This study was conducted to determine the efficiency of the distribution process of the abalone industry, that is, whether there is market dominance. In addition, it was intended to find out whether there is an asymmetric price transfer phenomenon between the distribution stage of the abalone industry. The results of this study are summarized as follows. First, the asymmetric price transition effect on the abalone price between producer and wholesale market was found to be positive. It means that the distribution structure is incomplete between the producer and the wholesale market and the abalone market is operating inefficiently. Second, as a result of estimating the market power between the producer and the wholesale market, the market power coefficient between the producer and the Hanam wholesale market, and the producer and the Incheon wholesale market were 0.0618 and 0.0735. Summarizing the analysis results, the abalone market has an asymmetric price transition between producer and wholesale markets, but the market dominance coefficient is relatively low. These results suggest that the asymmetry of price transition is mainly caused by market dominance, but can also be caused by other factors such as information asymmetry. In the future, in addition to the market dominance of the abalone market, it is judged that research on factors related to the asymmetry of price transition is necessary.
The information products dramatically reduce the production costs of vertically differentiated products. Information products are also more likely to be affected by network externalities. Thus the proliferation of digital products is increasing the interests in network externality and vertical product differentiation. In step with this trend, the impact of network externalities on price competition in vertically differentiated markets has been continuously studied. Existing studies related to this topic have assumed that network externalities increase consumers' willingness to pay per unit quality. The results show that higher quality products are affected more by network externality. However, network externality is essentially a concept affected by the size of the consumer, not a concept associated with quality. In this work, unlike previous studies, we present a new market model that reflects the essential definition of network externality. Based on the proposed market model, we derive both simultaneous and sequential Nash equilibria and analyze them numerically. The main results obtained from the analysis can be summarized as follows. First, network externalities primarily increase the demand for low-quality products and have a secondary impact on the demand for high-quality products. Second, the larger the quality difference between products, the more profitable they are. It also has been shown that sequential pricing methods are more advantageous in terms of revenue than simultaneous pricing method.
2016년 중국으로 우리나라의 6개 RPC에서 쌀 수출을 개시 하면서 얻어진 우리쌀의 품질대비 가격경쟁력의 우수성과 수출 초기에 발생하였던 문제점 등의 해결 사례는 다음과 같다. 중국내 수입하여 유통중인 중단립종의 가격경쟁력은 일본산과 대만산이 우리 수출쌀에 비해서 2~3배 가격이 높게 유통 되고 있어 우리쌀의 품질관리 여부에 따라 수출가능성은 매우 높다고 할 수 있다.
쌀의 백도는 우리나라 수출쌀이 35내외로 낮은 편이나, 중국의 흑룡강성 최고급쌀인 우창쌀의 백도는 40이상으로 높은 편이다. 배아잔존율은 우리나라 수출쌀이 24% 정도이고 중국의 흑룡강성 최고급쌀인 우창쌀은 5%내외이다. 백도는 40이 상으로, 배아잔존율은 하계 3%이하, 동계 5%이하로 가공하였을 때 중국의 소비자 선호도가 증가 할것으로 사료된다.
진공포장이 풀리는 것을 방지하기 위해서는 쌀 사이에 충진재를 넣거나, 포장시 2중접착을 하거나, 열 접착시에 시간을 1~1.5초, 온도를 130~150oC, 진공압력을 270~300 mmHg로 하고, 이동시 편리성을 도모하기 위해 포장지 상부에 손잡이를 만드는 것도 중요하다.
훈증소독은 메틸브로마이드 보다는 인화수소를 이용하는 것과 중국 남방지역으로의 하계 수출시에는 고온 다습한 것을 감안하여 수분함량을 13%내외로 조절하는 것을 추천한다.
