
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 4,411

        2009.11 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        ACTA는, WTO Trips협정으로 만족하지 않은 선진 각국이 이른바‘Trips plus협정’의 형태로 보다 정밀하고 고양된 수준의 지적재산권 보호를 위하여 추진하고 있는, 지적재산권집행에 관한 새로운 국제규범이다. 그런데 최근 한류의 주된 매체인 영화, 음반이 아시아 각국에서 불법복제되거나 세계최첨단을 자랑하는 온라인게임이 중국에서 짝퉁게임으로 몸살을 앓고 있는 사례를 보더라도 이제 한국의 저작권산업이나 특허기술력은 이미 세계적으로도 상당한 수준에 이르렀다. 때문에 한국이 선진 각국의 입장이 아닌 개발도상국의 입장을 지지하면서, 마지못하여 선진국이 세운 강화된 보호기준을 수용하거나 그런 수용을 회피하는 자세는 더 이상 적절할 수 없는 상황이므로, 이런 상황에 발맞춘 대응이 절실히 요구된다. 다만 한국대표단이 ACTA를 위한 협상을 함에 있어 알아야 할 점은, 디지털 환경에서의 지적재산권 집행에 있어 지나치게 강화된 기준은 한국경제에 득보다는 실이 클 수 있다는 사실이다. ACTA 중 디지털 환경에서의 지적재산권 집행 관련규정에 있어 인터넷서비스제공자가 과거 미국 디지털밀레미엄저작권법과 같은 비슷한 법규들에서처럼 핵심적 역할을 하게 될 것이다. 인터넷서비스제공자의 그런 역할과 관련하여, 장차 ACTA의 최종안은 이른바 미국이 가진 것과 같은 정보제출명령 절차를 채택할 가능성이 큰데, 이 절차는 권리자가 침해자로 주장된 자를 식별하기 위한 정보를 신속하게 인터넷서비스제공자로부터 획득하게 해주는 것이다. 반면 인터넷서비스제공자에 의한 강제적 필터링 혹은 의무적 모니터링 제도는 도입되기 어려울 것으로 보인다. 아울러 현행 한국 저작권법의 이른바 삼진아웃제도는 수정되는 것이 바람직한데, 왜냐하면 이 제도는 장차 ACTA의 최종안 중 그에 유사한 어느 제도와 비교하더라도 더 엄격하고 극단적인 내용을 담고 있기 때문이다.
        2009.11 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Cybercrime refers to the crime committed by the means of computer and network in the cyberspace which cause serious infringement on legal interests. It includes three parts: crimes aiming at Computer and internet, e.g. system truncated, system modifications, deleting or clearing data, malicious attacks on Web; crimes aiming at virtual items implemented in the network space, e.g. steal of online games equipment; traditional crimes committed by the use of internet, e.g. stealing of others’ bank deposits or defrauding others’ property. The main types of cybercrime are as follows: (1) crimes interfering with the security of internet operations. (2) crimes endangering national security or social stability; crimes destroying the socialist market economic order and the management of social order; crimes infringing the legitimate rights of individual, legal entity or other organization e.g. civil rights, property rights; crimes committed through other acts except the above-mentioned behaviors. Here are basic characteristics of China cybercrime: (1)criminals of young age, juvenile crime is highlighted;(2)secret criminal behaviors and large dark figure of crime;(3)great difficulty in obtaining evidence and combating criminal;(4) low cost and little risk during the cybercrime committing. The Criminal Law of China in 1997 provides two kinds of computer-related crimes. One is Invasion of Computer Information System provided in section 285 of the Penal Code, the other is Destruction of Computer Information Systems provided in section 286. Due to the serious flaws in the related provisions, functional handicaps concerning the computer crime in the judicial practice is resulted. So Amendment Ⅶ to Criminal Law of the People's Republic of China is enacted by NPC Standing Committee on Feb 28,2009, which supplemented and revised the computer crime and cybercrime. Two new crimes are added ,the crime of illegal access to computer systems data, illegal control over the crime of computer information systems and the crime of providing the procedures and tools used for invading, controlling the computer information systems.
