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        검색결과 414

        2015.03 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Effect of seedling type and early transplanting of summer grown seedling on the growth and yield of tomato was investigated to minimize problems caused by legginess of seedling in summer. Grafted seedling, 20 days seedling (young seedling), 40 days seedling, and rooted cutting were raised from July 20 to Sept. 7 and young seedling was transplanted 20 days earlier than other seedling types. Young seedling growth was weaker than other seedling types and fresh weight was only 1/10 of 40 days seedling. Growth of young seedling at 20 days after transplanting was better than other seedling types and fresh weight was 3 times higher than 40 days seedling. Creased stem did not appear and trusses developed faster in young seedling. Total yield and commercial yield were highest in young seedling as 8,535 kg/10a, and 7,575 kg/10a. There is no significant difference among seedling types in fruit quality. This result shows that early transplanting of summer grown seedling is more effective to attain stable growth and yield in tomato.
        2014.12 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        This study was carried out to investigate the effects of Ca-gluconate (Ca-glu) on fruit firmness and softening enzyme activities of hydroponically grown tomato (Solanium esculentum Mill.). The obtained results revealed that the rate of weight loss was markedly increased from at storage to 5 days after storage (DAS) in control, and was constantly increased until 7 DAS as 4.1% in Ca-glu treatment. Fruit firmness was more rapidly decreased in Ca-glu induced fruit compared to control. Results showed that fruit firmness in control and Ca-glu treated fruit were 0.67 and 0.95 kg좵즤12 mm-1, respectively. In our investigation, no difference was revealed in Hunter…s ‥a… value between control and Ca-glu treated fruit. Total carotenoids content of control fruit were rapidly increased while the Ca-glu treated fruit were gently increased. Lycopene content was higher (63.3 즗g;g-1 FW) in control than Ca-glu treatment (56.8 즗g;g-1 FW). The activity of Polygalacturonase (PG) was rapidly increased with increasing storage period as from 0.4 to 1.2 units whereas the PG activity of Ca-glu treatment was gently increased from 1 to 7 DAS, and rapidly increased from 7 to 11 DAS. However, the pectinesterase (PE) activity was rapidly increased in control fruit, when the storage period was increased, but interestingly, the Ca-glu treated fruit was slowly increased from 1 to 7 DAS, and rapidly increased 7to 11 DAS. ?-galactosidase activity of Ca-glu induced fruit was rapidly increased from 1 to 7 DAS as from 1.6 to 3.0 units, and gently increased from 7 to 11 DAS. ?-galactosidase activity of control were higher than Ca-glu treatment.
        2014.12 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        토마토 억제 재배 시 생산비를 절감하고 토마토의 수확시기를 앞당기며 잦은 경운에 의한 토양환경을 보호하고자 가지대목(EG203)을 활용한 딸기후작 토마토 무경운 재배법 연구를 실시하였다. 가지대목(EG203)을 사용하여 토마토 재배를 실시한 결과 풋마름병 발생은 무경운 재배에서 실생은 30%, 가지대목(EG203)은 0%였으며 경운 재배에서는 실생은 25%, 가지대목(EG203)은 0%였다. 가지대목(EG203)을 이용한 경운 및 무경운 재배에서 상품수량은 각각 2,693, 2,657 kg/10a로 유사하였으며 당도 및 경도도 차이를 보이지는 않았다. 따라서 딸기 후작 토마토 재배에서 풋마름병에 대한 안전성을 높이기 위해 가지대목(EG203)을 활용하여 접목을 실시하여야하며 가지대목(EG203)을 이용하여 재배할 경우는 경운과 무경운 재배의 차이가 나타나지 않으므로 경제성 및 환경적으로 무경운 재배가 유리할 것으로 판단된다. 토마토 정식 당일, 10, 20, 30일 후 전작물인 딸기를 제거한 결과 20, 30일 후 제거에서 초장과 절간장은 길었으나 다른 생육에서는 차이를 보이지 않았다. 상품 수량은 정식 당일 제거한 것이 1,885 kg/10a로 30일 후 제거 1,678 kg/10a보다 12% 많았으나 전작물인 딸기의 제거 시기는 딸기의 생육과 가격을 토마토의 기대소득과 비교 경제성을 분석하여 결정하여야 할 것으로 생각된다.
