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        검색결과 547

        2024.10 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study investigated the optimal process conditions and mechanical properties of Cu-10Sn alloys produced by the powder bed fusion (PBF) method. The optimal PBF conditions were explored by producing samples with various laser scanning speeds and laser power. It was found that under optimized conditions, samples with a density close to the theoretical density could be fabricated using PBF without any serious defects. The microstructure and mechanical properties of samples produced under optimized conditions were investigated and compared with a commercial alloy produced by the conventional method. The hardness, maximum tensile strength, and elongation of the samples were significantly higher than those of the commercially available cast alloy with the same chemical composition. Based on these results, it is expected to be possible to use the PBF technique to manufacture Cu-10Sn products with complex 3D shapes that could not be made using the conventional manufacturing method.
        2024.10 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        We investigated the microstructure of an FeCrMnNiCo alloy fabricated by spark plasma sintering under different sintering temperatures (1000–1100°C) and times (1–600 s). All sintered alloys consisted of a single face-centered cubic phase. As the sintering time or temperature increased, the grains of the sintered alloys became partially coarse. The formation of Cr7C3 carbide occurred on the surface of the sintered alloys due to carbon diffusion from the graphite crucible. The depth of the layer containing Cr7C3 carbides increased to ~110 μm under severe sintering conditions (1100°C, 60 s). A molten zone was observed on the surface of the alloys sintered at higher temperatures (>1060°C) due to severe carbon diffusion that reduced the melting point of the alloy. The porosity of the sintered alloys decreased with increasing time at 1000°C, but increased at higher temperatures above 1060°C due to melting-induced porosity formation.
        2024.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        To reduce production cost and inhibit the aggregation of graphene, graphene oxide and copper nitrate solution were used as raw materials in the paper. Cu particles were introduced to the graphene nanosheets by in-situ chemical reduction method in the hydrazine hydrate and sodium hydroxide solution, and the copper matrix composite reinforced with Cu-doped graphene nanosheets were fabricated by powder metallurgy. The synthesized Cu-doped graphene was characterized by scanning electron microscopy (SEM), transmission electron microscopy (TEM) and X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS). The relative density, hardness, electrical conductivity and tensile strength of the copper matrix composite reinforced with Cudoped graphene were measured as well. The results show that copper ions and graphene oxide can be effectively reduced by hydrazine hydrate simultaneously. Most of oxygen functional groups on the Cu-doped graphene sheets can be removed dramatically, and Cu-doped graphene inhibit the graphene aggregation effectively. Within the experimental range, the copper matrix composites have good comprehensive properties with 0.5 wt% Cu-doped graphene. The tensile strength and hardness are 221 MPa and 81.6 HV, respectively, corresponding to an increase of 23% and 59% compared to that of pure Cu, and the electrical conductivity reaches up to 93.96% IACS. However, excessive addition of Cu-doped graphene is not beneficial for the improvement on the hardness and electrical conductivity of copper matrix composite.
        2024.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Carbon fibers of polyacrylonitrile (PAN) type were coated with nickel nanoparticles using a chemical reduction method in alkaline hydrazine bath. The carbon fibers were firstly heated at 400 °C and then chemically treated in hydrochloric acid followed by nitric acid to clean, remove any foreign particles and functionalized its graphitic surfaces by introducing some functional groups. The functionalized carbon fibers were coated with nickel to produce 10 wt% Cf/Ni nanocomposites. The uncoated heat treated and the nickel coated carbon fibers were investigated by SEM, EDS, FTIR and XRD to characterize the particle size, morphology, chemical composition and the crystal structure of the investigated materials. The nickel nanoparticles were successfully deposited as homogeneous layer on the surface of the functionalized carbon fibers. Also, the deposited nickel nanoparticles have quazi-spherical shape and 128–225 nm median particle size. The untreated and the heat treated as well as the 10 wt% Cf/Ni nanocomposite particles were further reinforced in ethylene vinyl acetate (EVA) polymer separately by melt blending technique to prepare 0.5 wt% Cf-EVA polymer matrix stretchable conductive composites. The microstructures of the prepared polymer composites were investigated using optical microscope. The carbon fibers as well as the nickel coated one were homogenously distributed in the polymer matrix. The obtained samples were analyzed by TGA. The addition of the nickel coated carbon fibers to the EVA was improved the thermal stability by increasing the thermal decomposition temperature Tmax1 and Tmax2. The electrical and the mechanical properties of the obtained 10 wt% Cf/Ni nanocomposites as well as the 0.5 wt% Cf-EVA stretchable conductive composites were evaluated by measuring its thermal stability by thermogravimetric analysis (TGA), electrical resistivity by four probe method and tensile properties. The electrical resistivity of the fibers was decreased by coating with nickel and the 10 wt% Cf/Ni nanocomposites has lower resistivity than the carbon fibers itself. Also, the electrical resistivity of the neat EVA is decreased from 3.2 × 1010 to 1.4 × 104 Ω cm in case of the reinforced 0.5 wt% Cf/Ni-EVA polymer composite. However, the ultimate elongation and the Young’s modulus of the neat EVA polymer was increased by reinforcing with carbon fibers and its nickel composite.
