This study was conducted to investigate changes in immunoglobulin G (IgG) concentration, nutrient content, and microbial communities of fresh and heat-treated Holstein colostrum collected from a colostrum bank operated by a local agricultural technology center in Gyeongsangbuk-do, South Korea. Of the 16 colostrum samples, 8 were heated at 60℃ for 30 min under a pressure of 0.9–1 bar. The colostrum samples were stored at −70℃ until use, at which time they were thawed at 50–55℃ in a water bath to analyze IgG levels, chemical composition, and microbiome, which was identified by 16S rRNA gene sequencing using the Illumina MiSeq-PE250 platform. The IgG concentrations were similar in fresh and heat-treated colostrum. The fat, protein, and lactose contents also did not differ in these samples. However, somatic cell count (SCC) was lower in heat-treated colostrum than those in fresh colostrum (p<0.05). At the phylum level for the microbiome of fresh colostrum, Proteobacteria (44.16%) was the most abundant taxa, followed by Bacteroidota (33.26%), Firmicutes (10.04%), Actinobacteriota (7.14%), and a marginal difference in the order of abundance was observed in heat-treated colostrum. At the genus level, bacteria belonging to Sphingomonas, Delftia, Ochrobactrum, Simplicispira, and Lactobacillus were more abundant (p<0.05) in the heat-treated colostrum, while the abundance of Acinetobacter in the fresh colostrum was four times more (p<0.05) than that in the heat-treated colostrum. Our results demonstrated that heating does not affect IgG level and colostrum composition but reduces SCC (p<0.05), suggesting that heat-treated colostrum can potentially be put to further use (e.g., feeding Hanwoo calves) without compromising its quality. Differences in the microbiome between the fresh and heat-treated colostrum were limited. Further studies are required to extensively investigate the quality and safety of colostrum collected from dairy farms to ensure better utilization and processing at a local agricultural technology center.
In this study, copper oxide, manganese oxide and zeolite, clays containing catalysts were prepared to remove hydrogen sulfide emitted in odor of industry. In order to change the heat treatment temperature, a catalyst was prepared 100 degrees from 600 degrees to 1,000 degrees. GC-MS was used to confirm the hydrogen sulfide removal performance. Although the removal performance produced at 600 degrees was maintained by and large, the removal performance decreased as the temperature increased. In particular, the catalyst manufactured at 900 and 1000 degrees had low removal performance. To find out the cause of the decrease in removal performance, the analytical devices XRD, BET, XRF were used. In order to confirm the properties of the catalyst before and after adsorption, SEM-EDS and CS were used. As a result of analyzing the Cu-Mn catalyst, it was confirmed that the material was adsorbed on the surface. To confirm the adsorbent material, SEM-Mapping was employed. And it was verified that the sulfur was adsorbed. Measuring the SEM-EDS 3Point, it was confirmed to be about 25.09%. Another test method CS analyzer (Carbon/Sulfur Detector) was also deployed. As a result of the test, sulfur was confirmed to be about 27.2%. So comparing the two sets of data, it was verified that sulfur was adsorbed on the surface.
Lithium-ion batteries are widely used in various advanced devices, including electric vehicles and energy storage devices. As the application range of lithium-ion batteries expands, it will be increasingly important to improve their gravimetric and volumetric energy density. Layer-structured oxide materials have been widely adopted as cathode materials in Li-ion batteries. Among them, LiNiO2 has attracted interest because of its high theoretical capacity, ~274 mAh g-1, assuming reversible one Li+-(de)intercalation from the structure. Presently, such layered structure cathode materials are prepared by calcination of precursors. The precursors are typically hydroxides synthesized by coprecipitation reaction. Precursors synthesized by coprecipitation reaction have a spherical morphology with a size larger than 10 μm. Spherical precursors in the several micrometer range are difficult to obtain due to the limited coprecipitation reaction time, and can lead to vigorous collisions between the precursor particles. In this study, spherical and small-sized Ni(OH)2 precursors were synthesized using a new synthesis method instead of the conventional precipitation method. The highest capacity, 170 mAh g-1, could be achieved in the temperature range of 730~760 °C. The improved capacity was confirmed to be due to the higher quality of the layered structure.
