
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 22

        2024.04 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study conducts an detailed examination of James S. Gale’s translation methodology applied to 104 titles from Yi Kyoo-bo (1168~1241)’s Dongguk Yi Sangguk Jip (Collection of Works by Yi Kyoo-bo, the Minister of the Eastern Country, 東國李相國集). Despite the non-realization of Gale’s publication aspirations, this marks early and pivotal efforts to acquaint English-speaking readers with Yi Kyoo-bo’s prose and poetry, thus promoting the global recognition of Korean literary heritage. A comparative analysis of the original Chinese titles against their English renditions allows this paper to categorize the translations into five distinct methodologies: omission, condensation, literal translation, creative translation, and expansion. The findings reveal Gale’s inclination towards crafting succinct titles, frequently at the expense of excluding details that might elucidate the original texts’ contexts. This approach remains consistent across his translations of works by another eminent Korean author, Choi Chi-won. Contrarily, Kevin O’Rourke, a contemporary translator of Yi Kyoo-bo’s compositions, adopts a notably divergent strategy, favoring titles that adhere more closely to literal translation. Gale’s translation philosophy not only sought to transmit the essential messages encapsulated within the original texts but also endeavored to situate them within the ambit of Western literary conventions. This aspect underscores Gale’s instrumental role in the transcultural dissemination of Korean literature.
        2024.04 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The Buddhist doctrinal texts from Dunhuang provide a genuine record of the debates among Buddhists in the Dunhuang region during the late Tang, Five Dynasties, and early Song periods. These texts document how Buddhists in Dunhuang engaged in debates using the question-and-answer format to explain concepts related to Buddhist numerical symbolism. There are 102 extant Buddhist doctrinal texts from Dunhuang, of which the academic community has fully or partially edited and collated 35 scrolls. However, due to the complexity of their content, the use of many variant characters, and common issues such as missing text and blurred writing, there are still some aspects deserving of discussion in the previous schola rs’ revisions. This article attempts to supplement the work of previous sages from the following aspects: 1. Corrections of unclear familiar characters; 2. Corrections of unclear ambiguous terminology; 3. Corrections of undefined borrowed characters; 4. Corrections of unclear allusions; 5. Corrections of dim literary writing styles; and 6. Corrections of blurred original scrolls.
        2023.12 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        According to traditional philological materials such as Shuowen Jiezi and oracle bone inscriptions, the original meaning of the character 得 is “get”. This article takes the Book of Mencius as closed materials, exhaustively categorizing all entries of 得 in Mencius, totaling 114 examples. Then we analyze semantic content and grammatical features references to the four commentaries from Zhao Qi , Sun Shi, Zhu Xi, Jiao Xun. We find that all examples of 得 are used as verbs, but there are 12 examples where it is used as a delexical verb, exemplifies the gradual trend of semantic attenuation of 得. After conducting linguistic analysis of the character 得, we explore its manifestation of the philosophical ideas in Mencius, including aspects of personal cultivation, interpersonal relationships, and governance wisdom. Through the interaction of language and cultural analysis, we further deepen our study of the language theory and ancient classics culture.
        2021.04 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Artificial intelligence, has been applied in interpreting osteoporosis on dental panoramic radiograph with high accuracy. The purpose of this study was to investigate the sensitive area of convolutional neural network(CNN), one of artificial intelligence, in interpreting osteoporosis on dental panoramic radiograph. Dental panoramic radiographs taken from 1,170 female (49.19 ±21.91 average age, 21 minimum age, and 84 maximum age) were selected for this study. Two oral maxillofacial radiologists agreed upon interpreting osteoporosis by interpreting mandibular inferior cortical changes. The region of interest included upper and lower jaws for training and testing CNN in interpreting osteoporosis. A filter which was set to look for image characteristics moved through the entire panoramic radiography to identify sensitive areas that distinguish normal groups and osteoporosis patients. In interpreting osteoporosis on panoramic radiograph, CNN responded sensitively at the cancellous bone of the upper and lower jaws while oral maxillofacial radiologists interpreted mandibular inferior cortical change.
