Healthy and environmentally friendly food is a subject of increasing prominence all around the world, and especially so in developing countries such as India, where consumption of agricultural goods produced in a sustainable environment with a low reliance on pesticides, antibiotics, hormones, and genetic manipulation is a real challenge. Consumer interest in green food items is increasing as safety and health concerns grow, and researchers are calling for further investigation of green food consumer behavior. Although a large number of research was done on environmental performance in industrialized countries, very little research has been conducted among Indian consumers. Furthermore, the gap between intention to consume green food products and actual behavior remains under-investigated. This gap can be investigated through the prism of theory of planned behavior (TPB). This theory has been widely used in green consumer studies: it seeks to explain how individuals make decisions and take actions based on their attitudes, beliefs, and perceived behavioral control. However, the TPB has not been extended to account for cultural values (i.e., Hofstede’s cultural framework), which can play an important role in shaping consumer attitudes and behaviors. Therefore, this research investigates the application of the extended TPB model in the context of green food products with a quantitative survey among Indian consumers (N=387). The results show that long-term (health) orientation and collectivism influence both green purchase intention and behavior. This effect is explained by subjective norms, perceived value, and environmental attitudes of the consumers.
Green consumption behavior (GCB) is desirable for a better world. The trend of GCB is expected to rise in the coming years. As such, it is imperative to understand the enablers of GCB. A significant majority of the investigated drivers of GCB are consumer-level factors. Studies focusing on the consumer-level showed that factors such as values, intentions, and personal norms could influence GCB. However, it is argued that compared to values or intentions, self-determined motivation can better predict GCB. The effect of self-determined motivation types (i.e., autonomous and controlled motivation) on GCB remains unclear due to prevailing gaps and contradictory findings. Furthermore, it is posited that people exhibit more self-determined behavior if they have strong self-awareness. Higher self-awareness can be achieved through mindfulness; therefore, differences in mindfulness level could affect the motivation-behavior relationship.
최근 중국 정부는 중국의 환경오염 문제가 심각해짐에 따라 생태문명 건설이라는 새로운 국정운영 목표를 제시 하였다. 중국의 환경과 관련된 이러한 거시적 변화는 중국 소비자들의 친환경 소비에 대한 관심에도 영향을 미치고 있다. 이에 본 연구는 중국의 친환경 소비시장이 새로운 전환점을 맞이하고 있다고 판단하고, 중국 소비자의 친환경 소비행동을 설명할 수 있는 새로운 변인을 찾고자 다양한 분야의 문헌연구를 수행하였다. 그 결과 사회적 공감이라는 새로운 변인이 중국 소비자의 환경관심 및 친환경제품 구매의도에 주요한 영향을 미칠 것으로 예측하고 연구 가설을 설정하였다. 가설검증을 위해 중국의 북경, 상해, 청도에 거주하는 327명의 중국소비자들로부터 실증분석 자료를 수집하였고, 다중회귀분석법으로 분석하였다. 분석 결과는 다음과 같다. 첫째, 중국 소비자의 사회적 공감은 환경관심과 친환경제품 구매의도에 모두 정(+)의 영향을 미치는 것으로 나타났다. 둘째, 사회적 공감의 세 하위요인인 정서적 반응, 인지적 공감, 거시적 관점수용 중 인지적 공감과 거시적 관점수용만 환경관심에 영향을 미치는 것으로 나타났다. 마지막으로, 사회적 공감의 세 하위요인인 정서적 반응, 인지적 공감, 거시적 관점수용은 모두 친환경제품 구매의도에 정(+)의 영향을 미치는 것으로 나타났다. 본 연구의 실증분석 결과는 중국소비자의 친환경 소비행동 연구 분야에서 사회적 공감이라는 새로운 변인의 설명력을 확인하였다는 점에서 관련 연구의 학문적 확장에 기여할 수 있을 것으로 기대된다. 또한 중국의 친환경 소비시장이 거시적․미시적 변화에 직면하고 있다는 점에서 사회적 공감이라는 새로운 변인의 확인은 중국 진출 국내기업들에게 친환경 마케팅 전략 수립의 실무적 시사점을 제공할 수 있을 것으로 기대된다.
