This study focuses on analyzing the energy-saving effects of the recirculation aquaculture system using seawater source heat pumps and solar power generation. Based on the thermal load analysis conducted using the transient system simulation tool, the annual energy consumption of the recirculation aquaculture system was analyzed and the energy-saving effects of utilizing the photovoltaic system was evaluated. When analyzing the heat load, the sea areas where the fish farms are located, the type of breeding tank, and the circulation rate of breeding water were taken into consideration. In addition, a method for determining the appropriate capacity for each operation time was examined when applying the energy storage system instead of the existing diesel generator as an emergency power, which is required to maintain the water temperature of breeding water during power outage. The results suggest that, among the four seas considered, Jeju should be estimated to achieve the highest energy-saving performance using the solar power generation, with approximately 45% energy savings.
To ensure radiological safety margin in the transport and storage of spent nuclear fuel, it is crucial to perform source term and shielding analyses in advance from the perspective of conservation. When performing source term analysis on UO2 fuel, which is mostly used in commercial nuclear power plants, uranium and oxygen are basically considered to be the initial materials of the new fuel. However, the presence of impurities in the fuel and structural materials of the fuel assembly may influence the source term and shielding analyses. The impurities could be radioactive materials or the stable materials that are activated by irradiation during reactor power operation. As measuring the impurity concentration levels in the fuel and structural materials can be challenging, publicly available information on impurity concentration levels is used as a reference in this evaluation. To assess the effect of impurities, the results of the source term and shielding analyses were compared depending on whether the assumed impurity concentration is considered. For the shielding analysis, generic cask design data developed by KEPCO-E&C was utilized.
MMBR system has been suggested as a promising system to resolve harvesting problems induced from low settling efficiency of microalgae. And recently, a lot of research on reducing fouling at the MMBR system has investigated focused on EPS in many cases. EPS of microalgae mainly consists of polysaccharides and protein components, and is produced through photosynthesis and nitrogen-carbon metabolic pathways. Especially, P-EPS is one of major compounds which occur membrane fouling phenomenon, as its hydrophobic protein components cause floc formation and cake layer accumulation. And it is already known that almost every microalgae can metabolize P-EPS or Chl-a when nitrogen sources as a substrate is insufficient or exhausted situation. With the above backgrounds, uptake rates of P-EPS or Chl-a by Scenedesmus quadricauda according to the type of carbon source and nitrogen concentration were evaluated in order to verify correlation between carbon source vs P-EPS production, and indeed Scenedesmus quadricauda uses P-EPS or Chl-a when the amounts of nitrogen sourc es in the feed is not satisfied. As a result, it was shown that P-EPS and Chl-a production were increased proportional to nitrogen concentration under organic carbon condition. And especially, the amo unts of P-EPS and Chl-a in the cell were diminished with the nitrogen source becomes insufficient or exhausted. Because P-EPS accelerates fouling at the MMBR system, P-EPS degradation by Scenedesmus quadricauda in order to get nitrogen source may contribute to reducing fouling. About a affects of N-consumed Chl-a to the MMBR fouling, more survey is needed. On the contrary, considering the purpose of MMBR system of this study, i.e. harvesting useful high value microalgae efficiently feeding adequate industrial process wastewater, it seems like difficult to maintain satisfied metabolic activity and to harvest with high yield rate using nitrogen-poor MMBR feed.
The purpose of this study is to investigate the mediating effect of trust when a media broadcaster (such as a disc jockey [DJ]) acting as an information source and the content they provide during live commerce streaming affect acceptance intention. Live commerce is increasing rapidly, offering a new fashion distribution channel by supplementing possible shortcomings of existing online shopping. Data was collected for the empirical study from female consumers in their 20s who actively accepted fashion technology. Statistical analysis of the data was conducted using IBM SPSS Macro Process 3.5. First, the reliability and validity of the variables for information source characteristics, content informativeness, trust, and acceptance intention were verified, and each variable was confirmed as a single factor. Bootstrap analysis was performed using Macro Process Model 4 to reveal the effects of information source characteristics and content informativeness on acceptance intention. As a result of analyzing the mediating effect for each path model with trust as a parameter, it was found that both the direct and indirect effects of the mediating path were significant. This result means that the characteristics of information sources and content informativeness are partially mediated by trust. Therefore, to promote consumer behavior in a live commerce shopping environment, it is necessary to enhance trust. This can be achieved by a media broadcaster with fashion expertise to increase the perception of the attractiveness of the information source and to improve the usefulness of the fashion information being delivered.