        2019.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        So far, the academic community has not reached a consensus on the naming and categorization of the creation of Chinese writers. It has generally been carried out around “World Chinese Literature”, “Sinophone Literature” and “Ethnic Chinese Literature”. This is because of the different academic positions of scholars and the different emphasis of the issue. This also reflects the importance of the creation of Ethnic Chinese writers and the significance of the study of Chinese writers. When dealing with the historical resources of revolution, their themes always cannot judge the right and wrong of history, and the entanglement of real life. The writing of suffering is basically centered around these themes. This explains to some extent the dilemma facing Chinese contemporary literature. Whether Chinese contemporary literature can get rid of this predicament. This study takes Chinese writer Li Yan's Chinese version of “Daughters of the Red Land” as the research object. Through textual perusal and psychoanalysis, cultural analysis and other methodologies, this paper analyzes the ideological level of the novel and analyzes how Li Yan reflects on the history of the country as a life. Many years of intellectuals in North America, she has thoughts about Western culture. Li Yan’s double reflection is full of criticism, deconstruction and reconstruction consciousness, and analyzes the meaning of this consciousness.
        2019.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        본 연구는 투사적 그림분석을 통해 이중섭 미술작품의 의미를 분석하고 이해하는 데 목적이 있다. 이중섭은 한국의 현대미술을 대표하는 작가 중 한 사람으로 일제강점기, 해방혼란기, 그리고 한국전쟁 등 비극적인 현대사에서 정치적 격동의 중심에 있었다. 그는 외적 고통과 심리적 갈등을 겪으면서도 일관되게 따뜻한 가족애와 소망을 담고 있는 소, 어린이, 물고기, 게 등 일상에서 볼 수 있는 친근한 소재를 그렸다. 이중섭 작품의 특징은 갈등적 상황을 회피하려는 특성인 방어나 저항이 나타나지 않고 자신의 무의식적 소망, 욕구의 심리를 잘 반영한다는 것이다. 이중섭 미술작품의 의미 해석을 위한 연구방법은 투사적 그림분석을 사용하였고, 작가의 심리적 역동이 잘 반영된 인물화를 중심으로 분석하였다. 작품의 선정은 유일하게 그려진 자화상과 많은 작품이 남겨진 아동화 중 공통적 특징을 가지고 있는 것을 선별하여 분석하였다. 연구를 통해 이중섭 미술작품에 나타난 의미의 핵심은 다음과 같다. 첫째, 보상적 애착욕구. 둘째, 퇴행. 셋째, 승화이다. 미술감상은 미적체험, 의미발견, 전이 및 자기이해 등 치료적 요인을 갖고 있으며 심리치료에 폭넓게 적용되고 있다. 이중섭 작품의 의미를 이해하고 심리치료의 관점에서 미술감상이나 미술심리치료 프로그램에 폭넓게 활용될 수 있기를 기대한다.
        2016.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study aimed to explore and interpret the sense of place in Insa-dong a traditional street designated as a cultural district in Seoul through the thoughts and opinions of insiders who actually experience it. The study also aimed to identify a plan for the development and preservation of Insa-dong. Insa-dong was found to have the characteristic of an “unconscious sense of place,” which had formed naturally over time. This characteristic applies to most physical, social, cultural, and experiential elements that make up Insa-dong. It developed as a place of tradition and arts culture, and thus Insa-dong has continued to be a representative place of traditional and Korean culture until the present. While a uniform modern consumer culture is emerging as a result of the integrated designs and socioeconomic changes brought about by urban capitalism, these changes arguably fall within such a range that Insa-dong’s unique, unconscious sense of place is not greatly damaged. Accordingly, Insa-dong as a unique, attractive place where the new cultural characteristic of “modernity” blends appropriately with “traditionality” can be understood as a representative place that expresses Korea’s past and present life. This study is significant because it examined Insa-dong’s sense of place by moving away from expert perspectives and focusing on interviews with insiders. Based on the results, the study developed a plan for the preservation and formation of Insa-dong’s sense of place. Though this study’s results can suggest basic directions and processes for interpreting sense of place, they are limited in terms of suggesting specific planning and design elements. Therefore, a limitation exists in terms of drawing practical implications. Follow-up studies using this study’s suggestions for preserving and improving Insa-dong’s sense of place can formulate more concrete strategies.
