
한국응용곤충학회 학술대회논문집

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2018년 작물보호분야 공동 국제학술대회 (2018년 10월) 380

Special Issue Symposia I

2018.10 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
The cotton bollworm, Helicoverpa armigera is one of the most polyphagous and cosmopolitan pest species in world wide including Korea. It also showed high level of resistance against various types of insecticide. To set the integrated resistant management program, first, we tried to identify the insecticide resistant mechanism via transcriptome analysis of coding and non-coding RNAs using 4 strains (Australian susceptible and resistant strains, Korean and Brazilian resistant strains, additional a sub-lethal dose insecticide treatment in Korean resistant strain). From the illumina based RNAseq data sets with genome information, some resistant involved detoxification genes and long non-coding RNAs were discovered. Second, following molecular markers were developed from resistant strain specific amino acid substitution from those candidate genes. Third, functionally identified genes’ markers were applied in field populations using some molecular diagnostic tools such as LAMP (loop mediated isothermal amplification). Now additional functional analysis is going on for these un-characterized candidate genes and long non-coding RNAs.
2018.10 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
Geminiviruses are plant-infecting viruses with monopartite or bipartite single-stranded circular DNA genomes. They are known to be mediated by insects such as whiteflies, treehoppers, leafhoppers or aphids and can cause devastating plant diseases in a wide range of economically significant crops worldwide. In Korea, occurrence of geminiviruses were reported officially after the 2000s. Although Honeysuckle yellow vein virus (HYVV) and Sweet potato leaf curl virus (SPLCV) were identified from honeysuckle and sweet potato in 2004 and 2006 respectively, these viruses did not spread and cause much concern for geminiviruses. In 2008, Tomato yellow leaf curl virus (TYLCV) that has caused severe tomato production loss in many subtropical and tropical countries was first reported in tomato plants cultivated in Tongyeong. TYLCV rapidly spread through the country and has been continuously reported from tomato cultivating areas in Korea. In addition to TYLCV, Tobacco leaf curl virus and Sweet potato golden vein associated virus have occurred. In recent years, new geminiviruses including Papaya leaf curl Guangdong virus (PaLCGdV) and Euphorbia leaf curl virus (EuLCV) have been introduced. Newly emerging geminiviruses from tropical and subtropical countries are due to increased demand for various fruits and vegetables, and climate change. In addition, there are reports that some geminiviruses including TYLCV can be transmitted by infected seeds. Therefore it is important to study on epidemiology of virus introduction and spread among the countries and within country.
2018.10 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
Frequent surveys and monitoring were conducted in the Southern part of Bangladesh to detect and identify the plant pathogenic virus that infecting agriculturally important vegetables during 2017-2018. A total of 28 fields of the survey area were closely monitored. The findings indicated that 21.94% of the plants developed typical virus disease like symptomps in the field. However, 28.21% infected plants were found in Patuakhali followed by Satkhira (23.11%), Khulna (19.33%) and Barguna (17.12%). The symptoms were mosaic, vein clearing, chlorosis, curling and ringspot. Twenty samples from the collections were randomly chosen on the basis of symptoms and subjected to Enzyme-linked Immunosorbent Assay (ELISA) with the antiserum and symptomalogy were used for detection. Eight viruses namely Cucumber mosaic virus (CMV), Okra yellow vein clearing mosaic virus (OYVCMV), Mungbean yellow mosaic virus (MYMV), Tomato yellow leaf curl virus (TYLCV), Pepper mottle virus (PMV), Papaya ringspot virus (PRSV), Watermelon mosaic virus (WMV) and Zucchini yellow mosaic virus (ZYMV) were detected on cucumber, okra, brinjal, mungbean, tomato, pepper, papaya, watermelon and pumpkin respectively.