Today, consumers are becoming more sensitive to price since price have been an essential motivation for them to choose the electronic retail venue. Recently, it is recognized that social commerce, with higher rate of daily active users, is ahead of traditional electronic mobile commerce in Korea. One of strengths in social commerce is attractive price deals for fashion brands, which positively lead to purchase probabilities. Therefore, fashion retailers should understand consumers’ price perception and their responses toward sales promotions on the social commerce. The purpose of this study is to examine the effect of consumer price perception and choice heuristics on impulse buying behavior for sales promotion of fashion brands and to examine the moderating effect of an engagement level in the social commerce. A self-administered questionnaire was developed, and mainly included consumer price perception (e.g., price consciousness, sales proneness), choice heuristics (e.g., affect referral, price referral), engagement, impulse buying and demographics. An online survey was undertaken by a research agency. A total of 235 usable responses were obtained from Korean consumers who had purchased fashion brands from social commerce sites (e.g., Coupang, Wemakeprice, Ticketmonster, etc.) using mobile devices. Respondents represent more females (n=129, 54.9%) than males (n=106, 45.1%). They are aged from 19 to 39 years old (Means=29). Results showed that consumers’ sales proneness had a positive effect on affect referral and price referral heuristics, which positively lead to impulse buying behavior. However, consumer price consciousness had a negative effect on impulse buying at the social commerce sites. Also, the mediating effect of the engagement was significant in the relationship among sales proneness, choice heuristics, and impulse buying behavior for sales promotion of fashion brands in the social commerce sites. This study discussed marketing implications for social commerce to effectively manage promotional program in the social commerce market.
The purpose of this study is to assess the effects of outlook project for olive flounder, from the view point of price stabilization, market efficiency, and causality of the prices in different distribution channels. Analytical results show that the volatility of producer price of olive flounder has been significantly mitigated after the implementation of the outlook project. The market efficiency is estimated to be improved after implementing the outlook project although there is an inefficiency on price determination process in some producing regions. The causality test on the producer and wholesale price shows that producing stage leads the wholesale stage in forming the prices. It is found that Jeju leads the flounder price on the size of 500g and 2kg, while Wando leads the price of 1kg size. These estimation result as whole indicate that outlook project for olive flounder has accomplished the intended goals.
Recently, the mineral resource protection policies and regulations in production countries of natural resources including rare metals are becoming more stringent. Such environment makes which market has malfunction. In other word, those are not perfect or pure market. Therefore because each market of natural resources have special or unique characters, it is difficult to forecast their market prices. In this study, we constructed several models to estimate prices of natural resources using statistical tools like ARIMA and their business indices. And for examples, Indium and Coal were introduced.
