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        검색결과 132

        2024.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Reducing underwater radiated noise from a ship is a critical issue for ensuring the survivability of the vessel. As high-speed signal processing and interlocking algorithms become more sophisticated, the heat intensity of shipboard equipment is increasing per unit volume. When designing shipboard equipment, it is necessary to consider the trade-off between heat dissipation and noise reduction. Following an analysis of the trade-offs, it was determined that the arrangement of Fan Ass'y A and B exhibited excellent noise and heat dissipation characteristics. Based on this, PWM control operating zones were derived. It was determined that the placement of Fan Ass'y A and B in the operating zone would increase the PWM duty cycle from 33% to 58% using a signal frequency of 25kHz band with guaranteed reliability. This would increase the noise by approximately 9dB(A) but reduce the internal board reference temperature by up to 15℃.
        2024.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        본 논문은 최근 6년간(2018년~2023년) 한국의 주력 산업인 반도체, 디스플레이, 전 기·전자, 자동차 등 HS 6단위 기준 총 94개 품목을 대상으로 수출편향지수(EBI), 대 칭적 현시비교우위지수(RSCA), 불변시장점유율(CMS) 등 무역통계지표를 통해 한· 중 양국의 소재·부품·장비의 경쟁력과 수출증감요인을 분석하였다. 분석 결과, 반도 체 관련 품목의 대중국 수출편향이 증가한 반면 디스플레이 품목은 EBI 지수 감소 하고 있어 중국 내 품목으로 대체되고 있는 것으로 추정할 수 있었다. 또한 자동차 관련 품목의 EBI 지수가 전체 분석 기간 1 이하로 중국에 대한 수출집중도가 낮을 뿐 아니라 수입 편향에 있음을 확인할 수 있었다. 대칭적 현시비교우위지수(RSCA) 분석에서 품목별 차이는 있지만 전기·전자 품목은 세계시장에서 상대적으로 낮은 경 쟁력을 보유하고 있었다. 반면 반도체, 디스플레이 및 자동차 관련 품목은 일부 품목 을 제외하고 중국과 비교하여 비교우위를 나타내고 있었다. 불변시장점유율(CMS) 분석에서 기준년도(2018년) 대비 비교연도(2023년)의 한국의 대중국 감소 요인이 수 입규모요인보다 경쟁력요인과 수입구조요인이 더 큰 영향을 미치는 것으로 분석되었 다. 이는 한국의 소재·부품·장비 관련 품목의 경쟁력 감소와 일본 등 제3국의 경쟁력 상승으로 인해 한국의 대중국 수출 감소를 가져온 것으로 추정되었다.
        2024.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        본 연구는 어린이집 급식설비 손잡이의 식중독 세균 오 염도를 측정하고, 분리 균주의 독소 유전자와 항생제 내 성을 분석하여 급식설비 손잡이에 의한 집단식중독을 예 방을 위한 과학적 기반을 마련하고자 하였다. 실험 대상 은 전라남도 일부 지역 어린이집 101곳의 냉장고, 냉동고, 자외선 살균기 손잡이, 총 303개를 대상으로 하였다. 어린 이집 냉장고, 냉동고 손잡이에서 B. cereus 4 균주(1.3%) 가 검출되었고 어린이집 냉장고 손잡이에서 S. aureus 2 균주(0.7%)가 검출되었다. B. cereus와 S. aureus의 독소유 전자를 분석한 결과 B. cereus 4개 균주 모두에서 nheA, nheB, nheC, entFM, cytK가 검출되었으나, S. aureus의 2 개 균주의 경우 모두 sea, seb, sec, sed, see, seg, seh, sei, sej 독소유전자가 불검출되었다. B. cereus에서 설사를 유 발하는 장독소가 검출되어 B. cereus에 의한 식중독 발생 가능성이 상존하는 것으로 판단되었다. B. cereus와 S. aureus의 항생제 감수성을 실험한 결과 B. cereus 4 균주 에서 AM, FEP 등 β-lactam계 항생제에 내성을 나타내었 고 S. aureus 균주 모두 AM, P 항생제에 내성을 나타내 었다. S. aureus 균주는 OX 항생제에 각각 중간 내성 1 균주와 감수성 1 균주를 나타내었으나 MRSA는 검출되지 않았다. 이러한 결과를 종합하여 볼 때 어린이집 급식설 비 손잡이의 교차오염으로 인한 식중독 발생을 예방하기 위해 급식설비 손잡이에 대한 주기적인 살균 등 위생관리 방안을 강화해야할 것으로 판단되었다.