        2009.11 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        1994년 무역관련 지적재산권에 관한 협정 [Agreement on Trade-Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights (이하‘TRIPs협정’)] 하에서의 강화된 특허보호가 세계무역기구[World Trade Organization (이하‘WTO’)] 회원국의 공중보건보호를 취하는 것을 방해하지 않는 것으로 TRIPs협정에서는 세가지 유형의 특허규정1)을 두고 있다. 그런데 문제는 이 조항들이 상당히 간략하고 애매모호하게 규정되었다는 점이다. 조약법에 관한 비엔나협약 [Vienna Convention on the Law of Treaties(이하‘VCLT’)] 제31조와 제32조에 비추어 그 의미를 해석하면 다음과 같다. TRIPs협정 제27.2조 하에서 WTO 회원국은 ‘공공질서’또는‘공서양속’에 관한 자국의 정의에 따라 특정종류의 의약품을 특허대상으로부터 일괄적으로 제외할 수 있으나, 의약품의 가격이 높다는 이유는 특허대상 제외의 정당한 사유가 되지 못한다. 또한 개인적, 학술적 그리고 실험적 용도로 이용하는 경우‘공공질서 또는 공서양속의 보호’에 위배되지 않는 발명에 대해서는 WTO 회원국은 특허대상에서 제외할 수 없다. TRIPs협정 제27.3조 (a)호 하에서 기존의 물질에 대한 새로운 치료방법, 유전자 치료방법의 특허 대상으로부터 제외여부는 WTO 회원국의 재량권에 속하는 사항이다. TRIPs협정 제27.3조 (b)호 하에서 특허신청 시 유전자원의 출처공개 조치는 특허신청 허여에 있어서 필수요건으로 요구되어서는 아니 된다. TRIPs협정 제30조에서는 허여된 권리에 대한 예외를 규정하고 있다. 특허권자의 배타적인 권리에 대한 예외조치는 TRIPs협정 제30조의 3단계 요건을 만족하여야 한다. 첫 요건인‘제한된’은“ 범위가 한정된”의 의미이다. 두 번째 요건은‘통상적인 이용에 불합리하게 저촉되지 아니’하여야 한다. ‘불합리한 저촉’에 대한 해석에 있어서 각 국가는 특허권자의 배타적인 권리보호에 대한 서로 다른 철학을 가지고 있다는 점을 염두에 두어야 한다. TRIPs협정 제30조에서의 세 번째 요건은‘제3자의 정당한 이익을 고려’한 특허권자의‘정당한 이익을 불합리하게 저해해서는 아니 된다.’는 것이다. 동 조항에서의‘특허권자의 정당한 이익’은 특허권자의‘법적인 이익’보다는 더 넓은 의미이며, ‘제3자의 정당한 이익’은 공중의 의약품에 대한 접근의 권리를 포함하는 이익이다. 강제실시에 대하여 규정한 TRIPs협정 제31조를 살펴보면 강제실시 조치를 취함에 있어서 공중보건위기와 관련되는 질병은 만성병일 수 있다. TRIPs협정 제31조는 강제실시 허여 이유에 대하여 제한하지 않는다. 강제실시 협상에 실패한 동일한 특허대상에 대하여 강제실시를 허여한다면 사용자와 특허권자사이의 서한이나 연락 등을 참조하여 사안에 따라서는 강제실시 사용예정자의 사전협상 의무는 면제될 수 있다고 본다. TRIPs협정 제31조 (h)항에서의‘승인의 경제적 가치를 고려한 적절한 보상’에 있어서 WTO 회원국의 동 조항에 대한 신축적인 이행이 가능하다. 공중의 의약품에 대한 접근을 보장하는데 있어서 상당히 중요한 조치임에도 불구하고 기존의 TRIPs협정 특허제도에서 허용되지 않는 공중보건보호 조치는 TRIPs협정 특허규정에 대한 해석이 아니라 개정작업을 통하여서만 그 정당성이 보장된다.
        2009.11 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Unpaid Family Worker is blind area of industry safety. Danger of industrial accident is some high but because was excepted in industrial accident compensation insurance application. In most case, because paltry Unpaid Family Worker is no opportunity to take safety education to prevent industrial accidents and there are few safety facility and safety equipment, etc., among business, it may be said that probability to suffer industrial accidents on a trifling mistake or carelessness is higher than general worker of business. Consider such difficult actuality of Unpaid Family Worker and our country must give these benefit of industrial accident compensation insurance application, as opened the door of insurance application in recognition of worker position by "Industrial accident compensation insurance Law" to middle·smaller enterprise's business proprietor or special form labor employees.
