
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 5,319

        2013.04 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Adaptability of a smart top-story isolation system for reduction of seismic responses of tall buildings in regions of low-to-moderate seismicity has been investigated in this study. To this end, 20-story example building structure was selected and an MR damper and low damping elastomeric bearings were used to compose a smart base isolation system. Artificial earthquakes generated based on design spectrum of low-to-moderate seismicity regions are used for structural analyses.
        2013.04 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Quantification of incoming-salt in the air is absolutely critical for the use of the boundary conditions in chloride resistance design. Thus, as a result of collecting incoming-salt by using multidirectional incoming-salt collector, it was confirmed that incoming-salt was collected not only in the direction of viewing the coast but also in the opposite direction. For this, it is believed that it is necessary to analyze the relationship between the effective defense incoming-salt and the non-effective defense incoming-salt that is delivered through a local flow of surrounding wind
        2013.03 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        The aerosol number concentration have measured with an aerodynamic particle sizer spectrometer(APS) at Gosan in Jeju Island, which is known as background area in Korea, from March 2010 to February 2011. The obtained results of asian dust events and non-asian dust period have been compared. The results show that the entire averaged aerosol number concentration from APS measurement during asian dust events and non-asian dust period are about 341 particles/㎝3 and 240 particles/㎝3, respectively. During asian dust events, the number concentration in small size ranges(≤0.4 ㎛) are similar to non-asian dust period, however, those in large size ranges(≥0.7 ㎛) are very higher than non-asian dust period. The contributions of the size resolved number concentration(23 channel in 0.25∼10.0 ㎛) to total number concentration in that range are dramatically decreased with increased particle size. The contributions of smaller size ranges(≤0.4 ㎛) during asian dust events are very low compared with non-asian dust period, on the other hand, those of larger size ranges(≥0.4 ㎛) are higher than non-asian dust period. total aerosol number concentration are depended on the number concentration in range of smaller than 0.58 ㎛ during non-asian dust period and asian dust events. On the other hand, PM10 mass concentration has mainly affected with the number concentration in range of smaller than 1.0 ㎛ during non-asian dust period, however, during asian dust events, the mass concentration has mainly affected with the number concentration in range of 0.65∼3.0 ㎛.
        2013.03 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        The purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of shifts in sowing time on the ecological responses, growth and yields of major soybean cultivars in a southern region of South Korea. Experiments were carried out in Naju, Jeonnam Province (latitude 35° 04'N, longitude 126° 54'E) for three years from 2008 to 2010. The test cultivars included Saeol-kong and Tawon-kong of the summer type, Taekwangkong and Pungsannamul-kong, and Cheongja3 of the autumn type. Sowing took place on May 15 and 30, June 15 and 30, and July 15 of each year. Of the summer type soybean cultivars, Saeol-kong showed a smaller curtailment in days from sowing to flowering, days from flowering to maturity, and days from sowing to maturity according to sowing time postponement than Tawon-kong. Of the autumn type soybean cultivars, Taekwang-kong exhibited a lower photoperiodic response in reproductive growth period than Pungsannamul-kong and Cheongja3, both of which recorded higher level photoperiodic responses in vegetative growth stages and reproductive growth periods than other test cultivars, with the former exhibiting higher levels than the latter. Most of the test cultivars tended to decrease in stem length, node numbers of the main stem, and stem diameter according to postponed sowing time, but there were no significant differences in stem length and node numbers of the main stem of the Saeol-kong cultivar. Differences in sowing times did not affect the first setting pod node order of Saeol-kong and Tawon-kong summer type cultivars of internode lengths of all of the test cultivars. All of the test cultivars tended to show decreases in pod number per plant due to postponement of sowing time except for the Saeol-kong cultivar. The variation was more prominent in small grain cultivars such as Tawon-kong and Pungsannamul-kong with the latter autumn type cultivar showing especially large variation. Yields were the greatest for the Tawon-kong, Taekwang-kong, and Pungsannamul-kong cultivars sown on May 30 and Cheongja3 sown on May 30 and June 15. There were no significant differences in the yields of Saeol-kong for different sowing times from May 30 to July 15, with the yields lowest for the batch sown on May 15.
