
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 60

        2024.03 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The sustainable development of livelihood is of great significance to improve the livelihood of farmers. It‘s necessary to broaden farmers’ livelihood strategy choices. Intangible cultural heritage tourism diversifies livelihoods and improves stability of farmers‘ lives. Taking Yangjiabu Folk Art Park and Red Sorghum Movie City as research objects, this study uses sustainable livelihood analysis framework, in-depth interviews, and participatory observation methods to explore the impact of intangible cultural heritage tourism on sustainable livelihoods, providing reference for rural development in need of enriching livelihood strategies. The research finds that different paths of intangible cultural heritage tourism lead to different accumulation of livelihood capital. Therefore, when planning and developing intangible cultural heritage tourism, rural areas should solve the shortage of livelihood capital brought by different types of development paths, promoting sustainable development of intangible cultural heritage tourism and farmers’ livelihoods. Secondly, in the process of rural development of intangible cultural heritage tourism, there is a mutual transformation and substitution, mutual influence and restriction relationship between different livelihood capital. Rural development of intangible cultural heritage tourism needs to consider the relationship between various livelihood capital, ensuring they can promote each other and coordinate development.
        2024.02 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        본 연구는 애니메이션 <만약...헬라가 텐 링즈를 발견한다면?>을 사례 로 의상 기호의 의미와 의복 문화의 이데올로기가 내러티브에 미치는 영 향을 분석함으로써 기호가 애니메이션 서사에 미치는 지도적 역할을 탐 구하고자 하였다. 연구는 다양한 문화적 환경에서 의상의 색상, 스타일, 소재가 갖는 부가적 의미와 의상 기호가 갖는 이데올로기를 롤랑 바르트 의 기호학을 통해 분석하고, 애니메이션에서 의상 기호의 서사적 역할과 애니메이션의 주제적 아이디어 전달에 대해 연구하였다. 연구 결과에서 는 애니메이션 작가들은 의상 기호를 활용하여 시각적 서사적 도움을 주 고 있으며, 기호의 통합을 통해 작가가 표현하고자 하는 주제적 아이디 어를 설명하고, 관객이 애니메이션 속 플롯의 전개와 등장인물의 감정 변화를 이해하고 느낄 수 있도록 돕고 있다. 이 연구의 결론은 기호학이 애니메이션 서사와 통문화적 기호 사용에 대한 이야기를 전달하는 데 도 움이 되는 아이디어를 제공하고, 더 나은 애니메이션 작품 창작에 학술 적 지원을 제공한다. 그러나 기호를 의상 층면에만 한정함으로써 애니메 이션 전체의 시각적 의미 전달에 대한 지침으로서 많은 한계가 있다.
        2023.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        글로벌 시대에 영화는 문화와 오락의 매개체일 뿐만 아니라 사회 문화 현상을 반영하는 중요한 방법이기도 하다. 다문화 영화 작품은 전 세계 관객들의 관심을 유도하는 동시에 작품 고유의 문화적 특색도 유지해야 한다. 본 연구는 2022년 픽사 애니메이션 스튜디오가 선보인 <메이의 새 빨간 비밀(Turning Red)>을 연구 대상으로 삼아 3막 서사 구조 분석 방 법을 활용해 해당 영화가 홉스테드(Geert Hofstede) 문화차원 이론(Hofstede Culture Dimension Theory)을 어떻게 구현했는지 살펴보고자 한다. 이 영화는 메이가 동서양 문화가 합쳐진 환경 속에서 어떻게 질풍노도의 청 소년기를 극복하고, 점차 자아를 발견하고 자신의 내면과 화해를 이루는 지 그 과정을 보여준다. <메이의 새빨간 비밀>의 서사 구조는 설정, 대 립, 해결의 세 가지 부분으로 명확하게 구분되어 관객이 영화를 이해하고 몰입하는 데 도움이 된다. 이 영화의 서사 전략은 홉스테드 문화차원 이 론을 교묘하게 활용하고, 캐릭터 간의 상호작용과 플롯 전개를 통해 다문 화 배경 속에서 개인의 성장 과정을 보여주는 것이다. 본 연구는 <메이의 새빨간 비밀>이 어떻게 3막 구조와 홉스테드의 문화차원 이론을 결합해 스토리를 구축하고, 이 이론들을 같이 활용해 관객들의 관심을 끌고 문화 적 공감대를 이끌어냈는지 연구하는 것을 목적으로 한다.
