
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 33

        2020.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        To remove phosphorus from the effluent of public wastewater treatment facilities, hundreds of enhanced phosphorus treatment processes have been introduced nationwide. However, these processes have a few problems including excessive maintenance cost and sludge production caused by inappropriate coagulant injection. Therefore, the optimal decision of coagulant dosage and automatic control of coagulant injection are essential. To overcome the drawbacks of conventional phosphorus removal processes, the integrated sedimentation and dissolved air flotation(SeDAF) process has been developed and a demonstration plant(capacity: 100 m3/d) has also been installed. In this study, various jar-tests(sedimentation and / or sedimentation·flotation) and multiple regression analyses have been performed. Particularly, we have highlighted the decision–making algorithms of optimal coagulant dosage to improve the applicability of the SeDAF process. As a result, the sedimentation jar-test could be a simple and reliable method for the decision of appropriate coagulant dosage in field condition of the SeDAF process. And, we have found that the SeDAF process can save 30 – 40% of coagulant dosage compared with conventional sedimentation processes to achieve total phosphorus (T-P) concentration below 0.2 mg/L of treated water, and it can also reduce same portion of sludge production.
        2019.02 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The algal blooms in stagnant streams and lakes have caused many problems. Excessive algae leads to disturbance of ecosystem and overload of water treatment processes. Therefore, phosphorus(P), source of algal blooms, should be controlled. In this study, a filtration trench has been developed to convert dissolved phosphorus into hydroxyapatite(HAP) so that it could be crystallized on the surface of ‘phosphorus removal granular material’; and residual particulate phosphorus could be removed by additional precipitation and filtration. The front and rear parts of filtration trench consisted of ‘phosphorus removal granular material contact bed’ and ‘limestone filtration bed’, respectively. As a result of the column test using phosphorus removal granular material and limestone serially, PO4-P was removed more than 90% when EBCT(empty bed contact time) of the contact bed was over 20 minutes; and T-P represented 60% of removal efficiency when total EBCT was over 1.5 hours. The results of column tests to figure out the sedimentation characteristics showed that more than 90% of particulate phosphorus could be removed within 24 hours. It was necessary to optimize the filtration part in order to increase removal efficiency of T-P additionally. Also, it was confirmed through the simulation of Visual MINTEQ that most of particulate phosphorus in the column tests is the form of HAP. Based on the results of the study, it could be suggested that the design parameters are over 0.5 hour of EBCT for phosphorus removal granular material contact bed and over 1.5 hours of EBCT for limestone filtration bed.
        2018.02 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study investigated phosphorus removal from secondary treated effluent using coagulation-membrane separation hybrid treatment to satisfy strict regulation in wastewater treatment. The membrane separation process was used to remove suspended phosphorus particles after coagulation/settlement. Membrane separation with 0.2 μm pore size of micro filtration membrane could reduce phosphorus concentration to 0.02 mg P/L after coagulation with 1 mg Al/L dose of polyaluminum chloride (PACl). Regardless of coagulant, the residual concentration of phosphorus decreased as the dose increased from 1.5 to 3.5 mg Al/L, while the target concentration of 0.05 mg P/L or less was achieved at 2.5 mg Al/L for the aluminum sulfate (Alum) and 3.5 mg Al/L for PACl. Moreover, alum showed better membrane flux as make bigger particles than PACl. Alum showed a 40% of flux decrease at 2.5 mg Al/L dose, while PACl indicated a 50% decrease of membrane flux even with a higher dose of 3.5 mg Al/L. Thus, alum was more effective coagulant than PACl considering phosphorus removal and membrane flux as well as its dose. Consequently, the coagulation-membrane separation hybrid treatment could be mitigate regulation on phosphorus removal as unsettleable phosphorus particles were effectively removed by membrane after coagulation.