        2024.04 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        In this study, the aromatic carbon content of epoxy resin (EP) increased via carbon tar pitch (CTP) modification, and the CTP occurred self-polymerization reaction. The carboxyl and hydroxyl groups of CTP and the hydroxyl and carboxyl groups of EP occurred chemical cross-linking reaction. CTP and graphitization treatment promoted EP CF carbon crystal growth. The graphitization degree of pure EP CF and 40 wt% CTP modified EP CF are 8.42% and 44.21%, respectively. With the increase CTP content, the cell size, ligament junction and density of graphitization modified EP CF gradually increased, while the number of pores and cells gradually decreased. The cell size, ligament junction size and density of 40 wt% CTP modified graphitization EP CF increased to 1200 μm, 280 μm and 0.5033 g/cm3, respectively. EP CF exhibits entangling carbon ribbon and isotropic amorphous carbon. The 40 wt% CTP modified EP CF is composed of evenly distributed amorphous resin carbon and graphite domain CTP carbon. The graphitization modified EP CF improved electrical conductivity, and the electrical conductivity of 40 wt% CTP modified EP CF is 126.6 S/m. The compressive strength can be decided by EP carbon strength and its char yield, and graphitization 40 wt% CTP modified EP CF reached 4.9 MPa. This study provides some basis for preparation and application of CTP modified EP CF.
        2024.04 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study investigated the effects of revolution speed and ball size in planetary milling on the microstructure and dehydrogenation behavior of TiH2 powder. The particle size analysis showed that the large particles present in the raw powder were effectively refined as the revolution speed increased, and when milled at 500 rpm, the median particle size was 1.47 μm. Milling with a mixture of balls of two or three sizes was more effective in refining the raw powder than milling with balls of a single size. A mixture of 3 mm and 5 mm diameter balls was the optimal condition for particle refinement, and the measured median particle size was 0.71 μm. The dependence of particle size on revolution speed and ball size was explained by changes in input energy and the number of contact points of the balls. In the milled powder, the endothermic peak measured using differential thermal analysis was observed at a relatively low temperature. This finding was interpreted as the activation of a dehydrogenation reaction, mainly due to the increase in the specific surface area and the concentration of lattice defects.
        2024.04 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        In contrast to conventional silk fibroin, spider silk's potential as a scaffold material for tissue engineering is examined in this work. The remarkable qualities of spider silk are being researched for use in making films for tissue regeneration. In comparison to silk fibroin films, the study's analysis of orb-web spider Trichonephila clavata films highlights their improved cell adhesion and nanofibrous network structure. Tests for solubility substantiate the durability of spider silk films, while in vitro investigations demonstrate low cytotoxicity and enhance cellular viability. The conclusion highlights the exceptional properties of spider silk, which make it a viable option for tissue engineering applications and a step forward for in vitro cell culture and regenerative bioengineering.
        2024.04 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Transmission electron microscopy was used to examine the microscopic structural features and myofibril organization of cardiac muscle cells in the orb-web spider T. clavata. There are many myofibrils, many mitochondria, a large sarcoplasmic reticulum, and transverse tubules (T-tubules) in the muscle fibers, even if the myofibril striations may not be as noticeable as in skeletal muscles. Because of their consistent striations, sarcomeres are characterized by Z-lines that are 2.0 μm on average in length and do not clearly distinguish between the A- and I-bands. A single T-tubule paired with a terminal cisterna of the sarcoplasmic reticulum constitutes a dyadic junction, which is primarily located at the A-I level of sarcomeres. Cells are joined by intercalated discs, which create several linkages via specialized junctions such as desmosomes, gap junctions, and fascia adherens—all of which are essential for heart function. Our results with transmission electron microscopy (TEM) clearly show that the contraction of the spider's heart muscle is neurogenically controlled, since each fiber is innervated by a motor neuron branch via neuromuscular junctions. These results highlight the neurogenic process controlling spiders' cardiac muscle contractions and advance our knowledge of the peculiar cardiac muscle structure of these animals.
