
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 53

        2023.07 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        With the pandemic of the early 2020s coming to a close, city politicians and planners around the world seek to bring in more tourists and entrepreneurs to assist their local businesses and domestic economies in the return to pre-pandemic levels. There exists a myriad of ways city officials attempt to attract visitors from festivals and fireworks displays to citywide initiatives and awareness programs. This study takes a look at a destination’s perceived coolness, how it is manifested through destination service quality and tourist app use, and how it affects an individual’s revisit intention based on structural and interpersonal constraints.
        2023.07 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study suggests that using AI chatbots with highly human-like characteristics could reduce the effectiveness of personalized AI chatbot advertising because they will likely worsen consumer concerns about privacy. Conversely, using AI chatbot with less human-like characteristics will not heighten consumer privacy concerns, thereby increasing the impact of personalized AI advertising.
        2022.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        본 연구는 당대 시인이 시각적 이미지를 접하는 수단, 즉 ‘보다’의 의미를 나타내 는 시어 중에서 ‘뒤돌다’라는 특별한 의미소를 지닌 ‘顧’라는 시어를 집중적으로 분석 했다. 뒤를 돌아보는 행위의 대상은 당시에서 주로 시인 자신, 자신을 알아봐주는 지 기, 본인을 등용할 수 있는 집권자, 자신을 상징하는 그림자, 과거와 역사, 자신의 고 향 혹은 꿈을 이룰 수 있는 도성 등이 있다. 이 대상들은 모두 ‘자신’이란 개념과 관 련이 있었고, 시인이 시 안에 담은 ‘자신’의 정서와 긴밀한 관계를 맺고 있다. 본고는 이러한 대상들을 뒤돌아보았을 때 ‘顧’가 어떠한 의미를 나타내는지 고찰했다. 또한, ‘뒤’ 또는 ‘후방’이라는 ‘顧’의 의미소가 나타내는 부정적인 뉘앙스와 개념적 은유에 입각하여 ‘顧’의 의미가 시인의 감정 및 사상과 정확히 어떠한 관계가 있고, ‘顧’자가 어째서 시인의 처지와 정서를 드러내는 데 최적화되어 있는지 문학적 각도에서 연구 했다.
        2022.06 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        In recent years, juvenile offenders have made up an increasing number of all criminal suspects, and minor crimes are becoming a more serious social problem in most countries and regions around the world. While community correction occupies a very important position in the minor crime punishment system, current community correction risk assessments mainly depend on qualitative analysis or simple mathematical statistics using collected data. In combination with relevant theories and regulations, this paper offers a systematic look at the development and theories of community correction and the related risk assessment system and analyzes the characteristics of community correction risk assessment methods of juvenile offenders in different countries. Moreover, it discusses some new risk assessment technologies based on artificial intelligence theory for community correction risk evaluation of juvenile offenders. The effectiveness of the proposed community correction risk assessment method is verified using some real-world community correction assessments.
        2021.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        조선 시대의 유배는 주로 정치범에게 적용되었던 형벌이었다. 정치 상황이나 죄인의 신분 혹은 죄의 경중에 따라 유배지도 결정되었다. 특히 조선 중기에 들어 당쟁이 치열해지면서 유배는 대부분 섬으로 가게 되었다. 유배는 현대와 달리 비리에 의한 것보다는 당쟁의 결과였으며 정치적인 속성을 띄는 것이 일반적이었다. 본 고는 이를 위하여 유배가 주는 우리의 문화유산을 긍정적으로 보는 측면에서 진행되었다. 이를 조선 후기의 우봉 조희룡의 심미경계를 통하여 고찰하였다. 그는 여항문인화가로 임자도에서 19개월간의 유배 생활을 하였다. 이로 인하여 육체적 정신적 시련과 한계상황을 극복하여 자신의 예술세계를 심화시켰다. 그는 자신의 처소인 만구음관 주변에 자생하는 대숲의 자연을 통하여 묵죽의 문인화에 천착하였다. 이로 인하여 그의 묵죽 문인화는 심미경계를 심화시킬 수 있었다. 따라서 그의 묵죽의 심미경계는 독표성령(獨標性靈)의 심원미학(心源美 學)⋅자출기저(自出機杼)의 심장미학(心匠美學)⋅자성별구(自成別區)의 심득미학(心得美學)에 나아갔다. 심원의 미학은 조희룡의 독자적인 성령론에 바탕을 두고 있으며, 심장미학(心匠美學)은 스스로 우러나와 이루어진 자출기저(自出 機杼)이다. 또한, 심득의 미학은 스스로 자신의 개성을 바탕으로 한 자성별구 (自成別區)였다. 이와 같이 조희룡 묵죽의 심미경계는 심화 경지에 나아가게 되었다. 이와 같이 그의 유배는 역으로 한 예술가에게 자신의 예술에 천착할 수 있는 기회도 주게 되었다. 따라서 우리 문인예술은 유배를 통하여 그 깊이의 세계에 나아갈 수 있게 되었음을 보여주는 단면이다. 역으로 이러한 측면 에서 살펴보면 유배문화는 우리 문화예술에서 하나의 선물이었다.
