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        검색결과 343

        2022.02 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Background: The gastrocnemius tightness can easily occur. Gastrocnemius tightness results in gait disturbance. Thus, various interventions have been used to release a tight gastrocnemius muscle and improve gait performance. Moreover, focal muscle vibration (FMV) has recently been extensively researched in terms of tight muscle release and muscle performance. However, no study has investigated the effects of FMV application on medial gastrocnemius architectural changes. Objects: In this study, we aimed to investigate the effects of FMV on medial gastrocnemius architecture in persons with limited ankle dorsiflexion. Methods: Thirty one persons with <10° of passive ankle dorsiflexion participated in this study. We excluded persons with acute ankle injury within six months prior to study onset, a history of ankle fracture, leg length discrepancy greater than 2 cm, no history of neurological dysfunction, or trauma affecting the lower limb. The specifications of the FMV motor were as follows: a fixed frequency (fast wave: 150 Hz) and low amplitude (0.3–0.5 mm peak to peak) of vibration; the motor was used to release the medial gastrocnemius for 15 minutes. Each participant completed three trials for 10 days; a 30-second rest period was provided between each trial. Medial gastrocnemius architectural parameters [muscle thickness (MT), fiber bundle length (FBL), and pennation angle (PA)] were measured via ultrasonography. Results: MT significantly decreased after FMV application (p < 0.05). FBL significantly increased from its baseline value after FMV application (p < 0.05). PA significantly decreased from its baseline value after FMV application (p < 0.05). Conclusion: FMV application may be advantageous in reducing medial gastrocnemius excitability following a decrease in the amount of contractile tissue. Furthermore, FMV application can be used as a stretching method to alter medial gastrocnemius architecture.
        2022.02 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Architecture had played a significant role model in philosophy because the construction of building represented doing philosophy. ‘Architecture as metaphor’ made it possible that doing philosophy was a kind of construction of thinking and western philosopher considered himself as an architect of idea. As a system of system, architectural analogy gave philosophy a chance to insist himself as a theory of theory. So architecture had always been a privileged model of discourse system and also a fundamental metaphor in philosophy. Because of its original meaning, Architecture as techne could be considered as poiesis, that was the special building(making) in western culture. The archi(arche) - structure(techne) was a ideal model and mechanism of philosophy because with this analogy doing philosophy became a kind of building act to make a logical system of idea. This kind of tradition in philosophy, especially metaphysics, made the characteristics of western philosophy ‘architectonic’ that implied the meaning of the rational, stable, hierarchical and holistic. But this kind of tradition exposed the problem of philosophy that focused on Identity and excluded the others. The logocentrism of western philosophy was also the limitation of architectonic thinking and its reductionism became a grand monologue which only allowed systematic, rational discourse. Its ideological position Inevitably caused the anti-architectural thinking in modern age as a diverse form of new trend of thinking as like postmodernism or deconstruction. Even Deconstructivism, or ‘informe’, non-representation in architecture depends upon anti-architectural thinking. Relationship between architecture as metaphor and the building of philosophy is problematique issue.
        2021.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study was described with a focus on the maintenance and management of Local Confucian School(Hyanggyo) architecture, centering around cases investigated through official documents written in the 1910s. In 1910, by the Japanese imperial rule, the regulations on Local Confucian School(Hyanggyo) property were enacted, and the income was paid solely to elementary school education expenses and ancestral rites. Through this process, many Local Confucian School(Hyanggyo) buildings were destroyed while only the space for ritual sacrifices remained by the Japanese colonial rule. In particular, as the land, which was the basis of Local Confucian School's property, was sold for various reasons, the finances gradually deteriorated. In addition, as the architectural acts that Local Confucian School preserves itself are restricted, it loses its original character. This study was of great significance that identified the intention to dispose of Local Confucian School(Hyanggyo) property by Japanese imperialism in the 1910s and clarified the purpose of its disposal.
        2020.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The domestic of modern architectural remodeling method emphasizes simple aesthetic elements, and the correct design and construction methods are not established based on quantitative grounds, thus damaging the value of cultural properties. This study attempts to re-examine the value of modern buildings recognized as old buildings. It is a basic step to present the correct remodeling of the building. The design criteria for exterior wall remodeling of modern buildings were presented. These research results are suitable for energy conservation design standards and can prevent defects in buildings. In the future, more accurate analysis will be required by securing physical property values for various domestic materials through subsequent research.
