The objective of this study was to analyze the free sugar contents of ten kinds of fruits and fruit vegetables that were collected from many district in Korea. The analyzed results will be used as basic nutrition component reference to processing. The results were summarized as follows. The total free sugar contents among the ten kinds of fruit vegetables was highest in grape. The contents of glucose, fructose and sucrose were 6.39%, 6.27%, 0.28%, respectively. The average total sugar contents of four cultivar of apple was 11.42% and average fructose contents was 6.13%. The free sugar contents of thirteen samples of the same cultivar of apple were all differing with statistical significance. The average total free sugar contents of eight cultivar of peach was 8.66%. In case of tomato, glucose content was approximately 1.35~2.83% and fructose was 1.26~2.51%. The contents of glucose, fructose and sucrose in paprika were 2.19%, 2.06%, 0.1%, respectively.
This study was conducted to investigate the proximate composition, free sugars, amino acids, and minerals in five Lentinula edodes cultivars collected in Korea. No significant differences in the content of crude fat and crude fiber were found between the samples; however, there was significant variation in the contents of nitrogen free extract, ash, and crude protein. Three kinds of free sugars (fucose, arabinose, and glucose) were identified by HPLC, with the glucose content ranging from 5.94% to 12.08%. Sixteen kinds of free amino acids were identified: the highest content of amino acids was found in ‘Sanlim5ho’ (13,768.33 mg%), while the highest content of free amino acids was found in ‘Sanlim4ho’ (6,790.57 mg%). The minerals detected in the L. edodes cultivars were potassium, calcium, magnesium, and sodium, the contents of which ranged from 567.16–2,356.09 mg%, 3.85–7.42 mg%, 9.79–20.88 mg%, and 19.60–22.62 mg%, respectively.
지황(地黃)의 주(主) 약효성분(藥效成分)으로 알려져 있는 catalpol의 iridoid골격(骨格)과 glycosidic bond를 형성(形成)하는 유리당류(遊離糖類)를 확인(確認)하기 위하여 생육시기(生有時期)에 따른 무기성분(無記性分), 유리당류(遊離糖類), 회분(灰分), 엑기스 및 catalpol의 함량(含量)을 조사(調査)하였다. 수확기(收穫期)가 가까워질수록 P, K, Ca, Mg, Cu 및 회분(灰分)의 함량(含量)은 감소(減少)하였으나, Fe 및 엑기스의 함량(含量)은 증가(增加)하였다. 수확기(收穫期)가 가까워질수록 전당(全糖), sucrose 및 galactose의 함량(含量)은 감소(減少)하였으나, fructose 및 catalpol의 함량(含量)은 증가(增加)하였다.
This study was carried out to investigate the compositions of free sugars, lipids, and nonvolatile organic acids in parts of omija. The major components of free sugars in each part of omija were fructose and glucose. The contents of those were similar in fruits and endocarps, however, the content of glucose was 1.5 times as much as that of fructose in seeds. The content of lipids in endocarps was 2.4 times as much as that in seeds, and major composition of lipids was neutral lipid. In the contents of nonvolatile organic acids, the content of citric acid that content was 61 to 68% depend on each part of sample was highest among other components, and that of malic acid being 25 to 30% was followed. The contents of nonvolatile organic acids of water extract were 74.5, 55.9, and 69.2% as high as those of original sample in fruits, endocarps, and seeds, respectively. The content of oxalic acid in seeds was lower than that of it in original sample.
Background : The major compounds of Angelica species are decursin, decursinol angelate, nodakenin, umbelliferone and β-sitosterol, which act anti-inflammatories, reduce pains, protect the liver and enhance the immune system. This study investigated the chemical compositions, minerals, metals, sugars and overall amino acid composition in Angelica gigas Nakai.
