
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 45

        2024.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The oyster mushrooms have known to be a major product in Gyeonggi-do, with production accounting for 69% of the entire country. The ‘Daeseon’ cultivar, which has white and straight stem, was developed. This cultivar was developed by mating monokaryons isolated from the ‘Heuktari’ and ‘Hwaseong-2ho’ varieties. The optimum temperature for the mycelial growth was 26~32oC on PDA medium and that for the primordia formation and the growth of fruit body of ‘Daeseon’ was 16~20oC on sawdust media. It took 35 days to complete spawn running, 3 days for finish primordia formation, and 4 days for finish fruit body growth in the bottle culture. It has shallow funnel-shaped pileus and a white straight stipe. The yield per bottle was 201 g/1,100 ml and was 16% higher than that of control cultivar ‘Suhan-1ho’. Based on above results, we expect this cultivar to be suitable for small packaging.
        2024.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        In this study, we investigated the microbial community of oyster mushrooms at different growth stages at the species level. Gram-positive bacteria were predominant in the presterilized medium. On the other hand, Gram-negative bacteria were predominant in the culture-completed medium, post-harvest medium, and fruiting bodies. In addition, Pseudomonas tolaasii, which is known to cause disease in mushrooms, was confirmed in the cultured medium, post-harvest medium, and fruiting bodies, and it was determined that the mycelium culture stage was contaminated, and the reason why no disease occurred was Sphingobacterium psychroaquaticum. It was confirmed that this was because the growth of Pseudomonas tolaasii was suppressed by producing a component called tolacin. As a result of confirming the diversity of microorganisms, it was confirmed that the presterilization medium contains a variety of microorganisms compared to other growth stages, and the diversity decreases in the order of culture completion medium, fruiting body, and post-harvest medium. showed a trend. As a result of microbial similarity analysis, it was confirmed that the cultured medium and the post-harvest medium showed similar microbial communities, and in the case of fruiting bodies, there were some similarities but overall differences.
        2023.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Light plays an important role in fruit-body development and morphology during Pleurotus spp. cultivation. To understand the effects of light color on fruit-body properties, we evaluated the fruit-body characteristics of Pleurotus spp. varieties cultivated under blue, red, and purple LED light sources. The main results are as follows: The overall fruit-body shape showed differences depending on the color of the LED light. The fruit-bodies of mushroom cultivated under blue and purple light were generally similar to the mushroom shapes typically produced, while those of mushroom cultivated under green light were abnormally shaped, probably due to the absence of effective light source. The average cap lightness of mushrooms cultivated under blue, green, and purple LED lights was 57.0, 57.4, and 59.4, respectively. The average cap lightness of all varieties except Wonhyeong1ho and Hwang-geumsantari cultivated under the three LED light sources were statistically significantly different (P<0.05). The cap redness varied significantly depending on the LED lighting and variety. Only Gonji7hoM, the cap color mutant of Gonji7ho, showed negative cap redness values under all three LED light sources. Among the eight varieties excluding Gonji7ho, the highest cap redness was observed when cultivated under the blue LED. The average harvest weight of the varieties cultivated under purple, blue, and green LED light were 68.0, 58.3, and 50.1 g, respectively. The yield of Gonji7ho, the mushroom variety with the highest yield, cultivated under blue, green, and purple LED light were 92.8, 77.1, and 98.6 g, respectively. The earliness when grown under the purple, blue, and green LED lights were 5.3, 5.8, and 5.8 days, respectively. Among the varieties, six, three, and two cultivars showed the shortest earliness under the purple, green, and blue LED, respectively. The fruit-body lengths were 66.4, 51.8, and 46.8 mm when cultivated under green, purple, and blue lights, respectively. These results are expected to serve as a foundation for producing mushrooms with traits demanded in the market.
