본 연구는 한우와 함께 우리의 고유유전자원임에도 불구하고 한우에 비해 산업적 활용이 미흡한 칡소집단의 유전적 다양성과 특성을 파악하고자 실시하였다. 또한 멸종위기까지 처했던 칡소가 복원사업을 통해 일정 수준의 축군 확보에 성공하였지만 이 과정에서 유전적 다양성의 증감에 따른 유전적 병목현상 등의 현황을 파악하기 위해 11개의 MS 마커 유전자형을 이용해 분석을 수행했다. 관측(HObs) 및 기대 이형접합율(HExp)의 평균은 0.753, 0.765였으며, 다형정보지수(PIC)값은 0.732로 유전적 다양성은 비교적 높게 유지되고 있었다. 하디-바인베르크 평형(HWE) 검정결과 11개 좌위 중 5개 좌위는 유전적 평형 상태에서 유의적으로(p<0.05) 이탈해 있음을 확인했다. 칡소집단의 병목현상 여부를 검정하고자 11개 좌위의 대립유전자형을 3가지 변이 모델 IAM (Infinite Allele Model), SMM (Stepwise Mutation Model) 및 TPM (Two-Phase Mutation Model) 방법으로 추정했다. 본 연구에서 세 가지 검정 모두 칡소집단이 변이부동평형(Mutation Drift Equilibrium)에서 유의적으로 높게 이탈해 있음을 보였으며 이는 최근 유전적 병목현상이 발생했음을 시사한다. 희소 대립유전자 발생비율 검정결과 칡소 집단은 유전적 병목현상이 발생했음을 시사하는 모드변화(mode shifted) 분포를 보였다. 본 연구는 칡소를 대상으로 유전적 병목현상 여부를 분석한 최초의 보고이며 제시된 자료들은 새로운 육종소재로서 칡소의 활용과 이를 기반으로 한우산업의 다양한 육종 및 브랜드화 전략을 수립하는데 기초자료로 유용하게 활용 될 것으로 기대된다.
Hypsizygus marmoreus is a mushroom with abundant flavor and medicinal properties. However, its application is limited by problems such as long cultivation period, low biological efficiency, and microbiological contamination; therefore, there is a substantial need for development of new cultivars of this species. In this study, 55 strains of H. marmoreus were subjected to inter simple sequence repeat (ISSR) analysis to identify markers for the selection of mother strains for breeding from the collected germplasm. ISSR 13 and 15 were confirmed as polymorphic markers. The three strains (KMCC03106, KMCC03107, and KMCC03108) with white cap color were found to be genetically closely related upon UPGMA analysis of both ISSR 13 and 15. Based on the PCR analysis results for ISSR 15, the collected germplasm were differentiated into three groups according to the strain collection year. Thus, ISSR 15 could be a marker for determining the phylogeny of cap color and genetic variations according to the strain collection year. These results suggest that ISSR markers can be effective tools for the selection of mother strains for breeding of H. marmoreus.
Volvariella volvacea is mainly cultivated in subtropics area like South-East Asia. Because it is cultivated in rice straws, it is called a straw mushroom. That mushroom grows well in high temperature about 30~38°C and high humidity. Straw mushroom is a homothallic mushroom, so it is difficult to identify whether the offspring is different from the parents. This study was carried out to investigate RAPD primers that can be used for identification the DNA polymorphism of Volvariella volvacea genetic resources. 9 strains were collected from various countries like China, Vietnam etc. When ITS regions of their DNA were analyzed, they proved to be Volvariella volvacea. A cultivation test was conducted to measure the morphological characteristics of them 2 strains, KMCC04380 and KMCC04382 were selected for breeding resources because the mycelium of them grew well on medium and fruiting bodies were formed quickly. The Universal PCR Fingerprinting kits(UPF primers) were used to confirm the genetic polymorphisms of the 2 strains. As a result of confirming the DNA bands, 2 of 12 primers could be used to genetically distinguish 2 strains. About 50 spores were isolated from their fruiting bodies respectively and they also will be confirmed DNA polymorphisms by using UPF primers.
