우리나라에서 가장 우점하는 BaYMV (Barley yellow mosaic virus)에 의한 국내 육성 청보리 품종의 저항성 정도에 따른 생육 및 수량 피해를 조사하였다. 바이러스 감염 검정에서 선우는 BaYMV와 BaMMV (Barley mild mosaicvirus)에 감염되어 있었으나 영양보리와 유연보리는 BaYMV에만 감염된 것으로 나타났다. 병징 발생정도에 따라 선우와 유연보리가 각각7~9와 5의 이병 정도를 보였으며 저항성 품종인 영양은 3정도의 저항성이 조사 되었다. 월동 후 초장과 분얼 경수의 생육을 조사한 결과품종별 저항성 정도에 따라 14.6~32.9%의 신장억제율을 보였으며, 생육 후기의 분얼 경수 단축률은 8.7~19.7%로 낮아지는 결과를 보였다.수량구성 요소의 피해를 건전포장 결과와 비교했을 때 중도 저항성과 감수성 품종에서 저항성 품종에 비해 간장에서 특히 큰 차이가 났으며, 수량 구성요소인 간장, 수수 및 수장 등을발병포장과 건전포장에서 수확한 재료에 대해조사하였다. 간장 단축 피해율을 조사한 결과영양보리는 14.5%가, 유연 및 선우보리는 각각24.8%와 42.7%의 신장 피해를 보였다. 수장과수수에 대한 조사 결과에서도 간장의 피해정도와 비슷한 결과를 보였다. 수장과 수수는 품종의 저항성 정도에 따라 각각 8.9~21.3%와 24.3~31.0%의 감소율을 보였다. 총체 건물 수량성을 조사한 결과 저항성 정도에 따라 건전 포장에 비해 21.6~58.0% 감소를 보여 바이러스 감염에 의해 유의적인 차이가 있었다. 특히, 감수성이 큰 선우보리에서는 건전포장의 8.0톤/ha에비해 58.0%의 감소 피해를 나타내었다. 종실수량은 약 30.0~61.2%의 감소율로 총체 수량의피해와 비슷한 결과였다. 감수성인 선우보리에서 감염포장에서 60% 이상의 종실 수량이 감소하여 가장 큰 피해정도를 나타내었다.
고품질 쌀 생산을 위한 질소비료절감 재배시 품종특성별 최적 재식밀도를 구명하고자 '06년부터 '08년에 수수형 품종과 수중형 품종을 공시하여 벼 생육, 수량 및 등숙특성 등을 검토한 결과
가. 당 경수는 밀식함에 따라 많아졌고, 품종간에는 호평벼가 많고 신동진벼가 적었다. 엽색값은 재식밀도간 차이가 없이 동진1호가 높았고, 엽면적 지수는 밀식함에 따라 높아졌으며, 품종간에는 호평벼가 가장 높았다. 줄기 건물중 증가 정도는 동진벼와 호평벼는 3.3 m2당 90주에서 현저히 증가하였으나 신동진벼는 재식밀도 증가에 비례적으로 증가하는 경향이었다.
나. 재식밀도 증가에 따른 이삭수의 증가정도는 동진1호와 호평벼가 높고, 신동진벼가 낮았다. 유효경비율은 재식밀도가 증가함에 따라 다소 낮아지는 경향이었으며, 품종간에는 경수가 많았던 호평벼가 낮았다. 전체 건물중에서 잎이 차지하는 비율은 대체로 밀도가 증가함에 따라 다소 낮아지는 경향이었으며, 품종간에는 동진1호가 가장 높았다.
다. 완전립 비율은 공시품종 모두 재식밀도가 높아짐에 따라 낮아지는 경향으로, 특히 3.3 m2당 90주 이상에서 현저하였다. 단백질 함량은 재식밀도간 큰 차이가 없고 품종간에는 신동진벼가 낮았다.
라. 쌀 수량은 수중형인 동진1호와 신동진벼는 3.3 m2당 90주를 심으면 80주 이하를 심는 것이 비해 쌀 수량은 약간 높아지지만 완전미 수량은 차이가 없었으며, 수수형인 호평벼는 재식밀도간 완전미 수량 차이가 없었다. 따라서 질소감비 조건에서는 수중형 품종인 신동진벼와 동진1호는 3.3m2 80주를 심고, 수수형 품종인 호평벼는 70주를 심는 것이 완전미를 생산하는데 가장 유리한 것으로 나타났다.
