본 연구의 목적은 한국 외식기업의 해외시장 진입유형 선택의 결정 요인을 제도이론을 적용하여 검증하는 것이 다. 외식기업에게 중요한 시장지원제도인 지적재산권 보호, 무역 자유, 투자 자유가 진입유형 선택에 어떻게 영향 을 미치는지 분석하였다. 통제와 자원투입 수준에 따라 진입유형을 거래형, 제휴형, 투자형으로 구분하여 순서형 로지스틱 회귀분석으로 검증한 결과는 다음과 같다. 첫째, 현지의 지적재산권 보호 제도가 취약할수록 통제와 자 원투입 수준이 높은 진입유형을 선택하는 것으로 나타났다. 이는 외식기업의 경영 성과에 중요한 지적재산권이 제대로 보호되지 않을 경우 기업은 이를 보호하기 위해 투자 부담이 증가하더라도 통제력이 높은 진입유형을 선 택하기 때문인 것으로 해석된다. 둘째, 무역 자유 제도가 엄격하게 시행될수록 통제와 자원투입 수준이 높은 진 입유형을 선택하는 것으로 나타났다. 외식업은 음식의 맛과 가격이 중요하므로 한국에서와 동일한 맛을 외국에서 구현하기 위해서는 식재료의 반입 가능성과 조달 비용이 매우 중요하다. 따라서 자유무역이 보장되면 필수 식재 료를 한국에서 직접 반출하여 맛과 가격경쟁력을 확보하려는 유인이 작용하는 것으로 볼 수 있다. 이렇게 거래를 내부화 하려는 것은 한식 식재료들이 해외 시장에서 활발하게 거래되는 품목이 아니기 때문에 현지에서 구하기 어려울 뿐 아니라 가격도 매우 비싸기 때문이다. 셋째, 투자 자유 제도에 대한 가설은 유의확률이 높아 채택되지 않았는데, 이는 외식기업의 특성상 마스터 프랜차이즈 계약을 하더라도 본사의 통제력이 상당 정도 확보되기 때 문인 것으로 유추된다. 본 연구는 한국 외식기업이 해외시장에 진출할 때 현지의 시장지원제도에 따라 진입 전략 에 변화를 준다는 것을 실증적으로 규명했다는 점에서 중요한 의미를 갖는다.
We examined whether hybrid consumers exist in the commodity food market by comparing food products in general, fresh pork and precooked pork patties using an online questionnaire (N=200). The same consumers changed their selection criteria depending on the type of commodity food product they were considering, reflecting hybrid consumer attitudes.
The aim of this study was to forecast the future Health Functional Food (HFF) market trends of Korea by studied about policies and market situation in Japan. The HFF is a food that is given an additional health function. In contrast with traditional foods, the HFF has unique characteristics in that it can be produced under the political regulations. The market size of the HFF was growing gradually due to the increased of an aging population and consumer need for high quality and diversified foods. The reason why the HFF market in Japan grew up earlier than other countries, Japan was the first country that institutionalized the HFF policies. Therefore, in this paper, by examining the policies and the market situation of Japan through literatures, we forecasted upcoming political and market situational changes of Korea’s HFF market. We noticed that consumers needs about the HFFs which diversified, confidently ensured safety and ingredients will increase. In this regard, the government will reorganize legislation in order to increase the confidence of the safety of HFFs. In addition, the market size of domestic HFFs which are produced by major food companies will grow.
On the one hand, organic food consumption has emerged as a rapidly growing consumption trend, juxtaposed against the unsustainability of industrialized food provisions. On the other hand, recent reports highlight that premium food consumption is one of the fastest growing luxury market segments worldwide. This paper draws on the theory of social practices in order investigate how organic food consumption can be understood as an emerging luxury fashion trend, comprised of multiple interrelated ‘nexuses of doings and sayings’ that represent the elements of, and situated within the broader context of consumer culture. In this endeavour, we have conducted a situated investigation of organic food consumption in South Korea. Our findings illustrate that Korean consumers engage in organic food consumption not merely for their superior health benefits or sustainability concerns. Instead, organic consumption conveys three distinct consumption value types – namely, functional (e.g., superior quality), experiential (e.g., feeling better about themselves because they purchase eco-friendly produce), and symbolic (e.g., allows them to convey their social status). Importantly, when these value types are taken together, they closely resemble the value derived from luxury fashion, which lead us to the conclusion that organic food consumption can be conceived as a particular type of luxury fashion trend. The paper concludes with the discussion of theoretical contributions and managerial implications.