        2020.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        In a series of recent launch tests, North Korea has been improving the firepower of its missiles that can target South Korea. North Korea’s missiles and submarines are capable of threatening targets in South Korea and are likely faster and more covert than the systems previously seen in North Korea. The advanced threats require that ROK Navy should not only detect them earlier than ever but also response quicker than ever. In addition to increasing threats, the number of young man that can be enlisted for military service has been dramatically decreasing. To deal with these difficulty, ROK navy has been making various efforts to acquire a SMART warship having enhanced defense capability with fewer human resources. For quick response time with fewer operators, ROK Navy should improve the efficiency of systems and control tower mounted on the ship by promoting the Ship System Integration. Total Ship Computing Environment (TSCE) is a method of providing single computing environment for all ship systems. Though several years have passed since the first proposal of TSCE, limited information has been provided and domestic research on the TSCE is still in its infancy. In this paper, we apply TSCE with open architecture (OA) to solve the problems that ROK Navy is facing in order to meet the requirements for the SMART ship. We first review the level of Ship System Integration of both domestic and foreign ships. Then, based on analyses of integration demands for SMART warship, we apply real time OA to design architecture for TSCE from functional view and physical view. Simulation result shows that the proposed architecture has faster response time than the response time of the existing architecture and satisfies its design requirements.
        2020.08 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The purpose of this study is to reveal the development process of modern repair systems in the Korean peninsula. Sasungjeon, one of the main buildings of Jangansa temple located in Geumgangsan, was repaired from 1941 to 1944. It was the very last restoration work of historic wooden architecture performed during the Japanese colonial era. This work was delayed multiple times because of insufficient materials and human resources. The Bureau of Education(學務局), which was in charge of repair work, understood that the problems of the repair system and suggested reorganizing the system as a solution. This study examined the repair work of Sasungjeon as a background of the bureau’s suggestion and considered this suggestion as an attempt to transform the repair system.
        2020.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        본 연구는 건축가 왕슈의 수안산거(水岸山居) 작품에서 나타나는 그의 외부공간의 디자인 철학을 알아보고 설계과정에서 나타나는 시점, 동선, 재료 등의 요소와 연계된 외부공간을 분석하여 왕슈 건축에서 보여지는 공간의 특징을 살펴보는 것이 목적이다. 연구 방법으로 먼저 왕슈의 건축배경 및 원리에 대한 이론을 고찰하여 그의 건축 이론과 작품에 나타난 건축공간의 특징, 동선, 외부공간을 주요 연구내용으로 한다. 분석은 왕슈의 수안산거 건축 작품을 대상으로, 그의 작품집, 수필집, 인터뷰 등을 분석하는 방법으로 연구를 할 것이다. 서론에서 연구의 배경, 목적, 범위, 방법을 제시하고 그의 작품, 건축설계과정, 주요 디자인 어휘를 근거로 분석의 틀을 제시하여, 이 틀을 기준으로 수안산거 건축에 구현된 외부공간의 시점, 동선, 재료 등의 3가지 측면으로 분석·정리한다. 왕슈의 건축에는 3가지 특성이 나타나는데, 첫째, 시점에 의한 외부 공간의 표현으로 이용객의 이동 방향에 따라 다양한 풍경이 펼쳐지는데, 단일시점이 아닌 3개의 다양한 관점(앙시, 심원, 평원)으로 외부공간을 구성하였다. 둘째, 외부공간의 다양한 동선은 이용자의 다양한 시각변화와 공간적 경험을 유도한다. 셋째, 외부공간의 재료구성은 전통을 근거로 아이디어를 추출하여 현대건축 재료와의 조화를 통한 대응 방법을 찾아 문제점을 해결하였다. 중국 건축계의 대표적인 왕슈는 수안산거에 구현된 외부공간을 통하여 본인의 건축디자인과 조경 및 도시를 결합하여 시대적인 가치와 지침을 보여주고 있다.
