
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 1,826

        2002.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        온도 및 먹이가 등검은황록장님노린재의 약충발육과 성충수명 및 약충과 성충의 먹이의 종별 난 포식량에 미치는 효과를 조사하였다. 약충의 발육기간은 24, 28 및 32에서 각각 13.2-13.7일, 10.4-10.9일 및 9.0-9.3일이었다. 약충의 난 포식량은 24, 28 및 32에서 각각 10.6-14.3개, 7.5-9.2개 및 5.8-7.5개로 끝동매미충, 흰등멸구, 애멸구 및 벼멸구의 난 순으로 많았다. 약충의 탈피 횟수는 4회가 55-75%로 3회의 25-45%보다 높았으며, 온도 및 먹이에 따른 큰 차이는 없었다. 우화율은 24, 28 및 32에서 각각 52-70%, 48-66% 및 22-38%로 먹이에 따른 차이와 함께 온도가 높아질수록 낮아지는 경향이었다. 성충수명은 1종 먹이만 제공한 경우 24, 28 및 32에서 각각 19.75-22.45일, 15.55-16.95일 및 10.25-11.65일 이었으나, 4종 먹이를 함께 제공한 경우 성충수명은 1종 먹이만 제공한 것보다 약간 긴 경향이었다. 성충의 포식량을 1종 먹이만 제공한 경우 24, 28 및 32에서 각각 35.7-54.2개, 31.6-44.55개 및 18.1-28.15개로 온도조건에 관계없이 끝동매미충, 흰등멸구, 애멸구 및 벼멸구의 난 순으로 많았다. 하지만 4종 먹이를 함께 제공한 성충의 포식량은 24, 28 및 32에서 각각 3.95-28.9개, 2.9-28.95개 및 1.7-13.6개로 제공된 먹이간에 차이가 현저하였다. 따라서 먹이간 성충 포식량의 현저한 차이는 기주선호성에 따른 것으로 생각된다
        2002.05 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study examined the consumers' awareness and information need toward the irradiated foods and environmental hormones. The data were collected from 350 adults living in Daegu and Busan by the self-administered questionnaire. Frequencies and chi-square tests were conducted by SPSS. The results of the survey were as follows: (1) consumers' awareness regarding the irradiated foods and environmental hormones were low, while consumers' concerns for them were high, (2) the orders of the information needs for the irradiated foods are safety of irradiated foods, dose permitted for food irradiation, benefits of irradiated foods, kinds of permitted irradiated foods, and legislations of food irradiation, and (3) the orders of the information needs for the environmental hormones are harmfulness of environmental hormones, standards for contamination by environmental hormones, materials releasing environmental hormones, methods to prevent environmental hormones, and kinds of environmental hormones.
        2002.05 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study provides a national examination on youths' 'understanding' of irradiated food. The 1,200 subjects of the survey were randomly sampled from male and female students throughout the nation, between grades five and eleven. The survey was conducted toward these samples in November 2000. The number of respondents with exposure to irradiated food was so small, amounting to only 4.0 percent of the whole sample. The core concept used in this study is 'impression'. An impression is information about a specific subject, which carries significance to an individual. The results show that the higher the grade was, the more value the contents of impression contained. Furthermore, impressions concerning atomic or nuclear energy, and radioactivity increased greatly among students in middle school and above. Providing information of effects and advantages of irradiated food was focused to increase positive impressions and decrease the negative ones more greatly than providing simple factual information. Youths showed less value-centered impressions of irradiated food and more impressions centered on fragmented facts than adults. Respondents previously exposed irradiated food were shown to acquire the most of their information from the television and newspaper media. Among six information sources presented in the survey, youths pointed out 'science and technology research institutes' as the most credible. International organizations and environmental/ consumer organizations were evaluated as having relatively high credibility. Providing simple factual information of irradiated food did not seem to bring about any difference to the intention of purchasing irradiated food. On the other hand, respondents provided with effects-included information showed an increase in such intention. Our research results of the youth show a notable difference with that of the adults. Thus, programs and strategies to enhance youths' understanding should differ from those concerning adults.
