
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 251

        2015.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        For the sustainable development, companies are making a lot of efforts such as activities of sales increase and cost reduction. Among these, efforts to use limited resources efficiently and effectively is still being made steadily. And many methods for management innovation are being introduced and used. However there were partial or temporary effects only. So there are not enough to achieve operations performance to cover the entire system. Therefore, in order to maximize performance or to improve sustainability across the companies, it is necessary to rebuild the existing system with process perspective not with existing functional perspective. This study was performed to achieve the objective that is operation performance improvement of certification body. So literature review was researched and analyed about the process innovation and the process approach. And basic model which is compatible with ISO/IEC 17021 requirement for the certification body was established in this study. Based on this model, one of the certification body was selected and operation system for this organization was established, documented and implemented through the process approach method. In the result, operations performance of certification body on the side of efficiency and effectiveness is analyzed and the effect of reconstruction of system on operations performance was figu
        2015.02 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        2015년은 해방과 분단 70년을, 2018년에는 남북한 정부수립 70년, 2020년에는 6·25전쟁 70년을, 2023년에는 휴전 70년을 맞게 된다. 향후 10년 내에는 미래 남북관계의 실제적 변화가 어떠한 형태로 든 전개되리라 예상된다. ‘기쁘면서도 슬픈 날’로 기억될 수 있는 8·15 해방과 동시에 북한지역과 북한교회에 대한 지배의 주체가 일본식민지 에서 이데올로기로 교체되었고, ‘동방의 예루살렘’이라는 평판마저 있었던 북한지역 지역은, 상당 기간, 찬송과 기도의 소리는 더 이상 공식적으로 들려오지 않은 상황이 되었다. 종교와는 무관한 사회로 비춰지며 운영되던 북한사회도, 공인 기독교회가 1988년에 건립된 봉수교회를 시점으로 다시 등장하기 시작하였던 사실은, 무언의 희망적 의미를 내포하고 있음은 분명하다. 향후 북한선교는 어떠한 형태로든 전개가 예상된다. 과거 20세기 의 영적 상황과 달리 많은 부분에 걸쳐 변모되고 변질된 남한교회의 북한선교적 역량에 대한 사려 깊은 성찰도 필요하며, 남한교회 내에 냉철한 현실분석에 기초한 북한과 북한선교에 대한 관점과 태도의 전환이 요구될 수 있다. 남한교회의 영광을 위한 북한선교가 아닌 북한주민을 위한 북한선교, 북한주민이 중심역할을 할 수 있는 북한선 교가 전개될 수 있도록 남한교회는 미래 북한선교 실제 현장의 협력자, 조력자가 되어야 할 것이다. 이와 병행하여 새터민선교에 대한 미래 동반자적 관점에 준하는 인식의 전환도 요구된다. 나아가서 이제는 기독교 선교130년의 성찰을 토대로, 북한지역에 합당한 새로운 신학, 목회, 선교, 교회상의 수립과 교회의 건립에 필요한 전반적인 상세한 연구와 구체적이며 상세한 미시적인 북한 재복음화 계획이 필요하다. 남북분단 70년을 맞이하는 북한선교는 과거 북한을 향한 연민 가득한 남한교회 중심의 선도적 북한선교관을 넘어, 이제는 남한교회의 상황을 함께 깊이 성찰하는, 남북한 동시 선교의 관점에서, 한반도 선교적 시각에서 새롭게 연구되고 진행될 필요가 있다. 이러한 사고와 관점의 전환은 미래 한반도 통일시대에 합당한 새로운 기독교회상을 창출할 수 있을 것이다.
        2014.12 KCI 등재 SCOPUS 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        It is known that bones get damaged by accidents and aging. Since the discovery of Bioglass, various kinds of ceramics have been also found to bond to living bone; some of these ceramics are already being clinically used as bone-repairing materials. In the present study, antibacterial calcium silicate gel (Ag-30CaO·70SiO2 gel) was prepared by sol-gel method in order to control the microstructure, which is related to the dissolution rate and induction period of apatite formation in body environment. In addition, biological Ag-30CaO·70SiO2 is tested. This was done to impart antimicrobial activity to the 30CaO·70SiO2. Ag ion was added during sol-gel synthesis to replace the H2O added during the making of the 30CaO·70SiO2 gel, which has silver solutions of various concentration. After the sol-gel process, 1N-HNO3 solution was used to wash the gel when synthesizing the gel, in order to maintain the porous structure and remove PEG, water soluble polymers. Then, the apatite forming ability of the sol-gel derived CaO-SiO2 gels was investigated using simulated body fluid (SBF), which had almost the same ion concentration as that of human blood plasma. The gels were analyzed by FT-IR spectroscopy, SEM observation, XRD, and fluorescent microscopy. The apatite was successfully created even after washing the gel; apatite is present in an amorphous state, and was found to affect the concentration of the Ag ion in cells in MC3T3 live & dead assay results. From these results, it is suggested that a good material that can be used to repair defects of nature bone is Ag-30CaO·70SiO2 gel.
