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        검색결과 208

        2016.06 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Main cause of accidents is just not always bad luck. Literature on safety has emphasised on the facts that accident finally leads to unfortunate consequence. The first step of risk assessment is to identify the hazards that are present. The Routine Ship Towage, also called harbour towage, is potentially a hazardous operation. The main objective of this research is to identify and quantify the important factors impacting on the safety of routine ship towage operations in Indian coast. In doing so, initially, the existing literature on factors influencing safety of harbour towage operation was analysed to design questionnaire. Rest necessary data was collected through questionnaires. Finally, the factor analysis (Principal Component analysis) was applied to find grouped dimensions from identified hazard variables from literature and subsequently the critical analysis of incident type frequency, cause and consequences to get a clear picture of critical safety risk factors. As a result, the research found 20 criteria in 6 dimensions safety risk factors such as Crew Incompetency, Rough Weather, Poor Work Process, Suitability of Tug Type, Poor Safety Management System, and Poor Navigational Risk Assessment.
        2016.03 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        차량이 운행하는 육상의 도로와 마찬가지로 해상에도 선박의 안전항행을 위 한 여러가지 형태의 항로가 존재한다. 선박의 항행은 특별한 사정이 없는 한 목적지까지 최단거리로 항해해야 하는 원칙하에 수심과 지형 및 통항량을 감안 하여 최적의 항로가 결정된다. 대부분의 연안국들은 자국 연안수역에서의 해상 교통을 원활하게 하고 선박의 안전한 항행을 도모하기 위하여 다양한 형태의 항로를 지정하여 운영하고 있다. 예컨대, 통항분리방식, 교통안전특정해역의 지정, 유조선통항금지해역 및 추천항로의 고시 등이다. 특히, 한국과 일본에서는 추천항로의 형태로 권고적 성격의 항로를 지방청장 이 고시하여 운영하고 있다. 추천항로의 법적근거는 국제협약상 미약하지만 국 내법적으로도 법령의 형태가 아닌 지방청장의 고시로 지정하여 운영하고 있다. 이로 인해 법적지위와 그 성격에 있어 강행력이 부족하고 일반 항해자들의 준 수의무도 미약하다. 이 논문에서는 현행 국내연안 추천항로의 현황과 추천항로지정 제도상의 문 제점 및 법적 지위 등을 호미곶 추천항로를 중심으로 고찰하고, 타 지역의 추 천항로와 비교·분석하여 제도개선을 위한 법제정비 방안을 제시하였다.
        2015.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The diet composition of juvenile Trachurus japonicus were studied using 195 specimens collected from 2013 (May, June, July, and September) to 2014 (May, June, and July) in the coastal waters of Geumodo, Yeosu, Korea. The size of juvenile T. japonicus ranged from 4.3 to 15.2 cm in body length (BL). Juvenile T. japonicus was carnivorous and crustaceans predators that consumes mainly consumed copepods. Its diet also included small quantities of decapods, cirripedians, nematods, chaetognathans, fishes, amphipods, cumaceans, ostracods and euphausiids. The graphical method for feeding strategy revealed that juvenile T. japonicus is an opportunistic and specialized predator on copepods, especially Corycaeus. affinis, and showed narrow niche width. Juvenile T. japonicus showed ontogenetic diet change. Small size group individuals (4.3–8.0 cm BL) mainly consumed copepods. The portion of this prey item decreased in the large size group (8.0–15.2 cm BL), and this decrease was paralleled with increased consumption of decapods.
        2015.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The study aims at analyzing a species composition of the fish live in bottom of the coastal waters off Sejon island, Korea. To reach the goal of the study, a species composition and it's seasonally fluctuation, a seasonally fluctuation of the dominant species and it's appearance type were analyzed with the fishes caught by the bottom trawl in the coastal waters off Sejon island from May, 2011 to March, 2012. The results obtained can be summarized as follows; Fish caught in this area composes 10 orders, 25 families, and 37 species. The most dominant species in an number of fish was Pennahia argentata which was occupied at 42.1% from the whole number, the second most dominant species was Konosirus punctatus which was occupied at 14.2%. The most dominant species in a biomass of fish was Pennahia argentata which was 31.3% out of the whole catch, the next dominant species was Lophius litulonwhich which was 18.2%. The first group (Trichiurus lepturus, Zeus faber, Pennahia argentata, Chelidonichthys spinosus and Lophius litulon) was appeared at May, August, October, the second group (Sphyraena pinguis) was appeared at May and November, the third group (Pampus argenteus) was appeared at August, the fourth group (Pampus echinogaster, Leiognathus nuchalis, Konosirus punctatus and Engraulis japonicus) was appeared at March.