리튬이온전지는 친환경적이고 우수한 전지 성능덕분에 배터리 산업의 핵심으로 자리 잡았으며, 이에 따라 수요가 급증하고 있다. 그러나, 리튬이온전지의 수요증가는 리튬과 광물자원들의 공급문제를 초래하며, 수명이 다한 폐 리튬이온전지의 폐기방안이 아직 마련되지 않아 환경적 문제를 발생시킨다. 이러한 문제를 해결하기 위해 폐 리튬이온전지를 재활용하는 연구가 진행되고 있으며, 그 중에서도 폐 리튬이온전지에서 폐 양극 소재를 추출하여 재활용하는 다이렉트 리사이클링 연구가 주목받고 있다. 그러나, 폐 양극 소재는 오랜 충/방전으로 인해 구조적 붕괴(열화)가 발생한 상태로, 새로운 리튬이온전지에 적용을 위해서는 리튬이온전지 사용 전의 구조 즉, 층상구조로의 회복이 필요하다. 본 연구에서는 이를 위해 폐 양극 소재(LiNi0.6C0.2Mn0.2O2)가 열역학적으로 층상구조를 형성하는 온도를 분석하기 위해 700 ºC, 800 ºC, 900 ºC 범위에서 XRD를 통해 구조분석을 진행하였다. 폐 양극 소재는 700 ºC와 900 ºC 대비 800 ºC 열처리 시 1.44로 가장 높은 I003/I104 value를 보였다. 또한 800 ºC 열처리 시 0.1 C 기준 비 용량이 171.3 mAh/g으로 가장 높은 것을 확인하였다. 이를 통해 우리는 열역학적으로 층상구조를 형성하는 온도를 800 ºC로 도출하였으며 폐 양극 소재의 구조를 성공적으로 복원하였다.
본 연구는 대기 중 장기간 노출로 인해 열화된 Ni-rich NCM811(LiNi₀.₈Co₀.₁Mn₀.₁O₂) 양극 소재의 계면 저항 증가 및 전기화학적 성능 저하 문제를 해결하기 위해, 물리적 열처리 방법을 제안하였다. NCM811 양극 소재는 대기 중 수분 및 이산화탄소와의 반응에 의해 표면에 불순물이 형성되기 쉬우며, 이는 고체전해질과의 계면 저항을 증가시켜 전고 체전지 시스템에서의 성능 저하를 초래한다. 이러한 문제를 해결하기 위해, 열화된 NCM811 양극 소재를 O₂ 분위기 에서 열처리하여 표면의 불순물을 효과적으로 제거하고 양극 표면의 전도성을 향상시킴으로써, 양극-고체전해질 간의 계면 저항을 현저히 감소시키는 결과를 얻었다. SEM, XRD, ICP 분석을 통해 열화된 NCM811 양극 소재의 표면 특성 변화를 분석하였으며, 열처리 후 NCM811 소재의 계면 특성이 개선됨에 따라 전기화학적 성능 또한 상용 NCM811 소재와 유사한 수준으로 회복되는 것을 확인하였다. 특히, O₂ 분위기의 물리적 열처리 방법은 Ni-rich NCM811 양극 소재의 열화를 효과적으로 억제하고 고체전해질과의 계면 접촉을 개선하여, 황화물계 전고체전지의 전기화학적 성능 을 획기적으로 향상시킬 수 있는 유망한 기술임을 입증하였다. 이러한 결과는 전고체전지 상용화를 위한 핵심 전략으 로 적용될 수 있을 것으로 기대된다.