2018.10 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
Nongwoo Bio has established a company capable of producing vegetable breeding and production in Indonesia. Since 2000, we have conducted a survey on viruses in vegetable crops such as pepper and tomatoes in Indonesia about 7 times. Since there is a possibility that the virus in Southeast Asia may occur in Korea, TSWV resistant substance is secured in pepper to cultivate resistant varieties and cultivate tomato resistant varieties. As a result, we have introduced TSWV resistant varieties of pepper for the first time in Korea, and TYLCV varieties of tomatoes have also been introduced. Through this project, virus analysis on Southeast Asian countries will be conducted and seed companies will be able to fully utilize basic data for cultivating resistant varieties. We will continue to investigate the viruses of vegetable crops in Indonesia and contribute to cultivating resistant varieties.
2018.10 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
A review was made on notorious insect pests and diseases of crops, resulting about 25-35% yield loss annually in Nepal. Among the insect pests; brown planthopper (Nilaparvata lugens) in rice, cotton bollworm (Helicoverpa armigera) in various crops, armyworm (Mythimna separate) in rice and maize, white stemborer (Xylotrechus quadripes) in coffee, Potato tuber moth (Phthorimaea operculella) and red ants (Dorylus orientalis) in potato are causing periodically havoc. Whiteflies, mealybugs and leaf miners are emerging as major pests. Recently introduced South American tomato leaf miner (Tuta absoluta) in tomato, officially identified in 2016 from Kathmandu valley is reported as possible dangerous pest. Similarly, blast (Magnaporthe grisea) and bacterial leaf blight of rice, late blight and bacterial wilt of tomato and potato, club root and black rot of crucifers, downy mildew and virus complex of cucumber, citrus greening (Liberobacter asiaticum), leaf and stripe rusts of wheat, northern leaf blight of maize, panama wilt of banana etc. are considered as major diseases of economic importance. Bacterial stem rot (Erwinia caratova) of tomato and gray leaf spot (Cercospora zea maydis) of maize are emerging for significant yield loss. The newly introduced coffee rust (Hemileia vastatrix) is now becoming serious threat to coffee plantation. Fall armyworm (Spodoptera frugiperda) and UG99 virulence race of Puccinia graminis need to prevent becoming dangerous from their entry. This review would be helpful to policy planning, future research and extension works.
2018.10 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
Various symptoms of virus diseases are observed on the cultivated and non-cultivated crops in Myanmar. The virus diseases cause a major limiting factor in the tomato and chili production. During 2018, survey on the virus disease and its vectors in tomato and chili fields were conducted in central regions of Myanmar including Naypyidaw, Mandalay, Magway and Sagaing Divisions. The symptoms observed on tomato and chili were chlorosis, puckering of leaf, upward curling of leaves, reduction in leaf size, vein and stunting. Tomato leaf curl (TLC) disease incidence and severity ranged from 10 to 100% and 37 to 86% respectively. Chili leaf curl (CLC) disease incidence and severity was 30 to 100% and 13 to 100% respectively. The highest incidence and severity of TLC and CLC recorded in Lewe townships, Naypyidaw. Insect vectors observed in those areas were whitefly (Bamisia tabaci), jassid (Emposca sp) and mealy bug, and the white fly was common. Whiteflies are very important vectors for virus in tropical and subtropical regions, but not confirmed to this area. Jassids are also vectors for virus. Both nymphs and adults suck the plant sap and introduce toxin to host plants. Therefore, an infestation may be very damaging and show stunted growth and bushy appearance.
2018.10 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
According to field surveys between 1998 and 2009, four tomatoinfecting begomovirus species detected in Taiwan were Ageratum yellow vein Hualien virus (AYVHuV), Tomato leaf curl Taiwan virus (ToLCTWV), Tomato yellow leaf curl Thailand virus (TYLCTHV), and Tomato leaf curl Hsinchu virus (ToLCHsV). After TYLCTHV first detected in 2005, it quickly replaced ToLCTWV in the tomato fields in Taiwan. In 2009, 8% of the positive samples were infected with ToLCTWV, 51% with TYLCTHV and 41% with mixed infection of both viruses. We performed field surveys again in 2015, 2016, and 2018, and we discovered that all symptomatic tomato plants were infected with ToLCTWV and/or TYLCTHV. Altogether, 59% of the positive samples were infected with ToLCTWV, 33% with TYLCTHV and 8% with mixed infection of both viruses. Surprisingly, the positive samples were more infected with ToLCTWV and less infected with TYLCTHV. To confirm the “revenge” of ToLCTWV in tomato fields, we plan to carry out a more extensive field survey in the upcoming year.