Biological phosphorus removal is accomplished by exposing PAO(phosphorus accumulating organisms) to anaerobic-aerobic conversion conditions. In the anaerobic condition, PAO synthesize PHB(polyhydroxybutyrate) and simultaneously hydrolysis of poly-p resulting phosphorus(Pi) release. In aerobic condition, PAO uptake phosphorus(Pi) more than they have released. In this study, cyanobacteria Synechococcus sp., which is known to be able to synthesize PHB like PAO, was exposed to anaerobic-aerobic conversion. If Synechococcus sp. can remove excess phosphorus by the same mechanism as PAO, synergistic effects can occur through photosynthesis. Moreover, Synechococcus sp. is known to be capable of synthesizing PHB using inorganic carbon as well as organic carbon, so even if the available capacity of organic carbon decreases, it was expected to show stable phosphorus removal efficiency. In 6 hours of anaerobic condition, phosphorus release occurred in both inorganic and organic carbon conditions but SPRR(specific phosphorus release rate) of both conditions was 10 mg-P/g-MLSS/day, which was significantly lower than that of PAO. When converting to aerobic conditions, SPUR(specific phosphorus uptake rate) was about 9 mg-P/g-MLSS/day in both conditions, showing a higher uptake rate than the control condition showing SPUR of 6.4 mg-P/g-MLSS/day. But there was no difference in terms of the total amount of removal. According to this study, at least, it seems to be inappropriate to apply Synechococcus sp. to luxury uptake process for phosphorus removal.
User-generated online reviews have become an essential part of consumer decisionmaking process (Mayzlin, Dover, & Chevalier, 2014) affecting product attitudes (Schlosser, 2005), purchase intentions (Ba & Pavlou, 2002), sales (Babić Rosario, Sotgiu, De Vlack, & Bijmolt, 2016), as well as price and quantity of transactions (Berger, Sorensen, & Rasmussen, 2010). For instance, 58% of consumers prefer sites with peer reviews, and nearly all consumers (98%) reported reading peer review before making purchases online (eMarketer, 2010). Given the reach and influence of user-generated content (UGC), it is unsurprising that companies offer numerous incentives such as coupons, rebates, free samples, and monetary payments to encourage user-generated online reviews. In 2012, Tesco, a British multinational grocery and general merchandise retailer, ran a “Share & Earn” scheme where the retailer gave loyalty points to Facebook fans sharing products. Since such reviewers are more like friends than random strangers, how does the review source and incentives affect reviewer trustworthiness and purchase intentions? Would these effects differ across individualistic and collectivistic cultures? Our research examines the cross-cultural differences in the effects of review source and incentives on reviewer trustworthiness and purchase intentions between Americans and Taiwanese.
Review Source and Trustworthiness
Extant research has shown that reviews from friends are usually more persuasive than reviews from strangers (Huang, Zhang, Liu, & Liang, 2014). Dubois et al. (2016) revealed that high levels of interpersonal closeness increased the negativity of reviews shared, whereas low levels of interpersonal closeness increased the positivity of reviews shared. Correspondingly, individuals tend to perceive friendly review sources as being more trustworthy and honest (Ben-Ner & Halldorsson, 2010). The circulation for UGC online reviews on social media platforms such as YouTube, Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram could also make the review source appear like a friend. Since user-generated online reviews appear on the user’s own profile page as well as newsfeeds of each friend connected to that user (Chatterjee, 2011), individuals could easily perceive review sources as friendly and trustworthy. Given that online trust often increases purchase intention (Bart, Shankar, Urban, & Sultan, 2005), we posit that reviews from friends increase reviewer trustworthiness, which, in turn, increase purchase intentions.
While online reviews from friends could be deemed as more trustworthy, incentives could muddy the waters. Sterling (2013) showed that over 40% of consumers in a survey reported some level of doubt in the credibility of UGC, fueled by reports of firms posting “fake” positive reviews, deleting negative reviews, or manipulating consumers into making positive statements that might not be a true representation of their options (Mayzlin et al., 2014). Given the level of distrust, the Federal Trade Commission sent out more than 90 letters reminding influencers and marketers that they required to clearly and conspicuously disclose their relationships with brands when promoting or endorsing products on social media (FTC, 2017). Relatedly, in 2012, the UK Advertising Standards Authority ruled that travel website TripAdvisor must cease claiming that it offers “honest, real, or trusted” reviews from “real travelers” since they are unable to assure consumers that all review content was genuine. Even when incentives are disclosed, incentivized reviews are often viewed with suspicion and are discounted as a means of correcting for presumed reviewer bias, even if the reviewer was not biased by the incentive (Du Plessis, Stephen, Bart, & Gonclaves, 2016). Taken together, we argue that incentivized reviews will decrease reviewer trustworthiness, and consequently, purchase intentions.
