Nitrogen-doped carbon nanomaterials (N-CNMs) were prepared using Ni(NO3)2 as a catalyst in the laminar diffusion flame. Doping the structure of carbon nanomaterials (CNMs) with nitrogen can significantly change the characteristics of CNMs. The purpose of this research is to study the effect of adding ammonia ( NH3) on the evolution of CNMs structure in the laminar flame of ethylene. Raman analysis shows that the intensity ratio ( ID/IG) of the D-band and G-band of N-CNMs increases and then decreases after the addition of NH3. The intensity ratio is a maximum of 0.99, which has a good degree of disorder and defect density. The binding distribution of nitrogen was analyzed by X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS), and a correlation was found between the amount of nitrogen and the morphology of N-CNMs. Nitrogen atoms predominantly present in the forms of pyrrolic-N, pyridinic-N, graphitized-N and oxidized-N, with a doping ratio of nitrogen atoms reaching up to 2.44 at.%. This study found that smaller nickel (Ni) nanoparticles were the main catalysts for carbon nanotubes (CNTs), and their synthesis followed the ‘hollow growth mechanism’ and carbon nanofibers (CNFs) were synthesized from larger Ni nanoparticles according to the ‘solid growth mechanism’. Furthermore, a growth mechanism for the synthesis of bamboolike CNTs using a specific particle size of the Ni catalyst is proposed. It is noteworthy that the synthesis and modulation of high-performance N-CNMs by flame method represents a simple and efficient approach.
The effect of Al(OH)3 on physical, thermal, and retardant property of rubber was studied. It was analyzed by statistical experimental design method with one way array to confirm the effect of factors. Physical characteristics, thermal pyrolysis temperature, and combustion time were considered as the properties. The amount of Al(OH)3 addition was chosen as significant parameter. As the result of ANOVA analysis, thermal pyrolysis temperature increased and combustion time decreased with increasing of Al(OH)3.
nanoparticle was synthesized by the flame method, which was controlled by varying the ratio and flow rate of gas mixtures consisting of oxygen (oxidizer), methane (fuel) and nitrogen (carrier gas). The crystalline phases of nanoparticle depended strongly on the temperature distribution in the flame, whereas the morphology was not sensitive. We proved that the anatase phase formed without the phase transformation in the flame and the rutile phase generated through several phase transformations.
nanopowder has been synthesized by means of the flame method using a precursor of titanium tetraisopropoxide (TTIP, Ti. In order to clarify the effect of cooling rate of hot flame on the formation of crystalline phases, the flame was controlled by varying the mixing ratio and the flow rate of gases. Anatase phase was predominantly synthesized under the condition having the steep cooling gradient in flame, while a slow cooling gradient enabled to form almost rutile nanopowder of above 95%
연소화염법을 이용한 다이아몬드 박막합성은 기판의 표면상태에 크게 의존한다. 특히 탄소결합상이 기판에 조재하는 경우 다이아몬드 핵생성과 성장은 크게 영향을 받는다. 본 연구에서는 일정한 흡입가스비율(R=O2/C2H2)과 기판온도 조건의 연소화염법을 이용하여 몰리브덴 기판위에 다리아몬드박막을 합성하는 과정에서 박막의 핵생성에 미치는 기판 탄소화합물의 영향을 조사하였다. Mb 금속기판표면에 형성된 탄화물로는 Mo2C상과 soot를 택하여 박막합성 전에 Mo기판상에 형성시켰다. Mo 금속기판표면에 형성된 탄화물(Mo2C)상에는 다이아몬드 핵생성과 입자성장이 촉진되어 가장 조대한 양질의 다이아몬드 입자가 형성되었다. 이것은 탄화물상이 반응가스중의 탄소의 확산을 저지함과 동시에 핵생성의 필요한 잠복기간을 감소키켰기 때문이다. 그러나 soot를 구성하는 미세한 탄소결합상들이 다이아몬드 핵생성 장소로 작용하여 결과적으로 다이아몬드 수밀도가 가장 크게 관찰된 반면, 입자성장은 Mo2C기판에 비해 작았다.