2018.10 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
Tomato yellow leaf curl virus (TYLCV) and its vector insect, the sweet potato whitefly Bemisia tabaci, are major threats to tomato and pepper production in all around world. Since the last three decades, both B. tabaci and TYLCV have been invaded into many countries via different routes. Our studies showed that various geminiviruses including TYLCV can be transmissible by seeds as well as whiteflies. Furthermore, commercially developed resistant tomato strains against TYLCV infection can serve as TYLCV reservoirs and potentially influence on TYLCV epidemics. Therefore, transmission pathways through both insect vectors and seeds should be concerned for suitable management of geminiviruses and whiteflies.

Special Issue Symposia II

2018.10 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
The order Hymenoptera contains over 150,000 species worldwide comprising up to 132 families, divided traditionally into two suborders, e.g., Symphyta Gerstäcker, 1867 and Apocrita Gerstäcker, 1867. Also, the morphology, ecology, and behavior of Hymenoptera are exceedingly diverse. The classification system of Hymenoptera has undergone some changes; with the growth of detailed knowledge and technique an increasing number of genera and families has been recognized. Herein, we present current status of higher level classification within Hymenoptera and suggest future directions for more extensive taxonomic researches on South Korean Hymenoptera.
2018.10 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
사회성 말벌류의 분류학적 연구는 과거 1960-1980년도까지 1차적으로 한국산 말벌을 정리하여 그 개략적인 윤곽이 나타났으며 90년대 이후 전문 분류학자들에 의해 연구되어 현재 남한지역에서 보고된 사회성 말벌류는 총 2아과 5속 30종이다. 그러나 아직도 분류학적 논의가 필요한 종이 남아 있는 상태이며 특히 각 계급별 및 벌집의 특성은 아직 밝혀지지 않은 종들이 많은 상태이다. 최근 들어서는 외래종 말벌의 침입을 통해 전국으로 확산되고 있는 가운데 공중보건적, 경제적, 생태적 피해가 나타남에 따라 이들의 조절 및 관리에 대한 연구가 일부 진행되고 있다. 또한 기후변화 및 도시화에 의해 전국적으로 말벌류가 증가함에 따라 119 소방서의 벌집제거수가 연간 20만건을 나타내고 있으며 각종 벌쏘임 사고가 빈발하여 연간 10여명의 사망사고가 나타나고 있어 이에 대한 국가적 대책이 필요한 실정이다. 또한 최근 말벌을 이용하여 만든 노봉방주의 수요가 급증하는 가운데 이들의 과학적 검증에 대한 요구가 증가하면서 독성, 타액 등의 효능분석 및 유해성 분석도 일부 진행되고 있다. 그 외 말벌의 공격성분석, 먹이 원분석, 사냥행동 특성, 기생, 천적 등의 생태적 연구도 일부 진행 중에 있다. 이처럼 말벌에 대한 사회적 문제가 커지고 있음에도 불구하고 국내의 말벌 전문 학자 부족으로 인해 가시적인 연구 성과가 미진하며 문제 해결에 대해 제대로 대처하지 못하고 있는 상황이다.