        2023.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Based on my attendance at the CIPA International Symposium(CIPA2023) organized by the International Scientific Committee on Heritage Documentation(ICOMOS), this paper explored research cases applying digital technologies, including BIM, to architectural heritage. The researches presented at this symposium were categorized into specific areas: data acquisition, data management, data sharing&experience. Through this classification, an analysis of research cases in architectural heritage utilizing digital technology was conducted. By categorizing the 43 academic papers from the CIPA2023 based on research themes, trends in the digital architecture field were analyzed, providing insights into future research directions for the digital acquisition, management, sharing, and experiential aspects of Korean architectural heritage. In conclusion, it is deemed necessary to reference and supplement the methodologies, including algorithms, workflows, and approaches developed in each study, to effectively apply methodologies suitable for the characteristics of Korean architectural heritage and its data.
        2022.05 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Korea Research Reactor 1&2 (KRR-1&2), Korea’s first research reactor, began dismantling in 1997. As of 2022, the demolition of general areas such as offices has been completed, and contaminated areas such as reactor rooms remain. On the other hand, construction waste generated in contaminated areas of nuclear facilities cannot be disposed of as general industrial waste. It is predicted that about 5,000 tons of construction waste will be generated if the contaminated area of KRR-1&2 is demolished. In this study, the application plan for the demolition of contaminated area of KRR-1&2 was reviewed through a review of laws and cases related to domestic and overseas disposal. The only method for disposing of construction waste in contaminated areas that can be applied in Korea is clearance in accordance with Nuclear Safety Commission Notice No. 2020-06. In addition, there has been no case of demolishing large-scale nuclear facilities in Korea. Therefore, there are limitations in domestic laws and standards to be applied to the dismantling of contaminated areas of KRR-1&2. The IAEA and the United States specify comprehensive matters such as optimization of radiation protection and minimization of waste products. The EU recommends demolition after decontamination by removing contaminated areas before demolition of buildings. It also presents three options for reuse, recycling, and disposal of buildings and building waste. In particular, in the case of Germany, detailed radioactivity measurement methods for deregulation of buildings and building waste are presented in accordance with the EU’s guidelines. As a result of synthesizing this, it is judged that the EU and Germany building clearance plan will be suitable for domestic application.
        2022.05 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS) has been ratified by 168 countries. Among these countries, Indonesia is one of the most notable states concerning compliance with the provisions of the UNCLOS. However, the aggressive actions exhibited by countries seeking to become world hegemonies have resulted in the violation of the Convention. Therefore, this research aims to critically analyse the problems associated with any violations of sovereignty and sovereign rights by foreign research vessels which are conducting commercial and military navigation in Indonesian waters (territorial sea with the archipelagic waters and the inland waters). This research shows that the spirit of the Djuanda Declaration constituting the main principle of the Indonesian Republic is a legal ground for defending the national interest of Indonesia as an archipelagic state. This is the key to maintaining the integrity of sovereignty and national interest.
        2021.12 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        There are a lot of problems in the existing databases of ancient characters, such as the digital processing obstacles of Gaiji (characters excluded in character sets), the defects of information technology, and a lack of completeness. The newly released “digital resource library for intelligent Internet search of ancient characters” makes the following breakthrough: it achieves full coverage of all types of ancient characters in all dynasties, and realizes the carrier conversion of character data with strict digital standards, allows the the further processing of materials and the intelligent recognition search technology, and forms the series of thematic databases. There are two major tasks for the future development of the digital resource library of Chinese characters: the development of international standards for ancient character sets, and the further processing and sorting of ancient character materials for the intelligent research of ancient characters.