        2023.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The oyster mushroom is a widely cultivated edible mushroom in Korea. It is a regionally specialized crop in Gyeonggi-do, where 68% of the national production is produced. The present study was conducted to develop a new, highquality cultivar with stable cultivation. ‘Manseon’ is a new variety of oyster mushroom suitable for bottle culture. It was produced by mating monokaryons isolated from ‘HB-18’ and ‘P15159-16’. The optimal temperature for ‘Manseon’ mycelial growth was 26–29 °C on potato dextrose agar (PDA) medium and for primordia formation and the growth of fruit bodies the optimal temperature was 18–19 °C on sawdust medium. Spawn running required 30 d, primordia formation required 4 d, and fruit body growth in the bottle culture required 4 d. Regarding the characteristics of the fruit bodies, the pilei were round and dark grayish brown, stipe color was white, and stipe shape was short and thick. The yield per bottle was 192.7 g/1,100 cc, which was 9% higher than that of the control strain (Suhan-1ho). The physical properties of springiness, cohesiveness, gumminess, and brittleness of stipe tissue were 87.9%, 77.4%, 445.1 kgf, and 389.6 kgf, respectively.
        2022.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study was conducted to reduce the phenomenon of the biased cultivation of certain mushroom varieties and to develop a competitive variety of Grifola frondosa. We developed the first Korean white commercial mushroom strain, ‘Bakyeon’, by crossing monokaryons derived from brown strains. We have collected and tested the characteristics of mushrooms from domestic and international genetic resources since 2018. We bred the unique domestic variety, ‘Bakyeon’, which has the following characteristics. The optimal temperature for mycelial growth was 25~28oC and the optimal temperature for fruit body growth was 16~18oC. The new variety was similar to the control variety (Daebak) in terms of the pileus, which formed a pine cone shape, and the number of days of cultivation. The yield was 94.1 g/bottle, which was 23% lower than the 108.5 g/bottle yield of the control variety. When incubating the parent and control varieties, the replacement line was clear. Moreover, polymerase chain reaction analysis of mycelial DNA resulted in different band patterns between the parent and control varieties, confirming the hybrid species.
        2018.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        느타리버섯 재배에 톱밥으로 많이 사용하고 있는 포플러 및 미송톱밥 대체용으로 산림간벌목인 소나무톱밥을 사용하여 느타리버섯을 재배한 결과 균사 생장량은 배양 18일후 소나무 톱밥 70% 첨가된 배지에서 10.8 cm였고, 대조구인 포플러톱밥+미강(8:2)배지에서는 10.2 cm로 소나무 톱밥 배지에서 균사생장이 조금 빨랐다. 전체적으로 균사생장량은 소나무 톱밥의 첨가량에 관계없이 대조구인 포플러톱밥+미강(8:2)배지와 비슷하였고, 균사밀도도 처리간에 뚜렷한 차이가 없이 높은 밀도를 보였다. 자실체의 갓 직경과 대 굵기는 소나무 톱밥이 첨가된 배지에서 조금 낮은 경향을 보였으며, 대와 갓의 경도는 소나무 톱밥 20%와 30% 첨가배지에서 조금 높았다. 대의 색도를 측정한 결과 L값은 소나무톱밥 첨가배지에서 높은 경향을 보였지만, a, b 값은 처리간에 뚜렷한 차이를 보이지 않았다. 병당 수량은 대조구가 157 g/850 ml였고, 소나무 톱밥 40% 첨가에서는 170 g/850 ml으로 가장 높은 수량을 보였다. 또한 느타리버섯의 수량과 생육특성을 고려할 때 소나무 톱밥을 20% 이상 첨가하여도 수량에는 전혀 지장이 없었다. 이와 같이 느타리재배에서 산림간벌목인 소나무를 바로 느타리버섯재배에 이용하여도 수량이나 품질에 큰 차이가 없었다. 따라서 산림간벌목인 소나무가 느타리재배에 사용하는 포플러나 미송의 대체 배지재료로 충분할 것으로 판단된다.