        2017.02 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        A membrane bioreactor by sequentially alternating the inflow and by applying a two-stage coagulation control based on pre-coagulation was evaluated in terms of phosphorus removal efficiency and cost-savings. The MBR consisted of two identical alternative reaction tanks, followed by aerobic, anoxic and membrane tanks, where the wastewater and the internal return sludge alternatively flowed into each alternative reaction tank at every 2 hours. In the batch-operated alternative reaction tank, the initial concentration of nitrate rapidly decreased from 2.3 to 0.4 mg/L for only 20 minutes after stopping the inflow, followed by substantial release of phosphorus up to 4 mg/L under anaerobic condition. Jar test showed that the minimum alum doses to reduce the initial PO4-P below 0.2 mg/L were 2 and 9 mol-Al/mol-P in the wastewater and the activated sludge from the membrane tank, respectively. It implies that a pre-coagulation in influent is more cost-efficient for phosphorus removal than the coagulation in the bioreactor. On the result of NUR test, there were little difference in terms of denitrification rate and contents of readily biodegradable COD between raw wastewater and pre-coagulated wastewater. When adding alum into the aerobic tank, alum doses above 26 mg/L as Al2O3 caused inhibitory effects on ammonia oxidation. Using the two-stage coagulation control based on pre-coagulation, the P concentration in the MBR effluent was kept below 0.2 mg/L with the alum of 2.7 mg/L as Al2O3, which was much lower than 5.1∼7.4 mg/L as Al2O3 required for typical wastewater treatment plants. During the long-term operation of MBR, there was no change of the TMP increase rate before and after alum addition.
        2016.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Modified coagulants were investigated for the removal of phosphorus from secondary effluent of wastewater treatment. The modified coagulants were prepared by mixing alkali earth metal ions such as calcium and magnesium. The basicity of a coagulant influenced on the removal of phosphorus, and coagulants with basicity of 5.9% showed a better removal of total phosphorus than that of 38.5%. Also, coagulants with alkali earth metals enhanced the performance of coagulation by 10% and resulted in 67.1% for total phosphorus removal. Moreover, the removal of suspended solids and chemical oxygen demand was improved using coagulants with low basicity and earth metal ions. Results of this study demonstrated that the use of coagulants with low basicity, and calcium and magnesium ions is recommended to improve wastewater effluent quality.
        2016.05 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        본 연구는 잉여슬러지와 차아염소산나트륨을 혼합하여 제조한 차아염소산나트륨 처리 슬러지를 침지형 분리막이 설치된 생물반응조에 주입하여 수처리 미생물에 기질을 공급하고 수처리에 적합한 pH와 알칼리도를 유지함으로써 응집제 주입 없이 방류수의 총질소 농도 20 mg/L, 총인 농도 0.2 mg/L 이하로 처리할 수 있는 MBR 하수처리공정을 개발하였다. 개발된 공정은 별도의 응집제 주입 없이 질소와 인의 법적 방류수 수질기준 을 만족하였고, 향후 하수처리장 약품비용 절감에도 기여할 것으로 기대된다.
        2016.04 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Phosphorus (P) removal by aluminum sulfate solution was investigated with varying pH and initial P concentrations. P removal was the highest at around pH 6. The pH range where P removal occurred was slightly wider at higher initial P concentrations. Compared to theoretical calculations, it was confirmed that AlPO4 precipitation was the main reason for P removal at low pH. At high pH, where there should be no AlPO4 precipitates, the P removal by adsorption of amorphous Al(OH)3 precipitates was experimentally observed. The P removal by adding amorphous Al(OH)3 precipitates prepared before the adsorption experiments, however, was lower than that by injecting aluminum sulfate solution because the prepared precipitates became larger, leading to less specific surface area available for adsorption. Ions other than sulfate had little influence on P removal.
