
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 718

        2007.06 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study was conducted to investigate the effects of oocyte maturational age and activation condition on in vitro development of porcine parthenogenetic embryos (parthenotes). Porcine follicular oocytes were matured in vitro for 30 to 44 hr. Maturation rate was examined during in vitro maturation (IVM) every 2 hr interval. The cdc2 kinase activity was measured at 36 and 44 hr of IVM. Some oocytes were activated at 36 or 44 hr of IVM by three different conditions; 1) single electric stimulation (1.5 kV/cm for 30 sec; ES), 2) double electric stimulations (1.5 kV/cm for 30 sec, followed by 1.0 kV/cm for 50 sec after 1 hr; ES+ES) or 3) ES+ES followed by culture in 6-dimethlyaminopurine (6-DMAP) for 4 hr (ES+ES+D), and cultured for 6~7 days. Maturation rate was significantly increased as culture period was increased to 36 hr (66.9%, p<0.05), and then gradually increased to 87.1% at 44 hr of IVM. The cdc2 kinase activity was decreased (p<0.05) with culture period prolonged from 36 hr to 44 hr. Lower blastocyst formation rate (4.3%, p<0.05) were obtained by ES in 36 hr-matured oocytes compared to other treatments (16.5 and 20.5%) in the same age and the same treatment in 44 hr-matured oocytes (15.0%). High blastocyst formation rate (23.6%) was obtained by ES+ES+D in 44 hr-matured oocytes (p<0.05). These results demonstrate that porcine oocyte activation and in vitro development of parthenotes can be affected by interactions between oocyte maturational age and activation condition.
        2007.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The purpose of this study was to measure the effects of attitude toward fish eating, Health involvement and convenience on the relationship between fish consumption and age. A total of 235 questionnaires were completed. Structural equation model was used to measure the causal relationships between constructs. Results of the study demonstrated that the structural equation analysis result for the data also indicated excellent model fit. The effects of age on involvement and convenience were statistically significant. The effects of age on attitude and consumption was not statistically significant. As expected, the involvement had a significant effect on attitude and consumption. The attitude and convenience had a significant effect on consumption. The effect of involvement on convenience was not statistically significant. Moreover, the attitude, involvement and convenience played a mediating role in the relationship between consumption and age. The involvement played a mediating role in the relationship between attitude and age. The involvement played no mediating role in the relationship between convenience and age. The attitude and convenience played no mediating role in the relationship between consumption and involvement.
        2007.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        As Yeats received the Nobel Prize in 1923, he was in the extremity of honor but he was feeling his weakening physical power. He gave up Maud Gonne and married George Hyde Ridge, a wise woman, to find a comfort at his home. His later poems are a record of his meditation and wisdom of life, and in those poems the image of Gyre is very important. He thought the progress of one civilization lasted for only 2,000 years and that is expressed through the image of the Gyre. The period of the early 20th century was a time of a kind of anarchy and a situation of desperation. He thought it was a turning point to a new terrible civilization. His poem "The Second Coming" is very meaningful in that view point and so is "Leda and Swan". Then his self consciousness of his old age and wisdom is well expressed in his "Tower" and Byzantium poems. But his self consciousness is not ended to a desperation but overcome to an immortal wisdom and art. In "Sailing to Byzantium" he sang the immortal art with a exquisite artisan spirit. And he particularly sang the world of soul and art in this poem. This is succeeded in "Byzantium". It is almost a song of spirit. As he grew old, Yeats concentrated his energy on the problem of spirit. As T. S. Eliot escaped to Hinduist meditation to overcome the limit of his early poems, Yeats made his particular view of history and civilization to enhance his poetry. If he had not opened his new poetic world in his later life, he could not have become that great poet we love so much.
        2007.03 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        누진굴절력렌즈를 이용한 노안교정이 시각과 관련된 삶의 질에 미치는 영향을 분석하기 위해, 수도권에 거주하는 45세 이상 노안자 70명을 대상으로 1개월 동안 누진굴절력렌즈로 조제된 안경을 착용시켰다. NEI-VFQ 설문지를 이용해 삶의 질을 분석하고, 실험 후 삶의 질 변화를 비교 분석하였다. 성별 삶의 질 차이는 없었고, 실험 후 두 집단 모두 유의하게 증가했다. 연령별 3개 집단의 차이는 없었고, 실험 후 40대가 가장 많은 영역에서 증가하였고 연령대가 높을수록 유의하게 증가된 항목이 줄었다. 사무직과 비사무직 사이에서 삶의 질은 차이가 없었고, 실험 후 두 집단 모두 유의하게 증가했다. 이상의 결과에서 누진굴절력렌즈에 의한 노안교정이 일반적 신체 건강과 관련된 삶의 질을 개선시키는 효과는 없으나, 정신적, 사회적, 시각적 및 기능적인 측면에서 삶의 질을 유의하게 개선시키는 것으로 사료된다.