        2013.03 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        경인아라뱃길의 경관기능은 조망대상으로써 인근 아파트주민에게는 외부경제효과를 의미한다. 본 연구의 목적은 주택가격에 내재된 아라뱃길 조망권의 가치를 평가하는 것이다. 적용된 방법은 헤도닉가격모형(HPM)이다. 조망 수혜지역 내에 있는 아파트들 중 2011년 기간에 실제 거래가 이루어진 총 4,207세대로부터 수집된 자료를 기반으로 아파트매매가격, 단지특성, 입지특성, 시점특성 등과 관련된 변수들을 도출하였다. 투입 속성으로서 조망권변수는 수치지형도와 Google Mapview의 결합에 의해 고안된 조망권 알고리즘에 의해 도출되었다. 기존에 수행된 주택가격결정모형의 추정결과와 비교해 보았을 때, 본 모형의 추정결과는 계수의 크기에 있어 다소의 차이는 있으나 방향성에 있어서는 일치하는 경향을 보였다. 특히, 주거공간으로부터 아라뱃길까지의 거리와 아라뱃길의 조망권이 주택가격 형성에 있어 중요한 역할을 한다는 점을 밝혔다. HPM에 의해 추정된 조망권의 가치는 평당 16.5만원으로 나타났다. 역내 모집단 아파트로 확장된 아라뱃길 조망권에 의한 지역자산 고도화 효과는 총 891억원으로 추정되었다.
        2013.03 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        본 연구에서는 쾨펜의 기후대 구분법을 이용하여 현재 아시아 지역(경도 55.6°∼149.3°, 위도 -11.5°∼53.0°) 기후대를 분석하고, IPCC SRES A2 시나리오 상황에서의 기후대 변화를 전망하였다. 이와 더불어 기후대 구분의 기준이 되는 강수 및 기온자료의 시공간적 변동성을 분석하였다. 기후요소의 변동성을 분석한 결과, 2080년경에는 기준기간(1991∼2010)에 비해 기온은 4.0℃, 강수량은 12% 증가할 것으로 전망되었다. 공간적으로는 기온의 경우 고위도 지역이 저위도 지역보다 기온상승폭이 크게 나타났으며 강수량은 지역적 편중이 심화될 것으로 전망되었다. 기후대 변화를 전망한 결과, 대체로 온난한 기후대의 면적은 증가한 반면, 한랭한 기후대의 면적은 감소하는 것으로 분석되었다. 기준기간 대비 2080년경에는 열대 기후대(A)의 경우 7.2%, 건조 기후대(B)는 1.9% 증가하였으며 온대 기후대(C), 냉대 기후대(D), 한대 기후대(E)는 각각 -2.4%, -4.9%, -1.8% 감소하는 것으로 전망되었다. 이러한 결과는 지구온난화에 따른 기온 증가와 사막화의 영향에 기인한 것으로 판단된다.
        2013.03 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        호남지역 유학자들의 초기 箴 작품은 蘇沿(1390-1441)이 창작한 것으로부터 李恒(1499-1576)이 지은 것에 이르기까지 총 6편이 지어졌다. 그 가운데 2편이 中宗에게 올려진 官箴이다. 그리고 경전 구절을 해석한 것이 3편, 전대의 작품에 차운하여 계승한 것이 1편으로, 의리의 발현을 수사 기법으로 삼은 작품이 상당한 비율을 차지한다. 중기는 箴을 지은 유학자가 4명밖에 되지 않아 초기에 비해 인원수가 더욱 줄었지만, 작품의 수량은 7편으로 1편이 더 많이 늘어났다. 하지만 安邦俊(1573-1654)으로부터 黃胤錫(1729-1791)에 이르기까지 150년이 넘는 시기 동안 4명의 유학자가 7편의 작품을 지었다는 것은 초기와 마찬가지로 매우 영성한 상황이라고 밖에 말할 수 없다. 『中庸』 제1장의 ‘莫見乎隱’을 해석한 황위의 「莫見乎隱箴」을 제외하고는 모두 생활 속에서 실천해야 할 수양의 덕목을 해설한 내용들이다. 다만 경계하는 대상이 자신에게 한정되느냐 아니면 자식이나 주변의 타인에게 확장되느냐의 차이가 있을 뿐, 개인적인 용도인 私箴의 범위를 벗어나는 작품은 없다. 후기는 초기 및 중기에 비해 거의 5~6배가 넘을 정도로 많은 분량의 箴 작품이 창작되었다. 그리고 경계의 내용과 방법이 이전과 달리 다양하게 확산되는 경향을 보인다. 奇正鎭(1798-1880)으로부터 柳永善(1893-1961)에 이르기까지 100년 동안 14명의 유학자에 의해 37편의 箴이 지어졌다. 이 시기는 이전보다 양적으로도 월등하게 많을 뿐만 아니라, 수사 기법도 다양한 양상으로 서술되었다. 그리고 무엇보다 타인을 경계한 작품이 큰 비중을 차지하고 있는데, 이것은 구한말의 절박한 시대적·역사적 상황 때문에 箴을 통해 同道의 사람들에게 권면하고자 하는 의식이 반영된 현상이라고 이해할 수 있다. 또한 자신 및 학파가 주창하는 성리설을 箴의 문체로 드러내어 밝히고자 한 것도 이전 시기에는 없는 하나의 특징이라고 말할 수 있다.
