
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 1,262

        2017.12 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        본 실험에서는 화장품에 널리 사용되는 지방산과 지방알코올을 Tween 80과 Span 80을 함께 사용하여 조성 상전이 유화법으로 O/W (oil-in-water) 저점도 나노에멀젼을 제조하였다. 지방알코올의 오일상에서의 농도가 증가할수록 나노에멀젼의 입자 크기가 증가하였다. 혼합계면활성제의 HLB를 조절하여 입도 분포가 좁 고 안정한 나노에멀젼의 제조가 가능하였다. 전상점 부근에서 지방산 및 지방알코올을 함유한 계 모두에서 유사 한 점도와 전기전도도의 변화를 보였으나 오일과 계면활성제만으로 구성된 계와는 다르게 넓은 수용액상 분율 범위에서 높은 점도를 나타냈다. 입자 크기가 100 nm 미만의 저점도 나노에멀젼은 실온에서 한 달 이상 안정하 였다. 지방산 또는 지방알코올을 함유하고, 저에너지 유화법으로 제조된 저점도 O/W 나노에멀젼 제형은 화장품 의 기재로서 널리 사용될 수 있다.
        2017.09 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        지방자치단체들은 지역 주민의 편리하고 안전한 생활환경에 대한 다양한 욕구와 지역의 특성화와 생활 만족도 향상을 위한 노력의 일환으로 공공디자인 가이드라인과 조례제정 등으로 공공환경구축을 위해 노력하고 있다. 우수 공공시설물 디자인 인증제 시행 10년째를 맞이하여 각 지자체별 공공시설물 디자인 인증제 현황을 분석하고 문제점을 도출하여 공공시설물 디자인 인증제 개선 방안을 도출하고자한다. 연구방법으로는 최근 3년간 3개 지자체의 인증 결과를 중심으로 인증현황과, 디자인 경향을 분석하고 문제점 파악과 개선방안 도출을 위해 실무자 인터뷰를 실시하였다. 연구결과 3개 지방자치단체들 의 공공 가로시설물 디자인 인증제도 실태 분석을 통하여 개선 방안으로 공공 시설물 인증을 전담하는 기구 설치 운영과, 정성적 평가를 최소화하고 정량적 평가로 디자인과 품질을 갖추도록 전환 하고, “공공디자인 진흥에 관한 법률”을 근거로 지역 특성화를 이루도록 조례와 가이드라인 등을 정비해야할 필요성과, 독립적 공공 디자인 전담부서 운영의 개선 방안을 제시 하였다.
        2017.05 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Background : Ephedra Sinica has been used to treat obesity in Korean medicine and brown adipocytes also have potential in obesity treatment. Recently, p53 is considered as one of transcriptional regulators regarding thermogenesis of brown adipocytes. Methods and Results : E. Sinica extraction was made with DW and brown preadipocytes were differentiated with adipogenic reagents by incubating for 6 days in the absence or presence of E. Sinica extraction 5 ㎍/㎖ and 10 ㎍/㎖, non-cytotoxic concentration determined by MTT assay. Studies were conducted to see whether E. Sinica modulates the expression of thermogenic and adipogenic genes by qPCR and Western blot. Results showed that E. Sinica significantly activated thermogenesis of brown adipocytes by increasing the mRNA expressions of Uncoupling Protein 1 (UCP1), Cell Death-inducing DNA Fragmentation Factor Alpha-like Effector A (CIDEA), Interferon Regulatory Factor 4 (IRF4) and Beta-3 Adrenergic Receptor (ADRB3). However, major adipogenic genes such as Peroxisome Proliferator-activated Receptor Gamma (PPARλ) and PR Domain Containing 16 (PRDM16), showed no significant differences. In addition, the expression level of p53 was decreased by E. Sinica. Conclusion : It is suggest that E. Sinica stimulates the thermogenesis of brown adipocytes via p53 inhibition.
