This study aimed to address the increasing demand for technologies preventing mushroom fly damage. By monitoring the annual occurrence patterns of pests over several years and accumulating data, we conducted an analysis to evaluate the efficacy of preventive measures applied before the surge in mushroom fly infestation, typically observed in May. For preemptive control, physical measures involved installing air curtains at cultivation facility entrances and placing sticky traps and insect traps around entry points to block external entry and reduce internal insect density. Additionally, we applied an organic agricultural material, Dalmatian chrysanthemum extract, weekly alongside chemical control measures. To assess the reduction in mushroom fly populations, yellow sticky traps (15×25 cm) were placed at three locations within the mushroom cultivation facility, and the occurrence patterns before and after implementing preventive measures were compared. Compared to conventional practices, the application of preventive techniques resulted in a significant reduction, with a 60% decrease from 15 levels of mushroom flies/m² to 6 levels of mushroom flies/m² in May and a 40% decrease from 10 levels of mushroom flies/m² to 6 levels of mushroom flies/m² in June. While achieving over 50% efficacy during the peak mushroom fly season with preventive measures, we identified complementary actions such as blocking external sources (gaps in cultivation facility doors) and maintaining cleanliness around cultivation facilities (proper disposal of spent substrate) for further improvement. Comprehensive analysis and safety studies, including correlation analysis with contaminants and pathogens, are recommended to ensure the widespread adoption of mushroom fly preventive techniques for safe and stable mushroom production in the agricultural sector.
Indoor air environments for people are recently being observed because the time we spend inside the house or a building throughout the day has been extended during the present circumstances. This is why formaldehyde and volatile organic compounds (VOCs) are regulated, which can cause Sick Building Syndrome (SBS). There might be other VOCs not regulated by law in newly built collective housing, however, in order to compensate for the reduced concentration of regulated VOCs such as benzene, toluene, ethylbenzene, xylene, and styrene. In this study, the concentration of unregulated VOCs in newly built collective housing structures located in the Seoul Special City was researched to find potential indoor hazards for citizens and to prepare basic data for further research.
PURPOSES: Seoul introduced public bicycles to reduce environmental pollution and create a healthy society. Because the use of bicycles is highly weather dependent, and bicycles are rented by the people, member characteristics and seasonal influences should be considered. This study analyzed bicycle traffic characteristics considering seasonal and member characteristics and highlighted some implications.
METHODS: The Yeouido and Sangam districts, which have multiple business districts, were taken as the areas of interest. In order to reflect seasonal and membership characteristics, the traffic volume, time of use, and characteristics of each zone were categorized by season (spring, summer, autumn, winter) and membership type (season, daily, group). In addition, we analyzed the pattern of traffic volume and usage time according to the traffic purpose after separating rental locations into residential, business, subway, and park, reflecting the land characteristics.
RESULTS: The results revealed that seasonal characteristics were high for bicycle traffic, time of use, and occupancy rate for park locations in spring and autumn. In terms of membership characteristics, group and daily users appeared as major visitors for park locations, and the trends of commuter pass users showed that bicycle use meets the purpose of introducing public bicycles.
CONCLUSIONS: Traffic characteristics differed according to seasonal and membership characteristics. It is necessary to involve and extend the users of the commuter pass. Situations in which commuter pass users cannot function as a group or in which daily users monopolize bicycles (especially near parks, near subway stations, etc.) must be avoided.