        2020.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        佛典을 연구하는 사람들은 흔히 不立文字라고 하지만, 어찌 글자의 쓰임을 구분하지 않고 문장을 올바르게 이해할 수 있겠는가? 마음이라고 다 같은 마음은 아니다. ‘心ㆍ意ㆍ識’이 서로 다른 마음이고, 마음을 닦는다고 할 때 그 마음은 오직 하나의 마음이 아니고, ‘닦아야 할 대상이 되는 마음’, ‘닦고자 하는 주관의 마음’, ‘닦고자 목 표로 설정한 마음’, ‘닦아 나갈 때 마주하는 단계 단계의 마음’, ‘닦아서 종국에 이른 마음’ 등으로 분류할 수 있어서, 불전에서 자주 사용되는 ‘心ㆍ意ㆍ識’이나 ‘不覺ㆍ本 覺ㆍ始覺ㆍ相似覺ㆍ隨分覺ㆍ究竟覺’ 등의 용어를 분명히 나누어 알면, 佛典뿐만 아니 라 한자로 쓰인 문장을 이해하는 데 크게 도움이 된다. 이에 佛典에서 자주 쓰이는 ‘보다’類의 動詞로 ‘見ㆍ看ㆍ觀’과 ‘示ㆍ視’ 등에 관해 본고에서는 ‘示ㆍ視’를 ‘見ㆍ看ㆍ觀’과 비교하는 방법으로 살펴보아 아래의 결론을 얻었다. 첫째, ‘示ㆍ視’는 色境을 앞에 내놓고 보여주거나, 色境이 앞에 놓여있어서 그냥 시각적으로 받아들이는 것이지만, ‘見ㆍ看ㆍ觀’은 시각 행위의 주체가 시신경에 들어온 사물을 과거의 경험이나 혹은 사회적 배경 등 의도를 가지고 바라보는 것이 라 할 수 있다. 둘째, ‘示’는 ‘대상을 드러내 보이다’라는 의미이다. ‘視’는 보이는 대상이 먼저 주어진 다음에 보는 것으로, ‘見’이 보려는 의도를 가지고 본 후 그 결과를 지식으로 삼는 것인 반면, ‘視’는 色境이 놓여있어서 본다는 의미가 강하다고 할 수 있다.
        2020.04 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The palace byeoljeon(別殿), the King’s non-ceremonial space, were created as a space for the king to comfortably use and for the king to do what he wanted to do. The byeoljeon housed various types of spaces and were flexible in that they could be repurposed to meet the demands of the times. Nevertheless, their characteristic as palatial building created for the King’s convenience has remained unchanged. In this study, we examine the process by which such royal spaces were created by focusing on the reconstruction of the Changdeokgung Huijeongdang during Japanese occupation period, with a view to continuity and the transformation process. The reconstruction of Huijeongdang at the time may be considered along internal and external characteristics. Internally, Huijeongdang connected the symbolism of the king’s space as the palace byeoljeon. Externally, Huijeongdang is characterized by its mixture of traditional and western style, where western style structures were housed within traditional buildings. The plans for the block of Huijeongdang also included the coexistence of traditional building, western style building, and mixture of traditional and western style building. This reflects the characteristic continuity of the byeoljeon as well as the architectural techniques of the time, manifested together within a specific spatial block.