        2021.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        이 연구에서는 철근콘크리트 고층건물의 사례연구를 통해 성능기반 내풍설계를 수행하였고 그 적용성을 평가하였다. 초기 설계 시 비탄성 거동 도입을 위해 공진성분을 절반으로 줄여 설계하고, 이에 대한 비탄성 성능을 검증하였다. 비탄성 해석을 위한 해석 모델링 방법을 제시하고, 잦은 설계 변경에서도 적용할 수 있도록 시간이력 풍하중은 설계기준에서 제시하는 파워스펙트럼밀도 함수로부터 재생하였다. 이 때 비선형 해석을 위한 시간이력 하중 재생 시 고려해야 할 사항들을 함께 제시하였다. 해석 결과 공진성분을 줄여 설계했음에도 비탄성 거동은 수평부재에서만 발생하였고, 소성회전각은 즉시거주 성능 수준을 충족하였다.
        2021.02 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study considered the rite of passage ceremonial food in the Mid-Choseon Period through the rite of passage ceremonies, food, and ingredients recorded in the Seoul Noble Ohhweemun Family Diary Shaemirok. The research used a contents analysis method through case studies. The noble families in the Mid-Choseon Period deemed the Jerye to be the most significant out of the traditional ceremonies. The nobles practiced the Sadehbongsah and the Yoonhweebongsah ceremonies for their ancestors. The Rite of passage ceremony required fruit. Of fish and birds, pheasants were used frequently during the ceremonies. Noble families, specifically the richer families, could sustainably normalize the rite of passage ceremonies against the elements. Seasonal ingredients were generally harvested even during spring and winter in large amounts. One of the last rites of passage food by Garye displayed diverse ingredients, such as Bangaeng, Myun, Tang, Uhyookjuk, Poe, Chae, Hae, and Silgwa. Such ingredients prove that the normalization of rite of passage ceremony food was well established and practiced. On the other hand, the birthday rite of passage food did not conform to a specific rite of passage normalcy or preparation. Instead, the birthday food showed a flexible menu of seasonal delicacies that were not confined to a particular traditional formula.
        2021.02 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        1950년대에 종합적 유해생물관리(IPM)의 개념이 발달하기 시작하여 1960년대에는 경제학적 개념이 해충방제에 포함되기 시작하였다. 1970년대부터 미국과 유럽을 중심으로 종합방제와 관련된 연구가 진행되었다. 우리나라 병해충 종합방제에 관한 연구는 1970년대 감귤해충에 대한 종합방제연구와 통일계 품종의 보급에 따른 수도해충종합방제연구에서 시작되었다. 우리나라 사과 병해충종합관리 연구는 1980년대 화학 농약을 이용한 방제 및 약제 저항성 연구, 해충 및 천적생태에 대한 연구, 성페로몬에 대한 연구를 시작으로 진행되었다. 1990년대부터는 농가보급을 위한 IPM 연구사업과 현장실증사업이 병행되었다. 2000년대에는 교미교란제를 중심으로 한 해충예찰과 발생모형 개발, 해충에 대한 DB 프로그램 및 정보공유를 위한 네트워크가 구축되었다. 2010년대는 무인예찰 및 자동화기술 개발을 통해 IPM 기술이 확장되고 있다.
        2020.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Background: Previous robot-mediated gait training has been proven several limitations such as pointless repeated motion training, decreased presence, etc. In this research, adult stroke patients were participated in robot-mediated gait training accompanied with or without virtual reality program. Objectives: Exploring whether the results indicated virtual reality system has contribution to muscle strength and balance ability. Design: A case series research, cross-over trial. Methods: Eleven participants (male 4, female 7) with adults diagnosed as stroke from medical doctor ware engaged. The participants received 2 treatment sessions of identical duration, robot-assisted gait training with virtual reality and robot-assisted gait training with screen-off randomly crossed over include 1-day for each person of wash-out period. The parameter was muscle activity, the researchers assessed sEMG (surface electromyography). Results: The result showed less muscle activities during training in robotassisted gait training with virtual reality circumstances, and these indicated muscles were gluteus medius muscle, vastus medialis muscle, vastus intermedius and vastus lateralis muscle, semimembranosus muscle, gastrocnemius- lateral head, and soleus muscle (P<.05). Conclusion: In this study, we analyzed the outcome of muscle activity for clinical inference of robot-assisted gait training with virtual reality (VR). Less muscle activity was measured in the treatment accompanied by VR, therefore, a more systematic, in-depth and well-founded level of follow-up research is needed.