2018.10 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
한국에서 화분매개곤충으로서 벌목 그 중 특히 꽃벌들의 다양성은 매우 중요하다. 특히 꿀벌을 제이한 야생꽃벌들은 과수와 같은 작물에서는 물론이고 국내 식물의 화분매개를 통하여 식물의 번식과 종다양성을 지켜나갈 수 있도록 하는 중요한 자원이다. 하지만 최근 화분매개를 담당하는 야생의 꽃벌의 수와 종이 급격하게 줄어들고 있다. 지리산, 설악산과 같은 중요 보존지역에서 조차 화분매개곤충의 개체수와 종수가 급격하게 줄어들고 있으며, 서울의 길동생태공원과 같은 근린 녹지에서는 더욱 가파르게 종수와 개체수가 줄어들고 있어 우려가 된다. 그 원인으로는 여러 가지 문제점이 지적되고 있으며, 그 중 몇가지를 예를 들어보겠다. 우선 녹지의 개발이다. 꽃벌류의 주서식지는 숲 가장자리인 경우가 많으며, 이 지역은 개발 압력으로부터 매우 취약하여 리조트나 인공공원으로 바뀌면서 서식지 자체가 사라진다. 20여년전의 많은 종을 확인할 수 있던 제주 유채밭이나 지리산 주변, 설악산 주변 등의 지역에서도 이제는 거의 꽃벌들이 사라져가고 있다. 두 번째는 돌발해충의 방제를 위해 사용되는 살충제의 영향으로 도시 근교에서 전체적인 곤충의 수가 감소하고 있지만 꽃벌들은 더 밀도가 감소한 것처럼 느껴진다. 마지막으로 양봉벌의 증가로 체격이 크고 수가 많은 꿀벌의 영향으로 야생꽃벌의 수가 줄고 또한 질병 등의 전파로 질병에 취약해질 수 있다.
2018.10 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
Hymenoptera is one of four largest orders of insects, with over 150,000 described species, 132 families, 27 superfamilies, and 2 suborders. There are currently about 3,000 hymenopteran species in 65 families and 20 superfamilies known in South Korea, of which the majority of the families have been studied while some of them are still poorly studied. The present overview on South Korean Hymenoptera aims to provide brief taxonomic history of the studies, a complete bibliography, a list of South Korean hymenopteran species, and information on South Korean hymenopterists for each taxon.
2018.10 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
The family Ichneumonidae belongs to the order Hymenoptera, class Insecta, and includes over 25,000 valid species in 47 subfamilies worldwide. The family occurs worldwide, with more species in cool moist climates than in warm dry ones. Ichneumonids are parasitoids of immature holometabolous insects or Chelicerata (Araneae and Pseudoscorpionida eggs adult Araneae). Symphyta and Lepidoptera, which are agricultural and forestry pests are the most common hosts. Therefore, they are one of most important control agents of the pest populations. This family is known as a monophyletic group with the family Braconidae. The inventory of the Hymenoptera fauna of the Korean peninsula was started from the end of the last century (1887) by O. Radoszkowski. A comprehensive historical review of the faunal study of Hymenoptera has been prepared by Kim (1963) who recorded 921 species, 382 genera in 76 families from the Korean peninsula. Among them, 271 species of Ichneumonidae had been recorded until 1970 from South Korea. Since then, taxonomic study of Ichneumonidae has developed steadily over the past 30 years by several Korean taxonomists. Recently, the frequency of collaboration with foreign specialists has also increased. The current total of South Korean Ichneumonidae is 921 species in 302 genera of 29 subfamilies. It is hoped that more collaborative work in the future will help describe the country’s rich diversity.