        2014.07 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Bacterial spot of tomato (Solanum lycopersicum L.) is caused by at least four species of Xanthomonas with multiple physiological races. In this study, we developed a mapping population for association analysis of bacterial spot resistance. For this population, six advanced breeding lines with distinct sources of resistance were first crossed in all combinations and their F1 hybrids were intercrossed. The 1,100 segregating progeny from these crosses were evaluated in the field against T1 strains. Based on this individual evaluation, we selected 5% of the most resistant and 5% of the most susceptible progeny for evaluation as plots in two subsequent replicate field trials inoculated with T1 and T3 strains. A total of 461 markers across 12 chromosomes were used for genotyping these selections. Of these markers, an optimized subset of 384 SNPs was derived from the 7,720 SNP Infinium array developed by the Solanaceae Coordinated Agricultural Project (SolCAP). For association analysis to detect known resistance loci and additional novel loci, we used the mixed models with correction for population structure, and found that accounting for kinship appeared to be sufficient. Detection of known loci was not improved by adding a correction for structure using either a Q matrix from model-based clustering or covariate matrix from Principal Component Analysis. Both single-point and haplotype analyses identified strong associations in the region of the genome known to carry Rx-3 (chromosome 5) and Rx-4/Xv3 (chromosome 11). Additional QTL associated with resistance were detected on chromosomes 1, 3, 4, 6 and 7 for T1 resistance and chromosomes 2, 4, and 6 for T3 resistance. Haplotype analysis improved our ability to trace the origin of positive alleles. These results demonstrate that both known and novel associations can be identified using complex breeding populations that have experienced directional selection.
        2014.07 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Tomato yellow leaf curl disease is a devastating disease of tomato (Solanum lycopersicum), which is caused by begomoviruses generally referred to as tomato yellow leaf curl virus (TYLCV). The breeding for TYLCV resistance has been based on the introgression of the Ty-3 resistance locus. Knowledge about the exact location of the Ty-3 on tomato chromosome 6 is needed to understand the genomic organization of the Ty-3 locus. In this study, we conducted a genetic analysis using a segregating population derived from a cross between resistant accession S. lycopersicum “A45” and susceptible accession S. lycopersicum “A39”. The F1 plants showed resistance to TYLCV and F1 was self-pollinated to produce F2 progeny. To screen the TYLCV resistance in 145 F2 plants, a leaf agroinfiltration method was used. F2 plants showed a classical Mendelian seregation (106 resistance : 39 susceptibility) for resistance to TYLCV respectively. SCAR and CAPS markers linked to the Ty-3 were tested for genotyping F2 plants and .genotyping and agroinfiltration results were cosegregated in the newly developed F2 population.
        2014.07 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        The fruit shape is an important character in tomato. OVATE is one of genes controlling fruit elongation in tomato. Two loci suppress the ovate mutation, sov1 and sov2, on chromosome 10 and chromosome 11 respectively. sov1 appears to control neck constriction in the fruits (Rodriguez et al, 2013). We sequenced the genomes of Gold Ball Livingston and Yellow Pear using the Illumina Hiseq 2000 generating 101 PE reads and developed molecular markers tightly linked to sov1. The locus was confirmed by fruit shape index analysis, marker genotyping and progeny testing of recombinants. We find mapped sov1 to a 145 kb interval corresponding to a region comprising two candidate genes. One of the candidate genes for sov1 is SlOFP20 another member of the Ovate Family Protein class. Although there is no difference expression of SlOFP20 in the parents at anthesis, when the gene is expressed very high, the mutation appears to be a 34 kb promoter deletion of SlOFP20 in Yellow Pear, conferring a pear shaped and neck-constricted fruit.
        2014.07 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Fresh market tomato cultivars are divided largely based on fruit color appearance (red or pink), which is attributed by the trait of peel. It had been reported that mutation of the Slmyb12 gene suppresses synthesis of yellow-colored flavonoid (naringenin chalcone) in peel and causes pinkish tomato fruit. Whereas wild-type tomato plants synthesizing naringenin chalcone produce yellow-colored peel, which resulting in the fruit appearance to be red. The present study was performed to investigate the association between the Slmyb12 and fruit color of domestic tomato inbreed lines. A SCAR marker was developed from an Indel mutation site (72bp insertion in exon3) of the Slmyb12, and tested on 22 and 18 red and pink-fruited inbred lines, respectively. Unexpectedly, the results showed that all inbred lines tested had wild-type Slmyb12. The full length sequences of the Slmyb12 were cloned from two inbred lines (FCR1 and FCP1), but the sequence alignment did not identify any nucleotide variations within this gene. Furthermore, scanning of SNPs between FCR1 and FCP1 using SolCAP Tomato SNP array) found no SNPs for Slmyb12. To delimit the genomic region of the gene conferring fruit color of domestic tomato lines, we are analyzing SNPs in the genes adjacent to the Slmyb12 using an F2 population derived from FCR1 x FCP1. So far, one SNP located at 1,750kbp downstream from the stop codon of Slmyb12 was mapped using 54 F2 plants and 83% of phenotype-marker association was revealed, demonstrating that the fruit color is controlled bySlmyb12 indeed, or other neighboring gene(s) involved in the pathway of naringenin chalcone synthesis. Further study with more SNPs will clear up this question.