근래의 육종산업에 있어서 재래 혹은 토착품종 등 고유 가축유전자원의 효율적인 보존 및 관리는 중요한 관심사이다. 본 연구는 제주재래돼지와 외래돼지 품종들간의 유전적 다양성, 집단의 구성 및 근연관계를 구명하기 위하여 수행되었다. 제주재래돼지, Landrace, Yorkshire, Berkshire 등 4품종 총 200개체를 대상으로 30개 초위성체 마커를 대상으로 대립유전자를 분석한 결과, 전체 265개의 대립유전자가 관찰되었다. 대립유전자 수의 범위는 5개(SW168)에서 22개(S0005)였으며, 전체 좌위에 대한 평균 값은 8.83개로 산출되었다. 30개 마커에 대한 기대 및 관측 이형접합도의 평균치는 0.731 및 0.615, 다형정보지수의 평균값은 0.697로 확인되었다. 제주재래돼지의 유전적 다양성은 외래 품종에 비하여 낮게 나타났다. 계통유전학적 유연관계, 요인대응분석 및 집단구조 분석 결과, 제주재래돼지는 서양유래의 상용품종과 유전적으로 명확히 구분되었다. 따라서 본 연구 결과는 제주재래돼지의 유전적 고유성 및 유전자원으로써 가치판단을 위한 과학적 근거가 될 것으로 사료된다.
RAPD 마커를 이용하여 인삼 품종 및 육성계통의 유전적 다양성 및 유연관계를 분석한 결과는 다음과 같다.
1. 총 130개의 primer 중 polymorphism을 나타내는 70개의primer를 선발하였고, 그 중 재현성이 있으면서 polymorphism이 높은 25개의 primer를 선발하였다. 증폭된 DNA 단편의수는 189개이고, PCR 산물은 100 ~ 2,800 bp 범위로 증폭되었다.
2. 각 primer에 의해 증폭된 DNA 단편의 수는 3개 ~ 17개로 다양하였으며, primer 한 개당 평균 7.6개의 DNA 단편이증폭되었다. OPD19 primer를 이용한 유전분석 결과, 총 5개의 유전양상이 나타났는데, 약 500 ~ 1,300 bp의 증폭산물에서품종 및 계통 간 유전적 다형성을 나타냈다.
3. 선발된 primer별 대립인자는 최소 1.33에서 최대 2.00의 범위였고, 평균 1.709이었다. primer별 유전적 다양성은 OPD15가 가장 높았고, OPF2가 가장 낮은 값을 나타내었다. 본 연구에서 분석에 이용된 25개의 RAPD primer 중에서 D15, D19, B5, A19등은 인삼 품종과 계통에서 비교적 높은 수의 대립단편과 높은 유전적 다양성 값을 나타내는 primer였다.
4. 유사도 계수 0.98을 기준으로 24개의 품종 및 계통을 대상으로 군집분석을 수행한 결과, 미국에서 수집 육성된 G04116과 국내 품종인 천풍, 연풍 그리고 국내 육성 계통인 G04009, G04026, G04069, G04084는 그룹을 형성하지 않았고, 17개의 품종 및 계통은 2그룹으로 분류되었다. I 그룹에는 고풍, 금풍과 12계통(85%), II 그룹에 3계통(15%)이 포함되었다.