        2019.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        급속한 경제발전은 많은 국가에게 여러 가지 시사점을 주고 있다. 특히, 경제발 전 초기에 KIST설립을 통해 산업발전의 초석을 쌓은 일은 한국 산업발전의 성공요인 중 하나라고 알려져 있다. 그동안 KIST사례에 대한 여러 연구가 있었지만 기술경영 관점에서 KIST의 성공요인을 이론적인 분석틀 안에서 체계적으로 사례연구를 진행한 사례는 많지 않다. 본 연구에서는 역동적 역량과 혁신시스템 이론을 기반으로 KIST사례에 대한 정책적 요인을 분석해보고자 한다. 특히, 산업정책, 과학기술정책, 인력정책을 토대로 KIST의 기술적 역량과 혁신시스템 내 조직적 역량을 통해 산업발전을 이룬 성공요인에 대해 심층적인 사례 분석을 실시하도록 한다. 본 연구를 통해 개발도상국의 과학기술정책과 산업발전에 대해 정책적 시사점을 줄 수 있을 것으로 기대된다.
        2018.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The objective of this study is to identify the research trend in the field of indoor environment in Korea. We collected 419 papers published in the Journal of the Korean Society for indoor environment between 2004 and 2018, and attempted to produce datasets using a topic modeling technique, Latent Dirichlet Allocation(LDA). The result of topic modeling showed that 8 topics (“VOCs investigation”, “Subway environment”, “Building thermal environment”, “School health”, “Building particulate matter”, “Asbestos risk”, “Radon risk”, “Air cleaner and treatment”) could be extracted using Gibbs sampling method. In terms of topic trends, investigation of volatile organic compounds, subway environment, school health, and building particulate matter showed a decreasing tendency, while the building thermal environment, asbestos risk, radon risk, air cleaners, and air treatment showed an increasing tendency. The results of this topic modeling could help us to understand current trends related indoor environment, and provide valuable information in developing future research and policy frameworks.
        2017.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Due to dramatic changes in the trend of corporate management in economics, labor and government, companies are being asked to adapt creative and innovative organizational culture in order to keep sustainability. Under the circumstances, flexible working hour becomes one of very effective method for organization culture improvement. Recently, M company has introduced the new policy of working hours that employees can choose a couple of different time options depending on their personal situations. And it turns out to be very effective to work & life balance, increasing organizational vitality, improving efficiency of business and productivity, recruitment of core human resources, and prevention of deviation; both team and personal performance levels has significantly improved. Therefore, it is highly recommended to adapt flexible working policies for companies seeking for a long term, sustainable corporate vision.
        2017.08 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The article indicates that usually there exists no correspondence between the term and its conception illustrated by the case of loangraph and its related term orthograph. Different conceptions of contemporary Loangraph, namely, “diachronic usage relation”, “relation of form and meaning”, “prevailing usage in an era”, have inherited some views produced in the academic history, which includes Xu Shen’s loangraph of “benwuqizi”, Wang Yun’s “shengjie”, Duan Yucai’s “three changes” of loangraph, and Zhu Junsheng’s “three sources” of loangraph. By listing examples of misunderstanding and obscure caused by the different comprehension of the loangraph term, the article analyzes its objective linguistic foundation, stating that in the use of the term, the same conceptual meaning of the term should be taken as the criterion, otherwise it will constitute exchange barriers and cause unnecessary contradictions and arguments.
