
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 1,826

        1994.03 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        1994.03 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Hospitalized patients' perceptions of the quality of hospital food and their importance were surveyed through questionnaires by 820(men 435, women 385) hospitalized patients in Seoul. The results are as follows: Men rated the size of food portion as being smaller, compared with women. The mean rating for nutrition of food was 3.24, freshness 3.15, taste 2.88, temperature 2.82; Among the food characteristics, nutrition was considered important by largest percentage(75.5%) of respondents, the taste ranked second(74.4%), and freshness was 62.2%; Appetite, atmosphere of ward were positively correlated(p<0.001) with rating of the taste, nutrition, and freshness, but length of hospitalization was negatively correlated (p<0.001) with them; Multiple regression analysis showed that appetite made the greatest contribution and length of hospitalization made the second greatest contribution. The third was atmosphere of ward, and the forth mood condition.
        1994.03 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study was undertaken to investigate the relationship between body mass index and the food habits of college students. For this purpose, 1030 students of Seoul National University were asked to fill out the questionnaires for the food habit and weight control. Actual weights were also measured, on the spot. The results obtained were as follows. 1. Average height and weight were 173.15 cm, 63.83 kg for male, and 160.52 cm, 52.73 kg for females. The prevalence of underweight, normal and overweight was 32.3, 61.7, 5.5%, respectively. 2. Food habit scores of obese females were lower than normal or underweight females. Male subjects did not show significantly different scores among three groups. 3. Female obese subjects have lower scores than the other groups on the balanced intake of five basic food groups and on the regular meal intakes. Male obese subjects have cholesterol-rich food and animal fat more frequently than normal and underweight males. Male underweight subjects have lower food habit scores on the balanced intake of five basic food groups. 4. Males want to gain weight slightly and females want to lose 4.65 kg weight. All females want to lose weights. Obese males and females want to lose 10 kg weights.
        1993.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        네가지 종류의 곤충 중장에 있는 주요 해독효소인 cytochrome P-450 monooxygenases의 활성을 그들의 먹이종류 및 섭식여부와 연관시켜 분석하였다. 담배나방유충을 인공사료로 사육하였을 때 전반적으로 중장의 cytochrome P-450 monooxygtenases(MFO)활성이 지방체의 경우보다 3배가량 높게 나타났다. 고추열매나 인공사료를 공급하여 사육하였을 때보다 담배잎으로 사육하였을 때 담배나방유충의 중장 MFO는 훨씬 높게 나타났으며, 흰불나방의 경우염주나무잎이 MFO활성을 가장 높게 유기했다. 담배나방, 파밤나방, 희불나방, 담배거세미나방 등의 유충들을 각각의 인공사료로 사육하였을 때 광식성이며 동시에 살충제저항성을 보유하고 있는 파밤나방의 MFO활성이 가장 높게 나타났다.
        1993.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        An ecological survey of food and nutrition was conducted in April and May, among 278 children, 6 to 12 years old, of the Youido elementary school, which offers no school lunch program, and is situated in Youido delta of Han River side of Seoul, known as the location of one of the socioeconomically high groups; Eighteen percent and 18.3% of subjects were proven to be overweight and obese, respectively. With regard to frequency of skipping breakfast, 28.4% of the subjects skipped breakfast often and 2.5% of subjects skipped breakfast every morning. Obese children showed good appetite and the time consumed for eating was shorter than those of normal or overweight children. Most serious anxiety among the mothers for those children was food habit of `eating rapidly' and `overeating'. Another striking observation was that 14.4% of the subjects ate only one side-dish with boiled rice, and such a pattern was more often found in the normal or slim group. Most of the subjects had their snacks after being back in home from school. Thirty-one percent of the children had snacks when they felt hungry, 69% had snacks for various reasons such as `habitually', `for unwinding', and `mother gives me snacks'. Thirty-eight percent of the boys and 19% of the girls had physical exercise everyday and overweight and obese children got exercise more frequently. But the time consumed for exercise was much more shorter than that of normal subjects. Most of the children liked fruits, meats, and biscuit, in contrast, lowest preferency was for vegetables, fermented fish products, and boiled rice mixed with other grains. Obese children experienced more kinds of food than normal or slim group. The study found that habits of overeating due to good appetite and eating rapidly were recognized as one of dominant reasons causing obesity among children. On the other hand, serious dietary problem of children of normal or slim group was eating less variety of food. Active nutrition education for both children and mothers will be recommended with joint participation of teachers.
