
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 1,124

        2017.10 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        The diamondback moth, Plutella xylostella is one of the world’s major pests. Economic cost to control this pest wasestimated between US$1.3 billion and US$2.3 billion based on management costs. Conservative estimate included yieldloss caused by 5% diamondback moth was estimated US$4 billion-US$5 billion. P. xylostella was managed by chemicalinsecticide such as organophosphates, carbamates and pyrethroids. But insecticide resistance which is caused by repeatedapplication makes it difficult to control this pest. For environmental friendly control of diamondback moth, entomopathogenicfungi could be used as alternative. We conducted bioassay to select high virulent isolate to larva of diamondback mothwith forty six entomopathogenic fungi which were isolated from soil samples by insect-bait method. As a result of bioassaytwelve isolates was selected as candidate. We investigated control efficacy of these twelve isolates with potted Chinesecabbage at laboratory and greenhouse.
        2017.10 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        A demand for new mushrooms in the market has given impetus to explore new sources of edible mushrooms. Lepista nuda has an international reputation as an excellent edible species. The combination of its lilac color, solid fleshy structure, good shelf life, and delicious flavor makes it attractive to the market. Therefore the development of commercial cultivation techniques for L. nuda is highly desirable. This study was carried out to develop commercial cultivation techniques of L. nuda for the wild mushroom industry. For commercial cultivation of L. nuda it is required to research into environmental and physical parameters and to develop the new varieties with good productivity and short cultivation period. Twelve of L. nuda were provided from National Agrobiodiversity Center, Korea in 2012. They were investigated mycelia1 growth and formation of fruiting bodies on Agaricus compost. Only five among twelve, KACC51942, KACC52012, KACC52212, KACC52227, and KACC52139, succeeded in initiation and development of fruiting bodies. Spore collection and isolation of monokaryons were obtained from four except KACC52012. We selected four of L. nuda, KACC51942, KACC52212, KACC52227, and KACC52139, as crossing parents to develop the new varieties to shorten cultivation period. They showed different mycelial growth on agar and specific shape and color of fruiting body on button mushroom bed.
        2017.10 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        At present, oak sawdust and rice bran are mainly used as the medium materials for bag cultivation of Lentinula edodes. This experiment was conducted to develop the optimum medium of ‘Nongjingo’, a new variety of Lentinula edodes. We investigated oak sawdust, oak fermented sawdust, poplar sawdust, and douglas fir sawdust as main materials, and rice bran and wheat bran as nutrient resources, respectively. The medium composition was consisted of main material 80%+nutrient 20% based on the volume ratio. Eight treatments of medium composition were tested. The period of mycelial incubation in ‘oak sawdust 40%+douglas fir sawdust 40%+rice bran 20% was 86 days (39 days in dark incubation and 47 days in browning) shortened up to 18 days compared to the control. The 1st yield of commercial fruiting bodies in this treatment was 48.1 g/bag which was 44.8% higher than that in control. We expect that the cultivation period of ‘Nongjingo’ will be shortened, and the yield increased in the medium replaced half of oak sawdust by douglas fir sawdust.
        2017.09 KCI 등재 SCOPUS 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        본 논문에서는 원전해체 시 적용 가능한 제염기술을 조사하여 분석하였다. 이를 기반으로 최적의 제염기술을 선정하기 위 해 의사결정 기법(EXPERT-CHOICE)을 사용하여 기술성을 평가하였다. 이 평가방법은 해당 분야의 전문가로 이루어진 전 문가 집단에 의해 수행되는 것이 일반적이다. 가중치를 고려한 결과는 각 기준에 대한 가중치에 평가점수를 곱한 총합을 구 하는 식으로 수행하였다. 평가 점수를 3단계로 하여 High, Medium, Low로 구분한 후 가중치를 부여하여 차별화 시킬 수 있 다. 하위분류 기준의 세분화와 각 기준 별 가중치의 추가 정량화를 통하여 기술성 분석의 수준을 제고할 수 있고, 좀 더 설 득력 있는 결과의 도출을 예상할 수 있다. 평가의 기본 가정은 각 기준 별 가중치를 전문가 조사에 의해 부여하며, 평가 기 준은 High에 좀 더 비중을 주는 식으로 차별화 하였다. 이를 반영하면 H, M, L는 대략“10:5:1”의 비율로 평가 점수를 부여 받는데, 이는 EXPERT-CHOICE 기법의 최적화 분석에 따른 것이다. 최고 및 최저값을 제외한 나머지 결과값의 평균을 평가 치로 고려하였다.