The study of environmental behavior is widespread in the literature. However, while substantial consideration has been given to home environmental behaviors and sustainable consumption, far less research has focused on workplace environmental behaviors. The values-beliefs-norms (VBN) model is a framework that has been utilized to examine environmental behavior but the model has rarely been applied to a workplace setting. This paper examines the “4Rs” (reducing use, reusing, repurposing, and recycling) of workplace environmental conserving behaviors, based on Ones and Dilchert’s (2013) taxonomy, along with all elements of the VBN framework. This research identifies relationships between these variables via a quantitative methodology. In doing so, this study presents a new and important application of the VBN framework to employee pro-environmental behavior and suggests potential directions for using related interventions and communications to improve environmental behavior in organizations.
With awareness of the importance of environmental protection, encouragement of green consumption has been an important part of the Chinese government's efforts to promote sustainable development. Green consumption is similar to the concept of environmental responsible consumption, which refers to individual’s behavior with a consideration of the environmental impacts in the process of purchasing, using and disposing of various products, or use of various green services (Stern, 1999). Previous studies tried to predict pro-environmental behavior with social-psychological factors, such as values, attitudes and beliefs. However, researches about the relationship between environmental attitudes and behaviors do not produce consistent results. Some prove that they are positive related, and others argue that their relationship is very weak. Studies have testified that lots of consumers declare that they concern about the environmental situation, but hesitate to pay for green products due to this affect (Chang, 2011). Advancing knowledge about the motivations and obstacles that shape intention and behavior of green consumption is important. The theory of planned behavior (TPB) (Ajzen, 1991) is appropriate as an initial framework for studies investigating consumers’ pro-environmental behaviors. With the inclusion of a new construct perceived behavioral control, the explanatory ability of this model is strengthened. However, simple adoption of this model does not give us deep insight into consumers’ behavior. Later studies apply TPB in different contexts (e.g. Paul, Modi, Patel, 2016; Mancha & Yoder, 2015; Han, Hsu, Sheu, 2011). The mechanism of how attitude, norms and perception of behavioral control are formed may differ in different circumstances, which is still under research especially in China. The purpose of this paper is to (a) identify applicability of TPB model in predicting green purchasing intention and behavior in China and capture which factor including attitude, perceived behavioral control and norm is the most influential determinant; (b) to examine the most useful psychological and situational antecedents, which indirect influence consumers’ green purchase behavior through the factors in TPB framework.
Literature Review and Hypothesis Development
Green products refer to those produced with consideration of less harm to the ecological environment such as air, water and land. Green purchase behavior should be considered as a typical socially conscious behavior that is different from other types of consumer behaviors, which can deliver instant personal gain and gratification (Kim & Choi, 2005). Most of the time, pro-environmental purchasing is future-oriented and benefits society as a whole (Author, Mccarty, & Shrum, 2001). Previous research models seek to explain green purchase behavior from two aspects of causal factors. Some emphasize intra-personal determinants from within and others may stress that from outside. However, a single consideration of any one set of these factors will weaken the interpretation of consumers’ green consumer behavior. The research model of this study is based on the most influential TPB framework. Some significant psychological and situational factors are integrated into the framework with the purpose of further understanding Chinese consumers’ purchase behavior.
Theory of planned behavior
According to the TPB model, individual’s decision making is oriented by a rational evaluation of behavioral consequences (Bamberg & Moer, 2007). The intention to perform a behavior, is considered as the central factor in the TPB model (Tarkiainen & Sundqvist, 2005). Attitude toward the behavior, subjective norm about the behavior, and perceived behavioral control regarding the performance of the behavior are three principal factors that determine behavioral intention. H1: Intention to buy green product has a positive relationship with the green purchase behavior. Attitude refers to individuals' beliefs about the outcomes of the behavior together with an evaluation of the importance of these outcomes. Consumers who feel positive toward green products and have agreement on their environmental goodness will most likely to consider buying products with pro-ecological features. H2a: Attitude toward buying green product is positively associated with the intention to perform green purchase behavior. Subjective norm refers to the responses of important reference group (e.g. family members, close friends) to a particular behavior. Some scholars argue that “subjective norm” is the weakest component in the TPB model when predicting behavioral intentions due to its feature of both self and social interest (Armitage & Conner, 2001; Bagozzi et al., 2000). In this study, “moral norm” instead of “subjective norm” is proposed as a direct predictor of intention toward green purchasing. Moral norm indicates individual’s perception that whether performing a certain behavior is morally correct or not (Ajzen, 1991). H2b: Moral norm regarding buying green product is positively associated with the intention to perform green purchase behavior. Perceived behavioral control is an individual’s perception about if performing a particular behavior is easy or difficult. People tend to be more involved in behaviors that are considered to be easier to realize than what they think is difficult and have less control (Bamberg & Moer, 2007). H2c: PBC of buying green product is positively associated with the intention to perform green purchase behavior.
