
한국응용곤충학회 학술대회논문집

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2008년도 정기총회 및 춘계학술발표회 (2008년 5월) 160


2008.05 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
펠렛사료는 습체사료(떡사료)의 문제점인 사료조제의 불편성, 장기보존 및 유통의 어려움을 해소할 수 있고 누구나 쉽게 이용할 수 있기 때문에 연중 곤충사육 및 체험에 특히 유리하다. 이에, 학습교재용 곤충으로 이용이 많은 배추흰나비용 펠렛사료를 개발하고 이를 이용한 사육시험을 수행하였다. 펠렛사료 제조를 위한 이축압출기 최적 운전조건은 main motor 300rpm, feed motor 50rpm, 가수량 80ml/min, 스크류 배열 3, 8 reverse screw 및 사료배출구 φ5mm 임을 확인하였다. 배추흰나비의 영양요구성을 만족하면서 튀김성이 우수한 펠렛사료는 연구실에서 개발하여 사용중인 나비용 습체사료에 비해 Oil, Cellulose 및 성형제 비율은 낮아지고 전분 및 단백질 함량은 상대적으로 높아진 사료조성을 보였다. 기주로 케일분말을 20% 첨가하였을 경우 사료의 직경은 9.3mm로 2배 정도 튀겨졌으며 사료무게의 1.5~1.8배의 물을 흡수하였다. 펠렛사료를 이용하여 배추흰나비를 사육한 결과 유충기간이 15.2일로 기주사육구 11.2일에 비해 다소 늦어졌으며, 우화율도 펠렛사료구 71.4%로 기주사육구 85.0%에 비해 낮았다. 그러나 용체중은 펠렛사료구 251.7mg으로 기주사육구 156.9mg에 비해 월등하게 높았으며 성충의 크기도 현저한 차이를 보였다.
2008.05 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
큰주홍부전나비(Lycaena dispar)는 경기북부에 주로 서식하는 북방계통의 곤충으로 지구온난화에 따른 이동으로 전 세계적인 관심이 집중된 곤충이다. 반면 작은주홍부전나비(Lycaena phlaeas)는 한반도 전역에 서식하는 곤충으로, 이러한 주홍부전나비류의 실내계대사육법을 확립하기 위해서 두 종에 대한 온도, 광주기, 기주식물에 따른 발육특성을 조사하였다. 큰주홍부전나비 유충은 단지 소리쟁이(Rumex crispus)만을 섭식하고, 작은주홍부전나비는 수영(Rumex acetosa)과 소리쟁이(Rumex crispus)를 모두 섭식하여 발육이 가능하였다. 큰주홍부전나비는 소리쟁이를 섭식했을 때 유충기간이 13.8일, 작은주홍부전나비는 수영을 섭식할 때 15.9일, 소리쟁이는 15.2일이 걸렸다. 온도별로 경과는 20℃에서는 유충기간이 19.4일, 30℃에서는 11.0일이었다. 온도가 높아질수록 유충기간이 단축되는 것을 확인하였다. 산란선호성에 있어서 큰주홍부전나비는 소리쟁이에 산란 선호(84.8%)하고, 작은주홍부전나비는 수영에 산란 선호(74.7%)하는 것을 확인하였다. 또한 휴면에 가장 민감한 영기는 1령 유충기인 것을 확인하였다. 1령 유충을 8L:16D의 조건에서 사육했을 경우 3령(부화 후 16일째)기에 휴면에 들어가는데, 휴면율이 95.4%로 가장 높은 것을 확인하였다.