2018.10 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
도시생태계는 일련의 속성들을 통해 자연생태계와는 구분이 되며, 도시 안에서 인간의 영향력 때문에 자연계와는 다른 도시만의 특별한 생태계와 종조성을 이루고 있다. 그럼에도 불구하고 도시생물군집들에 대한 장기적인 연구는 제한적이다. 여러 도시생물 중에서 개미는 종수와 개체수가 많아서 채집과 조사에 편리가 있고, 변화하는 환경에 적절히 반응하며 다년성 서식지(perennial nest)를 유지하기 때문에 교란된 환경의 회복이나 생태계 교란 모니터링을 할 수 있는 생물지표종으로 이용되고 있다. 따라서 이 연구에서는 도시에 존재하는 모자이크 형태의 다양한 서식지에 서식하는 개미 조사를 통해 도시화가 개미군집 구조에 미치는 생태적 영향에 대해 알아보고자 하였다. 그 결과 총 12개의 조사지점(9개의 토지이용 유형)에서 52종의 개미가 기록되었고, SOM(self-organizing map) 분석 결과 12개의 조사지점은 3개의 클러스터로 구분되었다. 구분된 각각의 클러스터들은 개미군집과 서식지의 특성을 반영하는 것으로 나타났다. 지표종 분석(indicator species analysis) 결과, Tetramorium tsushimae 주름개미는 도시공원, 경작지 그리고 노지와 같은 서식지(open habitat)를 Proceratium watasei 와타세침개미는 상록수림과 같은 서식지(forest habitat)를 선호 하는 것으로 나타났다. 지속적인 도시화는 외래종을 포함한 침입종(Linepithema humile)에 의한 교란 또는 서식지간 균질화(homogenization)을 유발하여 원래 고유한 개미군집의 규모나 종다양성을 변화시키는 경향을 보였다. 이러한 연구결과들은 추후 도시생태계 질(Quality of urban ecosystem)을 측정 평가할 수 있는 지표개발에 개미의 생태적 특성을 반영할 수 있을 것으로 기대된다.
2018.10 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
요즘 남미붉은독개미로 유명세를 톡톡히 치르고 있는 개미는 전 세계적으로 17아과 334속 대략 20,000 여종이상이 분포하고 있다. 극동아시아에 속하는 한국산 개미 분류군은 7아과, 42속 140여종이 현재까지 밝혀져 있다. 지구상에서 가장 잘 진화해온 분류군이라 칭하여 온 개미에 대한 관심이 날로 늘어나는 이유가 많은 분류군들 중에 유난히도 주위에서 흔하게 보이던 개미이기 때문이라 생각한다. 세계 100대 침입외래 해충 중에서 한 분류군중 5종이 속한 분류군도 개미일 것이다. 밀려오는 개미를 막을 수는 없다고 하지만 정착하지 못하게 관리해야할 시점이기에 개미분류군에 대한 기초 연구와 조사가 지금이라도 자료가 만들어져야 한다고 생각합니다.
2018.10 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
Pine trees are ecologically important in Korea. They are seriously imperiled by Pine wilt disease (PWD), by pine wood nematode (PWN, Bursaphelenchus xylophilus). Here, we isolated and characterized bacterial endophytes (BEs) from pine trees in Korea for biological control of PWN using BE metabolites. Using culture-dependent approach BE isolates were extracted from three tissues (needles, stems, and roots) of four pine species across 18 sampling sites in Korea. Bacterial isolates were characterized into 389 distinct isolates based on 16S rDNA sequencing. Ethyl acetate crude extracts (CEs) of bacterial liquid cultures were prepared using ethyl acetate and screened for nematicidal activity against PWN. BEs (1,622 isolates) were isolated; their taxonomic binning resulted in 215 operational taxonomic units (OTUs). Analysis of species richness and Shannon’s diversity of the three tissues revealed that BEs colonized the needles more than the stem and root tissues. Furthermore, based on nematicidal activity screening of 389 isolates, 44 BEs were identified, with two isolates exhibiting a significant inhibitory activity against PWN. Taken together, these data revealed numerous nematicidal BEs in pine trees, providing new insights that can serve as an effective and promising alternative approach to combat PWD.
2018.10 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
Pine tree, a dominant species in the flora of Korea is the most beloved tree in Korea. However, recent outbreak of pine wilt disease caused by the pine wood nematode (PWN) Bursaphelenchus xylophilus threatens the vegetation of Pinus species seriously. Furthermore, Pinus densiflora and P. thunbergii, the predominant species in Korea forest are highly susceptible to PWN. Therefore, there has been an urgent demand for the development of a new nematocidal compounds to control PWN, which spurred the national research for the development of new compounds. To find novel sources for nematocidal agents, we used various plant resources for the development. In addition to the foreign plant extracts themselves, we also used the extracts of endophytes composed of over 300 endophytic fungi and 1,000 endophytic bacteria from plants which was reported to contain nematocidal activity. Several extracts of endophytes and plant extracts contained strong nematocidal activity, and the resources are analyzed to identify the active nematocidal compounds. These integrated approach of finding effective nematocidal compounds from plants could be a novel way to elucidate the sources for brand-new nematocidal agents.
