
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 999

        2011.06 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        To investigation the type of riparian vegetation and distribution, I studied the three streams, which is located in central district of Korea (Anyang Stream, Gap Stream, Seom River) from March of 2007 to December of 2008. Five different vegetation types were classified exception naked and openwater region. Natural forest type includes forest vegetation like as Quercus acutissima community and riparian woodland like as Salix koreensis community. Long and wet type of grassland consists of Phragmites australis community and so on. Robinia pseudoacacia plantation was representative of Woodland afforestation type. Short and dry type of grassland includes Elymus annuus and Humulus japonicus community. Cultivation land type. On the natural streamside was mainly made of natural riparian vegetation type, but in the artificial streamside consists of short and dry type of grassland. Riparian vegetation correlated with revetment structure, stream terrace, and microtopographical diversity. It showed that the vegetation type was divided clearly in the natural or artificial streamside.
        2011.05 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Single basidiospores were isolated from a Pleurotus ostreatus strain collected in Boryeong, Korea showing gray and semispherical in color and shape of pileus. Mycelial growth and several other characters were good to be a breeding material. Mating experiments were performed using 23 monokaryons to provide mating compatibility data. Pairings were performed in 90 mm petri dishes on PDA. They were allowed to grow at 25℃ until two fronts of the advancing mycelia met and developed a conspicuous contact zone. The contact zone and the outer edges of paired colonies on each plate were examined for clamp connections and the crosses were considered positive when clamp connections were found at the growing margin of either side of the interacting monokaryons. The collected strain resulted in tetrapolar incompatibility system in intrastrain crosses. Compatible matings could be visibly distinguished from incompatible ones by the rapid growth and gross morphology. The dikaryotic colony was also confirmed microscopically by the presence of clamp connections from incompatible pairings. The four classes of tester strains representing the four incompatibility types were chosen from intrastrain mating tests as expected. The mating tests with the tester strain were performed for the determination of the rest monokaryons. As a result of these tests it was found that the strain share the same A and B incompatibility factors showing tetrapolar incompatibility system.
        2011.05 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        We have surveyed monthly diversity and seasonal prevalence of Macrolepidoptera in Wol-ak-san [Mt.] for the period of four months from May to August in 2010. Although it is not a part of KLTER/ME and KLPS study in Wol-ak-san conducted in recent few years, this year's data may be comparable with the previous ones as the collection sites and dates are very similar. The three representative vegetations are Quercus mongolica-, Quercus variabilis- and Pinus densiflora-formations, abbreviated as QM, QV and PD, respectively, and we collected exclusively larger moths with bucket-type of light traps for quantified survey. In 2010, as a result, QV showed higher species diversity and specimen number than QM or PD although the differences between QV and QM are very subtle. The result is very similar to the result in 2009. The only difference in 2010 over 2009 is that the number of species, not specimens, has been increased 1.5 times, and this may be caused by the inclusion of July records, which has been usually deleted due to heavy rainy season causing poor collection records. The number of species in Noctuidae was the highest in 2010, about twice more than that in 2009, but the dominant species in 2010 were either Pyralidae (Nacoleia commixta or Bradina geminalis) or Geometridae (Arichanna melanaria). We are still experiencing decline of specimen numbers: 567 specimens collected in 2010 while 651 in 2009 and 874 in 2008, which was already a huge reduction compared to over 2500 specimens in 2007.
        2011.03 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        A new and improved analytical method involving alkaline pyridine extraction was proposed to quantity chlorophyll contents in syrup and candy type chlorella products. The performance of analytical method was compared with the conventional Korea food standard method which involves acetone extraction. The application of sonication chlorophyll extraction form alkaline pyridine sample was also explored. The analytical procedure was validated by evaluating accuracy, precision and reproducibility. For liquid samples, the pyridine extraction method showed higher accuracy and precision compared to acetone extraction method. The CV values of pyridine extract method and the acetone extraction method were 18.82 and 40.0, and the accuracy to theoretical values were 106.3%and 78.1%, respectively. When sonication extraction method was applied to the pyridine extraction, the precision was improved as indicated by reduced CV values from 18.82 to 11.36. The improved performance of pyridine-sonication extraction was also validated by recovery test of chlorophyll that was previously spiked into the sample matrix. For solid matrix, the pyridine extraction method showed better performance in analysis of chlorophyll in solid food matrix (CV = 7.05) compared to conventional acetone extraction method (CV = 30.0). However, the accuracy to theoretical values of pyridine and acetone extraction methods only showed only 62.7% an 40%, respectively. The relatively low accuracy of pyridine extraction method (62.7%) was improved to 99.4% by applying additional sonication extraction method. The improved performance of applying additional sonication extraction was validated by standard deviation,CV values and accuracy to theoretical values.