        2017.03 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        본 연구는 지방산 함량 및 배합사료와 조사료 비율을 기초로 한 유기농 사료 급여가 홀 스타인 착유우에서 생산된 원유의 CLA 및 지방산 함량에 미치는 연구를 조사하기 위한 목 적으로 실시하였다. 총 290두의 홀스타인 착유우를 산차 및 유량에 따라 3개 group으로 나 누었다. 대조구는 C16:00, C18:2 그리고 SFA를 높게 설계하였고, 처리구 1은 C18:1, C18:2 그리고 UFA 함량을 높게 설계하였으며 처리구 2는 MUFA, C18:3 그리고 PUFA 함량을 높 게 설계하였다. 결과를 요약하면 다음과 같다. 유기농 원유 내 C16:0 함량은 처리구 2에서 가장 높은 것으로 나타났다(p<0.05). 그 이유는 반추위 내 미생물의 de novo 생합성 때문인 것으로 판단된다. 처리구 2의 C18:0 함량은 7.92%로 대조구(11.39%)와 처리구 1(10.88%)보 다 높았다(p<0.05). CLA 함량도 처리구 2가 처리구 1이나 대조구에 비하여 높은 것으로 나 타났다(p<0.05). 원유 내에서 검출된 대부분의 CLA는 착유우 유선조직내의 △9-desaturase에 의하여 합성된 것으로 판단된다. n-3/n-6 비율도 처리구 2에서 가장 높은 것으로 나타났다 (p<0.05). 본 연구 결과를 종합해 보면, 착유우에게 혼합 목건초 등을 급여하면 CLA, n-3 농 도는 증가하며 C18:0 농도는 낮아지는 것으로 조사되었다. 본 연구는 유기농 인증된 조사 료 및 농후사료를 이용하여 결과를 도출하였다. 그러나 유기농 사료를 사용할 경우에만 원 유 내 CLA 및 n-3 농도는 증가한다고 볼 수 없다. 원유 내 고농도의 CLA 및 n-3 지방산 생 산을 위해서는 반추위 미생물 및 유선세포의 지방 대사를 통한 CLA 생산 메커니즘에 대한 충분한 이해와 급여 사료 내 지방산 구성 등이 중요한 것으로 판단된다.
        2016.12 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        This study was investigated to develop mass evaluation system for the contents of crude protein, oil and fatty acid in soybean germplasm using NIRS. NIRS equations were created with 345 soybeans, multiple correlation coefficients of crude protein, oil, palmitic, stearic, oleic, linoleic and linolenic acid between data obtained from NIRS and quantitative analysis were 0.983, 0.969, 0.592, 0.514, 0.978, 0.961 and 0.957, respectively. Equation statistics indicated that contents of crude protein, oil and unsaturated fatty acid except palmitic and stearic acid in soybean seed were suitable for determination by NIRS. Those NIRS equations were applied to examine crude protein, oil and unsaturated fatty acid of 854 soybean landraces from Korea. The average contents and ranges of crude protein and oil were 39.2% with a range of 33.7-47.0% and 15.0% with a range of 9.8-20.3%, individually. In addition, those of oleic, linoleic and linolenic acid were 21.4% with a range of 12.1-30.2%, 55.6% with a 47.8-62.3% and 8.1% with a range of 5.9-10.7% respectively. We conducted quantitative analysis to reconfirm with IT154552 (45.1%) and IT023955(46.9%) above 45% of crude protein, the results were similar from NIRS (45.2%, 47.0%). NIRS data for protein from this study made no difference with lab data, which would be useful for mass evaluation. There was negative correlation (-0.203) between crude protein and oil, positive correlation (0.379) between crude oil and oleic acid, and significantly negative correlation (-0.879) between oleic and linoleic acid.
        2016.12 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        This study is to make a comparison between the one liquid emulsion with and without fish oil containing higher omega-3 fatty acid in parenteral nutrition (PN) of newborns. Serum chemistry and clinical complications from Medical Records of 76 newborns who had received PN with either SMOFlipidⓇ or ClinOleicⓇ for at least 7 days in NICU at Chosun Univeristy Hospital from January 2011 to December 2014 were reviewed retrospectively. Serum chemistry revealed no significant difference between the two groups except for total bilirubin (TB), glucose, blood urea nitrate (BUN), creatine (Cr), and cholesterol, but they even were not clinically significant as their values were within almost normal range. In terms of the difference in clinical complications, the incidence of cholestasis was higher in newborns given ClinOleicⓇ. However, there was no statistically significance. In this study, no significant difference between ClinOleicⓇ and SMOFlipidⓇ in their clinical efficacy was proven. But, considering the advantage of omega-3 fatty acid in reduction of cholestasis and infection risk, more studies may be needed using lipid emulsions containing higher content of fish oil with high omega-3 fatty acid, and they may be better if done with larger groups.