        2019.10 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Oversized fashion is again in the spotlight due to the influence of retro fashion. This has created new fashion trends with methods different from those of the past. This analysis examines recent trends by sorting these looks according to new and different methods of judging their appearance. A new categorization of the oversized look and its configurations has been created, one which separates “big” looks, partial changes, and layered looks. This research was based on historical review and previous studies. Three thousand one hundred thirty-six photos of oversized looks that have appeared in collections over the past five years were gathered, and their appearance was categorized according to type. The categorization results showed that big looks (55.1%) were most prevalent, followed by partial alterations (36.35%), and layered looks (8.45%). In comparison to prior oversized clothing production, new permutations of the “Big” look expanded the silhouettes of torso, shoulders, neckline and collar. Partial changes have expanded from the broadened shoulders of the 1980s. Today these styles expand the shoulders and armholes vertically or horizontally, which dramatically exaggerates the sleeves and collar. The layered look no longer simply features overlapping layers but takes the form of over-layering through cuts and insertions. Through such analysis it is clear that modern oversized looks break away from the simple expanded forms and production methods of the past. They now attempt to realize an exaggerated beauty of form regarding each clothing component and also maximize decorative effects through innovative drafting or sewing methods.
        2019.07 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The purpose of this paper is to examine some of the profound effects of Augmented Intelligence (AI) on Product, one of the “Four-Ps” of marketing: Product, Price, Place, and Promotion. Today’s customers are used to extreme convenience, beyond the brick-and-mortar shopping experience, and beyond online images. Customers increasingly demand more information, and more personalized information. This paper addresses how the presentation of products has changed. This paper is conceptual, based on a review of academic literature on marketing strategy, psychology, AI, and Machine Learning as chronicled in major marketing and business research journals.
        2019.03 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Millions of people worldwide use the Internet. One of the many uses derived from the Internet is the development of digital trade. Digital trade thus lends itself to distinctive issues. The WTO members recognized the benefits digital trade offers and have developed a work program to facilitate the digital trade. However, their efforts have stalled, slowing down the anticipated progress. The author will try to address how the WTO supports and deals with digital trade. This essay briefly discusses the historical advancement of the Internet; defines the concept of digital trade and its development in the international market; analyzes how existing WTO agreements have dealt with digital trade; and then addresses recent trade agreements particularly the USMCA. The USMCA was chosen because it involves the largest economy in the world and the US could use its provisions as template for future trade agreements
        2018.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        사실, 현대 영미시사에서 예이츠와 엘리엇을 제외한다면 그것을 정확히 진단할 수 없을 정도로 그 두 시인의 영향력은 대단하다. 흥미롭게도 이 둘은 다르게 보일 것처럼 느껴지지만 유사한 맥락으로 평가될 필요가 있다. 또한 이 둘 사이에 창작 방법 또한 유사한 측면이 많다. 이른바 상징을 기점으로 엘리엇은 객관적 상관물을 추구했다면 예이츠는 흔히 정의하는 낭만주의적 기질을 구조했다는 논점이 매우 이채롭다. 예이츠는 결코 단순한 낭만주의자가 아님을 알 수 있다.
        2018.06 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        본 논문은 미국의 싱어송라이터 테일러 스위프트가 2017년 11월 발표한 정규앨범「Reputation」의 수록 곡 중 빌보드 차트에서 1위를 기록한‘Look What You Made Me Do’를 음악적 관점과 음향적 관점의 두 부분으로 나누어 분석하였다. 음악적 요소로는 멜로디 진행과 화성 진행 그리고 악기 편성 및 구성, 기본 악기 연주 패턴을 분석하였고 음향적 요소로는 피치 쉬프트와 하이컷 필터, 신스 베이스 음색, 글라이드 기법, 효과음을 분석하였다. 본 논문이 완성도 있고 상업적으로 성공을 거둔 음악을 분석하고 연구함에 있어 작은 참고가 되기를 바라며 해당 연구에서 다루어지지 않았던 다양한 기법들의 연구가 앞으로 지속적으로 이루어지길 기대한다.