        2024.04 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        This research investigates the incorporation of eco-friendly materials, namely fly ash and artificial interior stone sludge into cement grouts. The study aims to establish the correlation between the microstructural properties and the compressive strength, providing a comprehensive behavior of fly ash and artificial interior stone (AIS) sludge on the cement grouts. A multifaceted experimental approach encompassing compressive strength testing, mercury intrusion porosimetry, thermogravimetric analysis, and scanning electron microscopy is employed. The result indicated that incorporating fly ash and artificial interior stone sludge into cement grouts led to a reduction in the porosity and refinement of the pore size. The thermogravimetry analysis revealed a notable impact of fly ash and artificial interior stone sludge on hydration and phase transition. The scanning electron microscopy findings of the microstructural enhancement confirmed that the combined incorporation of fly ash and AIS sludge densified the structure.
        2024.03 KCI 등재 SCOPUS 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        In this study, we report the microstructural evolution and shear strength of an Sn-Sb alloy, used for die attach process as a solder layer of backside metal (BSM). The Sb content in the binary system was less than 1 at%. A chip with the Sn-Sb BSM was attached to a Ag plated Cu lead frame. The microstructure evolution was investigated after die bonding at 330 °C, die bonding and isothermal heat treatment at 330 °C for 5 min and wire bonding at 260 °C, respectively. At the interface between the chip and lead frame, Ni3Sn4 and Ag3Sn intermetallic compounds (IMCs) layers and pure Sn regions were confirmed after die bonding. When the isothermal heat treatment is conducted, pure Sn regions disappear at the interface because the Sn is consumed to form Ni3Sn4 and Ag3Sn IMCs. After the wire bonding process, the interface is composed of Ni3Sn4, Ag3Sn and (Ag,Cu)3Sn IMCs. The Sn-Sb BSM had a high maximum shear strength of 78.2 MPa, which is higher than the required specification of 6.2 MPa. In addition, it showed good wetting flow.
        2024.03 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study aimed to identify and analyze the effects of both isothermal heat treatment temperature and residence time on the formation of mesophase in coal tar pitch, especially with respect to its microstructural and crystalline evolution. The formation and growth of mesophase resulted in a decrease in d002 and an increase in Lc, and the degree of such variation was larger when the isothermal heat treatment temperature was higher. In isothermally heat-treated pitch, two distinct domains were observed: less developed crystalline carbon (LDCC) and more developed crystalline carbon (MDCC). When pitch was isothermally heat-treated at 375 °C for 20 h, d002 was 4.015 Å in the LDCC and 3.515 Å in the MDCC. Higher isothermal heat-treatment temperatures accelerated the formation, growth, and coalescence of mesophase. Indeed, in the pitch specimen isothermally heat-treated at 425 °C for 20 h, d002 was 3.809 Å in the LDCC and 3.471 Å in the MDCC. The evolution of mesophase was characterized by pronounced inflection points in d002 curves. It was found that the emergence of these inflection points coincided with pronounced changes in the microstructure of mesophase. This finding confirmed the relationship between inflection points in d002 and the microstructure of mesophase.
        2023.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Mg81Ni19-8wt.% REO (oxides of Lanthanum and Cerium) alloys were successfully prepared using mechanical alloying method with Mg-Ni alloy and REO powder. Phase analysis, structural characterization, and microstructure imagine of the alloys were conducted using X-ray diffraction (XRD), metallurgical microscope, and transmission electron microscopy (TEM) methods. Multi-phase structures, including the primary phase of Mg2Ni and several secondary phases of Mg + Mg2Ni, MgNi-LaO, and MgNi-CeO, were found in in the as-cast Mg81Ni19- 8wt.% REO alloys. XRD and TEM results showed that Ce exhibits variable valence behavior at various stages, and the addition of REO promotes the nanocrystalline of the alloy. The hydrogen absorption capacity of ball-milled Mg81Ni19 and Mg81Ni19- 8wt.%REO alloy for 2 h at 343 K is 1.34 wt.% and 1.83 wt.%, which are much larger than 0.94 wt.% of as-cast Mg81Ni19 alloy. The addition of REO led to a decrease of the thermal decomposition temperature of the alloy hydride by approximately 20 K and a reduction of the activation energy of the hydrogen desorption reaction by 10% and 13%, respectively.