마. 벼 품종별 재식밀도에 따른 이삭당 분화 영화수는 공시품종 모두 밀식함에 적어지는 경향이었으며, 품종간에는 동진1호> 신동진벼> 호평벼 순으로 많았다.
바. 이삭당 1차지경수와 1차지경착생 영화수는 신동진벼가 각각 10.06, 60.4개로 가장 많았고, 호평벼가 8.87, 53.1개로 가장 적었다.
사. 총 유관속수에 대한 대유관속수 비율은 신동진벼가 32.6%, 호평벼 34.0%, 동진1호가 34.8%였으며 재식밀도가 증가함에 따라 대유관속수 비율도 증가하는 경향이었다.
High temperature is one of major environmental stress. Some of molecular markers related heat stress or tolerance have been reported by many researchers. Heat tolerance managing is difficult through the phenotypic selection, so marker assistant selection (MAS) using molecular markers like as RAPD, SSR ect. was tried to selection of useful traits for heat tolerance. Fourteen SSR markers reported by previous research were selected for this research. These markers were linked to important traits including grain filling duration, HIS (Heat susceptibility index) grain filling duration. In this study, we tried to evaluate 14 SSR markers for MAS using 31 useful wheat resources including 24 crossing line from Turkey and six Korean wheat cultivars using 14 SSR markers. The average of the number of alleles and PIC values in this study were 6.14 and 0.63, respectively. Two major clades and six sub clades were grouped by phylogenetic tree using UPGMA program. Six Korean wheat cultivars were distinct from other Turkey resources in the phylogenetic dendrogram. From the results, we expected that these markers were able to adapt to screening wheat genotyping for heat tolerance.
The purpose of development new variety ‘Miho’ (Hordeum vulgare L.) is a favorite with livestock feed and develop varieties resistant to disease and lodging. ‘Miho’ was carrying the growth habit of group Ⅲ, green and mid-wide leaf. Awn that are related to preference of livestock is a semi-smooth awn. This cultivar had 96cm of culm length, 650 of spikes per m2. Heading date of ‘Miho’ is April 27, and maturing dates on May 30, which were later than cultivar ‘Youngyang’. It also showed strong winter hardiness, and similar resistance to shattering and BaYMV compared with those of check one. The best thing among the traits of one is a new good quality with the plant green at the latter growing period. The average forage dry matter yield in the regional yield trial was about 13.1, 12.1 MT per ha in upland and paddy field, respectively, which were 9%, 2% higher than that of the check cultivar. It’s also showed 6.8% crude protein, 27.1% ADF (acid detergent fiber), and 67.5% TDN (Total Digestible Nutrients), including higher silage quality for whole crop barley. This cultivar would be suitable for the area whose daily minimum temperature was above -8℃ in January in Korean peninsula.
‘조미’는 답리작 적응 내재해 다수성 청보리 품종육성을 목표로 1999년 내재해성으로 총체적성이 우수한 ‘수원337호’를 모본으로 하고, 도복에 강한 ‘수원355호’를 부본으로 교배하여 육성 선발된 ‘익산438호’로 전국 7개소에서 2008년부터 2010년까지 지역적응시험을 거쳐 2010년에 육성되었다. ‘조미’는 직립 초형으로 파성은 Ⅰ정도이고, 잎은 녹색이며, 잎귀가 없는 무엽이 품종으로 가축기호성이 높다. 초장은 90㎝이고, m2당 경수는 846개로 표준품종인 ‘영양’보다 194개 많은 다얼성이며, 엽신 비율이 높다.답리작에서 출수기는 4월 23일로 ‘영양’보다 3일 빠르고, 황숙기는 5월 25일로 1일 빠른 조숙종이다. 내한성은 ‘영양’보다 다소 강하였으며, 흰가루병에는 감수성을 보였지만 보리호위축병에 저항성을 나타냈다. 건물수량은 전작에서 15.7톤/ha ‘영양’과 같았으나 답리작에서 10.3톤/ha으로 ‘영양보다 5% 적었다. 조사료 품질은 조단백질 함량이 8.3%로 ‘영양’에 비해 높았으며, ADF는 26.2%, NDF는 48.3%로 ‘영양’보다 낮았으나 TDN이 68.2%로 ‘영양’보다 다소 높고, 사일리지 등급은 II 등급으로 양호하였다.