본 연구는 목재 데크에 사용되는 수입 목재들의 열처리 특성을 조사하기 위하여 수행되었다. 꾸마루, 꾸메아, 말라스, 바스랄로커스, 아피통, 이페, 자토바, 켐파스를 대상으로 열처리 목재를 제조한 후 처리조건에 따른 재색변화 및 경도를 조사하였다. 총 9가지 처리조건(처리온도: 170, 190, 210 ℃, 처리시간: 1, 3, 5 hours)에서 열처리 시편을 제조하였으며 2주간 20℃, 60% 상대습도 조건에서 조습한 후 재색과 쇼어 D 경도를 측정하였다. 처리온도와 처리시간이 증가함에 따라 목재의 중량은 감소하였고 재색은 짙어지는 것으로 나타났다. 중량 감소가 가장 적은 수종은 꾸마루로, 210℃에서 5시간 열처리 시 약 12%의 중량 감소를 보였다. 반면, 중량 감소가 가장 많은 수종은 아피통으로, 약 23%의 중량 감소를 나타냈다. 재색 변화는 처리온도 및 처리시간이 증가함에 따라 가속되었지만 210℃에서 3시간 이상의 열처리에서는 색상차가 크지 않았기 때문에 최종 재색에 거의 도달한 것으로 판단되었다. 수종에 따른 차이는 존재하지만 열처리를 통해서 얻을 수 있는 색상차는 대략 30 이하인 것으로 나타났다. 쇼어 D 경도는 170℃, 1시간 열처리한 일부 시편의 경우 증가하기도 하였으나 온도와 시간의 증가에 따라 감소하였다. 최대 열처리 조건에서 말라스는 13%, 켐파스는 43%의 쇼어 D 경도 감소를 보여 수종의 특성에 따라 상당한 차이가 있는 것으로 판단된다.
This study aimed to identify and analyze the effects of both isothermal heat treatment temperature and residence time on the formation of mesophase in coal tar pitch, especially with respect to its microstructural and crystalline evolution. The formation and growth of mesophase resulted in a decrease in d002 and an increase in Lc, and the degree of such variation was larger when the isothermal heat treatment temperature was higher. In isothermally heat-treated pitch, two distinct domains were observed: less developed crystalline carbon (LDCC) and more developed crystalline carbon (MDCC). When pitch was isothermally heat-treated at 375 °C for 20 h, d002 was 4.015 Å in the LDCC and 3.515 Å in the MDCC. Higher isothermal heat-treatment temperatures accelerated the formation, growth, and coalescence of mesophase. Indeed, in the pitch specimen isothermally heat-treated at 425 °C for 20 h, d002 was 3.809 Å in the LDCC and 3.471 Å in the MDCC. The evolution of mesophase was characterized by pronounced inflection points in d002 curves. It was found that the emergence of these inflection points coincided with pronounced changes in the microstructure of mesophase. This finding confirmed the relationship between inflection points in d002 and the microstructure of mesophase.
Salmonella spp. 11 strains에 대해 저온 열처리(50oC) 3, 6, 9분 후 MIC값을 측정하여 항생제 내성을 알아보았다. Chloramphenicol에 대해 대조군과 열처리한 strains 대부분 에서 감수성(S)이 있는 것으로 나타났고, 열처리한 strains 의 MIC값은 대조군과 비교하였을 때 유지되거나 감소하 였다. Ciprofloxacin에 대해 대조군과 열처리한 strains는 대 부분 감수성(S)이 있거나 중간(I)을 나타냈다. Tetracycline 은 모든 strains에서 감수성(S)이 있는 것으로 나타났으며, S. Gaminara BAA 711에 대해 열처리 후 MIC값이 증가 하였다. Gentamicin에 대해 대조군 strains들에서 감수성을 나타낸 strains가 3 strains, 중간을 나타낸 strains 2 strains, 내성을 가진 strains가 6 strains였으며, 이 중 S. Heidelberg ATCC 8326는 MIC값을 측정했을 때 대조군에서 MIC값 이 8 μg/mL로 MIC break point가 중간이었으나, 3분과 9 분 열처리 후 MIC값이 16 μg/mL로 증가하여 break point 가 내성을 나타냈다. 본 실험결과 Salmonella spp. 11 strains 에 대해서 저온 열처리 후 열내성 효과에 의한 항생제 내성을 알아봤을 때 ciprofloxacin에서 S. Montevideo BAA 710을 3, 6분 열처리한 경우, gentamicin에서 S. Enteritidis 109 D1을 3분 처리한 경우와 S. Heidelberg ATCC 8326 을 3, 9분 처리한 경우, tetracycline에서 S. Gaminara BAA 711을 6, 9분 처리한 경우 MIC값이 증가하였다. 후속 연 구를 통해 Salmonella spp. strains에 대해 열처리 후 열내 성 효과를 나타내는 병원성 유전자의 특성에 대한 지속적 인 연구가 필요하다.