In order to investigate genetic stability and gene expression profile after cloning procedure, two groups of cloned pigs were used for swine leukocyte antigen (SLA) gene nucleotide alteration and microarray analyses. Each group was consist of cloned pigs derived from same cell line (n=3 and 4, respectively). Six SLA loci were analyzed for cDNA sequences and protein translations. In total, 16 SLA alleles were identified and there were no evidence of SLA nucleotide alteration. All SLA sequences and protein translations were identical among the each pig in the same group. On the other hand, microarray assay was performed for profiling gene expression of the cloned pigs. In total, 43,603 genes were analyzed and 2,150~4,300 reliably hybridized spots on the each chip were selected for further analysis. Even though the cloned pigs in the same group had identical genetic background, 18.6~47.3% of analyzed genes were differentially expressed in between each cloned pigs. Furthermore, on gene clustering analysis, some cloned pigs showed abnormal physiological phenotypes such as inflammation, cancer or cardiomyopathy. We assumed that individual environmental adaption, sociality and rank in the pen might have induced these different phenotypes. In conclusion, the results of the present study indicate that SLA locus genes appear to be stable following SCNT. However, gene expressions and phenotypes between cloned pigs derived from the same cell line were not identical even under the same rearing conditions.
Background : The several studies on the characteristics of Korean ginseng cultivars and breeding lines have already been carried out the level of molecular classification analysis in Korea. In spite of where Geumsan is a representative place of Korean ginseng, Geumsan native species (breeding lines) have not yet been carry out analysis of morphological, genetic characteristics and relationship. We have plan to carry out morphological, genetic characteristics and relationship for Geumsan native species, breeding lines. Furthermore, We could be used diverse genetic resources for Ginseng breeding.
Methods and Results : In this study, a total of 71 breeding lines and variety (GS97-1 - Geumwon) consisting of native ginseng collections from Geumsan was analyzed to identify for Korean ginseng variety respectively, and clustered for the selection of Geumsan native ginseng in Korea using DNA markers. We collected 71 Ginseng breeding lines from Geumsan. Analyses of the genetic characteristics of the collection were conducted for extraction gDNA using sprout. We were measured DNA concentration using QIAxpert (QIAGEN). Each DNA sample was quantified at the final DNA concentration of 5 ng/㎖ using sterilized distilled water. Korean ginseng 14 variety and 57 Ginseng breeding lines from Geumsan could be identified polymorphism using the selected 6 primer (MFGp183, MFGp130, MFGp110_E, UFGp163, MFGp108 and UFGp156).
Conclusion : These finding could be used for morphological and genetic characteristics for produced native ginseng in Geumsan area. Futhermore, we could be used diverse genetic resources for Ginseng breeding.
In this study, Expressed Sequence Tag-Simple Sequence Repeat (EST-SSR) analyses were used to clarify the genetic polymorphisms among Korean ginseng cultivars and breeding lines and to classify them into distinct genetic groups. Polymorphic and reproducible bands were produced by 14 primers out of total 30 primers used in this study. Fourteen EST-SSR loci generated a total of 123 bands. Amplified PCR products showed the highly reproducible banding patterns at 110~920 bp. The number of amplified bands for each EST-SSR primers ranged from 2 to 19 with a mean of 8.8 bands. P26 and P35 primers showed 13 and 12 banding patterns, respectively. The number of alleles for each EST-SSR locus ranged from 1.67 to 2.00 with a mean of 1.878 alleles. P34 and P60 primers showed the highest and the lowest genetic polymorphism, respectively. Cluster analysis based on genetic similarity estimated by EST-SSR markers classified Korean cultivars and breeding lines into 4 groups. Group included Gopoong and Chunpoong and 9 breeding lines (55%), group included 2 breeding lines (10%), group included 3 breeding lines (15%), group included Gumpoong and 3 breeding lines (20%). Consequently, the EST-SSR marker developed in this study may prove useful for the evaluation of genetic diversity and differentiation of Korean ginseng cultivars and breeding lines.
In this study, simple sequence repeat (SSR) analyses were utilized for evaluation of genetic diversity and discrimination of 17 accessions. Five cultivars, which were developed from Korea, and 12 foreign accessions, which were collected from China, Japan, Russia and USA, were evaluated by nine markers out of 22 SSR markers. A total of 39 alleles were detected, ranging from 2 to 8, with an average of 4.3 alleles per locus. The expected heterozygosity and PIC values were 0.627 and 0.553, with a range from 0.21 (GB-PG-078) to 0.76 (GB-PG-142) and from 0.19 (GB-PG-078) to 0.70 (GB-PG-142), respectively. Four makers out of nine SSR markers, GB-PG-026, GB-PG-043, GB-PG-142 and GB-PG-177, were selected as key factors for discrimination of Korean ginseng cultivars and foreign accessions. All of Korean ginseng cultivars and foreign accessions were individually by the combination of four SSR markers. Consequently, the SSR markers developed in this study may prove useful for the evaluation of genetic diversity and discrimination of Korean ginseng cultivars and foreign accessions.