Methods and Results : Powder of Angelica roots smaller than 30 mesh were used. Physico chemical analysis revealed the presence of carbohydrates (62.0%), crude proteins (13.9%), moisture (11.4%), crude fats (7.3%) and ash (5.4%). Results showed that potassium was present in the highest amount (1,859 ppm), followed by magnesium (214.5 ppm), calcium (147.3 ppm) and sodium (6.0 ppm). Free sugar profiles showed the presence of sucrose (29.3 g/100 g). The total amino acids concentrations was 9,752 ㎎/ 100 g, the most common and dominant amino acids were arginine (2,181 ㎎/100 g), glutamic acid (1,212 ㎎/100 g) and aspartic acid (834 ㎎/100 g). The total free amino acids contents was 1,476 ㎎/100 g, in which the most common amino acid were arginine (932 ㎎/100 g), glutamic acid (127 ㎎/100 g), and γ-aminobutyric acid (80.4 ㎎/100 g). The fatty acid composition of A. gigas showed a higher concentration of unsaturated fatty acids such as linoleic acid (443.9 ㎎/100 g) and palmitic acid (181.3 ㎎/100 g) according to gas chromatography.
Conclusions : These results showed that Angelica roots can be used in various fields of foods and medicines, and in the preparation of cosmetics.
Gibberellic acid did not affect ethylene production, whereas gibberellin biosynthesis inhibitors triggered ethylene production in dormant tubers. Gibberellic acid did not induce sprouting of dormant tubers, however, treatment of gibberellin biosynthesis retardants enhanced sprouting rates. Sprouting rate in ancymidol-treated tubers was highest among gibberellin biosynthesis retardants. Sprouting rate of tubers treated with ancymidol increased to 91.4~% . Batatasin-III content in GA3 treated tuber was increased in the highest concentration (30~mug~;I-1) . Tubers treated with mepiquat chloride, Batatasin-I was increased steadily, but contents of Batatasin-III and V showed dramatic decrease at the 1,000~mug~;I-1) concentration. This infers that gibberellin biosynthesis retardants play key roles in promoting breaking dormancy on dormant tubers of Chinese yam.
콩의 증자조건에 따른 검정콩 전통간장의 숙성 후 유리당, 유기산, 지방산조성을 조사하였다. pH 값은 5.04~5.32로 시험구간의 큰 차이를 나타내지 않았고, 원료 콩을 상압증자한 검정콩 간장이 가압이나 스팀보다는 약간 높은 수치를 나타내었다. 적정산도는 4.26~7.72 mL로 나타났으며, 가압 증자한 검정콩 간장(4.26~5.61 mL)이 가장 높았으며, 다음으로 상압(7.32 mL), 스팀(5.99~6.96 mL)의 순으로 나타났다. 환원
창포 뿌리를 주근(main mot)과 측근(lateral root)으로 분리하여 열풍건조 분쇄, 분말화한 후 일반성분, 당 및 아미노산등 화학성분을 분석하여 식품학적 특성을 검토하였다. 주근과 측근 건조분말에는 각각 조단백질 12.76%, 9.84%와 조지방 7.43%, 3.42%로 높게 함유하고 있어 에너지공급원과 식물성 고단백질 원료로서의 우수한 영양학적 가치를 가지고 있음을 확인하였다. 유리당으로는 sucrose, stachyose, raf
Changes of free sugars and sugar alcohols of fresh shiitake were measured during storage. Shiitake were stored at 1 and -4, with non-packaging, wrapping, 0.03mm polyethylene(PE)film packaging(unpunched and punched, unprecooled and precooled before storage), 0.05mm PE film (vacuum packaging). Chanties of glycerol, arabitol and arabinose contents were not marked during storage. The content chanties of -rhamnose, fructose, glucose, mannitol, sucrose and maltose were the smallest until 40days storage and were increased significantly after 40 days and then decreased significantly after 50days. Content of -rhamnose during storage when was treated unprecooling, 0.03mm PE film punched and unpunched at -4 was the highest 25.08% and 34.86%, respectively in 50~60days. Content of mannitol was not changed at -4.
For the quantitiative determination of chemical and taste components in black omija(Schizandra nigra Max) and omija(S.chinensis), compositions of free sugars, free amino acids, total amino acids, and minerals were analyzed. Among the total free sugars in black omija and omija, glucose and frutose were major free sugars and sucrose was little amount. The most abundant free amino acid in black imija was histidine and that in imija was serine. The major free amino acid in black omija and omija were histidine, serine, glutamic acid and aspartic acid. The major total amino acids in black omija and omija were glutamic acid, arginine , leucine and histidine. The limiting amino acid of each omija was S-containing amino acids. The abuntdant minerals in black omija and omija were K and Ca.