        2007.03 KCI 등재후보 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Experiment on the thermal response of college-age Korean was conducted in a thermal environmental chamber during winter season. Eight environmental conditions composed of five air temperatures (18∼26℃) and two relative humidities (40, 60%) were selected. To investigate the uniformity of thermal environments, the spatial distributions and the temporal variations of thermal parameters were examined in the test chamber. Subjects of 7 females or 7 males were questioned in the chamber for three hours, where thermal and comfort sensations were surveyed every fifteen minutes. The repeatability and temporal variation of thermal response were discussed. The thermal sensation votes of subjects were compared with the predicted mean votes calculated from the thermal parameters and human parameters. The correlation between thermal sensation votes and comfort sensation votes of subjects were discussed.
        2007.02 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Christian Education and theological education in the secular age has to change their traditional framework. Theological Education which regards and addresses secularization as a negative phenomenon cannot properly serve the contemporary pluralistic society. The traditional understanding of both Christian Education and Theological Education is that they serve as the “light“ of world. The traditional position of theological education in the West is that education should serve as a light that brightens the dark world with the Christian spirit. Theology was considered the most superior discipline which lit the world from its ivory tower. There is the position of Christian and Theological Education as the “salt“ which purifies the secular things of the world as well as the secular aspects which have penetrated Christianity through the process of secularization. This is the position maintained by the school of fundamental Christian and Theological Education which is against secularization. The problem of this position is that, according to the dualistic world-view, the church is not willing to go into the world but attempts to purify the world and bring it into the church. Thus it does not complete the secularization of Jesus Christ who was incarnated to come and serve the world. As such, Christian Education and Theological Education has to play the role of “leaven“ in the world just as the Church has to be the leaven of the world. Education should be like leaven which spreads the Christian spirit and the Gospel by changing the world in the pluralistic fields of mission of the secular age. For this kind of education, Christian Education and Theological Education need to become concrete and practical to befit contemporary pluralism, and further to be changed into mission-oriented education. In this sense, I would like to propose the reform of Theological Education focusing on practical Biblical Theology, practical Church History, practical Systematic theology and missional Practical Theology.
        2006.12 KCI 등재 SCOPUS 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        2006.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study was performed by questionnaire to investigate current use of native local foods of adults in Gyeongju classified by age. The subjects were consisted of 421 citizens(217 males and 204 females) living in Gyeongju. The findings are summarized as follows: 'Institute' scored high as 30.6% in the main responsible body for the succession of local foods. The most emphasized points to popularize the local foods was to 'taste'(36.4%). a point to be considered to develop tourism product of the local foods was to 'development of recipes acceptable to the people of today'(24.6%). The recognition rate score of native local foods of Gyeonngju area was 'Hwangnamppang', 'Hanjeongsik', 'Ssambap', 'Haejangguk', 'Hoe(Gampo)', 'Memilmukmuchim', 'Gyodongbeopju', and 'Yugoa' in the order. On the other hand, the recognition rate score for 'Ssukgulrei', 'Borisudan', 'Dalraikkakdugi', 'Hwanggeumju', 'Baesuk', 'Gyeojachae', 'Gungjungjeongol' was very low. The preferred and intake native local foods of Gyeongju area was 'Hanjeongsik', 'Ssambap', 'Hoe(Gampo)', 'Haejangguk', 'memilmukmuchim' in that other. On the other hand, the preference for 'Ssukgulrei' 'Borisudan', 'Hwanggeumju', 'Baesuk' and 'Dalraikkakdugi' was very low.
