
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 393

        2016.10 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Background : Compositae is one of the largest plant families which has high probability of diversity and mutation. Though the various researches about the Compositae are ongoing, it is incomplete and need to be conducted the molecular genetic researches to back up the previous studies. This research was performed to identify the genetic divergence of Compositae plants based on the DNA barcoding for cpDNA-matK and rbcL regions. Methods and Results : For this studies, the genetic sequence analysis (SNP/InDel) and phylogenetic analysis were conducted by using Neighbor-Joining algorithm as targeting the nineteen specimens from 7 species which received a IT number along with NCBI Genbank database (http://ncbi.nlm.nih.gov) sequences. The result of matK sequence analysis, 68 SNP and 2 InDel regions (at nt 527-538bp and 695-706bp positions) were confirmed. Also 10 SNPs were found in rbcL region. The genetic divergence showed 0.000-0.059% in matK regions, and the mean was 0.024%. The highest distance were observed between Ligualria fischeri and the group composed with Aster tataricus and Solidago virgauria (2 and 3). The sequence divergence for rbcL regions showed 0.000-0.018%, and the mean was 0.005%. The highest sequence distance in rbcL region were observed between L. fischeri group and S. virgauria (HE574593). In result of phylogenetic analysis in matK region, the most species formed independent clade. A. tataricus in Aster genus and two samples of S. virguaria in Solidago genus were formed one same clade. S. virguaria(1) and A. spathulifolius(2) has been separated into independently for the plants belonging to same genus, respectively. A. spathulifolius showed differences with NCBI data. The rbcL formed one same clade except L. fischeri and Synurus deltoides. Conclusion : This study indicates that matK is more valuable than rbcL for the distinction among the species of Compositae. This results are expected to be used for the establishment of the classification system of Compositae as well as for the studies in the development of an authentication marker.
        2016.10 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Background : Codonopsis lanceolata is a flowering perennial climber. The roots are used as medicinal materials or vegetables. C. lanceolata is distributed in India and East Asia such as China, Japan as well as Korea. Recently, demand for C. lanceolata is increasing as a healthy food. In South Korea, this plant is widely cultivated in Gangwon-do province. Although, C. lanceolata is one of the most important medicinal plants in Korea, an elite, inbred line or a variety has not been developed yet. Simple sequence repeat (SSR) marker is a powerful tool for analysis of genetic relationships. In addition, it is a useful tool for studying the non-reference plant genome, due to its even distribution throughout the genome, as well as its high polymorphism between individuals. Methods and Results : We constructed microsatellite-enrichment libraries using C. lanceolata genomic DNA, and obtained a total of 226 non-redundant contig sequences. Routine PCR was performed using gDNA as templates for the polymorphic markers screening. Finally, total 15 polymorphic SSR markers based on C. lanceolata genomic sequences were successfully developed. These markers were applied to 53 C. lanceolata collected from Korea. 103 alleles of the 15 SSR markers ranged from 3 to 19 alleles at each locus, with an average of 6.87. The average of observed heterozygosity and genetic diversity were 0.42 and 0.62, respectively. The average of polymorphism information content (PIC) value was 0.57. The genetic distance value ranged from 0.73 to 0.93, and there was no observed distinct group according to the collecting areas. Conclusion : We developed 15 novel SSR markers from C. lanceolata genomic sequences for further genetic studies. Also, we concluded that the lineage of C. lanceolata collected in Korea has not been established systematically.
        2016.09 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        The amylose contents of rice determine eating quality which is one of the major traits in rice breeding program. To identify the low-amylose gene of the japonica rice cultivar Baegjinju, genetic analysis was conducted using 200 F2 population derived from a cross between the japonica cultivars, Saeilmi and Baegjinju. Individual F2 plants were classified as wild type (translucent grain) and mutant type (dull grain) based on the grain appearance of brown rice. Two hundred F2 plants were segregated into 155 wild type plants and 45 mutant type plants, which fit the 3:1 ratio (x2 = 0.667, df = 1, p = 0.414) and this result indicated the low-amylose gene of Baegjinju is a single recessive gene which controls the amylose contents. Linkage analysis was conducted to localize the low-amylose gene of Baegjinju and fine mapped within an 800-kb interval between 17.5 to 18.8Mb on short arm of chromosome 10. Co-segregated SSR marker, RM25648 was developed and it could be useful for marker-assisted selection and determination of the genetic resource related with amylose contents in rice breeding.
