
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 181

        2016.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        우리는 시설토마토에서 4가지 침투이행성약제가 사용된 가지를 트랩식물로 활용하여 담배가루이 성충의 방제효과를 조사하였다. 침투이 행성약제가 추천된 농도로 사용되었을 때, 담배가루이 성충에 대한 dinotefuran SG 50% 방제효과는 80%로 방제효과가 각각 51.0%, 12.4%, 11.0%인 cyantraniliprole, pyridaben, clothianidin 보다 높았다. 살충효과가 뛰어난 dinotefuran을 농도별로 처리하였을 때, 200 ppm에서 살충률이 88.4%로 가장 효과적이었다. Dinotefuran의 방제효과는 가지에 적용된 약 9일까지 지속되었고 그 이후 담배가루이 밀도는 증가하였 다. 포장실험에서 가지 트랩식물로부터 0, 15, 20 m 떨어진 토마토 신초에서의 담배가루이 밀도가 가장 높았고 5 m와 10 m에서 가장 낮았다. 담배가루이의 밀도가 낮고 dinotefuran SG 50%가 처리된 가지를 10 m 간격으로 투입했을 때, 담배가루이 성충의 밀도가 전체적으로 낮았으며, 또한 담배가루이의 밀도는 하우스 내부보다는 측면에서 밀도가 더 높았고 가지로부터 멀리 떨어진 곳에서 밀도가 높았다. 담배가루이 밀도가 높 고 dinotefuran SG 50%가 처리된 가지를 5 m간격으로 투입했을 때, 담배가루이 밀도가 낮아졌다. 이러한 결과로 볼 때 가지는 시설토마토 재배 시 담배가루이 성충을 유인하는데 효과적인 트랩식물이며 dinotefuran SG 50% 과 함께 사용한다면 담배가루이 밀도를 효과적으로 감소시킬 수 있을 것이다.
        2015.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        참나무시들음병 매개충인 광릉긴나무좀(Platypus koryoensis (Murayama))(Coleoptera: Platypodidae)의 에탄올과 신갈나무 수피 추출 물의 유인효과에 대하여 조사하였다. 유인트랩과 유인목 시험에서는 에탄올과 신갈나무 수피 추출물을 사용한 처리구가 대조구(무처리)보다 높 은 유인효과를 나타내었으나, 두 유인제 간의 유의성은 찾지 못하였다. 유인목의 직경별 침입공 수를 비교한 결과, 침입공 수는 직경이 클수록 증 가하였다. 유인목의 횡단면 상부와 하부 침입공 수를 비교한 결과, 상부보다 하부에 침입공이 많았고, 통계적으로 유의한 차이(p<0.05)를 나타내 었는데, 이는 직사광선에 의한 건조가 적은 하부가 매개충의 먹이가 되는 미생물 번식에 유리하기 때문이라고 추정되었다. 결과적으로 신갈나무 수피 추출물보다 비용 면에서 경제적인 에탄올이 광릉긴나무좀 모니터링 및 방제에 효율적으로 활용될 수 있을 것이며, 신갈나무 수피 추출물은 효율을 높일 수 있는 계속적인 연구의 필요성이 있다.
        2015.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        본 연구는 토마토에 대하여 가지가 트랩식물로써 담배가루이를 효과적으로 유인할 수 있을지에 대한 잠재성을 평가하였다. 큰망초, 가지, 오이, 토마토에 대한 담배가루이의 선호성을 비교하기 위하여 선택성 조사가 수행되었다. 담배가루이 성충은 후각적인 자극보다는 시각적인 자 극에 더 민감함을 보여주었고 큰망초보다는 오이와 가지를 더 선호하였다. 가지와 오이의 담배가루이 유인률은 각각 82.3%와 82.5% 였다. 가지 는 오이보다 관리측면에서 더 쉽기 때문에 우리는 본 실험에서 오이를 제외하였다. 담배가루이 성충에 대한 가지의 유인률은 토마토의 초장과 같 거나 더 클 때 90% 이상 이었다.
