2022년부터 2023년까지 제주도내 키위 시설재배지를 대상으로 계절 초기 볼록총채벌레 발생 경향을 확인하 기 위해서 토양 표면의 잡초, 토양 표면 상단으로부터 60cm, 키위나무를 유인한 덕 상단 15cm에서 10일 간격으로 발생 조사하였다. 하우스 내부에서 발생하는 잡초 10종을 채집하여 조사한 결과, 갈퀴덩굴, 광대나물, 개불알풀, 별꽃, 뽀리뱅이, 황새냉이 6종에서 볼록총채벌레가 지속적으로 관찰되었다. 계절 초기 월동 성충의 비산시기를 확인하기 위해 토양 표면 60cm 위쪽에 설치한 황색 끈끈이트랩에서 2월 하순~3월 중순부터 볼록총채벌레의 발생을 확인하였다. 시설하우스 내부(덕 상단 15cm)와 외부(측장 높이)에 설치한 황색 끈끈이트랩을 비교해보면 시설 내·외부의 볼록총채벌레의 밀도가 증가하고 감소하는 시기가 유사하였다. 종합적인 고찰을 통하여, 발생 양상을 고려한 적절한 방제전략 수립이 요구된다.
국립생물자원관은 2010년부터 우리나라 생물종을 대상으로 IUCN 적색목록 범주에 따른 종 평가를 실시하여 국가생물적색자료집을 발간하여 왔다. 2010년부터 2014년까지 관속식물, 척추동물, 무척추동물 등 주요 분류군 에 대해 평가를 실시하여 총 10권의 자료집을 발간하였고, 2019년부터는 기존 평가 종을 대상으로 재평가를 실시 하여 지금까지 총 9권의 자료집을 재발간하였으며, 내년에 거미류 자료집 발간으로 재평가를 마무리할 예정이 다. 현재까지 총 4,353종에 대한 IUCN 적색목록 범주에 따른 평가를 완료하였으나 이는 전체 자생생물종 58,050 종 대비 약 7.5%에 불과하다. 따라서, 2024년부터는 평가가 이루어지지 않은 신규 분류군에 대한 평가를 수행할 예정이다. 또한, 2019년부터는 IUCN 적색목록팀과 함께 우리나라 고유종에 대한 평가를 수행하여 IUCN 적색목 록에 등재하는 작업을 수행하였고, 이를 통해 총 150종의 고유종을 IUCN 적색목록 사이트에 등재를 완료하고 보고서를 발간하였다.
This study was to psychological effects of insect healing programs in Insect ecological garden. A sample of participated 9 families and non-participated 9 families in the survey from near study area in Sangju and Mungyeong, Gyeongbuk. The nine families in the experimental group participated in an insect experience activity healing programs using emotional insects(butterfly, beetle and endangered insect) and edible insect. All the participants were examined to psychological effect with major family strength, PANAS, POMS-B, PSS, CES-D and GAD-7 in before and after the program. The results of this study showed that the healing program of insect experience activities had a positive effect on the participated families of Family strength, PANAS, POMS-B, PSS, CES-D and GAD-7. The participated families preferred insects more than before healing program of insect experience activities. And participated families in the insect healing program showed high satisfaction. As a result, we were going to investigate the effect of the family type insect healing program in this study. In the future, the insect ecological healing program will be able to be applied to various subjects. These result reveals that the insect healing program performed in insect ecological healing program may improve stress, depressive and anxiety disorders symptoms of people.
The developmental biology and morphological characteristics of the immature stages of Hypolimnas bolina were studied in the laboratory using host plant, Ipomoea batatas (L.) Lam. This species has six larval stadia, with an egg period of 2.4 ± 0.54 days, a larval period of 16.8 ± 2.3 days, and a pupal period of 10 ± 1 days. It takes approximately 30 days to mature from egg to adult. Illustrations and descriptions of the various immature stages and their behaviors are provided.