        2024.02 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        By developing molds and facilities to horizontally mold the functional part of the dry-cast concrete block, We intend to develop molds and a series of facilities to horizontally mold the functional part of the dry-cast concrete block to increase production per cycle while maintaining existing production methods and major facilities. In order to do so, CAE analysis is first required to develop molds and facilities for horizontally molding the functional part of the drycast concrete block in the horizontal direction. The procedure will be carried out by reviewing the validity of boundary conditions and physical properties, 3D modeling, grid generation, construction of analysis models, model validity, analysis according to frequency changes, and analysis according to physical properties. First, through the comparison of two-point support, three-point support, and two-point and three-point support in the constraint conditions, We would like to compare it with the actual molded product in the horizontal direction. But first of all, it is considered two-point support in the constraint conditions in this paper.
        2023.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        During wartime, the operation of engineering equipment plays a pivotal role in bolstering the combat prowess of military units. To fully harness this combat potential, it is imperative to provide efficient support precisely when and where it is needed most. While previous research has predominantly focused on optimizing equipment combinations to expedite individual mission performance, our model considers routing challenges encompassing multiple missions and temporal constraints. We implement a comprehensive analysis of potential wartime missions and developed a routing model for the operation of engineering equipment that takes into account multiple missions and their respective time windows of required start and completion time. Our approach focused on two primary objectives: maximizing overall capability and minimizing mission duration, all while adhering to a diverse set of constraints, including mission requirements, equipment availability, geographical locations, and time constraints.
        2023.11 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Amphibious operations represent a pivotal military maneuver involving the transfer of landing forces via ships, boats, and aircraft from sea to land. The success of such operations can be the decisive factor in the outcome of a war. Nevertheless, planning an amphibious assault is an intricate and formidable task, demanding careful consideration of numerous variables. This complexity is particularly evident in the formulation of loading plans for troops and equipment onto naval vessels. Historical accounts underscore the profound repercussions of errors in planning and loading on the execution of these operations. In pursuit of efficient loading procedures characterized by precision and time-effectiveness, our study has delved into the realm of optimization modeling. Employing a mixed-integer mathematical programming approach, this optimization model offers a valuable tool to streamline and enhance the preparatory phase of amphibious operations.
        2023.11 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        During wartime, the operation of engineering equipment plays a pivotal role in bolstering the combat prowess of military units. To fully harness this combat potential, it is imperative to provide efficient support precisely when and where it is needed most. While previous research has predominantly focused on optimizing equipment combinations to expedite individual mission performance, our model considers routing challenges encompassing multiple missions and temporal constraints. We implement a comprehensive analysis of potential wartime missions and developed a routing model for the operation of engineering equipment that takes into account multiple missions and their respective time windows. Our approach centered on two primary objectives: maximizing overall capability and minimizing mission duration, all while adhering to a diverse set of constraints, including mission requirements, equipment availability, geographical locations, and time constraints.
        2023.11 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Decommissioning waste is generated with various types and large quantities within a short period. Concrete, a significant building material for nuclear facilities, is one of the largest decommissioning wastes, which is mixed with aggregate, sand, and cement with water by the relevant mixing ratio. Recently, the proposed treatment method for volume reduction of radioactive concrete waste was proven up to scale-up testing using unit equipment, which involved sequentially thermomechanical and chemical treatment. According to studies, the aggregate as non-radioactive material is separated from cement components with contaminated radionuclides as less than clearance criteria, so the volume of radioactive concrete waste is decreased effectively. However, some supplementation points were presented to commercialize the process. Hence, the process requires efficiency as possible to minimize the interface parts, either by integration or rearranging the equipment. In this study, feasibility testing was performed using integrated heating and grinding equipment, to supplement the possible issue of generated powder and dust during the process. Previously, heat treatment and grinding devices were configured separately for pilot-scale testing. But some problems such as leakage and pipe blockage occurred during the transportation of generated fine powder, which caused difficulties in maintaining the equipment. For that reason, we studied to reduce the interface between the equipment by integrating and rearranging the equipment. To evaluate the thermal grinding performance, the fraction of coarse and concrete fines based on 1mm particle size was measured, and the amount of residual cement in each part was analyzed by wet analysis using 4M hydrochloric acid. The result was compared with previous studies and the thermomechanical equipment could be selected to enhance the process. Therefore, it is expected that the equipment for commercialization could be optimized and composed the process compactly by this study.