        2017.07 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This contribution focuses on fitting between heuristic rules and the task environment in business to business market. The subject is about evidence-based business decision-making process in the business actors‟ perspective. The empirical setting of fashion business to business markets is considered, focusing on adaptive behavior situated in the interaction processes in customer-supplier relationships emerging from empirical researches. The paper considers two key aspects of the process: (1) the origin and diffusion of the heuristic rules adopted by the actors (adoption) and (2) the fields in which the rules can be used (scope) are discussed. The central research questions are: How heuristics are adopted and diffused in the fashion business to business environment (adoption)? How wide is the context in which the heuristic rule is applied by the actors (scope)? Fashion business to business markets is our setting of analysis. First of all we have to define what are heuristics. Studies of decision-making processes generally divide them into two, mutually exclusive types: rational decision making versus rule-based decision making (March 1994). In the case of rational decision making the approach is to evaluate the consequences of any decision in terms of either pure (maximizing) or limited rationality (satisficing). In rational decision making, consequential choices are adopted, hence an evaluation of preferences and expectations is necessary and decisive to the final outcome. Instead, in rule-based decision making, what counts most is following the rules, the aim being to satisfy and/or define an identity. In rule-based decision making, rules deemed appropriate are adopted, and what then counts are the rules and the identity, which form the basis for taking well-thought-out actions. Rationality requires less „specific‟ knowledge, since it relies on abstract rules. In this approach, following the rules may instead involve understanding them in relation to the specific context in which they are to be applied. The relations between heuristics and interaction in business networks provide a means to study other aspects of the evolution of the relationship between enterprise and business market environment (Artinger et al. 2015; Guercini et al. 2014, 2015). In fact, the network of relationships the actors adopt images of the relationships to be cultivated with the precise aim of formulating an effective representation of the market, enable other phenomena to be examined, not so much in their qualitative aspects, but rather as regards their importance as perceived by business decision-makers. In light of these relations between heuristics and setting, the essential properties of heuristics that we propose to examine herein are: (1) specificity, intended as the field of application and setting in which any heuristic rule is generated and routinely applied; (2) convergence, which concerns how widespread, at least in appearance, any given heuristic rule is amongst actors in a given market setting (Guercini 2012). In other terms, the heuristics of entrepreneurial marketing can be considered specific to this particular setting, in that they concern the degrees to which such rules are generated, are successful, and are confined to the specific setting or context. Looking more closely at the two above-mentioned properties, specificity is high when, for instance, a heuristic refers to a specific, circumscribed matter (for example assessing the opportune moment to purchase certain semi-finished goods) and finds no application in any other setting. Conversely, a rule‟s degree of specificity is low when its field of application is broad: a rule may, since its inception, be applicable to many different fields, or it may be initially applicable only to a limited range of decisions, but subsequently find fruitful application in other, broader matters (Guercini et al. 2014). The degree of convergence instead regards the frequency with which a given heuristic rule is adopted within a population, a community or, in our case, by entrepreneurs. Such adoption may only be apparent, in the sense that what seems to be a single rule may actually represent various, subtly different rules for each individual, given the supremely personal, individual nature of fine mental processes. Evaluating the degree of convergence of a given heuristic within a population obviously involves measuring its dissemination in terms that are recognized as such by the researcher. Convergence is high for rules adopted by everyone, or at least by a large segment of the population in question. Other heuristic rules are instead developed by individuals in forming their personal judgments and seem to be unique to such individuals, in that they do not arise in others. This implies that heuristic rules may be the source of a relative advantage for the entrepreneur, in so far as the heuristic in question proves itself successful, that is, an element that determines a good choice when other methods are ineffective or may even produce negative effects. Specificity and convergence are thus general properties of the heuristics adopted by entrepreneurial marketers, and are strongly tied to the interpersonal relationships and consequent interactions within business decision-makers‟ personal contact networks (Guercini et al. 2015). Heuristic procedures are easily detectable in the descriptions of enterprise top management of the processes they utilize in assessing possibilities and forming judgments. Some of these procedures are highly abstract and applicable to various different settings, for