        2023.12 KCI 등재 SCOPUS 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        AA1050/AA6061/AA1050 layered sheet was fabricated by cold roll-bonding process and subsequently T4 and T6 aging-treated. Two commercial AA1050 sheets of 1 mm thickness and one AA6061 sheet of 2 mm thickness were stacked up so that an AA6061 sheet was located between two AA1050 sheets. After surface treatments such as degreasing and wire brushing, they were then roll-bonded to a thickness of 2 mm by cold rolling. The roll-bonded Al sheets were then processed by natural aging (T4) and artificial aging (T6) treatments. The as roll-bonded Al sheets showed a typical deformation structure, where the grains are elongated in the rolling direction. However, after the T4 and T6 aging treatments, the Al sheets had a recrystallized structure consisting of coarse grains in both the AA5052 and AA6061 regions with different grain sizes in each. In addition, the sheets showed an inhomogeneous hardness distribution in the thickness direction, with higher hardness in AA6061 than in AA1050 after the T4 and T6 age treatments. The tensile strength of the T6-treated specimen was higher than that of the T4-treated one. However, the strength-ductility balance was much better in the T4-treated specimen than the T6-treated one. The tensile properties of the Al sheets fabricated in the present study were compared with those in a previous study.
        2023.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Lead-free perovskite ceramics, which have excellent energy storage capabilities, are attracting attention owing to their high power density and rapid charge-discharge speed. Given that the energy-storage properties of perovskite ceramic capacitors are significantly improved by doping with various elements, modifying their chemical compositions is a fundamental strategy. This study investigated the effect of Zn doping on the microstructure and energy storage performance of potassium sodium niobate (KNN)-based ceramics. Two types of powders and their corresponding ceramics with compositions of (1-x)(K,Na)NbO3-xBi(Ni2/3Ta1/3)O3 (KNN-BNT) and (1-x)(K,Na)NbO3-xBi(Ni1/3Zn1/3Ta1/3) O3 (KNN-BNZT) were prepared via solid-state reactions. The results indicate that Zn doping retards grain growth, resulting in smaller grain sizes in Zn-doped KNN-BNZT than in KNN-BNT ceramics. Moreover, the Zn-doped KNNBNZT ceramics exhibited superior energy storage density and efficiency across all x values. Notably, 0.9KNN-0.1BNZT ceramics demonstrate an energy storage density and efficiency of 0.24 J/cm3 and 96%, respectively. These ceramics also exhibited excellent temperature and frequency stability. This study provides valuable insights into the design of KNNbased ceramic capacitors with enhanced energy storage capabilities through doping strategies.
        2023.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The effects of annealing on the microstructure and mechanical properties of Al–Zn–Mg–Cu–Si alloys fabricated by high-energy ball milling (HEBM) and spark plasma sintering (SPS) were investigated. The HEBM-free sintered alloy primarily contained Mg2Si, Q-AlCuMgSi, and Si phases. Meanwhile, the HEBM-sintered alloy contains Mg-free Si and θ-Al2Cu phases due to the formation of MgO, which causes Mg depletion in the Al matrix. Annealing without and with HEBM at 500oC causes partial dissolution and coarsening of the Q-AlCuMgSi and Mg2Si phases in the alloy and dissolution of the θ-Al2Cu phase in the alloy, respectively. In both alloys, a thermally stable α-AlFeSi phase was formed after long-term heat treatment. The grain size of the sintered alloys with and without HEBM increased from 0.5 to 1.0 μm and from 2.9 to 6.3 μm, respectively. The hardness of the sintered alloy increases after annealing for 1 h but decreases significantly after 24 h of annealing. Extending the annealing time to 168 h improved the hardness of the alloy without HEBM but had little effect on the alloy with HEBM. The relationship between the microstructural factors and the hardness of the sintered and annealed alloys is discussed.
        2023.11 KCI 등재 SCOPUS 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Changes in the microstructure and mechanical properties of as-roll-bonded AA6061/AA5052/AA1050 threelayered sheet with increasing annealing temperature were investigated in detail. The commercial AA6061, AA5052 and AA1050 sheets with 2 mm thickness were roll-bonded by multi-pass rolling at ambient temperature. The roll-bonded Al sheets were then annealed for 1 h at various temperatures from 200 to 400 °C. The specimens annealed up to 250 °C showed a typical deformation structure where the grains are elongated in the rolling direction in all regions. However, after annealing at 300 °C, while AA6061 and AA1050 regions still retained the deformation structure, but AA5052 region changed into complete recrystallization. For all the annealed materials, the fraction of high angle grain boundaries was lower than that of low angle grain boundaries. In addition, while the rolling texture of the {110}<112> and {123}<634> components strongly developed in the AA6061 and AA1050 regions, in the AA5052 region the recrystallization texture of the {100}<001> component developed. After annealing at 350 °C the recrystallization texture developed in all regions. The as-rolled material exhibited a relatively high tensile strength of 282 MPa and elongation of 18 %. However, the tensile strength decreased and the elongation increased gradually with the increase in annealing temperature. The changes in mechanical properties with increasing annealing temperature were compared with those of other three-layered Al sheets fabricated in previous studies.