        2023.11 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Despite its advantages such as safety, unnecessary pretreatment, and decontamination of waste with complex geometry, conventional ultrasonic decontamination technology has been only used to remove loose contaminants, oil and grease, not fixed contaminants due to the limitations in increasing the intensity in the high frequency range. Thus, ultrasound has been used as an auxiliary method to accelerate chemical decontamination of radioactive wastes or chemicals were added to the solution to increase the decontamination efficiency. The recently developed high-intensity focused ultrasound (HIFU) decontamination technology overcomes these limitations by combining multiple frequencies of ultrasonic waves in a specific arrangement, making it possible to remove most fixed contaminants, including radioactive micro particles less than 1 micrometer within half an hour. KEPCO NF and EnesG developed mobile HIFU decontamination equipment and successfully demonstrated the decontamination effect on various radionuclides found in nuclear power plants by treating radioactive metal waste to the level below free release criteria. The mobile HIFU decontamination equipment used in the demonstration can be operated anywhere where water is supplied, including controlled area in nuclear power plants, and is expected to be used widely for decontamination and free release of metal radioactive wastes.
        2023.11 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Nuclear power plants in Korea stores approximately 3,800 drums of paraffin solidification products. Due to the lack of homogeneity, these solidification products are not allowed to be disposed of. There is therefore a need for the separation of paraffin from the solidification products. This work developed an equipment for a selective separation of paraffin from the solidification product using the vacuum evaporation and condensational recovery method in a closed system. The equipment mainly consists of a vacuum evaporator and a condensational deposition recovery chamber. Nonisothermal vacuum TGAs, kinetic analyses and kinetic predictions were conducted to set appropriate operation conditions. Its basic operability under the established conditions was first confirmed using pure paraffin solid. Simulated paraffin solidification product fixing dried boric acid waste including nonradioactive Co and Cs were then fabricated and tested for the capability of selective separation of paraffin from the simulated waste. Paraffin was selectively separated without entertainment of Co and Cs. It was confirmed that the developed equipment could separate and recover paraffin in the form of nonradioactive waste.
        2023.11 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        During PIV (Physical Inventory Verification), the IAEA has been inspecting the CANDU-Type spent fuels using an optical fiber-based scintillation detector. KINAC has developed a new verification instrument to deal with problems of the existing one such as low sensitivity, heavy and large dimension, and inconvenience-in-use. Our previous studies focused on how to develop the new instrument and had not included its performance tests. Field tests were carried out recently at Wolsung unit 4 to evaluate performance of the existing and new instruments. The objective of this paper is to discuss background noise produced in the optical fiber signal cable itself. The verification equipment for the CANDU-type Heavy Water Reactor spent fuels uses a scintillation detector to bond a scintillation material to the end of an optical signal cable. At this time, the radiation signal obtained by a data acquisition system is the signal generated from the scintillator (p-terphenyl organic scintillator) and the optical signal cable ; The signal produced in the optical cable itself is background noise to degrade the spent fuel verification equipment. To characterize the background radiation noise, the spent fuel bundles at Wolsung Unit 4 were measured using the optical fiber cable without the radiation scintillator. This signal is generated by reaction of the optical cable and the radiation emitted from the spent fuel. From experimental results, it was observed that the background noise signal of the optical cable increased as the optical cable went down in the downward direction, because the cable length irradiated by the radiation increased with the optical cable area in the spent fuel storage pool. Difference in the background noise signal was dependent on the location of the vertical direction and the signal of the new optical cable was up to about 5 times higher than that of the existing cable. While, the new cable has the cross-section area about 3.2 times larger than the old cable. Our past studies showed that total signal amplitude – sum of signals generated from the scintillator and optical fiber - of the new verification instrument was at least about 15 times greater than that of the existing one. Considering the total signal and background noise signal, from this measured results, it was confirmed that the scintillator characteristics – in particular, light output and decay time – has a dominant impact on the signal sensitivity of the newly developed instrument. More details will be discussed at the conference.