전반적인 경영환경의 글로벌화가 진전되고 기업의 국제 활동이 더욱 증가함에 따라 서비스기업들의 국제 활동 도 증가하고 있다. 다국적 기업의 해외시장 진입방식 선택 문제는 국제화 전략과 관련된 가장 중요한 의사결정 영역 중의 하나이다. 서비스기업에 있어서도 이러한 연구주제에 대한 학자들의 관심이 비교적 많은 편이지만, 서 비스기업 중 외식서비스기업에 대한 연구는 그 해외진출 활동 현황에 비해 아직 부족한 실정이다. 본 연구는 제조업과 구별되는 서비스 특성을 지닌 한국 외식서비스기업을 대상으로 해외시장 진입방식 및 경영 통제수준 결정요인이라는 연구주제를 고찰하고 실증적으로 분석하였다. 84개 기업, 103개 브랜드, 246개 해외 진출 건수를 표본으로 설문조사하여 얻은 107개(응답률 43.5%) 자료에 대한 로짓과 회귀분석 결과 진입방식과 경영 통제수준의 결정요인은 상당히 다르게 나타났다. 한국 외식서비스기업의 해외시장 진입방식 결정에는 서비스의 종류, 경쟁우위, 기업의 규모 등이 통계적으로 유의한 영향을 미치는 것으로 나타났으며, 경영 통제수준에는 경쟁우위, 국제 경험, 문화적 거리, 시장기회, 최고 경영자의 마인드 등이 영향을 미치는 것으로 분석되었다. 이는 진입방식과 경영 통제수준 사이의 관련성에도 불구하고 이 둘에 대한 연구 접근 방식이 달라야 함을 의미하기도 한다.
중국의 2012년도 가정용 음식물처리기 수입 시장 규모는 1억호 이상의 가정 중 1%에도 못 미치는 보급률에도 불구하고 약 2400만 달러로, 현재까지는 가정용음식물 쓰레기에 대해서는 특별한 규제가 없으며 정부의 수거 및 재활용 계획이 일부 시범지역에 국한되어 있었으나 점차 확대될 전망으로 향후 큰 시장잠재력을 가지고 있음. 선호 가격대와 타겟에 대한 분석 이후, 분리수거가 활성화된 지역 중심으로 중국 하수관거의 특징 등을 고려한 기술을 채택한 제품을 개발하여 진출하는 것이 바람직함
The Asian food market has been growing recently, due to the role played by major Asian countries, which include Korea, China, and Japan. This study is purposed to investigate the potential of the food market in these Northeast Asian countries and to suggest future direction for global food companies. For in-depth analysis, this study is limited in scope to the confectionery market and analyzes that market within two frameworks: first, the ‘Market Attractiveness Matrix’ which transforms the ‘BCG Matrix’ to fit into the food market in order to analyze the flow in the Asian confectionery market; and second, analysis of the potential growth of the market using a Category Development Index (CDI), which aids in understanding the growth potential of a market.
The European food market has recently reached its capacity and is now experiencing a low growth rate (Data Monitor, 2011). It is time for food companies to find a new ‘blue ocean’ to avoid fierce competition in the mature markets of Europe. Therefore, this analysis of the confectionery market, using the Market Attractiveness Matrix and CDI will suggest opportune directions for global food companies.