Cultural Differences
Existing work on the effects of review source and incentives have, at least implicitly, assumed that its effects hold globally and failed to consider individual or cultural moderating factors. In particular, individualistic and collectivistic cultures differ in their perceptions of trust violations: collectivists tend to become less trusting after experiencing a violation from in-group rather than out-group members; individualists’ trust levels are less affected by violations from in-group members (Fulmer, Gelfand, 2010; van Hoorn, 2015). In the context of our research, incentivized reviews could be regarded as trust violation, where reviewers no longer act altruistically to provide honest reviews. Thus, we posit that incentives could moderate the effects that reviews from friends have on perceived trustworthiness, and consequently, purchase intention in collective cultures (i.e. Taiwanese participants). In contrast, we expect to replicate the results of previous research where reviews from friends increases reviewer trustworthiness and purchase intentions; while incentivized reviews decreases reviewer trustworthiness and purchase intentions. Formally, we hypothesize that:
Hypothesis 1a (H1a): Reviews from friends will be considered as more trustworthy than review from strangers amongst American participants.
Hypothesis 1b (H1b): American participants will be more likely to purchase products reviewed by friends than strangers.
Hypothesis 2a (H2a): Amongst American participants, reviewers providing incentivized reviews will be perceived as less trustworthy than reviewers providing non-incentivized reviews.
Hypothesis 2b (H2b): American participants will be less likely to purchase products from incentivized reviews than non-incentivized reviews.
Hypothesis 3a (H3a): Amongst Taiwanese participants, when reviews are not incentivized, reviews from friends will be considered more trustworthy than reviews from strangers. The effect will be attenuated when reviews are incentivized.
Hypothesis 3b (H3b): Taiwanese participants will be more willing to purchase products reviewed by friends than strangers when the reviews are not incentivized. The effect will be attenuated when reviews are incentivized.
Participants and Design
Three hundred and sixteen participants (50% female, 18-85 years old) were recruited on Qualtrics for nominal payment. Half of the participants were American and completed the survey in English while the rest were Taiwanese and completed the survey in Mandarin. A 2 (review source: stranger vs. friend) x 2 (incentive: no incentive vs. incentivized review) x 2 (nationality: USA vs. Taiwan) mixed design was adopted with source and incentive manipulated within-subject and nationality manipulated between-subjects.
All participants were instructed to assume that they were travelling to London, and was searching for a hotel to stay for a couple of days. They were then presented with four hotel reviews. Both source and incentive were manipulated within-subjects. Source of the reviews was either a friend or a stranger. Reviews were either not incentivized or incentivized where the reviewer was given discount on their stay for leaving a review. To prevent order effects, the reviews were presented in random order. All reviews were 4 out 5 stars reviews, were generally positive, and were dated at a similar time.