        2023.11 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        A lot of CANDU Spent Fuels (CSFs) have been stored in spent nuclear fuel pools and dry storage facilities. In accordance with the enhanced nuclear regulations, the initial characteristics of CSF should be inspected to ensure the integrity of CSF and the reliable operation of storage system before loading it into a cask for long-term dry storage. For the inspections, an initial characteristics measurement equipment was designed, which is used for Pool-Side Examination (PSE) in the spent fuel pool of the pressurized heavy water reactor nuclear power plant. Measurements using the equipment consist of non-contact inspections and contact inspections. The non-contact inspections do not affect CSF integrity, whereas the integrity of CSF can be reduced during the contact inspections under abnormal operating conditions because the probe of equipment may apply specific loads to the CSF. Therefore, the structural integrity evaluations of equipment and CSF are performed using Finite Element (FE) analyses for four combinations based on two abnormal conditions and two probe positions. The used abnormal conditions are the pressing load condition and the scratching load condition, and two probe positions are the center and bottom of the fuel rod in the longitudinal direction, respectively. In this evaluation, the bottoms of the fuel rod or CSF are defined as the regions facing the bottom surface of equipment. The analysis of the pressing load condition is performed by pressing the probe of the equipment in radial direction of the CSF fuel rod. That of the scratching load condition is carried out by applying a specific radial load to the CSF fuel rod using the probe and then applying the load to the surface of the fuel rod while moving axially along the surface. All combinations are analyzed considering geometric, boundary and material non-linearity under the dynamic load, which is dependent on the equipment operating velocity. The stresses of CSF and equipment components were obtained from these analyses. The maximum stress of each component was generated at the combination on the scratching load condition for the bottom position among the four combinations. The obtained maximum stresses are lower than the yield stress for each component material. Also, the CSF is not overturned due to the support plate of the equipment in all analyses. Therefore, the structural integrity and safety of the equipment and the CSF are maintained under abnormal operating conditions during the inspection using the initial characteristic measurement equipment.
        2023.11 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        The CTBTO is the Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty Organization to ban all forms of nuclear testing (underwater, air, and underground) worldwide and was adopted at the UN’s 50th annual general meeting in September 1996. As of September 2023, 187 out of 196 countries signed and 178 ratified. The Republic of Korea signed it in 1996 and ratified it in 1999. Several major Annex 2 countries still need to ratify it, and certain countries have not even signed it, so it has not come entry into force. The CTBTO has three verification systems for nuclear tests and consists of the International Monitoring System (IMS), the International Data Center (IDC), and On-Site Inspections (OSI). IMS consists of seismic, hydroacoustic, infrasound, and radionuclide monitoring. The measured data are delivered to IDC, analyzed by CTBTO headquarters, distributed raw data, and analyzed forms to member states. The final means of verification is in the field of OSI and will be operated when CTBT takes effect. Based on the IMS data, inspectors will be dispatched to the Inspected State Party (ISP) to check for nuclear tests. KINAC is attending the Working Group B, OSI technology development verification along with KINS and KIGAM. Since OSI is a means for final verification, integrated capabilities such as seismic and data interpretation and nuclides detection are required. CTBTO continues its efforts to foster integrated talent and modernize OSI equipment. Types of equipment include measurement, flight simulation equipment, and geographic information monitoring systems etcetera. KINAC is also developing equipment to detect contaminated areas using drones and probes. Development equipment is the nuclides detection and measurement of contaminated areas, and it is the equipment that prepares a control center and drops probes into suspected contamination areas to find a location of the radiation source. The probe can be used to track the location where the dose is most substantial through Bayesian estimation and source measurement.