The main goal of this study is to show promising future food market of Northeast Asia countries, including China, Japan, and South Korea. Drinks market, including soft and alcoholic drinks is selected to show global food companies new opportunities for next strategic movements. Market Attractiveness Matrix is developed based on BCG matrix as a main framework for this study. CDI (Category Development Index) is also used. It is found that Asia-pacific has fast-growing markets and it has strong potential for future investment. Northeast Asia countries (China, Japan, and South Korea) turned out to be ones of the most attractive regional markets. However, European drinks market is saturated even though its size is still big. This study suggests that Northeast Asian market be considered a market for the next strategic movement and investment.
This study attempted to identify differences in Korean food consumption behaviors between groups of Japanese consumers segmented in accordance to their food-related lifestyles. This study was performed to provide Korean food service companies basic information to implement a strategy for the globalization of Korean food. As a result of the empirical analysis, the food-related lifestyles of Japanese consumers were deduced to the following four factors: "health and safetyoriented lifestyle", "palate and safety-oriented lifestyle", "economic efficiency-oriented lifestyle", and "simplicity-oriented lifestyle". Further, as a result of the cluster analysis, food-related lifestyles were classified into the following three groups: "a group highly interested in food-related life", "an economic efficiency-oriented group", and "a simplicity-oriented group". Second, there were significant differences in demographic characteristics and the characteristics of Korean food consumption behaviors between the groups. Third, also in a comparison of satisfaction with and loyalty to Korean restaurants with crucial attributes during the selection of Korean food, there were significant differences between the groups. Therefore, it is necessary to develop various Korean food products that will cater to Japanese consumers in accordance with each segmented group.
This study divided consumer food-related lifestyles into five types: health-oriented, convenience-oriented, safety-oriented, economics-oriented, and taste-oriented. According to this grouping, we separated the lifestyles into low-interest, safety and economics-oriented, taste-oriented, and high-interest. The results showed that the safety and economics-oriented group was the largest, whereas the taste-oriented group was the smallest. The results also showed that Korean food consumer behavior and satisfaction differed significantly among the groups, and that the high-interest food-related life group exhibited the highest satisfaction. This study is significant because it segmented the local Korean food market, applied food-related lifestyles, and examined submarket characteristics.
균형대체모형은 시장에 대한 외생적인 충격의 효과를 분석하는데 매우 유용한 분석 모형이고 그러한 이유 때문에 정부정책에 대한 효과 분석에도 빈번하게 이용되어 왔다. 거의 대부분의 균형대체모형을 이용한 선행 연구가 완전경쟁적인 시장을 가정하였다는 사실은 많은 경험적인 연구가 가공식품 시장은 불완전 경쟁구조라는 사실을 보여주고 있다는 점에 비추어 볼 때 가공식품 시장에 적용하는 데는 그 모형상의 한계 또는 결과에 대한 해석상의 한계를 안고 있다고 해야 할 것이다. 이 논문은 가공식품 시장에 적용할 수 있는 과점시장 균형대체모형을 이론적으로 제시하고자 하였다. 과점시장에서는 완전경쟁시장과 달리 공급곡선이 존재하지 않지만, 적절한 가정이 수반된다면 과점시장의 균형을 분석할 수 있는 공급관계 곡선을 도출 할 수 있다. 이 논문이 기존의 과점시장 모형에 관한 연구에 기여한 점은 과점시장의 균형점에서 공급탄성치가 도출이 가능하다는 것을 보여준 것이며, 과점시장의 공급탄성치는 시장구조 파라미터와 수요탄성치로부터 독립해서 존재하지 않는다는 점을 입증한 것이다. 이 논문에서 균형대체모형을 통해 제시한 보조금정책 분석 방법은 조세정책에도 그대로 응용될 수 있으며, 가공식품 산업 이외에도 1차 산품을 가공하는 다른 산업에도 적용될 수 있을 뿐만 아니라 환경오염과 관련된 이슈에도 적용이 가능하다.