        2015.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        To investigate the characteristic of age and growth, samples of Megangulus venulosus were collected monthly by dredge in the coastal waters of Gangneung, Korea from January to December 2014. The age of M. venulosus was estimated by measuring the ring radius on the shell. Because the relationship between shell lengths and ring radii in each ring group was regressed well, each ring was considered as an annual growth ring. Based on the monthly variation of the marginal index (MI) of the shell length, it is assumed that the ring of this species was formed once a year during September and November. From the parameters calculated using the average length when the year ring was formed, the estimated von Bertalanffy growth equation were SLt=236.3(1–e–0.061(t+0.184)) in age.
        2015.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The coastal stow net (stow net hereafter) in Korea is one of the major fishing methods for yellow croaker (Larimichthys polyactis), ribbon fish (Trichiurus lepturus), and anchovy (Engraulis japonicus). In terms of energy efficiency, the stow net fishery is more competitive than towing fishing gears such as trawl gears. The fishing vessels in stow net fishery have consumed less fossil fuel and also have had less carbon dioxide emission into the atmosphere. however, the stow net fishery is necessary to be regulated due to its increased output of the fleet. Therefore, it is required for fisheries authorities to manage the fishing capacity or fishing power for the assurance of fishery’s sustainability. For fisheries management authorities, it is necessary to quantify data related to fishing capacity and fishing power to deploy fishery policy in a sustainable way. In terms of data for decision-making, Data envelopment analysis (DEA) method was conducted to estimate fishing capacity. Fishing power index (FPI) was also applied to calculate relative fishing power to approach the problem in a quantitative way.
        2015.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Species composition in the coastal waters off Ulleungdo of Korea were examined based on catches bimonthly collected by trammel net in 2013. A total of 711 individuals and 181.9 Kg were caught and catches were composed of 4 classes 15 orders 27 families 52 species including 44 Pisces, 4 Gastropoda, 3 Cephalopoda, and 1 Echinodermata. The dominant species in biomass were File fish (Thamnaconus modestus), Atka mackerel (Pleurogrammus azonus), and Greenling (Hexagrammos otakii). Data were summarized using hierarchical cluster analysis (HCA) and detrended correspondence analysis (DCA) to examine similarity in species composition for each month, and community structure in Ulleungdo was divided into two groups. Community structures in February, April and December with low temperature and well-mixed surface water were distinguished from those in June, August and October with high temperature and strong stratification, which could be attributed to temporal changes in dominant species. Atka mackerel and Spear squid mainly caught in February and April, disappearing in June, August and October, and File fish outburst was shown in October. Because the water off Ulleungdo has been under low human pressure, it could be a good case study to elucidate effects of climate change on community structure and ecosystem in the East sea. Continuous surveys and further studies are required to demonstrate migration route and distribution of dominant species and long-term changes in community structure in the water of Ulleungdo.