Psychological antecedents of attitude
Environmental concern indicates consumers' awareness about environmental issues and people’s worry that the human intervention will have threat to the environment (Kim & Choi, 2005). Literatures reveal an indirect relationship between ecological affect and actual behavior. Bang et al. (2000) concludes that environmental concern has indirect effect on purchase intention through the influence of consumer’s attitude toward paying a premium for renewable energy. The emotional responses to ecological problems help consumers to create a positive attitude toward green purchase behavior. H3a: Environmental concern is positively associated with the attitude toward green purchase behavior. Environmental knowledge represents consumers’ understanding of the environmental conditions, as well as fundamental factors that contribute to environmental change and crucial ecological effects (Pagiaslis & Krontalis, 2014). Knowledge has impact for individual’s cognitive processing. Zhao et al. (2014) confirms knowledge as one of the factors that form people’s attitudes toward environment-friendly behavior. Compared with less knowledgeable consumers, those who have more environmental knowledge incline to be more concerned about the environment, which in turn leads consumers to take attention to products’ ecological features while purchasing (Kim, Park, & Schwarz, 2010). H3b: Perceived environmental knowledge is positively associated with attitude toward green purchase behavior. In the pro-environmental behavior domain, PCE indicates to what extent consumers feel that every single person can contribute to solve environmental problems through their own efforts and their everyday purchase behavior (Straughan & Roberts, 1999).With the absence of belief that individual’s actions have observable outcome in making different solution to a problem, people will hesitate to take into action. Kim and Choi (2005) conclude that PCE has indirect effect on green purchasing through the role of ecological sensitive attitudes. H3c: PCE is positively associated with attitude toward green purchase behavior.
Moral norm and subjective norm
Bamberg and Moer (2007) suggest that people make use of subjective norms to determine whether a specific behavioral choice is easy to perform or whether it is beneficial. The opinions from “important others” deliver the standards for people to conform when they encounter the same situation. That is, the views about what is right or wrong from reference group will be absorbed and transformed as one’s personal moral norms (Bamberg & Moer, 2007). H4: Subjective norm is positively associated with moral norm regarding green purchase behavior.
Situational factors influencing PBC
Perceived availability indicates if consumers feel they can easily obtain or consume a certain product. If green products are not easy available, most consumers will not spend too much time and effort for searching. The limited availability and inconvenience in obtaining products is bound to hamper green products purchasing (Vermeir & Verbeke, 2006). H5a: Perceived availability of green product is positively associated with PBC regarding green purchase behavior. Perceived price is one of the most important factors that have impact on consumers’ decision-making of green consumption (Osterhus, 1997). Green products are generally priced higher than conventional products. However Chinese consumers who would like to pay a large premium are still in the minority. The perceived high price is a barrier that influences consumers’ perceived capability over green purchase behavior. H5b: Perceived price of green product is negatively associated with PBC regarding green purchase behavior. Information has an impact on individual’s cognitive process. It is an influential factor that leads consumer behavior change (Bator & Cialdini, 2000). Atkinson and Rosenthal confirm that eco-labels have effects on consumer’s trust and purchase intention. If consumers feel hard to recognize eco-labels and cannot understand their difference with regular ones, their perception of control will be highly influenced and the green purchase may be hindered. H5c: Perception of information provided by eco-label is positively associated with PBC regarding green purchase behavior.
This research adopted the survey approach for data collection. A questionnaire that consisted of 46 items was designed according to relevant previous studies. All the items in the questionnaire use five-point Likert scale, which ranging from “strongly disagree” (1) to “strongly agree” (5). The target group of this study was consumer who is over 18 years old in the urban areas of Mainland China. An online survey was conducted for collecting data in the mid-October, 2017 and 500 samples were collected totally. After removing the disqualified questionnaires, 485 questionnaires were identified as eligible for further analysis. To testify the proposed hypotheses, the simple and multiple linear regression analyses using IBM SPSS Statistics was primarily adopted in the study. Meanwhile, the structural equation modeling (SEM) was also conducted as an alternative approach to examine the arguments.
