
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 32

        2024.04 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        There is a widely distributed dialect classifier “蔸” in the area south of the Yangtze River. This classifier is grammaticalized from the noun “蔸” which means “roots (or stem close to the root) of plants” through a metonymy mechanism. The etymology of “蔸” is probably “株”. The classifier “蔸” was a plant classifier when it was first formed, collocating with nouns related to the plant category. Later, its usage expanded. And the word went through a process of categorization. In some areas of Guangxi and Guangdong, it developed the usage of appearance classifiers, which can be collocated with one-dimensional objects in non-plant categories and even abstract nouns. In more limited areas, such as Guangzhou, the classifier “蔸” can even be paired with a noun referring to a person, but in this case its counting function is weak and the whole expression’s subjectivity is strong.
        2024.03 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study aims to explored changes in vocabulary use in Jeongamchon, which was founded by immigrants from Chungcheongbuk-do, Korea, in China. The data were collected from the first generation of Chungcheongbuk-do and Jeongamchon immigrants as well as the second generation of Jeongamchon immigrants. The data were divided into eight categories. The Jeongamchon community preserved a considerable number of dialects from Chungcheongbuk-do but also showed the transition of words into Chinese Korean. Examples of Chungcheongbuk-do dialect words that are highly conserved in Jeongamchon include words frequently used in daily life such as words about the human body and titles for relatives and family members. In contrast, words from Chungcheongbuk-do dialects indicating entities that do not exist in Jeongamchon, which can be attributed to differences in geographical environments or sociocultural differences between Chungcheongbuk-do and Jeongamchon, were at the verge of extinction. The indigenous vocabulary items in Jeongamchon, which refer to objects reflecting sociocultural differences from Chungcheongbuk-do, were substituted into the Chinese-Korean dialect, reflecting local culture.
        2023.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        辨字摘要는 18세기 중엽에 江西 清江縣에서 편찬된 운서의 성격을 지닌 습자서 로, 글자를 우선 平上去入에 따라 분류한 후에 音韻에 따라 ‘字組’로 모아 그 의미 및 용례를 간단히 설명하였다. 辨字摘要에서 개별 글자가 각 ‘字組’로 분류된 양상 을 통하여, 당시 樟樹(清江)방언 입성 운미의 병합 조건을 알 수 있다. 첫째로 */-p/ 는 */-t/로 병합되었으며, 둘째로 전위모음 뒤에 있는 */-k/는 /-t/로 병합되었으나 나머지 */-k/는 독립된 음가를 유지한다. 다만, 한자의 특성 및 관련 자료의 부재로 인하여 운미의 정확한 음가를 파악할 수 없으나, 贛방언 내의 제방언을 통하여 다섯 가지의 가능성을 볼 수 있다: (*[-t], *[-k]), (*[-t], *[-ʔ]), (*[-l], *[-k]), (*[-l], *[- ʔ]), (*[-ʔ], *[-k]). 이러한 음가의 차이는 제약조건 Ident(PlaceF), *-p]σ, *-t]σ, *-k] σ, *[-oral]]σ, Ident(MannerF), Ident I→O(Nasal), *[+obs]]σ, *[+nasal]]σ, *[+lateral]] σ, MAX(segment), No-Coda, *[-back][-Cons]&k 사이의 등급 관계에 의하여 결정 된다.
        2023.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Most of the dialect native speakers in the Sichuan region realize that the language they have been hearing is a dialect of Chinese only after receiving Mandarin education in scho ol. Taking Chengdu and Chongqing in the 1990s as an example, the Sichuan dialect was t he main language used. Although the country promoted Putonghua, some teachers still us ed dialects for teaching in school education. In the 21st century, the number of people w ho speak Mandarin in Sichuan area has gradually increased. In some public places, it is sti pulated that Mandarin must be used, and the school education site uses Mandarin teachin g entirely. At that time, dialects and Mandarin were confronted head-on, and some people who did not receive Mandarin teaching in school education began to use “Pepper and Sal t Mandarin”, which usually refers to the language spoken in the tone of Mandarin in the dialect of Sichuan and Chongqing, referred to as Trump, mainly as People in Sichuan and Chongqing who cannot speak Mandarin need a communication tool when using Mandarin. Up to now, Mandarin has become the mainstream, with a penetration rate of more than 8 0%. “Opinions on Comprehensively Strengthening Language Work in the New Era” issued by the General Office of the State Council of China in 2021 China Guobanfa [2020] No. 3 0, release date: November 30, 2021. It is clearly stated that by 2025, the national penetrati on rate of Mandarin will reach 85%. At the same time as the promotion of Mandarin, the use of dialects has gradually decreased, and the number of users has gradually decreased. Dialects are facing a gradual extinction crisis. At the same time, relevant research departm ents in China are also aware of the crisis of dialects, and the country has initiated the pro tection of Chinese language and cultural resources. These protections are basically aimed a t recording dialects and preserving a large amount of information for reference, but the s peed of extinction of dialects has not slowed down. While sorting out Chinese language p olicies after 1949, this publication analyzes the current situation of Sichuan dialects throug h field investigations and puts forward the problems faced by Sichuan dialects. Aiming at t hese problems, a solution combining dialect records and dialect inheritance is proposed. I hope that the language we have learned from our parents can be passed on forever.