        2013.03 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        The purpose of this study is to investigate the business performance determinants of private consulting firms supporting bottom-up local development projects in rural areas. Under the shortage of well-trained rural development professionals, Private consulting firms support rural development projects driven by the residents. Considering the important role for consulting firms to play in the success in rural development projects, it becomes necessary to review the circumstances of consulting market on rural development projects. This study targeted 80 companies that are listed in the book rural development consulting firms. Analysis showed that factors influencing the business performance are not professional competencies but other external factors. The implications based on the above results need to be considered for policy-making to ensure that consulting company selection must be guaranteed of the consulting firms'capability by detailed fields of consulting firms' capability, and the training system for rural development experts must be formed.
        2013.03 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        The purpose of this study is to analyze the effect of "resident participatory education programs". This study methods was that applied this education programs to the residents of the fishing village after develop of education programs, and was surveyed to ninety five residents of these. As a result of the survey, "community attachment" and "sense of community" showed statistically significant differences from consciousness before and after education. Also, difference of residents consciousness according to the presence or absence of an education showed the same trend too. And, If in the presence or absence of the educational experience, residents consciousness was improved after the education programs. In other words, an education programs applied to in this study can be said to effective to that raise awareness of the residents. And this can be said to contribute in empowerment too.
        2013.03 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        The purpose of this study is to investigate industry-wise employment growth factors in rural areas. Regional economic vitalization is sensitive to internal and external interaction changes among various industrial and occupational sectors. Thus, rural regional economic vitalization requires a comprehensive approach in analyzing industry-dependent employment structures and growth factors in rural areas. However, research conducted thus far has mostly focused on agriculture and farmers. Considering the evidence that rural communities continue to be stagnant and 80% of the rural population is engaged in nonagricultural activities, it becomes necessary to review industry-specific employment change factors in rural areas. This study targeted 5 counties in Chungnam. The results revealed that agriculture, forestry, and fisheries occupied the foremost positions with regard to population employed and regional GRDP share. The influence of national growth on employment and business variation effects was as high as 98.1% and 78.6%, respectively, thus demonstrating the high likelihood of rural economy to be influenced by external factors. Growth in the public sector appeared to support employment structure. Moreover, wholesale and retail businesses, constituting 14.4% of employment in rural areas, showed a strong trend toward degeneration, to the extent that difficulties have been forecasted for the supply of goods and services essential for basic livelihood of the rural residents. The implications based on the above observations need to be considered for policy-making to ensure that industrial structure is modified on the basis of internal demand of the region, and support for small businesses is integrated in rural area development projects.
        2013.03 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        This study conducted monitoring of plant species vulnerable or sensitive to Meteorological change—pine trees, azaleas, royal azaleas, sugar maple trees, and Japanese larch trees in Yeongnam region of South Korea for bioclimatological research, and predicted and managed changes in the growth environment of plants in advance, thereby presenting measures to stably preserve plant genetic resources. GPS coordinates of each of the species in each area were marked and changes in their time of blossoming, blossoms falling, leaves unfolding, leaves reddening, and leaves falling were recorded. They were examined once per week from late March 2010 to late November 2011. Indicator plants were analyzed and the time of blossoming tended to be later this year than the previous year and mostly in gravel areas their time of blossoming became later. Their blossoms falling time had a similar pattern to that of their blossoming time. There were no obvious differences in the pattern of leaves unfolding. The time of leaves unfolding of all the investigated species except for pine trees was latest in gravel areas. Sugar maple trees’ blossoms falling time became later in most areas, without regularity, and azaleas, royal azaleas, and Japanese larch trees were observed earliest in Gyeongnam Arboretum. The time of leaves falling became later in most areas. As the temperature became higher in late 2011 relative to 2010, the time of leaves reddening, and leaves falling became later and the growth period of all the species became longer except for pine trees.