        2016.05 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Background : Wild-cultivated P. ginseng (WCG) is a specific ginseng in Korea which depends on artificial forest growth method. To obtain a WCG which is similar to wild ginseng (WG), this method usually performed in a mountain using seeds or seedlings of cultivated ginseng (CG) and WG. Recently, very high price of WCG caused the problem that Panax notoginseng or Panax quinquefolium are sold as WCG in Korean market. This is concerned as a serious problem to consumers. In this study, we tried to develop a method to discriminate WCG, CG or WG using simple sequence repeat (SSR) markers and phylogenetic analysis. Methods and Results : WCG samples (3, 5, or 6-years old) were collected in Hoengseong, Gangwondo. DNA extraction was performed using CTAB method. SSR markers were collected from the published papers. After test PCR using the markers, one of the primer pair was labeled with fluorescence dye (FAM, NED, PET, or VIC) and Gene Scan analysis were performed. NTsys-PC program was used for the phylogenetic analysis of the data. Eight SSR markers were collected from the published literature and used for the analysis. From the 8 tested SSR markers, 7 SSR markers showed polymorphism between varieties. GenScan analysis were performed using the selected SSR markers to analyze the phylogenetic relationship of WCG. Conclusion : Phylogenetic analysis showed the relationship between WCG and P. ginseng cultivars and the seven SSR markers used in this study are able to distinguish Wild-cultivated P. ginseng.
        2016.05 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Background : Codonopsis is a flowering plants belong to the family Campanulaceae, and has many kinds of medicinal properties. As currently recognized, two other groups, Campanumoea and Leptocodon, are included in the Codonopsis. The enlarged genus Codonopsis is distributed in Eastern, Southern, Central, and Southeastern Asia. C. lanceolata, C. clematidea and C. pilosula has many kinds of medicinal properties and this plants are used as medicinal and edible plants. C. ovata and C. mollis are distributed in Pakistan Kashmir and Himalaya mountains at an altitude of about 3,000 m, and flowers bloom in July to August. Methods and Results : In this study, we analyzed the genetic diversity of 5 Codonopsis species using 8 SSR markers base on C. lancelolata genomic sequences. Samples were obtained from fresh leaves of 5 plants from each species and genomic DNA was extracted using CTAB method. PCR was performed in total 20μl reaction volume containing 20 ng of DNA template and 5 pmole of primers. PCR conditions composed pre-denaturation at 95℃ for 5 min, then 35 cycles of 95°C for 30 sec, 60°C for 30 sec and 72°C for 30 sec, and a final extension at 72℃ for 30 min. The amplified band sizes ranged from 74 to 301 bp and clearly showed single or doble bands in eletrophoresis. From the phylogenetic analysis, C. lanceolata was grouped together, but the others were not grouped together according to the species. Conclusion : We concluded that C. lanceolata cultivated in Korea is different from the other species, and the eight SSR markers used in this study are able to distinguish C. lanceolata from the other species.