        2020.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        It can be meaningful that this study attempted to analyze the use cases and forms based on the literature on the painting walls of the Joseon Dynasty, and attempted basic research to prevent disaster damage using traditional elements. This study summarizes the use of the Hwabangbyeok wall of J oseon Dynasty as follows. First, Hwabangbyeok wall was used from the early J oseon Dynasty and was adopted by palaces and other major state facilities to cope with fire and theft. Second, the Hwabangbyeok Wall was also referred to as the wall below the lower part of the wall, and was constructed with the purpose of preventing disasters from outside. Third, in an analysis of the Daeseongjeon shrine of Hyanggyo, many construction cases were identified mainly in the Gyeonggi area, which is assumed to be based on production and construction conditions along with local climatic factors. Fourth, it can be said that the Hwabangbyeok wall was basically adopted to prevent comprehensive disaster risk reduction in case of external intrusion and fire.
        2020.05 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Background: The gastrocnemius (GCM) is one of the lower extremity muscles that tend to tighten easily. GCM tightness results in limited ankle dorsi-flexion (DF), especially when the knee joint is fully extended. Joint flexibility is determined by the morphological and physiological characteristics of joints, muscles, tendons, and ligaments. Impaired joint flexibility can be attributed to increased susceptibility to muscle injury. High-frequency diathermy is clinically used to reduce pain and muscle tightness and to improve limited range of motion. Objects: This study aimed to investigate the immediate effects of high-frequency therapy in subjects with GCM tightness. Methods: The study was designed as a one-group before–after trial. The subjects included 28 volunteers with GCM tightness (an active ankle DF angle of less than 12°) without any known neurological and musculoskeletal pathologies in the ankle and calf areas. WINBACK Transfer Electrode Capacitive and Resistive Therapy equipment was used to apply high-frequency therapy to the subjects’ GCMs for 10–15 minutes. The pennation angle and the fascicle length of the GCM were measured using ultrasonography. The flexibility of the ankle joint, peak torque to the passive ankle DF (Biodex), and soft tissue stiffness (MyotonPRO) were also measured. Results: The pennation angle was significantly decreased following the treatment; however, no significant difference in the fascicle length was found (p < 0.05). The flexibility was significantly increased and both the passive peak torque to passive ankle DF and the soft tissue stiffness significantly decreased (p < 0.05). Conclusion: High-frequency therapy is immediately effective for improving the muscle’s architectural properties and functional factors in subjects with GCM tightness. Further longitudinal clinical studies are required to investigate the long-term effects of high-frequency therapy on subjects with GCM tightness from various causes.
        2020.03 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        2018년 여름의 폭염은 기상관측을 시작(1907년 10월 1일)한 이래 111년 만에 가장 높은 기온을 기록하였는데, 서울은 39.6℃를 기록(2018년 8월 1일)하여 종전의 기록인 38.4℃(1994년 7월 24일)를 뛰어넘었다. 열섬현상으로 인해 도시의 온도가 상승하고 하절기 열쾌적성이 저하됨에 따라 하절기 열환경 개선에 대한 연구가 지속적으로 진행되고 있다. 본 연구의 목적은 조경공 사 전·후의 온도저감 및 외부공간 이용자가 느끼는 열환경 개선에 대하여 정량적으로 검증하여 설계 및 시공단계에서 활용할 수 있는 기초적 자료를 제공하고자 하였다. 연구결과는 다음 과 같다. 미기후 실측에 의한 측점별 조경공사 전·후의 온도저감을 비교 분석한 결과, 오전 10 시 조경공사 전 평균온도는 34.5℃이며, 조경공사 후 평균온도는 32.5℃로 2.0℃온도저감 효과가 있는 것으로 분석되었으며, 오후 2시 조경공사 전 평균온도는 37.5℃이며, 조경공사 후 평균 온도는 35.9℃로 1.6℃ 온도저감 효과가 있는 것으로 분석되었다. 오후 5시 조경공사 전 평균온 도는 33.8℃이며, 조경공사 후 평균온도는 31.2℃로 2.6℃ 온도저감 효과가 있는 것으로 분석되었다. 연구결과의 활용방안으로 정량적인 연구방법과 결과는 디자이너의 직관적인 조경설계에 객관성을 부여하는 기초자료로서 활용이 가능할 것이다.
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