The objective of this study was to estimate the effects of test seasons on backfat thickness and age at 90 kg body weight in Duroc pig populations. Data of a total of 40,228 Duroc pigs performance tested from 2005 to 2014 were used. The effects of sexes, years and seasons of the tests were significant (p<0.01) for the both traits. The least squares mean of the age at 90 kg body weight of the pigs tested in 2014 was significantly less than that of the pigs tested in the previous years. And the pigs tested in spring reached 90 kg body weight faster than the pigs tested in the other seasons. The least squares mean of backfat thickness of the pigs tested in autumn was thicker than that of the pigs tested in the other seasons. Pigs tested in spring had the thinnest backfat. There were seasonal variations in the least squares mean estimates of the age at 90 ㎏ both in male pigs (134.06 to 134.36 days), and in female pigs (139.47 to 139.65 days). Seasonal variations were also detected in least sqaures means of the backfat thicknesses in male pigs (11.31-11.34 ㎜) and in female pigs (13.05-13.07 ㎜). The simple and rank correlation coefficients between breeding values estimated using the trait values unadjusted for seasonal effects and those using the trait values pre-adjusted for seasonal effects trait values were all unity, for the both traits. These results indicate that the adjustment of the trait values with regards to seasonal variation had no effects on the estimates from genetic evaluations.
This is the first report describing the seasonal conditions affecting shoot regeneration by the chrysanthemum cv. Baeksun. The shoot regeneration from petal explants was found to be more favorable from September to December, reaching the highest values in December. In addition, the quality of the shoots was also influenced according to the season of the explant collection, where healthy and uniform plants were derived from the explants collected in December. Choosing the proper season for explant collection affected the successive plant growth parameters (i.e., plant height and fresh weight). Thus, the current results strongly suggest that season plays an important role in plant tissue culturing, which is an essential tool for micropropagation and Agro-bacterium-mediated genetic transformation studies.
귤녹응애(Aculops pelekassi (Keifer))는 제주감귤의 중요한 해충이다. 본 연구는 귤녹응애의 연간 발생소장을 구명하고자 수행하였으며, 습도와 잎의 연령이 밀도증식에 미치는 영향을 검토하였다. 상대습도는 통계적으로 유의하게 귤녹응애 성충의 수명 및 산란에 영향을 주었다. 상대습도 33, 75, 84%에서 수명은 각각 7.5, 14.5, 14.6일 이었고, 산란수는 5.4, 21.5, 27.1개 이었다. 감귤 잎의 연령에 따라 귤녹응애의 증식정도는 유의하게 차이가 있었다. 연령이 40일된 잎에서는 귤녹응애 밀도증식이 가장 높았으며, 4주 후에는 10일된 잎에서 증식된 것과 비교하여 3배 이상 높았다. 눈 인편 틈에서 월동한 귤녹응애 성충은 4월 하순부터 활동을 시작하여 5월 중순경부터 봄에 발아하여 전개되는 잎(봄 잎)에서 발생하기 시작하였고, 6월 중순에는 과실에서 발생이 시작되었다. 잎에서 발생소장은 6월 하순에서 7월 발생최성기를 보였고, 과실에서는 8월 상순 발생 최성기를 보였다. 본 연구결과는 감귤원에서 귤녹응애 방제에 유용하게 활용될 수 있을 것으로 기대되었다.
Changes in insect communities are one of the best indicators of environmental changes. A survey was conducted using the Flight Interception Trap (FIT) method to check the changes of species composition and abundance of silphids at Mt. Sokrisan National Park from April to October in 2003 to 2007. A total of9,704 individuals of six silphid species were examined by FIT. Among them, Nicrophorus quadripunctatus was the most dominant species with 8,763 (90.3%) individuals. There were only 971 (9.7%) individuals of the other five species. The seasonal abundance of silphids peaked in July and August. The annual abundance has decreased gradually since 2004. Therefore, the changing patterns of species composition and abundance of silphids checked by long-term monitoring could be used as environmental indicators which indirectly show the environmental changes of Mt. Sokrisan National Park.