Firstly, the theory of planned behavior suggested by Ajzen (1991) was proved to be applicable in the green purchasing circumstance. Attitude was identified to play the most significant role in predicting the intention. The construct “moral norm” was resulted to be more predictable for green purchase intention compared with the original “subjective norm”. It indicates that in certain contexts, personal feeling of moral obligation or responsibility is more crucial and direct reason for consumer conducting ethical behaviors. Perceived behavioral control was testified as the third prediction of purchase intention. The proportion of variance explained (R2=0.546) for intention was even better compared with previous studies, which claimed that the three determinants account for between 40% and 50% of the variance in intention (Ajzen, 1991; Amireault et al., 2008; Conner & Armitage, 1998). This model revealed consumers’ mental development of their purchase intention before enacting the buying behavior. Secondly, the results testify that PCE plays as the central role in predicting attitude. Respondents who believe that their consumptions can help to reduce environmental deterioration will be much likely to hold positive attitudes toward green purchasing. Environmental concern and perceived knowledge have a considerable, but only indirect impact on consumers’ attitude.
Implications for practice
The results of this study suggest that consumers’ intentions to buy green products are directly predicted by attitude, moral norm and their perceived behavioral control. Firstly, enterprises in the green market need to adopt effective communication strategy to inform consumers about the advantages of environmentally friendly products in order to help consumers to develop a positive attitude to pro-environmental products. Moreover, due to the significant effect of PCE on consumer attitude, it's necessary for the government to quantify the effect of green consumption by real cases and data, so that people can perceive the effectiveness of green buying behavior in a more intuitive way. Meanwhile, companies should take more emphasis on consumer’s ability to solve the problem in a positive manner in marketing communications. Secondly, personal moral norm is also found to have direct effects on purchase green products. Thus, normative appeal is needed for creating consumers' emotional connection and should be presented in the promotion programs to stimulate green consumption. Thirdly, this study reveals that the availability is the main factor that affects consumers’ perceived behavioral control over green purchasing.
The addition of a large amount of alloying elements reduces the compactibility and increases the compacting pressure, thereby shortening the life of the compacting die and increasing the process cost of commercial PM steel. In this study, the characteristic changes of Fe-Mo-P, Fe-Mn-P, and Fe-Mo-Mn-P alloys are investigated according to the Si contents to replace the expensive elements, such as Ni. All compacts with different Si contents are fabricated with the same green densities of 7.0 and 7.2 g/cm3. The transverse rupture strength (TRS) and sintered density are measured using the specimens obtained through the sintering process. The sintered density tends to decrease, whereas the TRS increases as the Si content increases. The TRS of the sintered specimen compacted with 7.2 g/cm3 is twice as high as that compacted with 7.0 g/cm3.
In consideration of the existing eco-friendly marketing research, it is only focusing on the type and characteristics of eco- friendly consumers. Therefore, in order to carry out more systematic and comprehensive eco-friendly marketing research, it is necessary to complement the comprehensive model that examines the mechanism by which the leading variables of the enterprises factors affecting consumer’s eco-friendly consumption behaviors. In this research, based on previous studies and literature considerations, it tries to present a research model that the core benefits and relational benefits of the retail store which is the advantage of VMD affect eco-friendly consumption behavior through consumer's implicit and explicit motivation. And, considering the environment, this study assumes the regulatory role of the perceived risk on the environmental problems under the relationship between green consumption motive and consumption behavior. The purpose of this research is as follows. First, it clarifies the influence of the benefits of eco-friendly VMD in fashion retail stores on the eco-friendly consumption motive, which is a psychological factor of consumers, as a leading variable of corporate factors affecting consumers’ green consumption behavior. The core benefits and relational benefits provided by eco-friendly VMD will identify differentiated impacts on consumer motivation, which is a psychological factor that drives green consumption behavior. Second, the types of motivations that cause eco-friendly behavior are classified into explicit motivation and implicit motivation, and this study tries to find out which type of motivation better predicts eco-friendly consumption behavior. Third, it tries to verify the moderating role of environmental perceived risk in the relationship between explicit motivation, implicit motivation and green consumption behavior. By further organizing the theme of eco-friendly marketing research, this study has its academic significance in that it derives a comprehensive model, moderating consumers’ green consumption behavior regarding eco-friendly marketing stimulates. It reveals the mechanisms that affect green consumption behavior backed by fashion retail stores where consumer buying behavior actually takes place. Based on this research, it is expected that subsequent studies of a more fragmented viewpoint for fashion retail stores’ eco-friendly marketing will be developed that will give consideration to consumers' green consumption behavior. Practically, the results of this research can be utilized very conveniently. In a practical dimension, if it becomes possible to thoroughly understand the mechanism by which eco-friendly VMD stimulation leads to green consumption behavior, retailers are possible to formulate an environmental marketing strategy peculiar to the target market segment. From a socio-policy perspective, retailers can encourage consumers' eco-friendly consumption by giving a stimulus of VMD to them. Moreover this study will promote companies to develop and manage healthier and more sustainable products.