        2015.11 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        백색, 적색(680±20nm), 황색(600 ± 20 nm), 녹색(525 ± 25 nm),청색(400 ± 10 nm), 흑색(365 ± 10 nm) 및 변환(다양한 파장)램프를 가지는 솔라트랩을 잡곡 및 두류포장에서 설치하여 나비목, 노린재목 및 딱정벌레목의 주요 해충에 대한 유인효과를 잡곡 및 두류포장에 설치하여 10일 간격으로 조사하여 평가하였다. 채집된 충수는 조사시기와 램프의 색깔에 따라 크게 영향을 받았으며, 조사시기와 램프의 색깔의 상호작용 효과도 있었다. 암청색램프에서 매미충류를 제외하고 가장 많은해충이 유인되었다. 따라서 암청색램프는 해충의 대량포획뿐만아니라 예찰을 위해 효과적으로 사용될 수 있다. 솔라트랩의 암청색램프와 페로몬의 조합은 잡곡 및 두류 해충의 포획효과를 증진시킬 수 있어 종합관리를 위한 유망한 수단으로사용될 수 있을 것으로 여겨진다.
        2015.10 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Trombiculid mites are known to be the vector of scrub typhus by transmitting rickettsial pathogen, Orientia tsutsugamushi, to human. In this study, we tried to establish a monitoring system for trombiculid mites using chigger mite collecting traps instead of the conventional rodent-capture method. For selection of collecting points, 10 environmental points were chosen from three regions (Taean, Jinan and Chungju) and two field collections were performed in spring (March-May) and autumn (October-November) seasons from 2013 to 2014. Among 10 environmental points, waterway (37.9%), grass field (28.0%), rice field and field near mountain side (11.4%) and reservoir/wet field (7.3%) showed high collecting rates and they should be included for the representative collecting points for surveillance using chigger mite collecting trap. In order to test the possibility that the dried chigger mites from collecting trap can be used for detection of O. tsutsugamushi, we pooled 30, 10 and 5 chigger mites separately and performed the nested PCR. The infection of O. tsutsugamushi was successfully detected from 5 chigger mites pooling sample. This study shows that chigger mite collecting trap could be an alternative method for monitoring system of scrub typhus vectors.
        2015.10 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Bees of the genus Osmia are cavity-nesting solitary species that play important roles as pollinators. Nest traps are one of the most common methods to study Osmia bees. To elucidate the optimal environmental conditions of nesting sites, we investigated the effects of location, direction, altitude, and sites of nest traps on the rate of trap-nesting Osmia spp. During the collection period, the average rate of trap-nesting Osmia spp. collected within 90 days after the installation of traps was 17.0±20.0%. This percentage was 2.7-fold higher than that of trap-nesting bees in 30 days after the installation of traps. The Jeongseon location exhibited the highest rates of trap-nesting Osmia spp. collected in 30 and 90 days, representing 11.1 ±17.6% and 23.2±22.5%, respectively. The direction of the nest traps did not affect the rate of trap-nesting Osmia spp. The altitude ranges of the traps were 0-199 m, 200-399 m, 400-599 m, 600-799 m and over 800 m. Interestingly, the altitude range of 600-799 m showed the highest rate of trap-nesting bees, which was 40.4±3.9%. Higher altitudes seemed to correspond to higher rates of trap-nesting bees. With regards to the sites where the nests were placed, the rate of trap-nesting bees in a mud wall of an old house was 45.1±25.2%, which was 3-fold higher than that of a nest in an apple orchard. The flowering plants collected at different locations during the trap-nesting activity of Osmia bees belonged to 18 families and 34 species. In conclusion, the rates of trap nests colonized by Osmia spp. were affected by altitude, site, and plant diversity.