신품종 ‘보석찰’쌀보리는 안토시아닌 함량이 높은 자색 찰성 쌀보리 신품종으로 국립식량과학원에서 도복과 내한성이 강하고 찰성으로 립백도와 정맥율이 높으며 취반특성이 우수한 특성을 지닌 ‘찰쌀보리’와 ‘함안군북찰쌀보리’를 인공교배한 후 계통육종법으로 육성하였다. 전작 및 답리작 지역적응시험을 실시한 결과 답리작 적응성이 높으며, 도복 등 내재해성에 강한 특성과 안토시아닌 함량이 높은 자색영을 가진 계통임이 입증되었다. 출수기는 전작에서 새찰쌀보리보다 1일 빨랐으며, 답리작은 새찰쌀보리와 같았고, 성숙기는 전작과 답리작에서 새찰쌀보리와 같았다. 간장은 87 cm, 수장 5.0 cm, m2당 수수는 601개로 새찰쌀보리보다 많았고, 천립중은 29.0 g으로 소립종이었다. 단백질 함량은 표준품종인 새찰쌀보리와 비슷하였다. 안토시아닌 함량은 180.1 ㎍/g이었으며, β-glucan과 아밀로스는 새찰쌀보리와 비슷하였으며, 흡수율과 퍼짐성은 다소 높았다. 수량성은 전작에서 3.44 MT/ha, 답리작에서 3.56 MT/ha이었다.
‘보안찰’은 답리작 적응성이 높은 조숙 내한 내도복 유색 찰성 겉보리로 육성된 품종으로 파성은 Ⅲ이며, 이삭의 밀도는 밀수형으로 까락 긴 장망형이다. 출수기와 성숙기는 각각 2일 빠른 조숙종이다. 흰가루병과 보리호위축병은 서둔찰보리와 비슷하였다. 내한성과 내도복성은 서둔찰보리보다 다소 강하였다. 간장(79 cm)은 작고, 수장은 서둔찰보리보다 약간 작다. m2당 수수는 854개로 서둔찰보리보다 많고, 1수립수는 43개로 적다. 천립중은 서둔찰보리보다 작은 중소립종이며, 1ℓ중은 다소 가벼웠다. 단백질 함량, β-glucan 함량과 정맥률은 비슷하였고, 입백도는 낮았다. 취반특성 중 흡수율과 퍼짐성은 비슷하였고, 안토시아닌 함량은 181.1 ㎍/g으로 높았다. 수량은 전작에서 2.96 MT/ha, 답리작에서 3.91 MT/ha 있었다.
‘Muhan’ (Hordeum vulgare L.), a new ruminant-palatability forage barley cultivar, was developed by the breeding team at the Department of Rice and Winter Cereal Crop, National Institute of Crop Science, RDA in 2013. It was derived from the cross between SB921011-3B-16-2/IT0188556 and ‘Suwon 365’. Among the cross made in 2002, a promising line, SB02T2097-B-B-B-18, showed good characteristics in potential forage yield in the yield trial tested at Iksan in 2009 to 2010 designated as Iksan 465. The line in the Regional Yield Trials(RYT) tested in eight locations around Korea for three years from 2011 to 2013, and was released as the name of ‘Muhan’. It has the growth habit of group Ⅳ, erect plant type, green leaf and awnless spike. Its average heading and maturing dates were on May 4, and June 4, respectively, with similar to check cultivar ‘Youngyang’. The cultivar had 102cm of culm length, 711 spikes per m2 and it showed better rate of leaf, winter hardiness, and resistance to BaYMV than those of the check cultivar. The average forage yield of ‘Muhan’ was about 12.4 ton ha-1 in dry matter in paddy field. ‘Muhan’ also showed 6.6% of crude protein content, 28.6% of ADF (Acid Detergent Fiber), 50.1% of NDF (Neutral Detergent Fiber), and 66.3% of TDN (Total Digestible Nutrients), including higher grade of silage quality for whole crop barley
‘Jungmo2506’ (Hordeum vulgare L.), a new ruminant-palatability forage barley cultivar, was developed by the breeding team at the Department of Rice and Winter Cereal Crop, National Institute of Crop Science, RDA in 2013. It was derived from the cross between ‘Sunwoo’ and ‘Milyang 34’. Among the cross made in 2002, a promising line, SB02T2020-B-BB- 64, showed good characteristics in potential forage yield in the yield trial tested at Iksan in 2009 to 2010 designated as Iksan 463. The line in the Regional Yield Trials(RYT) tested in eight locations around Korea for three years from 2011 to 2013, and was released as the name of ‘Jungmo2506’. It has the growth habit of group Ⅳ, erect plant type, green leaf and short awn spike. Its average heading and maturing dates were on May 3, and June 2, respectively, with similar to check cultivar ‘Youngyang’. The cultivar had 99cm of culm length, 692 spikes per m2 and it showed better rate of leaf, winter hardiness, and resistance to BaYMV than those of the check cultivar. The average forage yield of ‘Jungmo2506’ was about 11.8 ton ha-1 in dry matter in paddy field. ‘Jungmo2506’ also showed 6.6% of crude protein content, 27.4% of ADF (Acid Detergent Fiber), 49.2% of NDF (Neutral Detergent Fiber), and 67.2% of TDN (Total Digestible Nutrients), including higher grade of silage quality for whole crop barley.