        2015.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        미국 내부자거래 규제에서 전통적이론 하의 책임은 내부자가 회사의 주주에게 부담하는 신임의무에 위반한 경우에 부담하게 되기 때문에 회 사 외부자는 책임을 부담할 필요가 없었다. 그러나 그 후에 채택된 부정 유용이론은 정보원(정보의 원천)에게 부담하는 의무의 위반으로 증권거 래 목적을 위하여 기밀정보를 유용하는 자에 대하여 내부자거래 위반의 책임을 부과한다. SEC v. Rocklage (1st Cir. 2006) 사건은 회사 최고임원의 부인이 남편 회사에 관한 중요한 미공개정보를 자신의 형제에게 전달하고, 그 형제가 또 자신의 친구에게 전달하고, 증권을 거래한 것에 대하여 SEC 가 부정유용이론에 바탕을 둔 내부자거래제재 소송을 한 사건이다. 피고는 증권거래를 하거나 정보를 전달하기 이전에 정보원에게 이것을 완전히 통지 내지 공개를 하였으므로 그 거래에 관하여 모든 기만행위가 제거되어서 내부자거래규제 위반이 아니라고 항변하였다. 피고들은 만약 수임인이 정보원에게 당해 미공개정보를 바탕으로 증권거래를 할 계획이 라는 사실을 알리거나 공개하였다면 그 거래에는 기만적 수단이 없다고 할 수 있으므로 증권거래법에 위배되지 아니한다고 하는 유명한 O Hagan 사건 판결의견을 근거로 하였다. 한편 원고 SEC는 O Hagan 판결문에 있는 공개라는 것은 수임인의 본 인에게 유용한 공개만을 의미한다고 주장하며 피고의 주장에 동의하지 아니하였다. 그 근거로서 SEC는 그 공개는 정보원이 거래에 대하여 구 제대책을 세울 수 있도록 해준다는 것을 의미하는 것으로 해석될 수 있 는 O Hagan 사건 판결문 각주를 인용하였다. 제1항소법원은 원고・피고 양측의 주장 모두를 거부하고 다음과 같은 의견을 내놓았다. O Hagan 사건은 이 사건과 다르게 정보의 기만적인 취득을 포함한 사건이 아니었다. O Hagan 판결에 있는 그 공개라는 문 언은 합법적으로 취득된 정보로써 거래 혹은 정보전달을 할 의도가 수임 인의 본인에게 공개가 있게 되면 면책된다는 것으로 해석될 수 있다. 그 러나 기만적인 정보취득 후에 이어진 기만적인 정보전달이나 거래를 한 사건은 다르다. 기만적으로 취득한 정보를 사용하면서 정보전달 의도의 공개는 당초의 기만을 반드시 제거시킨다고 추정하는 것은 이치에 맞지 아니한다. 따라서 피고들의 행위는 사기로 인정된다고 하였다. 제1항소법원의 판결로 인하여 일부 탈법적인 내부자거래가 규제의 범 위 내로 포함되고, 더욱 규제범위가 명확해지는 효과가 생기게 되었다.
        2014.11 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The scope of the maintenance of international peace and security has been increasingly widened by the United Nations Security Council in response to actions taken not only by the Member States but also in some cases by the individuals. In fact, a range of actions and decisions were taken by the Security Council, approximately in the late 1990s and after the so-called 9/11 attacks in the context of combating terrorism, as well as in other contexts against the member States. In consequence, the affected States and individuals had to seek redress from international or national courts on different grounds such as violations of human rights. This has led the domestic courts to develop novel jurisprudence. Thus, it is necessary to pay due attention to the jurisprudence created by these courts. This paper is devoted to analysis an interpretation by the High Court of Singapore in relation to sanctions resolutions of the Security Council against Iran.