In this study, we designed and manufactured a large angular contact ball bearing (LACBB) with low deformation using JIS-SUJ2 steel and analyzed changes in its structural characteristics and chemical composition upon heat treatment. The bearing was produced by hot forging and heat treatment including a quenching and tempering (Q/T) process, and its properties were analyzed using 4 mm thick specimens. A difference in the size distribution of the carbide in the outer and inner parts of the bearing was observed and it was confirmed that large and non-uniform carbide was distributed in the inner part of the bearing. After heat treatment, the hardness value of the outer part increased from 13.4 HRC to 61 HRC and the inner part increased from 8.0 HRC to 59.7 HRC. As a result of X-ray diffraction (XRD) measurements, the volume fraction of the retained austenite contained in the outer part was calculated to be 3.5~4.8 % and the inner part was calculated to be 3.6~5.0 %. The surface chemical composition and the content of chemical bonds were quantified through X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS), and a decrease in C=C bonds and an increase in Fe-C bonds were confirmed.
This study evaluated the effects of heat treatment on gastrodin and gastrodigenin content, and antioxidant activities, in Gastrodia elata Blume. Gastrodin and gastrodigenin content was analyzed post-method validation, and antioxidant activity evaluation, including assessing total polyphenol content, DPPH, and ABTS radical scavenging activities, was done. The validation of the analysis method demonstrated excellent linearity. The limits of quantification of gastrodin and gastrodigenin were 2.89 and 3.47 μg/mL, respectively. Moreover, the results of intra- and inter-day precision analysis demonstrated relative standard deviation values, within 5%. The recovery rates for gastrodin and gastrodigenin were 97.22~98.85 and 97.99~99.91%, respectively, indicating good accuracy. Under different heat treatment conditions, gastrodin and gastrodigenin content significantly increased (p<0.05), ranging from 91.15 to 310.27 and 559.66 to 830.02 mg/100 g DW, respectively. Additionally, the total polyphenol content exhibited a significant (p<0.05) increasing trend, ranging from 1,444 to 1,798 mg/100 g DW, as the temperature and time of heat treatment increased. The DPPH and ABTS radical scavenging abilities demonstrated an increasing trend at 120℃ during heat treatment. These research findings are expected to enhance our understanding of the changes in gastrodin and gastrodigenin content, and antioxidant effects in Gastrodia elata Blume during heat treatment.
The effects of annealing on the microstructure and mechanical properties of Al–Zn–Mg–Cu–Si alloys fabricated by high-energy ball milling (HEBM) and spark plasma sintering (SPS) were investigated. The HEBM-free sintered alloy primarily contained Mg2Si, Q-AlCuMgSi, and Si phases. Meanwhile, the HEBM-sintered alloy contains Mg-free Si and θ-Al2Cu phases due to the formation of MgO, which causes Mg depletion in the Al matrix. Annealing without and with HEBM at 500oC causes partial dissolution and coarsening of the Q-AlCuMgSi and Mg2Si phases in the alloy and dissolution of the θ-Al2Cu phase in the alloy, respectively. In both alloys, a thermally stable α-AlFeSi phase was formed after long-term heat treatment. The grain size of the sintered alloys with and without HEBM increased from 0.5 to 1.0 μm and from 2.9 to 6.3 μm, respectively. The hardness of the sintered alloy increases after annealing for 1 h but decreases significantly after 24 h of annealing. Extending the annealing time to 168 h improved the hardness of the alloy without HEBM but had little effect on the alloy with HEBM. The relationship between the microstructural factors and the hardness of the sintered and annealed alloys is discussed.
The purpose of this study was to analyze microstructural changes and evaluate the mechanical properties of TWIP steel subjected to variations in heat treatment, in order to identify optimal process conditions for enhancing the performance of TWIP steel. For this purpose, a homogenization heat treatment was conducted at 1,200 °C for 2 h, followed by hot rolling at temperature exceeding 1,100 °C and cold rolling. Annealing heat treatment is achieved using a muffle furnace in the range of 600 °C to 1,000 °C. The microstructure characterization was performed with an optical microscope and X-ray diffraction. Mechanical properties are evaluated using micro Vickers hardness, tensile test, and ECO index (UTS × Elongation). The specimens annealed at 900 °C and 1,000 °C experienced a significant decrease in hardness and strength due to decarburization. Consequently, the decarburization phenomenon is closely related to the heat treatment process and mechanical properties of TWIP steel, and the effect of the microstructure change during annealing heat treatment.
