
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 602

        2013.03 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The purpose of this study is to analyze the history of the game industry, which began in the early 1970s in Korea. In order to achieve these objectives, the data on the history of the Korean game were collected both at home and abroad. as well as step-by-step analysis was performed through historical research and interviews to several experts on the history of Korea's game industry. The results of research based on historical events, Korea's game industry was divided into 9 steps including the dawn of the gaming industry(190-1984) and the historical significance of each step are derived.
        2013.03 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The purpose of this study is revealing how ‘GAME ADDCTION’ becomes a discourse. With this study we can find that ‘GAME ADDICTION’ is tool for restricting ‘ABNORMAL’. In conclusion , ‘GAME ADDICTION’ was born in Korea at 1990, and become a discourse with ‘STARCRAFT sensation’ and ‘PCbang’. Social organizations used game addiction discourse from 1999 to 2004. And psychiatry started ruling game addiction discourse from 2005. Now psychiatry is using game addiction to expand their power into home. These processes resembles Foucault,M.’s “LES ANORMAUX”. And many things prove that psychiatry acts just like what that did at Foucault’s 19c. We have to aware what is going on in Korea about game addiction and need to study on psychiatry’s actions.
        2013.03 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        지난 1970년이래 헝가리자연사박물관의 북한지역 탐사를 통해 채집조사되어 보관된 표본을 대상으로 검경한 결과 북한산 잎말이나방과 12종이 추가로 분류 동정되어 보고한다. 이중 2종(Notocelia rosaecolana Doubleday, Rhopobota ustomaculana Curtis)은 북한지역에서는 처음으로 보고되는 북한미기록종이었다. 이외에 보고되는 10종은 주로 기존문헌에 목록에만 포함되어 있어 정확한 분포정보들이 없어왔던 종들로 금번연구를 통해 새로운 분포지가 기록되는 종들이다. 본 연구에서는 금번에 보고되는 2종의 북한미기록종과 새롭게 채집지가 확인된 10종의 목록을 정리하여 보고하며 각 종별로 채집지기록, 국내외 분포 및 기주식믈정보 등을 제시하였다.
        2013.03 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        History of Instream Flow Incremental Methodology (IFIM) Following the large reservoir and water development era of the mid-twentieth century in North America, resource agencies became concerned over the loss of many miles of riverine fish and wildlife resources in the arid western United States. Consequently, several western states began issuing rules for protecting existing stream resources from future depletions caused by accelerated water development. Many assessment methods appeared during the 1960’s and early 1970’s. These techniques were based on hydrologic analysis of the water supply and hydraulic considerations of critical stream channel segments, coupled with empirical observations of habitat quality and an understanding of riverine fish ecology. Following enactment of the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) of 1970, attention was shifted from minimum flows to the evaluation of alternative designs and operations of federally funded water projects. Methods capable of quantifying the effect of incremental changes in stream flow to evaluate a series of possible alternative development schemes were needed. This need led to the development of habitat versus discharge functions developed from life stage-specific relations for selected species, that is, fish passage, spawning, and rearing habitat versus flow for trout or salmon. During the late 1970’s and early 1980’s, an era of small hydropower development began. Hundreds of proposed hydropower sites in the Pacific Northwest and New England regions of the United States came under intensive examination by state and federal fishery management interests. During this transition period from evaluating large federal reservoirs to evaluating license applications for small hydropower, the Instream Flow Incremental Methodology (IFIM) was developed under the guidance of the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS).
        2013.02 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        It is well known that oral pathology is an essential bridge between basic and clinical science in dental field. Although oral pathology has been introduced to Korean dental science since 1945, there is not yet presented about oral pathologic history. The purpose of this study were to summarize and to introduce Korean oral pathologic history in serial form for Korean oral pathologist.