There may be not direct path from the psychological selection by the customers to the green behavior owing to the complexity of the green consumption. The specific mode of action still needs being further researched. This paper will research the specific path and mechanism of customer’s green consumption based on VBN theory. Based on a survey of Chinese respondents, environment values bring indirect influence to green customer behavior through individual belief or subjective norm intermediately. However, there are different paths from value to behavior. One path is that egoistic value-subjective norm-green customer behavior while another path is that altruistic value-environment beliefs-subjective norm-green customer behavior which really fits into previous research of VBN theory.
With the development of industry, environmental deterioration has become a global problem. Not only national policies on environmental issues should be strengthen but also environmental consciousness of corporate and consumers should be changed. In particular, corporate should strive to develop and improve green products for sustainable development.
Green advertising is one of an efficient marketing tools to sell the green product. The important role of green advertising is to awaken necessity of green product and to imprint green brand image consumer`s mind. Green advertising influencing consumer attitude plays a useful role of green purchase behavior.
This study explores dynamic relationships among personal uses of green advertising, attitude toward product, and purchase behavior for green products. The purpose of research is how personal uses of green advertising effects on attitude toward green products and green purchase behavior. Consumers are exposed to a large number of advertisings so that it is important to investigate how much they trust green advertising and what aspect of green advertising affects green purchase behavior. This study tries to contribute useful insights to practitioners who need a more effective communication strategy of green advertising.
This study set out to investigate consumers' attitudes toward pro-environment, and their actual purchasing behavior. It aimed to empirically examine the effects of the consumers' attitudes toward pro-environmental products, the importance of the product attributes and the perceived value of the companies' environmental activities, on their purchasing behavior of eco-friendly fashion products, including their satisfaction, trust, and repurchase intention. The questionnaires were administered on 304 married women with previous experience of buying eco-friendly fashion products. The results were as follows. First, the consumers' behavioral patterns in terms of environmental concerns and the purchasing of eco-friendly household items were significantly positive in relation to the purchasing behaviors of eco-friendly fashion products. Second, the importance of eco-friendly attributes was significantly positive in relation to the purchasing behaviors of eco-friendly fashion products. Third, the perceived value of corporate environmental activity was not related to the purchasing behaviors of eco-friendly fashion products. Finally, the purchasing behavior of eco-friendly fashion products was significantly positive in relation to the satisfaction with eco-friendly fashion products as well as the trust and repurchase intention, and satisfaction and trust positively affected the repurchase intention. The implication of the research and direction for future study were discussed.