        1993.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        A survey of food intake and waste rate on 60 Korean style restaurants in Seoul. The results were summarized as follows: 1. The total served weight of Pibimbab(mixed rice) was 475.66 g per person, waste rate was 6.0%, frequent side dishes were bae-chu kimchi, kak-du-gi, suk-ju-namul by the order. 2. Han- jeong-sik(Korean style full course food) were served with many kinds and varied numbers of side dishes, and waste rate of those were higher than other menu items. 3. The average serving size of Naeng-myeun(Cold noodle) was 641.00 g, and the waste rate was 11.1%. The waste rate of side dishes was about zero. 4. Man-du kuk(dumpling soup) was served 695.34 g. Most of side dishes served has high waste rate which is more than 50%, average. 5. Seol-nong tang(meat soup) was served 755.70 g, side dishes of that were simple such as kak-du-ki or paek kimchi. The average waste rate of side dishes was about 40%. Yuk-gae-jang(Hot meat soup) was 494.83 g a person, waste rate of that were 24.1%, and minimum and maximum waste rate of side dishes were 3.3, 100%, respectively. 6. Kimchi chigae(Kimchi stew) and Doen-jang chigae(fermented soy stew) were served with varied number of side dishes. 7. Deong-sim gui(grilled meat) and Pulgogi(grilled meat with sauce) were served 196.83 g and 308.98 g. The average waste rate of those were 0.7% and 5.8%, respectively. But waste rate of side dishes was 33%. We would like to decrease waste rate by proposing recommended items and weight of some food for 「Good Menu」.
        1993.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Unit price of meal provision in industrial foodservice differs with each business. It is believed that menu management work, contents of menu, and nutrition supply performed by dietitian are different with unit price of meal provision. In this sense, purposes of this study are to examine meal management work and contents of menu, by food cost, at industrial foodservice in Taegu, Kyungbuk area and to evaluate variety of menu and nutrition supply. Results of the study are as follows: 1. Average number of side dishes provided at meal, including Kimchi, was 2 at low unit price, 3.0 at middle unit price and 3.1 at high unit price. 2. Possession ratio of account books using for menu management was low. 3. With regard to kind of menu, high unit price was most various and showed more various, compared to low unit price, especially in cooking oil-used cook methods such as broil, pan-fried food, fry, and roast. 4. High unit price was found as the highest in kind of used food and supply volume. 5. Sugar, Mineral, Vitamine, and Protein were satisfied with standard food content, but fat and calcium were not. 6. Supply volume of food was positively correlated to supply volume of nutrient, but kinds of cook methods and food type were not correlated to that of nutrient.
        1993.03 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study was carried on the preferences for food intake pattern of Korean industrial workers. The survey was conducted from Feb 17, to March 31, 1992 by questionnaires which was composed of 21 items. The subjects of this study were composed of 426 clerical workers, and 439 physical workers. The results were obtained as follows. 1. In the educational background, clerical workers was almost of highschool or collage graduates, and physical workers was almost of highschool graduates. Marginal food cost of per person for lunch a day was from 500 Won to 1,000 Won. They replied that amount of staple food and side dishes were appropriate, and the type of preferable foods was Korean style cooked rice. Also it was known that physical workers thought their nutritive condition more badly than that of clerical workers. So the physical workers considered their health very much when they had meal. It was represented that unbalanced diet, without diet and drinking alcohol effected badly to food intake and taste of food was the most important point in food intake. 2. Preferences for staple foods; Cooked rice was preferred the most by the subjects. Cooked rice with redbean was preferred by clerical workers and cooked rice with soybean was preferred by physical workers and cooked rice with soybean was preferred by physical workers. Also clerical and physical workers liked Kalkooksoo (hot noodle), Nangmyun (cold noodle), bread, vegetable bread and disliked Sphagetti, Ramyun (Instant noodle) in same rate. In the next, cooked rice covered with raw fish pieces (Sushi) was preferred by clerical workers and Mandu-kook was preferred by physical workers. Also they disliked Curriedrice and Hashrice in same pattern. 3. Preference for side-dishes; The Acceptances for side-dishes were high soybean paste soup (clerical workers:43.7%, physical workers:34.4%), Kim chi stew, fried potatoes, crab steaming (37.8%, 36.9%), broiled fish (34.6%, 33.9%), fried green pepper, Ham, Chinese cabbage Kim chi, and pickled garlic by clerical and physical workers all together. But in clerical workers, Wooghugi beef-rib tang, Deodeok muchim, spinach namul, beef jangjeorim, fried shrimp were shown to have high preference in physical workers, beef-rib tang, wild onion and shepherd's purses muchim, soybean sprout, fish jeorim, fried sweet potatoes were high preference. 4. Preference of Snacks; The preferences for snacks were high in strawberry (clerical:36.3%, physical:34.3%), milk (49.9%, 44.4%), waxy rice Doek (30.7%, 30.2%), coffee (40.1%, 38.9%) by two groups in same order.