        2014.12 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This is about Robert Mangold’s exhibition which was staged at Pace Wildenstein Gallery in New York in 2014. Mangold puts on an exhibition a lot but it’s been 3 years since his last exhibition of painting. Robert Mangold is an American Minimalism artist. While other Minimalism artist changes their work style as time goes by he’s been doing Minimalism work now. It took my attention to study his work. At first glance, it could seem to be an expansion of what he’s been doing in the past. However, he found a new figure from his work inside. In particular he newly chose a triangle found in his own 1970’s. If it’s said that a triangle worked in 1970’s has primary symbol and meaning, new triangle made in 2014 is a new figure combined each other and the meaning is expanded as well. A triangle has a direction in its figure. Because of its image of direction it gives an impression of open to upward. In contrast, the triangle in 2014 is a combination of all and it becomes perfectly closed space. This means an endless and it’s an utopia which everyone dreams of getting together. Delicate visual vibration in the picture he intended to show is mutual response with viewer. Viewer observe that triangle becomes quadrangle and polygon. Through this it makes viewer imagine various form cut and combined. Therefore, even though it’s a plane work it he leads viewer’s aggressive participation as the third dimension sculpture. These are gestalt effect. In this regard, what he really wants seems to be mutual response between viewer and artist. It’s an outstanding point when Mangold produces new work he utilize former work again. He did not only serial repeat but also repeat among works and I think it can be applied with contemporary conception. I hope his work can be observed with new views rather than standstill evaluation with existing critic views.
        2014.12 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study will examine the works of Kim Ku-lim, <From Phenomenon to Traces> (1970), with the social and political background of their time. Around the year 1970, Korean society was in turmoil. Its economy had been developing quickly during short period, and the industrialization in urban areas increased the population of cities, which brought out the collapse of traditional values and the rise of new ideas. Korean conventional artistic style had reached its limit to convey the ideas of avant-garde artists. In addition, it was at that time, when the public was under high surveillance and strict censorship which were conducted by the military regime of President Park Jeong-hui. Due to all these reasons, the artist Kim Ku-lim brought body movements, the surrounding environment, time flow, and locations into his artwork. Since the late 1960's, Kim Ku-lim had started doing unconventional paintings, for example, burning plastic on canvas, and making holes on iron plates. In 1969, he gave up any forms and structures and moved to performances, happenings, and film making. In the year of 1970, Kim produced artworks, as known as <From Phenomenon to Traces>. There were all three of them produced in 1970: setting fire to grass, placing ice cubes on floors, and wrapping the Museum of Modern Art. The first work of <From Phenomenon to Traces>, setting fire on grass is the first Earth Work executed in Korea. It introduced the urban environment into his own work, visualizing the invisible flow of time. In addition, a photograph which was taken at that day captured students in military training, marching and passing by the place, and accidently disclosed the political censorship of the period. The second work was showed at the AG Exhibition of experimental artists, and helped people to see the process of time, ice to water, water into air. People couldn't understand this work and laughed at it. The last one, wrapping museum was un-installed within 26 hours by the host sponsor, and revealed how conservative the Korean art institution was. It was the use of body movements and natural phenomenon, which was most interesting during the research on this subject. In the similar time-line, Kim was one of artists who introduced these things into his work. Lee Seung-Taek's 'Wind' series, for example, shared the same idea/ method, in which artists' job is only to set the condition of works and it is nature (wind for Lee, time for Kim) which completes the works. Kim introduced nature and body movements, and it was because of Korean social and political condition of 1970. The Korean government promoted the economic development as its national goal, so the economic wealth became regarded as more important than the traditional customs and nature. Building and houses were built quickly to hold the fast-growing population in cities without long-term planning. During this process, nature was destroyed for buildings and houses. Moreover, the regime of military government seized its power for over ten years since the May 16th Coup and controlled the public with the threat of North Korea. Under the circumstance, Kim introduced natural phenomenon into his works and tried to evoke ideas, which had been often neglected during that period. And this is the reason why the works <From Phenomenon to Traces> has its value in the Korean art history.