본 연구에서는 계절 변화에 관련된 개념 유형을 분석하고, 관련 개념들에 관한 토의에 의해 인지갈등을 해소하는 방법을 강조한 발생학습 전략의 적용 효과를 알아보고자 하였다. 계절변화 관련 지구과학 개념 유형은 100가지 였으며, 그 중에서 66가지는 오개념을 포함한 비과학적 개념 유형이었다. 계절변화에 관련된 개념 평가도구는 R&D과정과 2번의 현장검증을 거쳐 개발되었다. 실험집단에는 지구과학개념 유형과 인지갈등을 반영한 4단계의 발생학습 전략을 적용하였다. 한편 통제집단에는 전통적인 교수 학습 전략을 적용하였다. 유의수준 .05에서 공변량분석을 실시한 결과 두 집단 간에는 유의미한 차이가 있는 것으로 나타났다. 이러한 연구 결과는 계절변화와 관련된 오개념을 지구과학적 개념으로 변화시키는 데 발생학습전략이 하나의 가능한 대안이 될 수 있음을 의미하는 것으로 볼 수 있다.
전남 고흥지역의 유자과원에 발생하는 글응애와 그 우점천적인 O.kashmirica benefica의 발생소장과 온도별 발육특성, 발육영점온도 그리고 유효적산온도를 1997년부터 2000년까지 4년동안 조사하였다. 15, 20, 25, 3 항온조건에서, 알부터 우화까지 발육기간은 각각 67.3, 31.4, 19.4, 15.3일이었고, 각 태별로는 번데기, 알, 3령 유충, 2령 유충, 1령 유충 순으로 발육기간이 길었으며, 암성충의 일평균산란수는 각각 3.3, 5.6, 7.3, 7.7개로 온도가 높을수록 산란수는 증가하였으나, 부화율과 우화율은 에서 각각 92%와 60%로 가장 높았다. 성충 수명은 암컷이 54.3일, 수컷이 58.6일로 숫성충이 약간 길었고, 자연발생 상태에서 성비는 0.58이었다. 알, 1령 ,2령, 3령 유충, 번데기 그리고 알에서 번데기까지의 발육영점온도는 각각 12.7, 10.0, 10.8, 7.9, 10.1, 10.6였고, 유효적산온도는 41.4, 22.9, 22.7, 46.6, 165.3, 292.9일도였다. O.kashmirica benefica는 유자과원에서 4월 상순부터 12월 상순까지 발생하고, 발생최성기는 글응애 발생량에 의존하여 해에 따라 다르며 발생최성기에 글응애와의 비율은 100-200:1이었다.
진딧물류의 포식성 천적인 칠성풀잠자리붙이의 발육에 미치는 온도의 영향 및 계절적 발생소장을 조사하였다. 난부터 우화가지의 평균발육기간은 17, 22, 27, (75%RH, 16L:8D)에 서 각각 39.5, 32.0, 25.0, 19.8일로 온도가 증가할수록 발육기간이 단축되었다. 암컷의 수명은 위 조사 온도에서 각각 84.7, 79.6, 77.7, 69.8일이었고 산란수는 각각 973, 1085, 1637, 1735개로 고온일수록 수명은 짧았지만 산란수는 많아졌다. 또한 부화율은 84.1~95.9%이었고 우화율은 67.6~86.3%로 온도가 높을수록 높았으며, 성비는 대략 1:1이었다. 35, 55, 75%습도조건()에서 발육기간(난-우화)은 각각 26, 24, 22.9일 이었고 산란수는 1042.8, 1526.5, 1640개 였다. 칠성풀잠자 리붙이 성충은 에서 우화 5~6일 후부터 산란하기 시작하여 1일 평균 30~40개 정도 산란하며, 우화 후 22~28일 사이에 산란을 가장 많이 하였는데 이때에 1일 최고 산란수는 80~90개였다. 복숭아혹진딧물과 목화진딧물은 5월 하순~6월 중순에 발생 Peak를 보인 후 7~8월에는 밀도가 급격히 감소하다가 9월 상~중순경에 다시 증가하였다. 칠성풀잠자리붙이는 7월 중~하순에 1차 발생 Peak를 보였으며, 그 이후 밀도가 감소하다 9월 중~하순에 다시 2차 발생 Peak가 나타났다.