연소화염법을 이용한 다이아몬드 박막합성시 기판표면온도 및 온도분포에 가장 크게 작용하는 공정변수는 탄화수소량을 결정하는 산소/아세틸렌 가스의 혼합비(R=O2C2H2)이다. 본 연구에서는 혼합가스비율 변화 (R=0.87-0.98)에 따른 기판표면온도 및 온도분포를 측정하고, 이들 변수에 따른 다이아몬드 박막의 생성 및 결정형상의 변화과정을 SEM관찰, Raman 분광분석 및 X-선 회절 분석을 통해 조사하였다. 혼합가스비율의 증가에 따라 다이아몬드의 생성입자 수밀도는 감소하였고, 이와 동시에 결정형상도 (111)면과 (100)면이 혼재된 cobo octahedron형에서 octahedron인 (111)면으로 변화되었다. 한편, 기판온도증가에 따라 생성입자의 수밀도가 증가하고 성장속도도 빨라져 조대한 결정을 얻었으며, 생성된 입자형성은 (111)면애 지배적이다가 (100)결정면이 점차 많아지는 양상을 나타내었다.
The Stockholm Convention is an agreement to reduce POPs use, production and emissions. POPs are highly toxic substances and can not be decomposed in their natural state. It has the characteristic of long distance movement. In this study, we calculated the theoretical air volume based on the result of element analysis. Considering that the inside of the reactor is small, more than 10 times of the air ratio was injected. Also, the retention time was set to 4 seconds or longer by giving a margin. The incineration temperature was 850℃ and 1,100℃ degrees. As a result of thermogravimetric method analysis, the weight of chlorine-based flame retardant-containing wastes was 300∼600℃, and that of organic chlorine-based pesticides was 200∼400℃. On the basis of this, it was experimentally investigated whether the environmentally stable incineration is achieved when the sample is thermally treated using lab-scale, 1 kg/hr. As a result of analyzing five kinds of exhaust gas, the concentration of O2 was high, but the amount of CO was decreased. It is considered that complete combustion is difficult because of the small size of the furnace due to the nature of lab-scale. The chlorinated flame retardants had a decomposition rate of 100 % and the average organochlorine pesticides were 99.9935%. Considering the decomposition rates of chlorinated flame retardants and organochlorine containing pesticide derived wastes derived from this study, incineration treatment at over 2 tons/hour, which is a conventional incinerator, is considered to be possible. Considering the occurrence of dioxins and unintentional persistent organic pollutants, it is considered possible to operate at more than 1,100℃.
본 연구에서는 부산 해운대 화재사고(2010년)와 같은 고층 건축물 화재시, 외벽 외장재를 통한 수직화재확산 피해를 저감시키기 위하여 도입이 검토 되고 있는 실대형 시험법의 교정 절차에 대한 연구를 수행하였다. 이를 위하여 일본 동경이과대학 화재과학연구실의 외장재 시험장치를 이용한 교정시험을 실시하였으며, 화원으로는 도시가스를 사용한 경우와 대체화원인 목재클립을 적재한 화원 각 2경우에 대하여 시험을 실시하였다. 측정항목은 각각의 경우에 대하여 열류량과 온도를 측정하였다. 교정시험결과 두 경우 모두 표준시험법에서 제시하고 있는 열류량 기준(55 kw/m2)보다 3배가량 높은 150 kw/m2 측정되었으며, 온도 기준(800 ℃) 역시 1,000℃ 상회하는 결과를 나타내었다. 이는 표준시험법에서 가스의 공급량만을 규정하고 있을 뿐 공기 공급량 및 실험시 후드의 높이 그리고 주변 기류 조건등 기타 조건에 대한 명확한 세부 조건이 제시하지 않아 생기는 문제로 분석된다. 따라서, 이로 인한 균일한 화재조건 구현이 이루어지 어려울 것으로 판단되며, 특히 외장재의 수직화재확산 정도를 평가하기에는 너무도 가혹한 화재조건인 것으로 평가되었다. 본 실험을 통하여 표준시험법의 보다 명확한 화재원 확립 및 교정 시험 절차 개정을 위한 기초 자료를 수집하였으며, 이를 토대로 한 개정 심의 활동이 전개되어야 할 것으로 평가 되었다.