
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 14

        2020.05 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The purpose of this study was to confirm changes in flavor and taste characteristics of black pepper by combining nonthermal sterilization treatment methods, namely intense pulsed light, cold plasma, and ultraviolet. After treatment, lightness value and hue angle of black pepper were decreased. The difference in chromaticity between samples before and after treatment showed a significant difference of 6.11. The piperine contents before and after the combined nonthermal sterilization treatment were reduced from 28.4±0.25 mg/g to 20.4±1.06 mg/g. The results of an intensity test showed that the color and flavor of the sample became darker and weaker, but hot and pungent were not distinguished after nonthermal treatment. The flavor profile showed that the intensity of cool flavor was decreased, the intensity of nutty taste was increased, and other sensory languages did not show any difference. Although differences in flavor and taste were distinguished in a cooking application, the differences were not significant.
        2018.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        후춧가루에 존재하는 식중독 균을 저감화시키기 위한 방법으로 UV-C와 mild heat를 병합 처리 가능성을 타진하였다. Escherichia coli O157:H7 (ATCC 35150)와 Salmonella Typhimurium (ATCC 19585)를 후춧가루에 각각 106, 107 CFU/g 수준으로 인위접종하여 2.32 W/cm2의 UV-C와 60℃ 의 mild heat을 10분에서 70분 동안 처리하였다. 그 후 미생물 분석 및 후춧가루의 품질변화를 측정하였다. UV-C를 단독으로 70분 동안 처리했을 때 E. coli O157:H7과 S. Typhimurium는 각각 1.89, 2.24 log CFU/g 수준으로 감소하였지만, UV-C와 mild heat을 70분 동안 병합처리 했을 때는 각각 2.46, 5.70 log CFU/g으로 감소하였다. E. coli O157:H7 보다는 S. Typhimurium의 저감효과가 더 컸다. 색도는 모든 처리구에서 유의적인 차이가 없는 것으로 나타났다. 따라서 UV-C와 mild heat 병합처리는 후춧가루에 존재하는 식중독 균을 사멸시키는 데 효과적이기 때문에 산업적인 살균처리 기술로 활용될 수 있을 것으로 판단되었다.
        2018.11 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Effects of a commercial scale intervention system combining ultraviolet (UV)-C and plasma treatments on the microbial decontamination of black pepper powder were investigated. The process parameters include treatment time, time for plasma accumulation before treatment, and water activity of black pepper powder. A significant reduction in the number of indigenous aerobic mesophilic bacteria in black pepper powder was observed after treatments lasted for ≥ 20 min (p<0.05) and the reduction was differed by powder manufacturer. The microbial reduction rates obtained by individual UV-C treatment, individual plasma treatment, and UV-C/plasma-combined treatment were 0.2, 0.5, and 1.0 log CFU/g, respectively, suggesting that the efficacy of the microbial inactivation was enhanced by treatment combination. Nonetheless, neither plasma accumulation time nor powder water activity affected the microbial inactivation efficacy of the combined treatment. The UV-C/plasma-combined treatment, however, decreased lightness of black pepper powder, and the decrease generally increased as operation time increased. The plasma accumulation time of 20 min resulted in significant reduction in both lightness and brown color. The results indicate that the commercial-scale intervention system combining treatments of UV-C and plasma has the potential to be applied in the food industry for decontaminating black pepper powder.
        2018.08 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        비가열 살균 기술 중 하나인 광펄스 기술을 이용하여 후추에 존재하는 미생물의 사멸 효과를 원통형 처리 용기를 이용하여 검토하였다. 후추에 존재하는 미생물의 오염도는 일반세균은 약 2.0-4.0×106 CFU/g, Bacillus cereus는 약 3.0-5.0×103 CFU/g이었다. 펄스 수 5 pps, 광원과 처리용기 사이의 거리 4 cm의 동일한 조건에서 빛의 세기를 달리하여 처리하였을 경우 빛의 세기가 강할수록 사멸정도는 증가하였으며, 빛의 세기 1,000 V에서 흑후추의 경우 일반세 균은 0.55 log, B. cereus는 0.6 log, 백후추의 경우 일반세균은 0.7 log, B. cereus는 0.6 log의 사멸효과를 보였다. 펄스 수를 달리하였을 경우에는 펄스수가 증가할수록 높은 사멸율을 보였으며, 광원과 처리 용기사이의 거리에 따른 사멸효과를 거리가 짧을수록 사멸율은 증가하였다. 입자의 크기에 따른 사멸 효과는 입자의 크기가 클수록 살균효과 가 높은 것으로 나타났다. 후춧가루의 살균에 있어 광펄스 기술은 처리 조건에 따라 40-80%정도의 사멸율을 나타내어 후춧가루의 비가열 살균 기술로서의 적용 가능성을 볼 수 있었다.