Three rice planthoppers, the brown planthopper (Nilaparvata lugens), the white back planthopper (Sogatella furcifera), and the small brown planthopper (Laodelphax striatellus) and the green rice leafhopper (Nephotettix cincticeps) are major homopteran sap-sucking rice pests in Korea. These insect pests commonly have highly modified mouthparts, the stylet bundle, for piercing and sucking. Two pairs of mandibular and maxillary stylets consist of the stylet bundle by interlocking each stylet, which forms the two canals, larger one for food canal and smaller one for salivary canal. Destructive damages result from direct feeding effects (hopperburing) with heavy infestation and/or transmitting virus diseases (Rice stripe virus and Rice black-streaked dwarf virus by L. striatellus and Rice dwarf virus by N. cincticeps). Damage level is closely related to the feeding behavior of sap-sucking insects, so generally honeydew excretion amount on the resistant rice variety is smaller than that on the susceptible. Therefore, the method to measure the honeydew excretion amount has been primarily used as an indirect way to compare the feeding amount between the susceptible and the resistant. On the other hand, the electrical penetration graph (EPG) technique was firstly developed by McLean and Kinsey (1964) to measure voltage changes during piercing and sucking of insect on the plant. Since specific voltage waveforms were identified and it was known that each waveform is commonly related to salivary and feeding behavior of insect stylets in the plant tissue, EPG technique has been used to real-timely and quantitatively measure feeding behavior of piercing and sucking insects on susceptible and resistant rice variety. However, identifying each different waveform distinctly and understanding biological function of each waveform are certainly necessary to analyze feeding behavior in the plant tissue such as phloem sap ingestion. In this study, the stylet penetration behavior of N. lugens, S. furcifera, L. striatellus, and N. cincticeps on rice plants (Oryza sativa) was evaluated through the use of a direct current based electrical penetration graph (DC-EPG). To accomplish this, we classified the EPG waveforms of planthopper group into seven different patterns, np, N1, N2, N3, N4-a, N4-b, and N5, according to their shapes, voltage amplitudes, voltage levels, and frequencies. The N4-b pattern was always preceded by N3 and N4-a, in that order. Continuous honeydew excretion only occurred during the N4-b period, and the honeydew deposited on a filter paper containing ninhydrin reagent during the N4-b period were stained into violet. Based on the location of the stylets in the cross-section of rice tissue and honeydew excretion, the EPG waveforms for the stylet penetration behaviors of the three rice planthoppers were assigned to the following groups; np: non-penetration of stylets, N1: penetration initiation, N2: salivation and stylet movement, N3: an extracellular activity near the phloem region, N4-a: an intracellular activity in phloem region, N4-b: phloem sap ingestion, and N5: activity in the xylem region. Futhermore, we classified the EPG waveforms of the green rice leafhopper, N. cincticeps into seven different patterns, Nc1, Nc2, Nc3, Nc4, Nc5, Nc6, and Nc7 according to their shapes, voltage amplitudes, voltage levels, and frequencies. The Nc6 pattern was always preceded by Nc5 pattern. The Nc6 pattern of the leafhopper was carefully considered as a phloem sap feeding behavior based on regular honeydew excretion. On the other hand, the planthopper group and the leafhopper hardly showed the phloem sap feeding pattern on resistant rice varieties during an EPG-recording. In addition, the duration of the phloem sap feeding patterns was highly decreased on resistant rice varieties relative to susceptible ones. From these results, it is suggested that the phloem sap feeding related patterns are an important parameter to determine resistance of rice plant.
 ,  , To investigate host preferencse of Myzus persicae on 15 sweet pepper cultivars grown in Jeonnam Province, EPG (electrical penetration graph) and life table experiments were carried out in the laboratory. Phloem phase times were significantly longer on Ferrari, Jinju, Debla, and Rapido than Orobell and Thialf. Non-penetration times were conversely observed. Life span, reproduction period, total fecundity, and intrinsic rate of increase (r<, SUB>, m<, /SUB>, ) of M. persicae, were higher on Ferrari, Debla, Orange glory, and Jinju than on Purple, GreenAce, Orobell, and Thialf. On the bases of these results, we conclude that M. persicae preferred Ferrari, Jinju, Orange glory, and Debla among the 15 tested sweet pepper varieties. However, we could not show the preference of the aphid for Purple, Orobell, and Thialf.
Aphids feed on host plants by penetrating the stems or leaves with stylets. The feeding behavior of aphids consists of probing, penetration, salivation, and sap ingestion. To assess the effects of sound on feeding behavior, we monitored the stylet activity of the green peach aphid, Myzus persicae (Sulzer), using electrical penetration graph (EPG). The use of EPG was critical for determining the stage, frequency, and duration of feeding in aphids. We played back four acoustic stimuli of sine waves with frequencies of 100, 500, 1000, and 5000 Hz to adult aphids. When the sound was treated, the frequencies of probing, penetration, and salivation increased, whereas the duration of sap ingestion decreased. The 100 Hz and 500 Hz was significantly effective to disturb ingestion of phloem sap. The results of EPG revealed that the acoustic stimuli may restrict aphid feeding by disturbing sap ingestion.