        2016.02 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Plant breeding requires the collection of genetically diverse genetic resources. Studies on the characteristics of Platycodon grandiflorum resources have not been carried out so far. The present study was carried out to discriminate P. grandiflorum based on morphological characteristics and genetic diversity using simple sequence repeat (SSR) markers. Methods and Results :We collected 11 P. grandiflorum cultivars: Maries II, Hakone double white, Hakone double blue, Fuji white, Fuji pink, Fuji blue, Astra white, Astra pink, Astra blue, Astra semi-double blue and Jangbaek. Analyses of the morphological characteristics of the collection were conducted for aerial parts (flower, stem and leaf) and underground parts (root). Next, the genetic diversity of all P. grandiflorum resources was analyzed using SSR markers employing the DNA fragment analysis method. We determined that the 11 P. grandiflorum cultivars analyzed could be classified by plant length, leaf number and root characteristic. Based on the genetic diversity analysis, these cultivars were classified into four distinct groups. Conclusions : These findings could be used for further research on cultivar development using molecular breeding techniques and for conservation of the genetic diversity of P. grandiflorum. Moreover, the markers could be used for genetic mapping of the plant and marker-assisted selection for crop breeding.
        2015.12 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Thirty-eight Pea (Pisum sativum L.) genotypes were screened to identify varieties to be suitable for sprout. Based on seed yield and sprout qualities such as whole length and sprout yield, five genotypes (PI269803, PI343278, PI343283, PI343300 and PI 343307) were primarily selected as candidates for pea sprouts. In order to determine optimal cultivation condition for pea sprouting, growth characteristics were investigated according to the change of germination temperature and days for sprouting. Whole length and hypocotyl length were observed to increase as a time dependent manner at each tested temperature (20, 23, and 25°C). However, whole length, hypocotyl length, and sprout yield were highly increased at 23°C compared to 20 and 25°C. Especially, PI269803 and PI343300 showed higher sprout yield than the others. In addition, the effect of the change of germination temperature on antioxidant properties was estimated by measuring total phenolic content (TPC) and free radical scavenging activity (DPPH and ABST activity). TPC and DPPH/ABST activities of PI269803 and PI343300 were higher at 23°C than at 20 and 25°C, while antioxidant properties of PI343278 and PI343283 were decreased in a temperaturedependent manner. The results show a high degree of correlation between TPC and antioxidant activities and suggest that the temperature change for pea sprouting could be responsible for antioxidant properties. Taken together, these results provide optimal cultivation conditions for pea sprouting and suggest that PI269803 and PI343300 with high sprout yield and antioxidant properties could be used for pea sprouts.
        2015.12 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Genomic DNA samples isolated from geographical purplish Washington clam (Saxidomus purpuratus) were obtained from three different regions in the Korean Peninsula: Geoje (Geoje population; GJP), Gunsan (Gunsan population; GSP) and a site of North Korea (North Korea population; NKP). The seven primers generated the total 369 loci that can be scored from the GSP clam population. 356 fragments were generated from the NKP clam population. The complexity of the banding patterns varies dramatically between the primers and three localities. In this study, 319 loci were identified in the purplish Washington clam from Geoje and 369 in the clam population from Gunsan: 221 specific loci (69.3%) in the GJP clam population and 300 (81.3%) in the GSP population. These results demonstrate that the primer detected a large quantity of specific fragments, suggesting that the genetic variation in the GSP is higher than in the GJP population. In particular, the BION-28 primer gave DNA profiles with more fragments than the other six primers in the NKP population. The oligonucleotides primer BION-75 produced 21 unique loci to each population, which were ascertaining each population, approximately 250 bp, 300 bp and 400 bp, in the GJP population. Outstandingly, the primer BION-50 detected 21 shared loci by the three populations, major and/or minor fragments of sizes 150 bp, which were matching in all samples. With regard to average bandsharing value (BS) results, individuals from GJP population (0.743) displayed higher bandsharing values than did individuals from GSP population (0.606). In the present study, the dendrogram gained by the seven oligonucleotides primers indicates three genetic clusters: cluster 1 (GEOJE 01 ~ GEOJE 07), cluster 2 (GUNSAN 08 ~ GUNSAN 14), cluster 3 (N.KOREA 15 ~ N.KOREA 21). Among the twenty one clams, the shortest genetic distance that revealed significant molecular differences was between individuals 08 and 09 from the NKP population (genetic distance = 0.073), while the longest genetic distance among the twenty-one individuals that demonstrated significant molecular differences was between individuals GEOJE no. 03 and GUNSAN no. 09 (genetic distance = 0.669). Comparatively, individuals of GJP population were properly closely related to that of NKP population, as revealed in the hierarchical dendrogram of genetic distances. In due course, PCR analysis has revealed the significant genetic distance among three purplish Washington clam populations. PCR fragments discovered in this study could be valuable as a DNA marker of the three geographical clam populations to distinguish.