This study was conducted to clarify the relation of the species of genus Sorbus in Korea based on multivariate analysis for the morphological characteristics and DNA polymorphism. Twenty-eight quantitative characters were assessed and analyzed by the principal component analysis and UPGMA cluster analysis. From the principal component analysis of 28 quantitative characters, three principal components (PC’s) explained the variation of inter-specific relations among the genus Sorbus. The first PC’s explained 58.95% of the variation with the Eigenvalue of 16.5, and the second and third PC’s showed the Eigenvalue of 8.3 and 3.1 and explained 88.74% and 100.0% of the variation, respectively. Especially, the first PC’s was related in order of the fruit width (FW) and length of terminal leaflet (LTL), petal length (PL), width of terminal leaflet (WTL), and diameter of winter bud (DWB). The second and third PC’s were involved in order of the No. of leaflet (NL), No. of fruit per fruiting lateral (NFL), length of upper rachis (LUR), and diameter of rachis (DR), No. of pistil (NP), respectively. Cluster analysis using them UPGMA method based on the principal components of four species of the genus Sorbus divided into two groups. Group Ⅰ comprises Sorbus commixta and S. sambucifolia var. pseudogracilis, and Group Ⅱ consists of S. amurensis and S. aucuparia. The pattern of DNA polymorphism of the 56 inter-simple sequence repeat (ISSR) markers revealed that different taxa shared different sets of bands, and DNA analysis is useful for taxonomic study on the genus Sorbus.
형태학적으로 구분이 어려운 황정과 위유의 범위를 구분하기 위해 황정에 속하는 층층갈고리둥굴레, 다화황정, 진황정 등 3종과 위유에 속하는 8종의 둥굴레 동속 식물 등 11종 23 개체 시료로 RAMP분석한 결과를 요약하면 다음과 같다. 1. 황정그룹과 위유그룹은 NTSYS를 통한 유연관계 분석에서 55%의 유연관계를 나타냈으며, 층층갈고리둥굴레와 층층둥굴레는 81.75%로 분석에 사용된 둥글레 동속 식물 중 가장 높은 유연관계를 나타냈다. 2. 둥굴레 동속식물에 해당하는 층층둥글레는 황정의 약재인 층층갈고리둥굴레와 외부형태학적으로, 그리고 다형성패턴결과가 매우 유사하므로 황정의 약재에 속하는 것으로 사료된다. 3. 진황정은 위유와 외부형태적으로 유사하며, 유연관계분석에서도 위유의 그룹에 속하므로 위유의 약재에 대한 구분을 새롭게 할 필요성이 있다.
Broadening the genetic base of Platycodon grandiflorum DC. cultivar to sustain improvement requires assessment of genetic diversity available in P. grandiflorum DC.. The objective of this study was to analyze the genetic variation, genetic relationship among 48 samples collected from East-Asian Area by means of RAPD-PCR (random amplified polymorphic DNA-polymerase chain reaction) markers. From the 18 primers tested, produced total 211 bands with an average of 11.7 bands per primer and obtained 103 polymorphic band with an average of 5.7 bands per primer,s revealed relatively high percentage of polymorphic bands (48.8%). The genetic similarities calculated from RAPD data varied from 0.688 to 0.994 and were clustered to six major groups on a criterion of 0.78 similarity coefficient. The present study has revealed the significant genetic similarity among the samples tested. The analysis of genetic relationships in P. grandiflorum using RAPD-PCR banding data can be useful for the breed improvement.