        2015.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study was conducted to assess the efficacy of slurry acidification in reducing ammonia emission from manure storage and application. The non-fermented cattle manure (NFC) and swine slurry (SS) were acidified by sulfuric acid and stored in an acryl chamber for 168 and 96 hours, respectively. Ammonia emitted from the chamber was collected using an acid trap system. The amount of ammonia emission was significantly reduced when the livestock manures were treated with sulfuric acid. The absolute amount of ammonia in NFC increased rapidly starting from 48 h and 72 h in the control (pH 8.6) and acidified NFC (pH 6.5), respectively. The absolute amount of ammonia was the highest at 96 h (3.65 g kg ¯¹ h ¯¹) in the control and at 144 h (2.34 g kg ¯¹ h ¯¹) in pH 6.5 NFC. The cumulative ammonia content in the control continuously increased until 96 h and was maintained until 168 h, whereas the increase rate of emission gas accumulation in acidified NFC was much less throughout the experimental period. Acidification of SS mitigated ammonia emission as proven in NFC. The cumulative amount of ammonia emission was decreased by 49.4% and 92.3% in the acidified SS at pH 6.5 and pH 5.5, respectively, compared to the control at 96 h after treatment. These results indicate that ammonia emission can be significantly reduced by sulfuric acid treatment of livestock manure during processing and the subsequent land application.
        2015.04 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Insect pests on cruciferous crops and their natural enemies were surveyed during 2009~2011 in Daegwallyeong highland region which has been famous for summer Kimchi cabbage production in Korea since 1970s. Totally 15 insect pests have been reported in cabbage field in Daegwallyeong. Diamondback moth (DBM, Plutella xylostella) imported cabbage worm (Artogeia rapae L.), cabbage armyworm (CAW, Mamestra brassicae L.), cabbage looper (CL, Trichoplusia ni), cabbage sawfly (Athalia rosae ruficornis Jakovlev), and turnip aphid (Liphapis pseudobrassicae (Davis)) were the dominant pest species among the 15 species. For monitoring as well as controlling insects with weak flight, yellow sticky cards (10×15㎝) were used in cabbage fields. The sticky cards were hanged on plastic stick and placed at a 2-5 m distance within cabbage field (1,000㎡). Sex pheromone traps were employed for monitoring and controlling insects with strong flight. The survey result showed that there was significantly reduced pest occurrences in treated, compared to untreated condition. Similarly, The results from the sex pheromone traps were coincident with those of sticky trap. DBM, CAW and CL were found less in the treated than untreated fields; by 67.5%, 70.6% and 44.0%, respectively. Although the control efficacy of such traps was less than that of chemical spray, the use of sticky card trap combined with sex pheromone trap could be useful management tools for controlling insect pests in cabbage fields.
        2015.03 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        댐과 보의 건설로 인한 하천의 단절 및 어류의 이동 문제를 해결하기 위해 다수의 어도를 건설하고 있다. 하지만 이에 대한 어도 효율성 평가나 적합성에 대한 연구는 상당히 제한적으로 이루어지고 있다. 따라서 본 연구는 2012년 6월부터 10월까지 매달 1회씩 trap을 이용하여 공주보에 설치된 아이스하버식 어도에서 시기별, 시간대별, 어도 위치별 어도 이용 차이를 분석하였다. 연구 결과, 6~8월보다 9~10월에 어도를 이용하는 종 및 개체가 감소하였다. 그리고 어도 좌안 측면이 통계적으로 유의하지 않지만 많은 종 및 개체가 출현하였고, 또한 다른 위치보다 다양한 크기의 개체들이 출현하였다. 상류수위와 채집된 소상 어류 개체수는 양의 상관성을 나타내고 있었다. 그러나 일평균 상류수위가 증가할수록 전장 70 mm 이하 소형개체들의 출현율이 감소하는 경향이 나타났다. 어도 내 시간대별 이동은 종별 생태적인 특성에 따라 차이를 보였다. 전체적으로 크기가 작은 개체부터 큰 개체까지 다양한 크기의 어류가 어도를 이용했다. 이러한 결과는 국내에 건설된 아이스하버식 어도관리 및 평가에 도움이 될 것으로 판단된다.