        1992.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Eight hundred college students in Seoul area were surveyed for consumer behaviors and opinions about fast food restaurants at library, student center and class room from August 26 to 30, 1991. The result of this study showed that 70% of college students preferred to eat hamberger or chicken and 49% of them visited to fast food restaurants 1-3 times per month. The reasons given by students for patronizing fast food restaurants were the following, from most to least frequence: 'convenient', 'pleasant atmosphere', 'nice place to stay with friends', 'taste of food', 'speed of service', 'to be able to stay as long as I want', 'hygiene', 'variety of food price', 'nutritious food'. Majority of college students(71%) selected their food by preference, but 22% of them done by price. They were least satisfied with price and quantity of fast food. Therefore, it is important to develop domestic brand fast food restaurants to lower the price of fast food.
        1992.03 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        본 연구는 한국과 일본에서 매년 실시하고 있는 국민영양조사 결과를(일본은 1950년-1988년, 한국은 1969-1988년) 바탕으로 양국의 식생활 변화 양상을 비교하여 미래의 한국 식생활의 지침이 되고자 하였으며 그 결과는 다음과 같다. 식품군별 섭취량에서 섭취총량은 일본은 1973년을 기점으로 감소하였으며 한국은 증가와 감소를 되풀이하며 전반적으로 증가 경향을 나타내었다. 한·일 모두 식물성 식품의 섭취는 감소하고 있고 동물성 식품의 섭취는 증가하고 있는데 1988년에는 동물성 식품 섭취 비율이 5% 정도 일본이 한국에 비해 많았다. 식물성 식품은 곡류의 경우 양국 모두 감소 경향을 보였고 1988년의 경우 한국이 일본에 비해 70g 정도 많이 섭취하였다. 한국은 감자류, 두류, 과실류는 1980년 이후 증가 경향이나 군별 섭취총량은 일본에 비해 낮은 수준이었다. 일본은 과일, 야채류의 섭취가 감소 경향이고 두류, 감자류는 변화가 거의 없으며 안정된 추세를 보였다. 동물성식품의 경우 일본은 우유 및 유제품, 육류는 증가 경향을 나타내었고 어패류, 난류는 1975년 이후 거의 평형 상태를 유지하였으며 한국은 육류, 어패류의 섭취 증가가 뚜렷하였다. 1970년 이후 양국의 신장, 체중의 연차추이를 보면, 1970년에서 1980년까지 한국인의 신장 증가가 현저하였으며(1970년 ; 150.3cm, 1980년 ; 160.2cm), 체중도 이와 유사한 경향을 나타냈다.
        1992.03 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        식생활은 지역, 경제, 문화 등의 다양한 요인에 의해 다른 양상을 나타낸다. 1960년 이후 한국의 경제는 급속도로 성장했고, 사회적으로도 많은 변화를 가져왔으며 한국인의 영양상태 또한 급격하게 변화하고 있다. 같은 동양권에서 한국과 일본의 식생활은 많은 유사점을 갖고 있으며 또한 시대별로 비슷한 경향의 식생활 변화를 나타내고 있다. 한국의 영양소별 섭취량은 1988년의 경우 탄수화물, 단백질은 일본을 앞서고 있으며, 지방은 일본이 한국에 비해 섭취량이 2배 이상 많았다. 에너지의 영양소별 섭취 구성비의 연차적 추이를 보면, 양국 모두 탄수화물의 섭취 비율은 감소하고 있고 단백질, 지방의 섭취비율은 증가하였다. 1988년의 경우 탄수화물, 단백질, 지방의 구성비가 일본은 59 : 15 : 26으로 적정수준에 도달해 있고, 한국은 67 : 19 : 14로 일본에 비해 탄수화물의 섭취 비율은 높고 지방의 섭취 비율은 낮은 것으로 나타났다. 식품 공급은 총량은 양국 모두 증가 추세이고, 공급 단백질 중 동물성 단백질이 일본은 45g, 한국은 30.7g이고, 공급 지질 중 유지류는 일본은 39g, 한국은 29g으로 동물성 식품과 유지류의 섭취가 한국에 비해 일본이 높았다.
        1992.03 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Indonesian dietary life in relation to tradition, customs, variety of food, condiments and spices, processing food and religious way of ceremony was studied through reference books and field trips. The result obtained are as follows: 1. Indonesian food life style has been influenced not only by foreign countries like India, China, Arab and Western countries but also religious commandments of Islamism, Hindusim and Budhism. 2. Indonesia has a wide territory and consist of many islands. Therefore, various food life style can be found in every regional areas. Modern westernized style as well as traditional style coexist together. 3. Chinese has influenced Indonesian food life as well as that of Koreans especially in soy sauce and rice cake. 4. Various type of steamed rice by adding other ingredients can be found in daily life and religious ceremony. 5. Coconut milk, raw spices, pepper are widely & exessively used in cooking and Tempe (soya bean cake) is one of the major protein sources in Indonesia. 6. In religious ceremony, SELAMATAN, various kind and shape of food with different colors symbolize the desire of those who contribute.