        2016.12 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Biochemical methane potential (BMP) of residual wastes from transesterification was tested to safely recycle carcass via rendering process. The carcass was obtained from a buried site for avian influenza (AI) infected poultry. Rendered lipid generated by a pilot-scale high-pressure rendering process was the main source of transesterification for biodiesel recovery. To test the feasibility of waste-to-energy approach for AI infected carcass, we compared the BMPs of various fractions of rendered materials from the carcass. BMP and specific methanogenic activity results indicate that transesterification waste shows better digestibility than that of rendered lipid, and the digestion performance was comparable to that of liquid residue. Biogas yields of glycerol, rendered lipids, and liquid residue were estimated as 0.11 L/g chemical oxygen demand (COD), 0.06 L/g COD, and 0.17 L/g COD, respectively. Regression analysis support that biogas production rate of glycerol (21 mL/g COD/d) was much faster than that of lipid (7 mL/g COD/d) while that of liquid residue was similar (24 mL/g COD/d). In summary using transesterification waste as a bioresource for bioenergy conversion can be a viable and sustainable option for the complete termination of burial site.
        2016.11 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        This research was intended to provide a method to improve competitiveness, based on the integration of basic municipalities by assessing changes in their population and local industry Municipalities were integrated based on the addressing system 市(Shi), 町(Chome), 村(Village) of Japan. As a result, an actual increase of the population could not be seen in the new municipalities formed by the integration of the basic municipalities. It is also found that the shipping volumes, number of companies, and the number of people employed by local industry, attracted by such municipalities, has steadily decreased. However, even though the proportion of industrysharing in the local municipalities is not significant, it was found that the number of tourists has increased. Therefore, it is concluded that the strengthening of the connectivity between local industry and the tourism industry can be one of the principal methods to strengthen the competitiveness of these municipalities. In addition, it has been found that scientific research from a variety of perspectives and verification of data related to the effectiveness of integration of local municipalities is necessary.
        2016.11 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        좌심실 이완기능 장애는 심근허혈이나 좌심실비대 등과 같은 심근질환이 잇는 환자에서 대부분 관찰되지만 심장질환이 없는 건강한 사람에서도 흔하게 관찰된다. 정상 심박출(수축기능)상태에서 좌심실의 이완기 장애 평가는 심부전의 진행과 예후에 영향을 줄 수 있다. 심장외막지방조직은 생리활성분자를 생성하는 대사활동기관으로 심혈관질환에 직접적으로 연관성이 있으며 이는 심근에 직접적으로 영향을 미쳐 이후 심장의 기능장애를 초래한다. 본 연구목적은 심장외막지방의 두께를 측정하여 정상의 수축기 기능인 상태에서 확장기(이완기) 기능장애의 평가와의 연관성을 연구하고자하였다. 연구결과 심장외막지방두께와 이완기 장애 유무가 통계적으로 유의한 수준에서 높은 연관성이 있는 것으로 분석되었다. 특히 심장외막지방두께 측정단면 EAT2에서 측정된 값과 이완기 장애평가방법 E'는 높은 상관관계가 있는 것으로 나타났다. 따라서 심장외막지방두께변화는 좌심실의 이완기능장애를 평가할 수 있는 예측인자로 사용될 수 있을 것으로 사료된다.
        2016.11 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        육류소비는 가축사육의 비약적인 증가를 초래함과 동시에 조류독감과 구제역 등의 전염병 발병으로 인해 오염된 닭, 오리, 소, 돼지 등이 대량 폐사되는 사례가 늘어나고 있다. 이로 인해 폐사축을 처리 및 처분하여 매몰지를 소멸화 하는 방법들이 강구되고 있다. 그 중 렌더링공정을 이용하여 고온 고압 하에서 폐사축을 전처리하여 발생된 지방을 전이에스테르화하여 바이오디젤을 생산하는 방법이 주목 받고 있는데, 이 역시 바이오디젤을 생산할 수 있는 반면 글리세롤이 폐기물로 발생된다는 단점이 있다. 본 연구는 이 글리세롤을 혐기성 소화의 탄소원과 에너지원으로 사용하여 바이오가스로 전환하는 가능성을 평가하기위해 생화학적 메탄 포텐셜(biochemical methane potential, BMP)테스트를 시행하였다. 반응조 COD농도를 1g으로 설정하고 섭씨 37도 배양기에서 혐기성 입상슬러지를 식종균으로 14일 동안 바이오가스 발생을 모니터링한 결과, 글리세롤로 부터 약 50~58 mL/g COD의 메탄수율 획득이 가능함을 밝혔다. 또한 글리세롤의 바이오가스 전환이 7일 이내에 종료되는 것으로 나타났으며, AI 폐사축으로부터 바이오디젤을 생산 후 나온 부산물인 글리세롤을 자원화하는 혐기성소화 시 메탄생성속도는 7.0~8.3 mL/gCOD・d로 나타났다.