        2015.07 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Recently, many breeders have preferred to use molecular markers for introgression backcross programs enabling foreground and background selection to cope with rapid cultivar changing of seed markets. In accumulation of target traits with marker-assisted selection, larger numbers of markers should give better resolution. For the analysis of quantitative traits, a high-density genetic map with a large number of markers is required for discovering more accurately linked markers with traits. Watermelon is a recalcitrant plant to generate a high-density genetic map with conventional molecular markers including simple sequence repeats (SSRs), since watermelon has narrow genetic diversity background and severe segregation distortions of those SSR markers. Thus, we have developed efficient and valid way to assemble genetic map and markers by next-generation sequencing coupled with genotyping by sequencing in F2 generation. After crosses between Citurullus lanatus ssp. citroides (PI254744 and PI189225) and C. lanatus ssp. lanatus (TS34, Korean cultigen), 163 of F2 progeny were sequenced through Illumina's Hi-Seq GAII platform. From sequence information of those variant call files, the SNPs were indexed and filtered by sequencing depth with genotype converter (SNP Genotyper), and optimized by heuristic physical bin mapping to construct more reliable genetic linkage map. Reliable SNP loci were determined and compared to sequences of physical reference map. Using the genetic map, we determined QTLs in F2:3 population and found major loci corresponding to seed size and powdery mildew race1 resistance in watermelon.
        2015.07 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        In this study, genetic diversity of wild Codonopsis lanceolata collected in Korea were analysed using SSR makers. Wild C. lanceolata roots were collected in Jeollanam-do Jangheung-gun Choentae Mountain as in roots. The wild C. lanceolata plants were cultivated in Chungbuk National University greenhouse and the leaves were sampled from 36 plants. The genomic DNA of C. lanceolata was extracted using CTAB. PCR was performed using a program of 35 cycles at 94℃ for 30 sec, 60℃ for 30 sec, and 72℃ for 30 sec with an pre-denaturation of 94℃ for 5 min and a final extension of 72℃ for 30 min. The PCR reaction mixture contains 5 pmole of primers and 20 ng of DNA template in a 20 μL reaction volume. The genotype of the analyzed samples were very different. Therefore, the wild C. lanceolata collected in Korea look genetically diverse.
        2015.07 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Codonopsis lanceolata is a perennial climber. The roots are used as medicinal materials or vegetables. Recently, demand for C. lanceolata is increasing as a healthy food. C. lanceolata is distributed in India and East Asia such as China, Japan as well as Korea. In South Korea, this plant is widely cultivated in Gangwon-do province. No C. lanceolata varieties were developed in Korea. The objective of this study is to analyze genetic diversity of C. lanceolata cultivated in Korea using SSR makers. C. lanceolata roots were collected in each region were cultivated in Chungbuk National University greenhouse. Samples were obtained from fresh leaves of 5 plants from each collection region. The genomic DNA was extracted using CTAB. Genetic diversity was analysed using 4 sets of C. lanceolata SSR makers. PCR was performed in total 20 μL reaction volume containing 20 ng of DNA template, 5 pmole of primers. The genotypes of the analyzed samples were very similar. That means that the genetic diversity of C. lanceolata cultivated in Korea is very low.