        2017.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        목적 : 본 연구는 국내 작업치료(학)과 대학생의 진로선택에 대한 현황을 알아보고 일반적 현황에 따른 진 로성숙도와 진로불안감에 대해 알아보고자 하였다. 연구방법 : 작업치료(학)과가 개설된 4년제 대학 7개 학교, 3년제 대학 7개 학교의 총 2,180명의 학생을 대상으로 구조화된 설문을 실시하였고 1,590명의 응답을 최종분석에 사용하였다. 결과 : 전공 선택요인을 분석한 결과, 70.0%가 넘는 응답자가 입학 전 장애인관련 기관에서 봉사경험이 있 었고 가족 중 보건직종사자가 있는 경우도 60.0%에 달했다. 학과선택계기는 추천보다는 스스로 선택한 경우가 조금 더 높았으며 정보는 인터넷으로 습득한 경우가 가장 많았다. 관심치료 연령군은 소아가 913명이 응답하여 가장 높았고 관심 치료 분야는 감각통합치료 빈도가 가장 높았다. 학생들의 졸업 후 또는 십년 후 희망 취업지 모두 의료기관 취업의 비율이 가장 높았으며 응답자 중에 종합병원의 선호도 가 61.1%로 가장 높았다. 국시불안은 5점 만점에 평균 4.29으로 높은 편이었고 진로확신은 입학 시 평 균 4.34(5점 만점)에서 현재는 평균 4.15로 감소하였다. 그리고 진학확신수준에 따라 진로성숙도는 유 의미한 차이가 나타나지 않았지만 진로확신 수준이 높은 경우 진로불안이 유의미하게 높게 나타났다. 마 지막으로 진로성숙도와 진로불안은 유의미한 부적 상관관계를 보였다 결론 : 최근 작업치료 전공 학생들의 진로선택 현황, 진로성숙 및 진로불안의 경향에 대한 본 연구의 결과 는 향후 실제적이고 효과적인 교육환경 개선과 학생 지도를 위한 기초자료로 활용될 수 있을 것이다.
        2017.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Logistic enterprises want to be competitive enterprises in fierce logistic market and worry about the securement of discriminative competitiveness for it. The standards for the judgement of logistic industry’s maintenance of competitiveness are not only economic feasibility of logistic costs but also the satisfaction of users because well-established service system for variety and enhancement of logistic needs. Some of the quality attributes sufficiently satisfy expectation of customers, but not guarantee high-quality satisfaction. Therefore, it’s difficult to grasp quality attributes with the existing approach of perceived service quality. Quality attribute model suggested by Kano is widely used as the concept is accurate, there is high possibility to be used at the stage of product/service planning, and it can be easily applied. Kano model has a limitation that quality attributes are classified with mode and the differences between strong property of the quality attribute and week property in quality attributes were ignored. Therefore, Timko calculated customer satisfaction coefficient with the result of Kano’s survey and effects of customer satisfaction and unsatisfaction through relations between satisfaction coefficient and unsatisfaction coefficient. The purposes of this study are to use ASC, the average of satisfaction coefficient and unsatisfaction, as the satisfaction of quality characteristics, decide the importance of quality characteristics with TOPSIS, a representative multi-standard decision-making method, and calculate strategy improvement propriety of logistic service quality.
        2017.08 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study analyzed the comparative importance of the selection of a restaurant for solo diners, and suggests a solution for the ideal type of the restaurant that are appealing to solo diners using conjoint analysis techniques. A total of 280 questionnaires were distributed to consumers who had experience dining alone from June 7th, 2017 to June14th, 2017, and 261 were completed (93.21%). As a result, the importance of the attributes of the restaurant was found to be the menu for solo diners (36.92%), price (30.29%), seating for solo diners (20.87%), and serving time of food (11.91%). The ideal combination of selection attributes was found to be having a menu for a solo diner, having a seat for a solo diner, meal service time of less than 10 minutes, and a low price of 2,500won. These results will form a database that contributes to the development of differentiated products and is building marketing strategies that can satisfy the needs of solo diners.