        2018.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        표고 톱밥배지 배양일수별 배지특성을 조사한 결과 ‘산조701호’의 색도는 명도인 L값이 배양 30일에 83.8(±2.5) 에서 배양 120일에 45.7(±2.3)로 감소하였고, a와 b의 값은 배양일수가 증가할수록 증가하였지만 경도는 배양 30일에 9.4(±0.9)g/mm에서 배양 120일에 2.6(±0.2)g/mm으로 감소하였다. ‘농진고’는 명도인 L값이 배양 30일에 86.2(±2.1) 에서 배양 120일에 53.4(±1.3)로 감소하였고, a와 b의 값은 배양일수가 증가할수록 증가하였지만 경도는 배양 30일에 4.8(±0.7)g/mm 배양 120일에 3.8(±1.0)g/mm로 감소하였다. 배양일수별 자실체 특성을 조사한 결과 ‘산조701호’의 배양일수별 첫 수확일은 30일 배양배지는 46일, 60일배양 배지는 89일, 90일배양 배지는 8일로 가장 짧았고, 120일 배양배지가 9일이었다. 자실체 평균무게는 90일 배양배지가 48.3 g으로 가장 높았고 갓 직경, 갓 두께도 가장 높았지만 색도측정결과에서는 120일 배양배지에서 발생된 자실체가 가장 우수한 상품성을 보이는 것을 확인하였다. ‘농진고’는 30일 배양배지가 22일, 60일 배양배지가 18일, 90일 배양 배지가 8일로 가장 짧았고, 120일 배양배지는 9일이었다. 따라서 표고의 배지, 자실체 특성 등을 고려할 때 배지의 배양일수가 120일이 안정적인 수량 및 높은 상품성 확보가 가능할 것으로 판단되었다.
        2017.10 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Pleurotus nebrondensis is a new type of commercially cultivated edible mushroom in china. It is well knowned for its large and fat body, pure white color and tender character, the most of delicious taste in many kinds of mushroom and ample nutrition. However, it is not spreaded because there are no domestic cultivar and stable cultivation method. For the new cultivar, we aim to find the superior strains for better mycelial and fruit body growth. So, we carried out to obtain morphological and physiological characteristics for an artificial cultivation of Pleurotus nebrodensis for collected strains. Twenty strains were cultivated with bottle and bag culture selected of high quality yield two strains. GMPN65034 was the highest yield with 133g/900㎖ for bottle cultivation. GMPN65027 was the highest yield with 145g/1.0kg for bag cultivation. In the future, we have the research project of Pleurotus nebrondensis breeding and culture system for stable production of a new reasonable substrate.
        2017.10 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        This study was conducted to investigate the temperature and accumulated temperature of Lentinula edodes strains from primordial occurrence to fruit body maturity. The experimental strains were Sanjo 108 (high temperature type), Sanjo 302 (middle temperature type) and Sanjo 502 (low temperature type). When the Sanjo 108 and Sanjo 302 occurred, the daily mean temperature inside the L. edodes inoculated logs was 17.9 ~ 20.5 °C, which was lower than air temperature by 0.7 ~ 1.15 °C. When the Sanjo 502 occurred, the daily mean temperature inside the L. edodes inoculated logs was 3.6 ~ 16.6 °C, which was lower than air temperature by 0.1 ~ 0.7 °C. The difference between the maximum and the minimum temperature when the fruit body occurred was 4.4 °C inside the inoculated logs and 6.9 °C in the air temperature in Sanjo 108 and Sanjo 302, and in Sanjo 502 was 5.5 °C inside the inoculated logs and 9.1 °C in the air temperature. The number of days from primordial occurrence to fruit body maturity in Sanjo 108, Sanjo 302 and Sanjo 502 was 3.9 days, 5.1 days and 10.6 days, and accumulated temperatures of these strains were 104.9 °C, 129.2 °C and 141.4 °C, respectively. The number of days and accumulation temperatures were 518 days and 8,361 °C in Sanjo 108, 444 days and 6,475 °C in Sanjo 302, and 560 days 9,263 °C in Sanjo 502.