‘Jungmo2503’ (Hordeum vulgare L.), a new ruminant-palatability forage barley cultivar, was developed by the breeding team at the Department of Rice and Winter Cereal Crop, National Institute of Crop Science, RDA in 2011. It was derived from the cross between ‘Dongsanpi81’ and ‘Kangbori’. Among the cross made in 1999, a promising line, SB992028-B-B-B-B-B-2, showed good characteristics in potential forage yield in the yield Trial tested at Iksan in 2007 to 2008 designated as Iksan 449. The line in the Regional Yield Trials (RYT) tested in eight locations around Korea for three years from 2009 to 2011, and was released as the name of ‘Jungmo2503’. It has the growth habit of group Ⅰ, erect plant type, green leaf and hood spike. Its average heading and maturing dates were on May 2, and May 29, respectively, with are similar to check cultivar ‘Yuyeon’. The cultivar had 102cm of culm length, 691 spikes per m2 and it showed better rate of leaf, winter hardiness, and resistance to BaYMV than those of the check cultivar. The average forage yield of ‘Jungmo2503’ was about 10.9 ton ha-1 in dry matter in paddy field. ‘Jungmo2503’ also showed 9.4% of crude protein content, 27.3% of ADF (Acid Detergent Fiber), 49.0% of NDF (Neutral Detergent Fiber), and 67.3% of TDN (Total Digestible Nutrients), including higher grade of silage quality for whole crop barley.
‘Jungmo2502’ (Hordeum vulgare L.), a new ruminant-palatability forage barley cultivar, was developed by the breeding team at the Department of Rice and Winter Cereal Crop, National Institute of Crop Science, RDA in 2011. It was derived from the cross between ‘Samheung/Suwon 300’ and ‘Milyang 100’. Among the cross made in 2000, a promising line, SB00T2018-B-B-B-B-3, showed good characteristics in potential forage yield in the yield Trial tested at Iksan in 2007 to 2008 designated as Iksan 448. The line in the Regional Yield Trials(RYT) tested in eight locations around Korea for three years from 2009 to 2011, and was released as the name of ‘Jungmo2502’. It has the growth habit of group Ⅵ, erect plant type, green leaf and awnless spike. Its average heading and maturing dates were on May 4, and May 30, respectively, with are similar to check cultivar ‘Youngyang’. The cultivar had 98cm of culm length, 607 spikes per m2 and it showed better rate of leaf, winter hardiness, and resistance to BaYMV than those of the check cultivar. The average forage yield of ‘Jungmo2502’ was about 11.0 ton ha-1 in dry matter in paddy field. ‘Jungmo2502’ also showed 8.7% of crude protein content, 21.9% of ADF (Acid Detergent Fiber), 40.7% of NDF (Neutral Detergent Fiber), and 71.6% of TDN (Total Digestible Nutrients), including higher grade of silage quality for whole crop barley.