        2017.07 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Current seismic design provisions such as ASCE 7-10 provide criteria for selecting ground motions for conducting response history analysis. This study is the sequel of a companion paper (I – Ground Motion Selection) for assessment of the ASCE 7-10 criteria. To assess of the ASCE 7-10 criteria, nonlinear response history analyses of twelve single degree of freedom (SDF) systems and one multi-degree of freedom (MDF) system are conducted in this study. The results show that the target seismic demands for SDF can be predicted using the mean seismic demands over seven and ten ground motions selected according to the proposed method within an error of 30% and 20%, respectively
        2017.07 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        For estimating the seismic demand of buildings, most seismic design provisions permit conducting linear and nonlinear response history analysis. In order to obtain reliable results from response history analyses, a proper selection of input ground motions is required. In this study, an accurate algorithm for selecting and scaling ground motions is proposed, which satisfies the ASCE 7-10 criteria. In the proposed algorithm, a desired number of ground motions are sequentially scaled and selected from a ground motion library without iterations.
        2017.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        이 연구의 목적은 사범 대학 과학교육학부에 재학 중인 예비 과학 교사들을 대상으로 고등학교에서의 지구과학 선택 과목의 이수 여부와 대학 전공이 일반지구과학 수업에 대한 태도, 학업 성취도에 미치는 영향을 분석하는 것이다. 이 연구의 대상은 광역시 소재 대학교 과학교육학부 소속의 학생들 중 2012년 2학기부터 2015년 2학기까지 총 4개 학 기 동안 일반지구과학 강의를 수강한 273명의 학생들이다. 현재 전공과 고등학교 지구과학 교과목 이수 여부가 일반지 구과학 수업에 대한 태도 및 시험 체감 난이도, 학업 성취도에 미치는 영향을 SPSS 23.0을 활용하여 이원분산분석 (two-way ANOVA)을 실시하였다. 연구 결과에 따르면, 지구과학교육 전공 학생들과 타 과학교육전공 학생들 사이에는 일반지구과학 수업에 대한 태도와 시험 체감 난이도에 대해서 차이가 없었지만, 고등학교에서 지구과학의 이수 여부는 학생들의 태도와 성취도에 영향을 미쳤다. 즉, 고등학교에서 지구과학 I과 지구과학 II를 모두 이수한 학생은 지구과학 I만 이수한 학생 또는 지구과학을 전혀 선택하지 않은 학생들보다 일반지구과학 수업 태도가 더 좋았으며 높은 성취 수 준을 보이는 것으로 분석되었다. 과학 교사를 양성하는 사범 대학의 교육에서는 학생들의 요구와 수준을 반영한 교수학습적 접근이 필요하며, 과학 교사로서 필요한 교과 지식을 효과적으로 학습할 수 있도록 사범 대학 과학과 교육과정의 지속적인 보완이 있어야 할 것이다.
        2017.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The studies on Speech Acts of Directives (and the traditional study of Imperative Sentences) of local scholars have achieved some valuable results, including the definition and the inner classification of Speech Acts of Directives based on the speaker’s authority and power, the tone of sentence. However, it is observed that in speech communication, a directive sentence is given by the speaker based on some other influences besides those factors, which is against the former studies. Therefore, there should be a more complicated mechanism in the formation of a speech act of directives, not just formed by an individual factor. This article examines the selection process of the directive speech acts based on the theory of prototypic categories, and take more complicated, organic organized contexts into consideration. The context factors can be divided into constant factors and changeable factors. The combination of the two factors decides the range of selection of directive speech acts and the final form of output of the speech act.
        2017.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        More than 90% of cultured fish is consumed by sliced raw fish which is usually an eating out menu in South Korea. In order to develop the aquaculture industry in Korea, It is very important to know whether consumers can differentiate each species or not and how consumers recognize each species by certain criteria. for example taste, seasonal preference. The purpose of this study is to understand the competitive relationship through positioning studies of each species by the selection attributes. A total of 221 consumers were surveyed in korea. This study adapted multidimensional scaling(MDS) analysis to explore how consumers position sliced raw fish species based on selection attributes. This study has produced perceptual maps of sliced raw fish market. Empirical data was collected from sliced raw fish consumers in Korea. The results of MDS analysis reveal that 7 species are divided into 3 groups(flat fish, black rock fish), (red sea bream, salmon, tuna), (sea bass, gray mullet). In this study flat fish and black rock fish are perceived as safe, familiar, good value species. Red seabream, salmon, tuna are perceived as luxurious species. Sea bass and gray mullet are perceived as unfamiliar species.