        2013.02 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        조선 명종 10년(1555년)에 축성된 월송포 진성은 1970년대까지도 성벽이 비교적 잘 남아있었다고 전해지지만, 1970년대 이후 주변에 현대식 건물이 들어서면서 성벽은 대부분 허물어지고 흔적만 일부 남아있는 상태였다. 월송포 진성의 남쪽 일부가 울진군에서 추진하는 망양-직산간 도로 확장공사 부지에 포함됨으로 인하여 추진된 이번 발굴조사에서는 성벽과 문지, 우물 등이 잘 남아있음이 확인되었다. 진성은 해안에 접한 해안평탄면에 형성된 사구의 남쪽 말단부에 구축되어 있으며, 성의 남쪽으로 수로가 연결되어있어 천연의 해자를 이루는 형태이다. 이는 인접한 울진포영 및 남해안 일대에 위치하는 영ㆍ진ㆍ보성의 입지와도 유사한 양상을 보인다. 성벽은 후대 교란으로 인하여 동쪽 일부가 유실되었으나 지적도상의 지번경계와 거의 일치한다. 지적도를 참고하여 성의 규모를 추정해 보면 둘레 328.8m 정도이다. 성벽의 둘레와 문헌기록을 통하여 확인되는 성벽의 높이는 3.1~4.7m 정도로 추정되며, 발굴조사를 통해 확인된 성벽의 폭은 6m 내외이다. 성벽의 안쪽 에는 성벽과 동시에 축조된 우물이 잘 남아있었으며, 문지 안쪽으로 다량의 기와가 출토되는 것으로 보아 조선후기 풍경화에서 보이는 문루에서 흘러내린 것으로 판단된다. 월송포 진성은 인접한 대풍헌의 현판과 『조선왕조실록』등을 통하여 삼척영과 함께 3년에 한 번씩 번갈아가며 울릉도 ․ 독도 수토를 담당하였던 곳임을 확인하였다. 울릉도 수토는 1693년 안용복의 일본 도해 사건을 계기로 1694년 처음 시작되어 1895년까지 계속되었다. 수토사의 출발지는 삼척영장과 월송만호가 번갈아 수토관으로 파견되는 관계로 초기에는 삼척부의 장오리진, 울진현의 죽변진, 평해 군의 구산포 등 수토관의 위치와 인접한 지역이었으나, 후기로 오면서 구산포로 고정되었다. 이는 동해의 항로에 대한 지식이 축적되면서 울릉도과 가장 가깝고, 항해에 해류와 해풍을 이용할 수 있는 곳이 구산포임을 파악하였기 때문인 것으로 판단된다.
        2012.12 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        동석기는 특이한 이력을 소유한 인물로 하와이 사탕수수밭 노동자로 노동이민을 가서 성실한 면을 인정받아 공부를 한 후 북감리교회 목사, Christian Church(그리스도의 교회, 유악기) 목사, Church of Christ(그리스도의 교회, 무악기) 전도자(환원운동가), 독립운동가(민족주의자)로 활동하였던 지도자였다.본 연구는 한국교회에 아직도 생소하게 느끼고 있거나 혹 이단은 아닌지 생각하는 그리스도인들이 있을 정도인 그리스도의 교회운동 즉 환원운동을 소개하고자 하는 목적을 가지고 시작된 연구이다. 환원운동은 성서로 돌아가자(성서권위회복운동), 초대교회로 돌아가자(원형의 교회 회복운동), 그리스도의 교회로 일치를 이루자(교회일치운동)는 운동을 말한다. 그러나 본 연구가 한 교파를 소개한다는 오해가 있을 수도 있으나 오늘처럼 혼탁한 교파주의와 비성서적 교회들에게는 광야의 외침이 될 수 있을 것으로 기대한다.동석기의 헌신으로 미국 워싱톤교회 장로회의 결정에 의해 한국에 선교사들이 입국하여 체계적인 선교를 하였다. 또한 미국 오토크릭교회로 하여금 그리스도대학교 부지구입비, 건물 건축비, 학교운영비를 부담하도록 하는데 공을 세웠다. 그리고 동석기의 환원운동에 매료된 강명석, 강순명, 장성만 같은 인물들이 합류하여 환원운동과 그리스도의 교회를 확산시켰다.