        2013.12 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        토마토 정식 전 후 묘령에 따른 토마토의 생육의 특성, 수량, 광합성 및 항산화 효소 활성을 알아보고자 본 실험을 수행하였다. 토마토 파종부터 정식시 까지 기간을 40, 45, 50, 55, 60일로 설정하였다. 육묘 기간이 50일(표준묘)보다 짧을수록 토마토 생장과 생육이 촉진된 반면에 육묘 일수가 길수록 생장과 생육이 감소하였다. 정식 후 4주는 묘령이 가장 짧은 40일묘에서 광합성량이 낮았지만 정식 후 8주는 차이를 보이지 않았다. CAT(Catalase), APX(Ascorbate peroxidase), POX(peroxidase) 들은 정식후 6주까지 증가하다가 8주부터 감소하였다. 정식후 4주는 SOD (Superoxide dismutase), CAT 활성은 묘령이 어릴수록 높은 경향을 보였고 반대로 정식 후 6주는 APX, POX는 육묘기간이 길수록 활성이 높았다. 토마토 수량도 표준묘와 비교해서 육묘 기간이 짧은 묘령에서 토마토 생산성이 높은 반면에 육묘기간이 길수록 생산이 감소하였다. 토마토의 생장과 수량의 관점에서 보면 육묘 기간은 40-50일 적합하다는 결과를 도출하였다. 따라서 토마토를 토경재배 할 경우 표준 묘령 50일보다 짧은 묘를 정식 후 생장과 생산성에서 유리할 뿐 아니라 육묘 시 발생되는 생산비의 절감에 유리할 것으로 사료된다.
        2013.09 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        본 연구에서는 토마토 MAB에 활용하고자 토마토 7 품종의 genome-wide SNPs 데이터베이스를 구축하고, MAB를 위한 분자마커 선발 프로그램을 개발하였다. 토마토 전사체 데이터를 NCBI-SRA에서 다운로드 하여 in silico 분석으로 SNP를 추출하였다. 전사체 데이터에서 추출된 SNP를 재료로 7 품종의 토마토 계통을 이용해 총 21개 교배조합별 SNP 분자마커를 선발하였고, primer가 이용 가능한 마커를 이용하여 데이터베이스를 구축하였다. 마커를 선발하기에 앞서 염색체의 분획으로 두 가지 방법을 사용하였는데, 물리적 거리에 따른 분획과 유전거리에 따른 분획 방법이다. 물리적 거리를 이용한 분획은 각 염색체를 동일한 크기의 5개의 구획으로 나누고, 한 구획 당 교배조합별 차이를 보이는 3개의 SNP를 선발하였다. 교배조합이 바뀔 때마다 이용 가능한 SNP가 자동으로 primer 정보와 함께 제공되도록 하였다. 유전거리를 반영한 분획 방법은 각 염색체의 유전적 거리를 측정하여 물리적 거리에 차등을 두어 염색체 구획을 설정하였다. 즉 재조합이 자주 일어나는 염색체 양끝 말단 부분은 구획을 조밀하게 나누어 MAB 마커 또한 많이 할당하여 자세히 조사하도록 구성하였다. 유전거리에 따른 마커 선발에는 1,924개의 tomato- EXPEN 2000 map 분자마커와 SNP 마커를 이용하였다. 교배조합별로 이용할 수 있는 마커를 12개 염색체 상에 그래픽적으로 제공함으로써 사용자가 쉽게 이해하고 이용할 수 있는 MAB 위한 마커 선발 프로그램을 개발하였다. 이러한 토마토 MAB용 분자마커를 제공하는 프로그램은 실제적인 여교잡 선발 육종에 적용하여 분자마커의 활용을 높이고, 육종효율을 증진시킬 것이다.