        2014.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Experiment was set up to analyze bycatch and discards situation including snow crap Chionoecetes opilio of whelk trap. Four types of trap were used: drum type trap with PE net; drum type trap with PBS net; cylinder type trap with PE net; and cylinder type net with PBS net. Three funnels were attached in drum type trap and two funnels were used in cylinder type trap. A fleet of traps was consisted with one hundred traps. 25 traps of each type were set on a line in repeated sequence. Field experiments were conducted with 6 fishing operations in the Uljin waters, East Sea in July 2014. Catch of target whelks were 173,261 g and catch rate was 48.7% of total catch, while bycatch were 182,571 g, 51.3% of tatal catch. The catch rate of bycatch was 2.6% higher than that of target catch. Bycatch weight of snow crap was the highest as 142,987 g and formed about 40.2% of total catch, followed giant octopus, Enteroctopus dofleini, 31,762 g (8.9%). Bycatch rate of cylinder type trap was 2.3 times higher than that of drum type trap. Discard rate (discard/(discard+landing)) was 43.6%. Discard rate was the highest at cylinder type trap with PBS net as 63.1%, followed cylinder type trap with PE net as 47.9%, drum type trap with PE net as 33.4%, the lowest at drum type trap with PBS net as 22.1%.
        2014.11 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        토마토 유기재배 시설하우스 내에 자생하고 있는 큰망초와 엉겅퀴, 팥, 오이에 대하여 주 재배작물인 토마토와 황색끈끈이트랩에 유살된 담배가루이 성충의 유살량을 비교한 결과 담배가루이 밀도는 큰망초에서 가장 높았다. 오이의 경우 발생초기인 4월 3일과 4월 13일까지는 토마 토보다 담배가루이 밀도가 높게 조사되었다. 8종의 콩에 대한 담배가루이 성충 유인수는 팥에서 보다 울타리강낭콩에서 더 많았으나 모든 식물체 에 대해서는 낮은 유인효과를 보였다. 큰망초, 가지, 오이, 토마토에 대한 4-choice 아크릴 챔버를 이용한 후각계 반응에서 담배가루이는 시간이 지날수록 큰망초를 선호하였다. 큰망초에서 담배가루이 유충의 발육기간을 온도별로 조사한 결과, 온도가 높을수록 발육기간이 짧아져 30℃의 경우 모든 발육단계에서 알은 약 0.5일, 유충은 약 1일 발육기간이 짧았다.
        2014.10 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        In apple orchards, the damages by woodborers are increased. Mainly infesting woodborers are elucidated three species, namely, the fruit-tree pinhole borer (Xyleborinus saxeseni (Ratzeburg)), black timber bark beetle (Xylosandrus germanus (Blandford)), and Xyleborus apicalis (Blandford). Investigated result from population densities of woodborers using trap at Apple Research Station in Gunwi, Gyeongbuk, X. saxeseni and X. germanus were first captured from late-March and reached highest peak at mid-April. X. apicalis also first captured from late-March and reached highest peak at mid/late-May than April. Entrance hall was first observed from late-March and recorded highest number at April, but steadily decreased. Numbers of entrance hall according to the apple varieties were ordered as ‘Hwangok’ > ‘Fuji’ > ‘Hongro’. Entrance hall by tree height were mainly observed range from 21 to 80 cm (from the ground), found with highest entrance hall at 190 cm. Entrance hall by lateral branch order were mainly occurred at the first lateral branch from the ground, but the entrance hall was decreased as height increased. The ratio of trunk and branch were showed as 6.5 : 3.5.
        2014.10 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Two species of genus Monopis (M. pavlovskii, M. congestella) from detritus were found in raptorial bird cage. We used feather-traps that include detritus of raptorial bird, each two traps deployed at Mt.Gyeyang in Incheon and Mt.Cheonchuk in Uljin, respectively. Larvae of tineid feed on keratin sources in the detritus of the raptorial bird cage such as pellets, furs, and feathers. Biological information regarding M. pavlovskii and M. congestella and photographs of their immature stage are provided. It is likely that detritus of raptorial bird cage provide a suitable habitat for keratophagous tineids in nature because of a wide variety of keratin in the raptorial bird cage.