This study was performed to investigate the effect of flonicamid and thiamethoxam treated at sublethal concentration (LC10, LC30) on development period, adult longevity and fecundity and the feeding behaviour of Myzus persicae adult. Developmental period of M. Persicae nymph took 5.9 days in LC10, and 6.1 days in LC30 in both insecticides, comparing with control (5.7 days), it showed longer than those of the control, but there was no significance. Adult longevity treated at LC10 and LC30 of flonicamid was showed 13.2 and 13.7 days, respectively, and LC10 of thiamethoxam was examined as 14.7 days, it showed longer than control of 11.6 days. Mean daily fecundity exhibited higher in LC10 (3.1) and LC30 (3.1) of flonicamid than that of control (2.5), but thiamethoxam are not. Total fecundity exhibited higher in LC10 (41.8) and LC30 (43.0) of flonicamid, in LC10 (42.1) of thiamethoxam than that of control (29.5). Feeding behavior was examined using EPG (electrical penetration graph). EPG data indicated that flonicamid and thiamethoxam increased the duration of non-probing periods and decreased the duration of phloem ingestion.
Pyrifluquinazon, as a quinazinalone chemical group, based on a new mode of biological activity. It is reported that mode of action is modifies insect behavior, rapidly stopping feeding such that insects starve to death. Time-release feature and mortality effect on M. persicae using different pyrifluquinazon nano type and non-nano type were compared. Pyrifluquinazon nano type was formulated with different molecular weight and density of used chitosan (CS 30000 0.1% and CS 3000 0.3%). In the CS 30,000 0.1%, the mortality was weakly occurred at early time, but steadily increased after 4days. Finally, we confirmed more than 70% mortality as a peak at 16days. In CS 3000 0.3%, the mortality showed about 70% until 18days as a effective controlled release. Also, We examine time-release feature and mortality effect on M. persicae according to the different pyrifluquinazon nano type(CS 30000 0.1% and CS 3000 0.3%) of concentrations. The CS 30000 0.1% bioassay results of different concentration were showed that the highest concentration(100ppm) was measured better mortality than other concentration at 0 day, but cannot confirm different effect about dissimilar concentration. However, increasing rates of M. persicae were low as treatment concentrate was high. In CS 3000 0.3% 100ppm concentration bioassay result, aphid mortality reached peak at 24 days and increasing rate also low. Additionally, for the comparing of bioassay and feeding behavior of M. persicae against pyrifluquinazon nano types and non-nano type, EPG technique was carried out. In case of non nano type, feeding inhibition efficacy was showed during 4 days after treatment, but appeared similar level with control after 10days. In CS 3000 0.3% 50ppm, residual efficacy was specially showed until 28days after treatment whereas treatments with CS 30000 0.1% were similar to the control after 22days. These result show that the change of feedinng behavior and motrality of M. persicae is correlated with the change of nano type or non nano type of pyrifluquinazon.
To investigate resistance of Myzus persicae, which is resistant to etofenprox belonging to pyrethriods, to other insecticides, fenpropathrin and thiamethoxam, mortality and LC₅₀ values for these two insecticides against the etofenprox-resistant and -susceptible populations were obtained and EPG analysis for feeding behaviors of thiamethoxam or fenpropathrin treated and non-treated M. persicae was conducted. For fenpropathrin, mortality after 48 h treatment was 28 and 29%, respectively for the resistant and susceptible population. The LC₅₀ value was 193.15 and 93.46 ppm, respectively. For thiamethoxam, mortality after 48 h treatment was 87 and 57%, respectively for the resistant and susceptible population. The LC₅₀ value was 3.17 and 30.34 ppm, respectively. There was no significant difference in feeding behavior between fenprorpathrin treated and non-treated M. persicae. They showed a continuous feeding pattern. However, contact signal frequency increased in the thiamethoxam treated M. persicae 1 hour after treatment and significant difference was shown.
This study was performed to investigate the correlation between changes of feeding behavior of green peach aphid, Myzus persicae and residual effect of an insecticide, Pyrifluzuinazon, using EPG technique. Pyrifluquinazon was showed the insecticidal activity until three days (72h) after treatment, and the activity was high in nymph than adult of GPA. There was no difference among treatment methods. Lethal sign was observed the slimed the abdomen of GPA after 3 days that rises the insecticidal activity, and dieㅇ as being sticked and/or pulled out the needle. Residual efficacy from 1, 3, 5, 7 to 20 days after treatment, insecticidal activity was showed 70% in 50 ppm, recommended concentration, until 5 days. And waveforms relating to non-probe time and phloem phase time using EPA, feeding inhibition efficacy was showed during 5 days after treatment, but showed similar level with control after 13 days. These results show that the change of feeding behavior of GPA is correlated with the change of residual effect of pyrifluzuinazon.
