
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 1,591

        2008.10 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        벼의 관다발, 특히 체관부 흡즙성 곤충으로 알려진 애멸구의 벼 조직 내 흡즙행동을 규명하기 위해서 DC-electrical penegtraion graph(EPG) 파형을 분석하였다. 4엽기 벼 유묘에서 애멸구 암컷 성충의 EPG파형은 그 형태, 크기, 주파수에 따라 np, P, path, X, S, sPh, Ph파형으로 구분할 수 있었는데, 파형은 대체적으로 P, path, S, sPh, Ph파형 순서로 진행되었다. 각 파형들에서 애멸구 구침의 실제 위치는 레이저빔을 이용하여 구침을 절단한 후 조직의 미세절편을 통해 관찰하였는데, 구침의 선단부가 X파형에서는 물관부에, S, sPh, Ph파형에서는 체관부에 도달돼 있었다. 한편 Ph파형일 때 절단된 구침으로부터 식물액이 배출되었고 그 식물액에서 설탕이 유일한 당으로 검출되었으며, 애멸구가 감로를 주기적으로 배설하는 것이 관찰되어, Ph 파형을 체관부 흡즙파형으로 판단하였다. 위 파형들, 특히 Ph파형의 의미는 저항성과 감수성 벼 품종들 위에서의 EPG 측정으로 증명하였다. 저항성 품종은 IR8과 Muthumanikam을 사용하였는데, 먼저 생존성과 선호성 검정을 통해 이 품종들의 저항성을 확인하였고, EPG 측정 결과는 감수성 품종인 오대벼와 일미벼에서의 결과와 비교하였다. 6시간 동안 EPG 측정하였을 때, 감수성 품종들에 비해 저항성 품종들에서 np와 X파형기간이 길었고, sPh와 Ph파형기간은 짧았다. 한편 감수성 품종들에서 90% 이상의 애멸구가 Ph파형을 보였으나 저항성 품종인 IR8에서는 약 21%, Muthumanikam에서 약 11%만이 Ph파형을 보였다. 그러나 애멸구는 품종에 관계없이 대부분의 곤충이 Ph파형의 이전 단계인 sPh파형을 나타내었다. 위 결과로부터 애멸구는 저항성 품종에서는 체관부까지 구침을 도달시킬 수 있으나 체관부를 흡즙하는데 어려움이 있다고 판단되었다. 이상의 결과로부터 EPG파형으로 애멸구 흡즙행동을 적절히 설명할 수 있다고 판단되었다.
        2008.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        조종사의 비행수행능력과 자존감이 비행비교 상황에서 위험행동에 미치는 영향을 알아보기 위해 비행교육과정 조종사 48명을 대상으로 시뮬레이터 상황실험을 실시하였다. 피험자간 변인으로서 비행수행능력(비행등수)과 자존감 척도로 각각의 높고 낮은 그룹으로 나누어 안전규칙상 착륙이 허가되지 않는 활주로 접근 시뮬레이션 상황을 수행하게 하였다. 접근 상황은 피험자 내 설계로 세 번에 걸쳐 측정하였고, 동일한 각각의 상황실험 수행 직전에 실험참가자에게 다른 사람들의 수행결과를 조작(긍정비교, 부정비교, 통제)하여 제시하였다. 실험참가자의 위험행동은 접근한 고도를 통하여 측정하였다. 실험 결과 각 제시 조건에 따라 위험행동이 유의미하게 차이가 나타났고, 각 비교조건에서의 위험행동 경향은 비행수행능력과 자존감의 수준에 따라 달라지는 상호작용 효과가 나타났다. 비행수행능력이 낮은 집단은 비교조건들에서 통제조건과 달리 위험한 행동을 하는 것으로 나타났고 비행수행능력이 높은 집단은 부정비교조건에서 다른 조건들과 달리 위험을 회피하는 경향을 보였다. 자존감이 높은 집단은 통제조건에 비해 비교조건들에서 유의미한 위험행동을 보인 반면, 자존감이 낮은 집단은 다른 조건들에 비해 부정적 비교조건에서 유의미한 위험회피행동을 보였다.