        2014.08 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        To investigate the catching efficiency of a biodegradable round trap for a swimming crab (Portunus trituberculatus), four types of material (two types of biodegradable net, one type of biodegradable plus polyethylene net and one type of polyethylene net) for traps were used in the field test, and the field tests were carried out 11 times in the Boryeong fishing ground of Korea, 2012∼2013. The catching efficiency of four type traps was analyzed by catch per trap, weight per trap and mean weight per individual of small and large size swimming crab. Statistical Kruskal-Wallis test was carried out to verify the significant difference for the efficiency between types of material. The catch in number of swimming crab was 9,015 and formed about 94.3% of total catch. In the results of catching efficiency of traps, there was a little difference in catch per trap, weight per trap and mean weight per individual of swimming crab in-situ data. But there was no significant difference in catching efficiency between the biodegradable traps and the PE trap (P>0.05), so it’s needed to use widely a biodegradable trap for the conservation and sustainable management of swimming crab resources.
        2014.08 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        밤재배원에서 램프광선을 이용한 방제기기(A, B, C형)를 개발하여 램프의 종류에 따라 유인된 곤충의 포획력을 조사하였다. A형 기기에서 수은 램프를 이용하여 포획된 곤충은 125종이었고, 이 중 밤나무 해충은 23종만을 종 동정하였다. B형과 C형의 기기에 컴팩트형광 램프를 부착하여 포획성능을 검정한 결과 B형기기에서는 딱정벌레류(83%), C형 기기에서는 나비류(73%)의 유인효과가 높은 것으로 나타났다. B형 기기를 이용한 밤바구미의 성충에 대한 램프의 유인 포획력을 조사한 결과에서는 수은투명 램프(평균 9.8마리)에서 유인포획 효과가 가장 높았다. C형 기기를 이용한 복숭아명나방의 성충에 대한 유인 포획력을 조사한 결과에서는 컴팩트형광 램프(평균 10.2마리)를 이용한 기기에서 포획수가 가장 많았다.
        2014.06 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Trap-neuter-return (TNR), also known as trap-test-vaccinate-alter-release (TTVAR), is a method of humanely trapping unaltered feral cats, spaying or neutering them, and returning them to the location where they were collected. TNR is promoted by the some regional province governments as a humane and more effective alternative to euthanasia for managing and reducing feral cat populations. We are aimed to conduct the survey research to evaluate the recognition of status about TNR. We deals with the findings obtained from extensive interviews with a representative sample of 301 persons. The objectives of interviews included 20~50 year-old ages lived in Incheon, Goyang, Seosan, Iksan and Nonsan city. Questions focused on how people were recognized the need and policies of TNR. Questionnaire and technical data are analysed and summarized. As the results of the survey research, the objectives of interviews had poorly understood about the policies of TNR. Conclusionally, the promotions of TNR policies were need. The development of TNR policies were desirable for the establishment of animal welfare.
        2014.04 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        A male specimen of Lymantria albescens (called as Okinawa gypsy moth) was captured in Busan, by sex-pheromone trap for Asian Gypsy Moth (AGM) (7R,8S)-cis-7,8-epoxy-2- methyloctadecane [(+)-disparlure]. Up to now, this species is distributed only in Ryukyu Islands of Japan including Ishigaki and Okinawa. The male of Okinawa gypsy moth might be attracted to AGM pheromone trap. If L. albescens is occurred in Korea, more many male individuals must be captured in pheromone trap. Therefore, we considered that the individual might be imported from Japan by inanimate pathway. Although it is high probability that L. albescens might be imported from Okinawa, it is important to a survey on an invasive pathway of the species in a view point of quarantine inspection. Through this presentation, we provided a detection method on Lymantria species using DNA barcoding. On the basis of this study, we will conduct on an invasive pathway and inhabitation possibility.
        2014.04 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Riptortus pedestris is an important soybean pest in Korea and Japan. Aggregation pheromone traps were evaluated in 12 soybean fields in Andong using three treatments of trap installation, i.e., installation for whole cultivation period, installation up to September, and no installation. The number of R. pedestris (in all life stages) were not significantly different among the treatments until October, but its abundance significantly increased at mid October in the fields where traps were installed. Trap catch of R. pedestris was relatively higher in August while bug population was low in the fields. However, in fall, R. pedestris populations become abundant in the fields while trap catch was low. There was no significant difference in parasitism as well as seed and pod damage among the treatments. In conclusion, aggregation pheromone trap should’nt be used as control measure, but can be used as a monitoring tool of R. pedestris population up to August in soybean field.
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