        1991.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        1. 본(本) 연구(硏究)의 목적(目的)은 한국인의 식생활(食生活)에서 각별한 위치를 차지하고 있는 곰탕류의 섭취와 그 배경(背景)이 되는 요인의 상호관계(相互關係)를 규명하여, 앞으로 차세대(次世代)에의 영양교육(營養敎育)을 하는 데에 있어서 하나의 단서를 얻기 위함에 있다. 그 첫 단계로 곰탕 전문점을 찾는 손님을 대상으로 식생태학적(食生態學的) 접근방법을 사용하여 조사(調査)하였다. 2. 대상자의 약 67%는 일주일에 1~2회이상(回以上), 15%는 3회이상(回以上) 곰탕류를 섭취하고 있었다. 섭취빈도에 있어서의 연령차(年齡差)는 보이지 않았다. 3. 섭취빈도가 높을수록 맛이나 냄새에 대한 「기호도(嗜好度)」가 높고(p〈0.001), 칼슘섭취에 유의하고 있었으며(p〈0.05), 소양(肝)도 넣어 먹도록 배려(配慮)하고 있었다(p〈0.01). 4. 곰탕전문점에 온 이유로서는 전체적으로 봐서 식기호면(食嗜好面)이 가장 높은 비율이었다. 섭취빈도가 높은 쪽에서는 식기호면(食嗜好面)이 강하게 나타난 데에 비해, 섭취빈도가 낮은 쪽에서는 식기호면(食嗜好面)외에 그 음식점의 유명도(有名度)나 친구의 소개 등의 정보면(情報面)이 강하게 나타났다. 5. 다른 한국요리(韓國料理)보다 곰탕류를 선택하는 이유로서는 섭취빈도가 높은 쪽에서는 식기호면(食嗜好面)이나 생리적상태(生理的狀態)에 관한 요인이 가장 강하게 작용하는 데에 비해, 섭취빈도가 낮은 쪽에서는 생리적상태(生理的狀態)에 관한 요인이 가장 강하게 작용하고 있었다. 6. 곰탕류 섭취 후 건강면(健康面)에서의 주관적(主觀的) 심리적평가(心理的評價)에 대해서는(복수회답(複數回答)) 80.5%가 긍정적(肯定的), 30.5%가 특별한 변화가 없고, 6.5%가 부정적(否定的)인 것으로 봐서, 대부분의 사람이 곰탕류는 건강(健康)에 좋다고 인식(認識)하고 있었으며, 그 인식(認識)에는 섭취빈도에 따른 차이(差異)는 보이지 않았다. 7. 연령이 높을수록 곰탕류의 맛이나 냄새에 대한 기호도(嗜好度)가 유의(有意)하게 높았으며, 건강(健康)과의 관련에서는 「식후 소화가 잘 된다」라는 이유로 곰탕류를 선택하였으며, 연령이 낮을수록 「식욕(食慾)이 없을 때」, 「숙취(宿醉)일때」에 선택하는 경향이 강한 것으로 봐서, 연령에 따른 섭취빈도의 차(差)는 없으나, 곰탕류를 선택할 때의 기호(嗜好) 의식(意識) 건강(健康)에의 관심 행동면(行動面)에는 약간의 차(差)가 나타났다. 8. 다변량해석(多變量解析)의 결과(結果), 고섭취빈도군(高攝取頻度群)은 주로 50대이상(代以上)이며 곰탕류에 대한 기호도(嗜好度)가 매우 높고 식의식면(食意識面)이나 식행동면(食行動面), 건강면(健康面)에서 긍정적(肯定的)이었다. 이에 반하여 중섭취빈도군(中攝取頻度群)은 주로 40대(代)였으며 곰탕류에 대한 기호도(嗜好度)가 높았으나 고섭취빈도군(高攝取頻度群)에 비해 식의식면(食意識面)이나 식행동면(食行動面)에서 덜 적극적(積極的)인 경향이었다. 저섭취빈도군(低攝取頻度群)은 주로 20대(代)와 30대(代)였으며 곰탕류에 대한 기호도(嗜好度)가 보통이었으며, 식기호면(食嗜好面)보다 「친구의 소개로」 등에 의해서 섭취하고 있었다.