        2018.04 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Black pepper (piper nigrium L.) is a spice commonly used but has a problem with microbial control, so it needs non-thermal decontamination method for product quality of dried foods. Intense pulsed light (IPL) technology is a non-thermal method for superficial decontamination of foods to inactivate pathogenic microorganisms by using high peak power and short duration pulses of a broad-spectrum (170-2600 nm) using a xenon lamp. The objective of this study was to reduce total number of bacteria in ground black pepper effectively by combined treatments of IPL and immobilized TiO2 photocatalyst. Self-designed cyclone type of pilot-scaled IPL device (> 5 kg/h) was used, which makes samples to flow cyclonically in a vacuum space longer time rather than moving vertically. Using this device alone, without TiO2 coated, 0.3-0.6 log reductions were achieved under a total energy fluence of 14.85 J/cm2 (DC voltage; 1200, 1800, and 2400 V, pulse duty; 0.5, 2.1, and 3.0 ms, treatment time; 60, 120, 180, 240, and 300 s, frequency; 2 Hz). Subsequently, TiO2-coated quartz plates with different layers between light source and samples were installed to observe the effect of photocatalyst and the efficiency of decontamination was improved slightly. However to increase the effect of the photocatalyst, several factors (TiO2 particle size, TiO2 film thickness and transparency, adhesiveness between quartz and photocatalyst, etc.) need to be concerned additionally. Nevertheless, the application of IPL treatment combined with TiO2 photocatalyst offers a potential of effective non-thermal decontamination method for dealing with powder foods in food industry.
        2017.04 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        A nonthermal method of decontamination using electrolyzed water (EW) or/and ultrasonification (US) was used for microbial reduction of black pepper. Aerobic bacteria and yeasts and mold in commercial black pepper powder were found to be 8.29 and 7.72 log(CFU/g), respectively. The optimum EW was produced at flow rates of brine and water of 100 mL/min and 300 mL/min, respectively. Using EW, reducing by 1.36 log of aerobic bacteria and 1.15 log of yeasts and mold were observed. The combination of US with distilled water (DW) treatment reduced aerobic bacteria by 0.74 log and yeasts and mold by 1.03 log. The best decontamination results were obtained with US combined with EW, resulting 1.48 log reduction of aerobic bacteria and 1.70 log reduction of yeasts and mold. The inactivation pattern of microorganism by EW or/and US fitted well to first-order-kinetics model. The black pepper quality in terms of color, piperine contents and sensory properties was not changed by any of tried treatments compare to controls.
        2013.02 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        후춧가루의 비가열 살균기술을 개발하고자 감압방전플라즈마(LPDP)를 이용한 살균을 시도하였고 LPDP 처리에 의한 품질변화를 조사하였다. 시판 후춧가루의 미생물 오염도는 가공제품에서는 세균, 진균 모두 103 CFU/g 수준이었던 반면, 재래시장에서 벌크로 판매하는 제품에서는 세균은 106 CFU/g, 진균은 107 CFU/g 수준의 오염도를 보였다. 후춧가루의 LPDP 살균패턴은 1차 반응으로 나타났으며, 세균과 진균의 살균속도상수는 각각 0.0841min-1 과 0.0696min-1 로서 세균이 진균에 비해 LPDP에 약간 더 민감하였다. LPDP 처리는 후춧가루의 색에는 영향을 미치지 않았으나 piperine 함량을 낮추는 것으로 확인되었다. Piperine 감소에도 불구하고 후춧가루의 관능특성은 LPDP 처리에 의해 영향을 받지 않았다.
        2000.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        A study was carried out to establish a detection method for irradiated black and white pepper. Samples were packed in polyethylene bags and irradiated with 2.5, 5, 7.5, 10 and 15 kGy using a Co-60 irradiator. The samples were suspended in water, and alkalized with sodium hydroxide solution. Apparent viscosity was determined after heat gelatinization using a Brookfield DV-III rotation viscometer at 30 with 30, 60, 90, 120, 150, 180, and 210 rpm. Means and standard deviations of the viscosities of all samples decreased by increasing the stirring speeds. The viscosities increased in all samples by increasing the concentration. Regression expressions and coefficients of viscosity which decreased with increasing irradiation dose of 10% and 13% black pepper, and 7% and 10% white pepper were 0.9531 (y=-131.29x+1,769.0), 0.9725 (y=-351.33x+4,036.0), 0.9731 (y=2,208.0e^(-0.3546x)), and 0.9959 (y=5,116.0e^(0.2887x)), respectively, at 120 rpm. This trend was similar for all stirring speeds. These results suggest that the detection of irradiated black and white pepper at various doses is possible by the viscometric method.