Dry active wastes (DAWs) are combustible waste generated during the operation and decommissioning of nuclear facilities, and are known to be generated in the amount of approximately 10,000 to 40,000 drums (based on 200 L) per unit. It consists of various types of protective clothing, paper, and plastic bags, and is stored in radioactive waste storage facilities. Therefore, reducing the volume of DAWs is an important issue in order to reduce storage costs and utilize the limited space of waste storage facilities. Heat treatment such as incineration can dramatically reduce the volume of waste, but as the waste is thermally decomposed, CO2, a global warming gas, is generated and there is a risk of emissions of harmful gases including radionuclides. Therefore, a heat treatment process that minimizes the generation of CO2 and harmful gases is necessary. One of the alternatives to incineration is to carbonize DAWs, dispose of carbonized materials below the release standard as non-radioactive waste, and selectively separate and stabilize inorganic components, including radionuclides, from carbonized DAWs. In this study, 13 types of DAWs generated from nuclear power plants were selected and their thermal decomposition characteristics were investigated to design a heat treatment process that replaces incineration. As a result of TGA analysis, the temperature at which thermal decomposition of each waste begins is 260-300°C for cotton, 320-330°C for paper, 315-420°C for synthetic fiber, 350°C for latex gloves. The mass of most samples decreased to less than 1 % of the initial weight after heat treatment, and dust suit and latex gloves had residues of 13.83% and 13.71% of the initial mass, respectively. The metal components of the residue produced after heat treatment of the sample were analyzed by EDS. According to the EDS results, cotton contains Ca and Al, paper contains Ca, Al and Si, synthetic fiber contains Ca, Cu and Ti, latex gloves contain Ca and Mg. Additionally, ICP analysis was performed to quantify the inorganic components. These results are expected to be applicable to the processing of DAW generated at nuclear facilities in the future.
The solid-state chemistry of uranium is essential to the nuclear fuel cycle. Uranyl nitrate is a key compound that is produced at various stages of the nuclear fuel cycle, both in front-end and backend cycles. It is typically formed by dissolving spent nuclear fuel in nitric acid or through a wet conversion process for the preparation of UF6. Additionally, uranium oxides are a primary consideration in the nuclear fuel cycle because they are the most commonly used nuclear fuel in commercial nuclear reactors. Therefore, it is crucial to understand the oxidation and thermal behavior of uranium oxides and uranyl nitrates. Under the ‘2023 Nuclear Global Researcher Training Program for the Back-end Nuclear Fuel Cycle,’ supported by KONICOF, several experiments were conducted at IMRAM (Institute of Multidisciplinary Research for Advanced Materials) at Tohoku University. First, the recovery ratio of uranium was analyzed during the synthesis of uranyl nitrate by dissolving the actual radioisotope, U3O8, in a nitric acid solution. Second, thermogravimetric-differential thermal analysis (TG-DTA) of uranyl nitrate (UO2(NO3)2) and hyper-stoichiometric uranium dioxide (UO2+X) was performed. The enthalpy change was discussed to confirm the mechanism of thermal decomposition of uranyl nitrate under heating conditions and to determine the chemical hydrate form of uranyl nitrate. In the case of UO2+X, the value of ‘x’ was determined through the calculation of weight change data, and the initial form was verified using the phase diagram for the U-O system. Finally, the formation of a few UO2+X compounds was observed with heat treatment of uranyl nitrate and uranium dioxide at different temperature intervals (450°C-600°C). As a result of these studies, a deeper understanding of the thermal and chemical behavior of uranium compounds was achieved. This knowledge is vital for improving the efficiency and safety of nuclear fuel cycle processes and contributes to advancements in nuclear science and technology.