        2009.10 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        The damage of citrus fruit by yellow tea thrips, Scirtothrips dorsalis Hood, was first confirmed in 2008, and has since been one of the serious pests of citrus in Jeju. This was reported on damage symptom on tangor cultivar, Setoka (Tangor Norin No. 8) fruits cultivated in a greenhouse and the characteristic of spatial disttribution of S. dorsalis caught on yellow sticky traps was conducted in three commercial citrus orchards. The feeding habits by S. dorsalis cause rind blemishes on the navel part of fruit. The damage is characterized by being scarped and figure like covered cloud on satsum mandarine fruit, but on by a brown ring of rough russeting that occurs on navel part of Setoka fruit. The season of damage occurrence was from middle of June to late of July. There was a highly significant relationship between the average number of thrips per trap and the maximum number caught on a trap. The overall differences between the linear regression models obtained from mean-variance relationship for each surveyed fields were tested by type Ⅲ error and contrast method. The characteristic of spatial distribution of S. dorsalis was better described by Taylor's power law than Iwao's patchiness regression, and the dispersion index which is the slope (=1.72) of linear regression model showed the aggregated distribution pattern. The sequential sampling stop lines at fixed precision level of 0.20, 0.25 and 0.30 were calculated.
        2009.10 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Currently there is a great increase in concern about the safety of food we eat and the potential hazards arising from contamination with synthetic pesticide residues on crops. In general, consumers tend to believe that synthetic pesticides and there residues in crops are dangerous to our health. On the other hand, less attention has been paid to the naturally occurring toxic substances in crops, which may cause or contribute to illness in humans. The Korean peninsula is very hot and humid during the summer season. This environment is good for the growth of various kinds of pests and pathogens as well as crops. Therefore, Korea has been one of the most intensive pesticide consuming countries of the world, an attractive market for multinational pesticide companies. In order to control the diseases, pests and weeds effectively, the use of pesticides in agriculture is inevitable. The pesticides protect the reduction of production from diseases, insect pests and weeds. Furthermore, they provide the stable food and crop supply by improving the quality. Thus, the pesticides are the most economical and safe substance to replace and cover the shortage of rural work force, which gets more and more serious. Pesticide industry in Korea has just a short history of 50 years. Taking the procedures of the import, adoption and imitation of the foreign technologies, five compounds were synthesized newly by our technology and registered as insecticide, fungicide and herbicide. Until now the most of pesticide technicals were imported from foreign countries with high price. The imported technicals are formulating with adjuvant in manufacture factory. From the 1970s a part of technicals which is expired patent are synthesizing by our own technology. Totally of 1,230 items has been notified to be used as pesticide by the government at 2008. The pesticide production in 2008 was 21,168 M/T as an active ingredient. The amount was divided 17.5% for paddy rice, 45.4% for horticultural plants, 26.2% for weed and 10.9% for others. By formulation, emulsifiable concentrate is 46.3%, wettable powder 32.6%, granule 17.5%, dust 0.8% and water soluble powder 0.7%. The total amount of imported pesticide was 443,362 thousand dollars. Among them the technical grade is 77.4%, intermediates for synthesis 4.1%, formulation 18.5%. The technical grade was divided with fungicides 28.7%, insecticides 34.2%, herbicides 26.2% and others 10.9%. The major importing countries are Japan 29%, Germany 15.2%, United State 15%, China 12.6%, Swiss 8.4% and others 29%. The local production ratio of technicals is 10.6% of the required technicals in Korea. On the other hand, Korea is exporting some technical grade and formulations to several nations. The agrochemical market value of Korea in 2008 was 27,586 thousand dollars. The ideal pesticide would be toxic only to the target organism, but unfortunately this cannot often be achieved and most pesticides are to some extent hazardous to other organisms also and, therefore, potentially harmful to those handling them. At present 2008, the maximum residue limit (MRL) for 399 pesticides was established in all crops. And the standard for safe use for 800 items except herbicides was also established in each crop. Every year, Korean government is monitoring the residue level of pesticides to agricultural products for safety of consumers. The classification of pesticides toxicity by the Pesticides Management Law is based primarily on its acute oral and dermal toxicity to test animals. This hazard classification of Korea is following the method of WHO. The hazard class is divided into 4 groups; extremely hazardous, highly hazardous, moderately hazardous and lowly hazardous. Among 1,230 items including 28 items of biopesticide using in Korea, there is no extremely hazardous group, 17 items in highly hazardous group, 175 moderately hazardous and 1,038 lowly hazardous. Apart from classification system by acute toxicity, to minimize the side effects caused by pesticides we have another system prescribing definitely the enforcement degree of crop-residual, soil-residual and water-residual pesticides. Crop-residual pesticide is legally defined as the agrochemical that its terminal residue level in crop harvests exceeds the national maximum residue limit. The residual pesticide of which its persistence is evaluated to have longer than 180 days of half life in soil and the residual impacts on the second cropping is recognized, donates as the soil-residual pesticide. And both of crop and soil residual pesticides are prohibited to register for use. Water residual pesticide of which the fish toxicity (TLm, 48hrs) to the carp is less than 0.1ppm is also legally regulated and banned for use in paddy field. What kinds of pesticides are required for the future of Korean agriculture? Everybody will reply. "They must have the high activity, be safe and without harmful effects to the animals and environment". But actually the development of ideal pesticides in Korea is very difficult owing to invest of lots of money and time. So we are using the technology of molecular design for toxicity reduction of already existing pesticides, and research for development of biopesticides by the bioengineering technique using plants and microorganism. To use pesticides effectively, we have to research and evaluate of integrated control measures including development of biological, enzyme and hormone manipulation, and mechanical controls resulting in pest management concepts. For the future, it is necessary to produce and use more effective and more selective pesticides. Over the development of synthetic pesticides from 1940s there have been significant changes in the tools available for research and development of pesticides. Research on pesticides has gone from spray and prays to high throughput screening on in vitro targets. Analytical techniques of pesticides now allow easier identification of metabolites and degradation products, whilst parts per trillion can be routinely determined. These changes have been largely driven by advances in computing power over the past decades. Similarly, the modeling for development of new pesticides that can now be carried out would have seemed impossible 50 years ago. Information today is also much more readily accessible than before, the internet is a tool which has come of age and is the repository of a large amount of information. Communications have similarly changed with personal mail allowing instant communication with fellow scientists. In the future, international cooperation will be more needed for the exchange of related and updated information in safety evaluation and development of pesticides.