        2013.08 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        이 논문은 출처와 장르, 시대와 정서에 있어 상호 유사성이 희박한 『베오울프』, 『거나의 딸』, 『장미의 이름』이란 세 개의 독특한 문학작품 속에 나타나는 기독교적 요소를 도출하여 중세기독교의 모습을 그리려는 시도이다. 비록 유사성은 희박하지만 이 세 작품은 이교도의 시대에서 기독교의 시대로 넘어가는 과도기적인 형태로부터 서양의 종교로 자리매김하여 완성된 형태에 이르는 다양한 중세기독교의 모습을 보여준다. 중세 초기가 게르만 문화에 깊이 뿌리를 둔 영웅 중심의 이교도 사상의 잔재를 드러낸다면, 시대가 흐르면서 중세는 신학적, 교리적 정통성을 고수하기 위하여 끊임없는 논쟁에 휩싸이는 기독교 중심의 철저한 종교적 시대로 변해간다. 이런 중세기독교의 특징은 이들 세 작품 속에 독특한 방식으로 나타나면서, 그 시대를 살아가는 전사, 여성, 혹은 수도사의 삶이 기독교 신앙에 의해 어느 정도의 영향을 받는지를 독자들에게 보여준다. 이 논문은 고대영어로 쓰여진 남성 중심의 서사시 『베오울프』를 대표적 중세작품으로 놓고, 14세기 노르웨이와 아이슬란드를 배경으로 전개되는 현대 역사소설 『거나의 딸』을 페미니즘의 시각에서 비교 분석하여 문학에 나타나는 이교도와 기독교 사상의 혼합을 증명한다. 한편, 14세기 이탈리아의 수도원을 배경으로 벌어지는 역사추리소설 『장미의 이름』은 중세기독교 세계에서 진리란 과연 무엇인가라는 질문에 대한 답변으로 제시된다. 그러나 이 작품에서 작가가 추구하는 진리는 마지막 장면이 암시하듯, 불에 타다 남은 조각처럼 의미 없는 잿더미에 불과하다. 이 소설에서 진리란 인간이 감히 도달할 수 없는 하나님의 무한한 전능함이 만들어내는 유희임이 드러나기 때문이다. 이 논문은 이런 중세적 특징들로 점철된 당시를 대표하는 오리지널 작품과 그것을 모방한 현대 문학이 어떻게 우리에게 중세기독교의 세계를 보여주고 있는지를 분석한다.
        2013.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The study mainly discusses appreciation of interactive art works seen from the perspective of play attributes that make spectators glimpse the truth of things. The general studies of interactivity, as one of remarkable features in contemporary art, are regarding the relation between the effects of digital media and interactivity as well as video games. From the preceding discussion, I analyze the effects of the appreciating interactive art works which are focused on new sensory systems, the methods to intuit the essence of the art works. Based on the concept, as I investigate the play attributes found in the interactive art works, this study gives attention to the possibility that if the spectators can reach the inherent aspects of interactive art works, while interacting them. Thus to discuss the properties of the play, this article studies play concept of Johan Huizinga(1872-1945), psychologist and anthropologist and play theory of Hans Georg Gadamer(1900-2002) who considers play as a metaphor for art. As Huizinga thinks acting is the important attribute of play, Gadamer argues whenever the term 'play' is used, we should think about 'to-and tro movement' and the movement is absence of goal as well as endlessly renews through repetition. Then what we should pay attention to, seeing the essence of art and play as similar? That is, Gadamer claims, we can understand the truth of things through the play. To apply the play concept to the interactive art works, I research the works of Maurice Benayoun(1957 - ), French interactive artist. By employing interactivity, he attempts to extend and affect the experience of his art works to one of social phenomenon. Striving this, spectators can widen and deepen the breadth of their intuition and recognize the essence of art works. It is the interactive art works that can be the apex of the transformation of structure from the play to the art. The endless repetitive process of play, which is free creation-annihilation process, is similar with the interactive experience of spectators that is variable, de-centered, and multi-sensory. The pure action of the play lets us recognize, sense and accept the world and through the system of interactive art experience, we can expand the horizons of perception. Interactive art works with these play attributes are capable of playing the role that the spectators glimpse the truth of things and experience the world around them.