Steel manufacturers in the Korean steel reinforcement market are facing increasing competition. Construction businesses are in a recession because demands have decreased, too many facilities have been built, and more imported materials are coming from Japan and China. Korean steel manufacturers focus on domestic sales as a result of these difficulties in the business environment. To overcome these difficulties, manufacturers must find strategies for producing high value products, minimizing distribution expenses, and reducing costs. However, such temporary expedients are insufficient. Accordingly, our study investigating steel manufacturer salespersons and agents that purchase supplies uncovered suggestions for remaining competitive. First, companies must outdo their competitors by offering more competitive prices. Second, they must be ahead of their competitors in announcing their prices. Companies can present their expected selling prices by analyzing their manufacturing costs, future market unit costs, and distribution unit costs of the present market. If they select prices for products they will sell in the next month, the data indicate that they can still expect to make profits. The lowest selling price is calculated by analyzing the manufacturing costs. By setting prices more rapidly than competitors, manufacturers should increase their market share by increasing sales volume.
본 연구에서는 2007년부터 2012년 초까지 최저 수출가격제 도가 베트남의 쌀 수출시장과 베트남 국내시장에 미치는 영향 을 분석하였다. 그동안 베트남의 쌀 관련 수출정책은 베트남 국내뿐만 아니라 수출시장에서도 중요한 역할을 했지만, 이에 대한 분석은 거의 이루어지지 않았다. 특히, 2001년부터 시행 된 최저 수출가격제도는 베트남의 식량안보와 자국 내 가격 안정 등에 미치는 영향이 매우 컸음에도 이에 대한 연구는 거 의 없었다. 이 논문은 베트남의 쌀 관련 수출정책, 그 가운데에 서도 최저 수출가격제도의 효과를 분석하는 데 초점을 두었다. 이 논문에서는 베트남 주요 쌀 생산 지역의 쌀 가격과 월 별 쌀 수출가격, 수출량과 최저수출가격을 비교하고 실증 분 석을 통해 베트남 쌀시장의 최저수출가격제도의 정책 효과를 분석하였다. 분석 결과, 최저 수출가격제도는 수출 물량을 제 한하고 국내 공급 물량을 증가시킴으로써 국내시장 가격을 안 정시키는 데 기여한 것으로 나타났다. 특히, 세계 쌀 가격이 크게 폭등하던 2008년에 베트남 국내 가격을 안정시키는 데 가장 효과가 컸던 것으로 나타났다. 이 정책을 통해 베트남 정부는 국제 쌀 가격이 폭등하던 시기에 자국 내 소비자를 보 호할 수 있었다. 최저 수출가격제도로 인한 쌀 수출 감소와 사회후생 효과를 분석한 결과, 수출가격을 낮게 유지함으로써 소비자는 일부 혜 택을 보지만, 생산자의 후생은 크게 감소하여, 사회 전체적인 후생은 감소하는 것으로 나타났다. 최저 수출가격제도를 유지 함으로써 나타나는 경제적 손실이 있음에도, 베트남 정부가 최 저 수출가격제도를 유지하려고 하는 것은 정치적인 이유 때문 으로 보인다. 베트남의 1인당 국민소득은 2012년 기준 1,500 달러에 미치지 못한다. 그만큼 사회적으로 취약계층이 많다는 의미이다. 따라서 경제적인 측면에서는 다소 손해가 있더라도, 자국 내 소비자를 일정 정도 보호하기 위한 목적 때문에 최저 수출가격제도를 운영하고 있는 것으로 보인다. 본 논문에서 베트남의 쌀 수출에 대한 국제 수요 변화를 예 측하기 위한 구체적인 모델을 설정하지 않았다. 즉, 베트남 국 내시장 및 수출시장에 미치는 영향을 엄밀히 분석하기 위해서 는 구체적인 수요 및 공급함수를 추정해야 한다. 하지만 이 연구에서는 자료의 한계로 인해 구체적인 함수를 추정하지 않 고 다양한 탄성치를 가정하여 효과를 분석하였다. 이는 이 연 구가 가지고 있는 한계로 향후 자료가 확보된다면, 좀더 엄밀한 분석이 가능할 것이다. 하지만 베트남이 운영하고 있는 최 저 수출가격제도의 효과를 이해하는 데는 큰 무리가 없을 것 으로 판단된다. 최저 수출 가격 제도는 국내 가격을 안정시키는 효과도 있 지만, 농가 소득에도 영향을 미친다. 또한, 생산자와 유통업자, 수출업자 사이의 이익 분배에도 영향을 미친다. 이에 대한 연 구도 최저 수출가격제도의 효과를 분석하는 측면에서 매우 중 요하지만, 이 연구에서는 연구상의 제약으로 이에 대한 분석 은 포함하지 않았다.
Recently, the mineral resource protection policies and regulations in production countries of natural resources including rare metals are becoming more stringent. Such environment makes which market has malfunction. In other word, those are not perfect or pure market. Therefore because each market of natural resources have special or unique characters, it is difficult to forecast their market prices. In this study, we constructed several models to estimate prices of natural resources using ARIMA and their business indices. And for examples, Indium and Coal were introduced.
본 연구는 244,443 도체로부터 얻은 도체특성(성별, 등지방두께 및 도체중), 사육환경(자돈의 성별 분리사육, 돈사의 온도관리 유무, 돈사의 형태, 환기방식, 급수원의 종류, 음수 개선시설의 유무, 돈사의 연간 소독횟수, 돈사의 바닥형태 및 평당 사육두수), 출하방법(선별출하, 출하일령, 등지방두께의 편차 및 도체중의 편차) 및 번식특성과 자돈관리(모돈의 산차, 이유일령, 정액의 분양처 및 자돈의 품종)등의 자료를 바탕으로 돼지의 도체가격에 미치는 영향을 분석하기 위해 실시하였다. 도체특성 변수에서 암퇘지 및 거세돈이 숫퇘지보다 높은 가격을 형성하였으며(p<0.05), 등지방두께 15-29mm 및 도체중 91-95kg가 높은 도체가격을 보였다(p<0.05). 도체가격에 대한 등지방 두께 및 도체중은 도체가격 형성에 각각 90.75%와 90.23%를 차지하였다. 하지만, 사육환경, 출하방법, 번식관리는 각각의 방법별로 가격에 유의적인 차이를 보였으나, 도체가격형성에는 낮은 영향을 미쳤다. 이상의 결과 여러 가지 변수 중 등지방 두께 및 도체중이 도체가격에 큰 영향을 미친 것으로 나타났다.
