing ports.
This study is to excavate superior fishing communities by applying the Ostrom (1990)’s principles of sustainable and successful use of common goods. Ostrom(1990)’s principles are (1) clearly defined boundaries (2) congruence between appropriation and provision rules and local conditions, (3) collective choice arrangements (4) monitoring (5) graduated sanctions (6) conflict-resolution mechanism (7) recognition of rights to organize by external government authorities (8) nested enterprises. The survey was carried out under the individual interview method of 15 fishing village members in 32 fishing communities with the government’s fishery environment improvement and fishery creation projects. The total effective samples are 477. These data were analyzed. The analysis result shows that 24 fishing villages are selected among the 32 fishing communities in the samples, including Nanji, Sanghwang, Songseok, Sinshido, Jukyo, Jinsan, Changli, Pado, Beopsan, Rahyang, Palbong, Woongdo, Daehwang, Sapsi, Chido, Jinri, Daeri, Songgak, Joongwang, Ojii, Doripo, Doseong, Mongsan 1ri and Songnim as superior fishing villages. The results of this study have limitation that may vary depending on the rigor of the criteria in the process of deriving good fishing communities. Despite this limitation, this study has expanded existing research focused on validating the theoretical applicability of the framework through case analysis of specific fishing communities to objectively and quantitatively to many fishing communities. The results of this study are expected to contribute to the creation of conditions in which fishermen can continue to manage their fishing grounds and stand on their own feet by presenting the framework and principles for developing desirable fishing village models for the continued use of mudflat shells grounds as the common goods.
This study analyzed the condition of marine accident and disaster rate of crew of Korean fishing vessels by vessel type, and checked the Australian safety management system and relevant regulation in Korea to suggest measures to build coastal/offshore fishing vessel safety management system in Korean coastal/offshore fishery. As a result, the power and production amount of Korean coastal/offshore fishing vessel is consistently decreasing while marine accident is increasing. Disaster rate of crew was higher than land industry, especially, the disaster rate of coastal/offshore fishing vessel was very high (100.0‰). Australia applies safety management system differed by vessel type and operation waters which fully considers the characteristics of pertinent vessel. The average accident rate of fishing vessels with gross tonnage over 20 tons among the Korean coastal/offshore fishing vessel was 13.6%, which was significantly higher than fishing vessels with gross tonnage below 20 tons (1.4%). Such result indicates it is urgent to implement safety management system to fishing vessel with gross tonnage over 20 tons and introduce fishing vessel safety supervisor. Establishing safety management system of coastal/offshore fishing vessel will contribute to consistent industrial development by achieving the general goal of reducing marine accident and spreading safety culture.
very important also for future generations in managing and inheriting CPR. A study was conducted on the CPR case of the village fishery managed by the Jongdal-ri Fishing Village Cooperative of Jeju Special Self-governing Province. The eight principles presented by Ostrom (1990) as the designed principles of sustainable CPR, that is to say, Clearly defined boundaries, Congruence between appropriation and provision rules and local conditions, Collective-choice arrangements, Monitoring, Graduated sanctions, Conflict-resolution mechanisms, Minimal recognition of rights to organize, and Nested enterprises, were analyzed. It was confirmed that the object case, Jongdal-ri Fishing Village Cooperative was managed based on these principles. Autonomous management rules are established by each fishing village cooperative community to fit their respective characteristics. Besides mere establishment of the rules, these rules should be preferentially be put into practice. The Jongdal-ri Fishing Village Cooperative successfully put them into practice, and was designated as the most superior fishing village cooperative community successively for three years. Collection was prohibited during a closed season for preservation of resources, and those of which the body length was shorter than that specified in the rules were not caught. That is to say, communities can sustainably manage CPR by complying with the conditions to be sustainable as well as following and putting in practice the rules, providing a CPR management system for future generations.