        2022.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        To clarify the concepts of dialects, vernacular and regional languages used with similar meanings, this study attempted to reveal the usage patterns and concepts of these expressions based on written corpus. The written corpus of printed newspaper articles from the online Naver News Library that archived newspaper articles from 1920 to 1999 and the news article corpus crawled by the online Naver News portal from January 1, 2004 to December 31, 2021 were extracted and analyzed. In particular, this paper analyzed the relationship between collates and keywords based on the corpus linguistic research methodology of the news article corpus for the past eighteen years and how they were being used in official records and press documents by corresponding with the 'dialects, vernacular, and regional languages' in socio-linguistic terms of modern Korean. The results are summarized as follows. First, the concept of linguistic norms that a dialects have terms corresponding to the words or standard languages was established after the 1930s. Second, in the library of newspaper articles published in the 20th century, dialects or vernaculars were perceived as negative objects to be removed in preparation for standard language. Third, it can be seen that the positive value judgment on 'vernacular' has increased in the corpus of news articles over the past decade. Fourth, dialects and vernacular, regional language, and standard language were used to be compatible with each other, and it can been seen that dialects were mainly used in academic contexts and vernacular were mainly used in everyday contexts. Fifth, it can be confirmed that the positive perception of standard language has been maintained in the 20th-century newspaper article corpus and the 21st-century news article corpus for the last eighteen years after the recognition of standard language.
        2022.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        성악은 예술적 가곡의 완벽한 조화를 이루는 예술이지만, 어 린이 성악 수업에서는 노래할 때 가사의 글자 깨물기(咬字)와 글자 내뱉기(吐字)가 옳은지 아닌지의 문제에 부딪히곤 하는데, 특히 방언의 특색이 짙은 지역, 예를 들면 샹(湘)방언 구역의 어린이 성악 학습과 교학에서 이 문제가 두드러진다. 본 연구 에서는 샹(湘)방언 구역의 어린이 성악 교습에서 글자를 갈고 (咬字) 글자를 내뱉는(吐字) 문제와 관련하여 세 가지 문제를 제기하였다. 첫째는 표준어 기초의 취약이고, 둘째는 글자를 깨 물고(咬字) 글자를 내뱉는(吐字) 무의식이며, 셋째는 발성상태 가 글자를 깨물고(咬字) 글자를 내뱉는(吐字) 것과 결합되어서 는 안 된다는 것이다. 이 제기된 문제에 대한 분석 결과 세 가 지 문제점을 확인하였다. 첫째는 지역환경과 언어환경의 영향 이고, 둘째는 성악예술의 영향(薰陶) 결여이며, 셋째는 보편적 인 문제와 개인차이이다. 이에 대해 저자는 세 가지 해결 방안 을 제시하였다. 첫째는 표준어 훈련 강화이고, 둘째는 발성 상 태에서의 언어 훈련이며, 셋째는 성악 이론과 실기의 조화 강 화이다. 벽돌을 던져 옥을 끌어들이는 일종의 방언 구역의 사 례로 들 수 있는 성악 언어 교학을 통해 노래를 부르는 중 글 자를 깨물고(咬字) 글자를 내뱉는(吐字) 문제를 깊이 있게 살펴 볼 수 있었다.