        2014.06 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        최근 우리나라의 표고 톱밥재배 규모는 계속 증가하여 약 30%내외 비율로 추정하고 있다. 또한 재배기술과 시설의 발달로 점차 연중재배화 되고 있으며 이를 위한 동절기 재배용 중온성 품종의 수요가 증대되고 있다. 산조708호는 산조701호와 수집균주 FMRI0995의 일핵균주 간 교잡으로 육성된 중온성 품종이다. 모균주인 산조701호 및 FMRI0995에서 순수 분리한 일핵균주들을 교배하였고, 교배균주들을 실내에서 대치배양을 통한 모균주와 구별성 확인, PDA 배지상 온도별 생장, 톱밥배지의 생장조사 등 128균주의 균주별 생리적 특성을 조사하여 우수한 58균주를 1차로 선발하였다. 이 균주들은 이듬해 톱밥배지(1.3kg/봉, 참나무톱밥 84.5%+미강 15% + 탄산칼슘 0.5%, 함수율 53%)에서 자실체 특성 검정을 실시하였다. 검정용 톱밥배지는 21~25℃ 공조배양실에서 암배양 50일, 명배양(갈변) 40일 총 90일간 배양하였다. 배양이 완료된 후 차광된 재배사에서 지면봉지재배를(상면발생) 하여 버섯의 생산량이 많고 자실체의 색택이 밝으며 육질 및 형태가 우수한 0D19(임시번호)를 선발 하였다. 0D19균주는 충북, 충남, 경북 지역 3개소에서 실증시험을 수행하였고 자실체의 형태적 우수성과 생산성, 안정성이 확인되어 품종보호출원 하였다.
        2014.04 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Silkworm transgenesis is now a routine method leading to a satisfactory yield of transformed animals and the reliable expression of transgenes during multiple successive generations. However, the screening of G1 transgenic individuals from numerous progeny has proved to be difficult and time-consuming work. Previously, we characterized the promoter of heat shock protein 70 from Bombyx mori (bHsp70), which is ubiquitously expressed in all tissues and developmental stages. To investigate the utilization of the bHsp70 promoter to screen transgenic individuals, the EGFP marker gene was inserted into the piggyBac vector under the control of the bHsp70 promoter. Mixtures of the donor and helper vectors were micro-injected into 3,060 eggs of bivoltine silkworms (Keomokjam). EGFP fluorescence was observed in 17 broods of transgenic silkworms under a florescence stereomicroscope. Interestingly, this fluorescent marker protein was detected not only in parts of the embryo segments on the seventh day of the G1 embryonic developmental stage but it was also detected in a part of the body of G1 hatched larvae, in the middle silk gland of G1 fifth instar larvae, and in the wings of seven-day-old G1 pupae and G1 moths. Therefore, we suggest that the bHsp70 promoter can be used for the rapid and simple screening of transgenic silkworms.
        2014.04 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Antimicrobial peptides (AMPs) can be produced in mealworms. In this work, we integrated Bombyx mori (Bm) AMP, cecropin A to Beauveria bassiana ERL1170 by restriction enzyme-mediated integration method, which was confirmed by RT-PCR and an antibacterial activity assay. For the extracellular secretion of Bm cecropin A protein, the active domain of the cecropin A gene was tailed to the signal sequence of B. bassiana chitinase (Bbs). To exchange Bbs-cecropin A gene with egfp gene in pBARKS1-egfp, Bbs-cecropin A fragment was cut from pGEMBbs-cecropin A using XbaI/blunted and BamHI and ligated with cut pBARKS1-egfp using NcoI/blunted and BamHI, designated as pBARKS1-Bbs-cecropin A. After the transformation, transformants were grown on Czapek’s solution agar containing 600 μg ml-1PPT. Expression of Bm cecropin A was confirmed by RT-PCR. Strong clear zone was observed in the co-culture of the transformant D-6 and Bacillus subtilis on fourth strength Sabouraud dextrose agar 1 day after the culture at 25°C, whereas the wild type had no clear zone. This work suggests that Bm cecropin A can be efficiently produced in this mealworm-based fungal expression platform, thereby increasing the value of mealworms in the animal feed additive industry.