        2002.05 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        본 연구는 한국에 거주하는 미국인 및 캐나다인의 식품구입 및 한국식당 이용실태를 조사한 결과 한국마켓에서의 식재료가 안전한지를 묻는 질문에 38%가 아니라고 응답하였고 77%가 음용수의 안전성을 확신한다고 대답하였으나 54%의 응답자는 수입된 물을 구입해서 마신다고 하였으며 한국음식을 상당히 좋아하고 한국음식점을 즐겨 찾는 것으로 나타났으며 한국음식의 단맛, 짠맛, spicy한 정도는 강하지 않다고 응답하였고 식당 종업원들의 위생관념에는 만족하지 않는 것으로 나타났다. 대부분의 응답자가 한국마켓에서의 식재료의 안전도에 관해서는 신뢰하고 있었으나, 일부 응답자들은 본국에서 음용수 및 음식을 가져다 먹는다고 응답한 것으로 보아 식재료에 대한 더욱 철저한 위생관리가 필요하다고 여겨지며, 또한 한국음식점 이용에 대한 질문에서도 전반적으로 좋은 반응을 보였으나 종업원의 위생관념의 부족을 지적한 바, 음식점에서의 위생분야에 더욱 주의를 기울여야 할 것을 지적하고자 한다.
        2002.03 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        강 알칼리 이온수인 GC-100X의 항균력을 6가지 주요 식품위해 미생물들에 대해 시험하되 4℃, 25℃ 및 36℃의 서로 다른 온도조건과 유기물 조건 하에서 실험을 수행하였다. 그 결과 GC-100X는 37℃, 3시간 반응 조건 하에서 모든 유해균에 대해 1.0X 10^4 CFU/ml감소 이상의 효과를 나타내었으며 멸균 증류수나 표준 경수로 2배 희석한 경우에도 동일한 결과를 나타내었다. 유기물이 존재할 경우는 항균력의 약화가 관찰되었고, 그람 양성균에 대한 항균력은 높지 않았으나 그람 음성균에 대해서는 강력하고 빠른 사멸능력을 나타내었다. 방울 토마토에 인위적으로 E. coli O157:H7을 부착시키고 그에 대한 GC-100X의 세척효과를 기타의 세척제들과 비교해 본 결과, GC-100X 원액, GC-100X 5% 용액은 100 ppm 염소용액과 유사한 세척효과를 나타내었으며 시판 주방용 합성세제에 비해 그 성능이 우수하였다. 또한 시판 주방용 합성세제와는 달리 GC-100X, GC-100X 5% 및 3% 100 ppm 염소용액은 세척후 토마토 내부로의 균 침투를 억제하는 기능이 있음을 확인하였다. 이 결과는 식품 위생과 주방 청결에 일조할 하나의 방안으로서 안전성, 항균력, 세척력을 갖춘 GC-100X의 식품분야 적용 가능성을 시사하고 있다.
        2002.02 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Preferences of 814 elderly living in Incheon for dishes, food materials and cooking methods were investigated. The survey was conducted from Dec. 2000 to Jan. 2001 by questionnaires. Subjects preferred cooked rice with beans, kalkooksoo(hot noodle), gomtang(soup with beef), bibimbap(rice with assorted mixture) to other staple dishes. However, preference for hashed rice or curried rice was very low. More than 50% of the subjects liked soybean paste soup and stew, and the ratio of elderly who liked Chinese cabbage kimchi was 68.7%. There was no significant difference in preference for pan-fried foods according to food materials in them. Subjects liked injolmi(waxy rice cake), shikhye(fermented rice drink) and coffee the most. Most subjects preferred plant foods like vegetables, legumes and seaweeds to animal foods. Preference of elderly for milk and yoghurt was reatively high; however, that for ham, butter and cheese was low. Elderly in Incheon liked roasted beef, beef soup and roasted pork the most. Chicken was preferred when it was boiled in water with garlic, ginseng, and so on. Cooked and seasoned vegetables (Namul) were the most preferred type by elderly. Preferences for dishes and food materials were more affected by living places of the subjects than by sex, and the reverse was true in preference for cooking method of food materials.