        2015.07 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Blueberry (Vaccinium spp.) is a member of the Ericaceae and eleven varieties have been registered at the Korea Seed & Variety Service for Plant Variety Protection (PVP). This study was to develop simple sequence repeat (SSR) markers next generation sequencing (NGS) analysis and to analysis genetic relationship of blueberry 31 varieties. Highbush blueberry ‘Camellia’ and rabbiteye blueberry ‘Alapaha’ varieties were used as sequencing materials. Out of total 987 SSR primers detected between ‘Camellia’ and ‘Alapaha’, 148 SSR primers were initially applied to select SSR markers for identification of blueberry varieties. Fourteen SSR markers showed polymorphism between 8 varieties. Seven SSR markers showed reproducibility and clear peak among 14 SSR markers. Genetic relationships of 31 blueberry varieties were analyzed and identified using 7 SSR markers. A total of 30 polymorphic SSR alleles were obtained and two to seven alleles were detected for each locus with an average of 4.3 alleles per locus. Average polymorphism information content was 0.556, ranging from 0.374 to 0.714. Genetic distance of clusters ranged from 0.38 to 0.93 by unweighted pair-group method with arithmetical average based on Jaccard’s distance coefficients. These newly developed SSR markers indicate usefulness for variety identification related to seed dispute and distinctness, uniformity and stability (DUS) test for blueberry.
        2015.07 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Chrysanthemum (Chrysanthemum morifolium) is one of the most popular ornamental species in the world due to the great diversity of inflorescence form and color. There has been increasing demands for various types of chrysanthemums, such as cut flowers, potted plants and bedding plants. However, the genomic studies of this species have been not extensively conducted relative to other ornamental species due to high levels of polyploidy (2n = 4x =36 or 2n = 6x = 54) and heterozygosity as well as large genome size. In this work, we developed a molecular tool for cultivar identification using simple sequence repeats (SSRs) and investigated genetic diversity in 127 chrysanthemum cultivars. Of the 150 SSR primer pairs tested in this study, 62 primers were obtained from previous studies, while 88 primers were designed using the unigene sequences of C. nankingense and the Expressed Sequence Tag (EST) sequences of C. morifolium in the NCBI database. Thirty SSR primers were selected based on polymorphism and banding patterns in a subset of 8 cultivars and used to amplify the DNA of 127 chrysanthemum cultivars. The UPGMA dendrogram based on these 30 SSR markers showed that most of chrysanthemum cultivars were divided into five clusters. These results will benefit chrysanthemum research community to develop elite cultivars.
        2015.07 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        In the rice inflorescence development, timing of inflorescent meristem abortion, conversion of the rachis branch meristem to the terminal spikelet meristem and shift to lateral meristem identity determine the overall architecture of the rice panicle (keda-Kawakatsu et al. 2009). Cheng et al. (2011) reported that quantitative trait loci (QTLs) have major effects on panicle apical abortion in rice. However, there have been very few reports about panicle tip mutants. Therefore, this research is conducted to fine map mutant gene and perform functional analysis of mutant gen. Hwacheongbyeo (japonica rice) seed was treated with ethyl methane sulfonate (EMS) for inducing mutation. Two F2 population (Japanica mutant crossed with wild type and Japanica mutant crossed with Milyang 23, Indica type) were established for Phenotyping and genomic analysis. STS markers in crop molecular Breeding laboratory. Additional STS markers for fine mapping were developed based on the Nipponbare genome sequence (http://rgp.dna.affrc.go.jp/blast/runblast.html). All F2 generations showed the segregation of normal plants and mutant following a ratio of 3:1 suggesting the mutant phenotype is caused by a single recessive gene. Initial BSA test made using STS markers confirmed the mutant gene is found in the long arm of chromosome 8. Panicle tip mutant gene, pnt has pleotropic effect which has been manifested in significant reduction of tiller development starting from late stage of vegetative growth and pronounced effect on possession of stay green nature of the rice during the vegetative stage of development. The only significant difference observed within panicle traits is the number of spikelet on primary branch and spikelet fertility. The first primary branch which contain aborted spikelet and elongated distance between spikelet is the most affected structure in the panicle.