        2013.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This paper examines a number of Korean artists-Whanki Kim, Po Kim, Byungki Kim, Lim Choong-Sup, Min Byung-Ok and etc-working in New York in the 1960s and 1970s, focusing on their motivations to head for the U.S. and their life and activity in the newly-emerged city of international art. The thesis was conceived based upon the fact that New York has been one of the major venues for Korean artists in which to live, study, travel and stay after the Korean War. Moreover, the United States, since 1945, has had a tremendous influence upon Korea politically, socially, economically, and, above all, culturally. This study is divided into three major sections. The first one attends to the reasons that these artists moved out of Korea while including in this discussion, the long-standing yearning of the Korean intelligentsia to experience more modernized cultures, and American postwar cultural policies that stimulated them to envision life beyond their national parameters, in a country heavily entrenched in Cold War ideology. The second part examines these artists' pursuit of abstraction in New York where it was already losing its avant-garde status as opposed to the style's cutting edge cache in Korea. While their turn to abstraction was outdated from New York's critical perspective, it was seen to be de rigueur for Koreans that had developed through phases from Art Informel in the 1960s to Dansaekhwa (monochromatic paintings) in the 1970s. The third part focuses on the artists' struggle while caught between a dualistic framework such as Korea/U.S, East/West, center/margin, traditional/modern, and abstraction/figuration. Despite such dichotomic frames, they identified abstract art as the epitome of pure, absolute art, which revealed their beliefs inherited from western modernism during the colonial period before 1910-1945. In fact, their reality as immigrants in America put them in a diasporic space where they oscillated between the fixed, essentialist Korean identity and the floating, transforming identity as international artists in New York or Korean-American artists. Thus their abstract and semi-abstract art reflect the in-between identity from the diasporic space while demonstrating their yearning for a land of political freedom, intellectual fulfillment and the continuity of modern art's legacy imposed upon them over the course of Korea's tumultuous history in the twentieth century and making the artists as precursor of transnational, transcultural art of the global age in the twenty-first century.
        2013.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Historian Eric J. Hobsbawm once said “the task that historians have is to analyze the meanings of the past within the context of society and to track the changes and implementation.” It would not be too far of a stretch to apply Hobsbawm's quote to art historian since art history, although quite specific, is still history. In addition, Hobsbaum also asserted that, “a mold called the past continuously forms the present or at least thought to be.” It is my recognition that the major westernization of the last century took place under the Japanese colonization which served as the channel to usher in western art; however, the current 20th- century Korean art history fails to recognize that the mold of the past, namely western art in this case, has formed the modern art of the present. Based on this recognition, attention was given to what lacked in the analysis of the current 20th-century Korean art history in terms of “Informel” which was identifed as the turning point towards “modern art” in the Korean art history as well as the following “experimental art.” My belief is that the art history of Korea has to be reassessed from , a socio-cultural perspective as well as adopting multi-level and diachronic understanding. However, the existing Korean art, especially the one between the end of 1950s to the 1970s was based on the perspective of “severance”; thus, raising the needs for the starting point of a new perspective. It is my conviction that meta perspective on writing is most essential in order to lay a solid basis for the Korean art scene to have a productive discussion. I feel the utmost necessity to reinterpret the typifed history analysis and criticism which stemmed from the trauma under the Japanese colonization. The most urgent task is to avoid academic closeness and to share the research. Painting is an individual expression of the artist, but the act of expression is not free from the cultural and societal infuence to which the artist belongs.
        2013.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        본 논문은 한국의 산업화가 진행된 1960∼1970년대 노동자의 육체적 힘이 가지는 의미와 가치에 대해 고찰하고자 한다. 농업 중심의 산업체제제에서 육체적 힘은 남보다 우월한 노동력을 발휘하였으며, 이는 남보다 더 많은 노동 생산성을 의미하였다. 하지만 기계 중심의 공장제 산업에서 육체적 힘은 그가치를 제대로 인정받지 못하였다. 김승옥의 「力士(역사)」와 황석영의 「장사의 꿈」은 보통사람보다 탁월한 힘의 소 유자가 자본주의 체제하의 도시적 삶에 대한 대응의 방식과 좌절의 양상을 보여주고 있다. 자신의 힘을 헛된 노동에 사용하지 않으면서 자신의 가치를 지키는 「力士(역 사)」의 서씨와 타락한 도시의 욕망에 순응하다 좌절하는 「장사의 꿈」의 일봉 모두 산업화 시대의 도시적 삶에 적응하지 못한 패배자의 모습을 보여준다. 결국 기계 중심의 산업화 시대에 육체적 힘의 가치는 약화되었으며, 이들의 힘은 교환가치로 전락한 노동력에 불과한 것이다.