        2017.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Due to the rapid change of global business environment, the growth of China’s steel industry and the inflow of cheap products, domestic steel industry is faced on downward trend. The change of business paradigms from a quantitative growth to a qualitative product is needed in this steel industry. In this environment, it is very important for domestic steel distribution companies to secure their competitiveness by selecting good supply companies through a efficient procurement strategy and effective method. This study tried to find out the success factors of steel distribution industry based on survey research from experts. Weighted values of each factors were found by using AHP (analytic hierarchy process) analysis. The weighted values were applied to DEA(data envelopment analysis) model and eventually the best steel supply company were selected. This paper used 29 domestic steel distribution firms for case example and 5 steps of decision process to select good vendors were suggested.This study used quality, price, delivery and finance as a selection criteria. Using this four criterions, nine variable were suggested. Which were product diversity, base price, discount, payment position, average delivery date, urgency order responsibility and financial condition. These variables were used as a output variable of DEA. Sales and facilities were used as an input variable. Pairwise comparison was conducted using these variables. The weighted value calculated by AHP pairwise comparison were used for DEA analysis. Through the analysis of DEA efficiency process, good DMU (decision making unit) were recommended as a steel supply company. The domestic case example was used to show the effectiveness of this study.
        2017.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The purpose of this study was to comprehend the selection process of quarry and the quarry Jogyedong through the Salleung-uigwes in royal tombs constructions in the late Joseon period. Especially, it is to comprehend about the effect by difference of use of stone between Daebuseokso and Sobuseokso. Following conclusions have been reached through the study. First, the quarry of Daebuseokso had been selected very carefully through the quality check process. Second, the quarry of royal tombs around the capital was located at Mt. Bulam in the east and Mt. Bukhan in the west. This is because the nature of the procurement of stone, which is important for transportation, is that it is necessary to prepare the mountains close to the royal tombs. Third, the locations of quarry of between Daebuseokso and Sobuseokso were differently selected. The quarry of Daebuseokso was located at a distance of three times distant from Sobuseokso. Forth, the epigraph related to quarry is located in Sareung construction in the valley of Jogyedong. This is a very important data to confirm the location of royal tombs construction.
        2017.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        PURPOSES: Pavement Management System contains the data that describe the condition of the road. Under limited budget, the data can be utilized for efficient plans. The objective of this research is to develop a mixed integer program model that maximizes remaining durable years (or Lane-Kilometer-Years) in road maintenance planning. METHODS: An optimization model based on a mixed integer program is developed. The model selects a cluster of sectors that are adjacent to each other according to the road condition. The model also considers constraints required by the Seoul Metropolitan Facilities Management Corporation. They select two lanes at most not to block the traffic and limit the number of sectors for one-time construction to finish the work in given time. We incorporate variable cost constraints. As the model selects more sectors, the unit cost of the construction becomes smaller. The optimal choice of the number of sectors is implemented using piecewise linear constraints. RESULTS: Data (SPI) collected from Pavement Management System managed by Seoul Metropolitan City are fed into the model. Based on the data and the model, the optimal maintenance plans are established. Some of the optimal plans cannot be generated directly in existing heuristic approach or by human intuition. CONCLUSIONS: The mathematical model using actual data generates the optimal maintenance plans.
        2017.05 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Introduction The objective of this study was to investigate the effects of staining of porcine cumulus-oocytes complexes (COCs) by brilliant cresyl blue (BCB) test prior to in vitro maturation may be used to select developmentally competent oocytes. Furthermore, milrinone can be used to promote developmental competence of porcine embryos produced during parthenogenesis (PA) and somatic cell nuclear transfer (SCNT). Materials and Methods Slaughterhouse-derived porcine cumulus-oocyte-complexes (COCs) were exposed to BCB and treated oocytes divided into BCB+ (colored cytoplasm), BCB- (colorless cytoplasm) groups. After division into 2 groups, intracellular glutathione (GSH) and reactive oxygen species (ROS) of matured oocytes were compared. And, preimplantation development of PA and SCNT embryos were also compared between 2 groups. BCB- oocytes were exposed to milrinone with different concentrations (0, 50, 75, and 100μM) for 6 h prior to IVM for further development of embryos. Results and Discussion GSH was higher in BCB+ group than BCB- group whereas ROS was lower in BCB+ than BCBgroup. In parthenogenetic embryos, BCB+ oocytes group was significantly higher on maturation (87.5 vs 80.6, 71.3%), cleavage (88.6 vs 82.9, 76.3%), and blastocyst formation rates (34.3 vs 27.8, 25.3%) than control and BCB- oocytes groups, respectively. Moreover, ratio of ICM:TE cells were higher in BCB+ oocytes group (30.3% vs. 28.6, 26.4%, respectively) than other groups. In cloned embryos, the significant higher blastocyst formation rates were shown BCB+ groups (30.6% vs. 26.0, 20.1%) than BCB- groups. To improve the cytoplasmic maturation in BCB- oocytes, 4 different concentrations of milrinone (0, 50, 75, and 100μM) were supplemented in the IVM media for 6 h. BCB- oocytes supplemented with 75μM milrinone showed the significantly higher rates of blastocyst formation than other groups. Our results demonstrate that staining of porcine oocytes with BCB before IVM may be used for selection of good quality oocytes and milrinone supplementation can be used to improve embryo developmental competence of porcine embryos.