        2012.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        구글 어스를 비롯한 인터넷 지도와 세계적인 지명관련 데이터베이스인 미국의 NGA의 GEONet지명 서버 같은 경우 정작 지명 사용자인 현지의 한국인이 이해하지 못하는 서양식 지명이 많이 발견된다. 특히 이러한 서양식 지명은 해안지명과 해저지명에 가장 흔하게 발견되고 있다. 그 지명들의 역사적인 유래를 정확히 파악할 수 있다면, 지명표준화라는 측면에서 오류 지명을 시정하고 정확한 지명이 사용될 수 있도록 할 수 있다는 점에서 매우 중요하다. 실제 18세기부터 한국해역에 자주 출몰한 서양 선박들은 통상을 요구하거나 선교의 자유를 요구하거나 아니면 단순히 포경을 비롯한 어업활동을 위해 한반도 해역을 통과하면서 언어의 장벽과 정부의 쇄금정책에 의해 현지지명을 알 수 없었고, 이러한 이유로 그들의 해도에 자신들의 명명방식에 따라 서양 명칭을 부여한 것으로 보인다. 본 연구에서 깊이 다루지 못한 러시아, 네덜란드 및 미국의 역할에 대한 연구가 더 이루어질 필요가 있다.
        2012.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study examined the historical changes in Jeon. The Korean dictionary was analyzed to analyze the modern definition of Jeon. To investigate the change in the type and cooking methods of Jeon, 36 cookbooks from the late 1800s to 1999 were analyzed. The cooking method for Jeon, such as the ingredient, quantity and how to cooking were presented systematically since 1935. The main ingredients of jeon in modern cookbooks are seafood 36.0%, vegetables 30.2% and meat 20.3%. Jeon made with seafood or vegetables, chopped meat put in each main ingredient or meatballs with minced meat, etc. meat was used to make Jeon in a variety of ways. The cooking method for Jeon in a frying pan is the most basic method. After trimmed materials, adding flour, eggs and oil are the most common way. Making dough with grain flour or ground potatoes, green beans, legumes, etc., and mixing the ingredients in a pan-frying methods appeared to be under the influence of other countries recipes. Modern food culture, introducing new ingredients and cookware, has changed. As a result, jeon cooking methods and the application of the material have varied. The type of jeon and cooking methods are expected to increase further and become more diverse.
        2012.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        In this study, 5-story structures were designed in accordance with KBC2009 for inelastic time history analysis of RC IMRF. Bending moment-curvature relationship for beam and column was identified with fiber model and bending moment-rotation relationship for beam-column joint was calculated with simple and unified joint shear behavior model and moment equilibrium relationship for the joint. The hysteretic behavior was simulated with three-parameter model suggested in IDARC program. The analytical results showed that the inelastic shear behavior of the joint could be neglected in the structural design for seismic design category C but the structure of category D did not satisfy the criteria of FEMA 356 for collapse prevention performance level.
        2012.11 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        If you want to write a mission history, academic dilemmas hinder you to sustain objective perspectives due to your confessional orientation. We mission historians believe that God has a grand plan of salvation for humankind and we are witnessing His story in the history of mission. Secular historians, however, do not believe in this kind of confession orientation. Rather they despise this kind of approach as the lack of academic objectivity. We mission historian must find the third way for writing mission history which could be shared not only with our fellow Christian scholar but also secular historians who believe in the objectivity as the primal condition for writing history. This paper suggests the method of Jacob Burckhardt(18181897) who proposed a flexible approaches in historiography. He criticizes that history is neither logic nor philosophy which is logical framework is firm and decisive. History writing should, according to Burckhardt, flexible because the interpretation of history should be open. The present author shows that this kind of flexible historiography could be accommodated in a new way of mission historiography. To show an example the author interprets the early Jesuit Missionary Matteo Ricci from the flexible mission historiography: Push factor and Pull factor. The author claims that writing mission history in more flexible historiography could be achieved by comparing push factor of missionary sending and pull factor of missionary receiving. Early Jesuit mission history will be more flexible if we approach the Jesuit mission from politics(of missionary sending from 16thcentury Europe and missionary receiving from the late Ming China's political situation), culture, and religion.