2008.05 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
Traditionally oxygen demands and concentrations of variable pollutant have been used for the assessment of lentic or lotic water quality. But there is a high probability that newly synthesized chemicals flow into the aquatic ecosystem, and it is very hard to investigate that many kinds of chemicals interact even though they exit at lower level than legal standards. As a consequence of limitation of chemical assessment for media, biological assessment techniques for accepters which are affected by pollutants or physicochemical properties have been developed. However, it still has several weak points because it does not have the ecological relevances using the internationally standard test species which do not inhabit Korea. Besides, the assessment using just one or two species may have a possibility of overestimation or underestimation because a certain species can be extremely sensitive or insensitive to a certain chemical or physicochemical property. Therefore, we used four kinds of indigenous aquatic invertebrates to assess the local stream quality and integrated their responses into a new index which ranges from 0(bad) to 1(good). We assessed four streams throughout Ansan and one stream in Gapyeong, and index values of two streams near residential and industrial area in Ansan were under 0.9 and the others were over 0.9.
2008.05 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
벼를 가해하는 벼멸구(Nilaparvata lugens)는 벼를 직접 흡즙하여 피해를 줄 뿐만 아니라 벼의 virus병을 매개하여 벼 재배지에 심한 피해를 주고 있는 중요 해충이다. 이전의 마이토콘드리아 DNA를 분석한 결과에 따르면 베트남의 남쪽과 북쪽의 개체군이 유전적으로 뚜렷한 차이를 보이고 있지만 이러한 마이토콘드리아 DNA의 변이로는 좀 더 상세한 지역 간에 개체군의 유전적 변이를 검정할 수 없다. 베트남의 네 지역, Haipong, Ha Tay, Can Tho, Cuu long에서 채집한 벼멸구를 마이크로새털라이트 마커를 이용하여 유전적 변이를 검토하였다. 5개의 위치(18, 27, 65, 67, 76)를 기준으로 분석한 결과는 네 개 지역에서 차이가 있을 것으로 나타났으며, 이러한 정보는 베트남 지역 간에 벼멸구의 이동과 분산의 근원과 경로를 알아낼 수 있을 것이라 생각된다. 또한 비래하는 벼멸구의 근원지와 이동 경로를 분석하여 예찰함으로서 벼 재배지에 벼멸구 대발생 피해를 최소화 할 수 있을 것이다.

일반학술발표 POSTER발표

2008.05 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
The family Adelidae, commonly known as 'Fairy Long-horn moths' is a group of primitive monotrysian moths belonging to superfamily Incurvaroidea. Based on the material in the collections of the Kangwon Nat. University, Incheon University, and Korea National Arboretum, Korea, we found that three species Nematopogon dorsigurella (Erschoff, 1877), Nemophora decisella (Walker, 1863), and Nemophora smaragdaspis (Meyrick, 1924) are known for the first time from Korea. Taxonomic notes and photographs of adults and male and/or female genitalia for newly known species are illustrated.
2008.05 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
Twenty six species of the genus Coleophora Hübner (Lepidoptera, Coleophoridae) are recognized in the Korean peninsula, including six that are new to Korea: Coleophora albicans Zeller, C. falkovitshella Vives, C. honshuella Baldizzone & Oku, C. japonicella Oku, C. rectimarginalis Li, and C. vestianella (Linnaeus). A key for all known species is given. Bibliographies, collecting localities, distribution, biological information, and some taxonomic notes for the all known species are provided, with illustrations of the male or female genitalia.
2008.05 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
The tortricid moths genus Cydia Hübner includes many species of economic importance due to the damage they inflict on agricultural crops, especially fruit and nut trees. Some Cydia species are an important food source for other animals, and some have been used as agents of biological control. Cydia species are generally small dull brown moths with yellow or white wormlike larvae. This group was defined by the combination of the following characters: Apical segment porrect; forewing apex rounded; M2 and M3 sub-parallel; hindwing M3 separate CuA1; uncus absent; socius rounded; corpus bursae with two segnum, like hook-shape; ductus bursae sclerotized. In this study, the Korean species of genus Cydia are reviewed. A total of 10 species are recognized. Among them, two species are newly recorded from Korea for the first time. Adults and genitalia of both sexes are illustrated. Distribution map, data matrix, cladistic analysis are provided. Also illustration of adults, venations, male and female genitalia are provided.