        1999.12 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        고추의 뿌리에 서식하고 있는 근권미생물을 30여종 분리하여 고추 검은 곰팡이병원균 A. alteranta에 길항하는 미생물을 분리한 결과 분리주 No. J-24 균주가 가장 길항력이 우수하였으며 Bacillus subtilis로 동정되었다. B. subtilis J-24는 검은곰팡이병균(Alternaria alternata)에 대해서는 생육저지 효과가 99%로 나타났으며, 그외 갯빛곰팡이병균(Botrytis cinerea), 역병균(Phytophthora capsici), 잘록병균(Pythium ultimum), 탄저병균(Colletotrichum gloeosporioides), 겹무늬병균(Stemphylium botryosum)에도 생육저지효과를 강하게 나타내었다. 고추 유묘의 생장활력은 미생물제제가 첨가된 상토가 일반 상토 보다 엽면적이 15%, 줄기길이가 12%, 뿌리길이가 12% 증가하였고 전체 건물중이 약 13% 증가하여 고추유묘의 생장활력이 증가되었다.
        1995.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Piperine, component of pure ground black pepper, has strong stimulative and trot. Analytical method for piperine was developed by high performance liquid chromatography. Analytical conditions are as follows; mobile phase is 70% methanol, detector LTV 343 nm (0.05 AuFa), column is Novapak 5 C_(10) (15 cm × 4.6 mm), flow rate is 1.0 ml/min, chart speed is 0.25 cm/ min and intjection volume is 20 Etl. Analytical results are as follows that relative standard deviation is 1.15%, calibration curve is y=170473.1×-7848.5 (R²=0.999) that shows good linearity. Standard solution of piperine is stable up to 10 hr and content of piperine in pure ground black pepper is 4.97±0.86%. Retention time of piperine in HPLC method is about 7 min. Therefore, the developed HPLC method including simple pretreatment of sample will be contribute to quality management.
        2018.10 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Background : Turmeric (Curcuma longa L.) and black pepper (Piper nigrum L.) have traditionally been used as Asian medicinal and culinary herb. Curcumin, a major compound of turmeric, has been known to have antitumor activity. However, curcumin is bioavailable because it is rapidly metabolized and released from the body. Therefore, the addition of adjuvants such as piperine, a potent inhibitor of drug metabolism, is one of the ways to increase the bioavailability of curcumin. Methods and Results : The yields of turmeric and black pepper ethanolic extracts (TM and BP) are 18.2 and 8.2% (w/w), respectively. The EC50 values of A549 and NCI-H292 cells exposed to TM were 77.8 ㎍/㎖ and 92.0 ㎍/㎖, respectively. No significant cytotoxicity was observed up to the 400 ㎍/㎖ in the A549 and NCI-H292 exposed to BP. Based on the central composite design, the co-treatment of TM and BP enhanced the cytotoxicity of A549 and NCI-H292 cells. The optimal combination concentration (optimal EC50 value) of TM and BP calculated by the response surface methodology assay were 48.5 and 241.7 ㎍/㎖. The conbination index assay confirmed that the cytotoxic effect at optimal combinatino concentration was due to the synergistic effect. Conclusion : We hypothesized that co-treatment of TM and BP enhanced cytotoxicity more than single treatment of TM against lung cancer cells, and cell death at this time may synergetic cytotoxicity effects associated with curcumin metabolism.
        2014.06 KCI 등재 SCOPUS 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        본 연구에서는 후춧가루의 위생화를 위해 감마선, 전자선 및 X-선을 조사한 후 이에 따른 미생물학적 및 관능적 품질변화를 평가하였다. 후춧가루에 감마선, 전자선 및 X-선을 2, 4, 6, 8 및 10 kGy로 각각 조사한 후 미생물 변화와 관능품질 변화를 평가한 결과, 미생물의 경우 선종에 관계없이 흡수선량이 증가할수록 미생물 제어 효과가 증가하는 것으로 나타났으며, 선종별 D10값의 경우 2.24-2.75 kGy범위를 보였으며 방사선 선종에 따른 유의차가 없는 것으로 나타났다. 색도의 경우 명도, 적색도 및 황색도 모두 방사선 선종에 따른 변화가 없는 것으로 판단하였다. 관능적 품질 역시 방사선 선종에 관계없이 흡수선량에 따라 품질저하가 발생되는 것으로 나타났다. 이상의 결과를 종합하여 볼 때 방사선 선종에 따른 후춧가루의 품질변화 차이가 없는 것으로 판단하였으며, 이상의 결과는 X-선의 상업적 이용을 위한 기초 연구 자료로 활용될 수 있을 것으로 사료되었다.
        2004.03 KCI 등재 SCOPUS 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        치자로부터 청색 및 황색색소, 고량으로부터 암갈색 색소를 주정을 이용하여 추출ㆍ농축하여 60Brix 농도의 추출물을 회수하였는데, 각각의 수율은 0.68, 1.97, 0.63% (w/w)였다. 이들을 대두유: 물: 유화제: 치자청: 치자황: 고량색소=8: 22: 42: 10: 15: 13 (w/w)의 비율로 혼합하고 균질화하여 유용성 천연 검정색소를 얻었다. 이 색소를 대두유에 용해시킨 결과 대두유의 품온이 30∼4 범위에서 가장 높은 용해도를