        2015.07 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Radish (Raphanus sativus L.) is a widely-consumed root vegetable that is grown worldwide. To utilize the radish genetic resources for breeding research, we collected radish germplasms and evaluated their morphological and genetical characteristics. Here, phylogenetic relationship of 288 accessions were analyzed using 16 SSR markers and classified cytoplasm male sterility (CMS) types using cpDNA-based molecular markers. To create a collection of 288 accessions, 188 and 73 accessions were selected from RDA-Genebank (Korea) and NIAS-Genebank (Japan), respectively, after generation advancement for the accessions with low uniformity. In addition, 27 elite lines currently used for commercial radish breeding programs were included. In the result of phylogenetic analysis, 288 accessions were clustered into 5 major groups corresponding to the morphological traits and origins at the similarity coefficient value of 0.51. Analysis of CMS types revealed that majority of accessions were determined as DBRMF1 and DBRMF2 mitotypes, 15 accessions to Ogura and 4 accessions to DCGMS mitotypes. Further genetic analysis for radish germplasm will be valuable in assisting radish f1 hybrid breeding.
        2015.07 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Clubroot is a devastating disease caused by Plasmodiophora brassicae and results in severe losses of yield and quality in Brassica crops including Brassica oleracea. Therefore, it is important to identify resistance gene for CR disease and apply it to breeding of Brassica crops. In this study, we applied genotyping-by-sequencing (GBS) technique to construct high resolution genetic map and mapping of clubroot resistance (CR) genes. A total of 18,187 GBS markers were identified between two parent lines resistant and susceptible to the disease, of which 4,103 markers were genotyped in all 78 F2 plants generated from crossing of both parent lines. The markers were clustered into nine linkage groups spanning 879.9 cM, generating high resolution genetic map enough to refine reported reference genome of cabbage. In addition, through QTL analysis using 78 F2:3 progenies and mapping based on the genetic map, two and single major QTLs were identified for resistance of race 2 and race 9 of P. brassicae, respectively. These QTLs did not show collinearity with CR loci found in Chinese cabbage (Brassica rapa) but roughly overlapped with CR loci identified in cabbage for resistance to race 4. Taken together, genetic map and QTLs obtained in this study will provide valuable information to improve reference genome and clubroot resistance in cabbage.
        2015.03 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        본 연구는 12개의 색소 및 비색소옥수수 계통들에 대하여 300개의 SSR마커를 이용하여 유전적 다양성, 계통유연관계 및 집단구조 분석을 실시하였다. 유전적 다양성 분석 결과, 300개의 SSR primer들은 색소 및 비색소옥수수 12계통들에 서 총 1,331개의 대립단편을 증폭시켰으며, SSR primer당 대 립단편들은 최소 2개에서 최대 10개까지 나타나 평균 4.44개가 증폭되었다. MAF는 0.25에서 0.92의 범위로 나타났고, 평균값은 0.48을 나타내었다. 총 1,331개의 대립단편 중에서 221개의 대립단편들은 색소옥수수 계통들에서 특이적으로 나 타났고, 408개의 대립단편은 비색소옥수수 계통들에서 특이 적으로 나타났으며, 나머지 702개의 대립단편들은 색소 및 비색소 계통들에서 공통으로 확인되었다. 그리고 총 163개의 SSR 마커에서 색소옥수수 특이적 대립단편이 확인되었다. 집 단구조에 대한 분석 결과에서 12개의 색소 및 비색소옥수수 핵심집단 계통들은 groups I, II, III, admixed group으로 구 분되었다. 본 연구결과는 옥수수 육종연구에서 색소 및 비색 소옥수수 계통들의 식별에 대한 유용한 정보를 제공할 것이다
        2014.12 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        바둑은 단순한 규칙에도 불구하고 매우 복잡한 전략보드 게임이다. 몬테카를로 트리탐색을 이용하여 컴퓨터 바둑 프로그램들이 접바둑으로 프로기사를 제압해 왔다. 몬테카를로 트리탐색은 전략의 개념보다는 몬테카를로 시뮬레이션에 의해 계산된 승률에 근간을 한다. 반면에 적절한 적합도 함수로 된 유전 알고리즘은 게임 내 최적 해를 찾아낼 수 있다. 삼목 게임(또는 ◯x게임)은 가장 대중적인 게임 중의 하나이다. 저자는 삼목 게임에서의 최선의 전략을 찾고자 했다. 실험 결과로 유전 알고리즘은 효율적인 전략들을 찾을 수가 있으며, 바둑과 서양장기와 같은 여타 보드게임들에 적용할 수 있음을 보였다.