2008.05 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
The genus Haplothrips Amyot & Serville, 1843 is a very large genus with more than 200 described species in the world. Most of congeneric species are very similar to one another, and are sometimes difficult to distinguish. The genus is most frequently found among all phlaeothripine genera in Korea. Five species have been reported from Korea: H. aculeatus (Fabricius, 1803), H. brevitubus (Karny, 1913), H. ganglbaueri Schmutz, 1913, H. kurdjumovi Karny, 1913, H. niger (Osborn, 1883). The newly recorded species Haplothrips nipponicus is recently described from Japan (Honshu, Kyushu, Ryukyu Islands) by S. Okajima in 2006. The species is very similar to both of Korean species H. brevitubus and H. kurdjumovi in having sub basal wing setae b3 pointed at apex, but it can be easily distinguished by the sense-cone formula of the third antennal segment. Although the latter two species have only one sense-cone, H. nipponicus has two sense-cones on the segment. Moreover, these three species can be distinguished from one another by the shape of the male aedeagus whether it is apically rounded and laterally hardened or not. In this study, morphological characters for identification of H. nipponicus are described and figured. In addition, biological information about distribution and plant relationship is also presented.
2008.05 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
Apolygus xanthomelas Yasunaga and Yasunaga 2000 is reported from Korea for the first time. It is larger than other congeneric species from Korea and has characteristic V-shaped pale parts on hemelytra surrounded by entirely black clavus and posterior triangular marks of corium. It is similar in overall appearance to the Chinese congeneric species, A. ornatus (Zheng and Wang 1983), but it can be distinguished by the vesica, which has a long needle-shaped spicule reaching the apex of median sclerite and ventral sclerite, a slender and weak wing-shaped sclerite and a small sublateral sclerite. This species also distributes in Japan, but the Japanese population is a little different from that of Korea in usually having a pair of dark spots on calli. In this study, the detailed information is given with some photos of the male and female genitalia.
2008.05 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
The family Heliozelidae belonging to Incurvarioidea, which is relatively primitive group, includes very small-sized moths with forewing length of 3-9mm, comprising 12 genera and about 106 species in the world (Heppner, 1991). It has a worldwide distribution mainly in the Nearctic and Australian regions. In Asia, thirteen species belonging to three genera of the family were reported from Japan, but almost it has not been known from Korea. Just one species, Antispila purpulella Kuroko, was recorded by Lee & Byun (2007). The family are leaf-miners through the larval stage and include several pests of fruit trees, such as grapes and apple. Larvae of Coptodisca splendoriferella (Clemens, 1859) mine into twigs of apple trees in America (Needham et al., 1928). In Japan, Antispila uenoi Kuroko, 1987 is known as a pest of grapes (Ueno, 1987). At least 13 plant families including Vitaceae, Cornaceae and Fagaceae have been reported as host plants of Heliozelidae (Davis, 1999). In this study, two unknown species, Heliozela castanella Kuroko, and H. limbata Lee et al., of the family Heliozelidae was reported based on the material collected from Prov. Gyeongnam and Gyeonggi.
2008.05 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
The family Pterophoridae (Lepidoptera) commonly known as 'plume moths' is cosmopolitanand comprises 1,136 species in the world (Gielis, 2003). Of these, approximately 250 species are known in the Palaearctic Region (Arenberger, 1995). In Korea, since two species of the family, Platyptilia rhododactyla (Denis et Schiffermller)) and P. suigensis Matsumura were reported by Matsumura (1931) and Park (1983) listed 7 species for the fauna of Korea, excepting P. suigensis, no additional species has been reported from Korea. The genus Nippoptilia, belonging to subfamily Platyptilinae,is a small group with only 7 described species in the world. Of them, 4 species Nippoptilia eochrodes (Meyrick), N. issikii Yano, N. minor Hori, and N. vitis (Sasaki) have been known in the Palearctic Region (Gielis 2003), distributing 3species from Japan (Gielis, 2003) and a single species from China, and N. vitis (Sasaki) from Korea respectively. This paper is aimed to review all known species of the genus Nippoptilia in Korea, based on material deposited in all available collections in Korea. All the type specimens of the new species are deposited in the Insect collection, Korea National Arboretum, Korea.