        2017.10 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Fruiting bodies were degraded themselves by the several glycoside hydrolases after spore releasing from mature fruiting bodies or harvesting. The enzymes involved in autolysis such as glucanase and chitinase have been studied. However, there are almost no information about the relationship between several glycoside hydrolases and autolysis. In this study, we studied to obtain the enzymatic properties of trehalase, and also to get the new information on the relationship between trehalase and autolysis. Crude enzymes were prepared from each fruiting body of Pleurotus sp. (from the immature stage to the autolysis stage) and the trehalase activities were measured at each growth stage. Trehalase activities sharply increased in autolysis stage. Trehalase was partially purified from fruiting bodies of the autolysis stage using various column chromatography and its properties were examined. The optimum temperature was 50 °C and the optimum pH was 4.5. In order to elucidate the localization of trehalase, fruit bodies of the autolysis stage were divided into the stipes and the pileuses, and the each trehalase activity was measured. High trehalase activities were found in the pileuses. Furthermore, in order to elucidate trehalase activities in autolysis more detail, the each fruiting body of autolysis progressing stages was finely divided into the stipes and the pileuses, and their activities were measured. The activities in the outer part of the pileuses were highest at the initial stage of autolysis and the activities shifted from the outer side to the inner side of the pileuses according to the progress of autolysis.
        2016.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        생육실 내·외부 환경조건과 종균 배양 및 자실체 특성검 정 결과 다음과 같은 결론을 얻을 수 있었다. 먼저, 종균 배양이 외부 온도의 영향을 받는 것을 확인할 수 있었다. 배양실의 환경 조건(22oC, 65-68%, 700-1,200 ppm)을 일 정하게 하여도 외부 기온이 낮고, 건조해지는 1월(동절기) 에는 16-18일 가량 늦은 것을 확인하였다. 또한, 외부 기후에 따라 생육실 내부 환경이 영향을 받 아, 자실체 생장이 느리고 발생 형태가 다른 것을 확인하 였다. 동일한 조건(18±1oC, 85-95%, 700-1,200ppm)을 설 정한 생육실에서 재배한 버섯이 수량(무게), 길이(크기) 모두 1월에 수확한 버섯이 3월에 수확한 버섯에 비해 작 은 수치임을 확인하였고, 경도가 작아 품질 면에서도 양 호하지 못함을 확인하였다. 이는 1월 외부의 영하의 저온 과 60% 이하의 저습에 의해 생육실 내부 환경이 변화하 여 일어난 현상임을 알 수 있었다. 아울러 버섯의 특성은 일정 시일이 지난 후 외부 기후를 보완하여 실내 환경을 조절하여도 개선되지 않음을 확인하였다. 일정 기간이 지 난 후의 조치는 균의 노후화만 진행시켜 색만 변화할 뿐 크기가 커지거나 침이 형성되지 않았다. 그러므로 환경 스트레스를 받지 않도록 미리 예방하는 것이 필요하다. 환기와 생육관리를 위해 생육실 내부 환경이 외부로 노출 될 때, 외부 환경이 영향을 미치지 않도록 에어커튼 혹은 보온 커튼을 덧대어 문제가 발생하지 않도록 해야할 것이다. 특히, 동절기와 같이 외부 기온이 낮고, 습도가 낮은 시기에는 특별히 주의가 필요할 것이다.
        2015.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study was carried out to investigated optimum mixing ratio of Korean cultivation Salvia miltiorrhiza forproduction of functional oyster mushroom. Mycerial growth was slow at addition of Salvia miltiorrhiza, and significant differenceby increase of Salvia miltiorrhiza. Yields of fruiting body show the highest to 139.5g/850ml of medium which are addition 5g/bottle of Salvia miltiorrhiza but rapid decrease by increase of Salvia miltiorrhiza. Diameter of pileus and thick of stipes were higherat addition Salvia miltiorrhiza than those of the controls. Thick of pileus and length of stipes were the highest at addition 30g, and20g and 30g of Salvia miltiorrhiza. The L value of stipes were the highest at addition 20g and 50g of Salvia miltiorrhiza and theL value of pileus were the highest at addition 30g of Salvia miltiorrhiza, but there was no significant difference in the a-value andthe b-value.