        2008.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The objective of this study was to investigate the relationship between behavioral signs and duration of estrous in Hanwoo and Holstein cattle for the prediction of optical insemination. Fifty two of 58 and 71 of 89 in Hanwoo and Holstein cows or heifers showed estrous exhibition within 72 h after 2 days following administration, respectively. The number of mounting and standing heat were 54.2 and 57.6, 59.4 and 53.5, 42.0 and 30.8 and 16.2 and 10.7 times in Hanwoo cows, Hanwoo heifers, Holstein cows and Holstein heifers, respectively. Duration of mounting were no significantly difference for Hanwoo cows (), Hanwoo heifers (), Holstein cows () and Holstein heifers (). Duration of standing heat were significantly (p<0.05) shorter for Holstein cows () than for Hanwoo cows (), Hanwoo heifers () and Holstein heifers (). Time until mounting after injection of were significantly (p<0.05) longer for Holstein cows () than for Hanwoo cows (), Hanwoo heifers () and Holstein heifers (). Time until standing heat after injection of were significantly (p<0.05) longer for Holstein cows () than for Hanwoo cows (), Hanwoo heifers () and Holstein heifers (). In the results of this study, duration of standing heat was the shortest in Holstein cows (). The estimation of estrous with Holstein cows has more difficulty because to significantly shorter duration of standing heat than for Hanwoo cows, Hanwoo heifers and Holstein heifers. The standing heat can be a good predictor for time of ovulation but it is concluded that mounting behavior could be the best predictor for time of ovulation.
        2008.08 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        2004년 10월부터 2006년 12월까지 지리산에 방사한 반달가슴곰 7개체를 무선추적하여 연간 행동권 크기를 분석한 결과, 95% MCP에서 반달가슴곰 암컷은 71.66km2, 수컷은 90.20km2로 분석되었다. 계절별 행동권 크기는 암컷곰이 봄 19.8km2, 여름 30.48km2, 가을 22.63km2, 겨울 0.22km2이었고, 수컷곰은 봄 33.47km2, 여름 20.26km2, 가을 23.23km2, 겨울 0.78km2이었다(F=4.193, P〈0.05). 반달가슴곰의 행동권역중 약 38% 정도가 중첩되었고, 암컷간 12.5%, 수컷간 22.4% 정도가 중첩되었다. 서식지 평균 해발고도는 봄 744±236m, 여름 682±253m, 가을 937±218m, 겨울 975±137m로 분석되었다(F=8.526, P〈0.001). 반달가슴곰의 행동권 크기와 위치는 주로 먹이의 분포와 생산량과 밀접한 관계가 있으며, 계절별 서식 환경특성, 연령 등에 따라서도 차이가 있음을 알 수 있었다.
        2008.08 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The principal objective of this study was to determine the effects of diet knowledge and perception on diet practice behavior among university students. Data were collected between March and April of 2005 from 523 male and female university students in Seoul and Chungbuk, via a self-administered questionnaire. The subjects included 217 male students (41.5%) and 306 female students (58.5%), and 52.0% of the subjects were 21-23 years old. With regard to residence type, 42.6% of the subjects lived in the dormitory, home (29.1%) self-boarding (19.5%) and meal (8.8) were in the order. The average weights and heights of the subjects were as follows: 70.9±9.0 kg and 174.3±4.4 cm in the male students and 53.9±5.9 kg and 161.3±4.5 cm in the female students. The average BMI values of the male and female students were 23.4±2.5 and 20.8±2.1, respectively. The average nutritional knowledge scores were as follows: 1.96 out of 3.0, dietary habit (2.13), nutrition (2.0), exercise (1.98), preferred food (1.90), and chronic disease (1.79). We noted no significant differences between the male and female subjects in terms of scored points. Nutritional knowledge by gender and residence type were shown to be significantly different--the male subjects had higher scores for exercise than did the female subjects. The self-boarding subjects had significantly lower scores with regard to nutritional knowledge and chronic disease. The experience and duration of previous diet practice were also significantly different with regard to gender and residence type. The male subjects tended to conduct diet practice for longer periods than females. The self-boarding students reported more attempts at diet behavior, but for shorter durations. The results show that the nutritional knowledge and diet practice behavior of the subjects were influenced by gender and residence type.