곤충생태원에서 진행되는 진로체험프로그램의 일환으로 ‘곤충 캠프, 파브르의 하루’ 프로그램을 개발하여 시범 적용하였다. 참가자는 전주시 지역에 거주하는 초등·중학생 16명이며, 야간시간(19:00-23:00)대에 활동이 이루어짐에 따라 사전에 보호자로부터 참여 동의를 획득하였다. 야외 활동은 각 개인별로 랜턴과 채집 도구를 지참하였으며, 4-5명씩 한 조를 이루어 담당 교사와 보조 교사가 동행하였다. 주된 활동은 야간등화, 통나무 무더 기, 야생의 서식지, 미리 설치한 곤충 트랩 속 곤충 찾기, 스탬프 미션활동 등으로 구성되었다. 실내활동으로는 곤충 동정하기, 곤충 관찰 수첩, 나만의 곤충도감 만들기 등을 진행하였다. 효과를 분석하기 위해서 프로그램이 진행되기 전과 끝난 후에 설문조사를 실시하였다. 분석 결과, 참여자의 평균 연령은 12.8세이며, 프로그램 참여를 통해 자아존중감의 향상(3.34점→3.61)과 진로인식 향상(3.40점→3.66)에 긍정적인 변화를 가져왔다(p<0.05). 야간에 이루어지는 활동으로 고려해야 할 사항이 많기는 하지만, 참여자의 재참여 의도가 90점으로 만족도가 높은 것으로 나타났기에, 향후 추가적인 연구 및 새로운 시도가 필요할 것으로 보인다.
농가에서 곤충자원을 활용한 치유농업프로그램의 개발 요구가 증가함에 따라 기존 곤충 돌보기 중심의 치유프로그램과 더불어 활용할 수 있는 야간 곤충채집 활동을 치유농업프로그램으로 개발하 고 시범 적용하였다. 야간곤충채집 활동은 대학생 9명에게 사전에 참여 동의를 획득하고, 전남대학교 학술림(장성)에서 1박 2일간 진행하였다. 18시부터 24시까지 야간 채집 활동과 익일 오전에는 채집한 곤충을 이용한 곤충 표본 제작 활동으로 프로그램을 구성하였다. 프로그램의 효과 분석을 위해 사전 (활동 전), 중간(채집활동 직후), 사후(표본제작 직후)에 뇌파, 맥파 검사 그리고 설문조사를 실시하였 다. 뇌파 분석 결과, 야간 채집활동 직후 뇌파의 기초율동이 향상(10.67→11.44)하였다(p<0.05). 요인 분석을 통한 스트레스 분석 결과, 내적 스트레스는 3.22(사전)→2.96(사후)로 감소(p<0.1)하였고, 문제 수행능력 관련 스트레스는 2.92(중간)→2.70(사후)로 감소하였다. 이러한 결과는 야간 채집 활동 속에 서 이용되는 근육의 움직임이 뇌 기능 향상과 스트레스 감소에 영향을 줄 것으로 생각된다. 참여자가 적은 연구의 한계를 극복하기 위해 향후 연령대별, 성별 등 다양한 참여자를 대상으로 추가적인 채집 프로그램의 개발 및 적용이 필요하다.
Entomopathogenic fungi are used to produce raw materials by applying solid culture technology using grains. But there are various problems such as low production efficiency and cross-contamination. Solvum Co., Ltd. conducted research on liquid culture technology to develop a method that can overcome these shortcomings of solid culture technology. We conducted research and development on using Beauveria bassiana 331R to observe the culture according to the seed inoculation amount in a 30 L fermenter, it was carried out at 1.0 % (v/v) and 10.0 % (v/v). Although there was a difference of 1 day, 1.0 %(v/v) seed inoculation was observed to be more than twice that, and active blastospores and yield were observed at over 95.0 %. As a results, it was determined that cost and efficient production would be possible during the culture process in mass production. Based on these experiments, a 300 L fermenter was cultured with 1.0 % (v/v) seed inoculation, resulting in a yield of 1.24E+09 CFU/mL on the 6th day of cultivation. As a result of freeze-drying using the final culture medium, it was confirmed that the production yield was improved by 113.0 % compared to the control.
We analyzed trend of plants (40 items) on imported seedlings using the Pest Information System (PIS) for the past 20 years. 530 species (9 order 336 genus) were found among 40 items on imported seedlings including Rosaceae, Arecaceae, Crassulaceae, and Fabaceae. Hemiptera were the most expected to be detected pest as 52%, followed by Coleoptera as 16%, Lepidoptera as 11%, and Diptera as 8% in potential detection rate. For prohibited pests, Tephritidae are the most common pests as 86% in approximately 60 prohibited species, including Bactrocera dorsalis, and Bactrocera tryoni in Diptera and Cydia pomonella in Lepidoptera.
When shooting an object with a microscope, the size of the object is large, so it may not be captured on one screen, or the results may not be good due to dust. It is intended to provide a high-resolution image photographing method and correction method using Photoshop 5.0 program. In particular, when the object is large, a method of synthesizing after split photographing when it is not visible on one screen during micrographing will be provided. In addition, when the background is dark, a background color correction method and a color correction method after imaging are also provided. The photographing method and correction method are presented based on Lepidoptera, Diptera, and Coleoptera. The high-resolution images were taken using Nikon D500 16-80mm VR Kit or Leica M205C, Dhyana400DC.