        2018.02 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Developments in the recent media era has made distortion possible in accordance with changes in the fashion industry as new clothing, technologies, and fusions have become available. Nevertheless, previous studies of specific types of clothing, and their classification for the purpose of research are lacking. Thus, this study examines the development of the Pomme de look and the form of modern variant that appears in fashion clothing and new technologies, and largely examines the clothing case to clean it up. The method employed is leading research that examines the transformation about the concept of the Pomme de look with regard to the fashion about the type of look in the 2000s and onwards. This is organized in accordance with the analytical and physical characteristics, and the esthetic aspects of the results are as follows. The conclusions reached as follows are based on this; first, the physical characteristic manner when based on previous looks, the two-dimensional deformation for making clothes, if there was a simple way, now has more dimensions. Clothes are made in a complex manner and variations emerge. Second, esthetic characteristics strive for beauty while also displaying the modified and more complex manners of clothing that are emerging. Third, the fusion clothing with machines effects to physical and psychological changes through the details about how the sensor is worn. The enemy, the appearance of distortion, and clothing are emerging. This is expected to grow further based on the rapid development of new technologies and the transformation of Pomme de look and design will appear in more varied ways to create a convergence.
        2018.02 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The purpose of this study is to examine the sociocultural meanings of flapper look in American society during the 1920s. Using the ProQuest database, I searched articles from The New York Times published between 1920 and 1929 for opinions and discussions on the flapper look. Keywords included “clothing,” “dress,” “fashion,” and “flapper,” and advertisements and articles on menswear, leisurewear, and bathing suits were excluded. In the resulting articles, I extracted the following sociocultural meanings: autonomy, activeness, practicality, attractiveness, and extravagance. Meanings were analyzed from the opinions and discussions focusing on skirt length, dresses that directly and indirectly exposed the body, heavy make-up, non-constricting underwear, the H-line dress, bobbed hair, hygiene, comfort, and consumption. In sum, the 1920s flapper look represented progressive characteristics such as autonomous and active womanhood and practicality, which matched the technological development of the time. However, the flapper look was commercialized and exploited to make women look attractive and extravagant. Even though American women had access to higher education, more economic power, and suffrage in the 1920s, they were limited in their ability to overcome social conventions and the power of consumerism. Understanding the double-sidedness of flapper look within the social context of the time would enhance the comprehension of the relationship between women’s lifestyles and changing fashion.
        2017.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The purpose of this study is to analyze Alexander Wang’s collections representing the athleisure look, and suggest a multilateral direction for fashion design based on the data. The present study examines literature, journals, and mass media to define the athleisure look and understand the background of its emergence, and assess its key design characteristics. The collections examined are from 2007 fall/winter to 2017 spring/summer, and T by Alexander Wang from 2011 spring/summer to 2016 fall/ winter. A total of 446 photos were collected and verified by a group of experts. The characteristics of the athleisure look in Alexander Wang’s collections were described by the following themes: dynamism (39.46%), unexpectedness (34.30%), sensuality (14.57%), and resistance (11.65%). Results revealed a number of findings: First, regarding the sensuality of the athleisure look found in Alexander Wang’s collections, it was found to exhibit the lines of the human body and highlight sexiness and healthy beauty - with either direct or indirect body exposure. Second, the concept of dynamism is the most frequently seen - utilizing items with a comfortable or loose fit or materials that are flexible to enhance activity. Third, resistance appears as a specific style using aggressive and rough decorations. Alexander Wang’s signature color, black, appears often, and showcases resistance through black clothing and fashion. Fourth, the unexpectedness of the athleisure look found in Alexander Wang’s collections creates its own uniqueness with playful expressions made by various materials’ mixed and matched or made visually fun.
        2017.04 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        In the current administration, the government's main policies for youth employment and job creation are recognized by the Ministry of National Defense as a special environmental group. In particular, we believe that the self-help efforts of the advanced armed forces of the military, which are being pursued by the military, will fully demonstrate synergies with the current government policies. For this purpose, this study focuses on the people who are the targets of the youth employment, and suggests ways for them to have better jobs and values after the whole world. In accordance with the policy trends of job creation and job creation, we plan to propose a plan to link the national technical qualifications of the Korea Human Resources Development Service with the various projects currently underway for an average of 250,000 human resources development methods of 250,000 soldiers each year. This study suggests the link between IP (criticality performance) analysis and the Boston Consulting Group 's matrix (BCG Matrix) on the relevance of military human resource operations and qualifications. The results will be presented in conjunction with the military-oriented development projects of advanced countries currently under military control.
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