        2006.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        본 조사에서는 안질환이 없는 남녀 130명(남자 63명, 여자 67 명)을 대상으로 누진 렌즈 처방이 가능한 40세 이상의 환자를 굴절이상도와 근용 가입도를 측정하여 연령 별 · 직업별 누진굴절력 렌즈 안경의 착용 적응도를 조사하였다. 조사대상자들의 굴절 상태 분포는 정시자 35 명 (26.9%) , 근시자 28명 (21.5%) , 원시자 33 명 (25.4%), 혼합난시 30명 (23.1%), 기 타 4 명 (3 .1%)으로 나타났으며 , 근용 가입 도의 분포를 보면 +1.00D 미 만이 4명 (3.1%), +1.00-+ 1.50D는 44병 (33.8%), +1.75-+2.25D가 42명 (32.3%), +2.50- +3.00D는 40 명 (30.8%) 으로 조사되 었다. 누진 렌즈를 처 방받은 환자들의 착용 적 응도 조사결과는 10 일 미 만이 32 명 (24.6%), 10-20 일 미만이 52 명 (40.0%) , 20-30 일 미만이 23 명(17.7%) , 30-40 일 미만이 15명 (11.5%) 그리 고 적 응실 패 는 8명 (6.2%)으로 나타났다. 직 업 별 착용 적 응도는 20 일 미 만까지 목사 100.0%, 교육직 78.6%, 예술가 85.7%, 사무직 64.6%, 주부 48.5%로 조사 되었으며 적응실패자도 6.2%로 나타났다
        2006.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        There was a significant difference in Japanese"s consciousness among region, age, and job. Although traditional and conservation trend is strong in Tohoku and Kyushyu, people in metropolital areas tend to stick to old customs rather than those in non-metropolis. The difference of consciousness between suburban and rural areas is getting weaker. Depending on the character of research, however, the difference in consciousness was shown between Kanto and Kansai. People in big cities exhibit different consciousness, and people in Kyushyu show entirely different consciousness even in the same area like Kagoshima. There was a significant difference in consciousness regarding morals, politics and tradition. In particular, there was a conspicuous difference in awareness among people who have different jobs. People in agriculture and fishery showed strong conservatism while peolpe in technique and business showed openness. If this research findings show the difference of consciousness in region, age, and occupation, it might provide a model of stereotype. The purpose of this study, however, is to help Koreans to reconsider the stereotype of Japan, It is hoped that this research help people to be aware of a variety of Japanese.
        2006.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study investigates elementary school parents’ perception concerning the starting age for early English education. Four hundred and eighty-four parents located in Seoul and Kyonggi province areas participated in this study. The questionnaire for exploring parents’ perception was used and the major findings revealed that: (1) the children who started to learn English before the official school year tend to learn English from native speakers of English; (2) about 90.9 percent of children learned English before the third grade of elementary school; (3) most parents reported that the proper starting age for learning English is 5 or 6 years although they perceived that it was not an important factor in enhancing their children’s English proficiency. These results indicate that the current status of early English education should be restructured to meet the parents’ perception and needs. Major implications will then be discussed.
        2006.09 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study is basic experiment for estimating influence of strength by curing temperature of concrete's heat of hydration and estimate relationship of compressivε strength development by initial curing temperature factor, and then asume temperature factor which influence compressive strength development and for showing basic document of quality control. According to the result of cement mortar by the curing temperature factor high-curing temperature shows high strength on 3 day compare with low curing-temperature, shows higher strength than the piece of high curing temperature.
        2006.04 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        송악산과 사람 발자국 화석지 주변에서 측정된 절대 연대 측정 결과와 야외 지질 조사를 근거로 할 때, 하모리-송악산 지역의 층서는 하부로부터 광해악 현무암, 명명되지 않은 퇴적층, 송악산 응회암, 하모리층 및 사구층으로 구성되어 있으며, 발자국 화석이 산출되는 사계리 지역은 하부로부터 광해악 현무암, 사람 발자국 화석 산출 지층 그리고 사구층으로 구성되어 있다. 하모리층은 송악산 응회암이 형성된 후 퇴적된 지층이라는 규정과 절대 연령 측정 결과 및 현지에서 조사된 바에 의하면, 사람 발자국 화석이 산출되는 지층은 하모리-송악산 지역의 송악산 응회암층 상부에 놓이는 하모리층이 아니라 하부에 분포하는 명명되지 않은 퇴적층과 대비된다. 따라서 사람 발자국 화석의 형성 시기는 14C 측정 결과인 약 15,000년 전으로 해석하는 것이 합리적으로 생각된다.