        2009.09 KCI 등재후보 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This paper has attempted to analyze asbestos dismantlement and removal companies' licensing procedure and their work satisfaction and observance of laws and regulations and discover problems for improvement of the current system. In terms of the number of asbestos dismantlement and removal companies by region, Seoul and Gyeonggi (32, 43.2%) were the highest, followed by Jeonnam, Jeonbuk and Jeju (19, 25.7%), Gyeongnam and Gyeongbuk / Chungnam and Chungbuk (8 apiece, 10.8%) and Gangwon (7, 9.5%). In terms of the number of asbestos dismantlement and removal works, it has rapidly increased from 33 cases (1.4%) in 2005 to 598 (25.1%) in 2007 and 1,599 (67.2%) in 2008. In terms of preliminary investigation on asbestos, asbestos-related education and work environment by region, a significant statistical difference has been observed. According to analysis on the asbestos dismantlement and removal companies' satisfaction (in terms of the appropriateness of dismantlement and removal cost), 'unsatisfied (35 companies, 47.3%)' was the highest, followed by 'not bad (20, 27.0%)' and 'satisfied (19, 25.7%),' showing high dissatisfaction on the cost. In terms of the asbestos dismantlement and removal companies' satisfaction at work, Factor 1 accounted for 39.3% while Factor 2 was 16.8%, which showed 56.2% in total.
        2009.09 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        2009.09 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        컴퓨터 보안에 관한 최근의 황당한 기사를 읽으신다면 온라인 광고에서 얼마나 많은 문제들이 발생하고 있는지 아시게 될 것입니다. 온라인 광고는 최종 이용자가 무료로 웹사이트를 이용할 수 있는 기반이기에 온라인 광고는 어디에나 존재합니다. 하지만 광고 보안의 허점도 널리 퍼져있습니다. 예를들어 사기성 안티 스파이웨어 소프트웨어를 광고해주는 배너광고(악하다는 의미의“Mal”수식어와 광고“Advertisement”가 합쳐 Malvertisement라고함)에서부터 부정클릭 및 스파이웨어와 에드웨어까지 온라인 광고의 보안 허점은 눈에 띄게 많습니다. 지난 5년 동안 저는 이용자를 속이는 수백 개의 사기성 온라인 광고를 발견했습니다. (웹의 최고 광고주들은 말할 것도 없습니다) 제가 찾은 사기성 온라인 광고, 이용자와 광고주가 그들을 어떻게 보호할 수 있는지에 대해 본 장에서 요약하겠습니다.
        2009.09 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        2009.09 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        인터넷을 통한 상거래가 활성화되면서 상표가 기존의 상표권 제도하에서는 예상할 수 없었던 새로운 형태로 사용되고 있다. 이 글에서는 포털사이트의 큰 수익모델이 되고 있는 키워드광고(인터넷 이용자가 검색어를 입력하면 그 검색어에 광고를 연결해줄 것을 미리 신청한 광고주의 광고가 검색결과를 보여주는 화면에 나타나게 해주는 광고기법)에 대하여 다룬다. 타인의 상표를 검색사이트를 통하여 소비자에게 쉽게 접근할 수 있는 매개수단으로 사용한 경우 상표권 침해 또는 부정경쟁행위에 해당하는지에 대하여 광고주와 검색사이트로 나누어 검토한다.