Using artificial neural network (ANN) technique, auction prices for common mackerel were forecasted with the daily total sale and auction price data at the Busan Cooperative Fish Market before introducing Total Allowable Catch (TAC) system, when catch data had no limit in Korea. Virtual input data produced from actual data were used to improve the accuracy of prediction and the suitable neural network was induced for the prediction. We tested 35 networks to be retained 10, and found good performance network with regression ratio of 0.904 and determination coefficient of 0.695. There were significant variations between training and verification errors in this network. Ideally, it should require more training cases to avoid over-learning, which leads to improve performance and makes the results more reliable. And the precision of prediction was improved when environmental factors including physical and biological variables were added. This network for prediction of price and catch was considered to be applicable for other fishes.
This study investigates the problem of outlier detection based on discrete wavelet transform in the context of time series data where the identification and treatment of outliers constitute an important component. An outlier is defined as a data point that deviates so much from the rest of observations within a data sample. In this work we focus on the application of the traditional method suggested by Tukey (1977) for detecting outliers in the closed price series of the Saudi Arabia stock market (Tadawul) between Oct. 2011 and Dec. 2019. The method is applied to the details obtained from the MODWT (Maximal-Overlap Discrete Wavelet Transform) of the original series. The result show that the suggested methodology was successful in detecting all of the outliers in the series. The findings of this study suggest that we can model and forecast the volatility of returns from the reconstructed series without outliers using GARCH models. The estimated GARCH volatility model was compared to other asymmetric GARCH models using standard forecast error metrics. It is found that the performance of the standard GARCH model were as good as that of the gjrGARCH model over the out-of-sample forecasts for returns among other GARCH specifications.
This study is concerned with the relationship between firm’s ownership structure and the co-movement of the stock return with the market return. Four different types of firm ownership, including managerial ownership, state ownership, foreign ownership, and concentrated ownership, are among the main features of the company’s governance mechanism and have been separately documemented in the previous research to understand their impact on stock price synchronicity. We constructed the regression model, using stock price synchronicity as the dependent variable and the above four components of ownership structure as explanantory variables. The pooled OLS, the fixed effects model, and the random effects are employed to investigate the outcome of the study. Data used in the reserch are of public firms listed on the Ho Chi Minh City Stock Exchange (HOSE) during the five-year period term from 2015 to 2019. The data sample contains 235 companies from 10 industries with 1135 observations. The results revealed by the fixed effects model, the large ownership and the managerial ownership are found to have adverse effect on the stock price synchronicity, whereas the foreign ownership model is revealed to have positive influence on the stock return co-movement. The effect of the state ownership on the stock price synchronicity is not confirmed.
This study aims to investigate the effect of oil price and exchange rate on the two Vietnamese stock market indices: VN index and HXN index. This study uses the daily data from August 1st 2000 to October 25th 2019 of the two Vietnamese stock indices: VN index and HNX index, the two oil price indices: BRENT and WTI, and the two exchange rates: US dollar to Vietnamese dong and Euro to Vietnamese dong. Due to the presence of heteroskedasticity in our data, we use GARCH (1,1) regression model to perform our analysis. Our findings show that the oil price has a significant positive effect on the two Vietnamese stock market indices. In terms of the stock index volatility, both the VN index and HNX index volatilities are negatively impacted by the return of oil price. While the conclusion about the impact of oil price remained consistent through all three robustness tests, the effect of exchange rate on Vietnamese stock market indices is not consistent. We find thatchanges of the USD/VND exchange rate significantly impact the return and volatility of HNX index only in GARCH (1,1) setting. Our analysis also survives a number of robustness tests.
The purpose of this study is to explore the dynamic properties of causality and asymmetric price transmission in the distributional channel of the tomato market in Korea. Using the wholesale and retail price series of the tomato market, we obtain the following results. First, the price transmission mechanism reveals the causal relationship channeling from the wholesale price to the retail price. Second, we find an asymmetric price transmission from the analysis using the threshold partial adjustment model. The retail price responds strongly when the wholesale price increases. On the other hand, the retail price shows sluggish adjustment when the wholesale price decreases.