        2013.10 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Silkworm transgenesis is now a routine method leading to a satisfactory yield of transformed animals and the reliable expression of transgenes during multiple successive generations. However, the screening of G1 transgenic individuals from numerous progeny has proved to be difficult and time-consuming work. Previously, we characterized the promoter of heat shock protein 70 from Bombyx mori (bHsp70), which is ubiquitously expressed in all tissues and developmental stages. To investigate the utilization of the bHsp70 promoter to screen transgenic individuals, the EGFP marker gene was inserted into the piggyBac vector under the control of the bHsp70 promoter. Mixtures of the donor and helper vectors were micro-injected into 3,060 eggs of bivoltine silkworms (Keomokjam). EGFP fluorescence was observed in 17 broods of transgenic silkworms under a florescence stereomicroscope. Interestingly, this fluorescent marker protein was detected not only in parts of the embryo segments on the seventh day of the G1 embryonic developmental stage but it was also detected in a part of the body of G1 hatched larvae, in the middle silk gland of G1 fifth instar larvae, and in the wings of seven-day-old G1 pupae and G1 moths. Therefore, we suggest that the bHsp70 promoter can be used for the rapid and simple screening of transgenic silkworms.
        2013.10 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Antimicrobial peptides (AMPs) can be produced in mealworms, currently being used as animal feeds, by the infection of genetically engineered-entomopathogenic fungi. In this work, we integrated Bombyx mori (Bm) AMP, cecropin A to Beauveria bassiana ERL1170 by restriction enzyme-mediated integration method, which was confirmed by RT-PCR and an antibacterial activity assay. For the extracellular secretion of Bm cecropin A protein, the active domain of the cecropin A gene was tailed to the signal sequence of B. bassiana chitinase (Bbs). To exchange Bbs-cecropin A gene with egfp gene in pBARKS1-egfp, Bbs-cecropin A fragment was cut from pGEM-Bbs-cecropin A using XbaI/blunted and BamHI and ligated with cut pBARKS1-egfp using NcoI/blunted and BamHI, designated as pBARKS1-Bbscecropin A. After the transformation, transformants were grown on Czapek’s solution agar containing 600 μg ml-1PPT. Expression of Bm cecropin A was confirmed by RT-PCR. Strong clear zone was observed in the co-culture of the transformant D-6 and Bacillus subtilis on fourth strength Sabouraud dextrose agar 1 day after the culture at 25°C, whereas the wild type had no clear zone. This work suggests that Bm cecropin A can be efficiently produced in this mealworm-based fungal expression platform, thereby increasing the value of mealworms in the animal feed additive industry.
        2013.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        In recent years, the construction of high-rise buildings are promoted. According to these, there are many needs about new technologies to strengthen the building performance and high-strength steel is regarded as one of these for promoting building performance. In Korea, high-strength steels which stress are over 600MPa are on market and in aborad, super high-strength steels over 1000MPa are developing and they expected to promote the building performance. But there are still doubts about applying high-strength steel members because of size effect and worry of brittle fracture. In this reports, we propose results of performance and analysis tests for use with general steel. We propose the characteristic of high-strength steels first and next the results of performance test to show they satisfy the performance that designers expect. And last, we compare the results of test and analysis for acquire the alanysis reliability in non-linear analysis with high-strength steels.
        2013.04 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Insect-killing fungi have high potential for controlling agriculturally harmful pests. However, their pathogenicity is slow and this is one reason for their poor acceptance as a fungal insecticide. The expression of bumblebee, Bombus ignitus, venom serine protease (VSP) by Beauveria bassiana ERL1170 induced melanization of yellow spotted longicorn beetles, Psacothea hilaris as an over-reactive immune response, and caused substantially earlier mortality in beet armyworm, Spodopetra exigua larvae when compared to the wild type. No fungal outgrowth or sporulation was observed on the melanized insects, thus suggesting a self-restriction of the dispersal of the genetically modified fungus in the environment. The research is the first use of a multi-functional bumblebee VSP to significantly increase the speed of fungal pathogenicity, while minimizing the dispersal of the fungal transformant in the environment