        2013.07 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        In the era of systems biology, plant biologists approach any given phenomena, that they have great interests, from different perspectives. Among them, both epigenomic and epigenetic studies give us new insights into plant immune response as well as development. In plants, recognition of invading pathogenic microorganisms by pattern recognition receptor and race-specific resistance protein activates diverse cellular responses to defend plants against pathogen infection. One of well-known immune responses is the transcriptional reprogramming occurring when pathogen infects plant. Chromatin remodeling caused by change of histone marks and replacement of histone variants affects gene expression that is important for immunity. We are focused on unveiling epigenomic and epigenetic regulatory mechanisms of plant immunity. To address these questions, we have collected knockout mutant plants whose genes might be related to histone modifications, and identified several enhanced-immune (eni) mutants and immune-defective (imd) mutants. Here, we will introduce one of mutants showing enhanced disease resistance (EDR) in response to the infection of Pseudomonas. Thus we named it eni2. Both the growth of virulent bacteria, not avirulent derivatives of Pseudomonas syringae, and symptom development were effectively inhibited in the eni2 mutants, compared with those seen in wild type. Unlike to well-known EDR-type mutants, the levels of salicylic acid in the eni2 mutant plants were not different from those in wild type. Thus we suggests a few plausible scenarios about role of ENI2 in plant immune response. To examine these possibilities, we are monitoring transcriptional reprogramming occurring in eni2 mutants through RNA-seq analysis. On the other hand, we have recently initiated the study of tomato small RNAome in order to discover immune-related small RNAs from leaves infected with Pseudomonas syringae via next-generation sequencing technology. Here we present the recent progress in this study.
        2013.07 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Backcrossing is a plant breeding method most commonly used to incorporate one or a few genes into an adapted or elite variety. To facilitate MAB (marker-assisted backcrossing) in a practice breeding program, we developed a SNP database and a program for providing selected markers for background selection from genome-wide SNPs of seven tomato accessions downloaded from NCBI-SRA. We identified 425,935 SNPs among 21 parental combinations with data from seven transcriptomes and developed a SNP database. To select the optimized number of markers for background selection, we divided 12 chromosomes according to physical length and genetic length. Initially, each chromosome was equally divided into five blocks according to physical length, and three SNPs were positioned per block. Additionally, we applied the genetic distance calculated from the recombination rate because the frequency of recombination can vary greatly among chromosomal regions. When considering genetic distance, each chromosome was divided into fifteen blocks unequally and one marker composed of EXPEN-2000 was positioned per block. The program for background selection was designed to be simple and easy to use, and it is available at http://tgsol.seeders.co.kr/ index.php/tg/mab. When the user selects the parental combination, the program provides selected markers with primer information. The value of this program for tomato breeding will further increase if more accession numbers are added to the database.
        2013.07 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Tsw, a single dominant resistant gene against Tomato spotted wilt virus (TSWV), has been mapped on chromosome 10 in Capsicum chinense species. Previously reported molecular markers linked to the Tsw gene are not transferable for all pepper breeding materials. To develop additional markers and do genome-based fine mapping of the Tsw gene, approaches of mapping comparison, pooled transcriptome analysis, and genome walking were applied. Eleven additional SNP molecular markers tightly linked to the Tsw gene were developed using tomato and pepper whole genome sequencing databases. Among them, four SNP markers, SNP7715-1, SNP68-1, SNP17918-1, and SNP1072-1, showed no recombination in two segregating populations of F2 ‘Telmo’ (210 individuals) and ‘SP’ (843 individuals). Three scaffold sequences from the C. annuum BAC database and two BAC clones from the BAC library of C. annuum ‘CM334’ covering the Tsw gene were identified by transcriptome analysis and genome walking. A pepper scaffold sequence covering three pepper scaffold sequences was identified from a final version of the C. annuum BAC database. The Tsw gene was delimited within 149 kb by alignment analysis of two BAC clone sequences and the pepper scaffold sequence. A total of 22 predicted genes were resided in the target region between SNP7715-1 and SNP1072-1 co-segregating markers. Among them, five predicted genes showing annotations of CC/TIR-NBS-LRR resistance proteins, mRNA-6, mRNA-7, mRNA-11, mRNA-12, and mRNA-13, were identified. The transcriptome analysis and gene expression study showed that the mRNA-13 was expressed in ‘PI152225’ but was absent in ‘Special’, demonstrating the mRNA-13 could be a strong candidate gene for the Tsw gene. This result will be favorable for cloning the Tsw gene and developing cultivars which carry the TSWV-resistance gene.