It is undisputable that crude oil and its price fluctuations are major components that affect most of the countries’ economies. Recent studies have demonstrated that beside the impact that crude oil price fluctuations have on common macroeconomic indicators like gross domestic product (GDP), inflation rates, exchange rates, unemployment rate, etc., it also has a strong influence on stock markets and their performance. This relationship has been examined in a number of settings, but it is yet to be unraveled in the Omani context. Accordingly, the main purpose of this study is to examine the possible effect of the oil price fluctuations on stock price movements. The study applies Toda and Yamamoto’s (1995) Granger non-causality test on the daily Oman stock index (Muscat Securities Market Index) and oil prices between the period of 2 January 2003 and 13 March 2016. The results indicated that the oil price fluctuations have a significant impact on stock index movements. However, the stock price movements do not have a significant impact on oil prices. These findings have significant implications not only for the Omani economy but also for the economy of similar countries, particularly in the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) countries. The latter should carefully consider their policies and strategies regarding crude oil production and the generated income allocation as it might potentially affect the financial markets performance in these countries.
This paper is the first of its kind using a non-linear approach based on cross-correlation function (CCF) to investigate the information arrival hypothesis in crude palm oil (CPO) futures market. Based on daily data from 1986 to 2010, our empirical results reveal that: First, the volume of volatility is not a proxy of information flow. Second, dependence causality running from current return to future volume in conditional variance exhibit an asymmetric pattern of time span with different signs of correlation between price and volume series. This finding indicates the presence of noise traders’ hypothesis of price-volume interaction in CPO futures market. Both findings suggest that this futures market is weak-form inefficiency. In terms of investors’ behavior, they tend to change their expectations on current return based on errors made in previous trade in generating abnormal volume in the subsequent period. As implied, it is advisable for the investors devise their future trading strategies according to time span and changes of return.
This paper attempts to measure the impact of non-financial factors including analyst practices and broker resources on performance of sell side research. Results reveal that these non-financial factors have a measurable impact on performance of target price forecasts. Number of pages written by an analyst (surrogate for analyst practice) is significantly and directly linked with target price accuracy indicating a more elaborate analyst produces better target price forecasts. Analyst compensation (surrogate for broker resource) is significantly and inversely linked with target price accuracy. Out performance by analysts working with lower paying firms is possibly associated with motivation to migrate to higher paying broking firms. The study finds that employing more number of analysts per research report has no significant impact on target price accuracy –negative coefficient indicates that team work may not result in better target price forecasts. Though insignificant, long term forecast horizon negatively affects target price accuracy while stock volatility improves target price accuracy.
This study aims to examine the dynamics of price changes and trading volume of Kuala Lumpur Options and Financial Futures Exchange (KLOFFE) from 2000 to 2008. With augmented analysis, our results support two hypotheses. First, under information spillover, our findings support noise traders’ hypothesis as the time span for variance of past trading volume to cause variance of current return is found to be asymmetric under bull and bear markets. Second, looking at the dynamic relation between volume and volatility of price changes, our findings support Liquidity-Driven Trade hypothesis as past trading volume and subsequent volatility of return exhibit positive correlation. In terms of investors’ behavior in response to the news, we find that investors are more risk taking in bull market and more risk reverse in bear market. Our study suggests that investors should adjust their strategy in the futures market in a dynamic manner as the time span of new information arrival is not consistent. Also, uninformed investors with information asymmetry should expect noninformational trading from informed investors to establish their desired positions for better liquid position.
아이템 현금 거래가 이루어지는 방법으로는 게임 동호회에서의 거래, 직거래 등 여러 방법이 있다. 그러나 현실에서는 수수료를 부담해야 하는 아이템중개사이트가 가장 많이 이용되고 있는 것으로 보인다. 본 연구에서는 아이템중개사이트와 기타 거래에서의 아이템 현금 거래 가격을 분석함으로써, 소비자들이 아이템 중개사이트를 주로 활용하는 이유를 살펴보고자 하였다. 아이템중개사이트에서의 거래 가격과 기타 아이템 현금 거래방법에서의 거래 가격을 비교 분석한 결과, 아이템중개사이트에서의 가격이 평균 6% 더 비싼 것으로 나타났다. 구매자들은 6%더 비싼 가격을 지불하고 아이템중개사이트를 이용하고 있었는데, 이는 거래의 안전성과 편리성에 대한 대가로 볼 수 있다. 그리고 판매자들은 아이템중개사이트를 이용하는 것이 다른 거래 방법에서보다 0.7% 정도 더 높은 가격으로 판매할 수 있었다. 구매자와 판매자가 아이템중개사이트를 이용하는 것은 충분한 이유가 있는 것으로 파악될 수 있다.