        2023.11 KCI 등재 SCOPUS 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The purpose of this study was to analyze microstructural changes and evaluate the mechanical properties of TWIP steel subjected to variations in heat treatment, in order to identify optimal process conditions for enhancing the performance of TWIP steel. For this purpose, a homogenization heat treatment was conducted at 1,200 °C for 2 h, followed by hot rolling at temperature exceeding 1,100 °C and cold rolling. Annealing heat treatment is achieved using a muffle furnace in the range of 600 °C to 1,000 °C. The microstructure characterization was performed with an optical microscope and X-ray diffraction. Mechanical properties are evaluated using micro Vickers hardness, tensile test, and ECO index (UTS × Elongation). The specimens annealed at 900 °C and 1,000 °C experienced a significant decrease in hardness and strength due to decarburization. Consequently, the decarburization phenomenon is closely related to the heat treatment process and mechanical properties of TWIP steel, and the effect of the microstructure change during annealing heat treatment.
        2023.11 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Due to the necessity of isolating spent nuclear fuel (SNF) from the human life zone for a minimum of 106 years, deep geological disposal (DGD) has emerged as a prominent solution for SNF management in numerous countries. Consequently, the resilience of disposal canisters to corrosion over such an extended storage period becomes paramount. While copper exhibits a relatively low corrosion rate, typically measured in millimeters per million years, in geological environment, special attention must be directed towards verifying the corrosion resistance of copper canister welds. This validation becomes inevitable during the sealing of the disposal canister once SNFs are loaded, primarily because the weld zone presents a discontinuous microstructure, which can accelerate both uniform and localized corrosion processes. In this research, we conducted an in-depth analysis of the microstructural characteristics of copper welds manufactured by TIG-based wire are additive manufacturing, which is ideal for welding relatively large structures such as a disposal canister. To simulate the welds of copper canister, a 12 mm thick oxygen-free plate was prepared and Y and V grooves were applied to perform overlay welding. Both copper welding zones were very uniform, with negligible defects (i.e., void and cracks), and contained relatively large grains with columnar structure regardless of groove types. For improving microstructures at welds with better corrosion resistance, the effect of preheat temperature also investigated up to 600°C.
        2023.10 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The flaw of low dispersibility in the metal matrix brought on by graphene's full crystal structure can be improved by the application of ion beam radiation to the surface of the material. Copper atoms are uniformly dispersed on the modified graphene oxide ( GOM) surface after being irradiated to a copper ion beam, and during the sputtering modification, the valence state of copper is changed, resulting in the formation of a new CuO phase on the graphene oxide (GO) surface. Therefore, after copper ion beam irradiation of graphene, the interfacial adhesion between GOM and copper matrix is enhanced, and the wear resistance is significantly improved. When the GOM content is low, it can withstand most of the load during the friction and wear test, which reduces the wear of the copper matrix and the occurrence of fatigue cracks at the interface of the composite material.
        2023.10 KCI 등재 SCOPUS 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        In this study, changes in the microstructure and mechanical properties of cast and extruded Al-2Li-1Ce alloy materials were investigated as the Mg content was varied. The density decreased to 2.485, 2.46 and 2.435 g/cm3 when the Mg content in the Al-2Li-1Ce alloy was increased to 2, 4 and 6 wt%, respectively. Intermetallic compounds of Al11Ce3 were observed in all alloys, while the β-phase of Al3Mg2 was observed in alloys containing 6 wt% of Mg. In the extruded material, with increasing Mg content the average grain size decreased to 84.8, 71.6 and 36.2 μm, and the fraction of high-angle grain boundaries (greater than 15°) increased to 82.8 %, 88.6 %, and 91.8 %, respectively. This occurred because the increased Mg content promotes dynamic recrystallization during hot extrusion. Tensile test results showed that as the Mg content increased, both the yield strength and tensile strength increased. The yield strength reached 86.1, 107.3, and 186.4 MPa, and the tensile strength reached 215.2, 285, and 360.5 MPa, respectively. However, it is worth noting that the ductility decreased to 27.78 %, 25.65 %, and 20.72 % as the Mg content increased. This reduction in ductility is attributed to the strengthening effect resulting from the increased amount of dissolved Mg, and grain refinement due to dynamic recrystallization.
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