        2020.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Tianjin is the largest economic and trade center in northern China. Tianjin dialect is a representative dialect of Tianjin local culture. Tianjin dialect is a vivid and wonderful flower in the garden of Chinese language and culture. The simple and unsophisticated folk customs of the people of Tianjin produced the warm and humorous qualities of the Tianjin people, which are mainly reflected in the Tianjin dialect. The Tianjin dialect does not refer to the language spoken by people in every part of Tianjin. It usually refers to the dialect spoken by local residents in six districts of Tianjin, parts of western and southern suburbs and parts of eastern suburbs. It is a special phenomenon of dialect island. Since the 1980s, some social language experts have devoted themselves to studying Tianjin dialect. This paper briefly introduces the formation history, phonetic characteristics and special vocabulary of Tianjin dialect island. Through the actual survey, the emphasis is to investigate the current situation of Tianjin dialect and the people's attitude toward Tianjin dialect, analyze the reasons for the change in the use of Tianjin dialect, and forecast the development prospects of Tianjin dialect in the future. More scholars are expected to study Tianjin dialect and study Tianjin dialect. The protection and propaganda of words play a positive role.
        2020.03 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study investigates phonological variations of the Gyeongsang dialect speakers in dialect contact situations in Seoul. This study also examines what factors have significant effects on these phonological variations. It focuses on social factors: ‘gender’, ‘language attitude’, ‘length of residency in Seoul’ and in particular, ‘age group’ that is classified based on whether the participants received compulsory education where standard Korean is used. The tendency of the phonological variation is disproportionate for each phonological variable. In direct dialect contact situations in Seoul, Gyeongsang dialect speakers undergo phonological variation almost all the phoneme and phonological rule but the relatively low toneme. But this quantitative loffwness of the variation degree on toneme variant is not absent in the knowledge of the phonological pattern of Seoul Korean, but rather is hard to adapt or habituate it. In other words, the achievement of toneme variation requires a certain amount of acquisition period compared to the other variants. This study shows that it may take about 20 years to adapt to the phonological patterns of Seoul Korean. The statistical analysis of phonetic data suggests that all social factors investigated in this study influence a speaker's frequency of use of the Seoul Korean variants. Especially, each age group shows different tendency of influence of social factors. Old speaker group influences by social factors in the following order: ‘gender’, ‘length of residency’ and ‘language attitude’. In the case of young, on the other hand, the order is ‘language attitude’, ‘length of residency’ and ‘gender’.
        2019.08 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This paper summarizes the current research situation of the characters used in Chinese dialects. It is considered that the research features of the characters used in Chinese dialects are mainly manifested in three aspects: the universality of the subjects, the diversity of materials, and the long time and space. Furthermore, future research on the characters used in Chinese dialects prospects from the materials, theories, methods, and perspectives of the research.
        2019.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        However, with the rapid development of information technology, dialects are slipping away. People are gradually ignoring and forgetting local dialects and traditional culture. The loss of dialects will surely lead to the loss of traditional culture. As a language and culture research enthusiast, I hope to make people know more about their own language by studying and comparing more dialects. As the mother tongue, dialect will directly affect the acquisition of the second language when we learn the second language, which not only has a positive role in promoting, but also has a negative role in hindering, which requires us to have a deep understanding of the two languages and a comprehensive comparative study. Suzhou and Hefei belong to the wu-speaking area and the jianghuai guanhua area respectively. Although they are two dialects, they are connected with each other from the geographical position. It can be seen that there must be some common characteristics and differences between the two dialects. Based on a comparative study of the languages of Suzhou and Hefei, the author chooses to present the modern pronunciation of the Chinese ancient pronunciation of rusheng characters in the two places, and analyzes and explains the differences between the initial and final vowels of the dialects respectively, so as to find out the differences between the two dialects.