After every review, participants indicated purchase intention on two items (e.g. “After reading this review, I feel like booking this hotel.”; “If there is a chance, I will book this hotel.”) on a 7-point scale (1 = strongly disagree, 7 = strongly agree)(Kim, Park, & Lee, 2013). Participants also rated how much they trusted the reviewer on a 7-point scale (1 = strongly disagree, 7 = strongly agree) on three items (e.g. “I trust this reviewer to choose a hotel for me.”; “I have confidence in this reviewer.”; “I believe this reviewer is being honest.”) (Smith, Menon, & Sivakumar, 2005). Individualism/collectivism as well as uncertainty avoidance was assessed using a 3-item measure (e.g. “Individuals should stick with the group even through difficulties.”; “It’s important to closely follow instruction and procedures.”) (Yoo, Donthu, & Lenartowicz, 2011) with a 7-point Likert scale (1= strongly disagree, 7 = strongly agree)
Outliers were removed using Stem and Leaf plots, leaving 295 participants, 148 Taiwanese participants and 149 American participants (50% female, 18 to 85 years old). Contrary to previous research (Hofstede Insights, 2018), American participants (M = 6.07, SD = 0.96) scored significantly higher on the uncertainty avoidance scale than their Taiwanese counterparts (M = 5.56, SD = 1.01). In addition, American participants (M = 5.00, SD = 1.35) did not score significantly higher on the individualism/collectivism scale than their Taiwanese counterparts (M = 5.08, SD = 1.23). As predicted in Hypothesis 1a, a 2 (review source: stranger vs. friend) x 2 (incentive: no incentive vs. incentivized review) on reviewer trustworthiness revealed a significant main effect of review source, F(1, 146) = 25.34, p =.00, where friends (M = 5.34, SD = 1.19) were significantly more trustworthy than strangers (M = 4.97, SD =1.24) amongst USA participants. In line with H2a, there was also a significant main effect of incentive, where non-incentivized reviews (M = 5.24, SD = 1.21) were considered more trustworthy than incentivized reviews (M = 5.07, SD = 1.22), F(1,146)=6.43, p =.01. There was no significant interaction effect, F <1. Amongst the Taiwanese participants, a 2 (review source: stranger vs. friend) x 2 (incentive: no incentive vs. incentivized review) on reviewer trustworthiness revealed a significant main effect of review source, F(1, 147) = 13.02, p =.00, and incentive, F(1,147)=6.43, p =.01, qualified by the predicted interaction, F(1,147)=3.77, p =.05. Consistent with our predictions (H3a), when reviews were not incentivized, friends (M = 5.41, SD = 1.08) were significantly more trustworthy than strangers (M = 5.15, SD = 1.10), F(1,147)=15.63, p=.00. However, when reviewers were incentivized, friends (M = 5.20, SD = 1.05) were just as trustworthy as strangers (M = 5.09, SD = 1.15, F(1,147) = 1.85, p =.18. As predicted (H1b), amongst USA participants, a 2 (review source: stranger vs. friend) x 2 (incentive: no incentive vs. incentivized review) on purchase intention revealed a significant main effect of review source, F(1, 146) = 4.46, p =.04, where reviews from friends (M = 5.40, SD = 1.20) elicited higher purchase intentions than reviews from strangers (M = 5.27, SD =1.20). Contrary to Hypothesis 2b, there was no main effect of incentive, F(1,146) = 1.34, p =.25, nor interaction, F<1. Amongst Taiwanese participants, a 2 (review source: stranger vs. friend) x 2 (incentive: no incentive vs. incentivized review) on purchase intention revealed a significant main effect of incentive where non-incentivized reviews (M = 5.49, SD = 0.94) elicited greater purchase intentions than incentivized reviews (M = 5.39, SD = 0.98), F(1,147) =3.74, p=.06. There was no main effect of source, F(1,147)= 2.31, p = .13 nor an interaction effect, F(1,147) = 1.81, p =.18. In line with our hypothesis (H3b), planned contrasts revealed that when reviews are not incentivized, friends (M = 5.55, SD = 0.96) elicited significantly higher purchase intention than strangers (M = 5.42, SD = 0.95), F(1,147) = 5.73, p =.01. In contrast, when reviews were incentivized, friends (M = 5.40, SD = 0.94) elicited as much purchase intention as strangers (M = 5.38, SD = 1.02), F<1.
Given the ever-important role of user-generated online reviews in consumer decisionmaking, it is necessary to understand how review sources and incentives affects perceptions of trust and purchase intentions, especially across cultures. Our study demonstrates how review sources and incentives affect reviewer trustworthiness and purchase intentions differently across individualistic versus collectivistic cultures. Specifically, review source and incentives affect reviewer trustworthiness independently in Americans. Friends are considered more trustworthy than strangers, and non-incentivized reviews are considered more trustworthy than incentivized reviews. In contrast, the effect of review source on reviewer trustworthiness is moderated by incentive in Taiwanese participants. In particular, friends are considered more trustworthy than stranger only when reviews are not incentivized. When reviews are incentivized, trust seems to be violated, and friends are regarded as just as trustworthy as random strangers. Our contributions to the UGC literature are twofold. To date, research on UGC have largely ignored the role of culture and nationality (as well as individual differences, more broadly) can play. This potentially concerning since the proliferation of UGC are not limited to a Western sample. Our work highlights how culture can complicate findings in the UGC literature, and suggests a need to better consider the role culture plays. In addition, our research specifies the specific mechanism through which culture might influence the effect of review source and incentives affect purchase intention, trustworthiness. Additional studies will be conducted to examine how and why incentives are deemed as trust violations and reduce purchase intentions when accepted by friendly reviewers in collectivist cultures. Moreover, we will attempt to detangle trust in the reviewer versus review.