        2017.04 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The purpose of this study is to provide basic data for the development direction and strategy for medicines through analysis of differences in choice attributes according to customers awareness of medicines and experience. In order to achieve the purpose of this study, a questionnaire survey was conducted on dietary education among national network trainees and lecturers by the Ministry of Food, Agriculture, Forestry and Livestock in Daegu, Gyeongsan, and Ulsan, Seoul from December 5, 2016, respectively. First, factor analysis results showed that six factors were extracted with respect to the choice of the restaurant. Second, the difference in each factor according to the recognition and experience of medicinal herbs was the health related factor as sex, females, age 50~59 years, companion others, and publicity and advertising' factors were more important for publicity and advertisement when the gender was female, the customer's age was 40~49 years, the companion was other, and the time of use was during the weekend. Among the factors related to 'getting dressed', the more important gender was female, age 40~49 years, and the other partner, The factors related to 'time' were as follows: sex, age, age 20~29 years, no accompanying companions, no time of use, and time importance. The 'menu' factors were more important for men, gender, women, age 40~49 years, companion for guitar, and usage time for weekend dinner. The 'service' factors were more important in 'service' as sex, male age, age 20~29, companion family, usage time, and weekend dinner.
        2017.04 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study aimed to analyze beverage usage motives according to selection attributes of beverage shops. Questionnaires were completed by 509 persons living in the Seoul, Gyeonggido area. The results show significant differences by gender, age, and monthly income. Female customers stayed longer and spent more money than males. Younger customers (20’s, 30’s) stayed longer and visited beverage shops to meet friends. Those with higher incomes stayed shorter and visited beverage shop with company staff. In the factor analysis of selection attributes of beverage shops, there were four factors: ‘physical environment’, ‘economic benefit’, ‘specialized service’, and ‘approach convenience’. Two clusters, derived from selected attributes of beverage shops, were ‘highly involved group’ and ‘low involved group’. The ‘highly involved group’ was high income and highly educated, whereas the ‘low involved group’ was low income and low educated. ‘The highly involved group’ drank beverages in the office and school while the ‘low involved group’ drank beverages at home. The ‘highly involved group’ cited safety, comfort, pleasure, and happiness more than the ‘low involved group’ at beverage shops. Beverage shops should develop health beverages such as caffeine or sugar-controlled beverage for ‘the highly involved group’. Discounts for take-out beverages and promotional coupons should be used for the ‘low involved group’.
        2017.04 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Hanwoo young bulls are selected based on performance test using the weight at 12 months and pedigree index comprising marbling score. Pedigree index was not based on the progeny tested data but the breeding value of the proven bulls; resulting a lower accuracy. The progeny testing of the young bulls was categorized into testing at farm and at the test station. The farm tested data was difficult to compare with those from test station data. Farm tested bulls had different slaughter ages than those for test station bulls. Therefore, this study had considered a different age at slaughter for respective records on ultrasound traits. Records on body weight at 12 months, ultrasound measures at 12 and 24 months(uIMF, uEMA, uBFT, and uRFT), and carcass traits(CWT, EMA, BFT, and MS) were collected from steers and bulls of Hanwoo national improvement scheme between 2008 and 2013. Fixed effects of batch, test date, test station, personnel for measurement, personnel for judging, and a linear covariate of weight at measurement were fitted in the animal models for ultrasound traits. The ranges of heritability estimates of the ultrasound traits at 12 and 24 months were 0.21-0.43 and 0.32-0.47, respectively. Ultrasound traits at 12 and 24 months between similar carcass traits was genetically correlated at 0.52-0.75 and 0.86-0.89, respectively.