        2002.02 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study was to investigate the food habits and the dietary behaviors of university students. Questionnaires were completed by 492 students in five different departments. The data were analyzed by SAS program. The results are summarized as follows: Fifty(10.2%) of respondents were vegetarians, 81(16.4%) were heavy meat eaters and all the others were light meat eaters. All students had their biggest meal at supper. Three hundred and ninety-three(79.9%) of the respondents usually had rice for breakfast. Three hundred -sixteen(64.2%) ate 3 meals a day, 155(31.5%) ate 2 meals and all the others ate 1 meal or more than 3 meals. The length of mealtime was 30 minutes in 268(54.5%), 10 minutes in 209(42.5%) and more than 1 hour in all the others. Respondents considered taste the most important meal factor with nutrition, hygiene, and amount ranked accordingly. A majority(63.0%) of respondents ate occasionally ate between meals, while 28.1% snacked frequently, and 8.9% ate no snacks. Although nutrition dept. students had studied nutrition subject, some results of nutrition dept. students were desirable and others were undesirable in dietary behaviors. Therefore they should have a nutritional education program to improve their food habits and the dietary behaviors for students' health. And nutritional education program should be organized practically and systematically.
        2002.02 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The purpose of this study is to investigate children's satisfaction with side dishes served in elementary school food service program in Seoul area. Two hundreds and thirty two children participated in this study through a questionnaire developed by the researchers. Conclusion drawn from the results of this study is that there seems no significant problems in school food service program since children are generally satisfied with food provided by school. However, minor problems such as hot and salty food, inappropriate temperature of warm dishes, and excessive amount of food, need to be improved through a newly developed menu, cooking method, and food distribution method.
        2002.02 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study had two major purposes: 1) to establish a quantitative measure of the overall restaurant attractiveness for each of the selected restaurants. 2) to examine the implications of the findings from the above concerning the operating initiatives necessary to improve the restaurant attractiveness. A multi attribute model was employed to obtain a numerical index of the attractiveness for each of the three fast food restaurants. It was found that certain of the attributes selected were clearly established as determinant variables(p<0.05). The research plotted the location of Attributes on a graph where the axes are the salience and importance scores to indicate approximate positions in four cells. Finally, the implications of these findings concering marketing and develpment initiatives to improve the perceptual attractiveness of the three fast food restaurant1.s are discussed.
        2001.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The actual overall migration data obtained from plastic food packaging materials into food simulants under high temperature testing conditions as described in the regulations of European Union, USA, and Korea or Japan were compared. Overall migration values(OMVs) with non-fatty food simulants under high temperature conditions were observed to be generally below 2.5 mg/dm^2 except polyamides(CPA and PA 6,6) which were tested at 121 for 2 hrs. As for the fatty food simulants, the OMVs with soybean oil were higher than other simulants. Among the films tested, PVC wrap showed higher OMVs ranging betwn 23.9 and 54.6 mg/dm^2 than others. The OMVs were measured at higher level with the elevation of contact temperature and the extension of contact time, and in fatty food simulants rather than in non-fatty simulants. Under similar testing temperature and time conditions. the OMVs tended to be increased in polar films like PA with polar simulants, and contrarily in non-polar films like PO with non-polar simulants. It is noteworthy that a discrepancy with regard to the result of OMVs was observed for some films as a result of different migration testing methods and conditions of each country areas.
        2001.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Despite to the reality that the outbreaks from food poisoning in Korea have been continuously increasing in the last two decades, it was very much neglected even in the public health field in Korea. Food poisoning outbreaks resulted in many cases not only in the damage of health but also in the death of many lives. However, this problem can be effectively solved by efforts through health education activities, but not solely by the legal measures. This study was carried out to provide information that can be used in planning health education programs and proposing new rules to prevent any possible outbreaks from food poisoning. The main problems contributing to food poisoning outbreaks in an institutional setting or school catering and at home were reviewed and analyzed through the epidemiological investigations and articles related to food poisoning in the last a decade (1991-2000). Accordingly, the data presented in this study are sufficient to show and prove the significant trends in food poisoning accidents in Korea. The major findings investigated in this study are as follows. The frequency of food poisoning accidents as well as the number of victims have continuously increased in Korea. The number of victims per food poisoning accident is also increased from 20 persons in 1990 to 69.8 persons in 2000. Therefore, we should realize that the group poisoning outbreaks occur more frequently and the size of group poisoning accidents is getting larger. Among four seasons, the food poisoning accidents occurred more frequently in the summer (May-September) until 1997. However, after 1997, the food poisoning accidents occurred evenly in three seasons except the winter. The most important bacteria that cause food poisoning in Korea were Salmonella spp., Vibrio spp. and Staphylococcus aureus. They occupied 85-90% of the rates of accidents and the number of victims. And, the major category of food causing outbreaks in Korea are meats, raw and undercooked sea foods and compound food as Kimbab and lunch box. Among meats, the most food poisoning accidents were caused by pork. The frequency of food poisoning accidents at individual households tends to decrease continuously. Whereas, the rates of accidents at the public restaurants and food service establishments are comparatively increasing. Therefore, we must improve the quality of the sanitation management in food service establishments through HACCP and post- administration of HACCP.