Improvement of winter hardiness, diseases resistance and good quality have been recently received more attention by covered barley(Hordeum vulgare L.) breeders than ever in Korea. “Hyegang”, a new covered barley cultivar with similar maturing and high yield was developed by the National Institute of Crop Science, RDA in 2011. It was derived from the cross between “Milyang87/NWX-GB-G 2” and “Milyang87/Chalbori” with good quality. The initial cross was done in 2000 and the selected line, “Iksan445” (YB4625-B-B-6-2), showed high yield and good quality characteristics under yield trial test in 2008. It was cultivated three times for three years (2009~2011) in the four locations of regional yield trial (RYT) in korea and was investigated about agronomic and quality characteristics and released as “Hyegang”. The heading date was May 4 in upland and April 26 in paddy field which was 1 and 0 day lateness respectively than that of check cultivar, “Olbori”. The culm length was 77 cm which was 6 cm shorter than that with check cultivar. It showed the spike length of 4.7 cm, 800 spikes / m2, 64 grains / spike and 25.1g for 1,000 grains weight. It showed similar maturing and stronger resistance to barley yellow mosaic virus (BaYMV) compare to check cultivar. It showed higher diastatic power 216DP than that of check cultivar, ‘Olbori’. Average yield of “Hyegang” in the RYT was 4.61 MT/ha in upland and 4.38 MT/ha in paddy field, espectively.
’Jungmo-2007’ is a new two-rowed barley cultivar developed in 2011 with distinct growth and good quality characteristics, respectively, that earlier heading date, lodging tolerant and lots of tiller, high yielding, and lager kernel size, better grain assortment, higher diastic power and black malt property than those of check variety ‘Hopumbori’. This cultivar was tested the yield and regional adaptation trials for three years in 3 southern regions. The cultiavar was from artificial cross between ‘Prisma’ with short culm length and earlier maturity and ‘Milyang 114’ with high yielding and better malt quality. ‘Jungmo-2007’ showed shorten the stem length to 16% comparing with 91cm of the check, which increase the lodging tolerant. The heading date was earlier 2 to 3 days than the check. It showed larger grain character with 48.5g in 1,000 kernel weight that 45.0g of the check. 97% of grain assortment that is one of the major property for better malting was higher 2% than that of the check. The yield was higher 5% than that of the check. Most quality in raw grain and malt was similar to the check in protein content, germination potential, water sensitivity etc. Especially this cultivar has a higher diastic power as 226WK than 196WK of the check and the malt showed like a black malt appearance. These characteristics could used not for malt for beer making but other processed barley foods.
For obtain basic data for application on two-rowed malting barley breeding program, it was investigated that growth and diseases resistance to 353 varieties of Korean(114) and induced(239) genetic resources used in barley breeding in current. Investigated growth and diseases characters were major yield components and viral and powdery mildew resistant. Hopumbori was checked cultivar to comparing the growth characters of the materials.
Domestic materials(DM) was superior to induced materials(IM) in heading time. The check was 1st May and 33% of DM was earlier to the date while only 7% of IM was before the date of check cultivar. In examination of late heading-date(late 6th May) ratio, IM showed more late maturity characteristics than DM. The tillering capacity was better in DM as 49% and 23% of IM in spike number per unit area, respectively. 58% of IM showed longer the spike length, while 20% of IM showed more kernel number per spike, respectively, than the check variety. It was a little resistant materials to viral disease. In powdery mildew resistance test, 51 materials showed resistant responses such as no infection or necrotic spots. The related resistant genes were assumed 5 genes, Mlg, Mla12, M1k+M1a9 and M1a1 or Mlg+M1(CP).
To obtain basic information of diseases resistant degree of Korean wheat cultivars, we investigated the diseases occurrence and examined field resistance of the materials against to the major diseases. Disease occurrence was investigated in southern regions from March to May, 2012. And the resistance degree was tested to 30 Korean wheat cultivars seeded in autumn.
After wintering season, Soil-borne wheat mosaic virus(SBWMV) was infected as 29.4% in the regions. The sharp eyespot was infected about 43% in stem base even if it was not showed distinct symptoms yet. Three Fusarium spp. were identified from rotten stem base and root crown. After heading, mainly fungal damage such as powdery mildew, leaf rust, sharp eyespot and Fusarium head blight were prevalent. Around the harvest season, discoloration of grain by precipitation also occurred and which was different infection degree depending on the each cultivar. 14 cultivars as Geurumil, Dajoongmil showed resistant leaf yellowing spot symptoms. In powdery mildew resistance investigation, recently developed cultivars were more susceptible comparing to none or a little symptom manifestation of older varieties.