        2017.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        입성(入声)이란, 중세 중국어(中古汉语)에서는 평성, 상성, 거성, 입성으로 이루어지는 4성 성조체계의 일부분을 말하며, 현대 중국어(现代汉语)에서는 중세 중국어의 입성에 연원을 두는 ‘성조 범주(调类)’를 가리킨다. 본 논문에서는 광둥 메이센 방언(广东梅县话(커자 방언, 客 家话)), 푸젠 푸칭 방언(福建福清话(민 방언, 闽语)), 베이징 방언(北京话(북방 관화, 北方官 话))의 입성에 대하여 간략히 기술하고, 최적성이론을 통하여 이 세 방언에서 입성의 실현 양상이 왜 달리 나타나는가에 대하여 설명을 시도하였다. 10개의 제약조건 Ident(Place), Ident (Cons), MAX, DEP, Ident(Manner), No-CodaOral, No-CodaCons, No-Coda, No-MonoCoda, No-CodaObs 간의 제약등급관계에 따라, 메이센 방언에서는 중세 중국어의 입성 운미가 유지되었고, 푸칭 방언에서는 3개의 구강 파열음이 모두 성문 파열음으로 수렴되었으며, 베이징 방언에서는 운미가 모음으로 변하거나 탈락되었다
        2017.03 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Kim, Deok-ho. 2017. “A Study on the Analysis of the Changing Process of Dialect Distribution with a focus on Methodology of Geolinguistics”. The Sociolinguistic Journal of Korea 25(1). 1~26. The purpose of this study is to analyze the process of changing the distribution of dialects through a geolinguistic approaches. Traditional studies in dialectology were generally aimed at describing the geographically distributed variation of language. However, with traditional approach, it would be difficult to analyze the complex reason for the changes in dialectal distributions. Since the geographical factor is not the only reason for language change, it is necessary to consider more factors in examining language maintenance and change. To investigate the distribution of dialects and explore its changes, the primary work involves thorough field surveys, and the next step is to draw a language map with well-organized dialect data. The present study employs a field survey method and draws a language map based on the field survey results. The purpose of this paper is to propose geolinguistic methodologies for analyzing the change in the distribution of dialects that can be confirmed on a language map constructed on such a basis. Geolinguistics analysis methods are as follows: 1) analysis by non-verbal conditions, 2) real time analysis, 3) measurement of innovation wave spreading speed, 4) surrounding-zones dialect theory, 5) principles of adjacent distribution and around distribution, and 6) S-curve theoretical analysis.
        2015.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Categorizing dialect and the phonetic notation (《方言類釋》) written in 1778 is a specialized dictionary which collected and recorded Chinese language vocabulary in the middle of Qing dynasty. As far as stylistic rules and layout is concerned, Chinese character was the main index and their pronunciations of Mongolia, Manchu, Japan, and Korean were recorded in Korean alphabet spelling. Xu Mingying (徐命膺) and Hong Mingfu (洪命福), who accepted the king's command, wrote the book so as to easily communicate with Japan and China. Chinese language had been changing. On the contrary, North Korean language conserved a lot of ancient Chinese words leading to a lot of problem communication with the Chinese. This is the reason why two authors had to accept the king’s command to finish the book. The book included abundant Chinese vocabulary also with "Chinese dialect" from Guangzhou, Guangdong province, Shanxi Fen states and southern Jiangsu, Hunan Changsha. These materials are the most valuable complement for the research on the history of modern Chinese history. At the same time those exterior material can also be added by Chinese scholars in the Qing dynasty for enriching interior dictionaries. At the same time, the dialect also provided such clues that are vocabulary rooted in powerful dialect.
        2015.12 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Rather than being representations of a single graphic community at one particular time or place, Zhuang traditional manuscripts often show signs of internal dialect variation, as well readings derived from different historical strata of Chinese. Readings from different historical strata are discussed at some length in the author’s recent Mapping the Old Zhuang Character Script (Brill, 2013) and ‘A Layer of Old Chinese Readings in Traditional Zhuang Manuscripts’ (BMFEA 2015). In this article, I propose to look specifically at internal dialect variation. By internal dialect variation I mean that the characters or vernacular graphs used to represent the words in the recitation of a text show signs of having come from other localities and other dialects. I demonstrate that this phenomenon is related to the migration of Zhuang populations and social strata, as well as the circulation of texts, and can often be shown to correlate with known historical events which precipitated the movement of peoples. Furthermore, traditional texts provide evidence of hitherto unsuspected population movements, both upstream and downstream and further afield. I use a specific text as an example here: the Hanvueng scripture, for which Professor Meng Yuanyao and I have recently published a critical edition (Hanvueng: The Goose King and the Ancestral King, Brill, 2015). The theoretical implication of this discussion is that the internal analysis of vernacular texts can be used as a tool for reconstructing the history of Zhuang communities.