2008.05 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
A new species, Hatchiana n. sp., is confirmed by morphological and molecular data. The genus Hatchiana Fender, 1966 belonging to Podabrini LeConte, 1881 is distinguished by the shape of tarsal claws: all tarsal claws with blunt tooth in both sexes. The genus was recognized as a subgenus of Podabrus Westwood, 1838. Recently, however, Hatchiana was suggested as separated genus. The genus Hatchiana was known as 12 species in Palaeartic region including three species from Korea. In this study, we found Hatchiana n. sp. from several areas of Taean-gun, Chungcheongnam-do, Korea. This new species is different from closely relative species, Hatchiana jirisanensis (Kang & Kim, 2000) by following morphological characters: size of compound eye, length of antennae, shape of pronotum, shape of scutellum, and shape of aedeagus. Also, we compare the DNA barcoding region (the former region of CO1 gene) between these two species as molecular characters. In result, Hatchiana n. sp. is distinct from Hatchiana jirisanensis Kang & Kim by discrepancy of three percents in CO1 sequence. Therefore, the Korean Hatchiana is confirmed as four species, adding Hatchiana n. sp.
2008.05 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
한국미기록속인 Mimemodes Reitter, 1876 큰머리긴고목벌레속 (신칭) 및 한국미기록종인 Mimemodes emmerichi Mader, 1937 큰머리긴고목벌레 (신칭)을 보고하고, 이들이 배속된 과명에 대한 논란과 변천을 소개하고자 한다. Mimemodes속은 극동러시아에 4종 (Medvedev, 1992), 일본에 5종 (Nakane, 1959; Hisamatsu, 1983)이 알려졌다. Mimemodes속은 국내에 이미 보고된 Monotoma Herbst, 1793 (톱가슴긴고목벌레속)과 근연의 무리로 이들과는 딱지날개의 점각이 도랑을 이루고 있다는 점으로 구별된다. Mimemodes속은 Reitter (1876)에 의해 Nitidulidae (밑빠진벌레과)의 한 속으로 알려져 왔으나, Mader (1937)는 이를 Cucujidae (머리대장과)에 배속시켰으며, Kôno(1940)는 이 속의 상위 아과인 Monotominae (톱가슴긴고목벌레아과) 자체를 Cucujidae (머리대장과)의 한 아과로 배속시켰다. 이 후 Crowson (1955)이 Monotominae를 Rhizophagidae Redtenbacher, 1845 (긴고목벌레과)로 편입시켰다. 하지만 Lawrence & Newton (1996)은 Rhizophagidae (긴고목벌레과)의 학명 선취권에 대한 논의를 통해 Monotomidae Leporte, 1840가 과에 대한 학명으로 타당하다고 주장하였으며, 현재는 이를 따르는 추세이다. 이에 따라 국내에는 Rhizophaginae 3종을 비롯하여 총 2아과 3속 5종이 분포하는 것으로 확인되었다.