        2015.03 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        본 연구는 통상 muntz metal로 불리는 구리와 아연의 합금 금속의 산화 환원 반응을 이용한 폐수 중 탈인 처리에 관한 연구이다. 연구를 위하여 200 ㎛ 두께의 극세사 형태로 제조된 구리 아연 금 속합금이 수용액 중에서 산화 환원 반응 작용으로 인하여 발생하는 OH radical을 이용하여 금속과 phosphate의 공침 반응에 의해 탈인 처리되는 원리를 이용한 인 처리법에 관한 연구이다. 인 제거 효율은 장시간의 순환 처리보다는 1회 처리에서 가장 제거 효율이 높았으며, 1시간 이후의 순환처리에서는 더 이 상의 제거효율을 보이지 않았다. 이는 금속합금 물질은 표면적이 넓어서 1회 처리만으로도 수용액의 pH 를 평형에 도달하게 하여 반응 효율이 높은 것으로 나타났다. 제조한 합성폐수의 pH 조건은 pH 5 에서 pH 9 사이이며, pH 8일 때 제거 효율이 가장 높았으며 pH 8 이상에서는 효율 증가를 보이지 않았다. 이때 인산염은 H2PO4 -, HPO4 2-의 형태로 가장 많이 존재하는 것으로 조사되었으며, 온도에 따른 인 제 거는 온도만의 영향이 아닌 타 영향인자와의 관계를 고려해야 하며 본 연구에서는 온도가 낮을수록 높은 인 제거 효율을 보였다.
        2014.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The amount of waste water generated from the domestic sources is consistently increasing in proportion to economic growth, and the conventional activated sludge process is widely being used for general waste water treatment. But the ministry of environment becomes stringthent treatment standards of N and P (less than 20mg/L of N, 2mg/L of P) to prevent the eutrophication of lake water, and therefore highly advanced treatment technology is required not only in the existing treatment plants where the activated sludge process is being used, but also in newly constructed treatment plants for the treatment of N and P. This study is aimed at highly operating the engineering technology method was developed by domestic to eliminate N and P at the same time. Experiments were conducted in the treatment plant located in Yong In city. The bioreactor was started from the principal equipment for the elimination of N and P and the elimination of organic compounds. It consists of an internal recycle piping from the end of the aerobic tank to the anoxic tank and external recycle piping from the final settling basin to the denitrification tank. By experiment of 4 types separate inflow of waste water to the denitrification tank and the anaerobic tank, and changes in staying time at the anoxic tank and the aerobic tank, the elimination of organic compounds in each type and the relationship in the efficiency between the elimination of N and P were researched.
        2010.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The objective of this study was to evaluate the possibility of simultaneous removal of ammonium, nitrate and phosphorus in water using the zeocarbon. In this study, the surface of zeocarbon was modified by acid because of difficulty in application of water treatment. After surface modification, the strength was enhanced about 62% higher than that of original one. The removal efficiency of ammonium and nitrate using the modified zeocarbon was about 47% and 32%, respectively and were higher than that of zeocarbon. In batch type experiment on the simultaneous removal of ammonium, nitrate and phosphorus, the presence of phosphorus did not have influence on nitrogen removal efficiency. Concomitantly, removal efficiency of phosphorus was obtained was about 35%. This indicates that the surface modified zeocarbon can be applied for simultaneous removal of nitrogen and phosphorus. Consequently, our results could be used as basic data to design of one-stage nitrogen/phosphorus simultaneous removal system.