        2012.11 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        이 논문은 광복 후, 미군정시대의 敎授要目期부터 2007년 改定 敎育課程期까 지, 중․고등학교 漢文科 敎育課程에 나타난 漢文文法의 내용이 각 교육과정기 의 漢文敎科書에 어떻게 투영․반영되었는지를, 史的으로 변천한 것에 중점을 두고 연구하는 데 그 목적을 두었다. 이 논문에서 주로 살펴 본 것은, 각 교육과정기의 중․고등학교 한문과 교육과 정 속에, 반영되고 受容된 한문문법에 대한 내용의 변천과정과 각 교육과정기의 중․고등학교 한문교과서 속에 반영된 한문문법의 내용을 비교․분석․검토하는 것 등의 연구이었다. 한문문법에 대한 내용이 교육과정 속에 학습요소로 구체적으로 구현되기 시작 한 것은 중․고 등학교 똑같이 4차시기 이후이며, 5차~6차시기까지는 한문교과 가 필수과목 또는 내용상 필수과목화되어 문법적인 내용도 확대되고 심화되었다. 7차시기 이후에는 한문교과가 선택과목으로 되어 문법적인 내용도 축소되고 약화 되었다. 2007년 개정기 이후에도 문법적인 내용이 축소되었지만, 교육과정에 ‘한 문지식’영역이 생겨, 이전 교육과정기보다 좀 더 문법적인 내용을 많이 제시할 수 있게 되었다. 각 교육과정기의 교과서는 각 교육과정기 교육과정의 영향을 많이 받는다. 각 교육과정기에 제작된 한문교과서는 각 교육과정기 한문과 교육과정 속에 제시되 어 있는 한문문법적인 내용을 충실히 반영하고 있다. 즉, 한문과 교육과정이 독립 과목으로 되고 필수과목으로 된 시기에는 한문문법적인 내용도 확대 심화되고, 교 과서도 그대로 확대 심화된 내용을 싣고 있었다. 그러나 한문과 교육과정이 선택 과목으로 된 시기에는 한문문법적인 내용도 축소 약화되어 그 변화된 상황을 그 대로 반영하고 있었다. 각 교육과정기에 만들어진 교과서들은 대개가 문법적인 용어나 내용을 일반적 인 문법 수준에서 취급하고 있지만, 몇 개의 교과서들은 일반적인 수준에서 벗어 난 용어와 내용들을 사용하여 학습자들이 혼동을 가져올 수 있었겠다고 여겼다. 한문문법은 한문과 교육과정 속에서 한문과 교수․학습 내용과 방법을 구성하는 데 중요한 한 축을 구성한다. 때문에, 앞으로 좀 더 바람직한 한문과 교육과정을 구축함에 있어, 한문문법에 관한 용어와 내용들이 통일될 필요성을 절실히 느꼈다. 하루 속히 ‘한문문법 통일안’이 마련되어, 그것을 근거로 교육과정과 교과서 속 에 반영되어, 학습자들이 혼란을 겪지 않았으면 하는 바람이다.
        2012.11 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        In music history, the 18th century is an epoch, in which concepts of distribution and statement of style are a delicate matter. To display this difficult situation, the first part of this study analyzes three selected music history books that are well known and commonly used in this country. The analysis shows that disagreement among the context of historical interpretations between analyzed books cannot be overlooked. On the other hand, it was also observed: it is mainly about the history of the (German) instrumental music, while the opera, in particular, the Italian opera seria, which has been also determined as one of the main genres of the century, is neglected. In the next part of the work was the cause of the differences in the historical interpretation investigated based on Carl Dahlhaus’s music-historical theory. It was noted that the basis of the 18th-century music history was laid out around the turn of the 20th-century by the so-called "German Bildungsbürgertum" derived from music historians, while the national sentiment played a significant role. With previous findings, it is tried in the last part of the work, a self-written music history of the 18th-century presented in the outline. In summary, the music history of the 18th-century should be treated more in the narrow context of political, cultural and social issues, as happened so far. This perhaps could be the diversity of historical interpretations, which is generally observed on the area of research discussed here.
        2012.10 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        It is well known that oral pathology is an essential bridge between basic and clinical science in dental field. Although oral pathology has been introduced to Korean dental science since 1945, there is not yet presented about oral pathologic history. The purpose of this study was to summarize and to introduce Korean oral pathologic history in serial form for Korean oral pathologist.