‘Jungmo2502’ awnless barley line (Hordeum vulgare L.) developed at National Institute of Crop Science, RDA in 2011. The Jungmo2502 derived from three-way cross between Millyang100 and F1 (Samheung/Suwon300) in 2000. Subsequent generation were handled by the bulk method in a pedigree selection program. A promising line showed high yield as well as lodging resistance in the yield trial tested at Iksan in 2007 to 2008, designated as Iksan 448. The line in the regional yield trials(RYT) tested in seven locations around Korea for three years from 2009 to 2011. The Jungmo2502 is carrying the growth habit of Ⅳ, green leaf and stem similar to the check cultivar ′Youngyang′. Its heading date was May 3, and maturing time was May 30 in paddy field, which was 3 days later respectively than check cultivar. It was 98 cm of culm length, 607 spikes per m2 and showed more rate of leaf blade, winter hardiness, and resistance to BaYMV than the check cultivar. Average dry matter yield was similar with the check cultivar in paddy field (about 11 ton ha-1). It also showed good qualities as 8.7% of crude protein, 21.9% of ADF (acid detergent fiber), 40.7% of NDF (neutral detergent fiber), and 71.6% of TDN (total digestible nutrients), including high grade of silage for whole crop barley.
Varietal and annual variations in the contents of β-glucan fractions per weight grain samples were examined in sixteen covered and eighteen naked barley and five oat cultivars developed in Korea. Also, the effect of pearling on β-glucan content was invest
Specialty barley extracts were prepared and investigated for its antioxidant activity and biological activity. Hunter L* values of the Iksan 86 extracts had higher than that of the Iksan 87 and Zasoojeongchal extracts. The extraction yields of Iksan 86, Iksan 87, and Zasoojeongchal was 8.08, 6.62, and 7.30%, respectively. The contents of total phenolic compounds of the Iksan 86, Iksan 87, and Zasoojeongchal extracts were 16.24, 15.51, and 13.95 GAE mg/g of sample, respectively. The DPPH radical scavenging activity of Iksan 86, Iksan 87, and Zasoojeongchal extracts were 50.00, 33.27, and 7.56% at a 500 ppm, respectively. The samples showed an inhibition of xanthin oxidase. ACE inhibition effect of specialty barley extracts, Iksan 86, Iksan 87, and Zasoojeongchal, was 39.81, 41.06, and 27.78%, respectively. Tyrosinase inhibition rates (%) of Iksan 86, Iksan 87, and Zasoojeongchal extracts were 26.21, 24.57, and 20.00%, respectively. Results indicated that specialty barley extracts possesses various biological activities including antioxidative capacity, xanthin oxidase inhibition activity, angiotensin converting enzyme inhibition activity, and tyrosinase inhibition activity.
Barley (Hordeum vulgare L.) and barley byproduct, waxy and non waxy genetic type, were prepared and investigated for its biological activity. The total phenolic contents, tyrosinase and xanthin oxidase inhibition activity of the barley extracts were measured and compared with those of a barley byproducts extracts powder. The contents of total phenolic compounds of the barley byproducts, waxy and non waxy type, were 18.60 and 17.92 mg/g of sample, respectively. Inhibition rates (%) of the mushroom tyrosinase of the waxy type barley and barley byproducts extracts powder were 16.30 and 33.60% at 250 ppm, respectively. Tyrosinase inhibition activity of barley byproduct extracts regardless of waxy and non waxy type showed higher than that of arbutin (5%). The samples showed an inhibition effect of xanthin oxidase. At 2,500 ppm of sample concentration, the inhibition effect of xanthine oxidase of waxy type barley (WB), non waxy type barley (NB), waxy type barley byproducts (WBP), and non waxy type barley byproducts (NBP) was 9.92, 16.06, 14.11, and 13.86%, respectively.
Thirty-nine out of eighty-five barley varieties/strains survived until heading stage in the saline experimental field (0.03-0.05~%~;salt) and they were used for pollen study. Light and scanning electron microscopic observations revealed two distinctive types of barley pollens: one transparent and small in size and the other dark and larger. In addition, both types of pollens were stained with Alexander's stain and it was found that the smaller and transparent pollen was cytoplasm-devoid (CD) while the larger pollen was cytoplasm-rich (CR). Sixteen out of 39 barley varieties/lines grown in the saline soil had CR pollens, which were rarely observed in the barley plants grown in the non-saline soil. Moreover, it was observed that salt stress severely reduced seed setting in the varieties having degenerated pollens. These results suggest that salt stress affects the fertility of barley pollen. The sterile pollen was undersized and lack of cytoplasm probably due to abortion. Furthermore, a varietal difference existed in the response of pollen development to salt stress.