        2008.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        우리나라에서 대부분의 호수는 인이 제한영양염인 것으로 나타나고 있다. 그러므로 인의 제거는 하수처리에서 중요한 공정이라고 할 수 있다. 그러나 많은 하수처리장은 재래식처리공정으로 처리하고 있으며 인의 제거율이 10~30%로 낮게 나타나 인의 제거공정은 필요하게 되었으며 패각은 수중의 인을 제거할 수 있는 것으로 알려지고 있어서 인의 활용이 주목된다. 회분식으로 패각을 이용하여 인의 제거율을 조사한 결과 패각의 크기가 작을수록, pH가 높을수록 제거율이 높게 나타났다. 또한 칼슘의 주입농도를 달리하여 처리한 결과 칼슘의 농도가 높을수록 처리효율이 증가하였으며 칼슘의 농도를 20mg/L로 조절하여 실험한 결과 2시간 내에 90% 이상의 제거율을 나타내었다. 재순환을을 변화시켜 실험한 결과 재순환율이 증가할수록 제거율은 증가하였으며 PH 11에서 재순환율을 300%로 조절한 결과 인의 제거율은 80%가 되었다. 중탄신이온의 영향을 평가하기 위하여 중탄산이온의 농도를 달리하여 실험한 결과 중탄산이온의 증가에 따라 인의 제거율은 감소하는 것으로 나타났으며 감소하는 비율은 지수함수로 나타났다.
        2005.03 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        창포를 이용하여 질소와 인의 농도별, 식물의 생장단계별, 오염수의 체류시간별로 질소와 인의 제거효과를 분석하였던 바, 그 결과를 요약하면 다음과 같다. 체류 1시간 후에 수중의 질소와 인의 함량을 현저히 감소시켰으나, 2~4시간 후에는 감소율이 극히 낮았다. 이러한 현상은 식물의 생장초기, 생장기, 생장최성기에서 동일하였다. 수중에 질소와 인의 함량이 많을수록 제거율이 높았고, 인보다는 질소의 제거효과가 크게 나타났다. 생장최성기에 가장 많은 질소와 인을 제거하였고 다음으로 생장기, 생장초기의 순이었으나, 생장단계간의 차이는 극히 작았다. 동일 포트에 4일 동안 체류시킨 것보다 2일 체류 후에 다른 포트로 시험수를 옮긴 것이 질소와 인의 제거율이 약간 높았다.
        1999.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        경기도 양평군 수입천에서 대형 군락을 형성하여 자생하는 갯버들의 영양염류의 농도와 수리학적체류시간에 따른 질소.인 흡수 실험 결과로서 NH4-N, NO3-N, PO4-P제거효율은 저농도에서 체류 시간이 길 때 높은 경향을 보였고, 제거능은 고농도와 짧은 체류시간에서 높은 경향으로 나타났다. 유입농도와 체류시간에 따른 지상부 1g당 제거능 추정식을 구하였다. 수입천 갯버들의 현존량은 4,880.81g/m2로 추정되었고, 현존량과 제거
        1994.03 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        In this research, investigations were made on the effect of type and load of organic substrate on phosphorus release. Reactors of three different sizes were operated, being fed on five kinds of organic substrates. The quantitative analyses were made on phosphorus release and substrate utilization under anaerobic condition. The molar ratios of the uptaken organic substrate to the released phosphorus were 0.5 with acetate, 0.6 with glucose, 0.8 with glucose/acetate, and 1.2 with glucose/acids, respectively. The phosphorus release was inhibited at the higher organic load than the normal at stead state. Both acetate and acids/glucose enhanced phosphorus release- as well as uptake-rate, however, the complete phosphorus removal was achieved after the microbial adaptation to the new environment. In case with acetate, operation was hampered by the poor sludge settleability and phosphorus uptake was not enough although the phosphorus release was active. But with milk/starch, the phosphorus release and uptake was well developed even though phosphorus release was not comparatively high. From this study, it was concluded that organic substrates, such as glucose seemed to be converted fatty acids after fast bio-sorption, followed by concurrent uptake of these acids by excess phosphorus removing bacteria.