        2015.04 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Cho, Tae-Rin. 2015. “On the change of Korean dialect and dialect research: Beyond the boundary of regional dialect and social dialect”. The Sociolinguistic Journal of Korea 23(1). 177~199. The purpose of this paper is to examine the changing shape of regional dialect and social dialect in Korea, finally in order to seek the possibility of change and development direction of the Korean dialect researches. Firstly, this paper reviews not only the conceptual difference between regional dialect and social dialect but also the changing shape of actual relation between regional dialect research and social dialect research in Korea. And then, signs of change in Korean dialect research are analyzed by looking at the current state and characteristics of Korean social dialect research. This analysis shows that the distinction between regional dialect research and social dialect research is no longer rigid, and that Korean dialect research needs a new approach and development direction in order to go beyond the earlier researches focused on regional dialect and level of phoneme, prosody, vocabulary, etc. Finally, this paper is concluded by proposing two development directions of Korean dialect research as follows. (1) Research on regional and social difference of Korean language on a level of discourse. (2) Research on aspect of contact among standard language and dialects in Korea.
        2011.11 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        『濟州島資料集』(1971) 속의 『漢字의 濟州名』는 방언자료 속에 한자의 음과 훈을 포함시킨 유일한 자료이다. 『漢字의 濟州名』는 석주명(石宙明)이 1943년부 터 1945년까지 제주에서 채집한 한자의 음과 훈을 기록한 것이다. 본 연구는 이 자료를 통하여 한자 훈의 다양한 모습을 살펴보았다. 본 연구에서는 『漢字의 濟州名』에서 제시된 제주명과 석주명이 제시한 표준명 이 다른 경우의 한자에 대해서 방언 훈, 이본 훈, 개인 훈으로 나누어서 고찰하였다. 비교의 대상으로 삼은 것은『千字文 資料集-지방 천자문편』(1995)의 훈이다. 방언자료는 지방 사람의 구술을 기록한 것이기 때문에 지방의 다양한 음운이 그대로 드러나고 구두 모방 암기 과정에서 와전된 훈이 화석화된 경우도 있다. 『漢字의 濟州名』는 방언자료인 만큼 제주방언 어휘로 된 훈이 특징이다. 방언 훈 중에 는 중세 어휘가 그대로 제주방언으로 남은 경우와 고어형(古語形)이 확인되지 않은 방언 어휘 훈으로 나눌 수 있다. 방언형이 우세한 어휘인 경우는 그대로 한자의 훈으로 사용되었다. 제주명과 석주명의 표준명이 다른 훈은『千字文』의 어느 이본 의 훈을 제시하느냐의 차이이다. 제주명은『千字文』내각문고본(1583)에 의한 것 이 많고 석주명의 표준명은 18세기 이후의『千字文』, 특히 임술본(1862) 이후의 훈으로 새긴 것이 많다. 오독이나 잘못된 이해가 아니라 개인의 언어관에 따라 유사 개념이나 용법의 예로 재해석하여 훈을 말하는 경우도 있다. 본 연구에서는 이런 경우를 개인 훈으로 명명하였다. 『千字文』의 훈은 보수적이고 방언적 요소가 거의 없는 것으로 알려져 있지만, 각 지방에서는 제시되는 고정된 훈을 사이에 두고 학습하는 과정에서 발생되는 훈은 다양하다. 지방에서는 훈의 개념을 방언으로 저장하기 때문에 개인이 소유하고 있는 훈은 다양할 수 있다. 제주방언 자료를 통해서 본 한자 훈의 특징은 지역 환경에 따라 재해석된다는 점과 개인 언어에 따라 재해석되었다는 점이다.
        2010.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study examines Chungnam dialect speakers’ perceptual dialect boundaries, their images of Korean dialects, and also their auditory ability to distinguish the dialects. Thirty Chungnam residents participated in this research as subjects and performed four tasks: pile-sorting, description of dialect images, dialect recognition, and a short interview. The focus of the study was to examine the informants’ subjective dialect boundaries among Chungnam dialect and geographically adjacent Chungbuk, and Jeonbuk dialects, the informants’ images about these dialects, and their ability to distinguish the three. The results from the tasks suggest that speakers of Chungnam dialect perceive Jeonbuk dialect at least as close as or even closer than Chungbuk dialect. The results from the dialect recognition experiment also reveal auditory-perceptual similarity between Chungnam and Jeonbuk dialects. Chungnam dialect speakers were, in addition, analyzed as having relatively favorable images about their dialect.
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