Once discharged, spent nuclear fuel undergoes an initial cooling process within deactivation pools situated at the reactor site. This cooling step is crucial for reducing the fuel’s temperature. Once the heat has sufficiently diminished, two viable options emerge: reprocessing or interim storage. A method known as PUREX, for aqueous nuclear reprocessing, involves a chemical procedure aimed at separating uranium and plutonium from the spent nuclear fuel. This separation not only minimizes waste volume but also facilitates the reuse of the extracted materials as fuel for nuclear reactors. The transformation of uranium oxides through dissolution in nitric acid followed by drying results in uranium taking the form of UO2(NO3)2 + 6H2O, which can then be converted into various solid-state configurations through different heat treatments. This study specifically focuses on investigating the phase transitions of artificially synthesized UO2(NO3)2 + 6H2O subjected to heat treatment at various temperatures (450, 500, 550, 600°C) using X-ray Diffraction (XRD) analysis. Heat treatments were also conducted on UO2 to analyze its phase transformations. Additionally, the study utilized XRD analysis on an unidentified oxidized uranium oxide, UO2+X, and employed lattice parameters and Bragg’s law to ascertain the oxidation state of the unknown sample. To synthesize UO2(NO3)2 + 6H2O, U3O8 powder is first dissolved in a 20% HNO3 solution. The solid UO2(NO3)2 + 6H2O is obtained after drying on a hotplate and is subsequently subjected to heat treatment at temperatures of 450, 500, 550, and 600°C. As the heat treatment temperature increases, the color of the samples transitions from orange to dark green, indicating the formation of different phases at different temperatures. XRD analysis confirms that uranyl nitrate, when heattreated at 500 and 550°C, oxidizes to UO3, while the sample subjected to 600°C heat treatment transforms into U3O8 due to the higher temperature. All samples exhibit sharp crystal peaks in their XRD spectra, except for the one heat-treated at 450°C. In the second experiment, the XRD spectra of the heat-treated UO2 consistently indicate the presence of U3O8 rather than UO3, regardless of the temperature. Under an oxidizing atmosphere within a temperature range of 300 to 700°C, UO2 can be oxidized to form U3O8. In the final experiment, the oxidation state of the unknown UO2+X was determined using Bragg’s law and lattice parameters, revealing that it was a material in which UO2 had been oxidized, resulting in an oxidation state of UO2.24.
To suppress mold generation of yujacheong, Penicillium chrysogenum LB31 was cultured, and spores were harvested and put into yujacheong. Antioxidant activity, useful ingredients, mold size and incidence were investigated while storing yujacheong for 30 days, after sterilization with different methods (nontreatment, ozone gas emission, heating after ozone gas emission and heating). The results showed that the content of narirutin, naringin, hesperidin, or neohesperidin, which are functional components of yuzu, increased as the storage period increased in all the treatment units. In addition, mold generation was not observed until the 15th day in the heat treatment group after ozone gas emission. As the treatment group emitted ozone gas. molds of 34.8 and 112 mm2 in size were observed on the 30th day. These results suggested that ozone sterilization can prevent microbial contamination, further extending the shelf life of yuzacheong and maintaining a fresh state.
In this experimental work, a p-type c-Si (100) substrate with 8 × 8 × 2 mm dimension was taken for TiCN thin-film coating deposition. The whole deposition process was carried out by chemical vapor deposition (CVD) process. The Si substrate was placed within the CVD chamber at base pressure and process pressure of 0.75 and 500 mTorr, respectively, in the presence of TiO2 (99.99% pure) and C (99.99% pure) powder mixture. Later on, quantity of C powder was varied for different set experiments. The deposition of TiCN coating was carried out in the presence of N2– H2–TiCl4–CH3CN gas mixture and 600 ℃ of fixed temperature. The time for deposition was fixed for 90 min with 10 and 5 ℃ min− 1 heating and cooling rate, respectively. Later on, heat treatment process was carried out over these deposited TiCN samples to investigate the changing characteristics. The heat treatment was carried out at 800 ℃ within the CVD chamber in the absence of any gas flow rate. The morphological properties of heat-treated samples have been improved significantly, evidence is observed from SEM and AFM analyses. The structural analysis by XRD has been suggested, upgradation in crystallinity of the heat-treated film as it possessed with sharp and higher intensity peaks. Evidence has been found that the electrochemical properties are enhanced for heat-treated sample. Raman spectroscopy shows that the intensity of acoustic phonon modes predominates the optic phonon modes for untreated samples, whereas for heat-treated samples, opposite trends have been observed. However, significant degradation in mechanical properties for heat-treated sample has been observed compared to untreated sample.