2008.05 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
섬 크기와 육지로부터의 거리가 상이하면서 해안사구가 잘 발달된 서해 중부의 3개 도서(옹진군 덕적도와 굴업도, 보령군 원산도)를 선정하여 사구성 곤충의 다양성을 측정하였고, 도서간의 종다양성 차이를 비교하였다. 조사는 2007년 봄과 여름에 걸쳐 1차와 2차 사구를 조사 대상으로 하였다. 3개 도서의 사구 서식곤충은 총 12목 43과 78종으로 조사되었고, 진정한 사구성 곤충은 4목 15과 26종으로 확인되었다. 채집종의 분류 결과, 진사구성으로 거저리과의 Phaleria atriceps (Lewis)가 한국 미기록종 임이 밝혀졌다. 지역적으로 보면, 사구 서식곤충(진사구성 곤충)은 덕적도에서는 9목 21과 34종(3목 10과 13종), 굴업도 7목 19과 28종(4목 12과 15종), 그리고 원산도 12목 37과 60종(3목 14과 23종)으로 나타났다. 3개 도서의 지리적 여건(면적, 해안선길이, 육지로부터 거리)과 사구 서식곤충의 출현 종수를 비교해 본 결과, 육지로부터의 거리(원산도 11km>덕적도 75km>굴업도 90km)가 사구서식 곤충 종의 출현종수(원산도 59종>덕적도 34종>굴업도 28종)와 연관성이 가장 높은 것으로 판명되었다.
2008.05 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
생물계 최대의 분류단위인 바구미科(Curculionidae)를 포함하는 바구미上科(Curculionoidea)는 세계적으로 지금까지 6만종(추정종수 20만종)이 알려져 있는 거대한 분류군(Megadiversity taxon)이다. 최근 전세계의 바구미上科(Curculionoidea)에 대하여 속 수준까지 목록이 Alonso-Zarazaga & Lyal(1999)에 의해 정리되었다. 이번 연구에서 새롭게 알려지는 Brachyceridae를 포함하여 현재까지 한국에서 알려진 科들은 다음과 같다. Superfamily Curculionoidea 바구미上科 Family Anthribidae Billberg, 1820 소바구미科 Family Rhynchitidae Gistel, 1848 주둥이거위벌레科 Family Attelabidae Billberg, 1820 거위벌레科 Family Brentidae Billberg, 1820 침봉바구미科 Family Apionidae Schoenherr, 1823 창주둥이바구미科 Family Nanophyidae Gistel, 1848 별창주둥이바구미科 Family Brachyceridae Billberg, 1820 턱바구미科(신칭) Subfamily Ocladiinae Lacordaire, 1866 Tribe Desmidophorini Morimoto, 1962 Desmidophorus hebes Fabricius, 무궁화턱바구미(신칭) Family Dryophthoridae Schoenherr, 1825 왕바구미科 Family Erirhinidae Schoenherr, 1825 벼바구미科(신칭) Family Curculionidae Latreille, 1802 바구미科 Family Platypodidae Schucjard, 1840 긴나무좀科 Family Scolytidae Latreille, 1807 나무좀科
2008.05 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
With the help of KLTER/ME and KLPS in Woraksan, we have surveyed monthly diversity and seasonal prevalence of Macrolepidoptera in Wol-ak-san [Mt.], Jecheon for the period of five months from May to September since 2005. In 2007, to reduce variation, we chose two monitoring points from each of three representative vegetations in the area: Quercus mongolica-, Quercus variabilis- and Pinus densiflora-formations, abbreviated as QM, QV and PD, respectively, and collected exclusively larger moths with bucket-type of light traps for quantified survey. As a result, 1) QM and QV showed the much higher species diversity than PD; 2) in number of individuals collected, QM was the highest, almost twice that of QV, and nearly 8 times that of PD; 3) in Noctuidae and Geometridae collected, QM was the highest, while in Pyralidae and Arctiidae collected, QV was the highest; 4) June was the highest in species diversity, then July was a deep drop, probably due to a storm occurred in July; 5) the number of individuals collected may not be a good indicator as one species may be dominant too much in number of individuals: e.g., Idaea biselata collected in QM in June was over 200, changing the average number of individuals per species to 6.92, which more than twice that of all other sites per month.