        2011.05 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The ECFA was signed by Taiwan and Mainland China on June 29, 2010. It is Taiwan’s new overall national economic policy calling for rapproachment with Mainland China. A primary purpose of this Agreement is to establish a quasi national cross-strait common market within the framework of the WTO as well as to design the legal framework of bilateral economic cooperation. It is a course for the Chinese common market as the final economic integration. By its nature the current ECFA lies somewhat between a free trade agreement and a bilateral trade agreement within the framework of the WTO in the sector of trade in goods. Two parties have agreed on a new model of preferential treatment for goods exported from Taiwan to Mainland China. An agreed Early Harvest for Trade in Goods list is favourable for Taiwan, while an Early Harvest for Trade in Services list is balanced one for both parties. Other principles formulated by the ECFA are related to intellectual property rights and mutual investment. The success and failure of the ECFA will depend largely on the future cross-strait political atmosphere.
        2011.04 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        2008.10 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        본 연구의 목적은 7학년 "해수의 성분과 운동" 단원에서 MBL 실험 수업이 학생들의 과학탐구능력과 그래프 작성 및 해석능력에 미치는 효과를 알아본 연구로 그 결과는 다음과 같다. 첫째, 6차시에 걸쳐 MBL 수업을 실시하고 사후 t-검정을 통해 학생들의 과학탐구능력에 미치는 영향에 대해 분석하였다. 그 결과 실험집단과 통제집단 간 과학탐구 능력 결과에서 유의미한 차이가 나타나 MBL 수업이 학생들의 과학탐구능력 향상에 더 효과적임을 알 수 있었다. 둘째, 사후 t-검정을 통해 학생들의 그래프 작성 및 해석능력에 미치는 영향에 대해 분석하였다. 그 결과 실험집단과 통제집단 간에 그래프 작성능력에서는 유의미한 차이를 보이지 않았으나, 그래프 해석능력에서는 두 집단 간 유의미한 차이를 나타내고 있어 MBL을 활용한 수업이 학생들의 그래프 해석능력의 향상에 더 효과적임을 알 수 있었다.
        2008.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Education usually begins with setting a suitable goal. The education of interpreters/translators is no exception here. As the profession of interpreting/translation is based on practical business, the training of interpreters/translators is to be influenced by diverse business-related variables, including supply and demand of interpreters/translators. We should therefore take these variables into consideration when we set a goal for interpreter/translator education. Interpreting/translation education in Korea has been till now an elite training at the graduate level, With the diversification of interpreting/translation modes and languages, however, we need an increasing number of interpreters/translators with various focuses (court interpreting, document translators etc.). That is why interpreting/translation education at the undergraduate level is inevitable. We start this paper with analysis of the current situation of the Korean interpreting/translation market, utilizing statistical data. Then, general goal and principles of interpreter/translator education which are derived from the analysis are presented. Setting a goal, the bond with the social and educational demand should be taken into consideration. Again from these principles and previous researches, we suggest a curriculum and pedagogic methodology for future interpreter/ translator education, with an example of Korean-German department. We put a focus on Interpreting/translation practice as well as acquisition of language, linguistic, translational theories and general knowledge.
        2004.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study treats the distinction between the prisoners' rights and mere priviliges. In other words, the purpose of this study is to indicate the prisoners' fundamental rights and difficulty of interpreting the law about prisoners' rights and to show the complex environment in which corrections exist. This study discusses many topics and problems treated by many countries' laws and rulings, pertinent to prisoners' rights and those limit, especially in the light of history of in the United States. Because throughout the history of corrections of that country, prisoners' have had comparatively few rights. Maybe the court's reluctance to interfere with prison management stemmed from the belief that such intrusions would only make the administration of correctional facilities more difficult to correct effectively (so to speak hands-off doctrine). Discussing the Inmate rights are frequently seen by the public as unnecessary expenses and luxries. Reflecting this kind attitude, for a long time the special penal-servitude relation theory had affected the theory and judiciary of western world, in the continental as well as in the anglo-american legal system. Today none upholds this old pattern theory, instead every citizen, including prisoners, has the catalog of inalienable rights. Consequently every government can restrict those rights reasonably related to interfere with legitimate penological interest, or legitimate penological objectives of the prison environment.
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