        2008.08 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        In this study, the relationships among obesity, food behavior, and personality traits were studied in male and female elementary school children. The obesity rates were calculated via the measured heights and weights of the subjects. Food behavior was surveyed via a questionnaire. Personality traits were evaluated using an authorized personality test. The obesity rates in the child subjects in this study were 34.1%in the male children, and 28.7% in the female children, and the rates of underweight were 18.2% in the males and 28.7% in the females. The percentage of obese children was slightly higher in the male population than in the female population. With regard to food behavior, the females evidenced significantly higher points than the males, particularly on the items designated 'slow eating' and 'stop eating upon satiety'. Among the personality traits assessed herein, which included emotional stability, general activity, sociability, masculinity, responsibility, reflectiveness, and superiority, the females evidenced significantly higher sociability scores than the males. The personality traits did not appear to be significantly associated with the obesity rate. However, the obese children scored lowest on all personality traits among the three groups. In terms of the relationship between food behavior and personality traits, children with high stability, sociability, responsibility, and superiority also had significantly higher food behavior scores. These results imply that the maintenance of good food behavior may enhance stability, sociability, responsibility, and superiority in children.
        2008.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The objective of this study was to investigate the consumption pattern of snacks-containing trans-fatty acid in adolescents living in the Kwang-ju area of Korea, and to analyze the relevance toward their eating behaviors, body composition, nutrient intakes, and consumption frequency of snacks-containing trans fatty acid. A survey questionnaire was developed in order to investigate general environmental factors, eating behavior, nutritional knowledge, and the consumption frequency of snacks-containing trans fatty acid. A total of 312 middle school students were surveyed. The collection rate was 97% and ultimately 282 cases were analyzed. Anthropometric measurements, body composition data, and nutrient intakes were also collected. The consumption frequencies for snacks-containing trans-fatty acid were negatively correlated with food behavior scores (p〈0.01) however, pocket money and snack intake frequency per day were positively correlated with consumption frequency. Also, snack consumption frequency had some correlation with the subjects' anthropometric measurements and body composition data such as total body water (p〈0.01), body protein (p〈0.01), body minerals (p〈0.01), and skeletal muscle mass (p〈0.01). Finally, the consumption frequency of snacks-containing trans fatty acid was significantly correlated with calcium intake (p〈0.05), it also showed correlations with vitamin A, retinol, β-carotene, and folic acid intake, although statistical significance was not verified.
        2008.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The objective of this study was to use cluster analysis to determine differences in eating-out behavior among grouped clusters of female consumers after each cluster was divided based on lifestyle patterns. The data were collected by interview survey from a biased sample of 1,300 females, ranging from ages 20 to 59, and living in residential districts of Seoul. Reliability analysis, factor analysis, cluster analysis, cross-tabulation analysis, and analysis of variance (ANOVA) were applied to the data. Four lifestyle factors were extracted by lower-division and classified as follows: health condition, consuming, food, and housing lifestyles. Based on these four factors, the female consumers were grouped as three clusters: the consuming-individuality type, rational-pursuit type, and conservative-stability type. The eating-out behavior of each cluster was significantly different in terms of frequency of eating-out, eating-out expenditures, restaurant selection criteria, food preferences, and the purpose for eating-out. Since this study surveyed females from ages 20 to 59, age and demographics were the differential factors in determining the various lifestyle types. Thus, to target the consumers who form a target market, the food industry should consider market segmentation that combines demographic factors such as age, income, and marital status.