        2021.11 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        In this study, the effects of single and binary heavy metals toxicity on the growth and phosphorus removal ability of Bacillus sp.. known as be a phosphorus-removing microorganism, were quantitatively evaluated. Cd, Cu, Zn, Pb, Ni were used as heavy metals. As a result of analysis of variance of the half of inhibition concentration and half of effective concentration for each single heavy metal treatment group, the inhibitory effect on the growth of Bacillus sp. was Ni < P b < Z n < Cu < C d. A nd the inhibitory effect on phosphorus removal by Bacillus s p. w as N i < Pb < Z n < Cu < C d. When analyzing the correlation between growth inhibition and phosphorus removal efficiency of a single heavy metal treatment group, a negative correlation was found (R2 = 0.815), and a positive correlation was found when the correlation between IC50 and EC50 was analyzed (R2 = 0.959). In all binary heavy metal treatment groups, the interaction was an antagonistic effect when evaluated using the additive toxicity index method. This paper is considered to be basic data on the toxic effects of heavy metals when phosphorus is removed using phosphorus removal microorganisms in wastewater.
        2021.02 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        This study was initiated to isolate the microorganisms removing phosphorus (P) from domestic sewage and to investigate the effects of environmental factors on the growth and P removal of the isolated bacteria. Microorganisms isolated from the sewage were identified as Chryseobacterium sp., Stenotrophomonas maltophilia, and Bacillus licheniformis. Among them, Bacillus licheniformis was selected as the P removal microorganism. The environmental factors considered in this study included initial phosphorus concentration, temperature, pH, and carbon source. At initial P concentrations of 10, 20, and 30 mg/L, the P removal efficiencies were 100.0%, 84.0%, and 16.5%, respectively. At 20°C, 30°C, and 40°C, the P removal efficiencies were 0%, 75.8%, and 60.6%, respectively. The removal efficiencies of phosphorus according to pH were 1.6%, 91.7%, and 51.1% at pH 5, pH 7, and pH 9, respectively. Using glucose, acetate, and glucose + acetate as carbon sources yielded P removal efficiencies of 80.9%, 33.6%, and 54.1%, respectively. Therefore, the results from the study demonstrated that the P removal efficiencies of Bacillus licheniformis were the highest when the initial P concentration, temperature, pH, and carbon source were 10 mg/L, 30°C, 7, and glucose, respectively.
        2017.05 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        국내 하폐수 고도처리 공법 중, A2O 계열이 가장 많은 양의 하폐수를 고도처리하고 있으나, A2O 계열의 공법은 강화된 방류수 수질기준에 비하면 여전히 인 제거효율이 낮다고 할 수 있다. 강화된 수질기준을 만족시키기 위해 응집처리와 같은 물리화학적 처리를 추가적으로 실시하는 실정이며, 그 중에서도 인 제거를 위해 주입되는 응집제는 전체 약품 사용량의 35.8%를 차지하고 있으며, 연간 약 180억원이 사용되고 있어(환경부, 2015), 경제적이고 높은 인 제거효율을 갖는 새로운 기술이 절실히 필요한 실정이다. 미세조류는 하천이나 해수에서 부유하며 성장하는 미생물의 일종이며, 광합성 색소를 가지고 있기 때문에 생태계에서 1차 생산자의 역할을 한다. 미세조류는 물속의 질소와 인을 섭취하면서 성장하기 때문에 녹조나 적조 등의 문제를 일으키기도 하지만, 하폐수 고도처리에 미세조류를 적용할 경우 높은 효율로 영양염류를 제거할 수 있고, 광합성 과정에서 발생하는 산소로 인하여 기존 하폐수 고도처리 공정에서의 폭기 비용을 절감할 수 있다. 또한, 고도처리 후 잉여 미세조류를 수확하여 바이오 에너지로의 활용이 가능하기 때문에 차세대 에너지원으로 각광받고 있다. 미세조류의 성장을 이용한 하폐수 처리는 반세기가 넘도록 연구되어 왔다(Woertz et al., 2009). 그러나 자연계에서 인이 부영양화에 제한인자로 알려져 있음에도 불구하고, 미세조류를 적용한 수처리 연구는 대부분 질소제거에만 집중되고 있다. 이에 본 연구에서는 유기물의 존재 하에 mixotrophic 대사가 가능한 미세조류 Chlorella vulgaris를 이용하여, 인에 대한 제거능을 평가하고자 하였으며, 더 나아가 미세조류의 배양에 있어서 매우 중요한 인자 중 하나인 광도에 따른 미세조류의 인 제거능을 평가하고자 하였다. 연구 결과, autotrophic 조건에서는 광 저해점 이하의 광도 범위에서, 광도가 증가할수록 단위 MLSS 당 인 제거속도는 증가하였으나, 유기물을 주입해 준 mixotrophic 조건에서는 광도가 증가하여도 단위 MLSS 당 인 제거속도에는 유의한 차이가 나타나지 않았다.