        2011.03 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        본 연구는 연안지역정부의 연안관리지역계획 재수립 및 지역연안관리 효율성 향상에 기여하기 위하여, 우리나라 지역연안유형 특성별로 적합한 연안관리정책도구의 조합방안을 모색 개발하여 제안하였다. 최근 2010년 연안관리법의 개정으로 '연안해역 용도별 기능구별 지정관리제'가 도입된 것을 시대적 배경으로 하여, 약 40여 년간 지역연안관리행정의 역사를 가진 미국의 선진 지역연안관리 정책도구들을 우리나라 연안해역 용도기능구에 적용하는 방안을 체계적으로 검토한 결과, 특히 선진 연안관리도구의 활용성이 높은 용도기능구는 이용연안해역용도의 레저관광구, 특수연안해역용도의 재해관리구와 해양환경복원구, 보전연안해역용도의 경관보호구인 것으로 나타났다. 본 연구에서 제시된 지역연안관리 개선방안은 향후 우리나라 지역연안관리 발전을 위한 기초적 탐색적 연구로서 기여할 것이다.
        2011.02 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study examined the types and cooking methods for dasik (traditional pressed sweet), as recorded in 16 old Joseon dynasty (1392-1909) studies. The ingredients used in dasik during the Joseon dynasty were categorized into cereal powders, tree fruits, flower powders, root clods, dry-fish beef powders, and vegetables. In the early, middle, and late eras of the Joseon dynasty, 1st set (two, five, and 70 kinds of dasik), 2nd set (two, four, and 16 kinds of dasik) were prepared using cereal powders, and during the middle and late eras of the Joseon dynasty one and 22 kinds of dasik were prepared using tree fruits. During the late eras of the Joseon dynasty, seven kinds of dasik were prepared using flower powders, 11 kinds of dasik were prepared using root clods, 12 kinds of dasik were prepared using dry-fish beef powders, and two kinds of dasik were prepared using vegetables. The frequency of the ingredients were in the order of Huek-im (黑荏), Hwang-yul (黃栗), Jin-mal (眞末), Song-wha (松花), and Nok-mal (菉末) during the Joseon dynasty. To prepare dasik, the ingredients were mixed with honey, soy sauce, sesame oil, pepper, and water or ground and shredded to prepare for pressing and for abstract dasik, respectively. The appearance and taste of dasik varied, thereby resulting in nutrient supplementation, as the types of ingredients increased throughout the Joseon dynasty. This observation may be associated with the commercial industrial development that prevailed during the late Joseon dynasty. Further investigation will be conducted on the recipes and ingredients recorded in these old studies to develop a standardized recipe for the globalization of dasik.
        2010.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        The mating-type genes control formation of the dikaryon from two haploid strains. These genes are now used in mating-type-assisted breeding programs for economically important mushrooms, especially the oyster mushroom, Pleurotus ostreatus, aiming at high-yield and high-quality standard mushroom production. However, it improves the breeding program when the breeder is able to quickly identify compatible strains in a given set of progeny. The two mating factors with their mating-type loci are used as markers for breeding and have been incorporated in a chromosome mapping investigation. The linkage maps include not only genetic markers such as the mating types that can be cored, but also molecular markers such as PCR-assisted approaches, e.g. RAPD analyses, or RFLP markers. Once mating-type genes within progeny may be more easily identified by the use of PCR-directed cloning of partial mating-type genes. We analyzed homeodomain (HD1 and HD2) and pheromone receptor(rcb1, 2 and 3) genes as molecular markers for breeding using mating type A and B of Pleurotus eryngii and Pleurotus ferulae by direct PCR.