        2012.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Understanding infrared (IR) luminosity is fundamental to understanding the cosmic star formation history and AGN evolution, since their most intense stages are often obscured by dust. Japanese infrared satellite, AKARI, provided unique data sets to probe this both at low and high redshifts. The AKARI performed an all sky survey in 6 IR bands (9, 18, 65, 90, 140, and 160μm ) with 3-10 times better sensitivity than IRAS, covering the crucial far-IR wavelengths across the peak of the dust emission. Combined with a better spatial resolution, AKARI can measure the total infrared luminosity ( LTIR) of individual galaxies much more precisely, and thus, the total infrared luminosity density of the local Universe. In the AKARI NEP deep field, we construct restframe 8μm, 12μm , and total infrared (TIR) luminosity functions (LFs) at 0.15 < z < 2.2 using 4,128 infrared sources. A continuous filter coverage in the mid-IR wavelength (2.4, 3.2, 4.1, 7, 9, 11, 15, 18, and 24μm ) by the AKARI satellite allows us to estimate restframe 8μm and 12μm luminosities without using a large extrapolation based on a SED fit, which was the largest uncertainty in previous work. By combining these two results, we reveal dust-hidden cosmic star formation history and AGN evolution from z = 0 to z = 2.2, all probed by the AKARI satellite.
        2012.06 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This article reports a case study on the impacts of an interactive, culturally-sensitive computer-based learning environment on at-risk teenage students' motivation and learning of American history in an alternative school in the United States of America. Hip-hop culture combined with interactive software and digital audio workstations was applied to motivate at-risk teenagers and to promote active and effective learning. Data were collected through interviews, archived multimedia data, learning artifacts, teacher’s notes and reflections. Multiple positive impacts were found on both learners’ motivation and learning outcomes. Implications on practice and research were discussed, together with suggestions for educators, researchers and practitioners.
        2012.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
         ,  , The Korean Society of Applied Entomology (KSAE) celebrates its First 50 years history this year, 2011. It began in the year 1962, as the Korean Society of Plant Protection (KSPP) to discuss all aspects of plant protection including entomology and plant pathology. At that time it was one of the earliest scientific ones among agricultural societies in Korea. Before liberation from the Japanese colonial rule there were a few scientific societies for Japanese scientists only in the Korean Peninsula. It seemed that there was a single exception, in medical field, formed by and operated for Korean ethnics. Right after the liberation, Korean scientists rushed to form new scientific societies in the fields of mechanical engineering, architecture, textile, internal medicine, biology, etc. in 1945, mathematics, chemistry, metallurgy, etc. in 1946, and so on. But agricultural scientists had to wait for more time before setting up their own scientific society, Korean Agricultural Society(韓國農學會), comprising all agricultural subfields, in 1954. They had annual meetings and published their own journal every year until 1962. Then those working in the plant protection field established their own KSPP, right after their section meeting in 1962. At that time the total number of participants for KSPP were only around 50. KSPP scientists were interested in plant pathology, agricultural chemicals, weed science, or bioclimate, besides entomology. They had annual meetings once or twice a year until 1987 and published their own journal, Korean Journal of Plant Protection (KJPP), once a year at the earlier years but soon gradually increasing the frequency to four times a year later. Articles on entomology and plant pathology occupied about 40% each, but the number of oral or posters were a little bit higher on plant pathology than entomology, with the rest on nematology, agricultural chemicals, or soil microarthropods. There also had a number of symposia and special lectures. The presidentship lasted for two years and most of president served only one term, except for the first two. The current president should be 28<, SUP>, th<, /SUP>, .
        2012.05 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        A new collembolan species (Paranura rosea) which was native to Korea was selected for evaluating the effect of temperature on their biology. Development, and reproduction of P. rosea were investigated at 15, 20, 25 and 30℃ Hatchability of egg was not affected by experimental temperature, and the lower threshold temperature for development of P. rosea was estimated to be 7.53℃. The temperature reduced the juvenile and adult (maturity period). The intrinsic rate of natural increase and finite rate of increase per week at 20℃ which are maximum values showed significant difference with other experimental temperatures. Survival rate, cumulative reproduction and head capsule width was fitted by several models. Especially, the model which fitted for estimating head capsule width was used to determine their life stage. Estimated head capsule width of P. rosea at the initial oviposition varied with temperature from 0.36 ± 0.007 to 0.45 ± 0.007 with maximum at 20℃ and minimum at 30℃, and significant difference was observed at all the experimental temperature (P<0.05). However, estimated head capsule width at the last oviposition showed different statistically result at only 30℃. Molting frequency per week of one P. rosea was increased as the temperature increased. Based on this study, temperature greatly influenced on their life stage and reproduction. Therefore, relationship between temperature and P. rosea is very important for understanding their biology.