        2017.05 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        국내 하수처리장에서는 방류수에 총인 규제의 강화에 대응하기 위해 응집제와 여과 혹은 가압 부상 등의 방법을 이용하여 인을 물리·화학적으로 처리고 있으며, 사용되는 응집제는 주로 황산반토, PAC(poly aluminum chloride)등을 이용되고 있다. 그리고 처리 과정에서 발생되는 슬러지(이하에서는 총인 슬러지라고 함)는 별도로 탈수하거나 처리장의 여건에 따라 소화 슬러지와 통합하여 탈수하여 처분되고 있는 실정이다. 총인 슬러지에는 다량의 알루미늄과 인이 함께 함유되어 있으며, D시 하수처리장에 발생되는 총인 슬러지를 대상으로 하여 분석한 결과, 알루미늄이 150~220g/kg, 총인이 16~23g/kg정도 함유되어 있는 것으로 나타났다. 이와 같은 함유량은 다량의 응집제를 사용하는 정수 공정에서 발생되는 슬러지의 알루미늄 함유량(110~140g/kg)에 비해서도 높은 값임을 알 수 있다. 따라서 본 연구에서는 D시의 하수처리장 중에서 총인 슬러지를 별도로 탈수 처리하고 있는 처리장의 슬러지를 대상으로 비료의 원료로 사용할 수 있는 인과 응집제로 재사용을 위한 알루미늄의 회수를 위한 기초적 조건을 검토하고 회수한 응집제의 인의 회수능과 분리 회수한 인의 순도에 대한 검토를 실시하였다. 회수한 응집제의 경우는 황산반토와 유사한 인의 제거능을 보였으나, Hydroxylapatite의 형태로 회수한 인의 경우는 알루미늄과의 완전한 분리가 이루어지지 않아 중량 단위로 인에 비해 3배 이상의 알루미늄이 되어 있는 것으로 나타났지만, 총인 슬러지에 있어서 인의 함유량이 알루미늄의 약 10배 정도임을 감안한다면, 약 70%의 알루미늄을 제거한 알루미늄과 결합되어 있을 가능성이 높은 Hydroxylapatite를 얻을 수 있었다.
        2013.12 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        The characteristics of phosphorus removal from the wastewater containing high concentrations of PO43− and NH4+ bystruvite formation in a jet loop crystallizer was investigated. By adding air into the jet loop crystallizer, the initial pH ofthe wastewater (pH=7.2) was gradually increased to 8.0 due to the CO2 stripping. As a result, the amount of causticchemicals added to maintain a desired level of operational pH of 8.5 could be reduced. The molar ratio of Mg:P in thewastewater used was always below 1. Therefore, the magnesium concentration was the limiting factor for struviteformation. To find the effective magnesium source, MgCl2, MgSO4, MgO, MgO+MgCl2, and MgO+MgSO4 were usedas a magnesium source. Among these chemicals, MgO+MgSO4 was the most effective in saving the operational cost.Throughout the experiments, a high percentage (89%) of phosphorus removal was achieved when MgCl2 was used asan Mg source. The removal efficiencies of phosphorus in the jet loop crystallizer with aeration were higher than thosein the crystallizer without aeration.
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