        2016.10 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        본 연구는 복부 전산화단층촬영 영상을 이용하여 지방간환자의 영상을 질감특징분석과 ROC curve 분석을 하였으며, 컴퓨터보조진단시스템의 구현을 위한 실험적인 선형 연구로서 전산화단층촬영 영상에서 지방간의 객관적이고 신뢰성 있는 진단 정보를 의사에게 제공하고자 하였다. 실험은 정상 및 지방간 복부 전산화단층촬영 영상을 실험영상으로 하여 설정된 구역에 대한 wavelet 변환을 거쳐 질감의 특징값을 나타내는 6가지 파라미터로 통계적 분석 결과를 나타내었다. 그 결과 엔트로피, 평균밝기, 왜곡도는 90% 이상의 비교적 높은 인식률을 보였고, 대조도, 평탄도, 균일도는 약 70% 정도로 비교적 낮은 인식률을 나타내었다. ROC curve를 이용한 분석에서 6가지의 파라미터 모두 0.900(p=0.0001)이상을 나타내어 질환인식에 의미가 있는 결과를 나타내었다. 또한 6가지 파라미터에서 질환 예측을 위한 cut-off 값을 결정하였다. 이러한 결과는 향후 복부 전산화단층촬영 영상에서 질환 자동검출 및 최종진단의 예비 진단 자료로서 적용 가능할 것이다.
        2016.10 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        This study aims to search for the change characteristics of landscape plant materials in the apartment complex and other areas by classification and species of trees in the early 2000s and the early 2010s. The main result of this study may be summarized as follows. Comparing the classification change of apartment complex and other areas in the 2000s and the 2010s, the percentage of shrubs in both of the areas are increasing, while the rate of increase in the apartment complexes was slightly higher than other areas. Among the increased shrubs, deciduous shrubs in apartment complex increased by 4.98%, while evergreen shrubs showed rather noticeable increase rate by 10.75% in other areas. After examining the change of tree species within the two periods, evergreen trees in the apartment complex are still mainly consisted of Thuja orientalis L. category, Pinus category and Pinus strobus L. Most commonly used deciduous trees are Acer category and Fruit trees. Most commonly used evergreen shrubs are Buxus koreana and Rhododendron indicum (L.) Sweet. Most constantly used deciduous shrubs are Rhododendron schlippenbachii category. In other areas, Pinus category and Pinus koraiensis SIEB. et ZUCC. category are frequently used. In deciduous trees, Chionanthus retusus Lindl. & Paxton, Acer palmatum Thunb and Zelkova serrata (Thunb.) Makino are commonly used, in order of frequency. 67.62% of evergreen shrubs are still consisted of Buxus koreana and Rhododendron indicum (L.) Sweet, although many new species are emerging. In deciduous shrubs, Rhododendron schlippenbachii category and Spiraea category are consistently most commonly used. In the two areas, the number of tree species with high defect rate, standardized forms, and high-maintenance decreased, while semievergreen tree species such as Abelia grandiflora (Rovelli ex Andre) Rehder and Nandina domestica Thunb. are being newly introduced. The species of trees are being diversified.