인삼 종자의 발육시기별 종자 및 배유의 크기, 사포닌, 유리당 그리고 지방산의 함량을 조사하였던바 그 결과는 다음과 같다. 1. 종자의 크기(길이, 폭, 두께) 생장은 개화후 35 일경에, 배유의 크기 생장은 개화후 50일경에 완료되었으나 장육을 제거하지 않은 종자의 무게는 개화후 65일까지 감소되었다. 2. 총사포닌 및 ginsenosides의 함량은 개화후 일수가 경과할수록 감소되었다. 3. Glucose, maltose 및 fructose의 함량은 개화후 일수가 경과할수록 감소되었으나 sucrose 함량은 경과일수에 따라 증가되었다. 4 Palmitic 산의 함량은 개화후 일수가 경과함에 따라 감소경향이었으나 oleic, linoleic 및 stearic산은 경과일수에 따라 증가되었다.
인삼종자의 열매송이를 원이라 가정하고 그 원의 반지름을 3등분한 원을 각각 작도하여 1차원의 부분을 중앙부, 2차원의 부분을 중간부, 3차원의 부분을 외부라 구분하고 각 부위에 착생한 종자의 크기 및 ginsenoside, 유리당, 지방산의 차이를 조사하였다. 1. 100입의 종자중과 배유중은 열매송이의 외부나 중간부에 착생한 종자에 비해 중앙부에 착생한 종자에서 현저히 작았다. 2. 1입과의 종자가 2입과의 종자에 비해 소립이었고, 1입과의 착생비율은 열매송이의 외부나 중간부에 비해 중앙부에서 증가되었다. 3. 종자내의 주요 ginsenoside 는 Re, Rb1 , Rb2 ,Rd 였고, 종자의 착생위치별는 Rb2 와 총사포닌 함량은 중앙부쪽에 착생한 종자일수록 감소했으나 Rd 함량은 오히려 증가되었다. 4. 종자내의 주요유리당은 sucrose, glucose 였고, 종자의 착생위치별로 보면 sucrose 는 열매송이의 중앙부쪽에 착생한 종자일수록 그 함량이 점점 감소되었다. 5. 종자내의 주요지방산은 oleic 산과 linoleic 산이었고, palmitic 산과 linolenic산의 함량은 종자의 착생위치에 따라 차이를 보였다.
Saponin생합성의 개체발생학적 정보를 얻기 위하여 인삼종자의 개갑과정과 묘삼생육초기에 saponin및 유리당의 변화를 HPLC로 조사하있다. 개갑처리 40일 후에 약 80%의 saponin이 없어졌으며 Rc, Rb2 , Rb1 이 없어지고 PD가 더 많이 없어졌다. 70일 후에는 40일 후보다 증가하였으며 Rg2 와 Rg3 (추정), 20-gluco Rf(추정)의 증가는 분해용탈 외에 생합성 가능성을 배제하지 아니하였다. F3 (추정)는 과육에 없고 미숙배유와 배에 있고 개갑과정에서 적어졌다. Rg3 는 과육에 없고 배유와 배에 흔적으로 있으나 개갑에서 증가되었다. 20-gluco Rf는 개갑 중 배유와 배에서만 나타났다. 4월 20일의 묘삼근에서 saponin은 없었으나 줄기에서는 개갑시 보다 많았다. 근의 saponin 생성은 5월 29일에 나타났으나 6월 30일에야 Rc, Rb2 , Rb1 이 처음 생기며 본 궤도에 이르는 것 같다. 6월 중 단위 생중당 saponin 생합성 속도는 뿌리보다 잎에서 배가 높았다. 잎사포닌 F3 와 F6가 뿌리에서 발견되고, 근 saponin Rg3 와 20-gluco-Rf가 엽에서 나타났으나 점점 감소하였다. Saponin함량의 변화에는 PD가 주역이여서 PT/PD는 saponin 함량과 부상관을 보였다. 재갑처리 70일에도 sucrose의 함량이 높았으나 glucose는 흔적, fructose는 없었다. 묘삼의 잎은 sucrose보다 glucose와 fructose가 초기에는 많았으나 후에는 상당히 적어졌다. 줄기는 glu-cose가 많고 기타는 흔적 정도 였으며 뿌리는 초기에 sucrose가 종자에서 보다 높았으나 그 후 모든 당이 거의 흔적뿐이었다.