2018.10 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
Avermectin produced by Streptomyces avermitilis is an anti-nematodal agent against the pine wood nematode Bursaphelenchus xylophilus. However, its potential usage is limited by its poor water solubility. For this reason, continuous efforts are underway to produce new derivatives that are more water soluble. Glycosylation is generally used to enhance the aqueous solubility and biological activity of natural compounds. Uridine diphosphate (UDP)-glycosyltransferase (BLC) from Bacillus licheniformis is involved in the biosynthesis of the bioactive compound by transferring UDP-activated sugar moieties to acceptor molecules. Here, the enzymatic glycosylation of avermectin was catalyzed by uridine diphosphate (UDP) glycosyltransferase from Bacillus licheniformis with various UDP-sugars. As a result, the following four avermectin B1a glycosides were produced: avermectin B1a 4’’-β-D-glucoside, avermectin B1a 4’’-β-D-galactoside, avermectin B1a 4’’-β-L-fucoside and avermectin B1a 4’’-β-2-deoxy-D-glucoside. The avermectin B1a glycosides were structurally analyzed based on HR-ESIMS, 1D and 2D nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectra. The solubility of avermectin B1a4’’-β-D-glucoside and avermectin B1a4’’-β-D-galactoside in water are 49 and 21 times higher than that of avermectin B1a. Consistent with the improved water solubility of avermectin glycosides, the anti-nematodal effect of avermectin B1a4’’-β-D-glucoside was found to exhibit the highest activity,which was approximately 32 times greater than that of avermectin B1a, followed by avermectin B1a 4’’-β-2-deoxy-D-glucoside, avermectin B1a 4’’-β-L-fucoside, and avermectin B1a 4’’-β-D-galactoside. These results show that glycosylation of avermectinB1a effectively enhances itsin vitro anti-nematodal activity and that avermectin glycosides can be further applied for treating infestations of the pine wood nematode B. xylophilus.
2018.10 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
Japanese pine sawyer beetle, Monochamus alternatus Hope (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae) is considered as a serious pest in pine trees. To develop an eco-friendly strategy to manage this forest insect, we collected entomopathogenic fungi from Korean soil and assessed their virulence against the adults of the insect in laboratory conditions. As a result, two isolates with conidial suspension (1.0×107conidia/ml), showed 87% and 90% mortality 12 days after fungal treatment, respectively. We assessed the potential of the fungi-derived destruxin and protease as additives to the fungal isolates, and they showed insecticidal activity via feeding and spraying treatments. Finally, we produced fungal conidia in massive solid cultures and formulated wettable powders, and now studying optimal conditions of oil-based formulation with two isolates. Based on these results, we are evaluating the control efficacy of the fungal agents against M. alternatus in field conditions.
2018.10 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
Pine wood nematode (PWN), Bursaphelenchus xylophilus causes devastating damage to pines worldwide. To develop new agent for controlling PWN, 43 alkyloxyalcohols were synthesized and nematicidal activity was tested against PWN. As a control, monochamol, which reported to have nematicidal activity was also tested. The nematicidal activity was diffferent according to total carbon chain length in compounds and carbon numbers of diol derivates. The odd numbered carbon diol derivates (ROC5OH, ROC7OH, ROC9OH) showed weak activity. The compounds which had C14H30O2 formula (C11OC3OH, C10OC4OH, C8OC6OH, C6OC8OH) showed the same level nematicital activity as that of monochamol in the term of LC50 value. Thee compounds which had C15H32O2 and C13H28O2 formulas (C12OC3OH, C11OC4OH, C12OC3OH, C10OC3OH, C9OC4OH, C5OC8OH) were followed.
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