        2001.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        본 연구에서는 5종의 유산균들 (Lactobacillus reuteri, L. acidophillus, L. bulgaricus, L. casei and Bifidobacterium longum)의 식중독 균들에 대한 항균력을 조사하였다. 각 유산균들을 3가지 서로 다른 조건 (MRS+glucose, MRS+0.5 M glycerol, 0.25 M glycerol solution)에서 배양한 후 그 상층액이 포함된 Moulter Hinton Agar에 8종의 유해균들을 접종하였다. MRS+glucose, MRS+0.5 M glycero에서의 상층액을 이용한 실험에서는 L. reuteri의 항균력이 다른 유산균들에 비해 높지 않았으나 0.25 M glycerol solution에서는 탁월하게 높은 결과를 나타내었다. (p<0.05). 0.25 M glycerol solution에서 나타난 높은 항균력은 L. reuteri가 glycerol을 이용하여 생산하는 reuterin이란 물질 때문이라 생각되며, 0.25 M glycerol solution의 상층액을 500 MHz Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR)를 통해 분석한 결과 reuterin의 존재를 확인할 수 있었다. 3가지 조건 하에서의 항균력 시험 결과 가장 높은 항균력을 나타낸 3가지 유산균들 (Lactobacillus resuteri, L. bulgaricus, L. casei)을 선발, 각각 최고의 항균력을 나타낸 조건으로 배양하여 최소사멸농도 (minimum bactericidal concentration)를 측정한 결과, L. reuteri가 생산한 reuterin이 광범위 항균물질임을 확인하였다. 또한 pH 적정, pepsin 혹은 trypsin 처리를 한 후 3가지 유산균들의 항균력 변화를 조사한 결과 L. bulgaricus와 L. casei의 항균력은 이러한 조건에서 상당히 감소한 반면 reuterin의 항균력은 아무런 영향을 받지않았다 (p<0.05). 이상의 결과들로 보아 주요 유산균들 중에서 L. reuteri의 항균력이 가장 우수하면서 광범위하였으며 이는 L. reuteri가 분비하는 항균물질인 reuterin에 기인한 것으로 사료된다. 또한 reuterin의 항균력은 타 유산균과는 달리 장관내 pH나 단백질 분해효소에 의해 영향을 받지 않으므로 인체나 동물 장관에서 가장 높은 효력을 가진다고 판단할 수 있다.
        2001.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Campylobacter spp. isolated and identified from the raw chicken carcasses in food service, were characterized. Total bacterial counts on the skins of raw chicken were 10 ⁴-10^6 CFU/g and a total of 205 strains were primarily isolated after enrichment culture and selective culture of the sample with candle and microaerophilic chamber method. Among them, twenty eight strains of Gram-negative, catalase-positive and oxidase-positive were further isolated by the determination of biochemical characteristics. Only sixteen strains of them were finally identified as Campylobacter with PCR of pA and pB primers. Nine strains, more than half of them, have grown at 42℃ and 25℃ and seven strains defined as thermophilic Campylobacter grew not at 25℃, but at 42℃. Therefore, more careful management of food safety for raw chicken is needed in food service. Particularly, we should concern the raw chicken carcasses with high bacteria contamination, more them 10^5CFU/g, which possibly includes Campylobacter spp. grown at low temperature.
        2001.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Listeria monocytogenes and L. ivanovii are important food-pathogens for human and animal. The diagnostic of Listeria in food using culture medium requires time and laborwork, because there are many other nonpathogenic species like L. innocua, L. welshimeri, L. seeligeri and L. grayi in Genus Listeria. For these reasons, Lismix multiplex PCR method was developed as a rapid method for the detection and identification of Listeria. In this study we developed a practical system of Lis-mix PCR detection for the application to food samples and new developed Siw-mix III PCR system. Using this Lis-mix PCR system overall 69 listerial strains were successful species-identified and confirmed. Also, the Siw-mix III PCR system allows the species-specific identification among L. ivanovii, L. welshimeri and L seeligeri in a single PCR.