
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 689

        2017.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The studies on Speech Acts of Directives (and the traditional study of Imperative Sentences) of local scholars have achieved some valuable results, including the definition and the inner classification of Speech Acts of Directives based on the speaker’s authority and power, the tone of sentence. However, it is observed that in speech communication, a directive sentence is given by the speaker based on some other influences besides those factors, which is against the former studies. Therefore, there should be a more complicated mechanism in the formation of a speech act of directives, not just formed by an individual factor. This article examines the selection process of the directive speech acts based on the theory of prototypic categories, and take more complicated, organic organized contexts into consideration. The context factors can be divided into constant factors and changeable factors. The combination of the two factors decides the range of selection of directive speech acts and the final form of output of the speech act.
        2017.05 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        본 연구는 중국의 밀레니엄 세대를 대상으로 소비자 자민족주의(CET) 가치와 자민족주의 광고가 소비자의 국 내 및 외국 브랜드 구매 행위에 미치는 영향을 실증적으로 검증하였다. CET 선행 연구에서는 소비자의 CET 가 치가 구매 행위에 미치는 영향에만 치중하여 온 반면에, 마케팅 자극에 의한 효과에 관한 연구는 미흡하였다. 본 연구에서는 CET 효과와 함께, 자민족주의 광고의 효과도 분석하였다. 이를 위해, 가상 광고를 제작하여 220명 을 대상으로 실험 연구를 수행하였다. 검증 결과, 우선, CET의 효과가 내국 브랜드와 외국 브랜드에 따라 다르게 미치는 것으로 나타났다. CET를 독단주의와 애국심 CET로 구분하여 분석하면, 내국 브랜드에 대해서는 독단주의와 애국심 CET 모두 유의한 영 향을 미쳤으나, 외국 브랜드에 대해서는 애국심만 영향을 미치는 것으로 발견되었다. 연구의 또 다른 결과는 자 민족주의 광고가 내국 브랜드 선택에는 영향이 없으나, 외국 브랜드에는 유의한 영향을 미친다는 점이다. 그러나, 자민족주의 광고가 CET 가치가 높은 소비자에게는 높게 나타나고, 그렇지 않은 소비자에게는 나타나지 않는 확 증 편향(Sullivan, 2009)은 발견되지 않다.
        2017.05 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        The mixed matrix membranes for CO2/N2 separation, which is composed of commercially available MgCO3 and amphiphilic comb polymer matrix based on poly(ethyleneglycol) behenyl ether methacrylate and poly(oxyethelene methacrylate) synthesized via a facile free radical polymerization, were fabricated. The use of a CP improved the dispersion of the MgCO3 in ethanol due to the specific interaction between CP and MgCO3. The MMMs were characterized using scanning electron microscopy(SEM), high-resolution transmission electron microscopy(HR-TEM), and wide-angle X-ray scattering (WAXS). The best performance of gas separation for CP/MgCO3 MMM was shown in the case of 45wt% MgCO3 with the highest CO2 /N2 selectivity(93.8) and good CO2 permeance (30.9GPU). This performance of this CP/MgCO3 MMM is higher than other MgCO3 commercially available MMMs.
        2017.05 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Sulfur copolymer (poly(S-r-CEA)) was synthesized via facile inverse vulcanization of elemental sulfur with 2-carboxyethyl acrylate (CEA). Polysulfide (PS) oligomer was soluble to common solvents including DMF, producing homogenous dope solution with PAN as filler. PS-PAN was electrospun resulting to nanofiber membrane effective for Hg2+ sequestration with recorded maximum capacity of 612 mg g-1 based on Langmuir model isotherm. Kinetics, selectivity and reusability were also evaluated. This work presents new and cheap yet effective material for heavy metal sequestration from contaminated water. This work was supported by Basic Science Research Program through the National Research Foundation of Korea (NRF) funded by the Ministry of Science, ICT and Future Planning (2015R1A2A1A15055407) and by the Ministry of Education (No. 2009-0093816).
        2017.04 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The purpose of this study is to provide basic data for the development direction and strategy for medicines through analysis of differences in choice attributes according to customers awareness of medicines and experience. In order to achieve the purpose of this study, a questionnaire survey was conducted on dietary education among national network trainees and lecturers by the Ministry of Food, Agriculture, Forestry and Livestock in Daegu, Gyeongsan, and Ulsan, Seoul from December 5, 2016, respectively. First, factor analysis results showed that six factors were extracted with respect to the choice of the restaurant. Second, the difference in each factor according to the recognition and experience of medicinal herbs was the health related factor as sex, females, age 50~59 years, companion others, and publicity and advertising' factors were more important for publicity and advertisement when the gender was female, the customer's age was 40~49 years, the companion was other, and the time of use was during the weekend. Among the factors related to 'getting dressed', the more important gender was female, age 40~49 years, and the other partner, The factors related to 'time' were as follows: sex, age, age 20~29 years, no accompanying companions, no time of use, and time importance. The 'menu' factors were more important for men, gender, women, age 40~49 years, companion for guitar, and usage time for weekend dinner. The 'service' factors were more important in 'service' as sex, male age, age 20~29, companion family, usage time, and weekend dinner.