광 및 온도가 꼬마배나무이의 겨울형성충(월동형) 발생에 미치는 영향을 조사한 결과 수원지역(북위 16') 의 꼬마배나무이 개체군은 광길이가 14시간일 때 부터 겨울형성충이 출현하였으며 광길이가 13시간일 때 9 93% 이상의 겨울형성충이 발생하였다. 또한 , 의 두 온도조건에서 겨울형성충 발생에 차이가 없었다. 꼬마배나무이의 각 발육단계별로 단일조건에 처리한 결과 1,2령기에 처리된 것은 각각 67.2, 54.4%가 겨 울형으로 되었고, 3령기는 9.3% 였으며 4령기부터는 영향을 받지 않았다. 꼬마배나무이의 평균산란수는 겨울형성충이 486.4개, 여름형성충이 387.2개 이었으며, 산란기간은 각각 34일과 24일 이었다.
경북 청도지방 감나무에 기생하는 주요 해충인 주머니깍지벌레에 대한 발생생태 및 방제체계에 대해 1992-1994년에 걸쳐 시험한 결과는 다음과 같다. 일반적으로 주머니각지벌레의 주 월동처는 감나무의 조피속이며 월동후 살아있는 암컷 성충내의 알에 대한 생충율은 28.7%이다. 알에서 부화한 약충은 4월하순경부터 활동하기 시작하여 전 생육기에 걸쳐 부화최성기는 6월하순~7월상순, 8월중.하순, 9월중.하순으로 1년에 3세대를 거치며 7월상순, 8월중순, 9월하순으로 3회의 peak를 이루었다. 암컷성충내의 포란수는 평균 229.3개였으며 주머니깍지벌레의 방제체계 시험에서 결정석회유황합제 + 살충제 2회 97.8%, 기계유유제 + 살충제 2회 96.8% 그리고 생육기간중 살충제 3회 처리는 77.2%의 방제효과를 보였다.
This study was initiated to find possibility of substitute of gibberellin acid and to prevent negative girdling effect such as slow growth of ‘Niitaka’ (Pyrus pyrifolia Nakai) trees, a major pear cultivar, at harvest and at 60-, 90-, and 120-d after storage. Seasonal wiring with 3.0-mm-diameter were applied on the main branch at 70, 80, 90, 110, and 130 days after full bloom (DAF) to compare the fruit quality and storability. Fruit weight and sugar contents were the greatly increased by the wiring treatment at 110 DAF, with the lowest values observed for the wiring at 70 DAF. All the wiring treatments reduced fruit acidity but did not affect fruit firmness. a-value on fruit skin was the highest for wiring at 110 DAF and 130 DAF, advancing fruit ripening. The lowest fruit weight loss was occurred at wiring at 110 DAF. a-value on fruit skin was the highest for wiring at 90 DAF and 110 DAF. Wiring at 80 DAF the most increased floral bud diameter, resulting in the lowest L:D ratio of 1.74 observed. As for the mineral nutrients concentrations of floral buds, the concentration of K (0.63%) and Mg (0.31%) were the highest after 80 DAF wiring treatment, whereas Ca and P concentrations did not differ among treatment plots. The leaf K concentrations was the highest in the 130-day wiring treatment (0.76%) and in the control plot (0.78%), whereas there was no significant difference in the concentrations of either Ca or P among treatment plots. Short periods of wiring increased foliar Mg concentrations. In floral buds, carbohy-drates showed a tendency for accumulating at a lower concentrations (7.75%) after 70 DAF wiring treatment, which was a relatively short treatment period. On the other hand, the carbohydrate concentrations in leaves showed a tendency for accumulating at lower concentrations after 130 DAF wiring treatment (2.51%), which is a long treatment period, and in the control plot (2.43%). Wiring increased the size and sugar content of fruits, and influenced fruit storability. For the wiring treatment period was delayed, the carbohydrate concentration in flower buds showed curvilinear correlation and the negative correlation with the carbohydrate in leaf tissue.