        2014.09 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        In the present study, muscle tissues were obtained separately from individuals from Atlantic hairtail population (AHP), Gunsan hairtail population (GHP) and Chinese hairtail population (CHP), respectively. The seven decamer primers were used to generate the shared loci, specific, unique shared loci to each population and shared loci by the three hairtail populations. Here, averagely, a decamer primer generated 64.7 amplified products per primer in the AHP population, 55.7 in GHP population and 56.4 in CHP population. The number of unique shared loci to each population and number of shared loci by the three populations generated by genetic analysis using 7 decamer primers in AHP, GHP and CHP population. 119 unique shared loci to each population, with an average of 17 per primer, were observed in the AHP population, and 28 loci, with an average of 4 per primer, were observed in the CHP population. The hierarchical dendrogram point out three main branches: cluster 1 (ATLANTIC 01 ~ ATLANTIC 07), cluster 2 (GUNSAN 08 ~ GUNSAN 14) and cluster 3 (CHINESE 15 ~ CHINESE 21). The shortest genetic distance displaying significant molecular difference was between individuals' CHINESE no. 16 and CHINESE no. 18 (0.045). In the long run, individual no. 01 of the AHP population was most distantly related to CHINESE no. 19 (genetic distance = 0.430). Consequently, PCR analysis generated on the genetic data displayed that the geographic AHP population was widely separated from CHP population, while individuals of CHP population were fairly closely related to those of GHP population.
        2014.09 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        작물학적 특성을 신속히 보완하며 확충할 수 있는 이점을 가지고 있는 돌연변이 육종을 통해 육성된 유용형질발현 돌연변이계통들의 다양한 작물학적 특성과 병해충 저항성은 유용한 유전자원으로 평가되고 있으며, 다양한 작물학적 특성 및 병해충 저항성에 대한 돌연변이 계통의 유용형질들을 교배를 통해 고품질 벼의 보완을 위해 이전하는 것이 용이한 이점을 가지고 있다. 농촌진흥청 국립식량과학원에서는 국내 육성 자포니카 벼품종인 남일에 아지드화나트륨을 돌연변이원으로 활용하여 단간이며 도열병 저항성 돌연변이 후대계통인 Namil(SA)- bl5를 육성하였다. 본 연구는 염색체상에서 Namil(SA)-bl5의 단간 특성과 도열병 저항성에 관련된 유전좌위를 탐색하고자 수행하였다. 주요 연구 결과로 Namil(SA)-bl5와 밀양23호간에서 유래한 F2 94 개체로부터 단간에 대한 표현형을 조사하고 68개 SSR 마커의 유전자형을 검정하여 연관분석(association analysis)을 수행한 결과 목표 유전좌위는 6번 염색체 중하단 부위와 7번 염색체 하단 부위로 간장의 단축은 주동유전자적 조절에 의한 것으로 추정되었다. 또한, 분자마커의 유전자형과 도열병저항성 간의 연관성평가를 수행한 결과를 보면, Namil(SA)- bl5의 도열병 저항성에 관여하는 주동 유전좌위는 12번 염색체 중단의 RM1337 좌위에 위치하는 것으로 추정되었다. 추후 목표 유전좌위에 대한 마커밀도를 선택적으로 높여 고밀도 유전자지도 작성함으로 초정밀 분자표지인자를 개발할 계획이다.