        2023.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Background: Back stabilization exercises have been applied to decrease low back pain. Pilates exercise can help stabilize the low back and pelvic alignment, and uses equipment such as cadillac, reformer, chair, and barrel. Objectives: This study was conducted to confirm the effects of pilates exercise using cadillac equipment and self-exercise using back pain educational materials on pain, pelvic inclination, and single leg stance ability in adult women with back pain. Design: Randomized controlled trial. Methods: Twenty-five participants (female 25) with unspecified low back pain with lumbar hyperextension and anterior pelvic tilt were recruited. 25 adult women with back pain were randomly divided into a pilates group and a selfexercise group. Pilates exercise intervention using a cadillac was administered to the pilates group, and posture and lifestyle education materials for back pain were provided to the self-exercise group. All of the interventions were conducted 3 times a week for 4 weeks, 50 minutes per session, and the results are as follows. Results: Data analysis in each group revealed statistical differences between self-exercise and divided into a Pilates intervention. A visual analog scale (VAS)/oswestry disability index (ODI) decreased pain in both groups, Independent t-test decreased pain in both groups, but there was no significant difference. Data analysis divided into a pilates group revealed statistical differences between a VAS/ODI and pelvic tilt angle and static balance. It has been shown to increase scores or relieve pain. Conclusion: Through this study, it was confirmed that the pilates exercise using cadillac can be effectively used to reduce back pain, improve pelvic alignment, and improve single leg stance ability in adult women with low back pain.
        2023.05 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        The purpose of this study is to provide technical issues in upgrade and modification of fuel handling equipment at operating nuclear power plants. The improvement for safety function and performance enhancement of fuel handling equipment has been going on for 20 years since the early 2000’s. This improvement is recently focused on the replacement of components through the performance analysis and the operation and maintenance plan based on replacement cycle of its component. Additionally, it is required to secure spare parts so that it can be operated at all times with compatibility and standardization to other domestic nuclear power plants. The fuel handling equipment is consisted of refueling machine, upender and carriage of fuel transfer system, spent fuel handling machine, new fuel elevator and various tools, and the equipment are linked in systematic interlocks. Fuel handling is a critical task during a nuclear power plant refueling outage. Even minor component defects may stop operation of the whole system and have a significant impact on the overall system process. To achieve this goal, major components that are expected to be replaced for reliable operation are summarized as follows; 1) motor assembly with AC servomotors and driver for bridge, trolley and hoist of refueling machine and spent fuel handling machine, 2) winch motor and drive for upender and carriage of fuel transfer system, 3) operator control console with a HMI PC base PLC (Programmable Logic Controller) control system, 4) positioning and load weighing sensors such as an encoder and a load cell with its support for periodic calibration and maintenance, 5) main power drapped style festoon cable assembly for bridge of refueling machine, 6) pneumatic control assembly for gripper operation of refueling machine, 7) active components (e. g., air motor, hydraulic cylinder and limit switch) to be removable and reinstallable without requiring the water level to be lowered. It is advisable to utilize such various information as it can help to improve reliability of fuel handling as a critical path in upgrade and modification of fuel handling equipment at operating nuclear power plants.
        2023.04 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Thin-film shape technology is recognized for its core technology to enhance the technology of LCD, PDP, semiconductor manufacturing processes, hard disks and optical disks, and is widely used to form coated thin films of products. In addition, resistance (electron beam filament) technology for heating is used to manufacture filament for ion implants used in semiconductor manufacturing processes. By establishing an electronic beam filament production system and developing seven specifications of electronic beam filament, it is contributing to improving trade dynamics and increasing exports to Japan through localized media of theoretical imports to domestic companies. In this study, CAE analysis was performed after setting electron beam filament specification and development objectives, facilities and fabrication for electron beam filament production, electron beam filament JIG & fixture design and fabrication followed by electron beam filament prototype. Then, the automation and complete inspection equipment of the previously developed electronic beam filament manufacturing facilities was developed and researched to mass-produce them, to analyze and modify prototypes, design and manufacture automation facilities, and finally, to design and manufacture the complete inspection equipment. In this paper, design and manufacture of electronic beam filament total inspection equipment for mass production were dealted with.
        2023.04 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        In this study, we performed thermal safety design of the electric module of a heat-loaded equipment with consideration of its heat dissipation performance. Initially, we calculated the heat dissipation of natural convection to choose a cooling method. Based on this, we found that some modules required forced convection and selected an air-cooling method with an outdoor temperature of 43 degrees Celsius, which is the maximum temperature in Korea. Prior to module production, we performed thermal analysis of each module and proceeded with a design to increase the thermal conductivity of the module as a primary step, and subsequently proceeded with Heat Sink design to maximize the heat dissipation performance. After considering various constraints according to the system requirements and designing the cooling path, we experimentally and analytically secured thermal safety at the operating temperature of the equipment.
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