        2013.06 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        2009년에 ‘MS-BGT’와 ‘NHMF’의 고정계통을 교배하여 육성한 특성 및 수량이 우수한 품종으로 ‘티티찰’을 육성하였다. ‘티티찰’의 주요특성은 TMV, TYLCV, TSWV, 잎곰팡이에 내병성으로 7~9월에 정식하는 품종이다. 숙기는 중조생종으로 당도가 평균 9~10 brix로 높으며 식미가 우수하고 평균과중은 23~25 g 내외의 중대과종 대추형 방울토마토이다. 경도가 강하여 저장성이 우수하며 열과 발생이 적고, 초세가 비교적 강하면서 이상줄기 발생이 적어 재배가 용이한 품종이다.
        2013.06 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        토마토 과실의 숙성기간은 운송기간과 상품성에 상당한 영향을 미친다. 특히, 고온에서는 과실숙성이 빨라지므로, 숙성기간은 열대지방에 수출하는 토마토 품종에서 반드시 고려되어야 한다. 토마토 과실숙성을 효과적으로 차단하는 RIPENING-INHIBITOR (Rin) 유전자는 열성 유전하는 돌연변이체에서 보고되었고, 교잡후대(Rin/rin)에서는 숙성이 느리게 진행되어 저장성이 상당히 향상된다고 알려졌다. 따라서, 본 연구에서는 수출용 토마토 품종의 육성을 위해, 과실 숙성의 저해와 관련한 Rin 유전자 특이적인 분자 표지를 개발하고자 하였다. Rin과 rin유전자의 mRNA와 genomic DNA의 염기서열 정보를 확보하고 다형성을 나타내는 프라이머 조합을 선발하여, 공우성 SCAR 분자표지로 개발하였다. 토마토 육성 라인 24주에서 과실숙성 정도와 PCR밴드를 비교한 결과, 공우성 마커는 동형(Rin/Rin, rin/rin)과 이형(Rin/rin)의 유전자형을 구별하기에 적합하였으며 이를 이용하여 저장성이 좋은 토마토 품종개발에 도움이 될 것으로 기대한다.
        2013.02 KCI 등재 SCOPUS 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Red-ripe ‘Betatiny’ jujube-shaped cherry tomato fruits via stem maintenance or stem removal were stored at 20℃ for 12 days. Their quality and microbial safety parameters like their respiration rate, weight loss, soluble solids content (SSC), titratable acidity (TA), firmness, hue value, aerobic microflora, coliform, yeast and mold count, and decay were evaluated during their storage. The jujube-shaped cherry tomato fruits whose stems were removed lost less weight than the fruits whose stems were maintained during their 12 days of storage. The stem removal lowered the respiration more significantly than the stem maintenance, and the formation of novel tissues at the stem scar that resulted from the stem removal was observed morphologically. The SSC, TA and hue value of the skin color decreased after eight storage days, but showed no difference between the stem maintenance and removal. The stem had higher microbial counts like aerobic microflora, coliform, and yeast and mold counts. The stem maintenance showed a short shelf-life because molds grew on the attached stem after five storage days. The shelf-life of the jujube-shaped cherry tomato fruits whose stems were removed was about eight days, but that of the fruits whose stems were maintained and that were stored at 20℃ was only about six days.
        2012.12 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        본 연구는 고온에 안정적인 TSWV 저항성 유전자원을 선발하기 위해 수행되었다. 우선, 저항성 검정조건을 마련하고자 8점의 TSWV 저항성 육성계통을 두 가지 온도 조건(주간 25℃ ± 3.1℃, 35℃ ± 2.2℃)에서 검정을 실시하였다. 8점 중 두 계통(11VR35와11VR51)은 25℃에서 이병율이 모두 0.0%이었으나 35℃에서는 각각 100%, 80%의 이병율을 보였다. 아울러11VR32 11VR47 11VR53 11VR54 는 25℃에서 이병율이28.6%, 37.5%, 10.0%, 10.0%를 보여 중도저항성으로 평가되었으나 35℃에서는 이병율이 모두 100%로 나타났다. 이러한 결과는 고온(30℃ 이상)에서 저항성이 변화한다는 기존 보고와 유사한 결과를 확인할 수 있었다. 따라서 TSWV저항성 검정은 고온에서 실시하는 것이 안정적이라고 판단되었다. 이러한 조건으로 저항성검정을 실시한 결과 5점의 TSWV 저항성 유전자원을 선발하였다. 5점의 TSWV 저항성 유전자원은 2 C.annuum (11PM25, 11PM28), 3 C.chinense (11FL34, 11FL38, 11FL44)이다. 그러나 이들은 Tsw에 의한 과민반응(hypersensitivity response; HR)과 같은 증상은 없었다. 따라서 5점의 TSWV 저항성 유전자원은 TSWV 저항성 품종육성에 새로운 저항성 재료로 사용될 것으로 기대된다.