This study was implemented to offer materials for the activation of On-line food shopping mall though census about purchasing food. A percentage of people who had accessed to On-line food shopping mall was 53.8%, and who had an experience of purchasing food at the On-line sopping mali was 18.9%. The number of food purchasing in On-line food market is 1~3 times(67.7%). It is general that an amount of food purchase is less than 100,000 wons. And the health assistant food is the most interesting item followed by Meet, Special products like a laver and mushroom, and an anchovy. in purchasing food at On-line market, customer thought that the confidence and the freshness of food are important because customer can't choose a product directly. In the future of food purchase using On-line shopping mall, 38.1% of people show their intend of purchasing at the mall. People who had experience of food purchase though the Internet have more positive view about repurchase than ones had not.
The purpose of this study was to describe the levels of market goods substitution of housework and find out the determinants on it in the domain of food among married female home-based workers. The data were collected from 169 married female home-based workers in Pusan and Kyungnam province, by self-administered questionnaires. Frequencies, percentiles, Cronbach's alpha, Pearson's correlations, and multiple regression were used to analyze the data. In the convenience foods, frozen foods had the highest substitution level, whereas prepared stew had the lowest. The substitution level of Korean traditional storage foods was the middle. And in dining-out service, the substitution level was mostly high: the level of delivery service was higher than that of dining-out. Compared to the previous research, these results showed that market goods substitution tended to increase, and its level in the domain of food will promote continually over time. The variables affecting the substitution level of convenience food were the number of family members, occupation, the existence of elderly/disabled person in the family, sex-role attitude, and weekly hours at home-based work. The substitution level of Korean traditional storage foods was influenced by sex-role attitude, occupation, education, monthly household income, and the existence of elderly/disabled person in the family. The significant variables affecting the substitution level of dining-out service were weekly hours at home-based work, the number of family members, occupation, monthly household income, education, and sex-role attitude.
The crude lipid contents of dried sea food products varied remarkably from 1.2 to 29.9% for dried fish products, from 2.8 to 12.3% for dried mollusk ones, and from 0.1 to 2.3% for dried seaweed ones. In fatty acid composition of dried fish products, the saturated acid was the most predominant component for dried anchovies, hair tail, Kstsuobushi, the monoenoic acid was the most predominant one for dried yellow corvenia, flat head, common carp, sea eel and conger eel. And the polyenoic acid was the most abundant one for dried cod. Allaska pollack, flounder, sole fish, ray, smelt and sardine. The major fatty acids of these dried fish products were 16:0, 16:1, 18:0, 18:1, 20:5 and 22:6. Fatty acid composition of dried mollusk products were mainly consisted of polyenoic acid, and followed by saturated acid, monoenoic aced. The major fatty acids of these products were similiar to those of dried fish products. And in case of dried seaweed products, saturated acid such as 14:0, 16:0 was the most predominant component, while polyenoic acid was abundant one in dried laver and sea mustard. The main fatty acids of dried seaweed products were 14:0, 16:0, 18:1, 20:1, 20:4, and 20:5. Judging from the results, dried sea food products were abundant of the highly unsaturated fatty acids in spite of the drying processing and storage.
In accordance with the 1996 London Protocol, the marine dumping of wastewater generated from food was totally banned from 2013. Therefore, establishing a food wastewater bio-gasification facility for stable and continuous food wastewater treatment is necessary. The biogas produced from the wastewater can be used as fuel for electricity generation or for heating in power plants and can be sold as gas in cities as well as fuel for vehicles after undergoing a refining process. Thus, the South Korean government is trying to expand the bio-gasification facility of wastewater generated from food. In this study, we try to obtain information about the public value of such an expansion. For this purpose, the household willingness to pay (WTP) for the expansion is determined by applying the contingent valuation (CV) approach. A total of 1,000 South Korean households were involved in the CV survey, which had questions with dichotomous choices. The mean yearly public value WTP for expansion is estimated at 2,564 KRW per household. If this WTP is extrapolated from the sample to the nation’s population, the expansion in the national value is worth 50.1 billion KRW per year. These results indicate that the expansion of food wastewater bio-gasification facility is supported by Korean households.