        2016.10 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Background : The study about ginseng cultured roots have been reported mainly ginsenosides in saponins family. Other phytochemical such as non-saponins of fatty acid has been revealed its bioactive activity including anti-oxidation, whitening, anti-cancer. Supercritical extraction (SE) process mainly refer to the extraction with CO2, is usually from a solid matrix, is a sample preparation step for analytical purposes. SE produce no residual solvent and possess high stability of the extract component, which is advantageous for fatty acid analysis. Methods and Results : Fermented ginseng cultured roots used in the experiment were used for fermentation using Pediococcus pentosaceus. SE performed at different temperature, pressure and extraction time using non-fermented and fermented ginseng roots. Further we fractionated from fermented ginseng using Methanol, Hexane, Ethanol, Ethyl acetate and Butanol. We compared fatty acids contents ginseng extractions by GC analysis. Methyl linoleate contents was 44% of fatty acids supercritical extraction contained. The contents of Methyl linoleate was the most dominant component among 37 types of fatty acids by SE and other extractions solvent. Total fatty acids contents obtained by SE process from fermented ginseng (1325.61ppm) was twice than from non-fermented ginseng (618.47ppm). Conclusion : Fatty acids contents by SE was increased at high pressure. The best condition for fatty acids contents extraction was 60℃, 350bar and 3h.
        2016.10 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Background : Despite the presence of various bioactive compounds in ginseng, there is lack of study on the variations of bioactive compounds in ginseng according to the cultivation of soil and the applied fertilizer types (or amount). Therefore, this study aims to examine the variations of 37 fatty acids (FA) and 8 vitamin E (Vit-E) vitamers in 6-year-old ginseng root cultivated in different soil types with different fertilizers regimes. Methods and Results : The profiling of 37 FAs and 8 Vit-E vitamers in 6-year-old ginseng roots was measured by gas chromatography coupled with a flame ionization detector, and then these results were statistically analyzed with chemometrics. The FA and Vit-E content in ginseng roots varied significantly with respect to soil cultivation conditions due to organic fertilizer types and amounts used. Unsaturated FA in ginseng is approximately 2.7 fold higher than the saturated FA. Linoleic, palmitic, and oleic acids were the most abundant FAs found in the ginseng roots. Also, the major Vit-E vitamer found in ginseng root is α -tocopherol. In particular, the application of rice straw compost or food waste fertilizer was increased to create nutritionally-desirable FAs and bioactive Vit-E in ginseng root. In addition, phytonutrient profiling coupled with chemometrics can be used to discriminate the cultivation conditions of ginseng. Conclusion : This preliminary study extends our understanding about the variations of FA and Vit-E in ginseng root depending on cultivation conditions. Hence, these results can be useful as basic information for reliable ginseng production containing high amounts of phytonutrients in a paddy-converted field.
        2016.10 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Background : The objective of this study was to Amomum tsao-ko Crevost et Lemarié, (Zingiberaceae) is widely distributed among several countries in South Asia and Southeast Asia. It is a well known spice in Asia, produces a nice refreshing effect in the mouth. Additionally, it's dried fruit is used in Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) for cardiac diseases, edema, eye trouble, skin, itch and impotence. The objective of this study was evaluated the inhibitory activity on adipogenesis in 3T3-L1 cells from A. tsao-ko. Methods and Results : The fruits of A. tsao-ko were extracted with 80% EtOH two times at room temperature. The EtOH extract was suspended in distilled water and partitioned with solvent to give CH2Cl2, EtOAc and n-BuOH. The CH2Cl2 was suspended in n-hexane and partitioned with solvent to give 50%, 70% and 90% MeOH. The purification of each fraction by column chromatography separation and HPLC analysis. Consequently, several constituents were isolated five known compounds. The identification and structural elucidation of compounds were established by using NMR (1D and 2D) and mass spectrometry. Conclusion : These compounds were identified as fluorenone (1), phenanthrene (2), anthracene (3), methyl linolenate (4), 1,2-benzenediol (5). All isolates were tested for their inhibitory activities on adipogenesis in 3T3-L1 cells.