        2010.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The purpose of this study was to survey public preferences for dining space image styles depending on the types of passage rites in Korea and to determine potential differences in public preferences for dining space image styles depending on the types of passage rites in terms of various general characteristics such as gender, age, family type, and preference for the image and color styles of the dining space. As a result, this study determined the following: According to a public preference survey of dining space image styles depending on the type of passage rites, our respondents showed the highest preference for casual images (27.1%) at a party for a 100-day-old baby. Additionally, our respondents showed the highest preference for casual images (27.4%) when celebrating a baby's first birthday but showed the highest preference for romantic images (35.8%) when celebrating a baby girl's first birthday. Our respondents showed the highest preference for casual images (21.4%) for graduation ceremonies. Our respondents showed the highest preference for classic images (21.7%) at coming-of-age ceremonies for new adult men, but also showed highest preference for elegant images (26.2%) at coming-of-age ceremonies for new adult women. Moreover, the respondents showed highest preference for classic images (41.0%) at traditional wedding ceremonies but elegant images (24.1%) at modern wedding ceremonies. In contrast, the respondents showed highest preference for classic images (31.3%) for a 60th birthday party. The highest preference for classic images (28.9%) was found for a diamond wedding ceremony. Respondents showed highest preference for classic images (30.4%) for a funeral ceremony Finally, our respondents showed highest preference for classic images (32.5%) at memorial services (religious ceremonies).
        2010.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Several species of the genus Aphidius are used in biological control programs against aphid pests throughout the world and their behavior and physiology are well studied. While the importance of sensory organs in their behavior is understood, their antennal structure remains largely unknown. In this study, the external morphology and distribution of the antennal sensilla on the antennal of both female and male adults of A. colemani were described using scanning electron microscopy (SEM). Generally, the filiform antennae of males (1,515.2±116.5 ㎛) are longer than females (1,275.1±103.4 ㎛). Antennae of this species are made up of radicle, scape, pedicel and flagellomeres. Male and female antennae differed in the total number of flagellomeres as 15 in males and 13 in females. The result of SEM observation was characterization and grouping of seven types of receptors into morphological classes: Bohm bristles, Sensilla placodea, 2 types of S. coeloconica and S. trichodea, and S. basiconica as with a tip pore and with wall pores. In addition, the possible functions of the above sensilla types are discussed in light of previously published literature, mechanoreception (Bohm bristles, S. coeloconica Ⅰ & Ⅱ and S. trichodea) and chemoreception (S. placodea, S. basiconica type Ⅰ & Ⅱ).
        2010.12 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The purpose of this study was to examine and analyze how two different groups of students who took P.E. lessons from P.E. teachers and sports instructors respectively during a semester perceived the objectives, contents, learning․teaching method, evaluati
        2010.12 KCI 등재후보 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The purpose of this study is to estimate concentration and emission unit of ammonia and hydrogen sulfide released from domestic chicken buildings by field investigation. Mean concentrations of ammonia and hydrogen sulfide emitted from chicken buildings were 18.25(±4.78)ppm and 807.53(±526.17)ppb for caged layer house, 14.48(±4.13)ppm and 644.82(±312.48)ppb for broiler house, and 6.16(±2.02)ppm and 284.75(±232.08)ppb for layer house with manure belt, respectively. Mean emission coefficients of ammonia and hydrogen sulfide were 0.951(±0.131) g hen-1h-1 and 2.956(±0.968) mg hen-1h-1 based on head whereas they were 0.575(±0.082) g m-2h-1 and 12.44(±3.536) mg m-2h-1 based on time. In conclusion indoor concentration and emission coefficient of ammonia and hydrogen sulfide were highest in caged layer housed, followed by broiler house and layer house with manure belt.
        2010.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        울릉도 나리분지 주변의 지속가능한 관리를 위한 기초정보를 제공하기 위하여 입지유형별 (사면, 지 형, 임분) 토양특성을 분석하였다. 사면별 토양분석 결과, 토양 pH와 유효인산 함량은 북사면이 다른 조 사지에 비해 유의적으로 낮게 나타났으며 전질소 함량은 나리분지가 가장 낮았다. 지형별 분석 결과, 토 양 pH는 산정의 5.13에서 나리분지의 5.59, 전질소 함량은 평지인 나리분지의 0.63%에서 산복의 0.87% 의 범위에 있는 것으로 나타났다. 임분별 토양특성 중 토양 pH, 전질소 및 유효인산 함량은 전조사지에 서 유의적인 차이가 나타나 식생의 영향을 직접적으로 받는다는 것을 알 수 있었다. 특히, 유효인산 함 량은 사면별로는 2.79-8.46 ppm, 지형별로는 3.99-8.46 ppm, 임분별로는 5.03-11.59 ppm으로 나타 나 일반 산림토양과 비교하면 아주 낮은 것으로 분석되었다.