Molten salt is one of the promising medium materials for molten salt reactors and energy storage systems. Molten salt is advantageous for better physical properties such as low melting point and high boiling point, high energy capacity, high thermal conductivity, and high thermal stability than other medium materials such as water or liquid metals. However, the corrosivity of the molten salt is one of the main factors that disturbs the various applications of the molten salt. On the other hand, metallic 3-D printing technologies have developed by leaps and bounds over the past 20 years and show potential for use in cutting-edge industries such as aerospace and military purposes. However, the biggest problem of 3-D printed products is that the mechanical and physical properties are very weak along the laminated plane that was generated during the manufacturing process. In particular, other research showed that corrosion is vulnerable through the laminated surface, and corrosion along the laminated plane is not completely mitigated through a general heat treatment process although the microstructure of the surface is evaluated to be partially mitigated by the heat treatment. In this study, molten salt corrosion behaviors of simple Ni-based alloy with a composition of 80Ni- 20Cr were analyzed. Ni-based alloys were fabricated by casting and 3-D printing, and some of the 3-D printed specimens were thermally treated at 1,273 K for 1 hour to examine the effects of heat treatment on corrosion behaviors. In molten eutectic NaCl-MgCl2 melts at 973 K, Ni-based alloys were corroded for 1, 3, 7, and 28 days and their microstructural changes were analyzed by SEM-EBSD-EDS and OM. The corrosion behaviors of the alloy were also evaluated by the salt composition measured with ICPOES. 3-D printed alloy with post-treatment showed more resistivity to the molten salt corrosion than as-fabricated 3-D printed alloy. However, the corrosion rate of the 3-D printed specimen after heat treatment was still higher than that made by casting.
Radioactive carbon dioxide (14CO2) capture using innovative materials is desirable due to associated radiological hazards, and growing climate change. Mineral carbonation technology (MCT) is amenable to irreversibly capture CO2. Typically, MCT is attractive because capturing carbon through the chemical reaction between alkaline earth metal ions and CO2 forms insoluble and significantly stable carbonates. However, most applications of MCT have an intrinsic restriction regarding their operational conditions since no forward reaction occurs within realistic time scales. Thereby, the CO2 capture performance, such as CO2 capacity and carbonation reaction rate, of MCTs and their applications are severely restricted by the difficulty of operations under mild conditions. For example, natural minerals require aggressive carbonation reaction conditions e.g. high pressure (≥ 20 bar), high temperature (> 373 K), and pH-adjusted carrier solutions. To overcome such obstacles, the fabrication of alkaline earth oxides impregnated into an amorphous glass structure have been recently developed. They show enhanced rates of dissolution of alkaline earth metal ions and carbonation reaction due to the loosely packed glass structure and the generation of a surface coating silica gel, consequently facilitating CO2 capture under mild conditions. In this presentation, we report the synthesis and application of a crystallized glass tailored by controlled heat treatment for CO2 capture under mild conditions. The controlled heat treatment of an alkaline earth oxide-containing glass gives rise to a structural transformation from amorphous to crystalline. The structural characterizations and CO2 capture performance, including CO2 capacity, carbonation reaction rate, and the dissolution rate of alkaline earth metal ion, were analyzed to reveal the impact of controlled heat treatment and phase transformation.
AZO/Cu/AZO thin films were deposited on glass by RF magnetron sputtering. The specimens showed the preferred orientation of (0002) AZO and (111) Cu. The Cu crystal sizes increased from about 3.7 nm to about 8.5 nm with increasing Cu thickness, and from about 6.3 nm to about 9.5 nm with increasing heat treatment temperatures. The sizes of AZO crystals were almost independent of the Cu thickness, and increased slightly with heat treatment temperature. The residual stress of AZO after heat treatment also increased compressively from -4.6 GPa to -5.6 GPa with increasing heat treatment temperature. The increase in crystal size resulted from grain growth, and the increase in stress resulted from the decrease in defects that accompanied grain growth, and the thermal stress during cooling from heat treatment temperature to room temperature. From the PL spectra, the decrease in defects during heat treatment resulted in the increased intensity. The electrical resistivities of the 4 nm Cu film were 5.9 × 10-4 Ω ‧ cm and about 1.0 × 10-4 Ω ‧ cm for thicker Cu films. The resistivity decreased as the temperature of heat treatment increased. As the Cu thickness increased, an increase in carrier concentration resulted, as the fraction of AZO/Cu/AZO metal film increased. And the increase in carrier concentration with increasing heat treatment temperature might result from the diffusion of Cu ions into AZO. Transmittance decreased with increasing Cu thicknesses, and reached a maximum near the 500 nm wavelength after being heat treated at 200 °C.