        2013.03 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        충남 부여군 홍산면 일대의 백운사층 셰일에서 산출되는 운모류 광물(혼합상 백운모)과 십자석에 대한 EPMA 연구를 수행하여, 혼합상 백운모와 십자석 생성 과정과의 관계 및 백운사층 셰일의 변성환경을 규명하고자 하였다. 암석에서 산출되는 운모류 광물의 평균 화학조성은 (K1.11Na0.26Ca0.04)(Al3.93Fe0.21Mg0.07)(Si6.08Al1.92)O20(OH)4로 층간 양이온 함량이 낮으며(1.41) 팔면체 자리에 Fe, Mg를 함유한 일라이트, 즉 백운모/파이로필라이트/녹니석 혼합상(Mu70.5Py23.5Ch6.0)의 화학조성을 보인다. 한편 십자석은 암석 내에서 혼합상 백운모, 단일 결정의 파이로필라이트 및 알루미늄 규산염 광물과 함께 산출되는데, 이들 중 파이로필라이트가 십자석 생성에 참여한 것으로 판단된다. 혼합상 백운모에서 분리된 파이로필라이트와 녹니석이 반응하여 클로리토이드를 형성한 이후, 변성도가 증가하면서 파이로필라이트와 클로리토이드가 반응하여 십자석이 생성된 것으로 보이며, 이때 클로리토이드는 모두 소모되어 암석 내에서 관찰되지 않는 것으로 판단된다. 결국 일라이트가 백운모로 전이되는 과정에서 형성되는 혼합상 백운모는 십자석 생성에 필요한 광물을 공급하는 중요한 역할을 하는 것으로 보인다. 이 반응이 300℃ 이상에서 일어나는 점과 혼합상 백운모에서 분리된 파이로필라이트가 약 350℃에서 알루미늄 규산염 광물로 전이되는 점을 감안할 때, 백운사층 셰일은 300~350℃의 변성환경을 경험한 것으로 판단된다.
        2013.03 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        In this study, long term simulations for current(1979-2010) and future(2019-2050) climate over North-East Asian region were performed using RegCM4 driven by HadGEM2-AO provided by the KMA(Korean Meteorological Administration). The spatial resolution is 12.5㎞ and two RCP scenarios(4.5, 8.5) are applied for the future climate simulation. The RegCM4 simulates well the spatial and temporal variations of air temperature of current climate. However, it weakly simulates the intensity of rain band associated with the seasonal march of the East Asian summer monsoon and thereby significantly under simulates the summer rainfall and fails in reproducing the seasonal and spatial variations of precipitation. The 20-year averaged differences between current(1986-2005) and future(2031-2050) simulations showed that the temperature increases are generally greater in RCP8.5(1.93K) than RCP4.5(1.86K) and all the changes are statistically significant at 1% level. In general, the temperature increases are greater in the northern region(autumn, winter) than in the southern region(spring, summer) irrespective of RCP scenarios. The temperature over South Korea is expected to increase by 1.53K to 1.87K irrespective of RCP scenarios and seasons. The precipitation changes vary significantly according to the season and region irrespective of RCP scenarios and the changes of spring and autumn in the certain regions are statistically significant at 5% level. The precipitation over South Korea is expected to increase by +0.42㎜/day in RCP4.5 during spring but it is expected to significantly decrease during autumn(-0.35㎜/day) and in RCP 8.5 during summer(-0.30㎜/day).
        2013.03 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        The island areas have disadvantageous conditions compared to inland areas due to the characteristics which are separated, surrounded by seas, isolated. However, as the problems with separation that ultimately caused regional underdevelopment in island areas have been eased by the artificial works linking an island to land and the societal perspective on littoral districts has changed from productive view to consumptive view, the population trend in the island areas has been differentiated according to the regional conditions. But it is the reality that the population trend in the island areas has almost never been analyzed. In this regard, this study tried to analyze the overall demographic transition in eup/myon-level island areas and provide the basic data to establish flexibly and accurately regional development policies for island areas in rural As a result, as the regional conditions of island areas become more various, the potential and conditions of development have been differentiated and these trends will be more intensified. In response, the regional development policies for island areas in rural have to be reorganized actively.
        2013.03 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        By the continued island-mainland bridging works, increased consumer demand for seashore regions and fundamental improvement of accessibility to metropolitan areas, rural service industries in the island areas has been rapidly developed in the past decades, and also, their functions differentiated geographically. In most island areas, catering and accommodation sectors have been expanded, while traditional trading sector decreasing. And the dominant power of public sectors has been increased but private ones decreased. So, the overall development trends of service industries in island areas would be considered as unhealthy for rural economic sustainability. As a tentative solution, it may be proposed that through the functional specialization/differentiation and efficient linking/networking of rural service industries with multifunctionality of countryside capitals, their spatial cohesion would be strengthened.
        2013.02 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        The relationship between debris flow and topographical factors is essential for the reliable estimation of soil loss. The objective of this paper is to estimate stability index and soil loss for assessing landsliding risk caused by debris flow. SIMAP and RUSLE are used to estimate stability index and soil loss, respectively. The landsliding risk area estimated by using SIMAP is found to be different from the large land area estimated by RUSLE. It is found that the spatial distribution of soil cover significantly influences landsliding risk area. Results also indicate that stability index and soil loss, estimated by soil cover factor, improve the assessment of landsliding risk.