2008.05 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
스트로보잣나무, 잣나무 등을 가해하는 Diprion속 1신종, 잣나무솔잎벌을 발견하여 이를 보고한다. 이 종은 2007년 가을 처음으로 충청북도 제천에서 잣나무류를 가해하는 애벌레들이 보고되었고, 이어서 강원도와 경기도에서도 거의 동시에 보고되었다. 구북구 지역에 분포하는 Diprion속은 현재 전세계적으로 12종이 보고되어 있으나 이들과는 형태적으로 다른 종으로 조사되었으며, 이에 따라 신종으로 보고하는 논문을 제출하였다. 이 종의 크기는 암컷 7.8-8.2 mm, 수컷 6.0-6.3 mm이며 추가적인 주요 특징을 기술한다. 애벌레는 전체적으로 녹색을 띠는데, 머리는 검고, 가슴과 배의 위쪽 및 옆에는 종특이적인 연속적인 검은 종선들이 있으며, surpedal stripe도 불연속적으로 존재한다. 작년에 발생한 이 종의 생활사를 간략히 보고한다. 이들의 생활사는 그러나 이 종의 특징적 생활사라고 단정하기에는 아직 이른데, 이는 만약 이 종이 침입외래종이라면 아직 국내에서의 생활사가 안정적이라고 보기 어렵기 때문이다. 현재 추가적인 조사를 실시 중이며, 좀 더 확실한 생활사에 대한 보고는 연말쯤 가능할 것으로 보인다.
2008.05 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
The multicolored Asian ladybird beetle, Harmonia axyridis, which demonstrates typical genetic polymorphism in its elytra color patterns. Early studies have color polymorphism in terms of geographical clines while a few investigated temporal populations in Coccinellidae. Nevertheless, note that geographical and temporal morph variation does not always correspond to what is expected from thermal and industrial adaption theories. A recent study of transformation and RNAi of the ladybird beetle, however, there is yet no evidence to indicate the variation is genetic or environmental factors. Here we describe a relatively new molecular fingerprinting technique, amplified fragment length polymorphism (AFLP). Because we think that color polymorphism in Coccinellidae is affected by genetic polymorphism. In total 38 markers were scored from which some markers were polymorphic. Supsequent UPGMA cluster analysis revealed 3 major group of Harmonia axyridis populations. But for strains that are more genetically similar, different primer combinations may be need to generate enough polymorphic marker.
2008.05 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
The multicolored Asian ladybird beetle, Harmonia axyridis (Pallas) (Coleoptera: Coccinellidae), is common to a wide range of natural and agricultural habitats. Applications of gamma irradiation minimized the losses of stored food and the death or failure of emergence in larval and pupal stages. On the other hand, degrade toxin waste as one of alternative to chemical pesticide for both quarantine and sprout control purposes of storage crop pest. So, we have investigated whether gamma irradiation exposed to eggs, lava, pupa and adults of H. axyridis. It may be affected the emergence, fertility, fecundity, development period and sex ratio of H. axyridis. Some changes of physiological characteristics may be applied to more efficient agents as biological control of several aphids. Insects were exposed to gamma irradiation from 0 to 500 Gy of 60Co depended on their developmental stages. The results showed that the first instar, eggs, third instar, pupae, and adults were more sensitive in order of irradiation dose. And fecundity and fertility of female adults were significantly decreased with increasing gamma irradiation dose at all tested individuals.
2008.05 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
The surface of most coccinellids (particularly the elytra) has characteristic colour patterns, which show great variability within many species. Individuals of a species of ladybird often differ from one another in colour and pattern. In case of Harmonia axyridis, environmental factors, such as temperature or food, can probably influence colour and pattern. However, virtually no work has been carried out in the influence of such factor. Therefore, in this study, according to rearing temperature, photoperiod and diet, variation of elytra color patterns were investigated. First instar larva on each color pattern were reared in an incubator at one of two temperatures; 25 and 30℃, under the following photoperiod; L16: D8, L12: D12 and L8: D16 and were provided three species of aphids. And their color pattern of adults were estimated.
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