        2015.11 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        일반적으로 선박평형수는 선박의 감항성을 향상시키지만 수생 외래 생물의 이동 수단으로서 해양생태계를 교란시키고 있다. 선박평형수로 인한 영향에 관한 연구는 20세기 초 시작되었으며, 1903년 북해에 아시아에서 서식하는 프랑크톤의 서식이 확인되기도 하였다. 공식적으로 평형수로 인한 문제는 1970년부 터 국제사회에 등장하게 되었고 IMO는 1980년 후반부터 MEPC를 중심으로 평형수로 인한 해양환경의 위협 및 생태계의 교란을 방지하기 위한 협약 개발을 시작하였다. 장기간의 노력 결과로 2004년 선박의 평형수와 침전물의 통제 및 관리를 위한 국제협약이 채택되었다. 이 협약은 현재까지 발효되지는 못하였다. 그러나 가까운 시일 내에 발효될 것으로 예상되기 때문에 철저한 이행 준비가 요구된다. 특히, IMO의 선박평형수관리협약에서 정의하는 평형수는 UN해양법협약상 위생과 해양환경오염의 대상이 되기 때문에 국제법적 규제 성격에 있어서 타 선박기인 해양환경 오염물질들과는 상이하다. 따라서 이 논문에서는 이와 같은 규제 성격을 고려한 UN해양법협약상 연안국 관할 수역별 이행방안을 고찰함 으로써 IMO 선박평형수관리협약의 통일된 이행방안을 제안하고자 한다.
        2015.08 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Morotoge shrimp Pandalopsis japonica is caught by pot and others in the eastern coastal waters of Korea. Comparative fishing experiments were carried out in the eastern coast of Korea, using the dome–shaped pots with different five mesh sizes (17.1, 24.8, 35.3, 39.8, and 48.3 mm) in order to estimate the mesh selectivity of the pot for the morotoge shrimp, Pandalopsis japonica. The SELECT (Share Each Length’s Catch Total) analysis method was applied to the catch data. The master selection curve of the pot for the shrimp was estimated to be s(R) = exp(15.770R–10.573)/[1+exp(15.770R–10.753)], where R is the ratio of carapace length to mesh size. From the selection curves, the carapace lengths of 50% retention were 11.6, 17.0, 23.9, and 34.1 mm for 17, 25, 35, and 50 mm mesh–size pot, respectively. It means that the pots of larger mesh size allow more shrimp of small size to escape.
        2015.08 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Starfish, a species of Echinoderm, is widely known as a predator on benthic invertebrate. A series of fishing experiments was carried out in the western coastal waters of Korea from September, 2011 to November, 2012, using the drum–shaped pots of different mesh sizes (17.1, 24.8, 35.3, 39.8, and 48.3 ㎜) to describe the composition of the catch species and the mesh selectivity of the pot for starfish. Some species including fish, crab, and starfish were caught in the experimental pots. The SELECT (Share Each Length’s Catch Total) method was applied to describe the selectivity of the pot for starfish Asterina pectinifera. The master selection curve was estimated to be s(R) = exp(10.358R–4.086) / [1+exp(10.358R–4.086)], where R is the ratio of arm length to mesh size. The relative arm length of 50% retention was 0.395, and the selection range was 0.212. The results should be helpful to understand the relationship between the catch size of starfish and the mesh size of pot.
        2015.08 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Experiments for catch and cluster analysis on the catch by gillnet for the Pacific herring were conducted using traditional nylon net (PA) and developing biodegradable net (PBS) with different monofilaments of #2 (=0.23 mm) and #3 (=0.28 mm) in diameter between 2011 and 2012, and of #2, #2.5 and #3 in 2013 in the eastern coastal waters of Samcheok, Korea. The total catch during the experiments was 3,337kg in weight and 16,757 individuals in number. Though the catch ratio of the Pacific herring in 2011 and 2012 was 97.4% and 98.7%, respectively, that of the Pacific herring in 2013 was 73.6% as the biggest and followed by goldeye rockfish (8.6%), black edged sculpin (8.4%), atka mackerel (7.2%) and Alaska cod (1.0%). The ANOVA analysis on the total catch in relation to net material showed that there was not statistically significant difference at the 5% level between nylon net (PA) and biodegradable net (PBS) (p=0.91). With the cluster analysis on the catch in relation to net material (PA, PBS) and twine thick (#2, #3), it showed the influence of net material on the catch was greater than that of twine diameter in this experiment. From the test of homogeneity on the catch by the gillnet with PA and PBS in which several species were caught in 2013, there was not statistically significant homogeneity in relation to net material (p<0.005). That meant the traditional gillnet of nylon (PA) was more efficient than the biodegradable (PBS) gillnet to catch several kinds of fish, however the PBS gillnet was better than the PA gillnet to catch the target Pacific herring.
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