The enzyme digestion of foods is known to have certain advantages, such as enhancing health improvement functions of functional foods. In this study, we investigated whether the memory enhancement effects of HongJam could be enhanced by enzymatic digestions. We found that enzyme digested HJ had more enhanced functionality than undigested HJ. We also found the molecular basis of memory enhancement by performing various biochemical and molecular biological experiments. (Grant No. PJ016908032023)
Hongjam is a natural health food that has been shown to have various health-promoting effects, but studies on immunity enhancement have not been done so far. In this study, we investigated whether HongJam extracts could be enhancing innate immunity by protomoting proliferatin of macrophages and their phagocytic or pinocytic abilities to pathogens. (Grant No. PJ017024022023)
Immunity is largely divided into innate immunity and adaptive immunity. We conducted a study using HongJam extract to confirm its innate immunity-enhancing effect. Our data using Natural Killer (NK) cells, which play an important role in innate immunity, confirmed that HongJam extract promotes the proliferation of NK cells and also enhances the function of NK cells to attack and destroy cancer cells. (Grant No. PJ017024022023)
아메리카동애등에 성충은 음식물 폐자원 등 유기물이 있는 곳에 알을 낳는 습성이 있다. 대부분의 농가는 음식 물폐자원을 가공한 단미사료(습식사료)를 유인배지로 활용하여 그 위에 플로랄폼(오아시스)를 놓고 알을 받는 다. 그러나 플로랄폼은 재사용이 불가하고 생분해되지 않는 환경폐기물로서 처리가 곤란하며 포름알데하이드, 카본 블랙 등의 발암물질을 함유한 것으로도 알려져 있다. 이에 본 연구는 먹이원 자체를 활용하여 폐기물이 발생하지 않는 친환경 산란받이를 개발하였으며 일회용으로 사용되는 플로랄폼을 대체하였다. 먹이원으로 활 용할 수 있는 습식사료와 건식사료를 주재료로 하여 제작하며, 습식사료(수분60~80%)와 건식사료(1~10%)를 1:0.5~1 비율로 혼합한 사료 혼합물과 보조첨가제와 물을 포함하여 제작한다. 친환경 산란받이는 기존 플로랄폼 대비 산란율이 34% 증가하였으며 구매비용 또한 75% 절감하였다.
아메리카동애등에 유충은 유기성폐기물을 먹이원으로 하며 그 분해산물인 동애등에분은 비료원료로 활용 가능하다. 그러나 농가에서 나오는 분변토는 염분함량이 높아 단독으로 사용하면 토양에 염류집적의 우려가 있다. 이에 산업곤충인 동애등에 분변토의 염분을 낮춰 퇴비로 활용하고자 옥수수(미백2호)에 5처리(무처리, 동애등에분, 동애등에분:흰점박이꽃무지분(2:8), 동애등에분:퇴비(2:8), 퇴비)로 비료를시용하였다. 옥수수 생 육은 초장, 간장, 웅수장, 착수고를 조사하였고 종실은 이삭중, 이삭장, 착립이삭장, 이삭폭 등을 조사하였다. 처리구별 옥수수 수량(kg/10a)은 무처리구 702.8kg, 동애등에분처리구 835.6kg. 동애등에분:흰점박이꽃무지분 (2:8) 처리구 723.7kg, 동애등에분:퇴비(2:8) 처리구 862.3kg, 퇴비 처리구 803.7kg으로 조사되었다. 동애등에 분변 토를 시판퇴비와 혼합하여 퇴비로 활용하면 옥수수 생산을 증진시키는데 효과적이나 장기적인 실험을 통해 토양과 작물에 미치는 영향을 모니터링해야 될 것으로 판단된다.
The striped fruit fly, Zeugodacus scutellata., is ubiquitous in agricultural areas, making it a critical pest to monitor and manage. It is necessary to develop a technique for rearing Z. scutellata in the laboratory to achieve mass production for biological control. The pumpkin is an important host plant for Z. scutellata; females lay their eggs on the tops of pumpkin flower buds, and larvae consume the stamens from top to bottom before dropping to the ground. Several types of diets are considered in the present study, including liquid, solid, and semisolid diets. Methyl benzoate, propionic acid, sodium benzoate, and citric acid were tested for their ability to suppress microbial contamination and improve the shelf life of diets. Fresh pumpkin, pumpkin flower, and pumpkin powder were used as primary ingredient. Reared adults were tested for their egg laying and survival abilities based on different diets. Approximately 86% of adults emerged from liquid and semisolid diets. Solid diets reduce pupae production and adult emergence. The diets with a total viability of less than 75% were discarded, which is considered as a reasonable threshold to determine whether a diet is nutritionally sufficient to rear the flies. Based on the results of the present study, we have developed a diet for mass rearing in laboratories, which may assist in providing a scientific basis for the effective control of Z. scutellata.