Prior research shows that in-store displays have a significant effect on product sales, but no study so far has measured this effect using a qualitative approach that considers the size of the in-store display or its general theme. In this study, a smartphone-based user generated contents (UGC) was used to encourage consumers to post about the in-store displays they liked. This study investigates the relationship between the qualitative content of in-store displays and the sales of the products featured in such displays, and the relationship between posts or likes and the sales of the products featured in the posted liked display. We examine the effects of the contents of in-store display on sales and the mediation effect of the POST or LIKE on these relationship. As the result, this study is the first to explicate the difference of the mediation effect of post on sales by the type of the content of the in-store display. Specifically, the following three aspects were elucidated: (1) “Seasonality” drives user posting on UGC and such posts contribute to increased sales, (2) “Mass” both directly contributes to increased sales and also promotes user postings on UGC, which contribute to increase sales, and (3) “Character” directly influences sales but does not contribute to sales through postings. This study also provides important managerial implications. The results highlight the role of the content of in-store displays in promoting sales. Specifically, if the goal is to simply increase sales, a character themed in-store display will suffice. If the goal is to induce postings to UGC, which will result in increased sales, then a seasonally themed in-store display will work. In this way, expanding consideration to the qualities of in-store displays makes it possible to develop a more strategic understanding of their effects rather than the simple on/off or numerical frequency approach of the past. It must be taken into account that the type of in-store display content that is called for will differ according to whether the objective is to simply increase sales or to also attempt to create WOM promotion.
본 연구에서는 한국 멸종위기식물인 분홍장구채의 보전 및 인공재배를 위해 식물공장 내 인공적인 광 조건에서 일어나는 생리와 개화반응 특성을 알아보았다. 이를 위해 분홍장구채를 식물공장의 각 챔버에 적색광, 청색광, 백색광, 적색+원적색 혼합광, 적색+청색 혼합광 그리고 적색+청색+백색 혼합광 하에서 재배하여 광합성률, 증산률, 기공전도도, 수분이용효율, 엽록소함량, 최소엽록소형광, 최대엽록소형광, 광계II의 광화학적 효율 그리고 잎과 꽃 수를 측정하였다. 그 결과 적색 단일광과 적색+원적색 혼합광에서 분홍장구채는 가장 많이 개화하였으며, 이 광조건에서는 광합성률, 증산률 그리고 기공전도도는 상대적으로 다른 조건보다 높았으나 수분이용효율은 차이가 없었으며, 엽록소함량은 적었 다. 특히 최소 및 최대 엽록소형광과 광계II의 광화학적 효율은 적색 단일광 조건에서 다른 광 조건보다 낮았다. 이러한 결과는 분홍장구채의 꽃의 생산을 위해서는 적색 단일광이나 적색+원적색의 인공광 조건에서 재배하는 것이 효율적이 라는 것을 의미한다.
In this paper, a System Dynamics(SD) computer simulation model has been developed to assess the effects of developing and providing an alternate water source. A water service index was also developed to estimate the level of overall customer satisfaction on water supply service. Data from the Busan water supply service and the Korea Development Institute regarding the Nak Dong river bank storage development were utilized during the modeling processes. Some important indicators of the system under study were analyzed by the simulations of development of the alternate water source for Busan. The developed SD model and the water service index can be further utilized as a tool that can assess the extent and timing of an additional service improvement project.
This study investigates the effect of sodium bicarbonate (NaHCO3) on growth of S. dimorphus. NaHCO3 concentration was varied from 0 to 2 g-C/L. As a result, the increase in concentration of NaHCO3 up to 1.5 g-C/L increased dry weight of algae. The highest specific growth rate of S. dimorphus was 0.36 day-1 which was obtained at concentration of 0.5 g-C/L NaHCO3. pH showed a large variation range at the concentrations lower than 0.5 g-C/L NaHCO3 whereas inorganic carbon, nitrate and phosphorus removal rates were almost same at the concentrations higher than 0.5 g-C/L NaHCO3 (0.75, 1, 1.25, 1.5, 2 g-C/L NaHCO3). Their average inorganic carbon, nitrate and phosphorus removal rate were 70 mg-C/L/d, 11.3 mg-N/L/d, and 1.6 mg-P/L/d, respectively. Thus, NaHCO3 didn’t effect on inorganic carbon, nitrate and phosphorus removal rate of S. dimorphus.