        2016.10 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Background : Angelica dahurica Bentham et Hooker, Angelica gigas Nakai, Ostericum koreanum Maximowicz and Peucedanum japonicum Thumberg are a major medicinal plant in north Geungbuk province. Using medicinal plants are impotant it`s ingredient. Dry condition and stroage method are not standard manual. The ingredient variation of dry condition and stroage method were not researched. Methods and Results : Using plant material were cutivated on Gyongsangbukdo Bonghwa area. It were studied ingredient variation after dry and storage condition by HPLC methods. Major ingredient of Angelica gigas Nakai are decurusin, decurusinangelate. Heated air bulk dry get more decursin than natuarl dry and decurusinangelate of natural bulk dry was higher than heated air bulk dry. Major ingredient of Ostericum koreanum Maximowicz are imperatorin and isoimperatorin.. Imperatorin of Ostericum koreanum was highest peak on 50℃ heated-air dry after plastic bag sorage and isoimperatorin was highest peak on 40℃ heated-air dry after mountain cultivation. Imperatorin is a major ingredient Angelica dahurica Bentham et Hooker. Heated air bulk dry get more decursin and decursinangelate than natuarl dry and small heated-air dry. Peucedanol-7o_glucoside is a major ingredient Peucedanum japonicum Thumberg. Natural bulk dry get more peucedanol-7o_glucoside than heated-air bulk dry. Conclusion : Ingredient of Angelica dahurica Bentham et Hooker, Angelica gigas Nakai, Ostericum koreanum Maximowicz are different under various cutivation, drying method, storage. Diffent Ingedients of Angelica gigas Nakai, Ostericum koreanum Maximowicz were not accord it’s optical conditon.
        2016.10 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Background : This text was conducted to compare the difference of fatty acid by part and ha bitat of Glehnia littoralis in Korea Midwest. Methods and Results : In Glehnia littoralis, Saturated fatty acid consisted of palmitic acid, ste aric acid, and unsaturated fatty acid was oleic acid, linoleic acid, linolenic acid. Content of w hole fatty acid was the most as 42.8% linoleic acid, and stearic acid was less best as 2.9%. Other fatty acid were oleic acid 27.1%, palmitic acid 15.3%, linolenic acid 11.9%. Fatty acid by plant part it was the most in leaf that linoleic acid (31.4%), and it was the most in root t hat linoleic acid (68.3%), and it was the most in breed that oleic acid (65.5%). Fatty acid by natural habitat contained in Incheon area located in high latitude more than Taean area. Conclusions : In Glehnia littoralis of Korea Midwest, The collection and cultivation of medici nal scope was broader, because difference of fatty acid content by natural habitat was light.
        2016.09 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        In order to vitalize the local area of Tendou City in Japan, this study chose a local indigenous industry and sought ways to connect the tourism industry with it. An inventory of local indigenous industry was assembled using relevant literature, field surveys, and interviews with local people. The Japanese chess industry was selected for a case study in connecting tourism with industry. Local indigenous industry was defined as an industry related to the local culture that uses local resources (and thus introduces possible industrialization). This industry can be easily marketed is to the rest of Japan or abroad. People in charge of local indigenous industry should understand the meaning and effects of connecting to the tourism industry, while people in tourism should acknowledge that local industry is good marketing material. Three steps are suggested: 1) to display the industrialy process of Japanese chess production: to tourism in safe and comfortable surroundings; 2) to offer amenities and producetion facility tuors; and 3) to offer tourists an opportunity to experience Japanese chess productions first hands.
        2016.08 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        The objectives of this study were to evaluate the effect of replacing 40% corn meal with three different types of barley (Youngyang, Wooho, and Yuyeon) on the chemical compositions, microbial indices, gas emission, and volatile fatty acid (VFA) content in feces of growing pigs. Sixteen pigs (Landrace × Yorkshire × Duroc) with an initial average body weight of 71 ± 2 kg were maintained in metabolic cages and randomly allotted to four treatments containing different sources of barley, for 23 days. The treatment with three different barley types replacing 40% ground corn showed no effect (P>0.05) on fecal chemical compositions, microbial indices, gas emission, and VFA. However, some differences (P<0.05) were noted in the chemical compositions of crude fiber and ash, and in the levels of Lactobacillus and Salmonella in the feces of the growing pigs. In conclusion, methane and hydrogen sulfide decreased by replacing 40% corn meal with Youngyang and Wooho barley, respectively.
        2016.08 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        We investigated the effects of Acorus gramineus water extract on the blood lipid levels in high fat diet-fed obese male mice. We divided thirty-five C57BL/6 mice into 5 groups: normal group, control group, and groups treated with Acorus gramineus water extract at concentrations of 20, 100, and 500 ㎎/㎏. We inoculated Acorus gramineus water extract per orally once a day for 6 weeks respectively. The results revealed that Acorus gramineus water extracts had positive effects on the total cholesterol, triglyceride, high-density lipoprotein cholesterol, and low-density lipoprotein cholesterol levels.