        2010.11 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        2007년 개정 한문과 교육과정은 7차 교육과정에 비하여 내용체계에 있어서 큰 변화가 있었다. 이 때문에 새롭게 추가된 내용 영역의 학습 요소에 해당하는 목표 를 세부적으로 진술하고 이 영역에 맞는 평가 문항의 다양한 개발이 필요하다. 한문과 평가문항에서 목표를 이원적으로 분류하는 근거는 무엇인가? 새로운 교 육과정에서 새롭게 추가된 내용을 평가문항에 어떻게 반영하고 문항화할 것인가? 이 두 가지 논의를 기초로 각 요소별 실제 문항의 유형을 정리하고자 하였다. 연구자는 평가 문항을 제작하기 이전에 교육과정의 내용 영역과 Bloom이 제시 한 인지적 영역의 단계별 행동 영역, 다양한 문항 형식을 잘 조화하는 것이 새로 운 학습 요소에 적절한 문항 유형을 만드는 이론적인 기초라고 판단하였다. 즉, 새롭게 제시된 학습 요소를 Bloom이 제시한 지식, 이해, 적용, 분석, 종합, 평가의 각 단계로 목표를 세분화하고 이에 해당하는 문항을 기존에 개발된 문항과 자체 개발한 문항으로 예시하였다. 이를 통해 새로운 학습 요소에 어울리는 평가 문항 을 유형별로 정리하여 평가의 전문성을 향상시키고자 하였다.
        2010.10 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        본 연구의 목적은 중등과학수업에서 나타나는 담화양상과 의미형성 전략을 분석하는 것이다. 연구 참여 교사는 서울의 한 중학교에서 과학을 가르치고 있었으며, 연구에 자발적으로 참여하였다. 연구진은 참여교사의 수업을 관찰하고 비디오 녹화하였고 전사하였다. 자료는 두 단계로 분석되었다. 첫 단계에서는 담화 양상을 범주화하였다. 두 번째 단계에서는 미시적 수준에서 의미형성 전략을 확인하였다. 연구 결과로서, 초임교사의 '빛의 경로와 성질' 단원의 과학 수업담화에서 나타난 담화양상과 의미형성 전략에 관하여 5개의 에피소드가 제시되었다. 연구결과를 토대로, 결론 및 후속연구와 교사전문성 발달에 관한 시사점이 탐색되었다.
        2010.10 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This article examines the types and cooking methods for tteok (Korean rice cake) according to its sub-ingredients, as recorded in 18 old literatures of the Joseon dynasty (1392~1909). The sub-ingredients used in tteok during the Joseon dynasty were categorized into flowers, fruits, vegetables, Korean typical medicinal plants, and others. In the early, middle, and late eras of the Joseon dynasty, one, six, and 14 kinds of tteok were prepared using flowers as the sub-ingredient and two, seven, and 32 kinds of tteok were prepared using fruits, respectively. Three, seven, and 38 kinds of Tteok were prepared using vegetables as the sub-ingredient, while there were three, five and 15 kinds tteok prepared using Korean medicinal plants, respectively. One, five, and 13 kinds of tteok were prepared using other ingredients such as fish and seogi mushrooms in the early, middle, and late eras of the Joseon dynasty, respectively. The types of sub-ingredients and the resulting types of tteok increased throughout the Joseon dynasty, indicating that flowers and vegetables were preferred the most among tteok sub-ingredients. Tteoks using flower as the sub-ingredient, whajeon, were mostly jijin-tteok. The types of tteok and cooking methods using other sub-ingredients were discussed in terms of the type of sub-ingredients and their treatment to prepare tteok. The sub-ingredients were mixed with flour, which was the main ingredient for preparing tteok, or ground and shredded to prepare gomul for decorating and stuffing tteok, respectively. It seemed that the appearance and taste of tteok varied, thereby resulting in nutrient supplementation as the kinds of sub-ingredients increased throughout the Joseon dynasty. We expect that the recipes and ingredients as well as the cooking methods recorded in these old articles will contribute to those looking for a healthy life and, furthermore, to the globalization of tteok.