A study was conducted to determine the dietary effects of Na-bentonite (NaB) and probiotics on meat characteristics and health of Hanwoo steers fed rice straw as a sole roughage source. A total of 24 growing Hanwoo steers (avg BW 232 kg) were assigned to two treatments which included a control diet (concentrate mix and rice straw) and a treatment diet (control diet + 0.5-1.0% NaB + 0.5-1.0% probiotics. The diets were fed for 22 months up to the time the animals were slaughtered. Dietary treatment increased (p<0.05) concentrations of trace minerals such as Zn, Cu, and Fe in the longissimus muscle compared to the control. The treatment diet did not affect cold carcass weight, yield traits such as backfat thickness, longissimus muscle area, yield index, yield grade and quality traits such as marbling score, meat color, fat color, texture, maturity and quality grade. Blood profiles of growing steers were within the normal ranges for healthy cattle. In conclusion, feeding a combination of clay mineral and probiotics to Hanwoo steers fed rice straw as a sole roughage source could have a desirable effect on improving trace mineral retention in longissimus muscle without any deleterious effects on carcass traits of steers.
본 연구에서는 정수처리용 세라믹 한외여과 및 광촉매의 혼성공정에서 TiO2 광촉매 코팅 구(bead)의 농도 및 물역세척 주기(FT), 물역세척 시간(BT) 변화의 영향을 알아보았다. 광촉매 코팅 구의 농도는 10~40 g/L로, FT는 2~10분으로, BT는 6~30초로 변화시키면서, 그 영향을 180분 운전 후 막오염에 의한 저항(Rf), 투과선속(J)과 총여과부피(VT) 측면에서 고찰하였다. 광촉매 코팅 구의 농도가 감소할수록 Rf는 증가하고 J는 감소하였다. 광촉매 코팅 구의 농도 40 g/L 에서 VT가 8.85 L로 가장 높았다. FT 변화 실험에서는 FT가 감소할수록, Rf는 감소하고 J는 증가하였다. 한편, BT 변화 실험에서는 BT가 증가할수록, Rf는 감소하고 J는 증가하였다. 또한, NBF(no back-flushing)에서 급격한 막오염에 의한 분리막 기공의 감소로 탁도 및 용존유기물(UV254 흡광도)이 효과적으로 제거되었기 때문에, 탁도 및 용존유기물의 처리효율이 NBF 조건에서 가장 높았다. 한편, 광촉매 코팅 구의 세척 효과로 FT가 감소할수록, BT가 증가할수록 탁도 및 용존유기물의 처리효율은 증가하였다.
본 시험을 수행하기 위해서 6개월령 거세한 우 64두를 공시하여 주구는 조사료원으로 목건초와 볏짚 처리구를 배치하였으며, 세구는 출하시기로 24개월, 26개월, 28개월 및 30개월 배치하였다. 본 시험은 조사료원 및 출하시기별 발육 및 육질에 미치는 영향을 구명하기 위하여 수행하였다. 발육 및 사료이용성은 목건초 급여구가 볏짚 급여구에 비하여 동일 출하월령에서 10~12% 정도 더 발육이 향상되었으며(p<0.05), 배합사료 요구량에서도 목건초 급여
Various inorganic fillers improve the thermal conductivity and physical properties of organic products. Alumina has been used a representative filler in the heat radiation sheet for the heat radiation of electric device. The high filling rate of alumina increases the thermal conductivity and properties of products. We successfully developed the spherical alumina by flame fusion process using the oxygen burner with LPG fuel. In the high temperature flame (25003000) of oxygen burner, sprayed powders were melting and then rotated by carrier gas. This surface melting and rotation process made spherical alumina. Especially effects of chemical composition and particle size of stating materials on the melting behavior of starting materials in the flame and spheroidization ratio were investigated. As a result, spheroidization ratio of boehmite and aluminum hydroxide with endothermic reaction of dehydration process was lower than that of the sintered alumina without dehydration reaction.