        2017.04 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study aimed to analyze beverage usage motives according to selection attributes of beverage shops. Questionnaires were completed by 509 persons living in the Seoul, Gyeonggido area. The results show significant differences by gender, age, and monthly income. Female customers stayed longer and spent more money than males. Younger customers (20’s, 30’s) stayed longer and visited beverage shops to meet friends. Those with higher incomes stayed shorter and visited beverage shop with company staff. In the factor analysis of selection attributes of beverage shops, there were four factors: ‘physical environment’, ‘economic benefit’, ‘specialized service’, and ‘approach convenience’. Two clusters, derived from selected attributes of beverage shops, were ‘highly involved group’ and ‘low involved group’. The ‘highly involved group’ was high income and highly educated, whereas the ‘low involved group’ was low income and low educated. ‘The highly involved group’ drank beverages in the office and school while the ‘low involved group’ drank beverages at home. The ‘highly involved group’ cited safety, comfort, pleasure, and happiness more than the ‘low involved group’ at beverage shops. Beverage shops should develop health beverages such as caffeine or sugar-controlled beverage for ‘the highly involved group’. Discounts for take-out beverages and promotional coupons should be used for the ‘low involved group’.
        2017.04 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of emotional-utilitarian motivation on coffee shop selection attribution. Based on a total of 276 samples obtained from empirical research, the results of the survey were analyzed by using SPSS 22.0. The results of this study were as follows. Firstly, the results of exploratory factor analysis of coffee shop selection attribution emphasized service, coffee quality, diversity of menu, atmosphere, convenience, and price. Secondly, the customers showed higher emotional motivation than utilitarian motivation. Thirdly, emotional motivation had a significant effect on perception of ‘service’, ‘coffee quality’, and ‘atmosphere’. On the other hand, utilitarian motivation had a significant effect on ‘service’, ‘diversity of menu’, ‘convenience’, and ‘price’.
        2017.04 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        본 연구는 근거이론 관점에서 유아대상 영어학원의 선택결정요인을 학부모와 학원장의 심층면접을 통 한 연구결과를 토대로, 교육적․정책적 시사점을 제시하기 위한 것이다. 이를 위하여 본 연구는 4단계의 과 정을 거쳐 10명의 연구 참여자를 최종적으로 선정한 후, 자료 수집을 위해 심층면담을 실시하였다. 심층 면담을 통해 수집된 자료는 Strauss와 Corbin(1998)이 제시한 근거이론 방식에 의해 개방코딩-축코딩- 선택코딩의 순으로 진행하였다. 분석결과, 중심현상은 자녀의 차별화된 성장에 대한 갈망이었다. 이의 인과적 조건, 맥락적 조건, 중재적 조건 등을 살펴보면서, 유아대상 영어학원 선택 결정요인에 대한 패러다임 모형을 제시하였다. 이상의 결과를 토대로, 유아대상 공교육 정책수립, 강사의 자질, 교습시간, 조기 공교육 영어교육정책의 시사점, 유아대상 영어학원의 분당 수강료 측면에서 함의를 제고시킬 수 있는 방안을 제시하였다.
        2017.03 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Currently, the social networks of the rural areas which may have the low social vitality are insufficient or absent, due to the industrialization according to the growth oriented economic policy of China; the farmers’ organizations(FOs) for forming or restoring the social relations can be the alternative. Recently, the government of China increased the policy support regarding the FOs of which the representative example is the Specialized Farmers Cooperatives. Thus, it is necessary to understand and support the FOs that is the gathering of lots of farmers, which is the most fundamental factor of the systematization, for reaching the strengthening the FOs competitiveness which is the policy goal of China government. In this context, the intention of participating in the Specialized Farmers Cooperatives and the preferred types of FOs in Húnchūn were investigated.