instance, regarding problems typically facing firms as well as purchase decision-makers. In the following we shall briefly present some of the heuristics encountered in our research; a more detailed description and more rigorous modeling of their characteristics will be addressed in future work. Let us consider now a fashion business to business settings, and more precisely the situation in which the decision-maker of a fashion firm is tasked with formulating a judgment regarding the best choice of colors to keep up with the fashion trends of coming seasons. From interviews with representatives of styling divisions, what repeatedly emerged was their conviction that “strong” colors periodically and forcefully come back in fashion. Some even went so far as to specify the duration of this cycle: seven years – that is, the same as the number of strong colors –, which also turns out to be coherent with long-standing observations on the limits of human cognitive function (Miller 1956). No clearly defined explanation was offered of the reasons for, or origins of, this rule, although some hypotheses were advanced: simply that a sort of “law” was first noticed and then became consolidated as its predictions were repeatedly verified over time. A second example is that of the textile firm entrepreneurial marketer called on to provide a forecast of the fabrics that will be most widely utilized in the market over the next few seasons. From the marketer‟s perspective, the price of natural fibers is one element on which to base any judgment regarding future fabric usage trends. Clearly, there are technical time constraints on the purchasing of fibers for spinning, which must naturally precede the sale of the fabric, and may even take place already in the stage of drafting the fabric sample book. Thus, a specific assessment rule is applied: those fibers whose price increases during certain periods of the year are deemed to be those that will be in most widespread use the following season. However, for some years now this rule has begun to seem less reliable than in the past. Workers in the sector speak of greater complexity in the wool market, where supply factors, such as international manufacturers‟ policy of stepping up fiber tops production, have had the effect of upsetting traditional market dynamics. The heuristic rules in these examples can be regarded in the perspective of the attributes they present, in particular, their “specificity” (or field of application) and their “convergence” (or degree of dissemination). A rule that is highly specific to a certain application setting looses much of its value when applied to judgments other than the one for which it has been developed. On the other hand, a rule that is in widespread use in many firms can hardly become a distinctive resource for entrepreneurial marketers. The widespread dissemination of a given heuristic rule amongst the rules “in stock” or the “adaptive toolbox” of firms may influence its effectiveness. Indeed, the fact that a rule is shared by many may justify its adoption in light of the validity that the decision-makers seem to attribute it, even if it is less probable that its use impart a distinctive competitive advantage. The examples of heuristic processes presented in the foregoing seem to enjoy different degrees of specificity and convergence. The association of certain heuristics to specific settings takes on the significance attributed to them by Simon (1979), as rules bound by the task environment and not clearly referable to relatively abstract mechanisms or endowed with autonomy. Mechanisms applicable to less specific settings are instead referable to the heuristics described by Tversky and Kahneman (1974), including representativeness, availability and adjustment/anchoring, identified in relation to the possible distortions and errors associated to them. The heuristics modeled by “building blocks” by Gigerenzer et al. are seemingly cannot be captured by a few categories, given the variety of formal models identified. Briefly, these include (1) recognition heuristic; (2) fluency heuristic; (3) take-the-best; (4) tallying; (5) satisficing; (6) 1/N equality heuristic; (7) default heuristic; (8) tit-for-tat; (9) imitate the majority; (10) imitate the successful; (11) hiatus heuristic; (12) fast and frugal trees; (13) mapping models; (14) averaging the judgment; (15) social circle; (16) moral behavior (Gigerenzer and Gaissmaier 2011, Gigerenzer and Brighton 2009). In the approach proposed by Gigerenzer and his “adaptive behavior and cognition program”, formal models are necessary to evaluate the real contribution of heuristics to cognition, decision-making and behavior. For details, refer to the publications of the adaptive-behavior-and-cognition program (Gigerenzer 2007; Todd and Gigerenzer 2012). Rule-based decision making implies the availability of rules to follow and consistency with an established identity as the driving factors in the decisionmaking process. If the rules satisfy an ecological rationality approach, are such rules then the result of a process of rules selection with which the decision makers are endowed innately or they are formed through a process of learning? And, if the latter is true, what are the characteristics of the decision-making process during the stage that the rules formation schemes are more open? And lastly, when the rules have already been defined, are they necessarily stable or can they be questioned and, if so, in what terms? These research questions are part of the future research stimulated by this first exploration based on case study research.
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