The properties of SOHO/LASCO CMEs are subjected to projection effects. Their dependence on the source position is important to be studied. Our main aim is to study the dependence of CME properties on helio-longitude and latitude using the CMEs associated with type IIs observed by Wind/WAVES spacecraft (Deca-hecta metric type IIs - DH type IIs). These CMEs were identified as a separate population of geo-effective CMEs. We considered the CMEs associated with the Wind/WAVE type IIs observed during the period January 1997 - December 2005. The source locations of these CMEs were identified using their associated GOES X-ray flares and listed online. Using their locations and the cataloged properties of CMEs, we carried out a study on the dependence of CME properties on source location. We studied the above for three groups of CMEs: (i) all CMEs, (ii) halo and non-halo CMEs, and (iii) limb and non-limb CMEs. Major results from this study can be summarized as follows. (i) There is a clear dependence of speed on both the longitude and latitude; while there is an increasing trend with respect to longitude, it is opposite in the case of latitude. Our investigations show that the longitudinal dependence is caused by the projection effect and the latitudinal effect by the solar cycle effect. (ii) In the case of width, the disc centered events are observed with more width than those occurred at higher longitudes, and this result seems to be the same for latitude. (iii) The dependency of speed is confirmed on the angular distance between the sun-center and source location determined using both the longitude and latitude. (iv) There is no dependency found in the case of acceleration. (v) Among all the three groups of CMEs, the speeds of halo CMEs show more dependency on longitude. The speed of non-halo and non-limb CMEs show more dependency on latitude. The above results may be taken into account in correcting the projection effects of geo-effective CMEs.
온도(24, 28 및 32) 및 기주조건이 담배거세나방의 용발육, 성충수명 및 산란에 미치는 영향을 조사하였다. 용화유은 23~88%로 온도가 높을수록 높았으며, 기주별로는 인공사료, 고구마잎, 들깨잎 및 콩잎의 순서로 높았다. 용무게는 0.28~0.40g으로 온도가 낮을수록 약간 무거워지는 경향이었으며, 기주별로는 들깨잎에서 가장 무거웠으나, 그밖의 기주간에는 현저한 차이가 없었다. 용기간은 , 28 및 에서 각각 약 14일, 10일 및 7일로 기주에 따른 유의한 차이가 없었다. 우화율은 21~89%로 온도가 높을수록 높았으며, 기주별로는 28와 에서 인공사료, 고구마잎, 들깨잎 및 콩잎의 순서로 높았으나, 에서 인공사료, 콩잎, 들깨잎 및 고구마 잎의 순서로 높았다. 성충의 산란전기간은 , 및 32에서 각각 3.2일, 2.8일 및 2.5일로 온도에 따른 차이가 있었으나, 기주에 따른 차이는 없었다. 성충수명은 3.9~6.4일로 온도가 높을수록 짧았으며, 지주별는 인공사료, 고구마잎, 콩잎 및 들깨잎의 순서로 긴 경향이었고, 암컷보다 수컷에서 약간 길었다. 