There is a rising interest of depletion of deposited fossil fuel and environmental pollution, inducing extensive studies to find new alternative sustainable energy sources to replace current petroleum based energy usage. As one of solutions, anaerobic digestion (AD) treating organic wastes has been considered one of the most promising processes owing to its sustainability, low production of sludge, unnecessariness of aeration, and biogas generation. Swine wastewater is characterized by high strength of organic matter contents, so it is regarded as a potential feedstock to produce methane through AD process. To investigate the functional relationship between the microbial communities and anaerobic process performance, regular seasonal sampling was done at four full scale anaerobic digesters treating swine wastewater in South Korea for two years. As results of process and microbial community analyses, chemical oxygen demand (COD) removal efficiency was monitored to proportional to those of carbohydrates, proteins and lipids. Methanogenic and bacterial populations were also positively related to the removal efficiencies of carbohydrates and lipids. However, proteins removal efficiency was independent of microbial population. It means that microbial communities in full scale anaerobic digesters are most likely to be mainly associated with carbohydrates and/or lipids metabolisms, indicating that proteins may be putative recalcitrant contents in wastewater. The microbial population tends to be more affected by places rather than seasons; however, with respect to seasons, the highest species abundances were observed mainly at winter. This implied that rising temperature in the anaerobic digesters in summer would be not suitable for the growth of mesophilic microorganisms, known to be predominant in anaerobic process. Actually, this speculation is supported by the fact that the highest removal efficiency of COD was measured at winter samples. The marked information in this study must provide a real insight into the effective field operation of anaerobic digestion.
극만기 벼 재배시 적응 품종을 선택할 때 7월 30일 전후의 이앙시기에서 불시출수 현상을 보이지 않으면서 적당한 출엽수를 확보하는 품종 특성을 구비해야 하는데 금오벼1호나 만종벼는 후기작 이앙시기에서도 출엽수 감소가 적고 규칙적인 출엽 양상을 보여 극만기 벼 재배시기에 안정적인 재배가 가능하였다. 관행 벼육묘상자 육묘에 비해 포트육묘로 벼의 생육단계를 진전시켜 이앙하면 후기작에서 출수기까지 1~3일의 생육기간이 단축되었다. 벼 폿트육묘상자를 이용했을 때와 좀더 공간이 큰 폿트육묘 상자를 이용하여 초기 벼 생육을 높여도 출수기 단축효과는 2일 이내로 크지 않았다. 따라서 벼 육묘상자와 폿트육묘의 출수기 단축효과는 초기 생육단계의 차이보다 이앙후 뿌리가 잘리지 않아 생기는 빠른 활착효과 때문으로 추정된다. 800℃ 이상의 등숙온도가 확보되는 출수시기는 익산은 9월 12일이었다. 폿트육묘를 할 경우 출수기가 1~3일 빨라지기 때문에 출수 후 50일간 평균온도가 조금 높아지는 결과를 얻었는데, 7월 26일 이앙에서는 20℃ 에 근접한 온도가 유지되었고, 7월 31일에는 19℃ 전후, 8월 5일에는 17.5~18.0℃ 로 5일간 이앙시기가 지연됨에 따라서 등숙기 평균온도는 1℃ 정도씩 저하되었다. 극만기 벼 재배에서 폿트육묘후 이앙한 경우 수량이 증대하였다. 폿트육묘하여 이앙하는 경우는 각 주별 식물체가 1~3개로 육묘상자로 육묘한 경우보다 적어 짧은 생육기간에 적정 수수를 확보하기 어려웠다. 따라서 폿트육묘로 후기작 재배시에는 재식밀도를 높여야 수량 증대 효과를 크게 얻을 수 있을 것으로 생각된다.