        2012.07 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Tsw, a single dominant resistant gene against Tomato spotted wilt virus (TSWV), has been mapped on chromosome 10 in Capsicum. Previously found molecular markers linked to the Tsw gene are not transferable for all pepper breeding materials. To develop segregating populations for the Tsw, commercial F1 cultivar C. annuum ‘Telmo’ was self-pollinated. An F2 population was obtained from the self-pollination of F1 plants deriving from a cross between C. annuum ‘Special’ and C. chinense ‘PI152225’. Twelve additional molecular markers linked to the Tsw gene were developed using tomato and pepper genome sequence database. A tomato scaffold sequence of 7841 kb in size covering the corresponding region of the Tsw locus was identified based on the sequence of Tsw-linked marker. Analyzing the tomato scaffold sequence, two sequences of pepper scaffold and contig at down and up site of the Tsw locus, respectively, were located. Three SNP markers linked to the Tsw locus (HRM1, HRM2, and HRM3) were developed using the pepper scaffold sequence of 419 kb in size. All three markers showed 2 recombinants (1.0 cM) out of 198 individuals of F2 ‘Telmo’ population. When analyzing these SNP markers in an F2 population deriving from C. annuum ‘Special’ and C. chinense ‘PI152225’, we detected 5 recombinants (0.76 cM) out of 659 individuals. HRM4, a SNP marker linked to the Tsw gene, was developed with a 99 kb pepper contig sequence. It showed 7 recombinants (3.5 cM) out of 198 individuals of F2 ‘Telmo’ population. We found 5 recombinants (0.76 cM) out of 659 individuals when HRM4 was analyzed in F2 population derived from C. annuum ‘Special’ and C. chinense ‘PI152225’. To narrow down the molecular markers linked to the Tsw locus, four SNP markers, HRM5, HRM6, HRM7, and HRM8, were developed with the pepper scaffold sequence. All of them showed 5 recombinants (0.76 cM) out of 659 individuals of F2 ‘SP’ population. Four other SNP markers, HRM9, HRM10, HRM11, and HRM12, were developed using the pepper contig sequence. HRM9 showed 5 recombinants (0.76 cM), HRM10 showed 4 recombinants (0.61 cM), and HRM11 and HRM12 showed 3 recombinants (0.46 cM) out of 659 individuals of F2 ‘SP’ population. The SNP markers developed in this study will be useful for fine mapping of the Tsw gene and for developing cultivars which carry TSWV-resistance gene.
        2011.12 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Powdery mildew and leaf mold were major diseases in organic cultured tomatoes. NaHC03 and KH2P04 were selected as control agents for controlling tomato powdery mildew. Control effect of the selected control agents was increased when they were tréated with oil-egg yolk mixtures (OEYO). Also four organic materials used commercially including copper hydroxide and sulfur showed high control effect more than 90% in green house. Also two organic matters, copper hydroxide and sulfur showed high control effect in farmer's field. When tomatoes were cultivated in plastic house installed wìth circulation fan, incidence of powdery mildew and leaf mold was reduced by 56% and 60%, respectively.
        2011.12 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Botrytis cinerea infects stems and leaves of greenhouse tomatoes and can cause serious economic losses. This study was conducted to develop environment-friendly control method against tomato gray mold. Antagonistic microorganisms (bacteria) were screened for control activity against Botrytis cinerea, both in vitro and in vivo, using stem sections. One hundred bacterial strains were isolated from the rhizospheric soil of various plants including tomato. These strains were screened for growth inhibition of Botrytis cinerea on agar plate by the dual culture and thirty strains showing strongly inhibitory effect against the pathogen were selected first. Among thirty strains, JB 5-12, JB 22-2, JB 22-3, U 4-8 and U46-6 reduced significantly disease incidence, when applied simultaneously with the pathogen. These results suggested that five antagonistic bacteria strains selected have the potential to control tomato gray mold in organic farming.