        2017.02 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study aimed to analyze the beverage usage behavior according to the food-related lifestyle in Seoul, Gyeonggi province area. Group 1, named ‘health & safety seeking’ group, consists of high percentage of women in their 40s, as well as a high percentage of high income and highly educated. Group 2, was group of ‘high interest in dietary life’, consists of a high percentage of women in their 30s, highly educated, earned 3~5 million won. Group 3, named ‘convenience seeking’ group, had a high percentage of men and of those in their 20s who earned less than 2 million won. In verifying the difference between food-related lifestyle groups in terms of their behaviors and attitudes towards the usage of beverage specialty shop, group 1 showed significantly high score in the number of visit beverage specialty shops, the intention to spend higher average expenditure per visit per person, importance of selection attributes of beverage specialty sho
        2016.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        두 종류의 Cronobacter 선택배지(DFI agar, R&F agar) 의 분유 및 건조호박 내 Cronobacter의 선택 분리능을 realtime PCR법과 함께 비교하였다. 분유에서의 Cronobacter 검출률은 세 가지 방법에서 유의적인 차이를 나타내지 않았으나(p < 0.05), 건조호박의 경우 R&F배지와 real-time PCR법이 DFI에서보다 유의적으로 높은 검출률을 보였다 (p < 0.05). 배지 간 선택성에 있어서도, R&F 선택배지는 건조호박에서 DFI에 비해 유의적으로 높은 선택성을 나타냈다(p < 0.05). Real-time PCR 및 R&F배지의 사용은 분유뿐만 아니라, 건조 호박 등의 높은 경쟁세균총을 갖는 영유아식의 원료로 사용될 수 있는 식품군에서도 Cronobacter를 효과적으로 검출할 수 있는 방법으로 사료된다.
        2016.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Spinyhead sculpin Dasycottus setiger, a species of cold water fish, is distributed along the eastern coastal waters of Korea. A series of fishing experiments was carried out in the waters near Uljin from June, 2002 to November, 2004, using the experimental monofilament gill nets of different mesh sizes (82.2, 89.4, 104.8, and 120.2 ㎜) to describe the selectivity of the gill net for the fish. The SELECT (Share Each Length’s Catch Total) analysis with maximum likelihood method was applied to fit the different functional models (normal, lognormal, and bi-normal models) for selection curves to the catch data. The bi-normal model with the fixed relative fishing intensity was selected as the best-fit selection curve by AIC (Akaike’s Information Criterion) comparison. For the best-fit selection curve, the optimum relative length (the ratio of fish total length to mesh size) with the maximum efficiency and the selection range (R50%,large - R50%, small) of 50% retention were obtained as 2.363 and 0.851, respectively. The ratios of body girth to mesh perimeter at 100% retention where the selection curve of each mesh size represented the optimum total length were calculated as the range of 0.86 ~ 0.87.
        2016.11 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        본 연구에서는 매우 벌키한 그룹인 플루오렌기를 도입하고 CO2와 친화력이 좋은 현상을 이용해 선택도와 투과도를 높일 수 있는 PEG기와의 공중합반응을 통해 위 두 인자들을 조절하였다. FT-IR을 통해 PEG의 특성 피크 (2950 cm− 1,1110cm−1)가 잘 나타나 있는 것을 확인하였다. PSf-PEG 분리막이 유리전이온 도를 하나만 가지는 것을 확인하였으며 분자량이 6000인 PEG가 10 mol%가 포함 된 PSf-PEG 분리막에서만 60 °C 부근에서 용융점이 나타난 것을 확인할 수 있었다. PSf-PEG 분리막의 이산화탄소 기체투과도는 PEG 함량에 반비례하여 감소하였지만 이산화탄소 선택도는 증가하는 경향을 보였다. 같은 함량에서 PEG 의 분자량이 증가할수록 이산화탄소의 투과도 또한 증가하는 경향을 확인 할 수 있었다.
        2016.11 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Synthetic membranes, based on polymers or inorganic membranes, are now used in a wide variety of gas separations. For gas separation membranes, during the 1980’s, permeability data on six common gases were complied, and the tradeoff relationship was analyzed. The upper bound relationship was established empirically. Recognizing the exquisite permeability and selectivity of biological membranes and the deleterious nature of broad pore size distributions and flexibility of polymer chains on permeability/selectivity combinations, a number of approaches have been pursued to develop membranes with better transport and separation properties. There has been an evolution in design of materials for both gas and liquid separation membranes, brought about by advances in structural control of materials and by better understanding of natural membranes.
        2016.11 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Salined water electrolysis is an electrochemical reaction to produce chlorine gas and sodium hydroxide as major products from salined water. Perfluorinated sulfonic acid (PFSA) ionomers and their derivatives have been usually used as polymeric electrolytes with high sodium ion selectivity and barrier property to chlorine and hydrogen gases. In spite of their industrial importance, there is little information on the relationship of their chemical features and electrochemical performances. In this study, membrane requirements for salined water electrolysis are described and fundamental and electrochemical characteristics of PFSA and hydrocarbon ionomer materials are compared each other. The obtained results are expected to provide membrane material design factors for low energy-consuming salined water electrolysis.