Bacillus velezensis TJS119 was isolated from the freshwater, and antagonistic activity against of pathogenic fungi. Strain TJS119 showed a broad spectrum of antagonistic activities many fungal pathogens, including the green muscardine fungus Metarhizium anisopliae. The whole-genome sequence of B. velzensis TJS119 was analyzed using the illumina platform. The genome comprises a 3,809,913 bp chromosome with a G + C content of 46.43%, 3,834 total genes, 10 rRNA and 73 tRNA genes. The genome contained a total of 8 candidate gene clusters (difficidin, fengycin, bacillaene, macrolactin, bacillibactin, bacilysin, surfactin and butirosin) to synthesize secondary metabolite biosynthesis. Overall, our data will aid future studies of the biocontrol mechanisms of B. velezensis TJS119 and promote its application in insect disease control.
Protaetia brevitarsis seulensis larvae from industrial insects are traditionally recognized as functional health foods in South Korea. We evaluated the immuno-modulatory effects of feeding beneficial microorganism (Bacillus velezensis TJS119) to P. brevitarsis larvae as a dietary source. In this study, we investigated the immune-enhancing activities of P. brevitarsis larvae hot-water extract (PLW) and PLW after treatment with B. velezensis TJS119 (PLWB) using the RAW 264.7 macrophage cell line. We examined the effects of PLWB on cell proliferation, cytokine production, and nitric oxide production in RAW264.7 cells. PLWB showed no cytotoxicity at concentrations ranging from 7.8 to 1,000 μg/mL in RAW264.7 cells. Treatment with PLWB increased the production of nitric oxide and pro-inflammatory cytokines [tumor necrosis factor-alpha (TNF-α), interleukin-6 (IL-6), and interleukin-1β (IL-1β)] at doses of 62.5 to 1,000 μ g/mL in RAW264.7 cells. As a result, PLWB exhibited a stronger immune-enhancing effect compared to PLW. In conclusion, the results of this study offer experimental evidence to support the potential utilization of PLWB as an immunity-enhancing nutraceutical ingredient.
In this study, Bacillus velesensis TJS119, isolated from freshwater, demonstrated growth inhibition against insect pathogenic fungi. The culture medium of the B. velezensis TJS119 strain underwent sequential fractionation with n-hexane, chloroform, ethyl acetate, n-butanol, and water. Notably, the n-butanol fraction exhibited significant antifungal activity against Metarhizium anisopliae and Beauveria bassiana. LC/MS analysis of antifungal peaks identified the production of various lipopeptides by B. velezensis TJS119, including two types of iturin A (C14, C15), four types of fengycin A (C14, C15, C16, C17), and two types of fengycin B (C16, C17). The antifungal efficacy of Iturin A and Fengycin against insect pathogenic fungi was further validated using the paper disc diffusion method. These findings underscore the potential of B. velezensis TJS119 as a promising candidate for future research and applications in the realm of agricultural biological controls against fungal diseases.
The pear pest, Cacopsylla jukyungi (Hemiptera: Psyllidae), is one of the most damaging insect to commercial pears in South Korea. In this study, we developed eight microsatellite markers specific to C. jukyungi and genotyped 132 individuals collected from 11 localities throughout South Korea. Populations showed lower observed heterozygosity than expected heterozygosity and slightly or highly positive values of inbreeding coefficients, suggesting that C. jukyungi is subjected to inbreeding. The nationwide expansion of pear orchards and the replacement with a popular new cultivar during the last 50 years, which may have accompanied the spread of C. jukyungi-bearing pear grafts and scions, are likely sources of such facilitated dispersal. Thus, a management strategy against unintended anthropogenic dispersal of the pear psyllid will be required for better control of C. jukyungi.
The Lepidoptera - moths, butterflies, and skippers, is one of the three most species-rich, studied, diverse, and widely distributed insect orders, with over 157,424 species worldwide (van Nieukerken et al., 2011). Moths and butterflies serve as valuable indicator species for monitoring climate change. Conversely, the distribution of lepidoptera is actively and interactively influenced by changes in climate and land cover (Warren et al., 2001). Over the last five years, there are many oriental moth species, such as genus Stictane, Siccia, Philenora, Ammatho, Asota, etc., have been newly recorded in Korea, since other new records are very likely yet to be discovered in this country and nearby.