        2008.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The objective of this study was to evaluate the causal relationships among environmental belief, ambivalence, subjective norm, attitude and meat consumption behavior. A total of 318 questionnaires were completed. A structural equation model was employed to assess the causal effects of constructs. The results of the study demonstrated that the structural analysis results for the data also indicated excellent model fit. The effects of environmental belief, ambivalence, and subjective norm on attitude were statistically significant. The effects of environmental belief, subjective norm and attitude on meat consumption were statistically significant. The effects of attitude on intention were statistically significant. As had been expected, intention exerted a significant effect on meat consumption. Moreover, environmental belief and ambivalence exerted significant indirect effects on meat consumption through attitude. Subjective norm exerted a significant indirect effect on meat consumption through attitude and intention. Subjective norm also exerted a significant indirect effect on intention through attitude. In developing and testing conceptual models which integrate the relationship among behavioral belief, attitude variable, behavioral intention and meat consumption, this study may approach a deeper understanding of the complex relationship among meat consumption behavior-related variables. Greater understanding of the complex relationship among meat consumption behavior-related variables can improve the practical or managerial diagnosis of the problem and opportunities for different marketing strategies including meat production and meat product development and marketing communication.
        2008.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        이 연구의 주된 목적은 구례 농촌지역에 서식하는 1쌍의 너구리(Nyctereutes procyonoides koreensis) 행동권을 측정하고 이전 너구리 연구와 비교하는데 있다. 원격무선추적은 2개체의 너구리를 이용하여 2개월 간격(2000년 6, 8, 10, 12월)으로 2일씩 주기적으로 수행되었다. 모니터링 기간 동안, 무선추적은 주간과 야간에 걸쳐 보통 1~3시간 간격으로 실시되었다. 전체 46~64개의 무선추적 자료의 분석 결과는 95% 최소볼록다각형(MCP) 방법에서 1쌍의 너구리의 전체행동권 크기가 0.41km2, 평균행동권 크기가 0.32km2임을 보여주었다. 암컷과 수컷의 행동권은 상당 부분 중첩되었고(약 70~95%), 행동권 크기는 서로 유사한 양상을 나타내었다. 그러나 주간(0.01km2)과 야간(0.35km2)의 행동권 크기는 매우 큰 차이를 보였고, 여름(0.56km2)에 가장 컸지만 겨울(<0.01km2)에 가장 작았다. 추가적으로, 1쌍의 너구리는 1개의 핵심지역과 4개의 서로 다른 섭식지역들을 가지고 있었다. 결론적으로, 동일한 개체들을 이용하여 하루 동안 더 빈번한 추적 수와 더 긴 추적 간격을 이용한 이 너구리 행동권 자료는 하루 동안 덜 빈번한 추적 수와 더 짧은 추적 간격을 이용한 이전의 연구와 매우 유사한 결과를 보여 주었다.
        2008.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        멸종위기종 황새의 보존와 복원 계획을 진행하는 과정에서 황새의 섭식행동과 서식지 환경을 이해하기 위하여 연구를 시작하였다. 이를 위하여 충북 청원군 미원면 화원리에 있는 산지형 습지 일부에 울타리를 치고 황새 암수의 한 쪽 날개의 첫째날개깃 일부를 잘라 방사하여, 6월 16일부터 7월 11일까지 25일간 일일 그리고 시간에 따른 섭식 행동 변화, 먹이 종류 및 양, 먹이 서식지 선택을 관찰하였다. 황새 암수의 하루 중 시간에 따른 섭식 시간과 휴식 시간
        2008.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        본 실험은 NDF 및 ADF 함량이 높은 버섯폐배지(버섯잔사)에 대한 볏짚 대체 가능성을 채식 행동 관점에서 검토할 목적으로 실시하였으며, 시험사료인 농후사료+볏짚(Control: 5.32kg+자유채식), 농후사료+버섯폐배지+볏짚(T1 : 5.32kg+0.82kg+자유채식) 및 농후사료+버섯폐배지+ 볏짚 (T2 : 5.32 kg+1.64 kg+자유채식)를 급여하여 채식 행동 조사를 하였다. 공시가축은 평균체중 357.0+2.9kg인 한우 18두를 이용하