성충의 총 산란수는 803~1,441개로 온도 및 기주간에 변이가 심하였으나, 인공사료보다 천연기주에서 산란수가 현저히 많았다. 난괴당 난수 및 개체당 난괴수도 각각 약74~186개 및 6~14개로 온도 및 기주에 따라 변이가 심하였다., 28에서 43.1%, 65%로 느타리버석의 적정재배온도인 내외에서 검정날개파리류(Sciarid fly) , Bradusia sp.의 생육도 가장 좋은 것으로 나타났다. 살깃깡총거미(Marpissa elongata), 까치깡총거미(Dedryphantes atratus), 닷거미과의 번개닷거미(Perenethis fascigera), 갈거미과의 백금갈거미(Tetragnatha pinicola), 염라거미과의 아시아염라거미(Zelotes asiaticus)등 10종이 새로이 조사되었다.들에게 제공할 수 있게 될 것으로 사려된다. 끝으로 본 연구는 대구 \ulcorner경북지역을 대상으로 한 연구이므로 전국을 대상으로 한 많은 연구가 계속되어 조리종사원의 직무만족에 관한 연구가 다양한 측면에서 이루어져야하겠다.지점의 특성에 따라 가장 경제적인 방법을 선택하는 것이 바람직하며, 특히 장비구매 설치 시 다양한 종류의 제품을 선택하는 것은 차후 장비 관리에 어려움을 겪을 소지가 있어 가능한 우수한 제품을 선택하되 동일 제품 사용을 권장한다. 따라서 위의 망구축이 이루어져 현재 기상청이 설치 운영하고 있는 측정 장비에 의해 취득한 기상자료를 공동 활용하여 표출하면 더욱 상세한 자료의 획득과 활용이 기대되어 진다. 또한, 금번 논문에서는 산불위험지역의 격자점(15km)내에 최소한 1대의 AWS 설치방안을 제시하였지만, 금후에는 15km내에서도 능선, 계곡 등 구체적인 위치확정을 위한 선행연구가 실시되어야할 것으로 판단된다.의해 원고는 결과발생지인 미국법원의 재판관할을 강제할 수 없을 것이다. 지적재산권을 둘러싼 분쟁에 관한 재판관할과 국제법상의 판결의 승인 및 집행의 통일성을 기하기 위하여 2001년 1월 세계지적재산권기구(World Intellectual Property Organization)가 제안한 WIPO 협약초안
온도 및 기주종류별 담배거세미나방의 난 및 유충발육에 미치는 효과를 조사하였다. 담배거세미나방 난과의 부화율은 온도에 관계없이 천연기주에서 100% 부화하였으나, 인공 사육용 갱지에서 약 65-87%로 온도가 높아질수록 부화율은 낮아지는 경향이었다. 난기간은 , 및 에서 각각 약 4.4일, 3.9일 및 3.0일 이었으며, 기주간에는 차이가 없었다. 유충발육기간동안 유충무게는 와 의 경우 발육초기에는 고구마 잎을 식이한 유충이 무거웠으나 중기이후에는 콩잎과 들깨잎을 식이한 유충이 무거웠다. 하지만 의 경우 유충발육 12일까지 고구마잎에서 사육된 충이 다른 기주에서 사육된 충보다 무거웠는데, 이는 가 와 32에 비해 저온으로 유충의 발육속도가 상대적으로 느렸기 때문으로 여겨졌다. 유충의 사망률은 온도별로는 에서 가장 높았고, 에서 가장 낮았다. 하지만 기주별 사망률은 일정한 경향이 없었으며, 유충발육이 진행될수록 사망률이 증가하는 경항이었다. 유충기간은 에서 약 23.6-30.4일, 에서 18.6-22.3일 및 에서 약 14.5-18.0일로 온도가 높아질수록 유충기간이 ?아졌으며, 기주별로는 콩잎에서 가장 짧았고 다음이 들깨잎 및 고구마잎 순 이었고, 인공사료에서 가장 길었다. 난과 유충의 발육임계온도는 각각 평균 약와 였다.
우리나라에서 참깨나 목화에 기생하여 위조병을 일으키는데 Fusarium oxsporum f. vasinfectum의 생육에 미치는 질소원의 종류 및 농도의 영향을 구명하고자 본연구에 착수하였다. 본연구의 결과로부터 질소원의 종류 및 농도의 차이가 Fusarium oxysporum f. vasinfectum의 생육에 큰 영향을 미친다는 것을 알았다. 공시한 4종의 질소원 중에서 Nitrate N나 Urea N가 Ammonia N 또는 Ammonium and Nitrate N 보다 공시균의 생육에 대하여 더욱 알맞는 질소원이었다. 그 중에서도 Nirtrate N는 타른 N원보다 훨씬 넓은 농도범위에서 본균에 의하여 이용되므로 가장 알맞는 질소원이라고 할 수 있다. 한편 Ammonia N는 공시균의 균계생장이나 포자형성의 현저한 감소와 더불어 기형적인 파형균총 또는 염주상균계세포를 농도에 관계없이 형성하므로 질소원으로서의 이용가치가 거의 없다. Ammonia N가 공시균의 생육에 미치는 영향은 파형균총 또는 염주상균계형성으로 보아 Phenoxy 화합물이 타른 진균의 생육에 미치는 영향과 흡사하다. Ammonium and Nitrate N도 50meg. 이상의 농도에서 공시균의 균계생장 또는 포자형성을 감소시키는 한편 파형균총과 같은 이상생육이 다소간음폐되기는 하나 적제 Ammonia N에서 유래하는 파형균총을 유기하므로 알맞는 질소원이라고 생각할 수 없다. 따라서 Ammonia N 단독 또는 타질소원과 Ammonia N의 결합태는 Fusarium oxysporum f. vasifectum의 생육을 위한 질소원으로서는 부적당하다.