        2015.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        팽이버섯 포장필름의 국산화 및 동남아시아 지역 수출용 필름개발을 목적으로 개발중인 포장필름을 현재 시중에 유통 중인 포장필름과 수입산 포장필름과 함께 저장 중 팽이버섯에 적용하여 이화학적 특성변화를 검토하였다. 각 포장재 원단으로 포장된 팽이버섯을 저장 온도에 따라 중량 감소율을 측정하여 선도유지를 평가하였다. 4oC에 보관한 팽이버섯은 모든 포장필름에서 중량 변화가 거의 없었으며 15oC의 경우 수입 포장필름과 국내 유통중인 포장필름이 시험용 포장필름 보다 더 많은 중량 감소율이 보이는 것을 확인하였다. 신장률을 측정한 결과, 15oC에서는 수입 포장필름, 국내 유통 중인 포장필름, 실험용 포장필름 순으로 신장률 변화가 크게 측정되었으나, 나머지 온도조건에서는 세 가지 포장 조건 모두 자루 신장률 변화가 비슷하게 나타났다. pH의 변화는 25oC에서 수입포장필름, 국내유통 포장필름, 실험용 포장필름 순으로 pH가 낮게 나타났다. 색도의 경우 저장 온도 4~25oC에서 저장한 시료는 저장 기간 동안 명도가 약간 낮아졌으나 포장 필름의 종류는 팽이버섯 색도 변화에 큰 영향을 미치지 않았다. 총 6종의 유기산이 검출되었으며, 종류는 oxalic acid(수산), lactic acid(젖산), malic acid(사과산), citric acid(구연산), acetic acid(초산) 및 succinic acid(호박산)로 나타났다. 팽이버섯의 유기산 총 함량은 저장 전 5.58%, 4oC에서 저장 후 4.70~5.50%, 15oC에서 저장 후 4.51~5.48%, 25oC에서 저장 후 4.91~6.07%, 35oC에서 저장 후 4.96~8.34%로 나타났다. 팽이버섯의 주요 유기산은 oxalic acid(1.11~4.28%)와 malic acid(0.48~1.96%)로 나타났다. 저장 온도에 따라서는 4~25oC에서 저장한 시험구는 유기산 함량의 변화가 크지 않았으나, 35oC에서 저장한 시험구는 malic acid의 함량이 낮아짐과 동시에 acetic acid의 함량이 높아졌다. 각각의 온도 조건에서 저장성을 실험한 결과 포장용 필름 원단에 따라서는 유기산 함량 변화에 큰 영향을 미치지 않는 것으로 나타났다.
        2014.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        본 연구는 잣버섯 재배에서 자실체의 생장과 상대습도 와의 관계를 파악하기 위해 수행하였다. 상대습도가 증가 할수록 갓과 대의 수분함량은 높은 경향이었고, 초발이소 요일수와 생육일수는 상대습도 95%에서 가장 짧았다. 수 량 및 상품수량은 다른 처리구에 비해 상대습도 95%에서 가장 많았고, 갓의 균열정도는 상대습도 65%에서 가장 강하게 나타났다.
        2014.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        표고 톱밥배지 재배시 녹색LED 광량에 따른 생육특성 분석 결과 5 umol ·m -2 · s -1에서 3주기 기준 배지당 자실체 의 수량은 239 g으로 형광등 202 g 대비 18% 증수효과가 있었으며, 자실체 폴리페놀 함량은 형광등 107 ppm에 대 비 78.4 ppm으로 27% 정도 낮았지만 에르고스테롤 함량 은 형광등 145 ppm 대비 307 ppm으로 2.1배 높은 함량을 보였다. 전력소모량은 형광등 대비 15.9%의 에너지 절감 율을 보였으며, 전등의 에너지 효율이 77.5%로 가장 컸다.
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