        2013.02 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        The assessment of personal exposure is a critical component in population-based epidemiologic studies of air pollution. This study was conducted to apply and compare the four exposure estimation methods of individual-level to air pollution concentration in a cohort including 2,283 subjects in Gwangyang, Korea. Individual-level exposure of air pollution were estimated using multiple approaches, including average across all monitors, nearest monitor, and spatial interpolation by inverse distance weighting and kriging. The mean concentrations of PM10, NO2, SO2, CO, O3 by four exposure estimation methods were slightly different but not significantly different from each other. Cross-validation showed that kriging was more accurate than other exposure estimation methods because kriging has probably predicted individual exposure levels equivalent to residential locations after estimating the parameters of a model according to the spatial surface of air pollution concentration. These data support that spatial interpolation methods may provide better estimates than selecting the value from the nearest monitor and averaging across values from all monitors by reflecting spatial attributes of air pollution on personal level.
        2013.02 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        본 연구는 충청북도 남부지역에서 이용되는 민속식물을 파악하기 위하여 2011년 3월부터 10월까지 수행되었다. 5개 시 군 지역(청주시, 청원군, 보은군, 옥천군, 영동군)의 19개소에서 주민 92명을 대상으로 수집한 조사야장 429장의 설문조사를 분석한 결과, 충청북도 남부지역에서 파악되고 수집된 민속식물은 56과 129속 150종 1아종 22변종 총 173분류군으로 정리되었다. 용도별 이용은 식용 379종류, 약용 68종류, 염료 2종류, 향료 1종류, 향신료 4종류, 관상용 1종류, 유지 3종류, 전분 1종류, 기타 18종류로서 식용으로의 이용 빈도가 가장 높았으며, 이용 부위로는 잎, 줄기, 전초 순으로 나타났다. 표준식물명과 지방명의 불일치는 202종류였으며, 50대(73.7%)에서 가장 높았으며, 90대(30.8%)에서 가장 낮게 나타났다.
        2013.02 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        도서지역에 대한 에너지공급시스템의 다양화를 위해서는 지역 내에 풍부한 자연에너지 활용이 필요하고 이를 통해 도서주민의 생활환경 개선이 가능하다. 이에 본 연구에서는 지역에 특화된 자연에너지를 이용한 전력공급시스템을 제안하기 위한 기초자료 구축을 목적으로 통영-남해 해역에 위치한 4개 섬의 풍력과 일사량을 1년간 (2010년 11월~2011년 10월) 실측하여 발생 특성을 파악하고 활용가능성을 비교 평가하였다. 본 연구의 성과를 정리하면 다음과 같다. 풍향별 발생 빈도수를 이용하여 작성한 바람장미로 부터 4개 섬의 풍향 특성이 크게 다르다는 것을 알았다. Rayleigh 속도확률분포를 이용한 평가에 따르면 KR섬과 SS섬은 2~5m/s의 바람이 많이 불지만, SR섬과 YJ섬은 2m/s이하의 저속 바람의 발생 확률이 매우 높은 것으로 분석되었고, 4개 섬 각각의 풍력발전량에는 큰 차이가 있었다. 4개 섬 모두에서 최대 일일 일사량은 2011년 7월에 발생하였지만, 평균 일일 일사량은 2011년 4월이 가장 컸다. 또한 월별 누적 일사량의 경우 2011년 4월이 가장 많았고, 2010년 12월 가장 적었다.
        2013.02 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        본 논문은 1998년부터 2011년까지 강릉 지역의 지방 방사능 측정소에서 측정된 공간 감마선량률의 통계 적인 성질을 조사하였다. Autocorrelation Function Analysis(ACF), Rescaled Range Analysis(R/S Analysis), DetrendedFluctuation Analysis(DFA)의 방법들이 사용되었으며, 이 중 DFA는 non-stationary한 시계열의 장거리 상관성을 보여주는 좋은 방법으로 알려져 있다. 우리는 이 연구를 통해 다음의 사실을 알았다. 첫 번째, 공간 감마선량률은 두 가지다른 경향을 갖는 크로스 오버가 나타난다. 이것은 연중 공간 감마선량률은 강한 장기 기억 특성이 나타나는데 비해연간으로 넘어가면 상관성이 사라지는 것을 의미한다. 두 번째, 각 분석 방법들의 지수들이 있는데 이 지수들 사이의관계식이 맞음을 확인 하였다.