For the comparing of mortality of the resistance and susceptible population of Myzus persicae, etofenprox was treated in the recommended concentration of 200ppm. Mortalities of resistance population were 16.7 and 36.7%, and susceptible population were 86.7 and 86.7% after 24 and 48 hours treatment, respectively. For the detect of cross resistance to other pyrethroids, 6 pyrethroids were examined. Mortalities of susceptible and resistance populations were 90 and 31% to deltamethrin, 92 and 23% to lambda cyhalothrin, 81 and 14% to cypermethrin, 70 and 20% to α-cypermethrin, 29 and 28% to fenpropathrin, 84 and 29% to fenvalerate, respectively. It was showed that resistance populations were generally resistive to other pyrethroids. On the other hands, for recognized ecological characteristic of M. persicae susceptible and resistance populations life table was tested on the pepper leaves in the petri dish and on the plant in the pot. This results were showed that intrinsic rate of increase (r<SUB>m</SUB>), net reproduction number (R₀) and generation time in day (T<SUB>c</SUB>) were significantly different between two population in both tested. However, life span and reproduction period were slightly different between them. Otherwise, feeding behaviors were tested using EPG technique with non- and treated etofenprox. First potential drop time of susceptible and resistance population was 73.5 and 257.9 sec with non-treated and 93.3 and 1076.2 sec after treated, respectively. Electrical probing signals were 8.2 and 48.8 times with susceptible and resistance individuals after treated etofenprox, respectively. It was supposed that the resistance is more probings than susceptible population. After treated, total feeding time have more 6,728.9 sec on resistance than 965.5 sec on susceptible population. So, total non penetration time of susceptible population was 3,000 sec longer than resistance population.
복숭아혹진딧물의 섭식행동을 관찰하기 위해, 고추, 무, 배추, 가지, 참외 등 5종류의 기주식물에서 EPG기술을 이용하였다. 복숭아혹진딧물의 구침이 식물체 표면에 접촉된 후 전기적 연결이 일어나기까지 소요되는 시간과 맨 처음 potential drop이 일어나기까지 소요된 시간, 구침의 세포간극내에서의 활동에 의하여 일어나는 potential drop의 수, 전기적 연결신호가 나타난 시점부터 체관부를 섭식하는 순간까지 소요된 시간 등을 조사한 결과 Potential drop 수에서는 기주들 사이에 유의성 있는 차이를 나타내었다. 그러나 나머지 요인에서는 기주식물들 사이에 큰 차이를 보이지 않았지만, 참외나 배추보다는 고추, 무, 가지에서 즘 더 기주선호성과 관련된 섭식패턴들을 확인할 수 있었다.
멸구류 포식성 천적인 등검은황록장님노린재의 온도에 따른 벼멸구 알 공격능력과 기능반응의 변화를 20, 23, 26, 29, 32, 등 6개 온도에서 검정하였다. 등검은 황록장님노린재는 산란된지 1일에서 4일된 이런시기의 벼멸구 알을 선호하였으며, 이중 3일된 벼멸구 알을 가장 선호하였다. 등검은황록장님노린재의 벼멸구 알에 대한 포식능력은 Holling의 제2형 기능반응의 Rogers(1972) 진정포식자 모형에 잘 부합되었다. 기능반응의 포식자 탐색율(a)은 까지는 온도가 높아짐에 따라 증가하는 경향이었으나 에서는 급격히 감소하였다. 그러나 처리시간(Th)은 온도가 높아짐에 따라 완만히 감소되었다. 등검은황록장님노린재의 벼멸구 알에 대한 온도별, 밀도별 공격위치의 선호성은 일반적으로 저밀도에서는 큰 차이가 없었으나 고밀도에서는 위쪽에 산란된 알을 더 선호하는 경향이었으며 특히 온도가 높아짐에따라 이러한 경향이 더욱 뚜렷이 나타났다.